PAGE SIX THE BflRRlE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY 3cm riot RURAL LIFE gt Mat 1ng3 plltii$rl meal II Mr My home in Orllllzl I= rr Mrs ll Warner Toronto 111 IrLifffd til her home to uncr months gt SirAl rd Alton Tlrlrlluw and Report Brought lt wider Burr otcd at their llu qwrttlw QUE lJtlltL=v was BetsleRoxvdl Mrs tlmall have gone fltl II AUllu fly to the stllllmer The Red Cross Skat illd Ilcceatful dance at merzs lrltltA rr Lake onxlulwdav lint Rev and MrsWm llendlrl my tlltl son John spent few dlylt mm wwwwmmm rtmurmur ltlillng the part Week lI Luck MIA lurtu lorortv tllll Hits virrzl UhLllt NM 10 El and Mrs Alvin Drcnlnn llzoillm Hui remMot lllrir milk pmloction Re guests of the lzltters tvr 30 10 owning your Hy Vlloo iiillzteflll Ctrtry lllil wee em 50 on m3 be no life Siml ltvluud Mrs lllill wul IlliunlrzrlllVV 5Vtclstorlrllrlna gmpy Beverley Visiting in lixrstock 5pm lls nt till week while Mr llt tlltl llIl AA thlzn nmlcs uttclrdlllg Conference mull qllltlt Llll vonr rlVVlhlWKHIFIK Izmllfb SItWllt ill lllulil lalt ll lb bmuhhkmmmmilk overly and rossldlld wvrs tour Awaits 6th wrlil may on the ltl 0f the local Young Pr rplex mlmr ulmlm Im dm tv on Friday LIlll iv thc Mr and tr ecuncnulll to usr hurtintuit of the United tlllrlch littltllll lrl lilnzvulo gt2tltl won the lt in the BOOK Ark lollies ltc Arctlituld Writcs From ml lunch concluded the lvenirlst Opportunity mm llllrlhllly urgrnl 01 young 120 lillthl Sllllllil WEST lOllONTO 31 unique experience few the pin at lhs Union Station illlthcm this yetlr in Toronto was piwand mm mm may to locate Miss Rrhinlxln ltllc nanlelzlnd llle brooch after twentyeight DID HOW Mutual women vim may till illcliulizcllposls requiring IV my lltllllllllllll lht lollrlwdlf part of it let ct lllllllull Since its formation almost flllllllll Alclllbzllll VI VV 19 II 1in hfyIllitul Minimumonlytakulllemmllml lltl 111 All mill FUllltne JOIN lull illtlll rlowllrmanvimportant lmgi ll Hr tlgllzll lltl Ill lltl till HQ vI Vtalht know it lgt by Ilourl coul ViVllVlllIVIhuvrlqdlnCVll lill$ in lttllil mackgrmmd gmwml knowllgm ttut ro nlllcrl is lll1lilt lm illll no place of IEl elllill Hillitlnmmm hlll or retelllrw her flrsl cl Nol Klill at llllltll us llond Hunt hm MIIIHNI who mom inrl nllF Todd attended lll ClUF ll It huevircwvm de liltlllt wt 1W lltllltillilln Il XPNISCS IV II mm mm Rm CNN Mil WI mm bum The death in Tomm0 on Tum IVV 3V om AW mm WV My Vtmhm IV by Sfayln VVIVVVWV mm XIAIm NM HIIHHMHIHII bmsV mam ho mmka own local llll$ Slllltl real tltjtl ll$igt rental mica El llla dluln ll lillml time lol the SOLrely Loyal lllll llltlc luvcnlle Illldllt vvnrs ago She lx the last of llcr llllpnwl lu tlv Il lilu lth WWW liltmlmu it No had ll talllc londcd with tunilv and was in her llldl velr II mmetintw lulth 4r great deal of g1 on St uthm townsalp or coulvly Ion1 llrtlI or utd tn lllo mom llc was lt ltl lll Will ll Rid rm5 15 lntn took laee at Mc anus Lynda 1m VIvxf wml inill 37 are selllnii LL Qmotorv ML UM ll lllt Ll example which will lt alwan rc lotzltmo ll offered ll llllto ol llllltttlllllllttl AF write tonight it is ii lllm Robinsom Ormm letter that her mother had found out etfcct friend vlsrting owner mde 3mg II real rain sznce Vesuvius did itu III III III law as lorlullv mi llzllian trick and lt lll help to Wm weeks ago In l916 She lost her rmm ll Nm 3L Whtllmlle al llle Omarl Usllllill 41 1W llllll 11 31351010 =ilxmll will rilhd 9in llll lWWlS it FltWt llwllolo lllllltl rcntal rcglllzltiolu and hlld no word of it from then Elklmd 1h9liwemilm9 up alld Strange 333 ml Hub gt fun 11 ql CC VVlrklm hard pm lcldollt nc rutlull uz choice lu 50 ch lolll ttl lltlll on ll 13 cw inchcs utush which tell here mm mm while lust rpm WM III lop look vonchlllly ltll but L1H if date and slow that thc price ofllhose outside lllc llllllllllllllll minimum Illhlldh ls llll AHlt lldllllll an llll lould DL proflu nzlrlu to lll llitlllu as those 1V1 4V VI lnsido or else no ollc should llt the larglclo luvslllcd sccllon ol any flfllirifllifg tlfVVlVli rmunpd my it ml opinion of 5250 to 5330 tolm weekly lll Lunlula Itesults 15 Ipml pl thl befme 1h No higher V77 Average llllttS were TII gt lllrcc tltlh uul lt rttlil llrlxol L311 Barrlc lfllolle 24m Ill Progrmwl ilmnl IV Fm DA ll and Mrs llobt Kell and itllllllgl executive Utility and tllomull ti lIl It mum by ll ll lol llto on Fr ll Hum midMd my w0HV WW llrzxil on iflt llflltgt llllllut Sm hum of ms Elle whom ll llllltgt llll Mil 33 itll Ml Hlin lll gtI at ohml looting up will long years slandmr MM Antitruss lorirlllIchirvrro merit and lcclulVl thllt the folk Km Wm IN lrmmg lived all her younlzcr IVM llacll holne are thulllllll ol tllcanl= IV IVVVI in Ginm1 ViciniWV m0 iv rulclznxll ll ll lllt Hull arc llll lll to hull lr Ilmnm 50ml mu Modem II Em hr My II tXllllllllllll ll itll llKlll Jllhl ht Lug will fur Imago RICI Chmchy InrontnI and impp UnlqueExpenencc lll lotonto who cxpllllncd lll her was engraved on the back withlymrs wus rcturllqd to its rightful le the tllllllll ot ltt inch mining llclltly lhix is the fllSltlhtul lll lllcv dill not wash away some ol the fine dust The mod lot revision of thlr nurses graduation pin in Toronto WY WN Wilding the train on0rillin The subject of the brooch BARBIE tltll llllllll lllnlt woollen llruutllu again The farmers ll1em on pm pm 5mm lill Marchti when she Icgived back in Lxlllrldu lll ltlltl and trletly0lllg person kneless Robinson HM ll llllliltl ul hum Lump bl and lll Spllt of ll the vegetable mld lll lnltllods ot tollnlng le so ttlltIJtlt llL llllllllI pa lclllll fit Why llus lllc llalric Examiner llllgtlll0 llllllllllu Of CUlllSL WW lllth done it In NH tlllH new value of their money only one mmV ll Wlnl llUW Milli Papers lpapcr had lollll ofttlllil liltsificdwm Ln nixm thank you and VV nu mu mnmml mm Vhlm be home or on our way and your 400 lovely rooms VI 0mm NLN qulml dun VI VC emmes Turnips elch Vl Ill lh 24m ilidl 5130 IiilllllSlJtll bu kel at her home ln Barrie lb Sorry to report that Mrs Emery lIlH 1$1I0 is ill ill Barrie hospital 11 ZDJUC MlI ud MlSI TI Stowe 13ng Rhuharu Vpcr bunch he dreamed that p319 01 visited Jus Custon on the 24th Green llllllllgtltl bunch dc Jas Custon is spending aIfewAspnrauus per bunch 1c lrcut f0 apau Of 81 dB Illinegt $131323 lendiiil isaslrieendl Wood cur oard shoes dreamed that int few lays at his home licrelwhlte bllChv etcv 12 nbox 103d $750 hadno warthne contros 0n hope lllill IltXl Vil W0 my illli Pruducu mm llood LffllllSWltlt be turned to an Foil15 ittolllinl to size and VV Young chickens Jfor llloiling or llIVlllIL per lll Uriililllzlowl lo MFI and MISI Ger Hm Spent alMlXCd soft wood cord $1200 few days at Ferris 21nd Mattzlwu leI Body Hardwood ft cord $1300 cently lBill Sheffield whowwspent the nlxnwlnnsWV Crztbbiares er brx 12 tl in gvVVerrinVngEVm mei isotome or to Tommm boww Km we hadn ha the sense to Gm Mollforth rRu Zinnig per box of 12 25c pert BC is spending his furlough Pelunius per box of 12 250 athiligrem Hicknng que went Asmrsr box or 12 II gienwrgkend wlth Mr and M15 II Robt Newbelly Mattawa ls organize thegdist buttonof Supplies if all theway down the line spending some time with his sis ler MIS Hill bzzd Mrs Brolley and Judith Barrie spent few days with Mr and Mrs Mowforth Jos Sheffield and daughter Brampton spent thefirstef the week with Wm Sheffield Mr and Mrs Ralph Gavin and babies Dalston paid brief visit to friends here at the weekend Mr and Mrs Readman and Harry have returned to their home after spendingthe winter in Toronto Mrs Black and pupilinenjoyed Friday afternoon at the Drury re rforestationateekand helped with the tree planting Weekend visitors withMrand Mrs Ray McCracken were Misses Mrs Handy Sin is spending week in Toronto Mrs Peacock Painswickwis lted her brother Brown Congratulations tOMl and Mrs R055 Bertram on the arrival of son Mr and Mrs Spence were Sunday visitors with Elmvale friends Mrs Harris has returned to her home after visiting at Browns WI number of pupils of the send lor room and also Miss Hand have the mumps Miss Norene Handy has return 138de itggtbecause veryti alll thestores lookedilk tire and as ma more money an sa es with people nibbling things they didnt need and ropendlng it prices were skyroc to buy bVefore prices wont elll hoardlug everything they could get dieting higher 31 theltihandsa on nirwanrnru punickypeople werebuylng PfegmnMalggaof gfmggrggrggf ed to the Bell Telephone office MV Miss Kathleen Watson spent an rs Goron Shelsweu short holiday at her home before Marnie Rawley42opt Sr Governrnemfloalrcampmgus VV VV fern Firthe summer VV WVVir These awa for the 24th we Back at 1118 own lob the Imperial Bonneah Molire and Duncan Brown and Shirley Wilson at VLlfe man work for Canada goes on VV woodland Beach Phyms Ruth and on The dollars he encourages Inlgmdfc last week tfmd Samara givere FatdL Handys an rs M0rris Lfroy 01 0i 33 19 Pllnce 01 policyholders Ill6591 Personal visitedvith friends here on Sun The Examiner staff at Moores and Ifamlly protecttorrand future na 133 we ers JMlddletoIn has returned clal security also help greatly in gm wek with friends at at areeyI nancmg the Wt 359 Tilt Eielit EdgarDesser on IrrVrCtory Bond and War Savmgs campaigns theImperial LifeIlnan is an important faCtor in national service And needless to say he himself is VT There was large ghtherillg of that have hea ed the township rate ers in the nat19n my 1M It gt hallIhere on Wedngslda eVenin Our Fm mreimnm hambe Head ofce I3 to discuss the towns schoo Regulator La come Team board question me ing of Bmlh Oml for gnday May29 ovbtedntlle JR HAJE we ayers this iaecllun th=$el hakoflorontollulldlngi vv Vq st FEDMEYZ JV Bird SS II VV Tllfitiftvlltadiltmllym15 lhlf lg hand on nail home here til Mrs Coward were Mr and dllfmyheipast few weeks have sold VI VL Mrs Graves Midlnd and Mr The Dalsw cemetery bee 11 withMrsf Oades were Mr and pm The ladies Wm Servers If aiefback at then rlegular ij Impala Mrs Clarence Weeks Barrie and Der at pm Fm dreamed that eVe shodl had with everybody for himself Immmetmmmogeyrand vatVlVreaTienrittlliashggghrgogyerg no matterwhat cost in melons rm ma We inf II flmlp Mr and Mrs Walkbm spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ivan Vt Mrranalionlllglsziolohiglgsisg gt an With gus unay Local day he contributes vrtal and essential Mr and Mrs Denney and gt Wheethe cm gigegiln td gt er SDlnday ghtIr and Mrs lex bounds nney ropla May 27 Rev Lime of Ammn will beJtthrrlllnlsItgh rs as cnlgI aerarl gtII IA magma onVarnailonhsundayV VA VVVNummmyhutmvdcm mg necessary We to realize thatwifh lIdlevprmlndmialhi stth fll 98 catch her out the ear Vvysmanyhfemsumnce men who Weekend VlSllOlS Wlth Mr and er Spendmg two weeks at heft millions of dollar of Victory Bonds and MS COWard Toronto be held on wedneSday June at that in thismad race Wagedgnd eac of us blaming thlrother tel 351610 mutter how it that 1p Ir II Broc well Bradford gt and Much VHl he vRePresggrdre aidtothe wai Programme family and Mrs Denney exit has mike tSacrament will be obserM in he church on Sunday evening eguards if mwfmmolfoih furrowalumni cultivablqu initial mm3i Madonna the manual of prgvmlnu funtlor lnunm In the It Im not and dull1 lam Barrie and district thtllltt Ils baht done through The Barrie Examiner