Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jun 1944, p. 16

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ped with lightning reds Eighty 91 the house and barn SIXTH93 BRACKEN SAY PROBLEM IS lMilk Wagon Overturns tOn Toronto 51 Monday PAGE Cvziztderable Xtlltllltlrl icduscd tn the Iciiirgr111 Sts district about it 1111 lwtien large grey bone Afsltirl 1111111th lle15ng 13ll 1111131111 1111 may lcrtoridl Hon Jenn Brads orie Wu injurm 1111 11 11w impressive Loui damage 21115 done 11 the amp 141111 III 111 1d1 lllllliJPI 11 bottles of Illllri Iltlliltlll at the lllsled pumc of humor Li Cuculmw Driver Reg 111 x111 tlt 10 home in CI we 52 cured by ardent itiorse new one on that foiltc be Icarne frightened and bolted tieN 1wi 1111 the prob1 11 Iezr of UH reefcll 019 uris off down lortnto one lleiri 11 priouctiou tiiet iid puking up speed the prelim1 and 1c problem of pen Ilc rounded the ill to We did the gtIitleri If tinned IWO 1lifilu aui 11 1711 pltxlltit tft1it1 fl 1141113 32 over it the corner Ag llt meicil number what ll teen uiw IIfliltlil il have lllttl11111i lt11ltillll 5111111 children more pl 111 11 these streets lc ltllit but ll 11 the 111ml nid 11 liltlc ii1v 1131 11 Etraffic incl he fer ecitir Anorierils Itt prrrrzrti tr 11111 111 11 My it 11 cc 11 coirlinc it 31 Bracken pioblciui Iltlfli cl kt41ll 1111 iiid lZCtllllll irle to rlf clown Toronto llltll 111 prices ll1 tll Ill IIOC iice and 11111111 outi lll th iizti 1111113 1t yet 111111 ilm lllt lrrucctl till lit ziiltw 1i 1111111111 l11 Illul 111111 rinlzizr Ic 11 titirizicti on l1 liri of 11 Ill 11 the cuest H1 11m womwn 1111311 im fii11l 11111111 11 21121 Vf Hm v11 uctivl 31111 11 lcucratmn of 111I line Fit 11111101 tciilil part if the Divci 11 1h 82c itIif to 111 problem be cause the rmltiitiun provided tillt ricultrtic II 111 tUAZMlIJAlIClI able itciiils later cvriiipir to 11011 lil wlrtl organised Ill Inps 1111111 11 County 13611 He was George Mr III tam czi uciicijm fhltllllltlltul faiii IwluliUII and 1ri 115 IIAIVII 11111 broke t1 11 11 III 11111 lrcvi Ill trot 11111 111 II he v1y but the iioiw 1111 two t1t and ltnncllcd 13 1cil p41 liic ital llII it pcznianciil 1111111111 1n an ltilltlllltllI that It ch H1 1H zircdmtitcz profitable and willtmmx rupturm ml 121 continue to all tune 111 this riirit nection Til llllitlitII spoke highly 1mv gm of the wiilt in soil conservation llliuntr Hump 1111 iiitdeilikcn by the Countypupa 1311 1111 111111 zlti 11 Ilmcl 51ml iirgicd the Ilil of vigiitil 11in I11 hli IIIJIIHII closed by stating tliiitl Klmum 011 0w HAW II5 vll tildlilllllllltl 103s llcill591tlilstl tliir unlit11111111 llltl 21 vf llthl an llllltlllllllll Wit lZlVCllinien are bciiic 11 3111111111 111 11111 before 2c lriiltl strong foiiiidationimd manna Aukmitmo 11H lul IQHWI now lllll1 11 wt from other ito do 11 Until 11c hillcnge of Future lc1i= ot 11211Itltilt 1111111 Ellilf 11f the challenges 1d115 fiilrio which llt siid c3111 tic nu it the Canadian people cast 4111 nest labour and indus try firiui and businessget lw gethcr around coiiiiiiun table The ltgtjllgtlllll1 rests With you to produce food for this and other notions he told them To produce 11Ut het crops you must have suitable crop and soil inan agcnient Iiicthods Some men IUHIC 1111 the land as others do iiiinesas wasting re source Iipt as on resource wlilch can be used for thousands of years Even here you have done something of the same he added pointing out that only onethird of Simeon Countys land is in condi inil outlined1v1nt11 over Dirt of ii1lf11inei speak illl iiiiiwi 11mm no hncii1iiienl in 71111111 Lire not to listen Speaking of the ltlllllt he that Canadians face lcngcs winning the iniliit anenduriuu pcinc and buildin up 11 world more acceptable In 1l1 common 111111 thtcc 1isil 1ll Namcs Objectives Tominoii nlrjccti can In agreed upon Mr IIIJtRNL snil 11c listed thorn as job fair pay and responsibility for every man equity for farmers fair trcritiiiciit for enterprise opportunity Iti youth equality for women secur ity for the aged and an cxpanrlA 111g economy foi all in world at peace 111 100 tCauses MufllfxcitementHIGHL 51131111 D11 111 lli 111 li 1111 nlz llizrckcn tlllt$lt4l the 11111l1ltitf our ccuiioiii will have 111 111 tiw lilllll tion fog best production Soils Becoming Poor Since you took the trees away 20 years ago the soil has changed Your soils crorliid by water are becoming poor If were to leave Canada proceed to greater produc the soils of Siincoc IS fertile as tion of the things we need 111 they were when we started we concluded must study and know methods of soil conservation We Iiiust see that when we pass on the soil is just as productive as when we There should he IIOLIIIIIIf fight iIig between factions We should sit around common table to dis cuss and solve our common prob lems and then with 11 united Single copies of The Examiner cents At all newsdealcrs or this office NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERSfr AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby iven pursu ant to The Trustee ct that all creditors and others having claims ainst the Estate of Robert ontcrieff late of the Town of Barrie Retired CNR Employee deceased who died on the 18th day of May 1944 are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of July 1944 after which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice and will not be responsible for any others ESTEN ESTEN Barrie 2426b Solicitors for Executors AUCTION SALE Cattle and Horses The undersi ned has been instruct edntcnsell LBuhhcAiiction at lnthe Estate of Joseph Travers Lewis Hawkins deceased Creditors of Joseph TraVers Lew is Hawkins late of the Town bf Barriein the County of Simr coe Master Mechanic Canadian National Railways who died in the County of York on the Can adian National Railways train en route Toronto to Barrie on or about the 18th day of May 1944 are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned executors on or before the llth day of July 1944 after which date his estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto andthe Executors will not be liable for iiny claims of which they have not hen received notice Dated at Toronto June 1944 Eunice Olivelta Hawkins Widow and The Toronto General Trusts Cor poration 253 Bay St Toronto Ont by Malone IVIEone andlVlo ery their Solicitors 2325b SALE OF VALUABLEU FARM LAND Cundles Mile North of Five Points Barrie on Highway 2627 OppOSlle Shell Gas Station SATURDAL JUNE 24 The Following Siparatg tenders will be received meammarek yrsold 1400 lbs lrrbay mate yrs old 14501bs 10 choice milk cows all young fresh 10 heifers and steers yrs old 15 heifers and steers yr old 2heifers and steers months old The above cattlearc Govt in spected Any person wanting cattle will do well to attend this sale Terms cash SalMpn1sharp GROSE Ariel Phone 4234 Barrie bythe41ndensigneduptohand TinZ cluding the 30th day ofJune AD 1944 for the purchase of the fol lowing lands Pamllithe sou g0 inthe llth con 11 ownship of Innisfil There rected upon these lands good frame house bank barn with ce ment stabling and steel roof equip five acres ts learedandconsists rb of clay 103115 The balance is good pasture IIhere Is noverdailing Spr111gcloe to the barn capable supplying all water necessary Hbusvhold Effects The undersigned has received Instructions from P11rcel 2The East half of Lot C011 Essa There is erected 03 tgiese 123d afbrbickagouse bank arn ee feet steel roocf1 and clemercilt sitaiblingw The 15 ceare an and clay mm 50 acres of which Is rolling ubCkbsltown nd the balance easilyr worked 5e Pu Aucmn here is nevertailing creek 135355 the Northeast corner of the The Following halffof Lot Dini ing of table buffet and six chairs pedestal table oak square centre able fallleaf table 6tube Defor est radio and batter sideboard writing desk gramop one and re cords couches day bed settees wicker rocker platform rocker kitchen chairs bedsteads springs and mattresses dressers wash stands large Wardrobe toilet sets complete chests of drawers pair brocaded dra es McClary cook stove with he water front Quebeg cookb stove con oleum rug ppllshlng brus large cracks Iampsnumber pic tures number of fruit Jars post hole auger other articles too num erous to mention Terms Cash LM Parcel 3The North 43 Con lnnisfil This is wood igontalning 100 acres of soft 100 Parcel 4The East 40 acres of the South half of 10112 in the 6th concession of theTownship of In nlsfil Thisis wood lot contain big about 35 acres of soft wood which five acres of these lands are suitable for astute IThe highes or any other tender ill notnecessarily be accepted Cash offers will be given special ogslderation TED at Barrie 8th day thine AD 1944 gt STEWARTQSTEWARTL BarrieOntario Sale at pm RUTLEDGE Auct rigroom Suite oak consist OEI 1111113 CANADA llorwegion Merclsont Mciriiie Plays Part if This World 11 1111 ipl1 11liti tniing lf lt1l till 11 full 71l 1111 with It vll llir 11 it Ill5 111l 11k lci Ili 1i1 tvvl1111ie1 11111r unlitslit 3211211111W1 $Illlll1tl 1111 11w 11 It CREAMIIIY BETTER rst 11111111 grcirurii no 1115 80F aunt 11111 Attica scurried 3115296 24111455 1uunju sci ill1 ditching All 511111193 criiiitrririiui 53 Filipino 515111211111 1111115 Elloz Tins nrursrrRI 511113111111 tear Rumbas950111111 stirrup Dominion Meet supplies graphite highquality pm miwith 11 1161191 of 07011 width appeal to 1110511 appetites Depend content for 11 major purl of your 1111in protein need MeiiliilsociilcinscssenlinLLj vitamiitsltlhiumine riboflavin niotiiil uiid iiiiportant MAxw lIb pkg 43c zlll Ill0 minerals iron copper phosphorus ellARC FRESH 1101111 BONELESS Narcissism Zebar Ila 7W cruiser 21111 boilleZicJ 06511139113 11112246 LEAN BOILING xv3dolelc 11111311 111195 21101711 SEALER iiiiiiiiiDciiochAri GLASSCO iiiiiiiitir 11111111111111 Med Size Odor105 yERESHOR SMOKEDFILLETS 246125 scores111111113115 Cauliflowers Per 111111 IIlUIiDAY JUNE 22 1944 jiChamber of Commerce 1Membership Now I78 32 =r111p of 11111 and Addition IE not It lbw11 IIrE lc in one 1111 Iiiuwns f1liren 1n Nominal Ilium Lob Illttlt1tl Walv 11 Wei iii Hill 13 1y 11 iol its SAVE llrl I11 lift in zitllitltl by lthttl 111 1111l Minn 11111 Illt 11ltrtise minimil Illtlils Ill lhc limit IiIlIlI1lCI 1I llllttI 11 tl I1i1 1AM 01111111111111 jONLTAIIIo 11111111113111 10 1111 oALiroNNIA VALENCIA iv 2523lleh33 ONTARIO GROWN scEDiESS 259 811131005 4101 191 Fresh Strawberries Arriving DailYi 1731

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