Tn 5mmamnmorrmrocnam JIUlflIEIIlIIIlIII1II3IIt 593 in PAYS snimm Hm trios IIIISSIIIIIt rm gooIltltltIIltIgt wwwm mmmwmwww ounr ST LOUIS Sunmdcxle Corners CENTRAL ORO IREDUCED BUT $200 will 3LAIMS II TI Lt rr it III Religion 30 Nevin ti the illnl nitnI of Hi ttIuit Np II Iul lllllllr lut Hit will in it II III II II ur lCilx olllu Littikilt His luliI III iIIII II gt utli ill iiicliibrl of the Lntti 1m It ihiim I6 III II lhI mm dilliil wrre limit mil II II II II II II III IIIIIIIIII II II IIIII f5 II dim thlmtd hm II 33 Il5iilIcm itvrlrl SliKlWI fl HHl Mdi II In him t5lllttil lluli hlhznn ltythcr ten WW II II It Hll tIxvinIileti Lutvsuii itlliitrxmrl Ii II nip it lint ll ierlttrlil lhclml DOW Elllliid intuitr its JUtll ulljtlhlrrl 11th III IIIII litilitIits nent Sustained lid xixrep itfi nuns itStllltlll trlitixlmi II II innitl llLllllllltIt tSStInnient my I1 II III IIIII II llH Ii 3g onncil Metting II II II itI II II II II III II II III II II II IIIIII III iI it II lit Itnlitittltitti llll1lilillt JtlluI III II II II II II III AIIIIII III II With all members pitsent lI ii tax it tlutitc II the hunter til Cecil Knnff or the III II It nIIIi lIiI IlI IIIII wlLlFlltllt uml tllptHLtl if all gur FWIMg lit IttI II II IIIIII III IIIIIIIII I9III III SIgIIIIIIyI IIIS II l11 UM IIIHIrItHi II II II IItI Ill ill El lit il lt inI tit the eight ilttillllllS ttJtltl 9w liillo in Imt it It tutti were lt fur Hitpp killtttl W+J I3 II II litilit luliiit1i$lt iv Unwrny fill Illl ttttli jw UllilLll iitllUllliittl lu meet in llttulptvltili fluturttuy July at afaiti It it lielnttv II ltltl Iilllllll lr lttt lhth Hi ad It II ttItJv1i III II it liirt uui lium 311 llli tl LL It III II III Is IIIIIIII ah iI Immunity tIHllIltlI ilt leititngt HID mttaiutt hIIr tlitltillrltt hits litlt lltin Warm tt mi Vttn rcynrt It IIIvii Ii Itim II II IIII IIWII IIIIII Hi Hum tillSl lli IN Iglntl llltlI IIII ggIIIII III III III Helen spent tnu days in ttttunt II III filli Kttlt IIII Ix III II III II III II IIIIIMIIQII III imi Mn lt lilll lninnItuI II xi ttIIntI tittrnn tih irlIlttl Mr illltl Mrs thwn litll tIt II ttfiittii lIt th ttliitt Innt Alix lilJSIIll ilt Scott and Lintl III II IIIIII III IIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIII II III IIIIII MI IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III II iI It Itt in II ll IlInI Killiii mmml 1I it iliwmt it It II IIIIII III IIIIIII III nit ernnn tcnne aim WiguWmrrHmufviu tiltlliIllllI lilttllltll If ltllltI tull ticitttl efurI in Id an their lllttllV friends in till lI II atticred paid and mgl HHSUIN tinned meet in wt luittlittrn tcenInzv Ltlll unis Ill II II II uunm lithiultlhttl lltlhll in II III II it tutti it Hltl1lll mitt int lit lh mrlmtn ituttnm lht II IIIIH II Hal21 II 114 lllltgt Illlxiltl ilcuth II It II IIII LLI Simva Inngrtittilzitiuns in MixI muLINK MIDI KlLliLl III FORGERIax II II lr MildIItlt IIUIHHIH ins Im QI iIIIII tIiIIIIIIaIII III II III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIVISIIIy IIS EIIIIIII III IIII SI of MII IIIIII MISI III QIIIISIICIIQI well HIBC 15 Super II II IIII II IIIII II II ltllitillv It III iman lillhll Iisitvti In lII filiiiliuuiliimvh 0f MKHmd mmuV k111i cuee It wasted by lixlmi Im lirnivr in cutmi iii in my 5m WM Strum by lg Radiant Rgasf lItn vi IliitI It It int tt lultIlitn ilmnipmn in II ISIIIIIIIIIIIIV IIXIIIIIIIIIII III MIIII MIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII ItInnpmlIV tatIIIIJnhn vimII hIntntt ht tItIt iI Iytwkuntt ginrt IIIIIII KIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIINI IIWI IIII AIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII0 prOIIPSSI rrhis captufes IIIIt Im it tun tl II III III III II II III tittlllltl Mrs Mtlvnr who Iiztgghd int tlllllnlllll illllll lllt tlltl not II II It II lIIIlll It l5 III it fth 0111 g0 95 II II III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII NIIIIII IIIIl iIHIII lIII daughters home ntth PathItlth NI IM it II II llnntI Interment Wits itnttle it child with up InrtIiitlIr run out from in It lt1 tt Itt iwnm am 0t lOllhlb WHY is lltl It IllirtllttllQ lt lltllll Mum Mill bntllrdny June behind mm im lWh Vtlt lmk Vtllit Ittl it It Iltl tiInIhlm InnsLI MIrs Sherman Iudtl titttIntIlItId the ct till buth titties lhp mutt cullee llttlll all through II III nit lttitIt im tint In Innu Saturday 1IIEIIIII IIIZWUMII OIIIIIIII II IIAHI II IIIIIIII IIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIII III II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIHII IIIIIIIIS IIIIIII ItItIIIIsIttIIIIilIonIIiIIIlIIulimo IIIIiInnIEtII BAHH mull me ihiii ltKlll lLll oiIStmL tliiliiltiki lItnzritI anti lII iii nn ant It lr Mucluirvn in ii 17 milH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII II III II IIIIIH III WWI III IIIII tldl lays visiting FCldllVCb ii It it Il gr ll II HIHIII IIIIXIHHIMIIIIIIIll wWIwiwIIIvwe or ur my orma Ion t5 HI III IIIIIItI IIttt mIt tttt IIIIIII Ir ltS popu ar paper gt KING 51 EAST ELGIN 7311 TORONTOI CANADA IMcIn nitI Il1i lliilIl hi ism Edith 15 Hmmal itttles hnrtn II II II II III MI and Mlb Kohl IiiinltnsonI Hm in II Min II his lllHllitl ll ll lnnIIII inIt INK Al ml BI gimme LIIIIIIJIQH ned me Vh liiltlt Mtr llli IxtI Illiil iiil mum Theo rIiIII IIIIIII II II mm Mil SM Imiill MM iii linnlm lunmlmw inme minin hlliLHMliiiliiiien III III IIIIIIIIVI mm jI Iwn II Mrs lrnil II WWII IIIIIIIIIOI IIIIVIIOII IIIIII wishing him congratulations on his 50 em fe it liVllillIlitlltl mt in moqu midht JIIHIi No reason to get ex ited Imiiierq Ship we PX rn IrIIti SMLtlt re SINIII SIIIIIIIII IIII III IIIII III II IIIII IIIIIW IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIeI IIIIII when 1IIIIIIIIII IIIIII You The hunt clinic for diphtheria II lerrv II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIS ven IIIIIIIIYIII HIe IIIICIIIIII III IIIIIIII and Karl fever IIIIIIIIIXIII IIIId II II mt tIIXIIid was llBl Fri It MI Ill lnll tiiIIInntl their ass lrllltv in in ptiumn and meo 111 II def hmr VISIIIIIII IIVII IINIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIJ IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIJILIIIIV TIIIII me IIIIII IILII 161 it was very well ammde and II ltlli New lIltI 1nd it III III IIIIIIUWnIIIQILII INIQIIIIII II IIIIISIII IlIlIS IM practically every child in the dis ilthlt NS Iitttti IllIIII tin receipt bun ulthl and ry is DmleLlOd again rtIIttI ms mm mm him in II IIXIIIIIOII bv IIIIII IIIIII 113 tIIDlop powerful those dreaded diseases at cI IIIIII MIX IIIIII III IIIIIIIY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIII clumwr I11 sme yo endless AIIIOIIIII IIIOSeI aIIeIIdIIIg IE III Misses Ahc MttltItI Lilitl luntI IIIIII II III require Ihegnw IIIIIII drudgery Whisks away dirt CIughlInIMoran wedding in Barrie cande IIItI in ornII siiInt nI II 13 and rousewitlniutlr last Satttrda were Jose um H375Purgtmlyfem 310 07 II 1L mm tt IUUIII 1m wmmm 3me artisunb II II plum 401 WliIHquiIt NI IlIItlltiIIIIII tItt their appreciation of the tlSlSl hintL IUdorizvs gurbagepatts Eugen Mtlhy Joseph ONeill POWY 31ich 13 Hogs fl III up Mrs lttnntIlttn l1it In antiIIIIHIIIIVQII and IIIIIIIIQII III IIIIII Destroys contents of outside III OXIQYIMJS COIligIZm Mrs Bfllemr IlIYNearly OI 9mm Irmfmm pnuwrfnl MIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIWIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IN 5m informatioh requiredI Closets ets everything II IinrIiIIitIyI Mrs Kenny Miss every two ztnmlIrIIIiIiiamihes now we wl fieu ngIUBL IIIIIII 5pm 1m IIIUIIIII III immtr II IIIIIIII IIIc IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI ISIIWIaIIyI touches dean and sweet III Mime exton Mary and Catherine use AllBranImmtor over five you pan at Mrs Blevinlt llits returned llIIlii IIIIIIQI VIII have moved from me Imva Dont mt to learn ONBIHI years No wonder we believe youn Imam badly Midliml fl Wmlll CW illlil With such Splendid the inany wave Iwmbwemmm AuanPm Yourgroccr has AllBtalil days With her gtirxltt ili IUI titllltItll they also reulizeIthut the itettsyj111mII +v itatour risknotyours comedien msI Congmhtlutions to Mr llil Mm ttnninunitvI is behind them 100 per you Mk0 it Hora Is our guarantee Curr till the Ltrrivul hi it dgttigzh lIlIII which gives Ihpnl the IIecEs It MM II Keno in Land cum WM 01mm l1l1lliIlII JUNK 11 SillV simpurtf Write the secretary Genome Eat an amue ofAllBran egItryI H5 tnr my information dual afteruisiingjusoneImchI McKinntIn itlitllllllll New dissolve 311 Mrs CAttliur en Elitrltte kinsun RN tertztined the Oro Feder field il inch lust fIIIIf llafgpszf$233505er IfexZLllggliytfe IIIFarmers on June IThere wise KifMtllI chieii ye incl ears ngkjudek WA IIIIII II III tress label received Subscriptions thewmer III regSf gunning ttItnt 111ng mt Lpziynble iiiadvance new CANADA leaded atI Shanty Bar The next of Mrs Alllillt ltcitl all rmtuv meetingwilLbewonzIune 20 aLMr and M1SCecil Camerons with Mesdames Ed Hastings ABar Itholomew Jas Stoddart and McArthur ashostesses $1675 Realized for Ward Work very successful euchreand crokinole party was held atMr anaMrs VWillisbffs under auspices of the Guthrie Womens Institute and $1675 was realized for war work in the Institute Winners in euchtje were IMrsp Mel Ilamieson and CliftBesse incrok II mole Miss Susan Baithblomew andTDoug Wiltshire lnstittitej TII trikentn lmtmtn linsnilnl at Saturday lollowthIeim II June =I Weston oclirane with hits begin in poor health for sumo time was Mis Beth lleniv has Cumplele her course at Iornntti Normal and hes been engagwd on the staff of apublic schtitil nii the King waty Toronto Mr and Mrs Morrison and Harold Parker were in Min on Monday attending the funeral of Mrs Thus McClinchy Pte Ernet Jackson who has just returi from France and England ent the weekend with Mr nnLM CA McKenzie Mrs Jas Aiken was hostess last Monday everiingJtme it to the g1 wherever theng rTo young people the days andweeks SQIeiIIlIlonglit how th yEEglide by To the peopleixiie picuire it seemsguly little while since the husband took out an Imperial Life policy nlembers are minded of the Dis trietAnnual in Orillia on June 15 also our regularmeetingv on Thurs day June 21 IIatIMrs Willisons wrth Mrs Geo Sinclair sspeaker Now in their si ties litbrin them willgWomenimftnmgAmenii fW 7i wi urge zitten irce iresen regular income UIliey live in comfom dependent upon no out In thelt perpetual holiday they know that go where they will 35 long as they live their Imperial Lier Ichequs IWill follow them The Womens Institute will meet 9d MTS NI Drinkle 135 WEEK Rev II IILcwiSI Cooksmwn preached very stirring sermon in the United Church here rinTatr at Mrs Lennoxs ill Thurs DianeBuIlon spent Saturday at dav morning launching the Cru sadefor Christ and His Kingdom Miss Mary White Winnipeg call day June 21 at 815 Roll call If fallingwood Where wallace takes his boat Gardening Pests and How to Com Sorry to hear that Abe Truax is but Them Program in charge of Mrs Hopkins patient III StIAndrEvvrIIusi IThe report seems to haye got IN In If trailIIIIlVdlgllMrs WII IIW dd Iran ac 00 an daughter spentjthe Weekend with frinds here Think aheadl Why not provide for your lusunset years now through an Imperial Life income policy alt will give you condenceromday to day free youomI worries uhoutyour future andfturn dreams intQIrealitiestg ground that ThrontotiIgt Its full of scarlet feyEr There are tsever cases to the south and wrestof the village but there isvnot one case II nu No matter what otherIinvestmentsyou may the rIllage The families are daughter Toronto Spent the 9k II III MI Pl with MrsHornsb han the165adfiteylcfmyoqulfePiaf 232333321052in IOU eIIiinI Misses Peggy reystm and Kair forIImperIial Life protection If you are in Congratulations to Mr AI Mite een Devittp Toronto ISpemII II Sea good healthtact today You never know 33er oIIII qIIIIIIse gIgldIfII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIICIIIS WgjndwximhggsIggffggtgk II aie You LacalI ahouttpmorrow ImperiaIlILife repreeriImtaiaII SIIIIcoes IeaIIIIIII II map TIIIIS megytng IwgdmsdayI at Mrs Reg IRepresmtthe ttves offer selfmgdai Isoaal security is indeed rare pt vilege to serve DImkIeSI Wm 22 members present hs town and couiIIity as an editor ICoIiIgratuIlIzIations Ito foyIiIIIIyoyng one paper fm5 years May he peope on success en pay be ared to enjo man Intlle TheIAbsentMinded Bridegroom IIEIIIISP of mva If IIIII IIIIIIIIIII III II UPI CongIaIIIIIIII0IISI I0 MII III AI MacLaren on his 50th anniversary the wish of your correspondent IandIItnaiiyIofyouixiretidgr+f is editor of TheIBaIrrie Examiner McWatters received word Sun day evening of the tragicdeath if his granddaughter Mrs Hart To ronto BElIIIESDAIKI ItElsewhere in this issue willbe found articles by ourThnrnt0n correspondent unthe manner in Which Flying Officer Edwin Hal Ibert met his dent overseas 15 mOnths ago also aEreport of the II 913er todGeorge LucasandJris II I2II IHm IHiudOfcei TORONTO g1 644 II7I5ugivpfQLQIQJE8 MIMI om News dealers in Barrie sell in SeldoIm cloIIw laIuthIiully IaIIIouIElI =m C9 Oura preciaion eIwee 7m WW me anayerage1597 canteen TheBur hjzznklulmnq rie Examiner everwaggk AIdd Immwmgg subscriptiona $51411 Elvesatom MtMndLaiIehs 50th nhtwmry 8586 copiesimithe town And it Editorof soIsplendIidIa biperwe liaideinadvance circulation too 0er MIMI EXPMGMO IextIIend helium minimums ml uniting 3210