THURSDAY JUNK 28 HHS mmmm Nl75 All Enters Partnenhp My ii III Huh IIEIIA II AIIIIIIIIIIIII ouncni THE BARBIE existence on CANADA ease maize Ww MOVING EST lxrl Rnimmm Ham iv out max up IlJ Cblu ilbuqrhozdi ummk um wlidirm in Huskers wetsuit snail Ibuln nnmn ii nah initiator 111 nun 111if2tndmed mliiuhkd 115 minim lZi Wm no nohii IIIIIIIIIII II 34 Hr drii Ir IIIIIJ height nlu bl long 11 Tommi 1oziii1l1r itilllll 11 nun Hum 11111 if iv NV onemomvmm din lifted and on lii11lt1 remitted ll l1 tln1 J4 1ini41i1ciiriiSliciiafalv critczisiw round 11 119 17 11 Kiln oi lnlliqynm II II WW yr Honour 1lt L1 va II 1llrri it II mi 31 gel Menan 1er adiiizdam 35 IIU 55 ilili il7 BARRIEWLULK ill IMI iii liv Jilic of tin ltli from the limoi urolsicd II1 IIII III II quarter in II IHIWIIIIJ IfIIlIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIII Nb HA IIIIIIII IIIII III II Ih =Ii II le will iliiinhi il Wl 5i in dint lllr Till 1l1IJl minim 1iiml iiui il 111 11111111 l11nil1i 1l l111 ixlt1l Ntlil 11i Ned1 11 i1ui It 3111 11111 In run an Ear 111l11 throoglil ti 1il1 Iliimilil lic1 iiilil1i killHUI III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII id 11 11 11 1ii il1n1cl in Em II7I1IIIIH III II II IrItAEIIII IhrIl iIIIiIIn113355x IIIIlIIinIKIIIIlI1oIlI1inIiIzIIoi I1I1I111II11I1I11I III IKII IIKIIIIIIIIIII IrIIIIiI IIIIIII XII1 II1III1IIII IIIIIIII III IIIiIIIII IlIIlllIiIIiIfII 11 iiIn II IIIIIIeII il 1ii hlil III III IN ill if if1ll1l 11 111 III1IIII1HII1 II III II IlInrxJI HIIliIIIlIi IIIIIL IIIIIII III IIIII or 350 was made ii the 1si1111o at Hz illlihl in ii 11 oi 11M one l1ilxlilI lollmmtr and in111 11111 Ill lliirnx wi 31 Iillll uni 111 1l in lo tinis l1ili1 oi l11Ilniiipiup and lihrfiii irl toil ll=lgt liliuialnllkitlllt ii111e is iiiii 2911 iii ii v11 1gtiii11l ivl inclmid wong he on 11 mol gt1 rlii l1liiiiii hit hillltlilillldiiill mine at illliil iii liI1 Xlirillli ninriol mountain at fioiilii11nim 11 il11ilifl 11 Until liasbi urg LlllURD if ELRHK lil iin ilii1i1iii1 11111111i the Who lit5 mienll lllllflillflSl Exilli 2117 iiindilc in Apiil ltriii he lilllftlii lxlivi lllrl1ll1llil Hm oilh the liti nini 1111111111111 iii 11 OIHJQIO IinIigiiujq PFIHULHI Uflllill tinlii until livwliiinctl lilI iv fliier 3511 11 111 fibrinrue M11 May 11 lfllo He v11 II MIHIU IIIHHIMILHVI II to iilVlliipc 1itlil lJi llllll lllflnlllllltk 111 Lliillilll in iirlllil WM luucii for Il1gt lhel ours on or 111111 om on Mn lllrici 1iiili lic izni Ti 1I1 wall are RiAl Mi ruin it llllll llHllllllil litliiixililiii iii li Mmlm Imliilv hlllliuil 1141111 iil iiillli ll1ii11r AM ml TEWlH 11ui1l liiiiluiiin be lllil1l 1o Hlldi1 Iliwiiuic ili1l lilrii in dipped and ltI Iimiizc iruulcd for 11l1le ll lhey izilro c11d1ued resolutions from llciih 11ml lwl Minnstun liizisli iliiill lillliiiilii 11 liilliilllluilyI tor all lllillli lnllif lillilllll lo ioioiiio to Employment Period liio coinlrnid 11 tile 111mm sioik JULY 1944T01UNE 301945 its 2113iii1iANNIVERSARY from fire 111411111 llini conunod lily 1ri111111l in plumd on hogs lii11iiillll ll lion 1111i l1ill five iillx lion l1l1lt lioirow Mulch idzch cliuiiuiau MA APPLEBLDSSDM SOAP 2191236 Cw SANlAXiINiMENl 23c43t POWDER PAilS 10c311125c 11111111111 143cm 79c 1f WAX iii 11 111111322 Pitiiismiws 10c iiciiiiiiiiis is we nmxv THERHDS VACUUM BOTTLES COCOANUI 11113111111111 19c Milli DFMABNESIA 2iiiaimelec 1111111111111 1011111 111111111 21125 Continued from noise one den and few guerl civiliain lo the happy mihxliill lie prod li1bule lo ihe ollni auruiiriiy scivices ill EmployeesiniheConslIuciionIndustry holding Vacation Pay Stamp Books con taining Vacation Credit Stamps for the 194445 employment period may pre sent their books on Iorafier June 30 1945 to any CANADIAN CHARTERED BANK or to my Provincial Savings OfficeIand upon proper identication shall receive the cash equivalent of the stamps contained therein Employees should apply for new Vacalion Pay Stamp Books now available for the employ meni period lulylsi lelIS to lune 3001 1946 mnusrav ruin Luann BOARD lion Charles Dalyr Minister of inhour Onidrio nicndcd that the following accounts ltilfTC kcliool for only live years yet lo lioidcn for their coopii1lliiii the Canadian Legion the Salvation Ar my the Knight of Columbus and be paid St Marys training schoolIme YvI The finance conunillee ieconi lfor girls Toronto 3250 St Johns training school for boys Toronto ML Minn nllul 1m 8050 Ontario training school for mm sulwwwr mrv My boys BIIwmqmymp Onhrm icons who went with the Canadi II1nlm Tm an Comm ans to one Kong and has not been A7 heard from for loriii long lime 41hc other supervisor who pre lcllor from the inspector of the aided Ml Wm MHM DOWN iwus present for llic 111111c1 llleparlmeiil of lliunicipal Affairs II II II III II II ladvisini that the ouuiy of Siilinhmn ll Mi iwo audit mowed SIEHIOOO D0Ililll had Ijiisl illliVIill lioni icinmny minioii tnivernnicnf Bonds bill nofI5 W1IMI IIltiqu ud record of bylaw providing for themewd Hmmp timid creation ofu postwar reserve fundprle mm him 105 1h was IIMWM med ilivcsI in tho conlhel in this coult neclioii he introduced ci bczui lifui number especially chosen byi the choir is tribute to llli lullcu Ave Maria lspue his lack of formal education Illji9i i3 Sl he was awarded the highest honor 48h lill illmmldilv 1100K LEARNING NOT ALL George Bernard Shaw went to aulhor the Nobel prize for men program and added that he violinls lure provided pleasure for the eyes us well as for the cars lie highly commended the work of all ihei vaiixiliary services and referred lol the YMCA starting under canVas in the Spring of 1940 He added thaivihe work of the auxiliary scil vices that have made live better for tens of thousands of froops puss ing through Borden is not yet over Thanks to all those who had helped id make the aiiiiiver1ry oc casioil success were voiced by Capt Don Linton Following the program in the auditorium the officers and civilA ians were invited to remain for re freshments and entertain the girls of the choir There was huge birthday cake and the writing room and other departments were attrac lhal can be bestowed iipon any llreSSdHDDJLClilllllll 01 lllLmUSiifll 1130119 041150 For Clan Sialp and Proper sources DENTAL CREAM Preparations Mild or Severe Sunburn 49c 368BURNALAYL 35 mucu socms BURN OiNTMENT 35 wmms ALMOND ANb aruzo Aiuouo CREAMS 19mm JERGENS LOTION amid93 Cold Drinks for Hot Days Summer Grooming for You5 Short Cuts far the Home Theyre all Morning News on Your IAMBLYN BROADCAST MONDAY through FRilAY at i030 am over Cir1 IlililiiSil SlilE iiiiiii sin 43c 11111111 iABlilSI Denies 111 II27 11111111111111 sins 2979 Is 3111111111 iiiiiiiii 1111113 111 ii iii SKEElEiiSlillllil 1031 777111111111 1111 run ZSriic INSECT mam riiiiiiiiii iiiiiMjiiii 1596 39 MllSlllJllll illliilN 443 mmmunw 131151111111111113 25 iiiiriiii 111111 terrific lively decorated with flowersfor the special event There was also idiSplay of craftwork done in the II room provided for this hobby II he evening was happily concluded with dance in the main YMCA Quickly Relieves Headache and Rheumatic Pain 132979 HINDS HONEY CREAW 25489 WW liliFEEl iarzsc Sliillllx Flill Pilililiii 1111139118143 5151 hall l4gt pr REFORESTED AREA ODQgRONO UNGUENTINE Iiiiiiiinie satiation Sgt 77111271 son11111 iiiiiis 25135 39151bi=7se OnJune at the Essa Council meeting held in Angus Mr Duck Worth reported that he had planted 13125 red pine trees on the re Chad gt 10 forested area on lot it on II SHU MILK First Aid for Sunburn Dempsters accduntofwri CWTEECiac other Respiratory for work onithe above area was ordered paid II The Treasurers report for the Trouble II II year 1944 was accepted as present Eniomeugmnw If brief the auditor and keedomfxomllu For Real Constipation Rebel ordered paid Eight other ac 111 ligaw Counts including $4665 for hospn Siwlymam EL talization Were passed for pay humid uh mlent also halfyears salaries fei mm members of Counciiend officials Boardof Health accounts okayed Dr 33413 Horton $39 Dix Carr $8901 LI Davis $6 McMaster$3f90 Coirworth $8 WxE Bahtihgcohveying patient to Manyifnsecls new mom vacuum sunuu WHITE CLEANER 1525 PALMBEACH WHITE FOLISH Our country ridh in natural youthwill provide security itself memeYeti 11lherbIlg Realizing thiefrom 90 ycers Oriliia hospital $7 mld r9131 WW germeithe experience thisBnk believeswthart ogniiag6d meg at the recon wallhung fr79 youthwmust be given iopportunity Fail Eve F931 lathe revue me When 11 this cause we pledge our beliefin on mike thePlam tofndustry free competitiveenterpriseProtect 1j New Disenlerr munys mm mm mm but for youth that tomorrow our 1e so useahiewealth youjara suddenly attacked with sdigrrlimailysentery volleycrampa or II mini3213rentllimiiifi meoieegyrih Zia statisticalstirring We multidisciiitzrz er3 serialirritate it vi we that haIs stood ItIllelest of time one that hasbeen on lirennkei forthe Wednesdoy 830 cm to i230 pmSoturdoyI4j3130 om to lO30Ii3Imf Open every Sunday l2 io to 9pm if tract of Wild Strawberry and see 25 25 it 98 Iait bl its Beware oftubati Incorporated tel lofty b6 31131370113 tO WifwvcnrunuhuwW VI yourhcnlth II GetIDr Fowler and feel aaIfe man and Bum ivasisIegovu 47 noun room rowan mu mm mm 1115911 umuvguacormoml LDRCHASESVV KIDNEYohd LinEkIv IQASHMEPE Try glass or Altair51 III Ahboipd Slvl you till neiv and untried remedy but one iron sIckRoIoM Encourage AFTER Hound insulin Commit howiiulckly 1t iviiigne you relief 133ttIt to II 11 urine or 11111 new on Whom use 1PT Folers gt you are no expelline tin wi iBome SeminarsMon Tues Thurs Fuel from 830 amto 133013111 Allhbhtl 57 emoticon my