Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1944, p. 13

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PAGE THIRTEEN THLRDDMIMM 311$ msmamgxammmmmcwmamCANADA VVV VV Presented to Stoyney mm lNNlSlIL NOTES 51 1834 RC1 $1 Awwwml rcdil lnloa Ofcers Ehth 1111111 PACT 1133113133 ill CARS fllcflll ill Strimd ult Muir Cu lrs of ill L143 Wt Im xtwr 11mm claim 1111111 elected mile ercett 1V1r presuiVezithwhoV wViIlDbe gt1 mu yrm $11 1913 Hynmmh Lu ll mom Lxltt by is out ii act of which Roy loixtfrltaw ma chairman lhe ctmrm Hill now be 1942 Dodgc Ur Luxt sent for with ilzc prcsent membrr Sum ship being charter members Plan aunt Bl 83y Point VhTLtlr bilJll Arc Rosldents 1357 hblnlnh SHIV Bi llay Point dLelrict iormcr rcs jorim are planning reunion on 18117 Stillltlmlitl 811le Jul lil liSnisiil Park It is hoped hm mer ridtimg Wm mew LL11 Hudson brllllll the Old luvs and Girls from home Uh 1th ml LL LA 51 du alum Very Much in Demand 1511 htiiilibukrr ouch on Lake shore oV VV VVV we 1111111 1111c shore iirm promises 19 my 51 lVlllllltVVi Volf be trughunt lViiVVlV1V ValiVot lVlllblsinVllVlltVVI VVllV CVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV 11 um VuSh 111 sciii 1111 most tie ultrahls ndlld lL OHM VVi HIV 1VV iv in vV 1561 33 bruit rltjubqendmbkfd huhmo 1m 17 1w 10 mmt 11 10 ll mum VVVVVVVVVVV hum Junhml llll Fl an M05 lmed VVVVVV wVVL VVVV Mer of the fiirincrs iii lmnsfil St Mary Patrol JVva have Whiplmed their early Shaun gt gt flil lllv 111 3H Leaders OTC Invested 1V VV RVth MVHVVV 2H and 11 would poem that 21 good crop 411v vf lv lkndhi Yn Null UV 1d ylng re IVth kxiduy XlVHH bkul A117 VVV VV VVVVVV iivVV 11l 111V 111V 11 no and the latc ltcv ibuw WV VVVVV UV TVV VV ijV31 rlt V1 91 111 Holy vw lllunlpsull ththani 51 0111 URNL 11 lW 51 111 11141111111111111 GINHr liic 1111111 uz till brain 11 Wclstnnn Ulllilllri 3511 minimal lltlv Aiaii 111V 15131 lulrileValcx 111 lilVVitVli IlluyVVlVB 11M Sixth Victory Loin shield which was won by Stnyncr for leading WW Mmllllmllfd 113 11 lttlllSHl i11tjoiic Tn qpiPr W111 io VV VVV munilipa V1 in imcew 11 11111 1111 rcpt 11 111111 1m LM Lawrence WV Mm min 11 1111111 ltllltlxll llll VI VVVVYEVV MVIV ml MVV shields it was awarded or attaining highcst purccntugc of olucrtivc View hum fur mm of boys spiiit loi1o1 11111111111 11111111 in 111 soothian VVVfV 11VV zlgVVVVS VVl WV 11511 uwk rcuirmll in llnrrlrwiSlilililov 11l 11 21111 11 in 51 NH imw lmw 11 Wt 11 bill Liliti Mr Arrnoiir vunnunMvunm JUlniUn alllldtfd the lug for 1111 Maw 111 El 111111111 1111 li1 llSii rri 111tlltllllt lotonii il1iipltii Flmvulc DISMQCKII Anmul In Sm iglm CllUTill Till Fllllililll lo liltlulisp 110 it liuiciill It gt gt Vliju 11 11111 11111111 5L Andrews WVMVSV VVIVVVVV 11VltLerVvlfiVb and spill 1111 11 lit VVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVV 1111 on 11 1111111111 St VStiicircws VWMS nut 11 Mis llugli Campbcll with her 1V VV VVVV mm 11 thitialld 5355 khz lone 4035 111111 111111111 1V vlltV loncs on May 1d MIS Irg Munm ItllVane TMWVVVVV bub mnV BVVbbyV Burma 15 SpQHdV ll 5111111 1y linooi 111 VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVV Hf p111 737nm 113 1111 CW DWSldfd Illlllll 101 111 couple of weeks 111111 liel 511W Ndwi EWSU to 11 mm VlVVV no homo foi tlii tL1Llll VV 11 ll Nllv NU 15 lilll No 12 11ll ll bun Mm Oscar Bulls 41nd tuniilv visited 519R Ymmg smummgwr llvpmm MNM 1111 111 511 ii 11 rimpt Siiiiilov giiiil Monti1y thin 31 lltilUIUI Hands in Colhlmwwm slim Mr and Mrs McKinley iC Mr iossliinll and Father 1111111 VlV V7 lliiizdrolls of 1011110 1iil found 11 S1 11 1x 111111111111 No 11 ilailv Vtllll Hiiii 55 dd Higmn 101 Mrs Clarence Hogarth spent lust milmw by Halml Blitlse llll llil lllVlSlltl Smith 1111 lliiii Wm 11 1112le lellb 11 llelwr 115 1lirs at llillilitX1llt$o to Lthi Vwek with hm WISH in Lonny Hamilton were weekend Visnors 6wa 11V hnSlsnyV Mum LVV 1V1lililVl 1V llililltliiiVl 1111V1Vo 1V iVllitllVfVVVVisV mm huhmg hm 5911th 11111 311 111 Sim will with Mrs llolines it Midland Kempeneldtn Mi ind ML 131 Milliii MVVV VVVVVV MVVSV AV WV VVVUWVVVVVVVV 11v Nil 113 Ilioiii 11111111111 111 111 lilies 11 llllldV Photo and 1litllV iioux Jim3 111111 plil 11 111 311 iii 1V1V VV VV Um 1Nmn31 Ki Northbound of the lettlll tXtlllth3 lllctlltlgll gfrltllrlldnglilllltlilfi 1mm and HEM Jm M1 hm Sunni um litiluli iw 1111 1111115 if li 1t li 11111 10111 My 1liiix toiic lctcis Denial was Mrs While Huntsville visitcil the Bernard llllllllNSL 1111 Mailman VV lll1VVVV VVVV VVIVVW Mrs 1011 and son Ito lains forum me 1215 11111 1111191111 lill lmvllll Allzmllailc llaiiir VllRVVVV ll VV VV wick visited Mr and Mn Bert Mn r02 VV3Vd MN 71 WVVM Vhl IVV V771 17 11 Mum 1111511111 1131 11111 ZINC VV1VVV1VVVIlm3 Navy L038 SClIOInVVYSmM Mchiiiy Sunday TE 10 have bee EVV3VVdVVV VVVA VV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVlVlVVVi Itlprrntcs Viii Miiskokii Wiizirf 111 mhh Dth f1il Dilvill ll CNN CARE Dmnln MM SM 8011 and mmd several weeks at the tnunsc have 11 11111101111111 Am wVVVVVV skewed VVVVV VVVCSVdVVVVVV hVVS VVVVVVVVVVVVCLVVV mm 1th thQVthVoVV weekend VVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVV VVVVIVVVVVVVS VVV Kirkland 111 lt1 litVVvVVVlViV VVVVVlVVilVV1illVllVVrV Cat 513 33011111 75511111 tilt 1111 Elnwalr Womens Institute The NilVV League of Canada would guss 35 Luke miwm UVVVVVVV 12V55VVVVVVV VUVVIVVVV EVVVWVVIC WVVVVVCVVB Insmme met award SVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVS annually V0 VVVVV VWe mgrct VtoVV ichort lgleVlml 11gt Thu body of Eric Ililts who lost llilll 47 1130 pm L30 11341 zit Mrs Dutchers on May 11 Six Rnyhl chhadhh Sea Caaezq who 1131quEregm uni glsllllgu 1310510 in Bmlg Miss llclcn Andcrson loroiilo ildfllfltlll 10 llli lllUllUWl 0111 Sugar cane Nl With the new president Mrs Eric um was merrw Vls home for the weekend war hnloii coiitriiii iiizaila hall us and 17 daily No11 VV stand highcot in qualifying for en toids 3V V1 11111145 ilailv oxccpt Sundiy No it mpsm Wald11m RU 11 trance to The RoyalClinadiun Nirval Mr and Mrs Earl Reid and n5m13lly Um vlid mm ltlltil llilll llll N110 Sudan Grass mm vlllenv W39 WW 1191 hll irc cicndinr low lzis 1m 5i 51 53 WU1 Putts and txvowoiir contract tori opciatts to Midland rlll OrilliSi NoS osting Mrs It Black read on College Royal Roads BC EllCh NYC gt1 VlVV Mi and Mrs 08mm of NM Myl held TVmeVVV 5mm Uptrutcs to WiiiiiiicI scholarshi is worth lOOO PM 5mm Mr RW Killlf and Mrs Teasdale Aurora 11 RC1 Seed 11111 Van iiitlilstiiih ii 11 from ltL Lloyd mrmm weVe VVVVHVV 0f and MV th the uuklnd it lltl lltttllt lltll UUVll lli Wusliiiqo 11 V13 11 McKnighttliiinkini the WI fir VV gt St 11 vixtgd 11111111111 11 mm iUmhh ltg0qmtx parcel Five dollmfs was voted to no1 sefVqlklsV 11 ElmIm Mr Mm Imd leen 10 Young dmmg the 51 we Mrs Harriioii liiriiiilo1 inll week Oilcake Meal 1S Hg In Join for Britain Fund Plains were Wholybhlps SIC llueim mnm were guests MR and Ccuslm the me bimh LIVCpl and Mrs Crawford St VV mud Hlm in 01 mude for the Jline meeting when the collegei accnrdlng ACupL NUS veStun CONNne Yer Leigh Spent 151 week in IUnintnl VVVV VV VWWWS llhrlllm the grandmothers of thecommim Gruntv RCN weekend Members 9f Mineltlg Wo MISV Hugh McAiiimiV cookout Wu Gluten Meal ly 113 W1 gUQSlS COITlVlllillEtS The allotment of scholarships will wmrgdPMS W9ImeWh to mime the Visited he hlghul Mr AllAllAlilltmhmANG we appmmed The Diqmct EV VV bV MrsV Wilkinson and 111111 lL Vl friends to birthday paity to be Cooke Mis tioolw luii Mi1111111i 115 um Qua attended the recreational held on lhiirsda June at 230 Visilillii 1ltt 11111111102 311 ShlUbS Evergreens Southbound 11111 Ill be hle in Barrie June Mrs Gillis and Miss llii lluin lScavo Arrive All who can arc urgcd to ut rm the 1100 plan pmvmws hm Bamo Emmy evening me orange Hal The 100 ma Earnhardt arc visitinr Mrs NV No lciictini All lend VThc first and second choice Mummbn 3Skmewa and Al Mist Dal15 Mfs E510 mm has 1399 0733mm fl Butler Hm WW gim 21 mdlle from the coopcrzitive programme b01121 two lurOntllo one for Que DaViS Mrs Reg Amuld Mrs BGV forty YCDFS LAC GmV GUuidV 51V vlvhhnmsV trio 1in works with Mrs Iiihnstoii pm 43931 are Conference the family Co bee and one for the combined pro elley J9me and Mm JOl weekeff Sums Shula MW ccntly spent several lays with 1111 illllli VV Our gas ration reduc lllKLlS vith Nos 44 and 1112 operateufup good nutrition and vinccs of New Brunswick NWa garth attended the WI District DhyVBdllle at Murphy SLVNllSS wife and 50 Mrs 0111111 111111 11111111111111 to Nurmm VV V1 dV GV Vamde 33qu wnh Mm VV VVV 11111111 iro l1illtV 11 2111s tor 058 carry 05 1111 healthlectuie demonstration Swim and prmce Edwmd 131th Animal at ChUlthll We ncs dy Pl VVVhVV MV MlS hail Lush oioiito lriiii Leave Arrive Standing committees for 194445 If given are sea mdet does WJ President Rctlected BESVVVV 01230116va at Wm spcndmg ii few weeks with Mr VVV VVVV VV VV VV VV VVVV many parcels as p05 VVV VV VV VV Shh SVVVtVSVV IV Alldllddln Penrlmic 35 0110 Agricultum Mls mt qualify the schuhmhh mieth At the annual meeting of the Ivy guheg Cunwben and Mrg VA Mrs LVllwhr hm Th hum VWV 1407 imam Roam Whittm Vlligtoltttiil thVcsealViVVch ed win uwwded V0 the CVVVVGV womenis InstmueV held at MYSV BV CVVVVVVVVVI Barrie at Geo DVVSVOVV GCoanJrzichlutihiisVlo Rev ViinthlisS VVVVVVVVVIVVVV SI rs opienn iizens 11 15 1e 11 wi Offices co Vv1o iuvc Vius re iiii Pvlwi oth trains mixcd lilll txccpt HarvEV Social welfum Mm whh the next mghesi SmudmgV 1e lVVVengVengVsdti Prtso LAC GVlciiii Beilby Ottawa atV BVeit ed mm the hmmynhmnV hVLV iiVi lilllHth to itlillll 11111 Sumth VVV VV VV VVVV VV VVVV Benbys Flora Young Toroan VVV VVVVVVV aw 11mm IV VVVVHVVVVVVHVVV VVVVVVVV Tipprnb War w0l1 Mis aliidless of the arm in which he Arnold 3910eth dcddmhtmhh pt oinian ll 11m 11141 VV VVVVV VVVVVVV VV VV AHANPMEMEAFORD 30901111111 PllbliCilY MIS lives VicePres Mrs Jcnnett Secy Oung 599 WVCV11V5 111 Ml WHIM Southbound Whitton Mrs Hogarth Treas Mrs united Chum VwA MlSlVJ Leigh 1351 WCLli 011 Awr Mrs Whitton conducted 21 eeg 01 Vy eague The WA of the United Church SFiiends were delighted to son Pllmlc your Classified Adlcts to on OH 11110 Allandale Ht Hogarth Branch Dncctor Mrs an Myth 835m mUSicnl contest Tasty rcfrcsh SC 5UP 6d hm lVlle FV Lemmx District Direer MFSV met at MrsVCV Whites for the Rev and Mrs Geo Criisc it how The Examiner Connectq Vim N0 40V moms were served by the cummit must satisfy the regular requirc Dinm Sincere vote of May meeting wrth eighteen ladies Lowell who were visiting it the mo Sgopml 320pm 199 memS for 91le to the College 11ml thanks was given to the presidem PreseVm fatsVCIPDellb Prfsemfd Vlnlae My JV 11 Week VCVVVVVVecV WVVVV N0 VVVRV AliciiwoodV and ElmvaVle Young he not less than 15years and eight Mrs Arnold for her excellent work VVVVey ghes 25VI1SglogaX plof SlmVlehy VV eflendeVlV VV 11 which Uniovagomluct months of age 0V more than 17 during the past yen Interestmg Ciamme VV sOly te VChin Bcaslcy in thc 05gt of hu 1111111131 F162 215pm V410pm Youth Servwe thV th reports were we the various ee Pagoda was read by Mrs JosephIilleti Newmlllkel also to Common whh No 44 large congreuation amended Vyelrs 92 Maw Ten paints for an ideal John Prophet in the death of his Tmmyig BFST VA up VVVVVVMVVVVVVVV SL Johnvs Church Sunday even in the yczir of entry He must have VtVVVVifnflb SlllllllllloVUP 13 yeals Christian home were tread by MW bmmeh JuSV Prophet 01mm VV mg May 21 when youths service been sea Cadet for at lenst one Committee bonvenew Publicity AVorchardV Ajew speaks of It was with deep regretuhm hi BUVblllLIb HALF BUSHELSQUARTER BUSHINLE ewo male Anwe Meaford Missions le lt cm 1100 120 Wis Conducted by the YPU of Wu and be of British own or MIS Jennett wu Wotk and TS 91 lie 1M WHOLESALE and RETAIL am pm Allenwood and Elmvale Choir of born in Canada He must have the Historical Research Mrs by Mrs Clgmems gave May 16 RCVWAV pill Vllll miw QHORTS MIDDI JCS EV BIODVVn 1000mm over thirty led the singing and Tecommendmons 0f the chairmanlyehhett Agriculture and Canadian ilVlllascchllant of thePresbyteriul was Methodist minister here at 0W NO lilily10XCODl Slmday rendered tvovcr fine anthems 155 as ury in very peasinw one time Mrs Edwards littcndcll Indusmes M18 Cdnumers the funeral in Toronto on May it and commanding officer of the Sea way gave the story of the Soong Citizenship Mrs Bert McQuay Special musical numbers included Monday NOSV dally xccpt Sunday No 160 Sunday trombone solo by PaulVBeardslell Cadet CopSFfVMSh he 19 sot1111 Welfare Mrs Jas McDer WY 0f Churn aVnd the Chiang 301m 31V BARR phone 31161 OHV Vlllll SOlO whltlleydWlth mr phySlCduyV andqqahle n10 Liusion OfcerV M15V Lee gele lzlought Mrs Fiegehen at piano an or an examma 1011 equw iEanting Flower Coin Mrs Reid me were ALLANQAEEVHAQHLTON gun MV WhithVey and Miss VFWqu 40 that of Junior Matriculation MFSV McVanel Finnish Mrs Mc guide for cleaning the church on 0m Whitney assisting the chou With candidates must file applications Vane Home Economics MFSV HV Vlldyy 2601 AtLVche beloseVa tasty Train Leave Leave rVrive Wolms vocal quqrtette by Ken prim to March 31 with the Secre CarterV ISlnc was serve Mrs No Barrie Allandalc Hamllton neth and Ray Spring Fred Bea At the re 1112111 Ma meeiin at owney andMrs MCLean Mr and Mrs Clark Middleton tary Naval Board Department of 362 419pm 445 pm 815pm cock and Gershom Langman Oi MrSV Earl ReidsV Mm Harvey Car Toth Shem the weekend in AL Miss Margaret Cumming DIQSI wa CFVICCS mwl ter convencr of HomeEconomics bell Dixons Mr and Mrs Chcstcr Sims and Connects with No 44 presented most instructive pro ming Prayers were offered by Rev Butt and Miss Cumming nan uca and the mqgmf cent call was answered by joke or riddle Mrs BOWser and Mrs Northbound dent Of Elmvale YPUMthanked Ideally Situated Train Iewe Arrive Arrive church officials for allcwmg them The Royal Canadian Naval COL gramme chiefy Concerning spring son James Pierceliind Sash spent VV the evening service and to the VAl cleaning VPapers were read by the WElend 111 11 Umtn Amanda BmVre lenwood group for 00Operalmg ege IS Situated at oyal Roads Messiames ArnoldCariutherS Reid Mlles 61 725 am 1055 am 113lam This service cigses the YVqu for on theVsouthern end of Vancouver EV Daws and Carteh request Mrs Pther Fallonispent5unday ThewomcnsVlnstitutc held their Connects With No 41 the season Scripture was read by Island about ten miles from VlC was made for woin clothing for at Wyeblldge May meelmg the East Wald Ll Both trains daily except Sunday Morley Furlong and Miss Cum toria BC It faces the Straits of Russian relief anViiVVMriCthiSVVIaiBVVlVle ans VnghoolV gitlaftfhe new VdQlGSldIgllVlV At the C105 of the meeting Mm amiy own v151 an rs en preSi mg Mrs Kelly last wek Hirons Mrs Jas McDermott Olympic Mountains that range served VV Mr and MrSVGV JV StephensV The Our depalilmenls 0f the alon the Ame Th and MrS gtI Jenna lYoung Peoples VprogrammeV were gd V251 ef tasty lunch Toronto Spent several days with Cafson 618V HPPOImEd to Its Very ahiy GuthhegV M155 Joan Eggun comillVSVeV anclsliilie soifneV Rural Life Sunday Mn erSV Wm Stephens last tend the Dlsmct Amqu Agnes ofcglenwoogapokg in Vocres an are we nown 01 On May 21 Rugmrl Ler SunV week dRupert lView sgoryiwfot the chil 4nd PURINA Steliivsalrz ofergt mleohns 15 heaumul gardens and Iawns service was held Ch Mrs Jos Loms JKnny 33 r38 awd We PO on trees and terraces The immediate ml and JKnny attended the fun rea mg an poem MS erVaVlVof Mrs Edward OHara of Wyebriclge on Monddylast In Vterment was at Midland Visitors here over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Adrian Crad dock Toronto at Kennys Mrs Norman Anderson andDean Anderson Barrie at Ander sons Mrs Holland Toronto and Harry ONeil Camp Borden at Wm OfNeils Dr and Mrs Sehl Kitchener and Miss Albertine toriy91v1i11errinivawrmbmwiargrrv$1121 Beacock of Allnwood concluded goon ideal for boat work and sail izcans and joined with them for with Christian Fellowship ing all year round 1heday At the 11 oclock sr VAtthe close of the seryice Fire The course embracingtwo years vice there was well over 100 in side gloVurVwas emoydeclun thefSun is recognized by the universities attendance Banting vice iirfgntchVEJeorergerhegnb nghht 1131 rVIVGSlil and gives broad education in the grandest of the SimcoeVEQuntyV va sciences and humanities with tech em on of Agrmmture read nical subjects added It includes group the first lesson Wesley Martin the study of English French His dren sang very nicely ondrMiss Allsopp conducted coupleof con tests for the children lunch was served at the close Two Young Soldiers Took Truck or Borden Arrestedat Sudbury Use Your Tire Rationing Certificate Wisely Charged with takinga truck from Save safe With CamryBorden on May two young CTC SYNTHETICTIRES Sirard pIeVoded not guilty in magt uvmowwiiirmaichgmin Giffn read poemwThe chilV president of thelvy Community Federation of Agriculture read the setcociid tlesson and Sea On $11 911 in charge of the PreS Coughlin Toronto at Cough bytenan Church atin inkMissesieciLandcatnlci state prayers The rector Rev Kirton TorontoV at MrSV AV Kn Wilkinson conduciedthe ser tons vice and preachdu Mrs John Cumming Following lingering illness Mrs John Cumming passed away tory Mathematics Mechanics at her home in New Toronto Voo PhysicS Chemistry and Engineer Monday May V1944 Hei maid ing in gddition to the strictly naval namewas All Emma Mend subjects which include cSeamam den daughter Of Mr andMm ship Pilotage and Navigation Gun Stewart McFadden Flos Township Shcwas born on lpril BV 1882 new Itorpejb and Slgnals F0110wm2 the service thosetho jstrates court Evidence showedl BUILT To GOVERNMENT WARTiME STANDARDS Prior toher marriage shelived in ItVlS important to note that while had Vbrought their lunch held that they had been ld by another WHO2 mth Tm $1 Red Tub VVVVVVVVV F195 and VWebeurn Sask Vsmce The Royal Canadian Naval Col picnic on the churchvgrounds At Soldier whois in custody at Kirk Laohuowpouhpiy Tm jV mm Red Tube hermaiageTirr Ttorohto Mimico lege is primaruy for the training pm the congregation rcassem land Lakex Hewhad asked them to nurley 31m 1171 13311 QT VV1VVV1V1VVW 09W 633 0V 01 le 1335t oRtmlerl cto hchomeNofficcirs in the 13$anVgggghggchiunacguguggg Ems VVVV VSVd in Niagar for go for ride assuring them that he 11255511013 rigiii gig rise Thetuiie alservice Washeld a1 an avylrfa naZaV backfothhe afternoon session afewiiggs had the punleg of Smgrthetluck 515315112i22 1111 1131 Care IS no 10 18 OIY RevV TV Wilkinson acteduas VMrsV CanbettVGuthrieV visited he owned bythe Dept ifNational De ocacmna Fourply Tiru 1191 T1113 181 Century United Church Nw To ronto Wednesday evening and was conducted Viby Rev Mr DvVer service was held in St Johns fence They hadheaded fOr Orillia but finally landed at Sudbury In decision given on Saturday ufate so desires and provided he haszpassed the qualifying examina tions he may become an officer in chairman ahdhutlined the pro ceedingstor the afternoon Each session opened with hymn and daughter Mrs Ray Jleriney the Stanzige Show TRUCK SIZES vV xii700120 TenplyThVe 343903 Tubea 41131501120 lcnply lirrs firstvort theyreek Mr and Mrs Mull Tubes OhurCh Elmvale on Ma 11 com theRo at Canadian Natty or obta ashoit prayer ThenMl Wilkmr 609 be ductedibvevl Dyel assisted aLcmmynlssmLmJ 1111410112113 winlfrtroduced Weed presi 1113111 lth Maglsiiiate gem gavef that 1y iiing fwuww Re 75 Bu mtmem adiiin NavalVqunteerBeserve 39350171 Smwgwmhtlrrrd 51203 wal Brifih Col in 0pm me mg swas madednvrmmvale cemetery at 01 AgrimlllrevWh gave umbia and tamilw Hawkestone wnh cogs umsgam Immediately stirring address on the purposehf after this thcymere rearrested by visited Mr and Mrs Jade Scott Archie McDuftst many friends wish for him speedy recovery as he isra patient in the SoldiersV mumi Cilia Sorry to report moms natiut in ag By Hos g9 allgegers Ere AViVidriiy gar an an arde 7C John KeVrr 0120 gmbggutilid 01 I11 YardmaVsters of NR Samaratine MOM Club Traffic omcer of mm MS Harry Dam and Prov ConstablePoland on charge ofbreaking and entering with theft gas at Burks Falls during th same escapade They Will probably be nal at North Bay on tls charge the church and the church in the community This was followed by discussion groups At pm the meetin lieassembled and the reports various groups were heard similar session followed AVLL GRADES srockui MOTO MASTER gal PENNSYLVANIAQQI S1 Sringyour birds todiofoed 11613150211 ited her brother inMidIand for the to mourn are her weekend VV nance Barrie many friends 9340 Mum Mlmevadmed and We ar sorry to learn 11111111111 At the conuionof the after wish tonhiin spledy recdven SPECIAI gt 596 Millikan GP dausbtcr Frank andPearl three and Mm 015er are moving from noon Mr Wilkinson summed up Mn and Mrs matrix Rose WILL MOVE 25 HOUSES 4V gCI pmzbowd brothers Harry of Weylburn SVaslVrs this community Every good wish the reports of the afternoon He mountV and Mn and Mrs Allan FROM NOBEL T0 ORILuA BRING YOURV OWN CONTAINER ggirigenhtaigg gas51205hrMdlggggnhgavtfo goes with them to their new Igggressigio let of McVKav and son Coldwctnr 71 brWTM ifundwmkmh AsiaKAdamseeof xWsthlli W193 home so W1 Lugghlgy who had filtersd halt 331511 Twentyve 1195 at Nobel 75C cddIVimminB Mrs Sadie French or Waverley The May meelmg n01 the ed and hlped all day Th home ggngiiptes Soeitls of ed by warmgnousmg are cndvG Easy and imd SMVgsarrrc Abkillsonoi 231 thlls $fegllaggls All afternooil there were at least Oral statiIml Gothic 1ndCntzal lffgaggn 0221 afhgfgn f2 mneriar as VV 75 01 Meeting war he 10113 cu sun be mm mamas Wg MOM Hamld Tram the Vlcesgul day and ii was mu ed by Wartime Housingand ad lance attending wereMrs Free the cantml maaxsmool mom man French Waverler 101 being Health th old in th 111 lbw 11 Th 11 AT V1 blowout 311 El 1rnazirssi cmm 13th tie Whom scours 1111 1mg tract 31 aims short period of devotions and th ibi the 11 WV Mrs Jack Crusse and VV VV 9V am IV 171911393 moved No 911595 are em 1s figughtermllsarrie at Otto Davis Ehnfiggvmmmg thectste of Bengal dial V13 taken from Victoryyillage at Parry Earl1e Phone 2461 why hasrngsnieVVExhgtgie SUVVaspenVVItis 11011613th tlils Sd is1 cm iognaggkizyilncmmtu Mouth VV chgldnxlmy an Exammttr Silbscxiptlons dont Ml have In 1943 Get your Classieds lnto lbian lntn arrears They are all payable but early 45m handlindmo ExcmlnbrClaasldds ulniadvncc Vt5ttl paper 11113111111111 01111114 classieds 34 ll

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