Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1944, p. 1

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 6800 Copies at n=====o=aoz====oa tit THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM 44 Activities of those serv tu their Country at sea bud and in the air Contributions welcomed for thin column Dill Ill twice Wounded Now Missing Tpr Robert Ernest Elliott 24 Drusilla Armoured Corps son oft Mr and Mrs Janie Elliott EfliZiibeth St West Bdllli now officially reported misfing iiiuiiL ing to the Jiiadlaii Armys 517th casualty ill cf the war issued it Ottawa Monday lie had previous ly been reported musing in itiif mandy on July ills wife hllr Anna Louise Elliott and twoyeir old Ul Robert David reside at 450 toburn Ave Toronto In at letter to his wife Jrlttiti itll Normandy he said lose llitlkl of the days The boys are illtllri Were getting tired of bully beef With the Fort Garry lioisc Tpr Elliott was in the invision of Normandy June and since had been wounded slightly stiltctlllx grazed shoulder and cut lip Four in tamuy Servin With the enlistment of Pie Al fred Hurry Gnrtner youngest Mill of Mr and Mrs Harry lartner lit Centre St Allandalc for trade school training as mdio operator all three sons and Sillldillliw ire servinglnthenrmMTorces Tun Officer Laurence It Connor is an air bomber overscos with liCAF FltSgt Gerald Gartner is at No 1lTS Toronto with RCAF Medi cal Corps in medical research if tcr being transferred from Hali fax NSiund Capt Muisc veteran of Dieppe has returned again to England after taking course in Canada Lawrcnce iirlofte Writes From Jap Prison Belle Ewart Correspondcncet It will be of great interest to his many friends in the district that direct word has been received from Lawrence Firlotte by his parentsl July Sliwas an eventful day in the lives of Mr and Mrs Firlotte CampbelltonfNB when letter from LaWrence arrived from Tokio This is the secondiletter they have had from him since the fall of Hong Kong on Christmas Day 1941 when he became prisoner of war of the Japanese Three other brothers are serving in the forces Fred is in North hlcaf wallace in France and Edgar in England Winged and ACommissioned Pilot Officer Frederick George McConkey second son of Mr and MrsGcorge McConkey 121 To ronto St Barrie graduated as wireless air gunner at No Bomb iris and Gunnery School RCAF Jrvis fop Friday last Aug ll and imrriediately received his com mission as Pilot Officer 13 kins Orillia also received his laying and commission The egremony was attended by Mr and MrsMcConkey and Tommy Mc Inkey He is now ho on leave foie reporting to Fe field Ridge BzugPO McConkey reported to Al in May 4942 and trained dgNos lManning Dcpot Toronto and other RCAFstations He was transferred to Ottawa and thence toNo Wireless School Calgary Alta in December 1943 receiv ing his sparks there in June 1944 and acting as officer com manding the sparks parade Expected Home This week gLieut Peter Michael Malachow ski Whose wifeformerly Mary Otton resides at 22 Blake St BarAI rle isexpected to arrive in Can ada this week on hospital ship ahd will report to No District Depot London Ont telegram received Wednesday last from the Minister of National Defence stat ed that he was officially reported asmakingsatisfactory progress andhad now been removed from the seriously ill list The first rfelgraindatedrdulyrlzsaid he was dingerouSly ill July 10 after sus talning fractured skull and serious liezid injuris July He was in jured when truck pulled out of asidcroad in front of the motor cycle on which he was riding MetxnrotTier in England Mrs MargaretMorris 22 Holgate Stf Allandale has received3 word that her youngest song He is now serving insFrance Glenn Morrisi 398619 RCAMC He toincd atCamp Bordenafter en listing in 1941 and iivent overseas April 1944 While serving in lingland he met his brother Pie Erier Morris Who is waiving in the Theytzire bothwll Sew eral other brothers are 31130 serving inAithe armed forces Promoted Overseas Capt George AFarmer Can adian Aimoured Corps whose Wits Mrs Josephine Farmer ireJ sides at Bradford StBarrie has been promoted to the rank of Act rug Major according to recent release Army Public Relations The promotion was effective June It APermanent Force member Major Farmergenlisted in the ranks ofaRoyal September 1929 and served with Canadian Artillery in Year No 53 THE BARRIE existing or tlAliIO CANADA Triumph Maggi Lions Hold Successful Street Fiolic lVilfu took few pictures remarcnltriLTON LINDSAY now STATED WOUNDED Pie George Frederick Charlton Lindsay tit1166361 19 whose wife formerly ora Lee Allzmdale and infant son Victor months Iiit at 2t iruve St East Barrie was woundcd in action in France on Augustgt1 according to tcle grain rcccivcd from the Director of Records Ottawa Friday morn ing last lie was scrvingwith Saskatchewan infantry regiment The telegram stated that nature of the wounds was not yet avail able it was only two months ago that Pte Lindsay left Camp Borden in reinforcement party He was training as tool maker at Gen eral Motors of Canada Limited Oshawa when he reported to the Canadian Army Active in Sep tember 1943 He trained at Brampton Woodstock and Camp Bonden before going June1944 Recciibletters indicated that the young man had gone into the lines in Fran ethe latter part of July only our days before he was wounded afteixserving inEug land for only brief period letter from France dated Aug indicated that he was feeling fine but that he hadriot hadxtiine to shave for week Pte Lindsay was born in Bar iie Nov 19 1924 and attended Victoria public school and Barrie Collegiate Institute He was em ployed at and Barrie be fore going to Oshawa to work for General Motrirs He was married in 1942 before reaching his 17f birthday brother Cpl Harry KLind say RCCS is serving in England The two brothers had the pleasure of meeting in England July 15 ltgt nirUNK SOLDIER ASSAULTS STANWYCK PAYS $2350 Pleading guilty to charge of cominon assault against Jack Stan wyck of the Harmony Grill on Friday night Pte PI OSullivan Camp Borden was fined $20 and costs of $350 in magistrates court on Saturday morning Constable Downer stated that the soldier was intoxicated and when asked to leave the grill be came abusive and struck the pro prietor overseas in illiterans Informed Barrir Lions Club held its annual Street Frolic on Post Office Square recently lpl lioli Clifton Army lhiblic Relations Camp Borden wandered around the grounds audl Here is one of the ficers and oininittee in charge of the affair at the popular Left to rig ident it lCeno The annual Memorial all Decors tion Service of Oro TOWI shipwas held on Sunday Angus 12 at it run at the Oro Town Hall The service was conducted by the litv3 George Lark BA of they Anglican churches of Oro Towni ship He was assisted by ll Jacks BA Divinity from Knox College Toronto who is Presbyterian churches and the lien Millen BA of the United Church Legion from Orillia United Nations The Clergy caran next followed by Angus Ross BAt organist and choirmastcr Thomas Church Shanty Bay nndg the choir wearing blue cassocks and white surplices The service began at the Ceno taph with the Opening Sentences and prayers The names of the men from Oro Township who fell in the last Great War were read by the President of the Legion There we silent prayer for those who hate iven their liVes in this presl ent wa followed by two minutes silence Oros Gallant Honoured at Annual taph Service gi in charge of the services in tlich of St Officially Fruit Whrrl It fltithliirj info curpres liill Wilson Stephen son Arthur iuizh llr llcil ll Laurie presfluirziiv of $50000 from the Regis mm William um EHth MN man ieicd Nurses Association of Ontario Died Qverseu and report at student The service began with colour ful procession from the Hall to that Cenotaph The procession was lcdi by the members of the Canadian dresscdmin white and carrying the flags of the PTE WILLIAM WILLOUGHBY 25 son of Mrs Alice Willoughby Thornton and the late George Willoughby Brentvsood who is reported to have died overseas presumably in France ward is worth the suffering The service was continued in the Hall with the Singing of the well knownfhymn 1O God Our Help in Ages Past The reading of the scripture was taken by Mr Jacks and Rev Millen The address was based on text from John 171 Father the hour is come Mr Lark pointed out that great number of the men who fell would be made perfect through their suffering men who for years had been absent from Church and Sunday School would atthe last moment remember some word from their Padre and with their dying breath would surrender their lives to God with the words Father to Thee come or Father the hour is clinic The speaker also said that those who died with Him will also live with Himgjprely the Lie During the receiving of the of fertory the choir sang unaccompan ied the anthem Ye Servants of thc Lerd by the Rev Charles Wesley The bass part was taken by Mr Ross the tenor by Miss Margaret Henson tlie alto by Margaret Handy and the soprano by the re mainder of the choir who were Ruth Fieldman Carol Packard June Reevie Murray Miles James Han dy Leigh Reevie and Ross Simpson The service was concluded with the singing of the National Anthem prayers for our boys who are now prisoners of war prayers for peace and the benediction Coyonogh Kemoins Manager of ondNO lpast ariCorps ASsociation has been ap inted chaLmr anbe new fem Reynolds immediate president of the Canadian Col EuropeNearsgd Serving in Mediterranean Recent victories indicate that the war in Europe may be over within chomparatively short time Rev Caipt Henry Cotton ministerof Newmarket United Church and former RCAF chaplain declared in an address at the canadiau Legion annual izone drumhead service in Queens Park Sunday afternoon It was his third appearance in speak ing role in Barrie r7 Capt Cotton recalled thata Sim ilarsituation existed in France in LT WILLIAM CHEEsMAN 1918 that exists today and that the signs pointtoward an early victory Ein Europe Lloydjsdof London were Inowbctting 85 that thewar in Europe Wouldbe over by October 14but manytliought itwould be overvbefore that But the speaker emphasized that there was still great deal of fight ing to be done and the words of Geri Montgomery in his Friday night message to his troops were true today and true in the last war as applied to the veterans of that When the struggle was in its inmost difficult stage there were some who had doubts as to whether we iskaming and Northern Ontario Hailway Commission The other members are Reginald Aubert of Englehart and Robert Potter of Matheson rthur Cavanagh rformerly superintendent of Al1 udale Divis ion CNB willcontlnu asoper atingjrmanager of the railway OMING EVE TS Grenfl Womens Association will hold sale of home made baking at the market Saturday Aug 19 33b Keep Wednesday evening August 30 open for the GrandWctory Rally at Springwater Park Midhurst un der the auspices of the Township of Vespra Branch of1 the Canadian Red Cross Sooiety 33b ABUSY PULLET DOES HER srurr The world do move Chas Webb manager of fliemcat department of Dominion Store Barricvliose hobby is chick cns has at his home Toronto Hr Australian Au Force lULY WAS RECORD MONTH AT HVH AVERAGE OF 784 Peak of 89 Sixtyilne Births Miss lclaekon Taking Lnv iverslty Course iris $500 Bursary from KN Assocn The report cf the Superintenderu Mi Elsie Williams presented at he Angina meeting of the Rovi Vimxix llopitil Board lit plumeti that July was the laciiric month in the history of the ilOpiil Hill daily average of 784 pas Etients and ii peak of high EXAMINER Cidl trunnion if is PROPOSED TO COUNCIL liq l1 390 for peak lids been reported tvfli lCllllFi UCLIISlOllJ but the daily 42 image was lower The obstetrical idCiHltllleli was pdltiltlllil liu still told of til birth letl Jul 1944 35 lJt illllgtlLlgt liihiiges libtetiicnl cases Hays ll ii Metabolism iilwdoru Patient ilzicctrocndiograms For were coined follox for Operationrr 3338 00 Dressing Room IN Energetic Room 358711 lElectroccirdiourains $3500 lictabolimis $40 00 Xilys $709 Fa0 Room 3207 73 Special Ntllntfnl Slid 00 Mainteniinie 3567947 ttil 31 Still 22 Enlist Mcldiickon Gets Bursary Ellis Mclvlackon is leaving to take lublic Health at the University of iloronlo and has been granted it ainsorry to lose Misr McMackon an she ha been if most satisfactory nwmhcr ufwthe staff stirtedHiliiss illiun New Operatinl Table The Finance Committee was auth Hized to buy an operating table at Xi cost of approximately $800 The Property Committee was ir wructcd to look into the matter of changing the XRay room letter from Telldrinspcc tor of hOspitals re offer of increased aid to hospitals was referred to the MMiaqlmiilt Committee to consider next meeting flank balance at cute of meeting lillll th It il tlill miltil it in is duh are =llltllllll itil YH tlillilll tlllil Itiii it ill lllllf tt tiu iltllti iri to locitigu of dumping iiui attentian be rc trusted zukluzcuvinADULTl ul iiuli iFlllWI illix ll lll is touted outth WWW it touch Built of have sufficisn tilCilirlh on hunt at all illiltn we belicrc iiiiplLilutx llitlll of town dump ippuieiltlv from nearby residences Sign ate ti piaycd prohibition dumping in tilt is arising from this tillllllll7il arm and it no doubt list This lociiticn will bn source of annoyance until resident rill cw operate =llll have lllli garnigc l5 iVrlR $1619 AW COUNTY tTHlllT iPlLtiTS GET Pilots of the Royal Canadian Air Force Royal Air Force Royal and Royal received Norwegian Air Force their wings on Thursday afternoon last at No Service Flying Train ing School RCAF Camp Borden Officiating at the graduation cere imony on the parade square were Wing Commander Welstead icommanding officer and Coin minder Thonimassen of the iRNAF Station Little Norway Muskoka It was the first wings parade at iCamp Borden in three months and gone of the largest on record as Course 100 graduated The parade iwas commanded by Squadron Leader Vincent new chief flying instructor and the wings =party was inchargeof FL Brown As the No ISFTS Band was on furlough the RCAF Band from St Thomas Technical Train ing School provided music The honor student was LAC Hartas of the Royal Air Force Lfrom Teddington Middlesex Eng land Besides many Norwegian and Australian boys practically all the provinces of Canada were repre sented in the parade but the ma ljority were from Ontario with many from Toronto Three Simcoe County boys got pilotswingsthe most from this district at any one graduation cere mony of No SFTS in the past four years These were LAC Wil disposed of in thc proper miniui through out Ritlllil coliccor With our increased war populi tion we would strongly iCilll mend that this Council give Lune iul consideration to the erection of an incinerator its postar project An incinerator suitably located Would eliminate all the nuisances which are from the present dump TWO AIRMEN MISS DEATH IN CRASH OF TRAINING PLANE Au RCAF instructor rieceivcd cuts to his right arm in birding Harvard training plane from Camp Borden which was wreck ed in crash in bush near Brown Hill shortly after midnight Mou day He was treated by Dr Tuchtie Sutton The student who was with the instructor in the plane bailed out at 1700 feet and landed twomiles away from where the plane came down Mrs Morton saw the plane drop flare as it circled her house and heard the crash Her husband with FloydHollinger and Warren Sidore found the wreck age at am TOWN COUNCIL BRIEFS AID CORVETTE BARRTE item it NeqdhaerRoss St Bal rie eldebn of Mr and Mrs Needham =Cpl Frank Lisk 113165 former Beeton boy who had been overseas in ground crew rand remustered to air crew and LAC Groves Stayner All threebecanrrsergearrtwpilotshon magnum There mass large crowd of friends and relatives from this districtpresenh Officiating at the first wings panda since heJQgQammmmand ing officer WC Welstead wel comed the guests and congratulan the staff of No SFTS instruc tors maintenance and administra tors for turning out another fine class of pilots To the graduates he said inpart fYou have had to be little more patient than other courses but congratulate you ton reaching this stage of your career Whatever your posting be happy about it Everything looks pretty rosy for the Allies now and personally hope none of you have to getinto combat but suppose you will all be hoping for as me action in the way Howeverpkeep tithe traditions pf the sefvice wherever you go and God speed to you all WC Welstead pinnedwings on theRCAF RAF and RAAF pilots and Commander Thommassenpre sented wings to the Norwegian graduates who get their advanced training at Camp Burden after taking elementary flying at Little Norway gt The new Protestant padre FL ported on what had been done for the corvette Barrie Sweaters and mitts for the crew had been for warded through Barrie Red Cross and it was proposed to provide broadloom floor covering for the express motion of thankstddhe Red Cross was adopted and it was decided to purchase the floor cov ering from Smith as per samj ple provided Amuse measure 3St3li0tll ti did pils he kept iit reunitiqu duinp Will be chtlculi to minkpartmcnt oi ikiucation that lllt0plllii StLvuc block on Clappelton tdlt of upturn directly in tlieiSt irqu Five Points to Collier St We aim lllltl lllgtltltlltlll inni dour dumpng in the neiuhlrulumzltBnnio mom hm been mi mqucgt jitirric illlcizritv lllflltttti or any location but zinpnrcntly ittcriiiiriiu cirrni my tiou being llitiil to some Moll infested mnn h0uld prove sulficsht esrmrjalljxi experienced IDIES OF WOUNDS Deputy Reeve Clark weiancertwosistcrsirrtestmanr wardroomiat cost of aboutg$2007plus Multh IUIUI OI CIRCULAHOII reunion MAIN TRAFFIC snrus Hui sifted lmPoges to Killed in Action The ten zir tore been busy this ask riscng Brries rosin highway illC as decided by Town Council Lil or three months ago vliircnil llcad Spraying and Oil nig Cit taunted loionto Is the turn ill the commit for the work llin ippiiciizi by Countil were thdt till Lillt of roadway should =ll approximate timed Saturday in the cntenthsof ii Doris St and cziLt til mile lion3 or Cilitll1ll illtldll business sec lion Ill rning By Mon tiiy ecu or two zilderrntn were to learn more about it Council meeting iliiilip inquired if completed as done LP coat of ritdr covered at of fine sand and it the iii WE the iid1 fi flL lHHlNlt DAHBRUSSIO zi Eli ml ilii Viz Alii 1iigtlii chairman of the Board of kas replied in the lir ititcd that in due course the emrnt would he pt eccnil coat of rotor would nil very fine sand rolled ui on top The llillll innit his been stripped by the Harlot and the sand is title AA lFlllll brought from pit at Eden itc loyn lllltll Selvin Meredith Mud that was phoned in ad Leintiw ilri liition to to do Dunlop wot from MulCister Si Ellzi Tlhvi Iboth lit fr in Five Points to Brad Jiitt it Tundra after Intro Eggg lurid from Bradford to Bur no icuu fol dcfetmcntm Aye Hinton Ace from ESSA who lire pmd Miltmn St two blocks on til the Ontario llcBuyficld from Five Points to lhe ititiulv 113 of thr loril chool boards iii of ltziriir Hoard lilducntion thattFLTb LT lIS SERIOUSLY INJURED OVERSEAS Of the public Iciioul should le or three weeks in Septernlwr Trustee liiziui llrvlimn chairi of tin Son ofonn of Canadas most fam tLCiii ilPhillishas omnuttic itllllWl out that pupils in ilk been seriously mulled while fly from thc firm have months grace to WW ilmil me me um in Mosquito with the City of Ed may onion Squadion his father Sqdu yr he mouihlLdiz Phillips Toronto for tlhuul in vim me MN imerly of No SFTS CampBordcn Pp if ilenrned Sunday Mr if 1811 Flt Lt Phillips enlisted in July Rtlh 1l1iro Colliiirlikdmzy 1941 and received most of his early tomherl Hl 5V it itrainiug zit CampBorden receivmg Ordthis wings there in May 1942 and School on account of illness Herrhm inmucung Aylmm hen t1 He steadily on operations since ing in Cleveland Ohio Her husbaudthenl Sqdn Ldr pmmps was one is son of Mr and Mrs Wildq of the top pilots of the provincial man 110 Collier St Barrie hm Service when the war broke out School Nurse Ill land was soon instructing at Borden Miss Vera McMahon schoolmater he joined the RAF Ferry Com nurse has been granted leave ofrmand and on his first flight to absence for one year on account OfiAfIica was interned by the Vichy illness Her position has been Lidwrench being released only when Crtised in me but oneUnlted States forces went into North has been appointed yet to SllCCeCdAflicav He rater went to NataLBra he tzil and recently returned to Canada Flt Lt Phillips lived for some tyears in Sault Ste Marie before en listinc brother LAC Cuthbert Cub Phillips is with the RCAFat Uplands Ottawa sister Margar et is at home IN NOBMANDY Tpr Herbert Bert D0dds2 brother of Mrs Melville Money Utopia was wounded in action in France July 25 and died of his wounds the next day July 26 ac cording to word received by her Saturday He was serving with GanediaisrnArmoured Corps Tor Dodds whose home was in Saskatchewan enlisted the day after the outbreak of war and went over seas in the fall of 1939 He had been in France since DDay Surviving are his wife and one young daughter and his parents in tSaskatchewan one brother in the Canadian Army overseas previously reported as missing younger bro ther William also serving in HYDRO lSSUES WARNING RE BROKEN INSULATOitS Warning is issued todoyhrthatm anyone found damaging Hydro equipment will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law Engineers say this is in the same class as sabotaged The rural Hydro people of this district have been having trouble especially along thei Little Lake Road where seine one has been shooting at the insulators with 22 rifle The provincial police have thei flinchand vestigating Hydro takes very serious view of it bew cause the trouble has been to curring Read and use Examiner Classifieds ada sister in England and Mrs Money Utopia Single copies of The Examiner Cftlts At all newsdealers or this office iiiii uliridfozd5irulit through reasede us is Inc tgtat Various changes and improve VBeurie Town Connoil held its August meeting Monday evening with only one absentee Alci CW Poucher It was the first meeting held since July 10 sothat there was considerable amount of routine business to be handled It Tonouo TAX SALE 0h recommendation of Deputy Reeve Clark chairman of Finance itwas decidedthat the towniholcl tax sale Continued in Second Section AP PROVAL GIVEN or any BATHING The waters of Hempenfeldt Bay at Barrie are approved for bathing purposesDi LH Smith Medical Officer of Health for Barrie stated to The Examiner today Within the past few days rumours had beencurrent that merits in BarrierPostrOffice staff and mail deliverysystem were an nounced today by Nicol Thorns son Postmaster New Lowell Boy Wounded from thestatus of afsemistr officefto that of full staff9r city office which means that an inembeisof the staff arcr now civil Servants xlv Immediate results or this change include three Weeks annual va cations and 18 dayssickleave per aries and wages to the entire staff and superannuation payments leading topensions on retirement Previouslya civil servantthe Postmaster did not come under the new regulations OBrien who haslbeonwgp assistant in the Post Office for some time has been appointed As sistant Postmaster no is new on sick leave at E3 The present permanent staff com prises the Postmaster andii staff of Post OfficeEmployees The local office liesbeen raised year as well as increases inrsal RCNVR son of and Mrstas could win through But you and gtCheesmdni 100 Ellzabelh Stu Bill hadno doubtsmotone Weiknew itswent Ld7m W1 mine who has been promoted from that so long as We did our duty all iiiamlganadliwArimmd Flgpt subLiEUtv to Limit 3m1 Selltlhg wonld be Well And today all is th195 smooth the Spring with Royal Navy in Mediterranean lwu 011937 and vthencame as Sergeant area He Instructor withfMajorGen Turn to page eight please Sh pullct hatched at Kellys Hatchery on Feb 15 This bird evidently laid 20 eggs in the grass nearUtlic pens was discovered setting recently and on August 12 had hatched out two chicks with more out since David Clark gave the class some sound advice and closed the cere mony with prayer There was then ceremonial march past with WC Welstead taking the salute The graduating class and their ests were entertained at tea in Airmens Mess the water at the bathing beach was unfit for bathing and swimming and the MOH and The Examiner have been bombarded with queries The official announcement of the MOH should stop salt these rumours RCA at Kingston for eight years 14 made up otielevei men three women RFMN NORMAN THOMAS Postmaster Thomson also Son of Mr and Mrs Norman nounced that effectitie Monday Thomas Toronto formerly ofNew rning last Augudtmldoguaixal Lowell who was wounded in ac po delivery commencediin Ba tion in trance July21 He had rie after long campaign lid been overseas since June 1943 Turntopage eightplase Went overseasjnMarireaps Cotton emphasized the im 1943 and took SPEClallStS course portance of yeterans of both wars With Royal NWY gt Turn to page eight please

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