of Simcoe eriii coin capture by lleic iii of ii In it Ilt 01 lite ii ti air of iteetr ii MN iitulural ilttilt ofazse in twin came it with it Special con1 Ir mm it liIolstein Field D33 Largest in Historit Ii jcl it tiff Illlliiiltli attitei Fee liltiicil the ti gummi the iiidiildlli 11Itll relax im Iri of xlit tic titJi Il il it liiii ii if ilit ti Iiill la Ii illfl him tell ti till tiitii tr ii iii titilt til liniai Society nl the Ho 91 Ill the iteizii coziipcliziwii lil tzie llvl It in ie per flll nl me one ecited riiiii Ilvvitfi liiti tne iwitli imiiiii tori plarciireiit tit went to III tulirn filainpl too With ill iiiuwii of lint llt riini 111 of tr1l it in In if liue and to ti rector of Iltilllllltitl Services Dominion Dcpaihileilt of iiricul some and suitably ciruaved ilvei tuie leorize llaiitirip Vvarden of tray Willi Mr lutclars receivid Sitiicoe County and Hon George healthful silver rose bowl sliit ileiiry former Premier of lii alily illtllIi These tufts were presented on behalf of the eitizeiis tario and noted Holstein brccdei lie littil the presentation of the Certificate of Superior Production on the new Worlds recvird achiev ed by the now famous latsy tox ll Metfague the owner of this great cow and also President of the Holstein Friesian Assocn of Canada The speakers were intro duced by John Faris President of the Sinicoe County Holstein Breed ers Cilib Gordon Brothel past President presented scrolls on be half of the club to McCague and Mort llulchers herd superin tendent at lleiiaftoii in recogni BARRIE STANDS IN GOOD SPOT FINANCIIILLY Financial standing of Barrie and the other towns of Simcoe County at the end of 1943 are given iii preliminary study issued by the De partment of Municipal Affairs cov erini Ontario towns of 5000 and over Barrie of course occupies commanding position iii this regard Populations are shown as follows Barrie 10469 Orillia 10021 Mid land 6900 and Collingwood 0578 Barrie is the third largest town in Ontario Cornwall and Pembroke alone being larger Total assessment and total tax levy in the four towns are as fol lows Assessment Tax Levy Barrie $5346475 $225012 Orillia 4983377 244446 Midland 5075067 240454 Colliilgwood 3735240 148918 Tax Collections Percentage Current of Levy Arrears Barrie $208258 926 $478 Orillia 223345 914 33 Ouil municipalities have all had Midland 214171 891 51007 their own troubles in police gov Culling wood 136754 918 16616 lingwood and Orillia Our present Tax Arrears Tax arrears still outstanding in hire They have no hopes of promo Collingwood The gross debt of the afourtowns and their percentage of the assessed values are Debt Percentage Barrie $254767 50 would be moved to another locality 633426 137 and would get off to new start 903844 178 This would produce better 3521218 141 working force and give the men more Orillia Midland ltgt zvIMidloodOrillio Real Wili tiecompleted i3r rMcPheeMPR for East as imaniwth Sirrico has announced that the Highlrvays Department is preparing specifications for tenders for the paying of Highway 12 betweennMid land and Orlllia Assoon as these are ready the tenders will be called Tafonfo Man Gel5 fdrjanliwithino reasonable time 15 Jthe work onhthe highwpy will be YS 99 started Since this black mulch Dnvmgintoxmated pavement which has been approved can be laid very rapidly expeCt Toronto carpenter Wm Ed utaiiwenty miles Of it Wiltbecom wards 61 answering Charge of pleted this year All ofdhe road driving his car while intoxicated on between Midland and Orillia ex cept that strgtclrbetween Coldwater and wauba5hene WhICh yet has Magistrate leads on Saturday Evi have some corners rounded will be denceishowed that he had been re 19 tin 8min year It Will hOW turning fromthe north in company eve beisalted to keep down the with another Toronto man that ev example of courage and devotion ening and when near the corner if tireless always ready to oblige and mg 15 really tough enough to saus dust Dr McPhee said Bayfield and Collier Sts had be too often doing more than his STAFF REENGAGED The teachingstaff of both the another driver Returning to his father own car bejhad been struck on the be The regiment has lost first the troop its most for treatment devoted friend emit big bro You can save many times the neitillew of James Creemore public schpdland Cree moreContinuation School have all head by truck and was taken to class officer been reEngaged for the next Dr Bigelow school year Salary increases to His license was suspended for three the $100 all around were made by the months and car impounded for the Engravmg courteSy ABradford Board TI JtIIlitit Ll i115 ilor newly app iiiitcli til recoimitioil of the magnificent con of the agricultural fraternity ev tiitlftlltl Wane 03l0v ltd CXCCIUMMIY Ill The toll of war has sacrificed promotion It would enableus to If I1Vy iMur lttltHi it have taek ICIHtltItll Harvey tributioiis being made by incruiierst mg militile itlinnm life winch embodied all that was generally the mm Hle fine and noble and has brought when farming as whole must he mm IM HIV hm family Iooitpd upon as business and ac ml mend mum mm 0mm hlgh find mm mm to whom our fijdiliin men will look mmmlmly mmka my ml for sure itidimeilts in all the troutilJ mm mm oils days still to come by the death in action iii italy of Licut Keith Faris on May Ilietrt Faris not only possessed rarely beautifuli Christian character and most pleasl mi iiersmmlitv but also was gifted 0F and trained for leadership His character hisxable mental rcasoningt Mdlmd Flee P1955 Hulldl and his education made himoile un Depmy Reeve WinWIIOHOMu usually qualified to be leader0 lief his novel pm County among olir soldier men both before Wide police System at M0de and after peace Willi his family 1ng meeungOf Mldklld Counml wide circle sincerely mourns the and secured the endorsatron of that giving of 1m Home life even council meeting at Barrie next week km mt he gave himselfiwmmg June 19 empowered to discuss the 1V ghting preserve for thc matter privately will reeves world all things vhich be field most of other county munrcrpulitres dear Mr Offord who once was po Mfg Finis was now lemma hhlmscllf Slungth fled that tier sort Lieut Keith ouncl ave r050 10 N556 Faris was killed iii action in Italy asmng commlssmnel Strmex of on May 24 Lieut ItllS was born the Ontario Provincier Police to Maple Farm Scotch some make mqmry as to What wmild merit the second son of the late COSt to have me provlncwl pomo William Faris and Mrs Faris pollfe itlletlzwllm ledland In the former Bertha Strongi and qumes 50 made to after completing his education at What would happen tlePresent p0 SS No West Gwilliinbury and lice force The9mm155mer WOUId Bradford High School he attended maysend an Inspecmr to Midland Toronto University where as here 0352112 fxgeglly aer mid thehe proved himself brilliant stud 1tl lasics Deputy Reeve was Statemenitilent gratin mi in tone IVC from the provincial authorities as to the legality of the municipalities of Simcoe County amalgamating their policeforces the University with firstclass lion ernment Midlanthenetang C01 system is not fair to the men we onuotthe most difficult courses at ours in 1934 The following year he attended Ontario College of Ed ucation and spent the summer of 1935 in Quebec Province taking ais identified only as3 aekie scin oral French Here again Since this picturewas received he excelled winningthe Lieutenant Governors medal for highest stand of FO Crumb FL Hart has been irig Keith joined the staff of Rock cliffe Park School Ottawa in the particulars may be found elsewhere surveyslilo if llltRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAYone 22 BARRIE COLLEGIATE BAND 194344 Dane BCI Band Closes lllfltliffllill rill$11 Fliiilh KILLED lAnother SucCeSSu1 in highly commendable gesture 1111011 Active Season Iitlllll Collegiate institutes faili Midland once for fled ous concert haird has closed an benefit the other for Midland lligii other successful season Most of Sellout Tadet inspection and dis irily last have gone illll various jobs for Stiltlifiliv they were in Maple to the young boy and girl iiulsiciaiis lt llt Arena Gardens suiniiler holidays and the coiidnc play for ggaiden party ltor Fisher fiA of the home of courtc the bandI lll teaching staff will tie leav has been heard tondvrmtagc aiding in with his family for vacation Fifth andSisth Victory Loan cori ill Cobourg certs in the Roxy leatre Mr Fisher informed llie IJx played special concert of its own ltnlllCl that most of the musicians in the some theatre in May when would be back at school in the fail tidy sum was raised for the BCI and he expected the musical or War Services Fund ii is and During the past year ver for next season Nat has been exceptionally journeyed to Massey Hail To route and sat on the same stage where the worlds greatest music atrdil0rium bandso The band has played twice in work he has done sorterrlriilsn LHULU FIRST ANNIVERSARY 553 at the first anniversary dinner lparty of the Soroptiuilst Chili liarrim rie Monday cvenini of last week in Lions Club room fxlasscs of pur Free pleiand yellow flowers and yellow rttitielr and blue tapers decorated the table ross also permeation Would be better than Then they have played regularly ilos for local parades such aslhe Vic lJlItld tory Loans the BCi Cadet speclion Air Cadet church parad Iiit could have been much busier except es Canadian Legion Remembrance that time for studies made it Day service and many other par bod Wm 10 inecessary to turn down many rc ades though 10 Who knew mm bethucsts for the bands services At the school they played regu Thcir top pittrformance was in holy for assemblies This month February of this year when they the band played number of set ections at the Royal Victoria Hos pital Nurses Graduation in BCI ians have played for years past All iii all the town of Barrie and There they took part in the Ki the students of the Collegiate have wanis Music Festival and won every reason to feel quite proud first honors in Class 165 concert of this band and to feel gratefu to Mr Fisher for the splendidl Find Good Hunting With RAF Ceylon Pictured here from left to riglru FL Elton Bud Hart FO Dont ald Crumb and another flying ofi ficer of their fighter sq adron who 1by Mrs Ray Simmons Barrie sister killed on active service Further ttrerfuuritownsarefasfollowserm homunlesssomeronemgsnlllehav alppagggmgmlclaugingham unfilluu mileage Percentage PW9mfdiscmlinbexceptring his cnlistmeiltwith the 7lst artillery These young RCA pilots were 1943 Levy Vhth 15 40 harsh In cases battery in the spring of 1940 While attiacliedmt9aniRAF Fighter Squad Barrie 34042 151 IleLeJlad arr amalgamation of po Tum mhlwe twelve please You in Cgon India Th owers Orillia 50427 206 lice in the county under chief themld were presented to them Midland 112461 468 constable then constableswould be by native bearers just before then Collingwood 48315 324 interchangeable Worm tel Killed In Iton ipicium was taken Gross Debenture Debt HomerWas in wrong FO Don Crumb was born in Barrie 22 years ago son of the late in one townrnow he has to stay there year after year 1with the people looking for opportunities to black mail him Under my scheme he encouragement ea better chance for have first second and thirdclass Mr and Mrs Albert Crumb MI Crumb was butcher here and worked at Readmans and Wise mans shops for many years before removing to Toronto about 10 years ago FOCrumbreceived his wings at Dunnville early last year aiid has constables At presentwe have to g1 perience gt would like theputhority of council to talk the matter over with the reeves of the othrmunici palities LIEUT KEITH FARIS come involved in controversy with share To the men he was WitneSS same time Wmli kind just firm when need formerly attended Prince of Wales School In letter to his sister recently received FO Crumb enclosed picture of himself taken zin=Ee15ru pry holding the tail of dead 700 pound crocodile Which was shOt in lake by three of the pilots who were on leaveat rest house about 25 miles from their air sue tion Some of the 308 bullets bounced off the crocodiles back FIL LL Hart 10mm indicating how tough the hide was Victoriavill Mount the latter He went also monkeys galore he said but and India itit ei prorated ior the I345 talf iuhs Ill the iieehii ti illlisv Will Yin ivaile Mitlgute of lUl tIit La Mtfaie made perfect eoie 00 from lltll ie rt that on My nzll Ild everyone 2m tliltlidftl in ttft lt till it il ts ilillv llittliei iolteriiiain and lioiil ii UV Al future Iiirilgt Aliiston ltllltl iirili inn dim PM HUM Vlm Inuhitiill llie ivy llovs clamp gt til iil ktii was veii by tari Arnold Willi ivIlllvi xlnalimlvl BENIN bl ally ray iarniea second and the Batch Imp UVklgt av gt lll flogs judgiln was iiiiliittl ll Aims and veiiy Mi if linimwn ljf mm MUM llan handiwd the lilllilt itiIIi It ri it was llftliltl uh i11iicliltnial itft ors of tile IilCliilitIll V33 MHmymii Illll NW Hilda My iihwml IE Ill Milliiii itill Sprints aincron Stewart Reg Roach Russ aIdwtll lililti lttllt iordon lhifpotl Don Reid Rob lriltick IIJIH it lhtillttttl round the speakers men whose wisdom and ability lea Nth lien Cooper Ross Rodgers Iack Nixon Iioli Hunter Ittllllstili tovce Reid it ixisticrlcirhtoii lark laul IMJltiutli li xvi iv stand fiittil was suitably locoiat have Liven wtltil oiilstaiiiiin loili PM mm Jwk Hark Jack mum Hun may mwv mm Annrtmnz in mg Jack rpm ed hard spiiioi enabled ovoiy eisliip Ill illtltlltt kb iltniwnirnicc Baldwin fItllRIlf ROW tfeft to right Bill litain Stcplicnain ilcilur 34 vs hmr 10 Chm1 mm IHIhumhy MUM mil Illmi Slittil ROW Jack Brennan Florence Maxwell Margaret Ifodles Morrow Alan Bates loni t0niior Bordon Netlimo till tn li plnmwm Slwulwis NW iwmmwPM LINN litricia Iiixtord liarliaril livincnt Marjorie iorrclt Marv Antler Maitlaiiil Ronnie Blackstock Hartley liick Iml me mli DI 5mm Hamilton lld lintcliirigs lion Maxwell Mary Milulell Harry 59 lllt lsi snrin sir iiio lltlttl Witt ion lillIlI iVii we tll tlitlii ltitllli lij iitiiv it ill ll Nearly fifty guests were tilttll Mend iilift ditto sltif wry Srtiiti purl am itilvly tiliiio Farm iiittili ti finial ti lit roiii lliI Sthilii tt iiiitlitl tetra wtiir eniwn papappm Mrs Anna Sprolt clleitir Iiicni lttlt=it it introduced by Miss Lillian Keains lloekctl to itt of the death Sun llis own doorstep every step tgtllililiiil known Scotch lone farm be clean Willi this Russiai pro er of IIssa lownsliip accomplishmentsin each country failed recover and made powerful inspirational appeal to the Barrie Clubto be active in the worlltof their Coin munity They could make para trooper of me and drop me any where iii the worldand Would be among friends Mrs Spiotl said stressing the international aspect of the organization which has clubs in the Baltic iri Nordic roun tries in the Lowlands in Switzer land iii Italy in Hungary in Al giers in America Hawaii New Zealand Australia China Japan Noel plastic surgeon of Paris arrdifonlldtiou Zilld stalled Madame Kramer Buclnof Frarlce these are some of the great amongi Federation Closes Another Successful Years Projects A7Ad tier of the Vancouver Htiiliiilllllv it 123 gigrift all 211 ESSA TOWNSHIP Yiltl it ti ll Hltl ill Clubs godmother of the lnrorzrolMAN Soroptiinist Chill was tho deliglit fully interesting speaker Mrs Sprott runs group of business until MAW wireless schools and is president of tllrxton llelalrti Vancouver radio station She was Residcirls of tilll lilillti fCtt If every man swept in front of lay cvcnrnp June 11 of John lraI Henderson close neighbor had gone lo the Grahth farm andtmid iiicr complimenting the min was backing the tractor up to the stone boat loaded with milk The tractor was stopped vliilc Mr ira ilam reached down to connect the load with the potter driven machine iof the audience to the school magl it reported pin in tile gear shift lever of the tractor came loose 111lillf3 lever shifth into gear Be fore Mr Henderson could do thine the heavy iron clcirled wheel had passed over Mr Grahams arm Dr Margaret Phillips of Pekingunnning trim to the ground The Madame Chiang Kaislick Ditimdchme their booked up to stone throughout the school and he also Ilene weir uullw or cracuurionl lt we itii in iirsenicrit luv ltll xrt in part wvl famicri iii ines have in ll late ml again are is he poorer days ii ei iltl rtiili iilzci fartin iiiarity based not very 11 flirt peace joinui lltlllll 01 five iirisitle iL methg piotirerils that 12 and in every 121 lu lze ll1lltif ii tltli thv orelnrt an op better tomorrow the opportunity ins and thankfully Lorne out by the in liltll shows our thll maintained ieiiiii increased and lt iniiiluisis to our to rl to the qrialily ltiltlilf life Mentions under the irrtitlilt1 for Study ii lltl lire been held iii the tollwiiwn ilditillllllltxl Alitilwood ililirre earnwx Raster Connor ii ii it iloiltlcy ilolljv Ivy Jarratt LR lirtit ltitlls Corners LISIQ Ma fr arijx truest Home Gren li7iltltil Midlrurst liii TIrv laiJJOII OlO liil1iirflcld tiiees Corners IOlt twelve please tltnu 11 iiliriiiirri H0103 SUCCESSFUL SPEECH Dill Hpttrli Day at Ovenan was carried out VHICLCSSIIIIIY on Wednes verb Mrs Sprott opened her speeca my my Mil 1m lil1 lmed Steady dmn liioui rain lllC first part of tho tiilLIl dealt Vllil orrtslairoiiL bin mu il Ung lamb 11 WW proccelrni were held as usual in rushed to litStllll in Ioloilto for world Showed somemm of idoois where friends and relatives emergency treatment from which heI gathered to see the girls receive their awards Roy llowden was chairman lpjils upon outstanding extraeur riculzn events of the year like the lPinattire production and the First Aid Classes he drew the attention mine and iilstaileed it as one of the many examples of the spirit of co operative effort which is seen throughout all the school activities Mr llowden paid especial tribute to Miss Biltcliffe for the high standard of music which prevails at all times commended to the parents the re Tile AIILWAELIJLRIIY laceratedhaulfligimlfidifc 111 the 50h001 injuries were also sustained to thcl the Soroptimist women of Europe chest and shoulders Upon arrival lelssolm was sung by the pupils We have the nucleus she conclud at Slovenian Mcmoriia Hospital the and their Miss Elgood after thank ed of some of the finestjtroups of medical staff decided that only byving the parents and staff for their part song Greeting by nail women to work for the rcllabilfta taking the injured illairto Toronto support explained that instead of dent of the Toronto Soroptiinisl director of the eastern Canada region presided at the installation of the new officers Gllil the former Elene belt olls jFIt lit Elt0h Bud Hart 22 was killed in flying operations in Cey Inn on June according to word received by his mother Mrs Dora Hart nowliving at 17 High Park Gardens Toronto He was well known in Torootoliaiving visited relatives there for many years on his summeiwholidays Rhoda Young the RCAF Novemba 1940 and giggled dt Mrs Bertha Mackness Miss Grace June 12 in Barrie pleaded guilty A1etter written May 25 1944 the He also Stated that one day the Dunnville being commissioned at boys killed two huge cobras over and was given 15 days in gaol by day after Lieut Keith Faris Bradford was killed in Italy to his mother by brother officer states As an officer he was an and overseas in seven feet long also Jackals elk May 1943 and participated in OD deer and Wild boars The are eratibns from India South Africa 551 he was educated in Western Canada fy even the most daring nlmrod His father Hart died last This is done in their off duty hours Au ust Sister Ta is stew The appointment of Hon and Rev Cody President of the President of Interprovincial Coop pm except Saturdays Sundoys the boys dont kill them The hunt an in Yellow Grass Hart his relationship to that boys hero da Colbert secretary Miss Minnie Manuel of Dom with the handing of the gavel tol 40 The president spoke briefly undiamuumed read congratulatory message million do at Amine Nettleton brought greetings from the Kiwanis Club and Walter Coutts from tlleLion Club Other appreciated items on the program arranged byMiss Vera Vanderlip included violin Selec tions played by Miss Sylvia Fisher and piano selections playedby Miss Joan Fisher and reading by Miss Outofvtownv club guests includ ed Mrs Anna Sprott of Vancouver Nicholls Miss Edith Herron Miss Edna Manehee Toronto Other guests irwluded Dr and Mrs Laurie Minand Mrs Glunb Mr and Mrs Walter Coutts Mr Net tleton Miss Lila McPhee Mrs Judge of Bradford RUSSELL LOVE picnic at Alliston Fair Grounds smalllcllildren Ronald Tommy and for 1944 These iircludedzrhlrss Elll View andamee Sisters Mm EL 81 Crosslanst presume Miss Claire woodBone Tlllman Viceplesmem M155 W11 Nicol of Alliston and Mrs Thus tion ofEurope Mademoiselle ho hospital could there be hope of sav her speech this year she had asked poff moved vote of thanks icriilc mg his life Mr Graham died rare the five members of the study to Speak oil Sunday evening Jack was intread selections of their own choice Miss Grace Niellolls past presi his 37th year He is survived by his parents Mr WC 1W0 mid 8150 She thought by reflecting the serious times in which choice Showing the serious la ltu 11 Wanwbout lletr re pOIlSlblIItleS to these times The selections were all written by The first was taken from Dorothy Sayers radio play written by Canadian Major Dick Deispcckcy These readings were Liollowcd by unison song Come Loyal Hearts by Harold Whitehead Miss Elbe Cmsgland by Miss NM Thegross farm value of eggs Mr Itowden welcomed back to nd poultry products in 1913 to lupploximatcly 167 36 illi ifmm Mrs E119 Reece Of Tommi lais more tllzindliial 19421l inglvfliiti been Stgtioned in India 01 some extension chairman of thPllti time ImIngebmiheruGumer Eu can Federation Mrs flubw HarryCrumb also born inBarri Ben gm short su1jrmtFederation 15 serving withpthe Royal Canadian yearvswork and thanked Um out Artillery 10 Italy The Crumb boyS AIR OPERATIONS going officers on behalf of the chlb Barrie llvProfessor Charles Feild in of Trinity College Toronto Mr Feildine lightly recalled the days when he tonelller with some other tliun to pagetrvelvepplese Brooch Cirstonrs Office gt Opened otCorhp Boiden HrbDrary in Claude SBordeu to provide additional 931 forces It is lbceterl irl Military Salvation Army Hut in charge of Barrie otfice His 35 will be customs officer at Camp Borden Mr Drury who resides Was appointed recently He had been witlrthe RCE at Camp Bor den previously The Camp Borden office will open daily from 10 am to 830 he added ardesson TransCanada Air Lines His mother is the former Dora 3mg 03 T803133 qgggigggt eiatives Edmbnton A1ta who was and statutory holidays you CAN SAVE watson Dalston and he its afthe Slmcoe County Federation MIM01Ill requests that should interest all boys because of of Agriculture annual meeting an cl porters cooperate in relieving con last gestion and providingouicker tiara r1 ead Harts are Bradford St Barrie William Buffal Bll Cod ce your su smpho Saturday Mr Love represented vice by vislting the Barrie office ingand acting upon the advertise Read and use Examiner Classrfieds Advertise in The Examiner the Canadlan Federatlon merits in The Barrie Examiner ii as early as possible immense The Man Born to be King The7 Parks treasurerdllwhzrsMlSie The funeral took place on Wed last was Prayer ion Victory Lucas Mm Malgletti 3011 MISS nes ziy afternoon with service in $212riggigggggigggBurns United Church and inter Imeut in Allistoil Union Cemetery Oveirdcn Old Boys used to attend branch of the Dorrie Customs Officohhas beeiropened at Crimp vice for rilembers of the armed Post Office No 203 near to the Fred Warren is subrcollector siStarit is Herbert only who it 60 Wellington St Barrie