FQBQE DREW header of the Progressive Conservative Party of OntaiioSoldier author states man former alderrliazrexrrtay0r of Guelph lawyer and the lighting leader of his party who leads ninety candidates in the fight to tree Ontario from the threat of State Socialism vote on Monday June 4th for the Progressive Conservaf live Candidate is vote tor Freedom burs DUttiPJv ESSEX NORTH Hall Dr 11 Vivian Thomas Port Hope St Thomas Riverside Minister at Health Farmer corn Peel Sales Supervisor County Enlisted and Wellareec with Can Field 730 Rede Artillery last war of Viral lknown 77 ted to Legislature due French Canadian 1943 Graduate France nan ser vice with North iamily llas served oron DIVE RuSJaq Ep as ccunClllor de tity lteenly inter Force to Arch angel Graduate rut reeve reeve Bste ln cancer re ORC Hus beg Md may R777 search public Agricultural Rep resentative of El Fast War gin 1927 to April health andspi erside warrantcred 27 1945 drr Essgxcoemy slimline HAMILTOH EAST WENTWOMH HASTINGS EAST Roscoe Robson Holloway Bob Bill Rune Kelley Hamilton Hamilton Foreman Born in Simcoe County Too young to en list in last war became swan 7W workerlt1t 13 years at age Und Elecled to Leigislcrf tuie 1943 Farm er schoolteacher soldier Served overseas last CWar lwith 73rd Battery Speci7alizes in mixed toggling Advertising execu tives Born on term 111 Chair may Ontario Blood Donor CcmmitteAn Can Red Cross Futlety 77179757 been tireless worker withams organiza PRESENTED on these pages are your Progressive Conservative Candidates in the Province of Ontario who are seeking your support in the election to be held on Monday June 4th Nearly one half of these candidates are returned men who have had overseas service There are many farmers business men professional men nearly all with previous experience in municipal and county affairs ADDINGTON lohn Prlngle ALGOMA MANXTOULIN tell him Fuller Capt John Fraser BRANIIORD Cpl Stanley Dye Vote for the Progressive Conservative Candidate in your district on MONDAY JUNE 4th All are men worthy of your support with WORKING MAJORITY lotmstone Arden Ihcssnlon Burlord manna Walkerlon Elected t3 Legis Furniture and U13 liflttttft 133 It itll ltlli mater Ilaner 31 gen Bulimi rl will oration tarnlin 142 datle Few 11lllna 777 nL ness livrn on Uil rt mix horriestoud brezl yugd lurrlvmt tFllFll at Arden llardr 13 191 J7 111795 lt lersey llshed 1n tltSFtl Li war Mid cattle years wtx war merrlcm loll ll yell vq 172 mm itll Royal 11le lttttttllil years llereiord cattle VOmll Mllwl lmr itllil Illi tun lqllt lntanlrf reeve Prrlztt ln larnulla llas mm WWI 77777777 719d Twp Que in breeder Member one brother over li7 7l7 RCAT overseas an uvsi Iv seas mother mu icingll Ll school board Since 7i trlmlly two in my 15 lltll 11 interested in tarrt in uwuimrwl 1975 illmnun 1n 1mm II mm malls and corn and lltllllllllly years zssrx scum salon icil F0 WILLIAM municipal 11ml Warden lllrlul Past GLENGARRY lnunity work GRENVILLEDUNDA 12 activities GF HUME VA Murdoch LLCol Keane 05519 Vilteneuve Hue filo Bliprlfilliilgr on 19 Harrow Tart William Mnmlla Mcnisbmg Owen 5077 E19Cted to Legisla QC iamcus latte H55 039 he Vice Chairman ElYSECWH Settled ture 1943 Con Superior Regiment largest livestock Emmi HYTT 711114511 Arline Servalive Whip In new on activeser businesses in Bays OVerSeus lost war wholesale egg vice loinpd 99717 tern Ontario 711705 yak Member Leg graduate in Medllt business Born in ment when lirst brothers in ac islalure Since cme lolonto Unl England7 scamsh mobilized Return live army 7Born 19297 as reduzy yam p059 Gm to Caladu M7afnller ed rural Hydro dilate llarper escen auto to ycm 77paratr7oo 77777777 Erfmh uuadlan H7657 al0115717 HOSPHGL Decit Canada 1923 Sev eral years on Ha row School Boarl anvilTownhouse HASTINGS WEST Fred Wilson Beilovillo 417777 77 77 Farmer Born in Hastings County 01 lrish parentage Member Sidney cars in lield Dr Taylor Dushwoad ediWR 21 Lake Superiors One at youngest commandina oili Elected toLegisla ture 1943 Physi cian Born in London is gradu il of University pureulafjsf served yearson muni cipai rouncil years on High School Board HUROlLBRUCE WTHHanno Winghom Elected to Legisla ture1943 Mercia ant This firm has been g7stablis7hed7 lor 60 years in servrce charge in auguraied 3year plan to electriiy rural Ontario com pietel KENDRA Wablgoon Engaged in ylin ing business Born England Knows Northern Ontario thorougdh in Coroner tor Grey County where he has practised lor post tr2liy7ye7crrs KENT EASI Thompson Blenheim Minister Lands and Forests Elec ted to Legislature 1943 Farmer and grain dealer Re organized lire Chairman Ontario iWMlitmaa7 nlanFrbrpnlL tion Dtrector Former president lems Keg Hamilton Chaln two cheese factor lereslejr my me her of Commerce ies1ong experi nd Wen Vprl tor nearly 25 encein municipal Ten years set years Past Presi field ReeveThurL IHamilton f7 shortages Gulf Council rrletoli Plate Minister at ways orid Public Works First elec ted to Legislature 1937 re elected 1943 Haskept Ontario highways yiu excellent can ditiou despito war Built addition at Orl Hon Geo Deuce dentNational Woltor Reynolds Evaskville First elected tol Legislature 1937 re elected tario JJospital Oriilia His pot ma plans guat lntee Ontario tln est highways sys teminili Denim lairQ Circulation 01 Con servative Caucus Deputy Speaker at Legislature 19451gt7residenl QCBal $hippiug Associa can Mayor oi Brockvillo years low Township sev ouncil YMCA Ieralyecrr8 ii LlNCOLH cries no1 Catharine Minister atla bour Chairman of jNiagara Par lrs Commission 7Ex mayor St Cothar ines successtveu isms IEnlisted 191514ulimasvub Park servedsover seas to war end Elected to Legisla lure 11943 Son and son in Jaw overseas Keenly interested in fair labour laws cnrrrou Arr gritounla In Member Ldglsla lalurc since 1923 Farm or For ml over 8110 acres Livestock dealer specializing in im ported registered stock Member County Council for several years was youngest Reeve ovor elec lui GREY SOUTH McCuuley llutrerton Planing mill oper ator Born at Euphrasia ol Scot tish parentage Served overseas 212 years last war Wounded President Flasher ton Legion Reeve years past War den Grey County Chairman Flesher ton High School Brest mu wig Geo Party Painsm former Rent in Kent County Pdst President Kent Federation at Ag riculi7u7r7e777 gt Vi co Marketing 77B7o7ard COCHIANE NORTH Hallo Heonl Mining business Quebec resident Cochrano diltrict ior past 75 Born in yearly Was in ill surance business Served on Hearst Town Council Trustee Separate School FVjtfl HAUHMAFIL NORW Clras Martin Simcae Elected to Legisla ture by election March 1941 Long established in music busuless in Sinlcoe Rum in Walpole Tovll ship at pione =r stock 15 years in ember School loar1 years Chairman Lost only son over Shunt Dr Stewart Kingston Elected to Legisla tilrev 1943 Den tlst Graduate To ronto University Born in Bolton Co years overseas slfviCe last war wlrhdrtskirn returned item overseas it lit Winctl Weglemdgg Winghatf Has 1ny mended 7rltf71gi7ngogir7e7t7i7rgg arlo resr ac 77 wiyears 767yearsi7 Wat Sgrvices sewed as Coun Ch0071777 77 Twomimmw 77 Reeve IS PBSBHl End in his dis Clnor for Yams my ml 010ml Cgssllully Re met krwelL and mayor7tor Oiigiggt slginsdwipr On 777l7rVarden otHast known is his Yeurs7Keen1y1n serving7 with as7ygcxfgh 7il195 C011 OP charitable work in terested in gllGirs RoiIl Canadian Lands wrongiullyir eratesdairytarrn his consjituency 011115 Tiding 72 NIVY leasedu rm mmmrWemmgmsmpgiairlreripiamom nlnaamrllus 77 an Motor Arthur Tiger Carl Harrmwell Hon Wiosaogohster Thomadghiatrlck TLmbmh Welsh 050 77 Niagara Falls Sunderland 77 Liquor Coumiv siouer ture1943 Cradu ronto Served overseas last war Two sons1 now on active Ear1 vice one 7a pris one oi war just released Operates factories eraf playing 400 Minister 77 without Porttolic Elected to Legisla ate Engineer To77 University Electedgto Legisla ture 1943LLive stock exporter is raising7 Member rBeveral 7Sheep Breeders Associaa lions 7Former Vice President7 Londozigrvvp Agri cultural Former councillor deputy reeve Landon Twp 7exert on sheep Councils Farmer timber dealer Bornin 77Delawdr7e Tim flllddlesex Irish de 75 cent school trustee 76 years 74 years Delgware Twp Council Chaihi man 1811 History Loan Committee tcr Delawareb Soldier tormer Graduate Faculty at Education To iltronto University Served7vvith dish tinction lost war worif Croiir de Guerra Belgium CoruL mandedlst Anti Tank Battery in Sicily and rltaly Awarded DS7O and Bar severely Wounded lnvalid at home Deccan 199 1944 Hydro Consults sioner 7Bo7rn and raisedvon term It dilate Commerce and 7Eir7rance7 Queens Ilnivel tactory 191 from bull bang40 ole tide J3 years folds hde LAyears Mayor llia gara Falls St Davids5 Gm ity 7W5rllted at Iohn Allen ortteay Insurance under wilter vgrmn rnany towilsu in It Northerubntario givd in North Bay 18 years cutivozpost tln lilorth BayBrauch of Canadian Leg Viion Wide bmik 1711 77 mg 7experien7co in last war Hasiexo 7ffrmgrge olltalelglrr of 7yearsa years Dovet sfhl alderman Mayor hoard Years masons momentum Codrington Elected to Legislal ture771943 lurg est majority ever polled in country AJtarmerr he is no in cultural municipal a1 lgirs Elevenyedrs rmcouuty experience cL Chairman 710qu Goodlellow lreerlly triteiestcd 3Iith 315th municipal and ronto nicipal service COCHRANE SOUTH llornlclt Kirkland Lake Druqaist Gradu ate olA leqe 01 Pharmacy liesused Ontario Toronto pilot own tlyilzu hell operated at Lardnr inte prior to lint pert l=ullst Member tlgtir 51001 ll years or munici p11 CHtlltCll HALIOH Stanley Hall Streetsville Electedto Leqisla 1943 Litel lona tanner born title in ilultoll County cl pioneer lamily Allrmaae Milton listrlct CoJJpera tiv= lteerlly ill isrestetl in agri cultural improve we Lennon snsr l1 nu Wollord7 Treasurer War Vvick TWp lol 34 years Lile long President Peoples Telephone Cm Ftt Long ma 71 7777 current or ormwusr 737TL rr magma m2 05m LAWYETl Boru Middlesex County diction graduate Political 7Science University cgtflb Served overseas last war graduate 037 goods Hall Chair marl Board Osht Pital Lite meni ber Canadian legion um ion FOR THSE PROGESIVE Watiord Trsiderlt oworGeneral this tive 7Son oilrishf Keep Ontario Strongl Return the Draw Government to power ourimwsmcoz Downer Duntroon Capt Clergyman ElecL ed to Legislature 1917 1943 Served over padre in Army Italy Now at new liar re elected seas Canadian Served in 923 heanl mint 6161 owl Ir 111110 CENT2 Vorrlorr Kuowlon Hamilton Sales Manager Born in St Thorn as graduate Col umbia University New York Widely travelled in Calif add and United States Extensive experience sales and adver tising Alderman Ramil tel fitxfiountit business LAHBTON WES Bryan Calhoun Cornnna Business man Born irriSpolrane Wash Canadian parentage Liv3d7 Tut Cougright and Queens igupust 44 yea Estab lishein business in Coiunna 20 years Member Moore TWp=C0url cilChildrensAid Society tor Ldmb ton Onostover seasRGAlr Christh In McDonald Ottawa Bgsiness axecuv Scottish parents r57thgenerattorl to khan b7orn in or 73mm valley Co thunder luuicibti tawa Board of vvTriidel Founder and firstchairmari Ottawa Citizens Forum