WW pair bootees bathrobe girls dresses infaiiti PAGE ItsUfI If tri REG GODDENS MEMORY WASNT ALWAYS SO KEEN In llllllllttl listriiri 4t 1hr 11I41llJltl niiiilrn lltllAl tflr HllJllll lult is that the oiiii gtlllllx UlllltlItIIltllllJtl 1111117 ll tll tlir iiiiiisiul music of the lioioliclf Smut t=ii iii lii boyhood thus when he spent his dllihlJls iilh the Sisiloiii Iocci nukin ltltlt llltillr his lapsrs of inciiioiy ultcll brought out tlut disarming JIIII iliuli liclstill pocket IelJllis 51111 to the silll an older tango lllllnltill on in press Allll lltl iilli hen uhcii to II lurk lllllkall it he found that hiil been let the front doorstep iiill inori1ii to cc out he liiil sttppcil oici it uiil tlllll oil llmts 11 lol IH Hotel lie out the 14on 1n ts iltJltl unium Ilia not admit it oi not in his musical iiiciiioiy talents mm of thatiii uc stllt 1tit Youth Miiuiai tiiiilgiis lllltlt 11 km than Auntie vai in immna of illv via 111111 411 ii thi pct 11 our limit Hull 1liltli to M1 icuic tllltlii Kidd p11o contiliic Allow illii tl JIM spxiiit the man liaktl iii ili ti 1it 111 if it ti il 11 211 ii iei 11 which to Il on the nice you the 11 one Ni and Toronto tt ol pzies 1le the tickets Mrs 1i tltl shutter 11 lll loionto oc mentix 111ttillillt to liinc Lti Plant 311s lt1i 15mm liltlltlsllll on Vttlltstiak iiizpnw IIttliillltlAlllllltn 11iiilic onor unvehng Iloiii Allistoii on 311ii no VCmm SChOO to liAC aid 311 111111 111 Iiiule 1111 or 1zs for Ittn With 31 Mp My now to help tciiethen iiadiiii of Miss lrincclt lciiiii amt aMarks Empire Day In Stevenson Altlll 11 National Anthem responsive Ili Death of George larks lblc reading lsaliii 13lords lrayer Al Coakuohn smart Mpylllcgce repeated by all while at the 21 11111 lcurge larks belovcdlsalute pledge allegiance to my husband of Mitinic hain pass 1flail and to the Empire for which vl rd Vitl VtilfflwKMdl 114 11 stands one nation iii1ivisible iiiiera was ncu unoe auspiccs mm hwy 0f Manitoba latclue No itl F0 La 11711 full du and A111 on Wednesday WW 11 IDLIHIC from his late residence for servuc 111 111 Mimi ml 15 mg by in St Johns Anglican Church Iii 1511 11011151 14 111111 19 the Kill telmom Sr Johns Cemetery idcrgaiteii accompanied by Grades Rod ross Workroom i1 and II song British Gren Tc Indie we Drew mp iarhers conducted by Miss ltlilligan Hod Cross miluoom on may and accompanied by Miss Parkeru quilt was completed and three Our Flag recitation by Bruce cartOns packed containing H3 arIBmCiUW youre Gmnd 01d litrlaiiejud Llnmm illng Miss Biirkitt and Miss Joini TiLtl son msses oil cliilds cap and pair of slippers Ch thd MM dress hospital jackets swcat Immsmlt iccollmamm by Ml Ly ers himginwsv Hth jacked tons Violin solo Marian Heath 1311 WG Unit quilt Ross iHlimd Of 0111 Billhu song by Miss indrcvs class conducted by Miss it itfliit icy tor lniils delivered I11I to tho hlIllIlZ BARRIE IARIO CANADA TODAYS pipers HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY It Ht lif niitt xylcgll whirlwiiiiiiiizii cm or SOLDIERS WELL EOUIPPED FOR ENTERTAINMENT iiiis CANADAS Liiiiursr nova HOUSE city of Iiiff onti Stoiicliiig Roem longest plxfLCIlii llirow in Worlcit ttl fietund Tlieatn Scots 1503 Over Mili Siege and Screen Stars Visit liiiiGGiiiiiiiiii AUDIENCE Lump Ausiiiory SCIHCC Doing line Job ExcelQ lvflf hilltitfh for All Sort of Sports But litirer no CHICKENS antic izile omit 1i iinn iif italic Millel and M1kfcri ll til ittl llitltl it an iiri tilltltl lili lllti iriiill 1i In itl1l 111115 Vtt is ftvtllt Scoii tint zilii for tiriil 111 HVtlui If Nthll in IUHI iniv imp Ix pa Ii iiilii ioiii room ii imi 11 11iilttl to killiiitit in pii lillll H11H and totil Ilirl lie on tiir iit diI 141 out an llt cil until technical li vi llii gtH til 1151 th 1iiic ltllt 111 to New 11151 leit liltiltI tillt141 it ii lint1o and ttM lib itl dressed head oil 1n illilldlttllititllll not licinz atceptcvli iw present time iliialit llllttl illii it was fea piiiltitioli 1Iltt11llllllll 1911 local Ozonomouonzu it it iw kiuilii obtained from til the iizvlitoiiuiii pi lt ll tellin K11 tliitctl Stac pctnnlnn the litiiii illitl 11 1111 1011 All 1121 iii lll The North 1111 llieatic iiiifcd for having the loop Ipr It ti turccii vciscas MM fl Mrs lreeii 11 itcii St tho NW iic icceired word last l1ltli 1llIll hei eldest son 1pr ltcrtrain ilttll 111171311 tanailian 111 oiireil Coips is oieiscas 11c cnr listed in Toronto with Canadian Ar inoiired torps Sept 31 illlit toii his basic training at Newmarket and l1111 its transferred to foiin thir itll where he was 14111111111021 tintil he left for overseas oinplctcs olirsc lpi llaivcy Chester Ilailie ll ltttitittil has returned to Toronto af ter spending two weeks furloiidii tilllullis parents Mr and Mrs Clarke 53 Victoria 81 He has1 successfully completed No Army Course and is now attached to Can adian Armoured Corps lpr larkc reported in loronto July 1943 Servingr Overseas LAC Arthur Mchan Geo McLean flit Barrie is serving overseas as baiidsnian with RCAF Band euplioiiiiiiii player he reported to RCAI in Ottawa in March 1942 and had been stationed at No SETS Camp Borden since August 1912 1i itllit ltillLlLl 1111 lttttlllt inns tl tlomt lliiil lll to llo1i=v1 came to Iioiillli iraiiion inclines in lll 11111 linec nionihs the box office ttllll had 195d off the initial cod oi the int llirwcvci the camp 13 iiiaicniile area Those loe Canadians who were quarter Ltt neir the North Eiul were or i7tl hnis out at 1013 pm tor those men in more distant sec tion this was llol possible The tvliiltltlli was met by the opening ill ttll1 theatre named in con tra the South End with seat in capacity of 1300 Movies have become Camp llor dciis most popular form of year round entertainment it 1101115 in the ranks or 23c if he is connnissioiicd officer loc can enjoy the newest and best of Holly woods productions It is not un usual for films to be shown well in illiVitllCCOI Montreal loronto or Winnipeg In fact the technicolor picture Du Barry was Lady had its Canadian premiere at the South End Theatre Sundays when his friends and relatives ar son of Next Monday at the workroom immimm accompimim by Miss Ly tickets will be available which tells Reckoninu recitation Don may win valuable prize if you lclda Coles of Mrs Blackstocks class donate to the Russian Relief The most important part of the Eleven ladies present May 13iiiogiainine was the llllNellIIIgYOf lid 0110 111111 V15 Ctillllttttt ltltC school Honour Roll of 149 names ReceivedParcel of clothing 11m DI NjR Dsmclair God of Love hymn by Sen iior pupils was led by Miss Millers MIDDLINGS $155 per 100 lbs BARRIE FLOUR MILLS For Me by the school choir under the direction of Miss Milligan with Miss Parkeraccompanist The programme was closed by the shigingof 50 Cinada school SHOULD HAVE The ignition of your car CllCCkr ed regularly No spark N0 go Do the generator parts need replacement DRIVE IN TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Service tcresting and entertainingvaricty tot music and recitations was put ion bythe pupils of the Prince of Wales School following along the Empire Dayprogramme prepared by the Departmentof Education Themelcctions were exceptionally well done wasan assemb to open the day There was praycrsuitablo for the day and pat BARRIE ONT had subjects dealing mostly with the Empireatid the flaginteispeijs ed with patriOtic songs The names of the boys of the school whose names had appearedin thecasualty lists were read Jack Patton Park 141555 Eternal Father Strong tOSmith RCAF son of Mr and Mrs lSave hymn by group of with ROM Smlth 169 Bulimia 31 iviplin accompaniment Love by the On Tuesday zrfternoon very Illlance At the Kim EdWdld SChOOl there recently completed in the county 1y of the whole schooli ygave 577 lbs butterfat from 15532 riotic songs were sung for half ziii1b5milk as asixyearold on three hour In the afternoon the classcstimesaday milking threeyar The RCAF Band went overseas some time ago but LAC McLean was ill at the time Other Barrie boys now serving overseas are Spr Maurice Kel land RCE Staff SgtWItalplinlv PattersonRCE Pilot OfficerGeo Graham Gosling 1140203 RCAF Flying OlfiCCl William Herriefl rive in Camp aboard the CNN Sweetheart Special Joe has the privilege of entertaining them free of chargeat the movies For these niatiiiccs the brass band of A41 Cetuidian Infantry Training Centre directed by SgtMajor iWOli II Thompson of To ronto and composed entirely of men of the 48th Highlanders par aides to the North End Theatre and provides an excellent band coiicert for the early comets Simcoe County Holsteins Make Fine Records In Boltorfot Production Major Robcr who is in charge ofibooking believes in variety The programmes include westerns musicals comedy and the Canada Carries Oiiser ies When high class talent is available iiiotioiipicturcs are re iplaccd by stage presentations Ionljlywood stars come to Borden The largest chcord of Iertoriii test completed in bTmcoe County during the past month was of course the World Record pro iduction of 24466 lbs milk containl1 in person Charming Gail Patrick caused many soldier hearts to beat every althogh someth overshad faster when she appeared at the owed by Patsys achievement sev Norm Elm Theatre we lmFStS eral other highclass records were Eggntffgnii table Rochester werespecial guests ski troops formed guard of hon our Gracie Fields flew froin New York and thousands of soldiers stoodin linenfor hours waiting to hear about The Biggest AspidiStra Another member of the McCague herd Glcnafton Nina PMP Acme old Bell Hartog Lenox owned by Ccrswell Beeton stood second in inclassiof 69 threeyearolds from all partrsof the Domiriion that com pleted records in the=tyvicea1ziy milking section oftheyearly divi Dickinson and Lawrence Tibbett Won round upon round of applause Adampacked 110115 listened to James Melton Sing joke and tell this theatre ilii1 peat llliir llzil ii 1n lltllt to attend the 15113 hours 713 pin gt1ioi and 1111 be back 111 iill1ili Biit For 13 01115 drama iiewsT in tlie World Songs by Jean li1cj ii isil liit Knights of il activitzcs 11iis but re tItli ilil tap danc ciiei 11 if Lot inly lo ix garner r111l1 and tti sluts it tlllltl2tl l1ii1iltl Stage by 12min lioin llazn lttlllt Hit1 laztll Saturddy rye tei Ciiiiiisiilicc In iiiiii lfli iii liarnc ti1ltltlltl llt roll pnn lii Lw Ti 1t ip litllllrll itlllj 15 11 impel Hf Iiilivlllii Jlli 2i his tiltith 1oeii 11W amateur While tpl loroiilw v1 lloiiel itiltl second in the iltllll ltiifcii of lbt it litllJl of oijiniteti liie name 11 iti ol Llli zronps in the many the Aizn iici iltt iiiidi2iii oil for lllL tzii iitctiiiiiieiit addition to show Wilti llit it tllv Zliinltl IlliiJlU of the Royal aiiailihi Air in ioiiipaiison titli the iin shi houses llllgt theatre iHlll 3131 slllllll upholstered niiii almost be termed in irnatiiie it boasts an Elilllltt1 llmil and the interior 1c coiaiions are ot the illiiil iiiodcili 111 1t ilti 11 11W LVtl ihnign 11 you should ask loc l1111 he con iilcis the most important want of haid tiaiiiinzz troops his answer be promptly Mail and This is why llollvood liliiil tonnes t5 Borden in big way tAttlltl o=o=o==o=o=o it LETTERS FROM THE FORCES What those serving their Country are thinking And laying ters to be published in whole or in part They will ho to hmdwhenusod Hlmnxaminer welcomes lot Major Gordon Armstrong Major Gordoii Armstrong under date of April 22 has written to hi parents Mr and Mrs Ed Arni strong 1721 Elizabeth 81 from Eng land in part as follows Everything is line over here lots to eat physically oilealid keep tinp very busy Just lonesome at frequent and regular intervals Will really be glad when this whole mess is thing of the distant past Wehther hasrcally been perfect of late with lots of sunshine Ev erything is beautiful green and there are flowers galore My batman even has bouquet of daffodils on my table Have seen scveralrobins lately so small that thought they were sparrows before They sing ever so nicely heard cuckoo bird for the first time today Made line think of that old clock of Grans iMy first experience Have the Coy up to 25 miles now so we are getting into fairly good condition As for walking any great distances when get home againforget it Ill be thumbing ride if its only block have to go Its nice to know what you can do and Ill be satisfied with that and forget about doing it Sorry cant help you with the hoiisecleaning but expect Ill be trying to help Eisenhower do little of that in Europe some time soop Maybe next year youll let me throw in my dimes worth It would helfunrw always enjoy your parcels very very much and always read the books They have all been very Igood Parcels are always very gratefully received Cockburn whenyou see him again DadHIIe was aways pretty swell to me He taught me most oftliefoot ball ever knew The dirty playI learned all by myself IWasnt too bad though in that way Please give my iegardsto our two neighbours to the West of you to Miss Parks Billie Justice Mick ey McBride the Aunts and Uncle Harry Beauy Bros Limited Purchases Spencer McArthur Wm licltii lberf 11c Whit Dwi then lilaurac Raw1s Juix lt1Iiii flal lic Iitlvy li hiillctlralt gliiiilli and Ci 111 lilli1iiitll fungal The ii12t1ti delighted Will the entire piogiannne which held the pcllum fol nil hour and V1 11115 handed more and iridlt1iii IllLtlttl with three bean tifiil lll lltl Cldllk Lune by Dell 11m forcinatiiig lltnd iiiitiy linll llllill Livotte by ltzolo1iclt ii completely lol to ill sonata int Ilt HI iissoiir tltll yum treat ll icil il it llai iiail loud for Tiny Township Le THRILLS LOCAL Simcoe Easting Loan 11 tii Hi it 11 ll WORRY 11115 MUST lltt1ll11 1lic unrnlisaioii of tile of weed ccri Is 11 llt icintintiuccil 11 improperly clcaiicd iiftv ioililcii It alto pioggraiiiiiu oiit wont Wmmih 011 1111 Hurst tltl nc prolific iii the Nitlttidtl lgclli Piilt ftliNliuli iiliii Victoria llziriior Midland Flor lowndiip Mcdontc lownsliip ro lowiisliip Orillia loirnsliip Sinicoc oiinty tb Illllllnliztz 1iil lt pant his junior Virility INJII Iuiigrizgi urd Uziliiu inuzduiiaitcr hoax iuo loviiiii ot from of illitlzltptlltlt will lilass luiy Towns Colmradcr At 151 Na 111 finch lil 332311 iii liliinti lirzititi iiiilltltl 111011311 Illilitltl illitltltitl Hittifltlll ilt1lltl infliiii iii tlfijiilic titttttitl 157131511 1001 1250111 fitltltlU ttlSIi tftitl 3311111 tailliiotl Zilltitttl 1131111 ltltitiit 1411111111 11511111 83111111 tlfitititt 251101 50th lcncanginslivnr Ity lovsitliip Ilatclicdish Ili Tilt 703511 $13911 53131311111 111111 Iot iiit 11ti Hurt Illllt1ls already in the eioinitli Y0 AN SAVE 1hr him Job 1isntii iniptly Sttlilil trilltxiiixeju Hal li tiilfz4 iiiiportuni in the itlttl Nations if the Sonic tilvf tlr ONINIIIIOOIIOOIII rlollOOm WW itiit THUNlii Sittllilitt 01 production of weds lllut iilaliMlv chiwtra but let the no 11 distant future The lttilallltllttl neatly $11110 for lie liCl Fund through the kindnrss of iodticn lilltitill it lhc attair was the airzinged by lts ic llaysoii It liidivood tlorlileii iiiiil Mr ca 111114 gtduccd recalled his ed the saint year principal In 111111 in the afternoon the school stu dents weie ciiraptuied as Mr God don played an hours iceihil for llltlll Most of the programme was lighter than the evening perfoiin incc but the students got some of the highlights including Ileetho vens Moonlight Sonata and the Precipitan froni ata Sonn of the pupils may haic tlioueht they were going to lie 1or ed to tears by piano recitalbut it was not 1on1 in thcopcning hum tiers before they realized what musical treat was 111 store They didnt want him to stop at all brnuelit him back for three en cores would have stayed until snppcrtinic llc got undivided at ltntiuu from the students and ap plause that was almost thunderous For his last encore Mr Godden who has an almost unlimited and varied repertoire played his own arrangement of George Gersliwnis The Man Love Witlivbeautifully full chords it was lovely rendi tion makingsHow AND SALE IN BARBIE JUNE 14 The Directors of the Simcoc Couri ty Yorkshire Breeders Club at meeting held in Alliston April 18 with Chas Newton presiding com pleted plans for show and sale of purebred Yorksliires in the Fair Grounds at Barrie Wednesday af ternoon June 14 Franklin prominent auc tioneer has been engaged and the offering is expected to consist of approximately twentyfive bred sows five open sows and ten boars of serviceable age The majority of the animals be ing consigned have strong advanced registry backing and Graham of the Ontario Live Stock Branch who assisted this Committee when selections were made in March complimented the breeders on the quality of the offerings Headed by President Charles Newton the local Committee is making suitable arrangements re garding pens salesxringwand other 0063811accommodation Exceed ling the sale there will staged show of the three classes and buyers should be on hand early Cataloguesvare being prepared under the supervision of the De as he became advance ofthc sale TheseJnterv ested in receivingcopies are asked to call or write and their require mentstwilblvbe attended to promptly4v Breeders who will be consigning purebred stock to the Barrie show and sale include the following Gallaugher JohnD Hamilton Mrs Elizabeth Steers Percy Carscadden 1th til1 it clean fields may litttllltt ha trill ietuiii here for another iccital Mummy in two or filter the seed tciitiiinial Scliplaiship of 111 l111illtl lllillttltl foxtohj WANTED Horsehoir Feathers Wool cod allomwi loi tilllltlt 11 ll1i pi ii7 iiie1 or canipioii irodiicv tr wit Ihc recital was his contri mowi 33 an Xsltttltlll to the fund inuglzud puisc Scholarship and lil Iloya oniiiiit mugpml about 1ititltttltl Ti Tilt tttlllJllttttt 10 lltilttit ltitlllClthlltv oils liccoine tpiitJiI piano kindly loaned by Miss mfmpi hccausc their presence at tli choo1 days at 71 which start and Hides HIGHEST mucus lAll wurri on eAii LEVIT 32 follicr St lhoiic ilstll slicphcrdsi Iniiililiir With lltli gonna about semis Wit 1330110 about witttttltt and at 1111 weer ileum and iiuonspicuous not fully callcit iiliil cxnn NW seeds of 183 Prokofiele bon LOUistringtESS Charles Newton Lloyd Cumming Marshall Campbellxcmrles Sproule Cliff Carscadden William New Ray Lougheeda Eugene Smith Bruce CowanI Beattie Son Gordon Wilkinson Cassili rant Geo Milton Mono EASY IO SUCE 245i Olv WRAPPED JJMRS 11 CONSUMER 01 IAutonc WNIUMIR VIIV6 tour unnmntn MAKIS lltllllNl 10A WWW Silverbrouk first grade BUTTER BLACK TEA 72 BEETS CARROTS 192 iiiiBiiiiiiiiiii oars LIBBYS nusriiiiii PALMBLIVE scar surcnsrms Touirm JUICE Heinz Condensed GBAPEIBUIT Jilin 37 17 33 31 rco cks 1135 i213 25 rjaor iic acne pkg ini 25 tins 2132 25 No Coffee can give you mom GOOD eggs per pound than AP CUFFEE Custom Ground Vigorous Vigney 1b th BBKAR OCLDCK FRUITSVEGEMBIES CABBOTS 19 Mississippi fresh green lbs Cuban large size 03 Texasse1ectcd quality 11 SPINABHegrwfiig sianaTcnder 1b Zbsjw Texas Yeltow U$commercialgradc Buy native grown Vegetables Leaf Lettuce Aspara gus sawmmwmm Tomatoes now availabm California Valencia Orangesynew crop available Mild Mellow SREciAt OR lcMMERciAL QULTY BLADE Man SBTBIBBOAST Boneless MapieLeai LTENDERSWEE or Swifts Premium 27 29 tbr Royal Brand Whole ori erMeMiHin William McCron Roy alSmith and Nelson Watson who was seriously lwbunldcd inmtheSi cilian campaign Iliejastfeaturc was theimitation broadcast as set out in the Empire Day prdgrammc Abdominal Belts Knee Supports Thiswas put on by thosenior boys During the broadcast number of songs by the entire group were sung Ankle Supports Elastic Stockings FeatherwiaightBraccrs Ladics Surgical Supports Back Support and Shoulder Brace Qualied Fitters to Serve You We Cariya Complete Stock of Surgical IAppliances ON PERMIT LIST The following field crop and vegetable seeds have been added to the list of commodities which are not allowed to be exported from Canada except under permit borecole or kale broccoli sprout ing celeriach Chewings Fescu cress egg pllaht endive Kohlrabi ileek dogs tail crested parsley reed canary grass roughstock medl dow graSs rye grass salsify sorg hum sudon grassfftaIIoac grass yetcli and watermelon stris during his memorable two hour oneman prformance Yodrhayxbe SL11Ctlldt even if J00 Canadian was not glamour conscious in civilian life he be comes so whileatBorden peep sion She produced 626 lbsbutter fat from 15620 lbs milky In Athird place in the same class was Silver Hall DeKol Seven from the herd of AlvinTaylor Orillia with 608 11357 butterfat from 151199 lbs milk Jean Foundryk Penetong Beattwaiosu Limited Fergus have bought out the Spencer Foundry Companyy Pentang manufacturers of stoves heaters arid selffeeding boilers including partment of Agriculture Alliston You mUSt remembel me to Mondeope will be available well in All in theCounty who are in terested in Vadvancing the breeding of purebredYorkshires are urged to do all they can towards making the show Success oithorhalf limit LEGS 39 suoiiroeimiisf UX WI reveal very discerning taste in the matter of pinups which as discover in his conversa v1 as buildup tohis one and only girl back home While the pinups are merely print clips from popular magazines she has the distinction of appearing in real photograph To date the box offices have wgrce es iveycaro member ofthe Taylor herd finish ed her mammal 550 lbs butterfat from 1117811bs milk In the three yearold class OHO Darkness Rose owned by Ontario Hospital Orillia made 549 lbs butterfat from 15435 lbs milk BOSSINGMA BRIGADIER During military parade in Cairo Boy Scouts were detailed to act as stewards alongvthe line of march At onepoint Brigadier was seen occupying place reserv ed for another official While military police debated whether they should interfere Boy Scout asked the Brigadier to move else wheretig did lt grossed well over million admis sions Profits have been used to provide additional soldier enter tainment10 bowling alleys gym nasium equipment for five drill halls 15aere sports field with quartermile cinder track several smaller zone fields andyia dance floor for the YWCA Hostess Hut ant eqmpmeiffand gm an will continue the operation Ofslt in Penetang without change in per sonnel ulstaff In fact plans for the improvement and eitpansion of the factory will be carried out and there will be no changes in agency or dealership arrangements One hundred andtwenty men are employed at the plant in Pene tang at the present time mostly in Connection with the production of vital parts for ships and muni tions of war The original companywas known las the Dominion Stove Foundry Company and was organized in 1910 The capital stock was ob tained by subscriptions from citi zens of Penetang notably Beck inWWstern Canada throughthc wholesale house of MarshallWells Company Difttf1922 and 1923 theltIarshallWells C6111 pany purchased all the outstanding capital stock andhas since operat ed the plant under the manage ment of Fitzgerald who had formerly benpssocied with the MarshallWells Company and Mer rick AndersonvLimited Winnipeg Man About this time thercom pany commenced to manufacture lineof domestic hot air furnaces and little later on undertook the manufacture or Spencer hot water and steam selffeeding heating boil ers for the Spencer Heateero of Canada sing racoiiti 42 iioiiiiiii rowi 35 33c FRESH PORKSIIBIILDEBS 25 Fresh roiiii Biirrs Choice SILVEHaRioHTi SALMON piece 1b can runm lb Centre out or steaks 11 31 23 Choice by the As rooo roars Tell well and It Will Sen vFor Owned and Operated by The Great Atlantic ct Pacic Tea Co Ltd Barrie and district the telling best Reader interest givesstrengthto just OPISIde the North Barrier dvertising You get it in large MOVIeS have Part too mixthe Read and use Examiner C1assi the head of the Beck Lumber Allandale Company The plant manufactur fidsf 45th measure in The Barrie Examiner tree entertainment arranged by ed stoves and these weresoldionly guanomwmm done through The Barrie Examiner Prices sublecl to marital changeswe reserve the right to limit quantities