THURSDAY JULY 3844 INDUSTRIOUS PUPILS ARE PROMOTED gunned fll page one 1r PAGE 8W BUILDINGTOTIU AT HIGHEST Make Your Own lLtIill Mu111 mg and rcpt 77 EJiIl$hicliXLlKIte TAKE LOOK AT lain Lee 11m Freddie iiudiwn rm umber Ted Liailic bett litugli JEII Allan lesson cit Ann Kinectr lie larazio licuy Kenningtul Marion Laiiison ItUIli CAMPBELL undlrucc Million Allin McLeod DUI Tilt little ytliow label In the wlAItGARlll HENRY Icacilers aid tiltdole lkuglas hielsuiiflumm DIM rightblind face of your LIIIAIJI VII TO GRADEI tlil tPearson Bruin ticker Joe lim Copy of The Examiner contains Bill lintman Duly it ck Elm45in us Jean VYllm ll mltvsnl Walton Hut name and date the Elving 31 ANDREW Teacher due says July 19H lli mews Brislow Phyllis arruthcrs Dozi A1Vhy71 Wnnmvd your subscription explrt with only Clareslim lllllltIi Ionglllcyl gum WWW Eddy Beach the first Issue in July For ov chm Morgan Comer Allan rolti i5 38 um um gnnwr Jury fr two years all subscriptions to ypl$lirlry Curtis lieu lcl iiprn gym nymph Dump The Examiner have been on 1dillmaliiiu 91 Ar TU Le piviulci IR Guile DD J15Lir Car coriaplctng Grade VI CHJISL in No trl l= rrini Alwll Iirltou Lucia ltu liill lilil nccr iutliry Dong Brian Wicc Donald oruain Mc Elwin ilill jitiiil innac iiviJunghn ltvtcill Julm vlcliciiic tniol Mcilinii Joan Slouch vl insit Miili lidlllJiJ liltl iilirtinwli lil hlitll lis Hilly lIclinnl BALI aial Illliftitl liiclitrs IE Mar3h VI on poll iluldui PutinItll lit lilnllv iignt liailrewLl i=6 smiled ililllt ilzeyimliik Saints 1yillilllfll liaile wink clali 211 Htulrli tilc graham Quid NW 11 ll liv Laid Knot Ion lirlii Sylwa hum Itllon IiLIIle Anne liorrow Barbara Wlll liillltliirli Saiiilra Illltla Millet Salicr liltlilllfHAiW lcailwlr milk GRADE II TO GRADE Ill llclIARI Tcaclicr low liilttil olpitlrz licucf va To GRADE VI oilcttllllly llelilllil21yilitl WNW AH mum Butvi Nancy Juno Ainic Mchlailni lililoEmhi mehm Hy 15Jm VMH will wh PHhicil innc Xuzlcion lliliilc ar liiyllis lillll Silillcv liupcil illylwiumnnli Hth not mhm usmidiS1vlll5millStiialitlcr Ilzliillla liiirtic 13111 My lllxixtcz Louis Donn Edith Dunn mg Amlwi warm8 rI1gtllilll Dunn Victor Ilycllc John Iii Alum rd Mil lis Kcnncth icrgumn Joan Fisher Baitcr Ktlllltlll Ilcalcr 1111110 Svm FMM NU FM mm Ilclidcr Ray liristow Ailnc Brown Luann HUM mmy 13mm NW lilllllmv nomad Joyce liaiily Gwen lint hmm HM UAW Rpm mime ris lranccs liodttcs Stcpllcn Iloolt 11 DMIV WNW DWISll13Sliilltly Iloiton Marlene lluntcl Dunn Stanlcy Dunn Marion Iilsflml JUthL Hun mes Shi fer Iiuuscll Giannar lailics Ham Am Km Bi Ioilcri La Millm Hill Rm MTV cldicrc Dorothy Ililiilltill liar IIIIVL NUVHH lllllllliIlll 15m lbzira Lciuay Moori Love Billy M0 Iilk Him VRlllml ullouulh Allan lllacllonald Kalli Nllm dm Plilliilv IMVH Rm Iccu Miclzs Iiiith Micks Ronald crtson iurdon Sclwootl Clark Scy Mismmplwnl Um Munro Jon iiiour Ilobclt Snyder I1lVll Stcw Mummv shim Oak Kmhlyon Hi my Sllwml ll5 Timyv wcns Illilip Iarl Irank Illillips RV lhv oncc loolc Stewart Iliilllle Ilccn VIINNITN WI Iiilltllt Ruth Rawn Sylvia Rid VFRNA WICL likiwhms doll Elcanorc Robinson Emery GRADE To GRADE IV Rowe Peter Smith Keith Smith Shirk Hmrdrr DickBnttmr TWYWWWWIIUDWHIIUWDF Marilyn Talnpbctl Ruth Clllllllltl 11vi1yi Wilson Barbara Cllcpcsuik Sliiilcy liris BALI and tian Vtlllull Christian Ilrucc ole DOAN Teachers Joyce Corbett Lorna Craig Illllt GRADE V1 To GRADE Doliiiclly Douglas Dunn Billy Itcr Jpn Annigr Dummy Boyd V0 guson IIclcn Finch Keith Gliliiioii Mum Norm mm David Margaret lratrix Audrey lialiyard pm Waltcr Cronlpton Donald Rota Harrison Vaughan Johiisionc Ouncmn album 7010 Lloyd ColeV Donald McMartin Joan Micks Jane Earl Cote Dorion Crossc Lorne 1ka do lhlllis Howard orlcttt Lloyd Chown Keith Duff own Shirley Slcwml Donald Frank Graccv Shirley Green Will Izltc Joanne lonllinson Buster Gum Murvnms Murie Hams Walton Frank Wiley Kathryn Wil Jacknmi Mary Harrison Chm once llarrison Peter Hollywood YOUNG Icachor MIDDLINGS p55 per 100 lbs BARBIE rLoua IIIILLI lain tmz itsli 31 lrllc 11 Burntr lnli lllll it tltll tIo La Vcrdierc Tom McConkcy Dorothy McKczui Ilelcn Nettleton Fcrlle Oakcs Barbara Parr Jack Plant Frank Rawn Christcna Rodg crs Edythe Robbins Ross Wilson Doris Webb Ross Young Kop Your Motors Going Prolong Life of can nus mucx TRAOTOII rilTM OIL FILTERS Easy to install Frain 011 filters are true economy for tlieyrepay you many times for the small initial charge ch ing oil physically and visib clean IRAM saves pairs reduces overliuiils tliiis lengthening the life of the motor Ask our Pram Dealer or write for escripiivc folder to ADAMSCOMPANY ITD IIS GEORGE $7 TORONTO ONI AL DIRECTORY WWW CHIROPRACTORS GEO ELSIE BURNSt DsC Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 71 Collier Street Phone 3194 PROFESSION ACCOUNTANTS WELCB ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Crown Life Building 59 Yonge St Toronto LEGAL JOHN BUCKLEY BA Barrister SolicitorNotary Public Owen St Barrie Telephone 2273 BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Pub lic Conveyancers etcMorieLI9 loan at lowest rates of interest Ot MEDICAL VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 430 oclock every Wed nesday Application of nurses set vicesmay bemadedireet or through doctor Telephone 2451 lice 13 Owen St Masonic Temple Building Barrie Branch office MUSIC LESSONS mmWnl11fii9ML femJESSEvRTBRSONmwr Organist and Choir Director Egg 3mm Central United Church CAMERON CAMERON ARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 6Qwen St Barrie Telephone 317 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries Public etc 14 Owen Street Barrie Boss cowan FRANK HAMMOND 31L KC VBARRISTER ISOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie and Lond Eng College of DUNCAN McCUAIGjKCI Music limo and Theory BARRISTERL somcrron are 152 Maple Avenue Moneyb oanv Ross Block Barrie WMAYDEE chULEY ArrCM DONKLD MacLABEN BAr Organist St Georges Church BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Teacher of Piano and Theory Muney toloan 115BayfleldstBarrIe Masonic Temple Building Barrie xOPTOMETRY JOHN WOODS BARRISTER ND SOLICITOR Attendance96 pm Sat99 pm Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St ROBTJ BARBIE 93 Dunlop09tomctrlstsPhone 2961 Phone 2651 Money to Loan ROBERTJI SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST gmNEitAi DIRECTORS 53 Dunlop StirPhone r2580 LLOYD STECKL Hours as daily Saturdays till FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE OSTEOPATHY EDWIN WILSON ELSA 00 Elizabeth St Phone 2703 TE INARIAN VE Street King Block Barrie Telephone 2293 UR Simcoe WRINARIAN and GEON Hours 912 mm 25 pm By appointment and MUSICAL THEORYall grades including ATCM Modern Methodt Studio 27 Bradford St Edmund Hardy Mus Bac FTCM Teacher of Piano Organ Vocal and Musical Theofy Organist and Chon master of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Con servatory of Music and University of Toronto 113 Worsley St Barilo DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate DE FLEMING Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 SMITH co mutation roman DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Motor ambulance Incontieotlon grim DAY AND N1 in 26 Mary St DMINNIIIN FUNERAL DmEGTOII Ambulance Servtco wrhoud ONT P110 2530 Herbert Justin Betty Lynch Myra TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING of Torontdggonservatory otMusic Tomlinson iii barn Lies Jack Dunc rick Ronald Fcigusozl illec liklctl Iiiiitiy Avis lison iliiltfll Jones Join II on Kerr out 11m itva hiccyl Madclcnc Micks Mari hilltnllll bell Mary Mniiiikin Ilorold MoonJ Lcimrn Patterson lilitscl lilillipsi Shirley Plowman Brian IIilkil IIllcri liliilflilfi Hugh itiildcll Dong llil Spencer Bruce loillusll lotcrt lirciuzni SMITH and IIIINRY Teachers GRADE Vii TO GRADE VIII To Dr proilioteii to Grade VIII iin tillltltilil Grade VII Course Iinl Bcwrll Lillian lligus arol Cillllltlllx Icrry Cockliiirn James Granger Valcric Garner llniry liar nett Allah IIarris George Hubbard Marylin IIulitcr Diuilc IIilI Dick Kirkpatrick Jim Laking lVilil Lc may Iaul Ialnicr Douglas lliddcll Phyllis Ruth Douglas Stairs Ilrucc Symlott Bayard Spailiaill Frances Urry Janette Weir Bill lcnslcy RUTII CAMPBELL iilldl MARGAIIIYI HENRY Icacllcis OPPORTUNITY CIZASS Grade to Grade Vl Donald Dunn Grant Dunn Ikluglas Malic pcacc Grade 1V to Grade VDonald Trlft1larjoric Grccllsidc Ross Sut Ion Grade 111 to Grade 1Billy Billi illail Billy Grooms Bobby Storilis Donald Sutton Grade II to Grade JillBernice Thailch Grade to Irade IIIcnlicth Craft Wallaec Ilarris Elaine Oaks Ronald Oaks Johnny Slcbbings Iloward Sutton SMIIII Teacher vicroailssuooiw KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE Myrna Athcrton Barbara Barn futher George Brown Barbara Bur dcttcl Bobby Burger Joyce Cald well Icddy Cbristianscn Bobby Crawford Bruce Dcmpstcr Loo Doggctt Delmar Dorc Jack Ed wards Joc Ferguson George Green sido Olive Barradinc Sheila Ilcrs ey Nancy Hopkins Donald IIurst Susan Jones lllOld Kemp Shirley Kniccly Donald Lainson Nancy Latanvillc Bcvcrlcy LcBarron Billy Lennox Ann Lewis Bruce Locke Patsy Marks Marion Mason Yvonne Massci Albert McFadden Barbara Maison Beverley Mclson Mary Morrcn Carolyn Payne Ruth Pea cock Allan Robertson Poul Rob inson Jill Smith Joanne Swan Sue Walls Marlene Ward Bobby Wat son Elaine Webster PARKER Teacher GRADE TO GRADE 11 Terry Aitkon Susie Beach Bruce Bigelow Eric Bowles Garry Cald well Teddy Cryderman Billy England Jimmie Forrest Betty MarietGillespie Ruth Gosling Jack Graves Joan GreenLDpreen Green side Billy Hart BettyKeIly Anne Kennedy Jack Kennington Lor raine Krauss Laurie MncHaIe Elsie Miller Arnold Parlee Anne Poole June R055 Irene Smith Marta Smith Eric Wigg Bernice Wilson VERA LYONS Teacher GRADEI To 11 continued Helen Brown Heather Currie Donald Fallon Bobby Fouracres Leonard Kirk Jack Martin Lola Mussel Lorraine Miller Peter 01 ivr Bobby Tordiff Alan Swan AUDREY MILLIGAN Teacher GRADE IITO GRADE III Group AMurray Bauldry Mar ilyn Haslett Patsy Lennox Nora Mcvmie Group BCarol Barron Birkie connors Graham Creighton Peggy Edwards Shirley Hook Irene Mas sci Helen McKenzie Betty Mc LcodJoan MillerBilly Norris Cor by Robinson Joan Smith Mary Lou Vair BURKITT Teacher GRADE 11 TO III continued Helen Asbpry Anita Chesine Sylvia Ferguson Herbert Fine Law renceiFrench Billy Freeman Isab Harradine Borden Hurst Marian Lambert Shirley MasonrMacyiEliz abeth McIntosh Dana McKerlie June MillerHarold Robinson New fohSIuiiiTJoan Urry AUDREY MILLIGAN Teacher GRADE III TO GRADE IV MaiHelen Cavan agb Mary Currie Barbara Drake John Drummond Bobby Gannon Ross GrahamrDonald Hersey Billy Kirk Peggy Martin Donald Mc Kinnon June McFadden Betty Mc DonaldIsabeIle Mullen John Mur phy Clifford Sott Bobby Sluman HelenSwan Marian Veltch Irwin White BURKITT Teacher GRADE 11 TO IV continued Mildred Bateman Marion Hill SylviaHook Glen Krauss Bobby Livingstoii Shirley MacHaie Peter Masson Bruce McCuaigp Kenneth OConnor Frances Strachan Pats Marle Vair PJJQHNSON Teacher GRADE IV TOGRADE Douglas Baker Paul Borswick Teddy Burdette Neal Caldwell Rae Channn David Fride Bobbie Gray Dorothy LaihSon Bobby McKenzie Ronald Maison Ina Miln Patsy Merrick John Manol Marilyn Mare tin Peggy Miller Billie Robinson Jean Sweetman ANDREW Teacher GRADE IV TO continued Mary Jayne Agnew Gibsan Balk well Joan Bassett Carol Beach Shirlie Butler Diane Christensen June Connors Lily Mae Emms Shirlie Frid Ross Garner Laura Lennox Geraldine McLellan Dal ton MaxWell Ethel Reid Glenda Robinson Tommy Strachan Billy Tordlff Reita vVaIr John Walton NelmaiWigg JOHNSON Teacher GRADE TO GRADE VI DouglaaAstridge Lawrence Bury Betty LouButler Dorothy Byles Nora Brettynalpbcouard Bernard Maxwell 1oycl cliitosh gt Gracie McGrail limit tic lzi rici Gannon Eleanor Ilittlln Eddie Mc iIclxtrllc George Dawn Poole Itodcc ltoy Stmud Juli Iiinnlons Mutiny Veiich Den lill Vliliic iluricl Ward 11 liASIElrITI1 Teacher GRADE VI lt GRADE VII Jul Atiiicw Joycc Balerr John Iihiihl Albeit Illlong ican Gallo way Vclnon lchzlay Viriali Mc Qtlay litnumb Maynard MILLER Tcachcr GRADE V1 TO VII Icontinuch IIuil Iiullw lioy Iltnroli Dean Carol Itcss lianniil Mary French llayiilond Gillcsplc Doreen Graves Bctty llill Donald Ilorn Iaii llam iltoii Janna Kemp Laura Iatteh son Earner iiczsix Arthur Jan IIASIEWIII Teacher GRADE VII TO GRADE VIII lirucc Allcins Frances Barron Allan Ilauldry Mary Biggar Lor ruinc Ilingliam Douglas Boldt And rcy Borrow Douglas avunagh Shirley rytlcrillan Doris Edwards Jcnncttc loll Barbara Gilmore Phyllis Jcrnlcy Betty King Billy Lynn Kcilncth McKenzie Margaret McKenzie Louis OConnor Peggy Oliver Dora Patterson Bob Prince Holly Spicrs llolicr Wclsnian Doris Whiting ZJ MILLER Teacher Mill1 VII VIII Icontinucdl Gerald Butler Dellclda Colos Ian Fraser Jcaiicttc Fraser Teddy Gar rctt Icddy Manol Joan Ictcrscn Losiic Ioolc Alvin Iringic Joan Ictcrscn Leslie Ioolo Alvin Prin gic Joan Robertson Velma Thomp son Ican Tommila JEAN BLACKSTOCK Teacher IINGEDWARD scaoot KINDERGARTEN Robert BallgMaric Barnes James Beach Barbara Brooks Erwyn Bruce Audrey Blogg Kenneth Cro marty Jean EosierBarbara IIolt Murion Jackson Marilyn Jones Ronald Kelsey Robert Mason Rog or McCarty Norma McClellaan Helen Nichols Frances Odd Mary Perry Gwen Stilildcn Beverley Ailil Wattcrson BERNICE ARNOTT Teacher GRADE TO GRADE ll Barbara Ayerst Norma Bayliss Bobby Brooks Ronald Butler Bob by Carter Billy Cllcncry Marilyn Crawford Joan Curtis Jim DAm brosio Lorna Dickey Bruce Dibble Mary Louise EdwardDougIas Fos ter Sandra Furzecott Donna Gor ing Lcnorc Home Marion Jones Doreen Knapp Yvonne Lamont Mary Lou Lougllocd Ken Luck Lorna McLelIan Lois Manger Adrien Potvin Ken Pratt June Reid Mcrvyn Ross Dor ccn Spearn Betty Stuart Jean Warcllam Jack Wilson Kenneth Wilton FRANCES SPEARN Teacher GRADEII TO GRADEVIII RctllaBall Wilford Brown Roger Carter Billie Cerswell Mary Craft Diane Dulmnge Karen Gray Jac queline Haskell James Home Stan ley Horne Helen Jenkins Mary Mustard John Patterson Robert Patterson Thelma Pearsall Shirley Perry Jimmie Rose Bobby Thomp son Wilda Wiscman David White PARKER Teacher GRADE 111 TO GRADE IV Sheila Armstrong Darlvyn Bruce Margaret Edward Marilyn Free man Valerie Freeman DelOres Goodcbild Barry Grant Dorothy Grant Larry Grant Wallace Kirk patrick Donald Lowe Tommy Mc Donough Elma Stacey Marie Van4 koughnet SHEAR Teacher GRADE IV To GRADE Barbara Ball Dalton Beech Aud rey Campbell Valerie Carling Jack Clemmens June Cromarty Shirley Cromarty Bill Crooks Delores Ambrosio Marion Firman Peggy Gates Bill Goodchiljd1 Kenneth Graham Yvonne Hodgson Ted Howcroft Larry Kell Garry Long alph Lougheed Louise Lystar Nancy Matthews Shirley Mills Jean Murray Shirley Odd Ray Peters Huguette Potvin John Potvin Edna Rands Lucille Ross Wayne Stewart LisWarBIEfEa Winter Renal Winterburn LOTH SHEAR Teachers GRKDEVfTOGRKDEVIW Pearl Barnes Keith Bowen Mar jorie Crswell Charles Edward Bill Elson Faye Freeman Billy Furzecott Ruth Gib bons Grace Harris Dora May Knight James LamoritTlLoriainev Magee Lawrence Matthews Audrey Melson Vorlie MurrayJoan Mc Donough George McMichan Diane McQuade Buddy Noble Lorna No ble Norma Odd Donald Owens Ruth Peelar Margaret Pulford Joyce Richardson Betty Ross Helen Thompson Leslie Thompson Ralph Webb Terry Wisemarn 11mm FMcGIIEGOR Teachers Boivel complaints of children During the hot summer and arly fdli month most children and especially those teething ar subfect to diarrlimapd sentoiy colic clio era infantum an other bone com plaints Every mother should keep bottle of Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry in tho home on pro toction cinch sudden attacks of thesotrou lea Dont experiment with nw and untried remedies Consider your child health Get Dr Fowler Itllosf been successfully used by thousands of Cxuiadiiin others dun mg the act 94 yearsit as been on the mar etj Dcntaccept mutilate Got thugsiiuino DiTo use nil Ivan Clemmens Margaret Dawson Barbara Dunntt mindMuMoup tlic paidinadvamc basis Your Libel tells you when your re mm is due if you hit to herd Its message and neglect sending the money for the en suing year the Audit Bureau at lrculitions which checks our list does not permit us to send you the paper further until pay ment Is mule By renewing promptly you can be sure that The Examiner will contlnuc to to you without Interruption If your renewal hi delayed we may not have copies of the Is sues you miss Should your Examiner tail to arrive this explanation will tell you why Please watch your label GRADE V1 TO GRADE VII Donald Armstrong Arlecll Bali DLlIh Banting Barbara Bates lions aid Birch Douglas Brown Mary Carroll llctty Duniiott Bill Grant Bill Ilagan Bill Ilatllcrill Ina Ilow croft Constance Ilurst Betty Jones RIISScll lviatthews Betty McBride Verna Nelson Paul Patterson Joyce Pcarsall Bob lcclar Norman Thompson Margaret Winter ll McGIIEGOR Teacher GRADE V11 TO GRADE VIII Gary IIayliss Gertrude franc Douglas Crawford Jack Dibble Cc cil Diimictt Sally Edward Bob Gib bons Talvin Gibbons Elaine God win Dorothy Goring Joan Graham Ioall llurst Lynwood Mills Peggy Moorliousc Mildred Nichols Con stance Owens Leonard RODEO Ei sie Scruton Diane Spcnrin Jim Stroll Jack Thompson Pauline larclialn Ilctiy Warlow Ircno Watson Frank Wiscmnn Elwood Wyncs KEARNS Teacher ST MARYS SCHOOL GRADE Gilbcrt Coilsincau Dennis Dcaccy Geraldine Dcrkis Marshall Forget Pcnclonc Laurie William Maloncy Mario Marion Peter Robcrize GRADE 11 Robert BliitS Francis Cancilla Danny Farrell Kathleen Gill Mil dred Grisdalc Ann Marie IIar greavcs Donald Iloughton Patricia Kenny Maureen Madigan Marlin Marion Dianne Miller John Moore HeIcnINcsbitt Stanley McCallum Geraldine Saunders Heather Thom as Thomas Tobin John Woods BeverlyBriggs Rose Mary Deac ey Edward Emms Michael Fergu son Gerry Forget Rose Marie For get Bill Garrity John Garrity Ro bert Golds Margaret Kenny Eliz abeth McVeigh Lorraine Madigan Patricia Maloncy Carole Marshall 1mm Partridge Donna Pieschcl Keith Zahn RecommendedRon nie Beauy George Emms John Morris GRADE IV PauIBrcnnan Patricia Carrol Jo anna Caruso Paul Coughlin George Cuculick Richard Frcves John Georgianna Neil Hurtibcse Ken neth Keast Judy Laurie Pat La Plante Eugene McBride James McKinnon John Maloney Mary Helen McVeigh Patricia Marion Bobby Marshall Vincent Miller Pat Roberge Madlyn Saso Frances Scaletta Hugh Seadon John Ter signi GRADE PatBrennan Leonard Casey Margaret DAmbrossio Leona Dor ion Francis Deaccy Ernest Emms Dorsey Emms Clarene Giroux Frank Hargreaves Lloyd Keast Paul Kenny Elizabeth Laurie Nora Landriau John Le Vay Dennis Madigan Armand Marion Marion Anne McBride Vincent Pauchuck Therese Robcrge Billy Sexton Jerry Stubbings Paul Vick ers GRADE VI Margaret Carroll Marie Coleman James Cougblin Patricia Deacey Richard Delaney Viola Grisdate tanvdlc lliiiicl iri coiilrat Vhitiiullt liclkkct EL kltfi Il VCI brick Wail gtIi zsplii rod zoom tii 11 li In Ix Weston Linntcd Humi Plumbing Itcsinngling $50 lit rail Ioi li ivi ii Alina if 1W1tk1villiliiik1 llwiliiiig Goodwin Allan iicloz Iiiti Alidlrt dill luntotlt ii St be ccxi twill Ltli liszi IloJ milit Dumin liti VliittIll brick iiisill $21 gals McDougall ox WPSI Silit II ST Dwelling rivrillinli tnlllluci ii 11 pilillll ll in llit twccii Elirabxth and 11mm Illtfiil foundation mi cedar slitllglcs otcr min 30 foot llllt storey Carriltlicrs Slililgling poicli ii1icl iliil rm $15 Poole nwliil Shingling porch $15 11ik0 Jlitiiuifl lilpuillitl Vcranilaii ti Iluxn i1 Vail SJhtivl ii1l $125 John ilobson own lcr Road litilt ililli iiig Win Repairing Ecclcs St bctwccn IIlinictzl Iuillisoii Park 52 contractor Alterations Lataiilillc contractor Elizabeth owner Alterations side Jane St and Perry $250 Burriduc owncil mntrnctmts Garage north sidc Ell bctwccn Eccics and Iottlldiillnn asphalt roof $151 Arthur inciit Wilti closin st 01 lilui owner Walker caipcntry Alterations to lwcllun uni 3151 Ellis MLKt Iiit vilandall lint it iii lllli $75 11 iii ltill luclliinl Ill It1It gtillttl Gaiauc 44 Perry St from asphalt shinglcs $130 lhor Icy ownircontracinl Slliilgling 100 John St liaverson UWlltrtlllllntilli chimney Addition kitchen Sill It liilllltlt Smith owilcrcoiltlactor laragc 10 Wellington bcr Sides paroid loof ccnicnt pint lit 15 lzll ili ill Ililltlill Yililli Si Laltmg colltlmstol lcbliiliiing tlillll porch north sidc Itlllli 51 Im twecn Alberta and Bcrczy 37 insult tl it Iai Iltliil liltlll liliiril aloha Hit liltl Mrs llltilr $100 Isabella Colitis olincr lrrci Barker contractor Shingling porch west Sltllihlltllllllt Ave between Wellington and Dal ton $20 Mrs Walsh owncl Carruthers ulpcntly Still porch dwclling lilli Ilayficltl St 23 by foundation feet 3700 Henry Green owner Grand total for June $18025 lion Doris Peter La Plante Frank Le Vay Bridget Maloney Lorraine Marlon Catharine Strachan Hilda Ziegler On TrishShirley Hollywood GRADE VII Anne BrennanJoan Clarke Don aHmhigbraensvaecves Albany Cts LIllLlll Ii 15 Have you renewed your subscrip CH SYRUP FRYS COCOA EASYT OCOLATE MAKEEASY ON SUGAR lalw Hill of lIlYS and cup of Hiyor ll lilillilfL Itilillll in icll touttlur lry Slowly zolil cup Ict Hitting liltiilllllt Iloil for one llirn pour into clcan dry plow Jill olcranil lct cool lxrcp thistastychocolaicsyrup liaiitly in lllI icc box really for instant usc Ideal for hocolcte Milk ice Cream and Desserts Many lolncii say this llcw ItRYS rccipo is just the clfv um llit llltil looking for and you too ill in tlcliulitml with the many ways you can use it toilnprolc ticsscitactc Itoriilstancc youll illiti it inwt lppctixiilu as hot or Clltl sauce on ltt crcain and on icsscrts tilltl itd spocially tlclicions for mulling cliocolatu inillt CHOCOLATE Whenever You Want It To aglass oi thoroughly chilled milk add dessert spoons of chocolate syrup Stirand serve Its delicious 11416 An estimated total of 500000 yards of cloth have been saved during the past ycal as resultof mum oum the clothing conservation program of the Wartnnc Prices and Trade Board consnlllcr branch its remake centres through Giroux Bernard Hurtibese Mary Laurie Joseph Mad igaJoIirTPo land Frances Perencz Laurenceg Servaisf GRADE VIII Robert Beatty EdwardDelano Murray Hammer Monica Kenny Evelyn McBride Rose Marion Joan PlnciverwJames Rolston Joan Sa so Mary Rose Sexton KING GEORGE SCHOOL Names in Alphabetical Order GRADE VI T0 VII Norman Burke Jean Garrett Janet Sum mers PatiencelVeldou GRADE TOVIMaurice= Fras erPatsy Forbes GRADE gyro VJimmie Cheri GRADE IIITO IVColinAnder sonliily Coles Jean Forbes Eric Garrett Sydney NMachelI Shirley McKeoumIeter Pitcher Billy Tay lor TorryThobum GRADE ii TOJIIEdwin Elliott LeslieFraser GRADE TO IIfBarry Burke Howard HFolbes Donald Fralick Gregory Garrett Billy Johnston Sallysummers HAWKEsroNi Intended for last week MiSsJean McLeod Orillia spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Leigh Miss Myra Reid Toronto Mrs Ego Peterboro about the Weekend with Mr and Mrs mt Read The community Sunday School is holding their annual ptcni on Migration July in Couchtc ng and sst COMPANY DWISIONOFJOMINWM RUBBER SOMPANL LIMIII 57 Elizabeth St Phone at Ask for ARMY ARMSTRONG Di ontlttqt you to tho but aur DOMINION rams