Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1944, p. 2

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If BARBIE 1i 114 11diiic ii 1111113111 rpms3 11 112 trail 11 PULlMVd 113 510513111 by 1141 Crucial 111 ILitixc Um 1JiL IL r111 bluith nudism rumor mm firm Buy from Lllc file of 115 gt in mm 714 bARLlh LXAMLVD 1111rieririi 111111 gt1 l1lii sol 11 luv 114 31 ibil leiii ZL1 1M an 11111 oiin 111111 111 11 11 iii iii 151ml 11 11112VKl 011 1311 tilililt11 11 11 311 11 Faculty lhtilillV 111w Ll Iliilulilii 1liuf lti iiiii lUSli 111 hum 1w lawlch 11319 1ilill 1111 1111 ii 1111 iii liizruiii 111 um 111111 v1 1111 111 11 11 11 ad 1th 11 lnluf 11411111114111 llituzixlli 1A 112 111 lili 51111 1124 lllslr luf Elwin Ll 11 1th upva 13rd ddlfwvi AIR 1111 1111 niim Curl 2111 rllllwl lhj All 11 lii11ultl A1 lilicV 1111111 111 111 11 1m1 51 011 11 =14 1413 51 mu 11 felt from liZ11il i1olt v1 31117 12 KLV Allugl 117 14 11111111W11 oi117211111111111011 allri ix day if iic 111141111 ilutlLl IU illllllllilt iii 11 gt gt l1LHlllillal 11 111 liglilhl 1i ML ThHi gun m1 3111lmil 111111lii1 llci iiliiirli 11 11 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iliili ilillill 11 11 Nil 11 AU31311ll111 111ill1ii1 11 llnliii LKlldmlklil 1111 Mil1 gt szgiymd Hm mufe ms 11111111 llltl 1111111111111111111 11 111 lli1iizl 111211111li 11Hhu 1h Hm ml 41311 111 11 14 11111 Lulli 1l lifil 111ilc 1131 1111111 iii1111111 111 Nari r11 1lcizioiiir iii iii1111111 11111111 1111 111111 mm WWW nu mm in mu 11 11 1111 3411ng 11 111 11 11 iitlicz iflixil 1111111 11 1111111 iilriri 11411111 my 1111 111111 we drop11111 11141 coizies our word 1111 UH111 111 iiliii 11 1121 11 111kv 11111111 ii1111 lii1 11111 111 ili111 111111 IsiHlil liell liiVll11l1111m Ellhnz MUN 111111111i 11 who itoiifiii 1111i1i 1211 in 1111 ndmvmilhh ohm v1 111 11 1111 iiitil l1i llll 11111 1111 11511 in mm mm Hi All imrh Hwi 11 Md MW mt 11mm Uu rm 1y Pmt LI illii11 lullilh 111111 411 lu A11 ii 11 1111 11111 111 111i 11 livllwi 1iih 111 11111311 411 1111 we Iiilllil happen raw iie for labour Hut the liliillll 1111 mix 1W 111 11311 ti1 dont llillil 111 1111 like 1111 pct 11 11min ll1 1mm W1 lli 1111 11111 li 111112111 be allowed stout my liti Who11 11 11 121117 11 111 =U111 lleiiiiiied 111ldkiillf1illisi1llliiJ 11 WWW gt 1ill 11 in 11 111111 1111 11 111l1l 1U 111111 111 1111 ll llil 111i il iiililcilii 1111 11 111 11 111H11 llr 11 llll 111 i1 tank 1111111 iiio 111151111 111 111 iiiisriai ML 11 111115111l at 1izl it 11111111 11 iiniv crashing llllii Itiflldil 11411 iiii 3111151 1v11d 11011111 Urm111 ll i=i TAN 111 11115 Will 11c 11fililiiii 11V 111111 11gt 12111 5A1 mum 11 with 11111111 ideas llie whole 111 foi WW My IL In MHr 111 111 11 111 llil insult to ililill 111111111 LUlllilliiili 111 die 11111hil1ilmll 15 1192911011111 ililllli 111 Us Us Liiliiocrulii ililllil 117 iili1ic1 11111 111 llillicit 311 111131111 533191 31mm 11 11an 51 lg 11m 11 is igtl llilllii 11 gm 0059 pride ocii security for tie pcop llblllgtlli 1111 11 111 111111111111 resorting to ilciridiiii Di kniiii ililtlil llli am More lovern 55Uill111011UUU 11 iiilili 11111 11 ll 11 111 1111111 11111 1111 opposed vb 3111 mm r1t 11 linvly met Dc littl Vtltilillitflll iiillltlllltlii 111 11111111 111 liltli 11111 piticiil11 1111111 of 1111 biillilfloulf Alis 1950 pf oi 1111 1111 111 v1 ili lii11 mm 1me gt GleiN ilf liltlclklll iloillillili 111 111 11 ll Vivi no guarantee 111111 11191 15 WNW mph In 1111 11 11 1d inilci III18 y0 ex elected one and tlcmiil iii Jllfi 111111115511 lU Hm 11H mum homuge Wurliegislhioii uliiili puts parents and mp7 1th icy In order to ensure this the Allies must 1111 iii 111 1111 AM 111 my 11 opiIitllllillll ilike iii the posinoir 11 mm mm JWWHWW cars is outlined by pcr11 ioninntlec town Equalmcsl my idclillllllls upon the State 11111 lmmlmmv act in close concert and from the beginningil supportto the utmost form in Germany wlricliis11repared principles According to the author educ tion is another vitzil problem as there has been no education outside of technical edu cation in Germany for many years and state propaganda has been employed instead This problem will be twofold 111 establishment of proper system of education for future 11 generations and rcediiciitior oi the human products of the Nazi Youth Movement Other points touched on by the author 111 clude the rehabilitation of the occupied counvgt tries Which he thinks should beassisted by the Germans He maintains the most suit ableway of putting this into effect is by gun1 ploying large sections of German men in compulsory assistance in this work of reconi struction for long period Two great ad vantages are that it will shatter any ideasi that the Germans may still cherish that they will escape as they did after 1918 just retri bution and also that it will act as control on any numerical strength of the German population itself There is also the matter of superviSing German industry In conclusion Major DrakeBrockman states his belief that the task of controlling Germany will last many years and may tax1 tend over two generations and there must be unity of purpose among the Allied govern ments The TankACanada isto be congratulated most heartily on the high quality and exceli lent general tone of its contents 431 HAVE NO SAY VON BEVERAGE ROOMS month hence the citizens of the town 011 ERnflQW will vote0n the question of having Establishedthere aGovernment liquor store 311111 brewers warehouse Evidently aware of thaeyer increasing disfavor in which beer parlors are held andfearful of the effect of adverse public opinion in this respect those ff interested in pushing the sale of intoxicants inRenfrew are stating that vote in favor of liquor store and brewers warehouse has no bearing on the other questiou that the matter of beverage rooms cannot be brought before the people without another vote being taken and that no such vote can be taken for three years from Sept the date set for the polling 0Y1 liquor store and choose vv This statement is in fthe facts According toSection 69sofvthe Liquor Control Act where government fliquorstore has been established authorities for beverage roomsmay be issued without furthgr Vote being taken This iTWhat hap pened in Barrie When the beverage rooms were forced upon jthe province the people were notconsulted and likewise the citizensof municipality have no say asto whether theywvant to have in their midst thesebcerand wine outlets that have beenthe subject of so much ad verse comment ltgt THINK on THE ALEX POLAKS Alex Polakilsh Czech He is 12yearsold and has been in Canada for four years gRe centlyhe won first place in public speaking contest for the Counties of BrantNorth Nor folk Lincoln Wentworth Haidimand and Weliandimrzw Of itself this mayrinot seem libryimporiw ant piece of hours but in view ofa lot of dis cussion in these daysabout postwarimmigrae limit is well to think of theAlex Poiaks JAlillNER vidiiig temporary postwar homes pcctcd that when full production is attained some three months lilLil the jigs and tools are prepared these houses will be iiiiiiiiiiiic Him mg mp 1117 501131 mm turcd at the rate of nearly 2500 per Week says the United Kiiigidoiii liiloinialloii Office EnterpriseBillletiii in last weeks gall would like to say few words and before he finished llic1ew had spun 1111 to about 900 words editor when due to labor shortage and the need of keeping within his iicwpriiit quot1 he is trying to get through with ii minimum food at reasonable prices employment in the independence 01 llllillllllellli 111111111111 01111111 11 Alliilill 111111 11133111111111oily because it is fluessence 111111111 to follow t1ieseit New Delhi 1111111 tiliici objections to this proposed 1e11 Prefabricated houses W111 play big piiitlmmm and umm0jimsmm the British Gchriinieiits ltlltlllt ioi 1311lt5lioultl iie euriiesny co is Xltl member of lever Canadian citizen behind the introduction lill tliilllili letter to the editor of the ollingwood ssuc be 1711111 sense of inferiority an isiii which sopped the Rather trying for an semmpect and numberoi pages Under such circuiiistancesit contributors should have little considera l3 rowin kills the tion for the editor handry 11111 is fair llIlllilllli up of the lailiaiiieiit 11111 the alleged political motives liiiliS liivoltcil iie tly The chief objection to the system 11 relief during the depression per iod was that it was in the nature of dole and that it was demoral lt created in the recipients The result was chronic idleness on the part of many people and bitter ness against our whole social sys cm on the part of those striving to retain their selfrespect wmwwmm What Good Does aSiory iisidercd by and Setting of the mea serious and 151imi ironic ONTARIO CANADA Do is the central principle of socialism anyway llitler Lind MiisrOlini introduced family bonuses on the pretense of assisting large families but their real purpose was to encourage parv cuts to go in for large families as future reinforcements for the mil itarizcd State By this means the children become virtual wards of the State and as such the boys were more readily regiiiienied into iiiil itaiy service It is little wonder that German youth of the lost gen eration showed little love or respect for their parents and bestowed their of pauper foundations idependeiice edge of bus sziys Shakespeare and the dole did for worse than that to the 131 Archibald Director of Dominion Experimental Farm Service in aiccent ad dress gave exprchion to the opinion that postwar work programme on which to base full employment good houses and content ed people should start with agriculture be cause on that industry depended adequate Old Country It creai iiieiit which has been sent from newspaper of Cove in that year city through agriculture providing the best peacetime markets for urban industries and the vast number of products produced on the farm which add comfort alike to both rural and urban homes Dr Archibald is right prosperous agriculture is one of the strong est foundations upon which to build Canadas national development The deathof Mr Wright of We Mount To the Editor OfTlle possible explanation enclosure from diary called Like Sirncoe who was probably the oldestactive editor Sandy COVE among the weekly publishers of Canada Al though he was in his ninetieth yearlie was still able to take his share of the work of quired at the University and in the teaching profession his editorials were well written and effective always marked by fairnesshand temble dlsease sonal qualities that Won and heldjunds Well those who ing him in trenchi oPINIoNs or OTHERS POLITENESS COSTS NOTHlNG Macleans Magazine Even beforethe war complicated lifea number of this continents writers were expressingconcerii over the lack of goodmanners on the1 part of no small percentage of North Americas young Rude guess it Seemed was being confused with democratic War conditions have not expanded the Chesterfieldianinfluence Claiming theyprivilege of an octogenarian to speak plainly Sir Frederick WilliamsTaylor in his annual message to the students of the University of New Brunswick let fly this broadside With one or two exceptions it is open to question if ranysysiematic effort is made by our colleges to cultivate good man ners Mostof ourprivate schools are different and llierfis much 10Corfffnd inftheirpractice butdur high school attendants asa rule run wild The advantage of good manners to the youth of our land is top obvious tocallfor discussion The young man orwomarr with pleasingrnanner familiarfwiththe amenities of polite society starts lifes race with camping ground for 1011111101 Barrie June27 1822The challenge home in forest and there arethousands of them in Canada There are group of people in this country who are opposing anyprogramme of immi gration following the war They are afraid of British immigration and afraid of Euro peanimmigration Theyfail to realize that gscanada can never become great nation nithcommensurate influence in the councils 0f1tll worldwith its present population Clouds has the resources and the ream 1formillionsmeweitlzensrmesdmnot hour streetcars Vmanyipoints in his or her favor as against those with bad mannErs or void of manners And mark well good manners cht nothing they can be acquired by the most humbly born There is no servility in politeness There is no cringe in saying Sir to your seniors man should know when to take off his hat Carved in stone over the portal of Winchester Col lege in 1382 are 11151111111113 Manners Makyeth Man We should like to see Sir Williams own phrase There is no servility in politeness embroidered on soverglportals we can think of For instanceyrush Owing this work and burned SMALLPOX BURIAL GROUND Miss 11 Orchard The Examiner this clipping working people of Canada and the ed resent fostered and Stroud has 1822 telling of smallpox epidemic at Sandy Star Sir Replying to writer about Lake Simcoe curiosity will giye of that stone of one of my ancestors who was one of the first whlre men itliore beingevgnoiilyj to locaflon Lake 1221 Chile how in the year June 1822A very serious out Forest Confederate on July 25 removed onelbieak of smallpox has occurred at Two companies of soldiers from the town of York on theirirwayrrtoiPenetanguisheneiwere necessitated tolialt at Sandy Cove owing to the serious illness of sev his newspaper With his sound education ac eral 0f the soldiers The last report we have received states number of the soldiers are stricken with the nearby farmer raced to the town of York to advise moderationyet fearless for whatvhe believedluie military authorities Two doc to be right He made valuable contributionitms haye arrived strong guard to his district by his writings 0n local history of some and 13km 318 laceg Mr around the camp ooiieisa owe direct opposition to twas DOSScsed of admirable pm to enter or leave the camp Any attempts to do so will mean instant He W111 longbe 1191151 111 kindly remembrance death to iheoffender Several sol liadfthe pleasure 10f knqwg diers havedied and arewnowbnried Sandy Cove has formerly been No lndians will enter the place believ ing evil spirits are there The In dianrhave now gone 1011112 head of the lake opposite the hamlet of Domicile dns Foreste now the Indians smallpox epi demic has been practically stamped out more than half To the soldiers are buried ina trench and it is piled high with large stones to prevent wild animals from molestinzthu ground One of the military guards shot farmers cow during thef night riot receiving any replyto his Believing itwas Somo one trying to enter the stricken camp he discharged his musket withtthe result related vwr The English translation this Huguenot hamlet mentioned is cut affection and loyalty upon Miller to whose bounty they owed their existence and upbringing Canada should be the last to adopt method of assisting families that has proved so demoralizing to the Gernian people even though this legislation is prompted by highest humanitarian motives Surely as Dr Bruce contended there must be some alternative to baby bonuses which will preserve the sanctity of the family maintain it normal birth rate and place the under economic burden of raising children where it belongs on the parents who bring them into the world 25 links AGO tom the file of BARRIE EXAMINII 31 1919 Wiihthe Men lnKhakl Sdldiersgi who recently returned from overseas to this district in elude1Lt Rickaby former JULY APtegtWilliam Rainford Barrie over seas for year Pte Howard Carson son of Mr and Mrs Fred Carson Vespra Pte Lynch EEDFMis KgiiesLynch Mensa aid St Barrie Gnr Edgar Math ieson son of Mr and Mrs Mathieson Maple AvesJBarrie Pie Sinclair Toronto St Bar Sept 29 last Sgt McMack on Croix de Guerre son of Mr apd Mrs McMackon Angus hos pital cot case Lt Fidler Bar rie PteBud Hall Hawkestone arrived home from overseas with an English bride and young son he was the first to go from Hawke stone lfthe lastrfo return Gnr Howard Reynolds was present led with gold watch and chain and money by friends at Holly Drummer Ruthven 157th Bn Clowes friends Newsy Notes Walt Midhurst Robert Ferrier gridrggds and cement si lks by own shipped two cars of $23 percwt Penetang St has bou 1t Pea aerMkobi Sissons BEST RESULTS Why has The Barrie Examine the town weekly mQCanada Result ibCeii iii1le completi except for principal of East Ward School tie son of Alex Sinclair wounded was presented with club bag by Agnes Fowler Central School 1ieaded Barrie Centre Entrance exg imination list 82 percent of candi dates weresuccessful Inuxof summer residents and visitOrs great est in history oftown An early morning electrica1 storm did heavy danizige including destruction of barns Jas Caldwell0ro Arthur Stroud and death of four milch cows in field of Robert Wattle Mid hurst Both West Ward School laws carried by substlitial 111513 files Many fine summer hom have been built along shores of Giro Hrsnwnnvi KmpiigldiBaL Lacieiorge 2719 Yonge St Toronto WAGE WAR ON RAGWEED Ari adVertisementdmppearingdn this issue asks the etaoperation of the citizens in destroying ragweed to the shortage of help it is impossible for the Town to do If individual citizens will destroy ragweed wherever they see it they will be doing good turn for Barrios The weed must either be pulled up or ompson cooks residence inElizabeth St haspurchased use at Wellington gdst Classified of any its done 11 hi 1943 this news pop but totalo endoplassieds New Booklet Sofirixes Socialistic Controls All Iillll11 1111111 will cori of 51111111 11111 1111 lllltll lupn by Harriet 111111 jlltl pub 11gt11111 i1 horivziiil oiiipaiiy liii1d loionio 1111 pupa of lhe 111111 is ioveiliiiiclii liiid Vlll ir lllllilltll on 1111 cover as riding on 1111 111111 of 111 son 1111 average illiifl Miss 1iik ratiri iislizilizcs Canada in liiill glovcriiiiiciit con trol 111i tlie illiMllS lives liiis blocs who their own and iiniiiiicr 11 pictiiics ill dialogue form the trials of llill sliop keeper iiiiilii 1111 iii ilisllcnsa lion harassed by ordeis lillll direc ilvcs from various coiiiioller find adiiiiiiistrutois fiiv iionciiopeiliiivc still prefer 11 111111108 111111 1111111 liviiilt She 131 iii liililisiiiiiy to THE rronr or 01111111111 Wednsday Aug 9111 830 pm over 129 1111111ochi01m Neiiwk of 18 Canal12111 Brainrusting for10111111111 um Affiliated Still0115 Total disability which results in loss of incomeChanging the entire life of your familycan be tai major calamity You may becoifie the victim of sickness or accident resulting in total disability but you can escape the heartbreaking worry of see ing your family left indefinitely without necessary funds steady income is guaranteed to you if you have londonLiie policycom benefit This valuable prOVislonhassaved the day for thousands 10f our policyholders and the cost is surprisingly small Arrange your insurance through the London Life soils to inelude this valuable issture Insuranccompany deaacelmndonamda DISTRICT OFFICE 24 Douro STREET BARRIIE THURSDAY lGUST 3th 9Dl Hinds Dead gWas Orillia Dentist iv 11 11

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