Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1945, p. 6

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Housman JULY I945 010 clthlidlV HI Presbyterianism littoilca as ziiaix lzr ll llm llcltlt1l of Urllllil It JIC In itxil iIJiiiestuut England llul Examiner tiieiy WAWWW illlijl iiiLint lliild Huiuni Itlllll=r Itll III tlirtiil Ih IlttlllI tlttr IlJI ltll Il Lint l1I Iilll will to illli Cars Wanted For Cas itlllldi Allell rtailrc Iltlllr II ltr lliil and lnltJtil inpiizuil IttIIIIJh Ittii clllt ixvrQIip LtttJIlzt liiltilii h=d ltitli llll Ml llil tultl nl lot 11 iIItitIIIII ll IIi lifylitldli cnIlrl In the fipiinr waited lttl ilitt lhc lititlw itJtlItl it inn Member of Harrie bombrr of Commerce tilt 10 Itorrsrlriri liillt ltIlii Ilillll Sabbath attain III the IiIoIIi Il3 IIlt fvit limit inn lrriiytctiaii It ltillllxliliritlll 1i ye Iii null Ill iliuilitlilll of lunnatrr and Elll tItlIcIal lilltltlti un til lull IItIl tvtI gtIIli itttIlIllliII continued to Iitllitll livi yours led in IIIci and tt gtllli by the len cncouItecincnt IItIIt they were tilted at lean pure lllllllit lltls Alexander llttl in In turn CAVAL ER CAVALIER DOMESTIC STUKER is now carefully washed and all +1v treztcdsitvtrrl Allanilale her Fuel 80 Coal Coke Wood Bulldcrs Supplies llltll gIcat nul pcrintl lly the MacKculic hideiich and the Iiir John Mc lxirh of Woodrille respectively By llll time theAnyhcans of the township and suitroundingTllstrut had erected the beautiful little St Tliouias Aurlican Church It Shan ty liay Kcmpenteldt llziy Very early in the wttleIneIItrof he township iteucruuz tract of land eninpririIII tllitfl of Kabul oIIccIon given to the lrerzliyteriaii settlers Ker Plum III losrluirrtv EnjoyableI pecuniary Mild Irsrcucmrs roii POTATOES CALCIUM ARSENATE ARSENATE or LEAD BIUE STONE SPRAYING LIME moimus for Every Impose SIMCQE DISTRICT SERVICES EMBER OFTBARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Baldwin Street Dial A220 provisionsof The Weed control ActLRe vised Statutes of Ontario 1937 Everyoccupantof land or theowucrshalldestmy allweeds designatednoxious by the regulations osoften in everyyear as is sufficient to ripening of their seeds 350 1937 344 Under In if at land Is unoccupied preynt the Ihe the parish which extended into the following plants shall be deemed noxious Weeds BlindWeed Bladder Campion Canada Thistle Dod derPepper Grasses Sovahistle Wild carrot Hemp Arkansafs Bedstgraw Blue Weed Chicory Common Burr dock0oriinil7ikWcd06iit IIMEWEQIJDDCKS Hawkweeds Oxveye DaisyPolson Ivy Russian Thistle tinkweed Tumbling Mustard White cockleWlld het tuces Wild Mustard In theeyentof failure to comply with ticetheIlnspectorsis empowered under the Act toIEnter uponany laud andemployany necessary help for the nd collect thecost fronilth oc the above no Isdestmction of Weeds upon or owner LByQr er Ndmnt Weed Inspector Tomi THE BARKER EXAMINER BARBIE 03 ARIO CANADA Centenary Preacher HYDRO FOR 12 APPROVED ANTBN m8 at VESPRA TWP 3I Lot in lllili laI la or it Mzx Mllt xo rlt iitlisitll lu 3i LIill It Iii 313 Six Ii haul 22 t= Walton ind It lain Deliver it Cruelty In ll llnutljv Lot 37 is hurl In ll LIIl IV II peninsular ltI Il ci i1xl by ILKIKIV II et llultic protest in licillllltl 31 Air iii tidntlltri of Barrie III prin was remWed HILIIIII fhl it illzct Itlitl gt III31 tzic Uni 1ll ititllll and delIviI 13 tivl Il cutictllltl lac hII um illlitltlLtl to hide ix ll i1t itllct To the Iiiwtl Iialllt tutlllllil the discunlznd gt gt Inti Il liltittll gunhagi tll Vi it II rm as lact telnetin for the thata monitor aI l3 Tiemt rIvnu Smart and 1IIit hIIrIm to ill tlVltCri Ill lrlitltli Irliiilai milled lil llu MW HISmi Hilly In LWWJVD mm Mm min IT nil lllttl ul Health In coni ltI Jillwttl haul 1111 is ittltl Mil JIH Mllllll Vi WU 51ml rot uii July LtiltlAlllll the lltth While tv1Il1ili ll llt lm It lllH Atrium tlm littwllth passed weic Ilww limit it the ll1lrlll it vll and Ivlla Jan Show Hamil tn II hold livt tltII CUHII mm im 11 lil Tl ilr ltIi lid la hulk WM llll lil7U fun Haltl xilt ilIc Shah Intro Illllt Iiltl We Snnine llowmens ili tl tum hm AUIWW furlmlmpy i=IIelzttiIlIIII to Mr and liI All IItI nun II tixtl II iItI tr WV Eur Illtl Pruner on IlIiitIiIin It lli lvtl Ilene zntztliAML grain TI Wva Uan llt llit Royal Victoria llopilal Hui ii Itllrly ltl IIi ttlItI iilu Il NH 51mm umlnun my whim If Mm ml MW Hollint Iill Milton and Albert tlli building the IpeIItII Itdl livid 531th each ltuiul Vnuclu weekend llll that and lr lhrin net hit lI manner rundown xllliditj xx 3pm 13 1t Hmtc I3 Mans 1nd lnllush ic II Inlac liiitlidiiitli halt 59th thithher iii itltth he ttlIlVlJlQki loiuthy ilulltIIiieail and lllt pt lltt Ime tI thi Jud tuxI any 53 1th Lacey recent Itiztdnah Ipmmltt My HIM 12L it It the UnnctIt ot loionto lluillll June tilt In laiilthin mu acceptsd call to Alviiistou Illl MW ml IHI hiplolirrl Jltt Ittllnji rlltttttlttl Lllt UV Plxlllttllfl J1 1th Hull IMIA llllhvi ot hm and llllwlfil In the lulcxn lIonI iluiiitlill Mr lhlhdzii ritoilt at My turd MI nuan hr itttVIHlltlItitI handy ll Idarlman partoizite as bIIcl 11o Win Ktlby Were MMw itIuIItl Jlt tlllillllfil lilllltlttll lhe untracted severe illness which with ltlltl MKS Mth KIIby liar itilnl til Xttllltll quality and the same year the licv lienry Sin 6ilnlgfnxilgg um tllllillilgtlill inr IIIneruur lll clair was called lie was succeed iht people ot Anrits wk gmka on the LN Sunday Ii Mum AIPXLMFKIMW daughter of MI and Mrs lIJlJt the Itlnnll tor Iie Httdlitli Mr land bvruces icre conducted in 11 from the winds found in mile lmth lineduh and Gaelic The Rev intliitius the third chapter and the John lrni of Iillia ministered llth Vertic Mill Illl1trh llttt for IIIIIII years to the llnltlish llltll llllllttl It tII ul ollillitllll speaking Itl2ltmim 111 Knox Jy M8 Church and later in the new Hme Mix Frank Robertson is gtItiiilllt held rutrah lro Guthrie and LUWIHS Tux011 AIM MtKmm mo Some in the gutted as new school teachersherc southern portion of the township exleudimg to the shore of Lake Simone prcpztred to erect new and more centrally located churches MIiy were opposed to severiiig thcir connection with the old church where they had so long enjoyed endearing and sacred as sociations However another par ish was tornch consisting of Car trol Guthrie and St Andrews churches The Rev Neil Cumg be was inducted into the new parish in 1894 Under Mr Camp bells ministry which extended over 27 years thesechurches pros percd greatly The Rev Alex McKenzie cou linued to minister iii the Knox church for few years after the forming of the central Guthrie and St Andrews churches How REV NEIL CAMPBELL DD ever the district which had been Who for years ministered to Oro served by Knox church Only P105 14 1845 had by this time five or six conveniently located Presbyterian churches Services were discou tinued in the old Knox Underthe initiative and leader ship of the Rev Neil Campbell $331311 Gmesple MIAMme DD committee on care and 18 10 maintenance of old Knox church was some yearst WC It and cemetery and representative floea ttlLe 818011 ftllIlLliiglntllis of the meinbership of thefclcitilirchf Ewe that had rown out ister The Rev John lVlcItivish Knox wasg formed In this way 3325l18dvcitlgglllj i$lltlllllllegltlele the churchbuildingihais btfen kept in excellent re air an ceme Vals administering the sacraments tery grounds igpmve and giving counsel and advice The inauguration someuzo years Lachlzi McMillan Mr Mathieson ago of an annualmemorial service dudM Charles Clllllelollyslllcl113 immediately commanded wide in iiip1eparation for the ministry in west and devotion the newly Openued Kn Conege Mention must bellade however Toronto conducted SQIVICQSiISO brief the fact that Bible Study the Rev JolmGmy DD Of 0111 in the form of Sabbath school was given in the homes of the Oro settlement even beforethe log school house was used for worship istlEd for five years He was and religious instruction Outiof sWljPIdeBLI thisbeglnutnggrewthgfgro 7753b guson During Mr Fergusons bathSchoolAssociationitth fore cants and from among their num ber ordained Ruling Elders as follows Lachlim Galbraith John McFaydcn Angus Galbraith ouumi The first regularlyTetm pristor was the RQVTMITSIQVVHIILVVIIO min Missing deadlines BECAUSE FORGOT ONE SIMPLE FACT tltll Ill illlsl Hills ltlititl and intti Slit on getting tiItlIcI mix on thin iLLIliii iilzliiSSLii ind inthu lgtthitil lilkilltit NIIIIrthIntz ll um grain Inc limit but Ull it riuns on self tahc irizsh lll211l hen read tlnltll Killouus llInI llakcs llltl IUUI the ill Ili tut iiit lit readnnunulnqunnncnnu Make this BODAY TEST It lercinrlIhatticlitionslamilulcicri morning yiws Inc ctrtrot to with Start now KLIIIIHKS Ilium llJLcs youre really ill sic inuf Imlurl Ilut it to butter and inter and do ulllt extra skettliing IlLll time permits just lccl dull and liwll Iii morning luhcq itlici uu tlll Huh 1Lm be sotlcnng tioin III muHINIhllanmr itimplrlc Ilillltidliull Shut rub mg litilbkluus Mull InninKtlltigtgsilrm Ilahcs Vitll Iarts Ui Win11 Heres him UIIL iiiriplc change Ul llLi can liclp iuil hutpill llltf LOOK FOR Ill name Kelloggs rm Just tliirly clays should prmuoion ho grand it is to lccl pic to have the cling tor all the guide I1IV pack age all your glenm his slam Mud inlauiduu Canada the catm things iiiud Ilhc ll Youll Want to gt on keeping fit the litlikely in llltlitl Iaieultlu TIIIVIll llii school IxtiInIr war ttnrhml in Iutgjh terminated in liisdceith in 1876 III 11 MW mm IilliIVt llllllllllll llllllll ll cnnyratitlatIons and bust lotitinntl lltll closed the pupils of the junior room ivishek dnv Mltiuin all Itll happy future Aftci iMIss Workman had gratefully cx llltrllllttl Workman with j1$l her appreciationaiidtliauks lieuiititul sandwich lfor all the kidncsses and gifts MFSIWVRIIWHlldll MW lktwdzimty lunch IlSSlrPTIfTWUII5 wishes AW fwccks ItlI hcr ond Mrs lich Webb of the lion Isaac llorhanau wa ed by the Rev John Morrlsoii Mr ed on Tuesday June 16 to ll1i1lullttldlrllIhllltl Mrs Wilbert till danJhikecuxm umuuuulned only 18 months llllllltllbed V115 lt Lolitabllv Knox penlntz lie wa lhcecded by the Rev rHmlyann vklltrm Illlllltllllh ill Jas Leonards Mr ant Mrs Muller and children Mulland Duckwith ll1I onset 1w 13 ll hullll llll JHlll the members the Midland liiispitiil iltei iylcliiliiilintxiigll IiliittlklliilllifmllhillWill he known tlCIIII wi lilltltiill intl lttllilltlll of Knoit Church Hclis illness number from AII Mciibhin opened tIII divine IIIIiIip by the from its inception were laielic llllIilllllllltltl lltl llllllll=l Illflilllllk Jul 31Ii1 Ht wmnhymln lwlkimu Hub um 151 SN 01 Illttlll Sympathy AIPIHICIIIgylpf anti Mrs Kerr Mr and MI Itoy Pillllltlllt at kind Wires lI Webster IJoycc n1 lI Jcnnclts Miss Workmuu showered Wednesday LIIInIIIIIIIIty Mr pIIcIItgt lltlt recent visitors In their and best tla token remembrance dam Had Another lad light couldntlou tel Any Rest To these who toss night after night on sleepless To those who sleep in kind way but Whose reel is broken by bud dreams and Iiiglitumre To those who wake up in the morning as tired as when they want to bed we otlcr in lllilburns Ilcnltll and Nerve Pills tonic remedy to help soothe tilltl strengthen the nerves When this is done there should be no more restless nights due tow dreams and nightmares Price 500 box 55 pills at all drug counters Look for our registered trade work It Red licert TM Milliurn C0 Limited Toronto Ont WIlbtIt Atn Ilt ozt Mus Mar JIchaId Ulilll with Mi Iritll tumbler beds afternoon athcritrtx lilacks llllgt Week with her daughter iVIISI1i1l1 of Mus Woiknian the jtllllnt teacher in the school here tor the St Andrews hurchcs Mr Ariue if lilmvale and Miss past two years In anticipation oti Dilrint the time of the Rev Downey of Miuesine have been cn licr Last large was Wilbert approachinr marriage the packczo Workman All Harris and baby Brian shower of miscellaneous gifts with Missl as presented ll 11 Now as alwqys it takes more than rubber more than cotton morglhoogrsteeli lo buildio reallygreal fire it tokesskill experience and research too Your permit buys all these in the new Goodyear synthetic rubber lirs Goodyegrlhe Greatest ffNome in Rubbei QIVES you the most in qudlily and the best in fely and rmileaglerarfeaturesg Thats why it paysWell to Go Goodyear We stock com coconut suuiiiitc Iiuatiii nus YOU cu THESE qu Fourvwoy lroclionfoTigreafervgripi Compressiontrcad for longer wegr iiitrLSkldrcslsting tread designlfor WW so pastorate mouse W3Lblllll8l timer of the Modem Tamiljg my ffgrealeesaietyrww as much of the GIEhelantLsJiza$ VEducation Gormcil Its not likely to be required for beneficial resultshave beenwide= InughesdientSuperlmsf cordhody rchurcharidcemeteiy purposeSWas spread and greatlLblessed wforlougerilitggyy Sold May th God of ourfathersb rimming in those days was difi ouIs still until one generation ficult Roads had been surveyed dftef another Oul labolihere hav strength throughdireTownship Aline gistVShBlLQEPigamemi butthey Were rough iding home lo the Eternal City 0190051 qudyedrquality Few of the settlers 1iadzicquiredzi and its members ofthe Church horse and Wagon Most of the tra Triumphant 57 veiling was by foot or on horse back gt Willis Church Settlers in the northern part of milegge Township of Medonte made pre parations to build 2iniore con venintlyl located church sub stantialbrick church was erected at JarrottsCorners and called Willis Churchafter Dr Michael Willis pifssbiwoff vamity at Knox College Toronto Esson Church In 1865 the EnglishSpeaking set tlers in the southeast part of the toWnship known as East Oro for the some reason that thenorthern part had separatedAbe difficulty of travelling to the old church Eightynine communicants came away from Knox They built newichurch andnamed it after the distinguished Dr Henry Essen first Professor and in real Sense thefounder of Knox Callege To route JakeRu Ensu 1pleleline of the new Goodyear synthetic rubberiire foreligible Hightensileisleclzbeudrfor extra Twang Diva in $killandiiperl ence forking troublefree jijmiimss

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