MV FOBSALB Logs forLog Cabins nsl 1950 linear feet Junta BIRDS Assaultsi Ir ur And ut inoznt TheSarjeantCo at lllthL lliil HAHKIE wawix and ll gal 1h Etttl mlt leail Trail lulu Beirut Ti WU 5i licldllg couple of wrcks Ww lrd Mrs Lorie Mannou and 301 lltliiw EVblllJ not n5 lomnto are Sttigtli wade Mlll1l 51 Thursddyv JWW 37 John loronto spent Friday with 14 11 3H ilitHWd iilflv on their lzlzuuinu for the holidays 1l Twist mm Im llt ti lIllt ilvxs lclly lliczr home for the weekend Monday it mer claim4 Mr and Mrs Arthur Copeland her Mrs 1llcllV Mrs Dean over the holiday More llll ll gtll llltlof the Ontario Veterinary Associa WWW llll flillltll All ltd MN G90 Gray Elmvtilenvere two Mr and Mrs Butler Catt Mrs Ml mm Mrs Fraser mil ts frillaiiiciilgfhil yum fhm hnun ii krdrruf Arinrij 131 hiss Mcanglnll lhrie nt Mm illirwitr St lrulnnls are nllaiayf 45 ul llJllantw Lethe Wrd Dr is bio rm with illicit tvr eare fllr lire parents Mr and Mrs tllltad llifilllAllitW0tl thlnnlr itiullilltldlinli School tr otizl woert lln Hll litport mm wwwm VHF MM Niiv Wilmer Hench Hi My 51 1th Lumps Mum VM tllldllllli of weeks at Camp lsell holly Cottage Wasuga Beach Helen My =i Lll ll nlii ll Kit 11 pyLMHM Hasmhedl 1942 gt zi FMth lETLllutlrtitt tim Mr ltt Mlsit McCiimiskv and son Mms Janet Andrew John re 11 and airs alter eolt Sig kad Myk pchnd WM mum ttllil mmm My or and Ella Lintrsilldin ld llnh Bill Shclbnrnt and Mt HM JNH Adan Tumnm 31 Still Ilit 11 rtltlulllll in Smphwmm 8nd MI It lt iii nx gt MN 14 Ruth and Miss Mildred Whiting Hmv Vttt itllldy 341105414 at loium 311s leon enlnw Wodou lsl Mr and Mrs Cyril Dyce and spending lple oi tll wrllil Miss l3 McElroy loronto were TNT Uw gucm mp mm mm milyf Willi lance rt lnlnrnini it Dr Dunn left ltiesday ll vii ler lull him We mu HI Kllllilr LtllfLr0nC md mourn uml wh weekend at lltalezi lltatll tion lottr and Miss los ltms Dickinson Collinltwmd lwen luvl nd Willr rl it In ersoll but well tt the rt MM lxo Ullitl and Miss Jean mm MKllv Millm rillMHlil JZS Wes Mr md Fred lkm Imd Wanzell and Mrs McDermoll Stratfoid spent few days last Nitl lolonto th holiday Vis week with the Help 1mm ltors with Mi and Mrs Beard lrl Mrs Eric Simpson underwent Mi nl Mi llau lhomson and successful Operation for Home in Son David llalnllton were guests oi Mr and Mrs iordull Mills last week Miss Lulu Sheath Toronto and Miss lickel are holidaying with Miss Florence Manning Wasaga Dillnot Misses Arleen lielllsle and Flor ine Blitth loronto are the guests of Mri llyams asagzi lleacli Mrs ll lcrtram Williuns Dalston days with the lllllillll Mr and Mrs Chas Half and son Jimmie Guelph are spending the week with Mr and Mrs Fiegehen PILES and Miss spent few formers son Reg bleeding and protruding piles should know Bunkers llcrbal Pills treat the cause at its source Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy Buy from Cusdens Knights or Whittys Drug Stores NNNIMIINNNINOW Gifts NoVelties Games Toys Books for summer reading FINE STATIONERY MAGAZINES Greeting Cards molars BOOKSTORE 30 Elizabeth St lmnHOSSMBarcieTQn AND YOU IN THE VERWXLE We alsdxrhave facilities for grinding lenses on the premises and can replace any broken tensejust bring in the piecesf ROBERT Usm nudismnii OPTOMETRIST ESTABLISHFD 1920 63 Dunlop St Phond 858C noun Sub p371 Sufferers ofj thea Poynton and Harry Mrs John Kerrs St Andrews hospital on Tuesday ller many friends wish for her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Reid and Miss Catharine Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Pearl Train and are spending the month at New Wasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Wm Eirick and Ronnie Waterloo and Mr and Mrs Leonard Elrick Toronto are spending couple of weeks with Mrs Chas Houden and Miss Sus an McGinnls Holiday visitors With Mr andr Mrs Ferguson were Miss Florence Ferguson Toronto Mrs II Ferguson Barrie Mr and Mrs Ferguson Ronnie and Gladys Parry Sound Mrs 8th art Jones Douglas Marilyn and Margaret Mrs Davidson Viola and Robert Toronto Holiday and weekend visitors Miss Mildred Butt Toronto at Rev Butts Mruand Mrs Kenneth McAulcy and son Bobby at Duncan McAuleys Olivcr Rit chic Welland with Mrs Ritchie Mr and Mrs Jas Black MiSS Marion Miss Miami and Bob by Hamilton with Mrs Percy Black Earl Drysdale Hamiltonat Drysdales Miss Tena Keri Allandale at Geo Kclls Miss Mary Johnston Toronto and Mr and Mrs Frank Dutcher Barrie with Mrs Bishop Jordan Richmond Hill with his family Misses Doris and Florence Vint Toronto at their home Holiday visitors included the following Mr and Mrs Ray Sib Tbald Mr and Mrs Frank Howes and Miss Helen Toronto with Mr and MistlArileSibbaid Miss Leta Thomson withher motherf Miss Usher Hamilton at Ushers Earl Tubman at John Tubmans and MrsM Hendrick Toronto at Andrew Lawsons MrjandMrs Arthur Mills and sons Owen Sound at Gordon Mills Geo Mid dleton Toronto and Mr andMrs Geo Langman Orillia at Mr nd Mr and rs Melvin Ruddock Misses Margaret Vanzantand Marion Stark New market Chas Tymon Mr and Mrs Ross Vanzant Collingwood and Miss Mary Norris Toronto with Dr and Mrs Dunn L0L and L0BA at Divine Service Officers and members of Elmvale tended divine service at St Johns Church Rev Mr Butt delivered the message taking for his text Psalm 166 The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places yea have goodly heritage ThompsonMcGinnis quiet wedding was solemnizcd uttherectorgElrmj day July 1944 by Rev Stubbs when Miss Jessie Isabel McGinnis daughter of Geo Mc Ginnis andrthe late Mrs McGia Vnisbecame the bride of Malcolm Francis Thompson son of Mr and Mrs JohnThompson Elmvale Mrs Grlgg Breaks Ankle inuFall Mrs Fred Grigghadi the mis fortune to receive abad break in her left ankle when the heel of steps Thursda morning She was removed to idland hospital for xray and wasbrought home on Saturday RulePalmer Nuptials very pretty wedding took place at the homecf Mr and Mrs Madmen Flosori Thursday June 27 1944 at ten oclock when their daughter Bahbara Jemima became the bride of John Edward Buie son of Mr and Mrs John Buie Sunnidale Corners The rooms were tastefully decorated with pink and white MonicaCan tenberry bells cedar andorange blossoms The ceremony was per formed by Rev Dr Thomson and the weddingmarch was played by Mrs Dick Andersonp cousin theLbride The brde given in marttaze bv bet fathcr were istreeeiength fruck of Aliceblue sheer and car ried bouquet of Talisman roses and bath 78V breath vlvlrs Ellen Strum imvale was her sisters bridesmaid wearingjasfigured teal blue twonpiece frock and carried ajhouquct of delicate conic and babys breath Little urban El Mr George lurrl Mil till racrzar5An FIRST GRADE 11 5c unit carrsi lg Prime Commercial BEEF gt laminar rwrrs AFllllStlttctltl 25c TOMATOJUICE 39 iictilin sriliiilofrlusr lb 39c 17c BUMP Suitsill Eh Wt SWWUOAST talc ZOoz Tins crown SulaIlls Size 39s 7WH1EEitZia BLADE loin llzsc xhcr shoe caught on the cellar iconwaresyaggesios MacarniClieseLpafsncea iiz572 CTaStYSkinless Weincrs lb127c crown sailiiinslwi ViARiETY BaconantliLiverfSaiisagcy 135 r396