grossing 534 FlUEVllLC Lent ixul Phitilini hits John he no in Tritium imbelic tin honzc of EU Helen lawn spent gt Shirley Kc nuns on pa With holiozs Mr and Mt iiuagilltjt Down ftiz tir uiti tl lutili Jlt lw patents hlr clitl Uill Fiiiitiit llilliiittl llLY equipped to uppi linttiiilats Miss Phyllis Chunkunite and Ar thur Whitehead lniuntu inimts at Mrs lmt lit ell tiendrnnuic ltltiall ttr Mix if KlLlELX ii ltront who has been in hosnal tor MW at weeks is riceunuratiiigI the home of he litttt tirs tittruth Hughes Haw Set All Grenville lluoiics age struck by indium Iitl tli and Lightning 23t ii in the night during the ttkitll eiett Vacation It stuilii Colicidtaaliie darn gt ijt lone bufore the lite tam mum ed hydro linil wau itit il Lutt Ncllys pasture iteiii 11Clappcrton St BARBIE Nl xttt Fowler Tire Service i4ti tom llilli iii lull Suing tllU llti tarp tizci lLt ilil School tlajv tiltit iiiltl July iiiili ii li titit ORO STATION Ales Mttu ti llitr ii ittliair iliii All ziiniL ii and ltlll ilie ltiittti tltltriii iitit iiattlil rl litt eiitt illlilt of ill iiontiis ieut illtii ittilil ileum Ntit an her Iiiitiilti ii luil ionfo is iltlltilli ti few sitar lilri it ilti Srti llililit iLarge Trop Net Found gin illi itlii ill tfuti te lllli ii illilil the Litil inn1 The iIitlli til Kit Antirexvy tilllttil nitl at hlis Annie VleAiihoi ilil July witha itooti attendance it decided Phone 4335 t0Na oavrniisa DAYS youll stow you shtngjfoctgie and those Bidetbut oh so jcornfortabilew clothcsinashipy my lord Then youtilt let your new V8 engine haveherhcadaud away youllS goiito that cabin in the wilds Tiraer rwhrrou linoVictheii Hamil41$ engine is the engine jpilfll wont intydmpgswgpca 3804MB militaryvehicltes have come from the Ford plant at Windsor since the war beganif Asmagmathousaadsofe thetie iiehicles pressed over the came backvfr ways to improve Wwarsworscterraipr Suggestions still furtherthe performance Of the Ford engine Fortitei 2531s battletesting has cautioned For five years improveniienthas been added to improvement Injhe new Ford car live years improvements andirenomeiitswillcomotoyou lletonce the meantime maintainiyour old Car in good working orderi to have iot month with booth of fancy niatie articles The ladies at il1tll picnic on Tuesday of this week to lipiiiigwaicr Park idiiiu And when the time comes keep 4eet959f9imtv Ftstdgjyenv sale to Latin THEBARRIE EXAMINER BARRIB ONTARIO CANADA tu Trout Stream Hi littrt iiitirait lll Ml Ii ltl tied iie illllli it littiiult on ltil iwlriii Vlri lillil lii viii llttliltt tr Mr ili luduilii ixiiiti oi me lovte iilt uul liiliitll tzlzil ir littlitii iillolt it iiliillil is lit ll iitll liliii iii iittii iiti Riv ZIl Womens institute iett it it lite llltillliii1 til tifiite on fr it uh ititstill tor llitliil litltllfll tiati lliiltl lilarl litrl lI lutst leiili ll tingtc letter State txptewnr tiiil for box AiiaitLeinents lit intide lot toninitinity iifttilt on August Ilititer Hiatlil il Mlll to the fund for liospitii tot Sick Children Miss litnitur displayed iiuiiihtn of coins and souvenirL horn itllltillly and Holland ti liei brother liroucht hoinc Mis lliltfliii served delicious afternoon tea Jr WW MOUNT STLOUIS iiiu tiilnu tziti tt iiltlill Alert lllilliliit chi it ilt lll nil oiey do ltzi ltttttil pith lit ililVlll tiliiie titii ll iii tuttlt to Nllti ltl tiozi ti iict nuiiier ii liijit Wade triil Alex ttw ll tltl1lllit spent iii iii itll zl if li tvitlilet ll fut nti li iititltl lil hot list yumit in Si lt and illttl ltllitillii ea intittitt Will nitrcii iotnitte illatkK iii ill Illil till iil Hint ti2r ihe iii by tiieiniieis ot bevy mow iturs tittiuticd Win and Leonard ioroiito ttl il Atticttoiiizs All liiitl iltliitl linti llil iltl aunt Vlis liezytt lr and Mrs MiUi tn ioioiito at 311s Lrooligvs iiiiiest itllie Bethesda visiting Don and iiiliy lethoas Mrs Stun lintt iutmt intuitrs lilt iii1 tor 1iideti litniy With her illllti Mi and Mrs ielt Sharir lrantloiti with friends li turitts and itarliarzi liaziiill ton tl Sharpes li llutchei littetvaie tti her istei Mrs lai lei on olltir lltiiie Fractured it nutty iatoii who lives with Mr and Mrs the Lenin had the nus fulittlie to full illlt timid last week while lllilll the cows tip from the held and had collar bone fiatTitled lie wastakeii to the Roy il Vietoiia lluspitai to have the lttrrittie sil lurst to Pic Willoughhy lillttltlvtl gathered in the Granite liall week before last iti honour of Me liiutlgilliy who hr recently returned from five oversee service splendid grain tt given after which Tom was presented with nurse of iiioiioy After lunch everyone en joyed period of dancing chcrti Electrical Storm ihornton was visited by severe tieetric storm on Monday niizht between Ill and oclock The now er went all and was still off on iuesday iiiorniiiu causing many of our citizens to Wonder how they were going to get breakfastin some cases the coal oil stoves which had been considered outdated again came into favor liowevei we are thankful there was no serious dain ago Nnrsing Sister llciiry llonorcd Ari liill1 The Orange litiii was the scene of anotlicr pleasant iatltcuinp on Fri day thlllllL when the citizens of Thornton and community turnEd out to ili1iil NursinESister Mildred Henry who recently returned from overseas Rev ii Kent occupied the chair After musical propriun and several soiiiit films the guest of the evening was presented with it purse of money An address was read by Mrs Nelson Moore and the presentation was made by Mrs Geo McDonald The Nursing Sister thanked the citizens for their kind ness and told some vcryintcrestiiig experiences she had while on duty in Portsiiioutii Hospital After the lunch the young people enjoyed dance Beattys orchestra provided the music Trinity WA TrinityeWA had veiyeiijoy able afternoon last Wednesday when they motored to Alcona Beach tr Mrs Hortons summer home Mrs Lciiiitix had charge of the inoeting The devotional part was taken by Kent and Mrs Carr The subject of the lesson thoughts iiTCiti7 ii timi church of today shouldrrcv the frujt of democracy that thercliurchr must seek to root out evil from so ne of the greatest evils of the present day beiiigneutiality from it Btiiiiel somewhat similar soluu not to put oneself on record con cerning the burning issues of the day is treason There must be the indwelling of God in humanity Several items ofbusiness were cussed After themeeting the dies enjoyed stroll through innis iii Par latcr returningsfor verv delightfullunch MrKent moved vote of thanks to Mrs Horton on behalf of the members 2gt Examinais $200 in advance and worth more riot Discharges Bowel troubles although happon at any time oi the an aro momwpmvalent during thorth sum liter andveilrly fallinonthiit Biuiimtir Flu isono oftha worst troubles but diarrhma dysentery coliccnimps and pains in the iii testines or an looseuess of the bowels ahould vo immediate at tention The action of Dr Fowlers Extract lof Wild Strawberr is pleasant irapid enableanti ectual in hel ingf check the unnatura charge It limbeen on the market for the 11th 94 years out whywexprimenh with new and untried remedies The Milhurn on no diorama Wan GWDrEowlernfandfcafsu ltliili ll font tires Its Staple Easy Its fun Dont delayl Send in your As many entries as entry today ou like Jim Willi iii 25 warns jjwiiiti iiiiiiit QUAKER CORN itAKES ARE MOST DELIClD US Of All Hints in Help You Win Quaker Corn Flakes are the ovenfredi corn flakes Quaker Corn Flakes are tiavoorfuil Quaker Corn Flakes are deeptoasted Quaker Corn Flakes stay ove refresh The big blue and yellow Quaker Corn Flakes package is flovoursealedl READ THES ll tulltird are Must Usinnius of oil atml Hliij it it in Qunktt lists of an Lid ll ltltl ltlcrimiiriixh nt of Alhaltllti its Suit Ilzlrl ciiirirs an you Wish pniiitttttg rail nth iuouttuiiinl in box up to sitinln lruiii cake on that iiiinu it icditnl for Danton mt llitCllU and will not lie inurticcd ii lam Hitll tillsluich Ul duur Jitdllill LxADIAN lellllllL 1N PUBLH Hltl ii illnii tit It ttttiii ilhlillliK or tILItllitetl is ill littid tux tt ilt tial rebut illiivlilr iliifll illflt liltlil ill gt ml the United Nit hi Inuit tiliitti that and tlllti vouniux iii Survey PicksGoiyear to t0 moto yo rs il 01 ll By an overwhelming preference Can it would rather own any other hrantiof This preference is past experience it tires These facts scientific opi Canadians fro survey mud largest anti scorch oiga fully condu of question skcd of the count as the numtier tcrcd Furthermore none of answered the carefully tioiinaire had any inkii tire company was be The names of etittt ires were always used in put ting questions Very carefully those who answered were broken down into automobile owners and non automobile owners and record mode of such data as of cars they were driving etc Like Wearing Qualities Proof that preferc year was based tar ing qualities lies ii both motorists an combined gave Go cent vote while th gave Goodyear The next most tire re ceived only 145 per of the total vote just about itd of the Goodyear rating am all those surveyed thn the figures have been broken down even further to ex clude the motorists from the non re on obile Itina amo rou stir out to coas one of oat lcpcn itions vt that propo vchic tti ur motorists we find that 38 per cent of the nonmotorists showed prefer ence for Goodyear over all other Write suicinrnt of 25 unit or tux Ht think mktt urn ilui gratifying to the Goodyear EASY RULES Hi luiigc ii Huston Multan irhksl an linani Kristi trout irrti ikiaillaiit iiictr tiunaius it in iti it otitrtutwutonthtizi oil and nix Airtire titty lllkf littttlll rumt ititliiyui oi liic Jillth ti titiiii iltit taltzilli or ilrzr turnout skirts ill All mum ldxiilllt tic Ifiil of Im Quaer Ln amps in 4a ttmla Linuzui All tuma ttt ilc gxtxtiizizkcd no int litailitiltllgi Jul at tut liiivAlii Eiiilllllllil if PlVP lulli lioliet to your itillliiy to night llieyli just love you for it iiinllts in an All Pinpow iiiiitl which suits any type of coffee maidr ii iii it in litilti 7i iittiti tlitt tliwt3 in ii ivllil tiltJizitliii iiii ttnwtiluti tho riitiiiertirwi tractors needed but power to drive used less fuel covered more to wane didnt chew up the around or tramp it down like itli did lie liOtltitl too that they took lot of tho jolts anti jars orit his titls and lessened lieu is Ctiada While even this last figt irretl hitth fluttering and exec growing com onimissionera and to eelshod tractors on he concluded that rubber that objection Ala re signs along new tors with steel lust boards had to co highway before ven be permitted to iaation it is even more to compare it with tigtire suppti ew revolution in agrlv on its way would greatly increase iicss of tractor The quick to see this any left his steelshod iii in the Weather With ittil0i tiactor he could drive it up to the house faster than he Tl could Will he put it away in else vim maintenance Cenln could drive it into 00ml hm of damaging floor gt St uhtinr tticitractorrneed limitcd to slow speeds might driven at 25 miles an hour By hooking on trailer or farm wagon he could haul products to were nar market so there was no reason why er tires couldnt be applied to farm machinery Within an two years the threshing ma ne the separator the hinder the nhuskcrand shelter the mowed potatodinner the cartilagecut the silo filler and the manure reatlcr all began riding on ilibber er brands Tire Tire 58 no survey CH Canuditii synthetic tircs were convin were es mi ctuallyhad ex cricnce them it was found thu lmost nine out of 10 of these satisfied ith their thctic owners re just as good 01 natural rubber rate them betteru good ionsay they are more new Eulo This in vas revealed an on point in an elaborate ioii iiic survey conducted on be alf of Goodyear tong Canadians omcoa The byvone of most reliable without elopmenttruck tires yoninstead of cotton thus ennblingtires to if der the extreme high speeds One of the velopmentslit stubborns Anetho syntlT rubber on the part of the department ofGo back matter that chemist re de dathecmo sed heat generated by the to runs of crossgco the tires on he prob em rubber to stick 1435 Sebr head thought coating fort vi It as previbusly elbpedt gestea itp the rayon problem came the need for 35 Search seemedtendl progress was made Presently mini built and hundreds experiments outstanding service if he 08 uldtd mr Navys rigid whi he had un it it was 195 were es for farm use The manufacgt built under thousands of laboratory superion to anything previousin built Fine ad pr oweCana ensue tldition to Idcfini organizations ar to finding eel about etodiuknewp include tinv who have not minds only itely do not plan rsafter the war rk easier food for victory with rk tnks to rub vehi and story of or on began in 1931 hen rower in Quid an tr iently tires for air oodycar Asl ght Brothers or sled run lanes on dented wllh small auto an were stil to nets to Som bicycl tir airplanes had to the Jackso of Goodyear constructed ah PEI39 principle of their StraightSc fabric laid their ow he nds pressure out of hol stalled trac wed that the all Goodyearm gdevetopmentiwqrjg indihy the me the firstanld hat War brokeout they dominated lrplane Oirmarket irports still com =that period experiment was not com success but it pointed the way and the use of Air Wheeltype rers of tractors became interest ed immediately and white the Finaily the answer was found after thouaandm of tines had been ttested The new Gaodyears gave zvelopmentlmen of Goodyear were driving ahead in the design of farm tires the engineers of the field or Innsdistance runs and to permit the installation of rubber other companies hurried in de l2he nextf yeary rubbertired 80 mandeil the Same rayon Goodyear tors were demonstrated atthe Nari was using from the rayon com ttonalQCornHusktng contest and mnterandcutupmtm they were bully deep ughmm W991 Wilt rill er Ian chiming