llli BARR EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JULY 12 1945 DONATIONS TOV VSEEIV ellisrsV VV VV lAbout llooortend 5ch CHilDRENS 1173ti1 Big Kiwanis Picnic HOSPITAL CAMPAlGN 1V mmm0OM 11 wcl o1+M GEO McDONALDS REFRIGERATION SERVICE instgillgiiioil and Service on All Makes and Models VUillllilItiItl Household etc it Yilllis iJXllJtlithil 541111 11 11 lll1t1llu 11111 tt1lltANll1JEl lriies ill Jtitlltldlil l1 with Pill itegiildtioils 36 Bityflcld St iiiLiIlllthh 358i Barrie Ont 11V OF LAND AND OTHERS In the insuli ol MARY Hlil 1505 Lite oi the Viohll of Burialin in tile oumy ul Stirlcoe Vidolizy 11 dreamed ed 111 ml l1cl1 All 11 11 the i111tif ix llefelld11 and taker 11 Execu lillu litf 11l11111 to VV VVV VV CQLWELL 15 VV1 11 V1 111 11 glttenti Yl1e 1V VV VV VV VVV VVV Vb 50L Alll ill 14 VV VV VV 11 11 Bunny Ix 11 t1 1l unlined 11111111 1110 111 131 23 11 ML 11l1tlll1 21 l11i LicllV Vhpullt till it Nll V1 EH11 JUL 13 L1 1111lll ltlc id Ath VV VV VV VA q1ll til illlil tl1 n1 11 111 11 VV llll 111 1w 11 11 er VVVV V1 A1 V1VV VV Vii 1111 11 lin XV VV VV 111 VV VEV Lmkdml 11 11 iliil lob 11 trxil 11 tVz sli7V1V7V V115 VI VVriliVlVVctlilu VVVVVVVVVVCHLVVVV VVVVVVVVVV 2V J1 5th Um iiruusklii We dolrle mini oi i111i1 l11111l11 illss iiltiii VSVclliiilglu jiNorlca TO CREDITORS l11 1l111 Estate of ALBERT EDWARDl iARREII Farmer ltttJNtd 11d1 by the hot chit Vle my Hm VVVVVVVV VV VV VVZVV VV fl my 11 ow jlt11 111 111111111 rubber 11 Ill 111 1111i 11 lurilll 1n their r111l and 1111l1 111 illl1ln against the ll111ilolllil olillmlljl lll 1l l111I1tl=lllV 1llll11m mVlVYlV 11 111 VVVU 1111111 1111 old 1l11111111V lb HIH Vl lltlltll1 VVHV lV 1111111 RADIO 1w 1111 1iitllVu1tiilt1i VV VV N11 111 1111 1l11111 111 111 11111 11l1 111111112 VHW hum lllr modern equipment $111 11 1V 111 111 mm iVVllllll 1111111 11 1111 titres Vou factory service 11 11 l11iV11 l1nl 1111 1111 it ism and illilll l1 t2lill lIlllllellqumW Radio Repairs iil1 plitlli 1111 if illil ill the llililzcn and Vl1 lV111l i1l Illllll 11 11 tr 11 ll 111 lll thnVVVVVV VEVVWVH IV HL ll Hml I11t11liilkllo1111gliayzioluu 111 1111 iii 111 ilizll lVvl 11111 ll1lltl1 tilil111 lll1l1 11111 1111l to il1i 111 exclpilollrtll 11 3111 13 llzlizz Soial fi ll lilllll 1111l11e lune lll1 llltel l1llllllitlll illicit cl Tl1l 1211 this ilil tiny VVV IV IV Vl VVVVV rm IVV V0 VVtz 11 111111 1y 11M 19 tllli11 Al All work ullllrlllitccd ltllil llat 1ll t1111 lltll1l111i Itonll llll 11151 11 1111i 1111 hr1111 lllcll lift 11l 11 lil lllultoiury Address if 111 Annual itill BILIIIIOPH SI 111111111 iillISlll il11111r r11 1W 1111111 11 31 11 11 111 11111111111111111111111 11111 Phone 21116 0111111 Ildll 111 t1 11lr aid lll1fll1l111l linin llqlloili 111V1lllll illltll 1lllalll1 not VVMVVVV up HVHVWu g3 AdlllllllF lieu lull lll11l Valley Alix 1l1V 12 ll toilplallll W1ll llilll VV IN FARM SALES 11111111 ll11 lv ill111ll1=ti11i VlVlllilliI 111 tlllt lol ltlllllltllll 1lttJLliRY 11 11 Phone 2l88 Barrie Ill JNtINNMINOONI Noon 11 50041 ll All 1W1 1411111tlll1111 Alllly lt tilnlp Ullifllil lVo1 thl BBC GRADS GET lV 1V Vlllllllllwllwlu 11 11ml ll111lVl11 11 llltH l11 1317111 llll1jl VV HIGHER SALARIES lV ltllllH lll ll Vllli lljt1 Millill greatly Llcllitntlul llu llddlll V1 53VlllliV1 Hun 1V th XE HV mt VIN HT 11 1v 11 1o l1 l1l11 111 ill hlerl11111l llLll tlllliy brought its oll lus lV1V I1l1l lllVi W11 211 11 MWN14 my 1lV1 up 101 mpym VV VV MM 1x1 V1 VV VV VV VV ll 1111 111V 111 111111t 1111 al 11111 mm lll1111313n 11 filll1 mm 11111111 1111111111111 il il s11l1ll 1111111111 11111 1111111111111 11111 1111111111 fin more calls are being received at i1 1t oft drinks were plllvulcd free for 1m 11 1W5 RHMN VUVMN 011 111111 i11111iil Limited lit111 il llislllliz Elle afternoon we cream and VV TRAVERS llle ilBt office than can be filled SHAVAHAX 11 Rm J1 Licensed Auctioneer VV VV VV 11111111ll1t 11111cns and issulila 11 Hospital 111111111 Jill 511 111 for the County of Simcoc 111311 losl llllltt llllllltlll l31lll11l All Cutlets ailll lllt jimlll Vl 11ww Slllillll lliilw 1le 1111 111 szllllllll111111111111 lionl s111111111111 1111111 1111111 111111 11111 11111211011 iVlplltl Serveil1lll1lVlV VDVV 11 Maryhro lI 11lll1111111 1111 It 111 llll illizsoilr lltllllllllt ll111l11111 flllo illnl chili also lllVllltl lltl Vialzlll for one of lill llilllllLti 111 51 VV 11 31 111 lily IllVVlliilllHlVOll1V1V11l7r9ilm Slilllllfi Ulllffl DIVlV 3111 ll l=1111 1111 3111111l1 WW4 UN WW WWl BROWN 1e onl1lv il 1115111 llol1l 1V1Vlli llll 111d HiKnllllllll IgbllVlVViilll SlVOlliVVldltulllll Rflvllluklliu l11l11 1111 311 31111111111111 111 111001mlllllWN l1llll11 111311112111111 llls provldcd by the llznul BARR 11 112 11s11 11l11 1111 1111 hilal llililit on llll liltl 1Il 111 111 11l1 11111l lllL NlVillg MAS done by the and il llllltlllill may 1dllltc as VV VV 1lltl It xllucc 1111111111131111 111 1111111111111 as was sllppel for flu 1ifltlltgtlitt are ill urgent 11111111 11f 11 Mt and Mrs llll DollJlllllh 111 lllttill iii111lol111 111m Almhhl l1lllllk l1ll1u1l1lf llltrih ulltlh Itll Nliil lllr with years of experience VMURD MARS GROW ol1lvnit ll11silN1ll1lslNo lilis ll1l1l11lil1 As StHlATiUN BRADFORD Form Stiles il Specialty A111 121111115 Mr and Mrs l111n Stu ll 111 i1l 111gtulV NWUOK Mmeml lllllonlllr the supper lirltf tleel1 hlnh l1llill3f1 his leth ml WIN 11lllllps1oll laugh Ill fill IvV EVll timothy W1l1V mooM lVlMl NIH 1Ill illlillll 5ll1illll5 fllt Him115m VVVV Siilt llllllthttS oi I1llrzl 111i111ll brought to the 115l111i11111 ilLLlll lll small cloups 1laranteelllu Apply to Travers Coach Lines office Barrie or write Box Angus Out and prompt II tcntion will be given SliANlY BAY lift I17 ROSS YOOKSTOWN bl liUlHi llllilliVU llltlitly 1fi 11113111 of VlV 53510111 llilnidpJ dltslenlllH llVl HOBBS EDGAR Hin iiill1llltl1lltlll15 Vlll EL lll1V VIVVV VIVHVV Mr lVICVXillnul July to it ltl1ili1V1 l111111i11n fMiSillltilil1rril1 1VlAlll1R lVWJlHHN Willing Mlblttl 1111 HVV VVVV VVV VVVVVV 11 1Uh001i111lllils donations JilliTlthliayor ieter Sinclair of Hzliriv HARRISON 108 Siiltill i13liALll CIV 11o 1111 11111111 the visitors and the lros My THORVHW Sm 11 write smith H1111 1111 11 lltltll l1 bililth VV VV VV VV VV up Barrio Bum CVVHWQ Bulb 11V11V 11 1Vulsky lozl JVltltlilk of Hit allolls llallls ilubs itlnlsrliz co JACK ALLAN LlilRUY AUCTION 11151111111111 LICENSED AUCTIO NEER EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN lrlce Allet 11811 deuce of her laughter Mrs WW lllllolll Vlt111Vlllll1V VlVlCul xv n1 Vm Johnson Till liccles St 1111 illl 1111 jlli luck 11 is leli ix 0301 llllilliS1121VmiVIIViglglleniukw ThUWdVVyV JULV 11V IVVmV mm VV lVVVVVVVViV VVIVH laptop Boot StillV2 1lnli ltllllllt VVV1 C1 Bumsmd 111 mm lllllgglNklBgIlhll01clllllhltllPlVllt MH MM Ill Imbul ill cemy minim IllV ipllilit dill Elmvale including horses one 10 NOMVVn IthVnmVVfVV Mrs il 11111111 Mr and Mrs l1 11 matched team roan geidings 3200 Tuesday July 10 1945 Sun Ann ilall Mrs 1lacl1arel1 Mrs ows lbs and yrs old one matched 16 01 117 V1VVlan1rCl McDonald beloved Wife of John ll1111b WON 11 ll lUHDlL AWN mlw teanl bay geidmgs 3000 lbs and bottle bottle yrs 1d camaum much mwsV Ramsay Interment at St Johns lnolls Mrs lcltels Mls i1 Clll 23 0525 ms Cemetery Cookstonn 11 Yearlinglt1 13 CIIIVCi PHI3 RDXONAL oz 111 tin um people sons due before sale 15 pics 10 Bulful hi Malshall ii il1lllti11elel1ry AVlmcl weeks old Full line of farnVl im lhubdly July 1947 Amcd Im Wm 1111VNN 111 11 11111111 s1l1111 111 111 l11i11111l l1ll1111111l ler Mrs ldelvdle Walker 13 LVlli11 l1 ii 111 Mrs lllltlV Bclczy St Home on 31111111111 ll 11111111 1111111 11111111 lien11 11 11 11 we llll 11 1941 111111lt11111 13111 WW1 car11 19111 31111111111111 ill 7N ulieolthc late loillsVlle1r Dunn FVVVVVV VVV VV VVVV NV and lilother of Louis ill lltl Ziltil yum mmmm Gmw Sidc VVVVV JV 1thlllV Vlk Amle Mm GVV 11 iednesday lllly 211Ailctll1ll Sale 013 lll1 15 11 Vl Ur Farm Shka Implements and iillilli1VSlONi11At ilzrrllc 1111 lieu1111 1ll Vlsllltl Mrs 11 Aylmer Dolllilloleliciolli Flavour Household Effects of Val D11lld lml loldoll Si ltl 1f IH 19 Fl Smith Vlfc Mime M1 MW 0L V11Cl1h Ill uni llcstoile lllllel1l from tho 01VV hm Amm tins pkg pkgs 541 11 11111 ric Dr i1 Wilson ii and FoVrVa successfuiVSaie of Household Furniture or Vlmcc All Mrs Charles Wanner Louis IllClVVvla Milclli1ll1lliln Watt Mr zlndl Nixon beloved husband Hilll Smm Im Shim Rosella Shnppc lflVlt1lCilVVSVzlnl some ilthlVlschVllthlVfVlmonV mulching and rumor 0f Joye Il 1l Nicholslli ii ilastinus Mrs qum stock and ec 1111 mon 08395 brother of Mrs Iloy Marscllus Dixon Miss Edna lolidolllil1sl VV 51 1011 1hV Implements Mclvdle Nixon Buried fruit tho 11V 110mm 1391 110111Sni 111 ya th1 first lo 10 home of his sst 111 W11 ag ml Cllll 1nd5 1V SV Il11 1V lnt11fookstUxVH 1152 AV JV VG 11150 gar war on Japan after leall EVIAVVVSVILVVIVVuVVyUtViVVVVltVVigolklildgcVMm FV VIVVIVSUVVV RVVVV Livhmstmh Newport 1on 11 or our SMITH4m1 Wm Ijelcphmm 31113 mm Barrie on VlthSlLllllSTE1Cllbml JLUII Gibsons 13 it wnmmm July 10 19457Silllglh Smith llllrclliupr$3jle 711 bag For Preserving uk oflhc late Simeon Smith ill her 53Vb01V RV JnhnsunV IICIHV sum oz 83rd year RESllllfI at the Llod Fm 111 11 1pm MeLarens Stuffed StCCTklleyzlmmVill 1mm forgervicc kill Mr lV CVlii an 1111551111 1V 011 OZ home on lllrs ay lly 125 at pm 11 ON Interment Barrie UnionCe1iletel1yVg1lixV qllonVlm lxlnu Edward 1V Jar For Preserving gm CW l11 Heinz PM 11de Wine The cooperation of the CltlZOllSVlS earnestly request 00me Barrie ally SCUM lV Pmt small doz Troop Mrs Mitchell $440 1181 11 VV ed by Councu an effort to keep the bldewalks and smmwmm WVISOHV MVVSV For Preserving pavements clear of broken glass Hartley Frank Craig Miss Eva Nabisco Shredded VV VV me SMITH Town Clerk HUBBERTTlle fnnilv oi the pillllldli Mrs1111 ClillkQ M151 k1 Quart Md 3027 lute James Hubbcrt Vo ex nos lolln lcCubehlirscs Frawlo Mr gq were AD011 mm VHVVV lllglulil lllls Bert illicn VF Spl 11nd nmrion VV $865lggalannlimlai23ers Gill Ml and Mrs Wendell Dominion19511 daily Requires com 16 02 the deatlrof their father 280 V1011 Clllhths 01 for Llns tms V7 olcs KIERNANMr and M1111 GtllolllHU1 Rm Jam WW1 1771 VVV VV RIE ihemm ld 9fBl1 W11111gt use 111111121 111 111111111115 ZA leClCS no expl TkV 10 113115 11 Uudmm M155VAdVScugmV 81 07 1V tsgiilldgg 1t 1119s VYVNVUVICDZVEB iho larbllsh Family Ii Felt bam Mwa r9 Iggy WWIngwfpyg Cmilrnglgbimgggfgggllnc V011 3d WUCdYQJIUI 114 Kmmlea Mm In CYCWVHCL VV Pkg5 burncc Slalom TUW 0f BalVVe Ci Crew Goldie Miss Vlhcl4llwll lVVHVUC CmrCCthpyd ByLVW 152 llnnic llll iiClthcr 1nd Noll Kraft or Chateau hf 11 77 oi the 1mm ofVBanlewluiy passed by the Conneil of the Town of IN Slum helm Hub lb wing Barrie oil the lllllth dayof July 194 11 pkg tin in AV WV SMITH TOWNWCLEBB Vvilgcllmrs Zc per word minimum 50o Rlcllmello 11111117 BIVIEWNVin loviillg lllClllllTyTJfVAAiL urt iown WlQ passed away ByLow Number 525 Jilly 10 19441 Gone but not forgotten flyLaw of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of TSidly mlssea by Elsi3 MEIVl 1Barrlc providing for lilecarly closing of Gasoline Service Stations XalCl 916181051 and blplhel1 91 WV 7V VV V1V pg Pume Command Beef mush Columbia in the Town of Barrie ulideiuthe provisions of the Factory 1Shop 239 Blown ml Office Building Act RSO 1937 Chapter 1314 andAmendmcnts hm thereto PRINGVIVVJEJlnd loving memory of WHEREAS Petition has been um 01 our ezlrlllghtcr anduusisier olporatlon ofTlle Town1 of Barrie signed oby not less than 01m Wl passed away July threefourths of the proprietors andor occupiers of Gasoline Scr 319412 75V Vv1ce tiolns in thedlowrfl of hBarrici requesting tlatlthe gguncii eflunlfelilfmemone5 in an we have passe aw lOVl ing or eary closill of 2150 inc rvicc 11 WWzlslled Stationsul the Iljownef Barrie as hereinoitclg set out of helllellvee lglfcdl and Shulh rAND WHEREAS the Clerk oiillecOlpoialion has satisfied 111ng1m4md Mp pic $144$421 himself as to thcsufficieney of the said Petition as required by the broken mikj We nevpf Yeplac Er Said Aclindgimideemw law31310110 grant the request the Sud wastheparting no one can tell saglzetltloneglft ENACD VI V111 sudd honVtialtlltli solrowiar 14 133m FORE lO ounCl OF cmorl poratlon of the Town of Barrieas fellows stealys Ecas 16 1no on Cd1n Brumwc All Gasoline Service Stations in the Town of Barrie shall Death leaves heallChe nothing he angrcmaln cloSed on every day of the week between hours Gil held me bunches iv Viloz 1313712 gm lt1 W1 VSunkist Rn 14 IVfIlms the moit following my and Mother Sisters and Brother 21An persons contraveliinrth Vt Shy be uagl plOViSions of his Llw fenceto penalty of not less than 1000 or mor th 10 00 Passed 7an July 91 1943 WSW OfPOStSi Mid SLLCh penalties $shall be reeoierzlalljuigder tire hve lost my SOUIS companlmr Provolons of the Summary ConVictions Act gag 13 11th 0W 31 Thisz Law1shallc0m 3y 55 10191 nineteenth dayyof Julyr945 em tom md have we the AS walk trough 111mm Ever en 1hat the necessary notice regarding ByLaw be publiShd 1ill Ws wfe Barrie Examiner READ first second and 1111an time and finally 13115111 this VVAV dy for mxme With tank paints to detect thefirst presence of mustard gas was one of the first war orders filled by the Na T1IE V11tlR hvi communion OF THE Town or BARBIE Iona esearc comm 0f Cmad ninthdayof Jul AD 1945 The dye fabricated under the moSt VV difficult cenditions turns color Signed Peter Sinclair ngor when mustard gas is present enabl ined Smith Clerk ing infontrymen to don gas masks VT Single copies of The Examiner cents from local newsdealeigs mihesaftemoonanekmeknlthe 50115 10me iemelilbered by Ezllher efor first Offence to wilt of not lessthan 500 WREGGETIFV roving memmyVV 0f and HOthOFGrlhn $5000 exclusive olecoslsy and fer VaVVseconElV if VV R0139 George Wregget who Billillll Exnlllliill Phone Z4I4 518111111111113 VVVVlbVV256V Vguoh VVVVVV 80 Tasty skinless liltaiio WINEns 21 Billiel BEETS 11 AlleerchandiSe sold at your Domin VALilES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY rich literatuzsissizg 1111111 121 11 VVDOMINION SToREs LlMlTVrl3 airliners 291gi