CNR trnvcl to Angus SOT OAT3d oi the tblllllt liiiz trims lTln tzic litltilt in t1tt mil tuw rht lllill Brown lioztt Coup littrim was nifty til gtllllft be 35 ll ih kCi 94qu gus Lefty tinsminim up for also ititit until are old played tttl tilt ttl ace lull litmus We FINNEMORE handed Fitting at SdllHSE MillieVille oi last Thinsdin lite lllbhlttlll Corps sottap1 tilts tillEtLllobic he give tgii treir third the keitttc Slincoc League scorc ot 7A 1125 211 on lllll llAltlltillt +4 int it la inst liiutsdoy This gilli other ftll clogs encounter tud ztf plclnunt change from some of the runaway scores that have handed out by the top teams to the lower Market The milroztders its =3 Million on the mound instead uln yle and he matched Periyl the tray THIS WEEKS ponicsgivc plenty of promise Park the Grtltcts lllttl litmus while lwo good Next lttcrduy to linear lllillFllQS loom tip the Crillers tnch over Plllli for iiitotiicr of those crocker jack encounter with the railroad PAY attention to your car How about replacements in the generator starter carburetor lttrxl Mills HS IX this law playground fcult Attgtts ecoutt it until at Queen hwnnwm bemiTrock and Field Honors lly CAC TC Cum Burden FBOWLING wintr limo iuiv One of going Erin to rl Owl lllt lultx Llif toltlltlrlt Ln lily PARK in ltllnl tor rot but the tumom could xtortd tolling llltl ttingc Titt tn in ll is never surely there either it ltlriltitl lil lltlp intit nit llJil of policing to keep in fJIlS buck is urgently required oil tuner lltlllilNil YOU tip to date on he tmire Sitttctte Soltbotl League tic stsizdutg is WON LOST lllii lionmity ilfnuns llettrc Keen Competition for liven competition fritttucd the truck indrtcld meet lttld by No Hutttdntn ittig itrltlylll til Qtiuzns JliM lid lt litjltltll oi ps Ltinp At llliilllcil ltielgitzicni itt Individual suiting ltttlltds Htz lthutcd by lpr blunder and lpr ipotuicr hoth of Motitrcul while ESundion won the Hipmdton ttwntd from it Squad ron by it close itiuipin Histilts l0tlyd dushwl Tpl Spanner Montrcttl lpr lltllttDOHItltl Montouu PEI it lpr it lJotitti tilltil 220 Llltl 1icntzcll33tJolut NB ll Morris loronto Ziptiy Montreal HO yard4V It lilonder Mont teziil lrocy Waterloo iii and Mt Home chilly illl it hung on icrdttczduy Hit for the mixed tlkllllxlt iiittil tttrrie and partner toJ If lhtitnpwn 77f town fourth to Mr you no GREEN lil itll ltr ll llotltiv of llluzi iiiii ttttxt itd ll tintr tt thiil tl fallout gtt viLtl itinl lllilllll Allandlle Jltney Mixed Doubles lticie Ktt it good illtlltldlif for the llilitttl double lttILty Ill litter its night or tle Atlntdale greens Firs pitc itiecrt no tt by Rev Dr lttos tind iits Gollovmy seconi by Mrs Gt ting and Mrs hill Rogers titnd tiy Fraud Golng llintitoit Opening at Harrie ltili The lawn boztllni rennin iii the riot grants opened urti liizte when 50 pilot5 wtie pies toning Ttitzrc was it strong ltllltnlilillltill llrlzi the tllrlllkl unit the fttt two prircs wont to tollitnpvood Fitt was curturgid by Mr Moiitgnuticiy nitd Mrs flittttcrson and Hltilltl by Third fell and Mrs ticuwy iuid Mrs Brown Alluttdztlc fifth to Mr and Mn Pete libdggon illztl Alim dido titd rlxlll to ll thiuton and rillb Poland llutric The Dominion Du holiday Jtily ttiiain brought out 50 lliittl the Ilztrtic lllttlls for lllL doulilcs tourneyl Stroiti group from across the buy curried tho pliv rigiht tlttoiiplt tnd with one tixccp lion ill prizes were won by thc south wordcrs lirst went to the veteran lUlltl Ethnic tlti luttl li1tlittvttle lllt It omurtttt it tit lllt twtciti poi ltl ltillt Hit titty tttt into limit ilithI it lptt totl lnt lly ltvtlt hilllliltttt lht tptt iiott oi lllt tiixtl tnd pun ishinrttt oi ticrtimti wnr crintiiiitlri lltlllt widely tlistitrsed iti llit lllllldl llui so for us niztny lof illt Nitd ltt liw of tittspott liiitnpitn pit fzotti Scotland liiit iith ii The Crehl rinplcudcrs are con lottchtr itnd ll McFadden itiot will 2rlvi lrltlw lzlX 521 It Jtzlt hit illif lip94ft Indlr iirh arftl Iran Ivfcv vif 11 onirxttulutions to limit this 1tuli smfttm Jilllutl you littttlltt lyltl Hui Royce ir zpvndtnt ti Viicit tlr nut it if lltlti stt SJ on uiti up it rim ltlgl Jones loiotdu and lid yctv llll ilt inti iii hill oktt lltr lwlhluj lllt hiltbx lliiillllr puit tin urritttui tit tin itl Llfltl iullt ii iii tillzg llil it Tliltu iliJli ltttr to oz ncdlioi week tr plttliltt l1 lit li Lit lot Dalton id livV lti ifillutttl till llitllnltt twtillil in Elm tltutni tntuttt tituttnnt Alilt titttidicis of tho tiitw cont it gibltotn pwwnt tit iitf lticttrt lu tutt ctttl tttiitgci intuition of ltcvill lullttdltr lltu tlVltt of indoctzon fol liev llolludetl for rillA tittd llrlt not lilv ilti induction Ul it itigw ut hits lottt hi on Ed ltill in the tncltcun tllitHll in lltuilhizd Ltiltl lltlixlltl thc torn nutinto ll ilitl it the lttli turnip 1Htltill ofo llfluflttig it ttlltlltll lhi Wm by lllt ludith to ttil ltwlulllic ri nl illiitlllllill truth Huh ct it til tltl to in tho tlitltltlitin tint ll=ltlt gtitilr up llllt to tirclttstiu on lfit yltitllltl til ZVl lltlvlllll lli lllltrltt llll lItllAll tuilld lltlllllg t1utttu lllilt llt hind nut lziyx ti on the tiny toy or lntclt of the church door llltlt tilt the door lilltl puts him into tltc tlttlltll uiul ttlttltll the ll tutti ltttli taxittttti ht gttiyttttiiiiid itltltlt ttililiml lliilit til llltil politttd tntl ptlttlttl lltt dom by pltdltlnts of Nuttonul Sio ciitlist Utopiu to putisltioitcts In Scotland tinl lrtriliytcr ltttllttl thc lillllhlvl Quitt oftcn the tnntilttct Howl loin tcrtn of yours and it liecittitv poptilitr to present the new 11ng it would he hitrd to imagine the doctor takes the VilllrYllllxlllljv tho gt The it ii 32 church hell is tolled to give noticti istvt with it own the presentation laurel recursinguiw mils sown Io militiatitrth 2285i mi mm to until outhilnis Clliili Lilli PRICES Wills 1le MORE ftliitllv00it FilZSl GRADE lb root ElJtltES sir25 lililltiliii 25 ltEthCCS Pkg gitiiltll t1 EOog Btis with MEG1 QUAHTS Deg AAJ colour 14 Di TON Shactctcd Pigs 253515 Pllbltlaitii gt3lt soc30 lildtlillll f2 CHEESE TAhGY lb MILD lb funnier 51 19 ii to Pkg5 SilllllLE 19 gt 2il2Ctn illllllli 65 jACx ltTltltgtQ 32 2mmJAVAAUAL Maple leaf Cab lullcl Cakes flurry all ii out DUTCH 19 Bit it ga oer rrrsu Allll ii turn 27 16leth JUICE 1601 Bit 19 FNP Spooiici Montreal Mm 880 yardC VitrgziIoroiito Ti KTi TcrrztccflllCTJ Weittzcll St John NB pcoplc til tuttmlu lltlltl tooled by such protnistvs or ltllltlllllllllltt the dictutotrhipmoi Ullt innit or one po litical pttrty liich horrible auro nva ma gtlt being ttuidc by the wife of tile old Iicotntd tltut tptcstton hits ultcztdy with til plus 11 serum to to le LlllLL bccti ll1tiitl of by suicide llit IMilne and HfHonkacloscjttplrm leTmf1tTHd Um llh lili DlUS lllml itrwwlof tltt tuttigstcr chiefs hth sut iii DHEAIVN TODAY H7 Phone 3070 BRENNAN Auto Electric Service BARRIE ONI in IS YOURS guarantee you new growth of hair it you are under 35 or refund you money CAMERON Remember the new loca tion at 59 Elizabeth St TURKISH BATHS IN CONNECTION MildW llondcr Montrciil Lawson St John Nil T111 Robichiiud St John NB lligh Jiuitpwli Parker Tren ton ItVillctuuro lhrco Rivers McCool Mildcn husk Running Ilrortd Jump 70 Spooncr Montreal It Orlando Iinititins Itll Villcmure Three Rivers Shot PittJ Bcitugiit Ot lilWl2 Bcttudoiii Blind Riverfll McChesncy New Glasgow NS JZthllnWV Moore New Lis kezild Hunting Huntingvillc Que It Lonkin St Thomas DlSCllSA Preston Troll BC Savela Fort William Anderson Toronto Men who have reached the ripe age of 30 should not feel discour dgdTlbecliltfylh3 161i er wanted by the Army If they take good care of themselves these old gentlemen may still have years of usefulness in otlieivalks of lifeBritbaker in The New York PROFESSlONAL oinzcronv CHIROPRACTORS GEO ELSIE BURNS DsC icensedrugless Therapists lectric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy Cook Street Phone 3194 CORBETTJD CHIROPRACT AND DRUGLESSJB RAPISTWV 15 Owen St Barrie BY APPOINTMENT more VICTORTAN ORDER OF NURSES EBarrie Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 480 oclock every Wed including ATCM nesy 75an or nurseSser vices may made direct or through doctor Telephone 245 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Organist and Choir Director Central United Church TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING THEORY all grades and MUS odem Methods Studio 27 Bradford 8t Edmund Hardy Mus nae mom and Enumera BENTLEY ATOMj Teacher 01 Piano Singing and Musical Theory Orgarust Clioer ma ter of St AndrewsPresbyterlan you Gold edallst gognvto gig rvatory of usic an rover of Toronto 113 Wgrsly St T913221 DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conservatory of Musm LLondonEVng College at tMuslc Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue Organist St Georges Church Teacher of Plano and Theory Attrmyaeidmu OBT rBARREFFsc OPTOMETRIST 593Dinilnp st P0ne296 Attendance 96 ROBERT SMITH OPTOMETRIST 68 Dunlop StPhone 2586 Hours 96 daily room jnmiicroiis 7111011 STECKLEX 42 llapperton St FU NE AL DIRECTORS VANEBIFLANCE sorghum SMITHItr co Established 186 ruotor ambnluioa in connection OPEN DAY AND Peiir hone 2703 ACCOUNTANTS WELCH ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered AccountantsTrustees etc Crown Life Building 59 Yonge St Tomato LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Pubv Vic Conveyancers etc Money to can at lowest rates of interest 01 flee 13 Owepst Masonic Temple Building Barrie Branch office ElmVale ISLBoys GiiADSTONE CURRIE Successor to CAMERON SFCAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Gwen St Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN oova gt Barristers Solicitors COnveyenceJS Notaries Public etc gt 17 Owen Street Barrie Branch Office Stayner Thurs Arts 3053 Bower FRANK HAMMOND BA KC VBARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN DUNCAN McCUAIG BA KO BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to Loan lioss Block Barrle DONALD MecLAREN BA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC TMoneyrtmloan Masonic JOHN woons BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bank of TorontoiBldg Owen Stv eneZdlMongyJoLo Joniv REID BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 24Dunlop St Barrie Opt vuldpliviulnln no numb VEIERINARIQJ and summon ll Sophia lSt 5E Barrie Phone 4545 osIEoPAruy v71 EDWIN WILSONBA no Zhrlcoe Street Bid chefih 2293 912 25 pm appointmen incurs By atrium Phone 8435 and Bowen still closer with l7 plus fourth 12 wiusi It Walk er Ellltl Wood 49 plus and fifth to Relic llodiisoit mid Ow corn with win 50 plus Emerson Creed Shows The Boys Below Par Scores of Barrie Club Activity tl llttrric loll 1th this within is highcst incc prcwur days The course is crowded with golf ctsttid there is lttlhll sociul tctl Vity around the club house Mem bctliiip is tilinost it record Over the holiday weckcnd the men had two ltuttdiciap competi tions First prize in the nincliolc llffztildNeIll to Wiltilct Rowcll with Jack Rodgers second In the lllllOlQ eventmn Monday wth big ciitry nHmu nw ooLI Md hello was it titreeuiy Tic OTTTZ net by Rowell Rodgers and Capt Jiin McFadden Emerson Creed turned in the best gross score with 78 McFadden was next with and Johnny Johnson had an 88 Flying Officer Emerson Creed has been burning tip the course on his furlough with two recorded scores of 33 and 34 for the 35 par layout last week The ladies have been having lini cheons and their regular matches on Fridays The men will be 5tart ing the annual club competitions by next weekiMidland plays return match here on Wednesday July ll on thcitisclvcs found guilty pronounced and struiplitwuy ljudiuncnt liliciiisclvvs ititltlttllt of tittlli curried it out should thunk litcm for thut llllt thcy huvc uvcd its the trou lilc tntl cxpctni of litiltotioii tntl tltc iidhct tncssy job of shooting or hunptnp thcm ltl thut rcspttt they showed goodjtitttttcittitttl did 11 lcth onc pooddccd for minikiitd loiticonc llttF fuid thut you cuti not indict ti notion tind it would he unjust to accuse the lCllllllll people its it wholc of plotting the war und of pctpctriiting the hot rililc crimes of the concentration comps thn Hitler and his ultim stersscizcd power they established 21 system of government which gave llltll absolute control over the life of every Qllllilll citizen JletbretheLwctbeizaliiustliav been millions of people in Germany withdrctidcd the thought of another war friend of mine who was iit Gcrntnnv during the summer of 1930 told me that he had never seen so many gloottty faces as he met with in llzuttliurp iutd Cologne and thin the only lcrttions who seemed to be happy were the soldiers and the Nazitrained young people There can be no doubt that once the war stzutcd andthe German armies were sweeping everything before them tliegreat mass of the German people were carried away by the sightOf power and conquest lliey lteild Hitler as great con Temple Building Barrie Dawson Millbrook ironic Parker Torontop to queroggaud if they had any qualms of conscience over the inhuman crimes of the Gestapo they were poxverless to protest They prob ably came to believe thatHltlers promised social security and thous and years of peace under an p1 mighty German Empire justified the means So far as the civilian population of Germany is concerned they have already been punished and humil iatedto the very dust of their cities for their part in the crimes of the war They have only to look 2nd Lieul Grierson Ado 3ch Sports Meet Champion1Comp Borden 2Lt Grierson of Toronto was crowned individual champion at tlieannualisports meet of ALIO Canadian Infantry Training Centre He won the high jumppole vault and finishedsecond in the IOOIyard dash No Company won the com pany title The Results IOUyard dashl ONeil Orill lia GriersdnToronto Anthony St Catharines around them to realize their guiltl cities ilS ttrc tiliillllllttl iti Ufttttttn ciiiitctititiioti ttltl1l would itot hc tolerated by tho inhuliun pcoplol or on other ptoplc in it frctr dcin Mrs Stone Ilruttford visited ocriicy hit it thc iltilllt ll Linndu Mts lnrdtnc one tiny lust work were to tdopt my form of Stutcl lwiulimn they would cvcntttttlly MV lid 1ka like the ittittgti licczutnc thc strts 0m in 5llllldilll it ltlllti of the itotcrtutictit SticiulintstliNkS WW frankly ttdunt tiiut inordtr to bring ltt lliirlcy Cittntnittif lztbout fttttdtintciitul chuntic tttdfoundltotd is tlttillltStillil noliu cstublish und inuitituin their ticw order of society it would lt ncccs story for Sticiulist govcrttincnt to remain in powcr indefinitely it stands to sense that till nullsocialist government could not be illowcd to come tit and spoil the whole thing However benevolent the socialist new order of society might be in the first instuucc it pcrittitucnt onc pmtylauoveriintent would in theirecovery very nature of things cvetituzdlyl Mrs Colwell and Mr and become corrupt ziiid present on opiMrs Bcrt olwcll inid Teddy spent portuiiity for the rise of ftllltlletllte tieokend with Mrs Bradley and Hitler or Mussolini to dicttttuishipiMtg Slitltetlaitd The greatest crime the lortttztii pcu The picnic Friday afternoon pie couttiiittcd wus to itllow thciii which imirked the closing of school We extend it welcome to and Mrs Burton and family who moved into the parsonage lust weekl Mr and Mrs Dobbs Cooks formcrs mother and other friendsi there with her parents nursing broken New duys With his ltlltllls ltl liiililiitrtottf llcv1 Villc spent the weekend with the Miss Fairy Watt Toronto is here arm Best wishes are eXtended for tilt selves to bermtic the rciiimeuted was well attended and despite tite slaves of it syluent of ltllllllttlll extreme heat pleasant time was which promised thcmirzutd these spent MissBell will continue as were thevery Words the Ntills used teacher if sociol security from the cradle iiiifllidinsgrgfx glliiillzggilllilfil was in the grave CHURCH JULY Members of the Barrie and The nisfil District Lodges of the Ltl attended the morning serVice at IVY Mr and Mrs Gibson and two Children of Embro and Mrs Wilfred Scarlett and small daugh ter from Prescott recently spent few days with their mother and brother Mrs Gibson and Cecil Mrs Gibson returned to Embro with her son and his family for months visit Clearing all debris trash and paper from the home and farm buildings lessens the danger from the pastor Rev Bewell With Dominion Day message on Freedom of Religion Rev tllr Bewell declared that in too many instances this freedom of religion meant no religion at all It is far worse to haveno religion at all titan to have religion that is negm lectfiilhestatedr negative term arising fro time of Martin Luther the minister stressed thatie religion of Jesus Christ is it very positive action r220 yardLL Oliver Brantford M7Fraser Van 23 Anotdny st Cath arinESr 440 yard1 Berger Wet land Marzalik Toronto Kerr Toronto rrZ 880 yardHBSchmidi Toronto Hartley NW MarzgikToronto TMilel Berger Welland WL Cass Toronto3 Bonnel Belleville Running Broad Jumpe1 Brewecton Reymond Alta JMackloronto Forsyth Princeton BC High Jump1 Grierson To ronto Chapman Edmonton 3D CIngram7Steveston PoleVaultl Grlerson To route Noice Toronto Sundays and Holidays6 Shot Put1 ChanceTo MarkToi6nto Discus4 Lachance2 RATES2 Hrs 500 payjst Per pay $1100 VDay Epilowing $150 9min While we protest certain practices we must reveal the word of free dom in the Gospel of Jesus Christ ll added MrBewell spoke of three fea tures of the Protestant faith He stressed the simple and progressive nature of the New Testament and which he sold had substituted newauthority in place of the Next Referring to theMass services and the worship of the Virgin YOU CAN RENT ONE IF Mary Rev Mr Bewellisaid We NOT mongowugn ChlllCll of Romeuon Allis Mr Bewell submitted that in Church of Rome there was edif thl Day Previous to amgt ferenc between the priesthood and Central United Church last Sunday where the sermon was delivered by Admitting thatVProtesthtti was the contrasted this with the Church have our greatest cleavage with the tii the laity that separated the people itheministers and those minister ed to The Piotestantreligion the same idemorac coutryfhe declared deperidlad for its success on all members andreveryone latty Parker Marli all of Town prom Lt Weekend and holiday visitors Pie John Hagemaus and wife Long Branch Mr and Mrs iDOnald CouttsToronfo vwlth Gilbert Mc Mhitfs Mr and Mrs Edward Dewney Mr and Mrs Isaac Snell Toronto with Mr and MrsAlex Dewney Linda Bean Barrie with Mrs Allen Miller Robert Kale Hamilton with Mr and Mrs Geo 113Btnavid Holley Newmark et wit Mr and bills Jack Ellis LC flhe Ekaminer gives all the mews roe pantie and Distrlcfwhlleit ls It that HENRY 75Bgyli91d5t JUST NORTH or MEMBER OF priiRiE aniuBEe oii continence Itsiitlrtliiit 113 Your rebuked We EPEATSAFEtoniudinn To OPEN and clergy alike sharing the re sponsibility Miss Betty White former mem ber of the church now living in London was welcomed hackby the minister and sheskanga 5016 at the morning service Among theofflcers of theLOL who attended thejservice Were County Master of Simcoe South Cliff LockhartLCounty Master of Simcoe West James Ifthlsfll District Master Blackj Bat ie liltlfhip Members of theLOBA also at tended the service and they Were led by Worthy Mistress MrsE Bigger members of the LIBwere under Past Worthy Mistress Mrs James in the absence of Worthy Mistress Mrs Martin Several girls of thy Loyal Twp glue Juven iles also werepresent tlgpsgr VlCl LENNOX Phone 4484 SMITHCO VlGOROUS WINEY District Mster Lloyd Spence FRESH DtY ANN law bill Doi Elllilllldll JU 83 NONILESS lililllltl Tm 45 2001 llAflltY llOltNES Ficus corridor Vitaprane Pkg17 11 23 soretwin 24 SUNNYFIELDZ Pkg15 it it EFFEE lb 31E tunum nuwrmm Mill St ELLOW Eightsllifil wilfriittMELONs VOsioirsSizes and Cuts without amides Lliltlltg to 25c 43c 45c tit up ottriititortrcsit STRAWBERRIES LEiTUCE GREEN outous RADISH CELERY BEETS ETC Low evenvom PRlOES 1005 ire 300 We FAle Choice Broilers or Frying Alcriiigitees Banister rout circuit +eiitrgeracuiiseoesricgo+cg MAPLE Limo perilous mutt rt 55c MOCK CHICKEN Elitem 35 HEUGIALOAFM3