THURSDAY JUNE 1944 WilslWttilllNNAll ttoi5lovli lYlliicd Church was the scene of pretty wedding ut Lsti in Saturday Jr Ruth Elizabeth daughter of Mr and Mn lfom ii Hui nah Contestantuz lllvdillL the bride of Gordon Janus icvioll Tur onto son if Mr aizd Mrs Edward Westwoad Toronto Rev Lewis minister of the church offi ciated and Mrs Marion Wele play ed the wedding music The bride who was given in mar rlugc by her father looked charm ing in gown of iVory brocaded satin with Chantilly lace fingertip veil Caught with liljydlftllCVilllC She Carried bouquet of Johanna llill roses and babys breath The bridesmaids were vllsscs Vi olet llannah and Irene llannuh sis ters of the bride The former were pink chiffon and the latter blue chiffon with middling hats of ear nations babys breath and sweet peas They also carried matching bouquets of sweet peas earnations pailsies and blitllKllltliil The Liroomslnan Dr Allan McAndrew lolonto and the ushers were Robert Hannah and William nin lllillt the ceremony at recep tion catered to by lions Restaur mt Alliston was held at the home of the brides parents The brides mother wore twopiece lilac crepe dress with matching hat and the grooms mother black and white crepe dress with black accessories Later the happy couple left on wedding trip and on their return will reside at Newtonbrook rc it rv illll when WEDETNCS lsheer and STELWA RI lAltIlth quiet hot weddzln ooh ii iltull Chillcli Monte in May 29 when itev ll united in mal iilc littltl is of Mt lluluy Carter ivy to Crud liil son Mrs Stew art and the tart Stanley Stewart of Bindiold tl LilAl fill The lIZlilt more twopiece hilll of lclltltltlAL blue xiii jersey with white accessories and colsage of pink ros She was attended by her hibililbll Meta Carter Tor onto who wore twopiece Hill of grid sill jflsty with brown acces sories and coinage of pink roses The lirooni liroiher Mr Bradford After wcdtllnlz trip to Eastern points the bride and gloom will re side in Toronto attended by his Gordon Sitwot of SMIIllltlNNltK pretty sprint wedding took place at four oclock Saturday May 37 1944 beneath all arch beautifully decorated with lilacs npple blos soms and trillillnls on the lawn of the brides parents when Rev llewcll of llarric united iil marriage llannati Elizabeth Clara Rennicli daughter of Mr and Mrs Edgar liennicli Barrie and Albert succmength dress white 5mm Allan Smith son of Mr and Mrs Henry Smith Barrie The wedding music was played by Miss Florence MacArthur of Guthrie The bride itivcll ill marriage by her father looked charmian in floorlenllth flown of white triple licer and forgetdip veil of white learned an daugiltez arin bouquct of pink Briarcllffc roses ihe blidildld Mn Elsie flen nick sister of the bride wore firmlength gown of pink triple shouldervlength ill let pmk net She carried an arm ibuuquet of red Briarcllffe roses The groomsinun was Mr Verncr iWalt Barrie brothertlnclaw of the geroom Following the ceremony recep ttion was held at the home of the 1brides parents which was tasteftiilyI decorated fur the occasion Willi pink and white streamers and wedding bells The brides mother in print ed crepe with black accessories andl corsagc of gardenias received tilel guests assisted by the grooms lllOl THE BARBIE EXAMINER EARRIE oatArno CANADA wwtrwuwf war VICTIMS THE CORNER Receive Donations From Lions Club LL C0 RSES OR LUNCIIEONS CATERERS for BANQUETS POST OFFICE SQUARE ll HOLMES Proprietor thcr in black crepe with black ac cessories and corsage of gardenias The grooms gifts were to his bride silver tea service to the bridesmaid silver bread tray to the gromnslnan bill fold the pianist pair of silver salt aiid pepper shakers The bride chose for travellim navy tailored suit with navy and white accessories They will reside in Barrie IYItlZiLCARLEY very pretly wedding was sol elnnicd by Rev if it llowden Saturday May 27 19 when FlilHCCJlCdllil youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Clifford Carley was oilith in marriage to Thomas Iornc Tyrcr youngest son of Dr and Mrs Roy lyrer 68 Maple Ave The bride looked pretty iii With half but ill all white and short veil Sill carried bouquet of pink and white roses The brides sister Mrs Arthur Gable acted as matron of honour bCCOlll ingly gowncd in streetlength dress of pale pink with white accessories and colsage of pink carmllions Armoured Corps WA Carnival Again Proves Successful Event The second the Cullafliilll Arizloulcd Cull iol mens Aqulltaly at llallie Allllouiy on Saturday vvas again decrded success Over $2th0 via ldlrtil for welfare work among soldiers alllil caizlvil of families and to provnie tlililltlitnl for troops overseas and pruonlis of war The draw for five pixes made at ll oclcckby Co McCalntis 1C Lttlllfiidlltlillil of A33 AClli Unzip llolittn anth Major flurry Schiller of Tech Wing The bicycle was Won by fouryearold lail Allulet Till Ec clcs Si Barrie and the Koilnsky scarf by Vera McCarthy Tit irovc St ttlllllllttlltiai dagger made by lccli Wing was Won by lt ll Daniels No TAtflll alnp llol dcn the $35 worth of mens furn ishings by lpr itegula No CACIR and the pcililaliciit wave by Tpr linginato Add To Those Convalescing Alter Severe the88 After many sewm literMia brfivi4 drlni the patient is very ofvri in in an rxltv 11m walk melb rundmrn To all we of tout1 to lVllUl Hon them luck to ix liwse lzlls irla lKHlE tn twist the Humidors In bringing bill lurlLlj en Lgli Price 50c box min as all lrag Look for our Irgiatcrcd Undo All reed htzli liiul 885 vi is llx allli all time Pills to 355559 gnu it liift on tine parital ioyy $$x 3+ on Asia 15 zillion lilillllil Wing lliiliirlllollly was gully iceirai ed with varicolourcd gtlillitll fla During the afternoon the TAL Baird led by WOi ll lowltc played concert ill Queens Park WlllCll was much appreciated Thu names were all lll full swim tilll lug the afternoon and the kiddies took over the building the fish pond and llilllllltitll booth being especially popular About Milli de licious doughnuts were llnlhlliitll during the day from the Armoured Corps doughnut lllachille The building was filled itl adults during the evenine and lllt main attractions ll the dailies some it different kindsand sale of tickets on the draw prizes The CAC orchestra played for tltllllt in and the space allotted for that was always jalnnicd with couplch Local ladies working ill shifts op crated the booths and games with Read and use llillllil Classifieds illusion trimmed with trilliunis She The groom was supported by his brother Cpl lcd lyrcr Camp Borden small reception was held at the brides home when number of friends and relatives were en teltained The bride and groom will spend their honeymoon at the summer home of Dr and Mrs iyler Biscuits that melt in your Mouth WITHOUT BUTTE SMITHDICKINSON The marriage took place at noon on Saturday June 1044 of Olive Marguerite laughter of Mrs Iicltlt inson and the late Mr Thomas ll Dickinson Stayner to William John son of Mr and Mrs David Smith also of Stayner Rev Will Clements Minesing conducted the ceremony at the Minesing pal sonage The brides floorlength gown was of white fldwcred organza ov er white taffeta with matching cap She carried an arm bouquet of Jo anna Hill roses and babysbreath The bridesmaid was Miss Jessie Blackmore Hamilton Her gown of carried pink ms blue taffeta was faSImIedd the Hugh Il Johnston of the RCE at same 5919 as mat thelfrdc and PctawawafZiftiided the groom She earned bOPQPel 0f pmk while the ushers were Capt Mer Mr Ernest Dickinson brother 0f lin Rae of the RCAMC Toronto thelr1de was groomsmam and Capt James Allison of the The receptlml VVas bald at the RCAMC Calnp Borden The home 0f the brdes mmherv flmse church organist played the wed dress was 0f blue Crepe lh ding music and Miss Margaret corslgr 0f Tullsma r0595 The Kelly sang very beautifully The grooms mother wore navy sheer Lords prayer before the cure grass alld her 015336 was or J0 mony and duringthe signing of the angalllmses register sang Because 03 dwavyilthe bride VOle After the reception at the Old WODXQCC emcmble 0f loinPS Mill the guests were entertained blue wm brow acessonesy and at the home of the brides parents fur neckp1ece the gift of the groom on Indian Road Crescent The After motortrlp to Northern brides mother wasp dove grey 0mg tth Wm51de the suit with violet accessories and Egmh farm sunmdale Town corsage of sweet peas wtiiilile lllt The brides gift tothe bridesmaid ilriniiaiwbif viililte niivy was sterling silver bracelet and series and corsage of red roses the grooms gift to the groomsman Guests were present from Elmira fountain pen and pencrl set Petrboro Barrie Montreal To ronto and Minesing For the honeymoon to the Nia gara Peninsula the bride chose dressriiaker suit of spice brown with matching accessories and camelhair coat They will reside at Halifax NS Ullli Hull SI IIlalltlilxll llli ONTARIO GROWN IIIIAI LlIFlltl lhtAifAtilfi AIMS Iltll HOUSE ltllll$ iltlIiif UNIONS HUT HOUSE lKIXrllIlillS tiilltilll IllNiIl lllllllS tilfl lilitil itilllIAltI MAGICS HONEY BISCUITS cups allied flour tspn salt Vt Cup shortening ifllgaliatsgdgn PM Magic Bakan Powder Sift dry Ingredients together Cut In shorten lnn until mixed Combine cup honey with milk add to rst mixture knead on lightly floured hoard enough to shape into smooth hail put 12lnch thick Cut with floured his cult cutter place on baking sheet and bake In hot oven 450W 121015 minutes Mix rc mninlng honey with lemon rind and dribble over tops of biscuits just before removing from oven Makes 14 liliiiilr litiltlllls QUA JITY FOOD PRODUCTS Ilillti litiltli ASSUltIlli lliil Custard Powders 515 ilhvli 45 cup honuy cup milk mint Full COOL Illullllllllxti liifli llL ilillt lltlitkilS li2iti tillttilAl ii 25c llltllll tll go LEMCNS 33 Ilvh Double Cream custard 19c llltY ir Iltg llllilv ililllNizs Ilfii silcDw Ililc liu oi ill iiml Ics iil llll ulorc it Gravee Browning lb 23c lllllY litdlkiifs Peas NEW 11th TEXAS ilil HARRY lionxlcs tllrlii ONIONS Gravy Powder in 23c 15 comiiicrrial mil lloiliitl lringlcsy Iii NIIW AlJlTHtNLM Purity Ogilvie Rideau Cracked Blendies BUNCH CARROTS hunches lizicli Bunch1 ll or of Inirgc Valencia 5m Cheese Wheat 231177 19 ORANGES lililio NICV SEASONS ll lll1llllkg19c Hb all lllendcil Corral CALTFORNIA luuunllnltlnIuuunn The smaller sizes are most plentiful and are attracliclv AYLMER run swan auditing 31 MASTER BRAND BLUE RIBBON BAKING POWDER lERSEY Brand 19 millilA glimmer 23 ICE900 Cubes 199 NEILSONS COCOA PREPAEED MUSTARDscSc Hypo garet Kennedy Toronto wore floorlength gown of apple green crepc with green Dutch cap and it ILc Slililit1lii licxas TOMATOES limited quantity of standards at lNIITTglilriiift lloliila lllmlie Silo it AIlllthllulfi xlllidililil priccd according to hilt NIW litil MISSISSIPPI 35 Iten Ingersoll Fon succssEut faAnlnc Ilfli lt FLORIDA Illil lllfll 335 FIDLEltKELL The marriage of Miss Mabel Kell and Mr Frank Fidier of Cookstown took place Monday afternoon June 1944 at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Goodfellow Stroud The ceremony was performed by the brides brother Rev Kell of Cochrane The attendants were Miss Ella Fidler of Toronto and Mr Roy Goodfenow The bride wore dress of powderblue sheer and carried bouquet of snapdragons Later the couple left for trip to Northern Ontario On their return thevaillelive in Cookstoivn DOUBLE SODA FORlleSlFUL SLEEP 50 58 Plus usual Sc 30 23 OVALTIN 24 II Advertise in Th Examiner DONT WEAR YOURSELF OUT LUI Pkg nu NEWPORT FLUFFS SHIRRIFFS PURE cry him or Medium iiind REYNOLDSWEBB Quiet wedding was solemnized in Queen St Presbyterian Church Tgropitxion Mondayy M337 29 71944 when Elsie Webb oniyrdaughitir of Mr and Mrs Lot Webb Craig vale became the bride of Sgt George Reynolds RCAMC son of Mr and Mrs William Reynolds Allandale Rev ISainuel Johnston gt MS irzoz Ilnttie 49 Husbandstlimltaliourlf HTNMake nozistake Lliilbands often think about coffee Theylioorijemei1ibcrrthe lesson Virillat coffee rationinggrove t6 Was at the organ The bride given in marriage by noneo ALPINE own or Meal 245 PKGr nxuumnc to on FRESH LEAidHOEK OFF mariachiills VII no uuvw nNg on Jlriupvgix Battle continual cumin 19 lilaslononimm Glimmer or Linear 14 livusifivs ivafllllAllE Ammmlierevesrtlg5 rinsrmanwwr gng mrmg rlltlSile 22mm em 23 likes liATiQM GRUPOHSVALID nutter fNos 6265 Sugar MosJ 1435 Preserves 123 07 Calming Sugar Nos F1 Tcaand Goffec 14 29 E116 T30 734 yi ugnuunu To make surrerof full Satisfaction in every cup you must use really good coee her brother Sgt Allan Webb RRC wore Streetlength dress of opalblue withiinatching hat of straw and corsage of gardenias Herlonly attendant Mrs Arthur gt Treleaven wore dress10f came0= rosecrepe with broWh and rose ac cessories and eelsage of lily of the vally and pink roses Emerson Reynolds brother tthe groomwasgroomsman Followingtlie cgreinimy the new IyDwed couple left for short trip north gt ALL BEEF irrMsAREconntacmc QUALITY As Illustrated To beqbsolutcly Sure of really gQOdtclecff givefyour husbanfl Maxwell HQUSC It 37 uooodo truly wondefrfulblend full ofthefragrpnytl avtiifiind nelbody dietitian look for if coffee And heree why MaxwlelliJHousia Aisfbleuded from rarc exxtro ravor coffeestho nest tileMQKMLPIDQQCQm or JOHNSTON81410511 Victoria Presbyterian Church Toronto1 was the scene of airin terestingiliweddiiig on Saturday June 1944 at oclock When Captain Eric Johnston of the Military Hospital Dartmouth NS took as his bride Miss Margaret Anne Snider Reg daughter of Mr and MrsRA Snider Toronto Thogroom is son of George Johnston MPP and Mrs John ston Mineslng Rev Clifton Mac Kay performed the ceremony The bride given in marriage by her father wore gown of blush ivory satin with fingertip veil held by orange blossoms She car rted bouquet of TJoanna Hill Ibses Miss Edith Hall Toronto the maid of honour was in floor length gown of mauve crepe with working so hard Get Gilletts Dutch cap and carried Talisman Neverdusolvele in hatwatcr The roses The bridesmaid Miss MaryL commune Minimums wmn This finer blendii ionstddby remarkable processctllat roasts every single begngenlgf fall through 11 nun ampI DARD BRA News BONELESS tsriommgniioasl ccv Lg 17kg ml ill IN CANADA with GILLETT The border the cleaning job the better Gilletta likes it Glllettc sails right in cuts down on the elbow work leaves oors spotless garbage pails sweet keeps drains free ruunlng Use full strength for drains and sink pipes in Iolutlon for cleaning Gllletts in ti top allground cleaner gthat ightens all your hard cleaning loads Stop right now Makwelllioiise is packed in 777 Wartime Bag in cm All Purpose Grind and at less roost to you copies mix CED BONUELESS vent molst BAKED SLICED MACAROM AND CHEESE or DUTCH STYLE LOAF lb REGISTERED TRAD EMARK ailllell House BRAND an 931103 3500117151wi LOBLAWS amt POPULAR 108 LAVOUR FRESHNESS TEXTURE To uao with in iii Product of Gaining Facets