Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1945, p. 6

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cd home ilieieiztitd Miss ll five45456 lit2i tractm Miss lkiiiiitt liq rim Quilts At Ht Mr My cplrti tltim hi ve in than nllil it it pvftd 5qu Sittr iiiid has Mir hi illli Mr and Miss iii tity Sat ruff ii Haney Mr ilt out titansxv leachi utigt held Fittiin li vii lv ii incl at ons lllil MITCHELL SQUARE Stile iriiihiiil hits Vt Killiisi BU ii litiiit UVLl Ruy lei Biowzi it and Aurora ti itiltiillti llitil sell lczniey Lenditoii Mrs Mrs StluULl til in Mrs Mrs stun lament idea Mi ltin MtrKav and McKay ll 51 fiiiiiaiziiisnrirsr PHONE 2694 hm Weekend Sham ltv 1w on ii lllii lr tntil Mr and ui lltv gt1 llai MN litli out wit tttltiv WW wniaaa tlLKJ OAKLAND HILL iii the etc itlc to title to Illlc 35c iilt To to the prices hit titzatns Honors ii lull leipltuitxtiiis tilitutiitlly tailittr Bells ll lit to iiit pittiiien iii tn tint EGBERT 5t lasl titlitt illll tuti is tidy If youre worried about tires the best thing is to drive in and get expert advice You may not be eligible for new tires but there are many other ways we cai1 help you We specialize on repairs thatwill make your present tires last longer noriL Visit titeigtiiynecappeisgiti Barrie VCioiTeTTire Semce PROVINCIAL Tinaco The pupils and parentsott1ltluiti school held their day ttgtipiiiiuvatei lark Ml lillllllliltl for laltt Wetkl iiA it lttytioltls lleeton has lttl iitztvti ts liutiltJl o1 SS ii timtnn with Mr illltiylvili hir Iliil letnui and hilN of in their area it Kenneth Himottey has returned Venn Iiuni iiarrie hospital where he had an appendix operation and Mrs Alex Hood and li and Miss Dorothy Bitiliey nio spent the weekend at littlit iit id Switzer Lillian illy Mr and Mrs iete Swit tiitl letcr spent Sunday with itittttiJI in tietniort ti siieetssftil nitnic was lieid on the titioi grounds Friday even Iiss iean airiithers has been illl here for three years and than the tillillt1 the children presented her with gift as aloh en of their esteem iiiittnded for Last Week Mr and Mrs liiretl Grant Allistuii ivisitetl friends here Sunday Tcntitii 18 will meet at Mrs lJohn Currie llll it at 23 Mr and Mrs larhour and Lois visited Mr and Mrs McArthur invcr the holiday Mrs it iaisley has returned home after her recent operation in the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Mrs luckes Melville Sushi is spending some time with Mr and Mrs Wm McArthur The congregation of Gciitrai held their annual picnic at Bradcnsi Bay on July All had very en joyable time Mr and Mrs ihos SitltLKllUl loroiitovcic guests of Mr and Mrs Paisley Mrs Sturcenor is remaining for short titne Mr and Mrs McArthur and Glen Mr and Mrs Hugh and Wan da Hutchinson visited Mr and Mrs George iearsall Allandale Sunday iviiDHuRsr Miss Ruth Smith is sunniiering at Port Severn Miss Helen Finlay Gravcnhurst is lidayingat her home Mrs Archie McGiiiiiis russels isvisiting Miss Mabel iinis The teachers of SS NE enter tained their pupils to picnic at Springwatcr Park Friday Recent visitors Cameron Druinho with his sister Mrs Pierce Mr and Mrs Morley Schandlen and baby in Toronto Mrs Fred lliaitt with Mrs James Frankcom Mi and Mrs Robert Lynn and Marion and Sandra An guswith CHE Coutts Fred Buie Madison with Mr and Mrs Geo Garnet Walt risper cereal that really stay risp Kelloggs Rice Krispies Hear the merry SnapCracklePop the moment you pour on milk or creamTheyre good anytim of day Ask your grocer for RiceKrispies Made by Kelloggs in London Canada lllc Iiile Intended for Last Week ind it He gets haircut out artist EACS his emu Ma finest crud ozl oymtw by PM stinkd and Motor Iii lomotiov its Alloycit to ling can running ubtf vli ttKslttl lltlllhlit itiltt of vee attach 11 out Wu irli Stine itro iiiii3tt by Mr iittltill isitcii Suntin it Mr and vil fa lilliltl on lite lit lira VIK farmland All as dreadl ivt tins commits leirlttun ililt to Can izeltitl in ltliti anti iitilli ttllztil Synipa in to li lie ltilzlli title tlilittlti for Last Weeki itltz Wt Will meet vi lines iulx it at pm lt Linton litlilitlirtttl ilill ttt their The oi lititi zioitiid Fridai eveiii liit teaciiei piepaied games etc litiivii and we irtaiii iveie sereti liniitlJ ltbt3 litre Vtltf ti talents lint week Addison Wiidsor and Robert Ad tlison iti iiil friends Mizmt lt it liliLii Miss ioroiitti Myrna Siessoi iritlpe at her home trothta Lees Toronto at iltlllt and Mrs ihorliv anti son ii roziai tt lotiies Mr atid Mn vlti ltlitlllitt tti li iiiys Crawford at home Mr anti Mrs and daughter riilia at ii ti tit Allisttui lia at her home Annis Toronto at home EDENVALE intended for Last Week Mr and Mrs Newman spent the weekendin Brampton Mrs Ernest llaiikin and children Ioronto are visitinii Mr and Mrs Hankin Miss llerniee lhompson Centre Vespra is visitiiic her cousin hits Russell Maw Mr and Mrs irump anti Mr and Mrs Len Doyle Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs lra iartritice Mrs ht liurloiii went to Toronto with then Mr and Mrs Edwin Priest Grimshy anti son Clifford RCNVli Wilti has spent year on the East Coast and is now doing to the lac ific spent Monday with Mr and Mrs ll Howell On Monday evening gathering of friends and neighbors met at the home of Walter Ainiis to honor LAC Melville Amos and his bride tVul trio Collins of London pleasant time was spent in games and sing ing and the bride and groom were called upon to open their parcels Both replied fittingly choice lunch was served by the girls Intended for Last Week Mrs Arthur Dyer is visiting friends in New York City Mr anti Mrs ii Whittle Midland Visited Mr andlIrs Sunday Donald Sriglcy has enlisted in the Canadian Army Active and is sttitioncd at Newniarkct FO John Angclson and Mrs An gelson Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Thomas Anderson Mr cl Mrs Young and MissSalistiylVli sing visited Mr and Mrs Reg Srigley Sunday Harold Morrow and Howard Sriglcy attended Junior Farmers gathering at the OAC Guelph last Friday Mr and Mrs Lougheed and children and Miss Mary Lougheed Toronto are illldlVlSliOlS at Lougheeds Brown Welcome home to LAC Edgar Dyer who arrived home from Eng land last Friday Edgar servcdwith the RCAF in England over two years Prior to thathe was station ed in Newfoundlaiidrand Canada Intended for Last Week to Mr and Mrs Keith Harvey who have fine baby boy Sgt and Mrs John Pierce To ronto spenttheii holidays with the latters parents Mr and MrsAmos Miller and childrEn from Toronto are visitin at E6 Cavanauglis Congratulations toJielen McLean and Jean Knapp who passed the Entrance on their years work Mr and Mrs Mervyn Pattenden at lionit tlt lielezi Lauder Toronto is he illtl til til ti on rat WVHH ilolir iuwftud lint thnisoiis Miss Mina titike lil iffen three ti death aiidtile oi itii ttl tilali itltx lltll tt Viixv itt int The it Jinn st illi ii iti lll if ttltlttl it fit iaitik tl cittti iie ti ii liliii etk li iiit tllilt lifts to Teachers at lirnic lilt tflllil iiiti ilieti iltlliit ll sater iilli Finlay Allii poifs rilillltl t1 served in li Franlaoin Uitil ei til the tflliit litilili Mitt hos re is presented with loitl pii lhe jllfllil itiotu 1tvi lis Hitenit ttii iaw iliie ii Mb BELLE EWART tinttnticti fut luei Weelm ii if Qauntx lilitl in thin iil lax week Miss hue Maehlatlt ililllti her sister Mis Walton spent few tis ii ioititltti ittsi ttlt Mos Miller ltioiilii pcnt the weekend at it OuantTs Miss illitttsttll ioroiito spent the holiday at her home Mrs Paritlitnst gtlltill thewetli end in Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs litiliiics Niagara Falls are here for the Summer Ronald ltiiffett anti lotin lliidoii Toronto are spending the summer with their crantinarents The weather was splendid for the tst of July holiday and hundreds came out from the city to enjov it iliina Quanta who has been teaching ncar lliiiitviile was home for the vet itend anti is now attend in Normal stiniiiter school in To ronto Mr and Mrs Don Jones Dixie lleitis it aiiniiia loroiito witlriiis iiiiither Mr and Mrs liil don Miss Marion uid Mrs iiil don Toronto at their cottage iittlli ilntciidetl for Last Week lilvelyii Garbet and Louise ilrtin skill Cooksvilie are holidaying with the Brunskills Congratulations to Erma McKin ley and June Brunskill on passing their exams With honors Mrs Wesley Symos and baby son have returned home from Victoria llospitni llariie Jack and Jean lltnris Barrie are spending tiicir holidays with their grandparents Mii and Mrs Tiffin Mr and Mrs llieo Dcnipster anti Mr and Mrs Arnold Dempstei vis ited on Sunday with Mr anti Mrs Alex McQuay Colliiigwotid Jo Canadian Army MedicatRcscarch has approved the distributioh t0 faminestricken people of legume and grain seeds Allowed to sprout for four days then catch in salad the seeds provide all the required quota of Vitamin BackacheKidneys tary for Help Most people fail torecognize the Ieriousucss of ii bad back The stitches twitches and twingea are bad mough andcausegreut suf ailing but back of the backache the cause of it all is the dis Royal Joseph ordered kidneys crying out awam ing through the buck pain in the back is the kidneys cry for help Go tdtlieir assistance Get box of DoanaKidney Pills remedy for backache and sick kidneys DoniaLara put up in an oblong grey box with our trade mark aanlev Leaf on thoL wrapper Rinse substitutes Get Donn ti IIhc Mllbm 09 Ltd Tomato Oak and children visited last weekavitih Mlfand Mrs Charles Pattenden Mrs Hurlburt from BC and Mrs 3Wm Hasenpfiu and Lynne BarI trio are visiti Mr andrers Camaclc Millies weekendwdttiifrionds Mr andlilllrss Elwood Mr and MrstWilbertDavis andi children attended theWice reunion at St Vincents Eariigton Mr and Mrs Harold Wallwinandt family and Mr and Mrs Haniy Davis an Midland on Shriday intondedi for Last Week The WMS met on Friday at Mrsz Sorry to report that John Halo is confined to hisrbed All wish that he may soon recover Weekend visitors were Margarel McMurw with her mother rs Lieut Kitchener Robert Mc Murray MisstBetty Triggt Torontq twith and Mrs George Tri Miss Betty McLeod Toronto Withl Mrs Will McLeod Melville Thompson spent the friends in Brampton Marie returnr ing homeWith them Mr and Mrs Arnold McQuay Toronto and Mrs Alex Grant Bowmanville with this sons were visitors in ginsToronto Giffen wit linprglliz olivqu timid VFW cabins so no higher that parperm MAP FOLDER but IORDHDHIHO Menthol to per litlSlill No lugtier and 11 tORD ELGIN ii radio wil reliant it make BA Iiextras Ask for Ponies The afternoon was spent quilting thequilt for the baletTh hostess do mow any thlnoshnrcof n1 Ema ngdomwhdrdsarSh1ppamf atrheuossftdETSErw Crude otis speciain selected give you better strvtcc are rst topped byih and also li itllll lillliitittl in this Weeki The tear and pupils at Gain stiivli livid thei lltllt home ie ti Mrs ti till iii tla ltiiJ ijt illit Itritlluutli of ant ti Eligt13 rungiet iivtlie eoutluaon of on hchaii Il thi ide neat little piereiiitd the liei lfl lush tliigt cake Presbyterian 85 Plcntti Guthrie Pivsbytcrtan Sunday thool plviilt vau held June 30 ll iii4 Moitittrtaillark The oiciitcker litayttl martini tlliiqlatlt of sports to which pitt1 ilue tioiiatiti by liitlliilfiF it the toiiit=attio lhi vents were oruanived anti into by Dorothy thiiiieroii ivornttui znnphell lr ttttierine Graham llil rte Graham Florence antpheii ecii taineit ii and Duncan Jttnezr on who fainted very tnie Sports tonzinittee Winners were as follows Bail lillilillLf IL yrs Merritt limins LIlill rati yrs and over Morita iCiiuns boys race under Ross faintrun girls re tinder ti Mar ilyn iiiipiitll race ti and user Carol Ciau irls hail htowintz under yrs taroi Trattw foid hoys hall throwing under Runs ziniertui lzitiies nail llllll Mrs Aiiictis Cameron nieiis nail driving Cetirzin Downtirti nicns race Norman Graham ladies shoe contest Thelma tiirnsi mens slitie contest Duncan Caiiicion roiiiiii llii contest Mrs Henry McCuaiu married Womens race Mrs Cecil Cameron single womens race Catherine latiies hall Graham throwinit lheiniti Cairns mens ball throwing Jack MtCttii ludias potato race Catherine Graham mens potato race Cecil amcron ladios tictying contest Mrs Alex Graham and Sid Sherlock The group enjoyed hearty sup per on the beach followed by thel nresontation winners The program was terminated by of the prizes to the tiaschail dame bet ween teams under captains Anne lliiClltlitf and Dor othy Cameron with the latter Willi mini iiiitenticd for Last Week With Mrs Spring Sl for the weekend were Mr and Mrs Jamie son Gloria and Shirley Mr and Mrs Swiizei and Mr Harris from Toronto litnialti Swillei and Juan laiiiiesoii are speiidiii their holi iltl with iitsxstmimTlStz Mrs Fried Green Toronto spent few days this week with friends here l0i No 450 lilltitllCd to Christs Church on Sunday morning Rev It Danii delivered very impressive sermon forthc occasion Mr and Mrs Moldon and thildrtn Toronto are spending fortnight with Rev it and Mrs Dunn Mr and Mrs Lcc Bantiiigand Mr and Mrs Elwood Jcnnett and Miss Ella McLean spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hanna at their cot tage at Alcona Beach Walter Jones Fort Eric is spend ing weeks holidays with Mr and Mrs Elwood Jeiinctt Miss Eleanor Hutchinson Mount Forest spent this week with Mr more ancients kerosene process which re ns oils DALSTON ilfiteitditi Mb ti in initiator hints REILLY holiday ilt lvliltlil Miss ltlll Vii rttct weekend it lamga litttzi Willis lIininputn lli Camp at ilfriltrtiiniltllllt Muss Bum sinrt the fill Willi ltiLt liilLiitL like intt iitiui Mi Futilis liltlltl Mn liandy littltltl it lottnto Ktiptvi1le and Cadx lvzsil tlr lidtiitl the eeleitd liti to The BUY BOOK payment for $8000 prize drawing Street Address and Mrs Robert Darin Too late for last week Mrs Lee Banting spent few days Front the topped Crude is now refined Canadas finest lubricating 33 Pczlcssl lcAiliziti ict tilt Tickets $l00 each PROCEEDS FOR LIONS CLUB CHARITABLE FUND CLIP AND SEND IN THIS COUPON LIONS CLUBtof ST THOMAS P0 BOX 52 ST THOMAS ONT herewith enclose cash money order Town Province nch Please print or write plainly ar wwHN cunt iltd tzri ltlil Announces Its Sensational iiiitiwr Held in Connection with The Mammoth lIONS CLUB CARNIVAL ST THOMAS JULY 27 28 $6000 Home Cash or Victory Bonds $2000 in l7 Other Prize Awards Prize Drawing July 28 915 OF TICKETS 00K OF for $500 cheque in tickets on the Lions Club of St Thomas Please forward receipt to ill oo IJThetotks around here had been biting the lust for yearsflfhcyaook it as natural thing that Summertime should unnecessary inconvenience They had seen the mean dusty mailsarid iotof good roads in other parts but they werent convincedthought that they couldntafford torimprovc thcgitdadsl at Alcona BeaCh with her sisteif Mrs Hanna Dr Landon Toronto and Miss Ella McLean speiitFriday with Mr and Mrs Elwood Jennett Miss Mchan remaining for couple of weeks holidays Weekend visitors Mr and Mrs John Henderson and children To ronto Mr and Mrs Elwin Smyth Ajax and Kathleen Davis Toronto with Mr and Mrs Geo Davis LAC and Mrs Murray McVanell Toronto and Miss Marion Arnold with Mr andrMiis Find Arnold Norma Davis and Miss Helen McLean Toronto with their par ents Wilmer Wilson with his parents Christ Church WA Christ IChurch WA met Thurs da afternoon at theihom stenDavis with ten members and Bhree visitors preSentzMrs Elwood ennett gave very interesting re Fort Erie Lport of theWA conference at To tenham Articles for the baleare be brought to the next meeting Mrs Danngave an excellent report on the WA annual in Toronto Mrs George Davis invited 7the ladies to her home for the July meeting Served delicioussalad suppe hapthimgwassncntatthe in WAVERLEXE Miss Paulin Quinlan spent the weekend with friends here Wilson French and Les Edwards nt the weekend in Buffalo and oronto Mrs Martin Staath French iriToronto Congratulations gt to Marilyn Brown who passed with honorsher muSic examvin theory 90 per cent Mugand Mrs J35 French Mrs French and Mr and Mrs Robert Hisey attended thePhddlnonFreneh wedding in stayner onSaturday Mr and Mrs Armour Miller and family Bri htsl Grove ing the wee with friend what this country needs mania lromtthcity is spending the week with her sister MisReg Wherstrnanl spoketowas old Nick Brewster He just woiildnc listen Acgicussing the this for renmiouzcs he cntiTTp gm thatl couldnt change nature and the roads had been that way since he was8 boy face mattwoul darn good Hedcbmc andidiought in termsof tar boilersandroadrollcrs Still he was open to argument lhrliucndvhosaid icymight be wnrchnyiiig Mawn Saltirmiteaf thirnnto Victory Garden that can be taken innd dried out behind the kitch en stoveScanlan inBuffalo Ev enng Newse fWell the resultwasthiir thCCounCil had meeting Nobody vetodragaiusotlic resolutionito have its road madcdustlcsswirhCalciumChloiidcz In fact Nick Brewster proposed itand BiliMcEchran secondcd it Tlrats some time since base for hardisurfacc linenanti wevepractically no dust upkeep costs are lower than cvcr antliny mcn nd it easier working too showed the Council that what the Gaicmm Citioridccosc was emircrials Good engineeringpracticct no its just good common sense for roadcaginccil 3ThenextohapBillMethran was bit more rcasonahlcbut he said would cost too much The county just hadnt got cnou money to Ten he said an cycni it had he idnt think anyone would Want it spent in all ame ririteii tr spkftaoie 1c something shoiild be done and if Calcium Chloride couidglozic we ought to get busy Finally shosaid sites give the memberstl dic Councilahit of her mind andl believcshc didif and now we have bettct saycd in labour and

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