Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1944, p. 8

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PAGE IIIIIIII anomouom 12 iii iRE EiRRi ERR EREERRM iii Ioslcil In blp Iurh Iilifllllr it but littlin and iill L3 ccgtrliil Liarlm ll fun or Ilzill ll ii c119 are not zificalc above rwz plillcl ic lllLl filliii lli ii pccll up the Llliii zpplic ll Ilikllliil 1llt ltlrl ltl illf if lttul lirc wiowri FINANCES recitid riiixi llililll will in exatnmn hold two itlf rlirity If oii eiil aly oi lrlltl ltll as in do avail canal ltttlllll cinp flilillliil The York ln Elc ill llllt QttJllIltd Sergeants peiji ltl tlic ti lt liflrl Ill tI leni tilr i=i in nit llrltl lll IlCtlh ltllltl Ctlf Iitii ltl May lollmllt rurartcr on rank thine oiiinr iltlt 1lillllrii lltailllznu lllfl tall in crcrs on ilm llllil for lillttlifll of plot and tlllllplllilll tl Slllxitiif Yori 15llltl irli NE in iin aid iflioill erascii li continued 91 no profit or sianrngii was reilrctl llllllll Inc car in compari GROCER EoR EALYS TEA it is just possible your grocer hasnt got Dalys lea yet because tlri flavourline blend famous for generations has cnly recently been distributed through 910 on But hell get Delis for Ask him You can get DALYS IICA llllllJNAN DUIIZIIER DOBSON DOMINION STORES LIMITED MERRICKS GROCERY II MCCULLOUGII Dunlop Street 62 Elizabeth Street Allandalc Dunlop Street 72 Owen Street 68 Elizabeth Street Lovgliest of all Interior Finishes ywcrshcs jgcrorifolly Theres more lbaririn ca washablelinish waitinforriyou in SOFTONE an oil paint This IOVC Iiest of all nishes for walls wood work and furniture has everybin you It flows on easily 1y 3WAHABEE ECONOMICAL FINISHES could wish for rrhrosl hardlrrsjs yearswashes as eusilym chinacontrols glare iind rcflecribn your home with In many beautiful too Beautif shades 50FT0NE nonnvsoii HARDWARE 31DunlilpStifi Tlphiing 2431 INTERN oNA IVarnishesPaints VEnamelsWax 57A Eiuis FOR EVERY SURFACE THE SARJANT RCOMPANVYLIMITED non ALE For greatest consult our yli lliinlop St ASHth STEAle Ll iriii ill ilion writ c1215 ieve depreciation li oniitIILty ciiilipnunl liw will at SHth ha also been made llllll revenue for gttbiliatiori of rate The sum of lllltlll for Habit ii of rates has lttll pzoildcd the lllllllh of lln llepziiliiieiit Tbis with $4000 provided from lll cs Itgtli lol this pit otf kiiiic iiisi it $700 Czitctvsoiiis llcpailiizcni inn with $13 HIS for flimprevious year The De men contributed Silltltl lilllllii illt year from its sur plus to the general revenue of the lilitll liibisc Iribraiy Hoard licccrpts lor the year airiocrtcd 1to 532 Lfitl which includes the grout from the Town of $3222 lay ncnts aggregate Sillttilll larks Lollllllhslilll Receipts which amount to $3 ILLRL include $30tliLVVfioiii lac Town covering the lllllllcvy in full laymcnls aggregate 3188199 Police The Town lcvyffor the lolico lpaid over in full The Commission jlelst its year with 8141170 uri Eexpended funds which were on de shoe comfort The right litter is is important a1 the right shoe Our expert fitters know 1011 to fit you properly so that you get any comfort benefit from these shoes designed by famed Dr Locke WALKWEL SHOES BARRIIIS LEADING SIIOIC STORE Ilia 2397 ATKINSON in Atkinson who Hui rv Illill of Harrie for about flirch lllillll1 Mulcastcr St immlmmi Wm ILL ilied on Mdjv 13 at his borne Ill and vclopmcnt many hydraulic liilllll designed and built the large storage for control of power on the Sturgeon River at as other developed and operated new and method for control applicable to airy river sys to bad discoveer and map oed lakes and rivers in Ontario and Quebec where he had made topo graphical and hlroiraphical sur veys enuincer liinain iii well river storagcs effective stream tom are his widow stance Temple Atkinson two daugh Butfcrworth Doreen Ottawa and Mrs Oliver Nancy Toronto and son Temple Royal Rifles of Connnission was 311100 which was ters Mrs Capt posit with the Bank of Toronto iBarric iChildAHdcked by Ram Unconscious Hours Crccmorc Star Mr and Mrs Alan Ritchie who saga was attacked by cross rain at about pm on Friday May 12 The child suffered concussion and remained unconscious for eight hours The accident was witnessed by the little girls small brother who radio the house and told her mother It is believed the baby crawled through hole into the field whereth sheep were on pasture and where the animal made the attack It is pot known definitely whether the ram but ted the child on the head or whether she was knocked down iith encounterand hit her head on stone or possibly both Mr Ritchie was at work in the fields but lost no time getting the our conscious child with its mother to Creemorc and thence on to the GaridM Hospital at Collingwood It was two oclock the following lniorning when the baby regained consciousness Monday evening the little girl VWdS sufficintly re coveicdmtobe taken to her home it is to be sincerely hoped there ALBERT DYMENT Albert Edward Dymcnt member of auvcll known Barrie family died on May 12 1944 in Toronto Western Evelyn pmch Ang We and Hospital where behad been pa onchalf years baby laughter of field lUl nearly two years Mr Dymcnt was bnrii at Lyndon farm on the fifth line NottawaWentworthCountysori ofNathaniel He attended Barrie Colr lcgiatc and Upper Canada College and for some years was associated with his father in the lumber bus Coming to Toronto in 1906 he organized the brokerage firm of Dyment and Cassels and in 1908 was elected member of Toronto Stock Exchange former alderman at Barrie he was elected MP for Algoma serv ing three terms He was honorary colonel of tbc97tl1 Regiment of which liewas once paymaster He was past Grand Junior Warden of the Masonic Order and member of number of clubs including the York Toronto Toronto Hunt Toron to Golf and Granite He was past president of the Ontario Curling As sociation anda member of the Can adian Senior Golfers Association Prominent business executive Mr Dyment served as chairman of the Canadian General Electric Co Ltd for 16 yearsVretiring in 1942 was vicefpresident of the Royal Bankcf Canadadirector of Canada and Dominion Sugar Co Ltd Motif Dymcnt iiiess rrEi imam EXAMINER oriririrnorirknio CANADA other five loronto aizcrl 77 years He had llfl lorontn since leav lillllt six years ago born at lItclicmin Que minim erranricer firt to advocate and plan for for igtiitirnr and survey byair His service llilfl included ex imirin and reportiniiv orrmowcr lel rivers and murmur of minim projects in North crn Ontario and Nova Scotiu Mr II wasl forestry llC was the At lie flow Nate iars he was chief forester for the Spanish River Pulp and Pa per Mills and for several years 10le lltlllltlliCl for the Dryden Paper Co and liner connected with the pulp wood operations of the St Regis Par per in lodbout Que Surviving Cori Qucbec prisoner at IIong Kong and two grandchildren MRS BART CARROLL iloticnlrsrii eaih occurrm or Am Sentinel Iisjdy LAIA of Bari Ell KLll lric Iriday li about ago allIuAiLll Bier if iottcriliirri that Dccciwd lifil llilltl regular alendut very pccral tiztcwsi xctziiizm of tlic Socicty iifl Worn and itiillzl cd ixiccti Sairiviiii lre lath73 sister up 75 lb ice capacity deep shelves scientific 200 REGULAR PRICE $6900SALE Ioai Mrs lizirles Ilixlilfl 21nd two brothers rilliaznj ilriztliz of Orlando Florida Martin Toronto private funeral at be late residence on Sun was conducth be pastor Rev Cliilli ton lll spoke very highly of her devotion riert lirolf place in Mount lcgari Iallbcarcrs were Iliilt Robert lloppcr Jog Dorr ll ill and il IIIIHVC sirvicc afternoon and church litter cniuliry Austin Geo tilkozn nan and II Scniple friends from attended were Mr and Mrs Matthew Mar Mrs Claude Martin lhcodoie and Andrew and Mrs dis funeral Among lance Wilt Martin Charles ilI nn Bibs Mary lhompson Mr and Meeting Charles West Ilond Mrs artn ronto 1s rs West and IV Ilarric and Airs Dale lliecdon IItfld ibis Clarence Silnmiiier aiid Mrs Iillgtgtcll Ncsbrtl Oshawa WILLIAM The Township of Oro lost one of its most esteemed citizens when William Miller Campbell of iiil thric pzissed away at his home on Monday May 13 tilllo after about months illness funeral MIIIIZIJ The service on Thurs day May 18 was very largely illl short service was held at the home followed by service Guthrie United Church ducth by Rev Millcn itsl sistcd by Mr Jack were Ernest ll Campbell Wm Gilchrist Norr man Campbell las Duncan Interment was rriade in Guthrie cemetery liricnds lfroni Stayner tended The bearers lrove Geo In Canada price ceilings mean it went up almost 11 on the satire grandfather something The cost of living has scale of measurement The Can in two years while adiaii people are shelling out taxes cil Was IClllllnl illtellflillll 011 in the United States and Australia at rate which would equal more tbric United Church and in politics he was Liberal Left ti mourn his loss are his wife formerly Miss Florence Duns rnorc whom he married in 1905 on the home farrri and Howard both of Shan ty Bay two daughters Mrs Stan ley Osborne Credit OBrien by from Edward Campbells Alexander Campbell Bessc and lllthllll The leceas gone up only attended Toronto relatives Brampton Duntroon Orlllia Allis ton Iolt Credit and Collirigwoodl as well as the surrounding com Among the many beauti ful floral pieces were those frorn following Church Guthrie Womcnjslnstitulc and Port Credit United Church Mr Campbell was born on July 1874 son of the late Mr and Mrs George Campbell All his life was spent in the some house on Lot 17 Concession farm has been and Dixie inimity two sons William Guthrie Unitcd Port Hodgson Ethel Brampton three brothers Alex of Guthrie David of Toronto and George of Winnipeg Oro Thciare also four grandchildren Stari in the Campbell name for 109 years five gerieratRubert and Shirley Campbell lionsuof Canipbells having so farl lived on it In 1835 the farm was Advertise in The Examiner MW SUMMER AND HQLEDAYS ARE CQMINQ Florence and Mrs There Marilyn Hodgson and ley and STORE HOURS Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday to pm Wednesdays to 1230 noon and Saturday 910 97 Summer Fashions Youll Live In He aicAAiiziesultaritcomplicatiims AN INVENTOWS MARVEL Shclburne FreerPress and Economist Canadian Cariadiaanronze Canadian Marconi Cop He president of4Radioalve Co of Canada Ltd and Cd Patents Ltd At the time of his dead ment was honorary president of the Ontario Jockey Clubldf which he was president for 18 years and zrlsotlieIncorporatedCafiidinac ingAssociation His Brookdale Sta blerwdntlie Kinng plate twice with Heresy and VHerendesyJ His best horse was the imported Tippecanoe winner of the Canadian Derby then Iuventors really sometimes work marvels For instance we once bumped into newspaper item about one the story being told in these words The new organ has electrical action and the organist by touching button can charig ithis combinations VVwitho leaving FUTl Erie Derby winner Dr Samuel Lady Curzon Canadianbred won the VV Grey Stakes Surviving are histidow Edith Frances Dymentra daughteriMrsr Landry Montreal two grand sons Peter Cory Landry RCAF and David Michael Landry RCN and granddaughter Cynthia The funeral service private held at the family residence Was con ducted by Rev Canon Moul ton rector of StSimons Church One ofhonorary pallbearers was Hon Leighton McCarthy of Wash jngton DC Cremation took place in Toronto Crematory and interment was in Mount Pleasant Mausoleum Examiner subscriptions into Eirreaijs They tare allgpayabl in advance real Trust Co Shawinigan Power and Paper Co Ltd Famous Play Corporation Ltd Co Ltd and was nadian Radio Mr Dy ont ta 45118 so Talia DRESSESE Sizes 12 to 20 Youll stroll through the summer days looking pretty and comfortable and casual in meet these PERT LITTLE FRO 0f tubbable Tahiti clan esejabilc var iOucholbiifsAt Rub CKS $298 TWOPIECIIRS 061 and crisp Seersucker An approved summer model To keep him tailored and Cool through hottest days choose one of these neat twoplecersf Smart styles striped and check patterns on grounds of blue green tan beige red Sizes 12 to 20and 38 044 Priced at Styles as shown and ma sw others lllljlfiwllli SEPT 23 NH The Green Front Stores HARDWARE and CHINA WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS wcggm SAVE s1700V REFRIGERATOR drain system efficient insulation Connor Thermo Refrigerator real beauty ondideol food guardian cubic feet food capacity 100 lbs ice capacity Fibredlds insulation non clog drain system All parts easily removed for cleaning Baked enamel finish Easily cleaned smart modern$ design Compact ondneort All these features in this Connor for ZWAY INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Bottle 59c FLYDED INSECT SPRAY 25c and $100 SPRAYERS 45c 50 ANTTRAPS 15c and 35a HARRY ARMSTRIING PHONE 2801 Itching limiting Stinging7 Eczema or Salt Rheum Eczema or salt rlicum us it is commonly culled Is one of the most painful of all skin troubles The intense burning itching and srnarting espe cially at night orwben the affected part is exposed to beat or the hands placed in hot water are most im bcarablo and relief is gladly welcomed The relief offered by Burdock Blood Bitters is based on the knowledge that such ailments as eczema and other skin troubles are cruised by an impure blood condition Bring about inner cleanlinessby using II to help cleanse the blood of its impurities Ask at any drug counter for Price 8100 bottle The Milan Co Limited Toronto Ont wwwuwmmamupn llmlNW SUIT DRESSES SPUN RAYONS SEERSUCKERS Buttonfront TwoPiecrs in avaricty of tailored and dressycasual styles Flower patterns and striped pat terns in summer colours Sizes 12 to 20 38 to 44 At New gored alpincbnd all round pleated CREPE DRESSES in new summer shades Turquoise light blue whitedrose $298 $398 SLACKS wVeiiTulgio fittrimlyfof alpine and covert clothwith fzippersfor button fasteners Grey blue brown beigei or green itZsSBil $393 Aniline rvsw Jcmrroni messes Thiloied and claSsy Styles inlboth printed or solid colors Slzwdilto 20 and 33 to 44 Each VI We have aqurge varietyjof GARDEN SEEDS in Apockages priced at 5c and 10c ZELLERS LTD PlantiYour Victory Garden New

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