PAGE TEN 11cr Sllllllllr 1111 1111 1111111 1111 iiolhm 1111111 11111111 oi 1111111111111 1115 Ilcic iiiiiiibria 111 111111 11 lo loulluill lolliiu lniiil 11111 1111 111 1114111 Patterson Hindu111 Uni lomktm 11 11111 111 aniphcll liiiklaiid l111 lonHiJl itlll 1111111111 111 111111111 Illllllult 11111 5111 111111 llllitll 1111111 11 11111111 ii111oti11 111 1111 n11111l 111111 1111 11111111ii run 111 1111111111 111111 lJlul Hwiirr 111 1111 111in l1ll lo 11111V lo 1111 I1 Many Barrie Hockey Players Serving in All Armed Forcei 111111111 11111111111 lltlll II flallcii 111111111111 liaiiil 1111 V1111 111111111 11111111111 apt 111v better 111111111 llaiiic 11111 iliiiicd 1oi1c 1111111 1111 111113 1111111 1311111111 111 past 31 c111 lcli oyci 1111c 111111111111 1111 111111 1111111 ioiii 1111 r1111 111111 1111121111 liaiii1 Colts in Junior 11 111 1111gt puiplc and 5411111 111 11111 1111115 in 1111 eiiilc llianks are now 1111ll1111111t11l 111 1111 1111111 tor 11111111111 so that tiny may 11111111 to peaceful days and 111ch 1111 Wuyi for lllllllt lads 111 this town to ciiguipc in healthy iccrcatioiii wi111out 11111111111s1111c11oii 1111111111111111tv1 11 1111 1111111215 111111 1111 1111 111 131151 111 tllt11l13 111111 1111111111111y 1111 lo1 II11 1111111l 1111 15111 lltl 51111 111111 packed 1111ci proud 1111 11111 llit llitll 7311111111 111111 1111ili 1111 iigt11111l 7111 ll1711lt7l1l1il 11111 11111 111111 that 11111111 11 1111 werc 11111111 in 1111 111 11111 Kill 11 111 wiiiiii 1111 N11111 lililtl 11111 1111 11igt11 1111111 111111 1111 5211111 19111111 1111 1111111ot 1113 11c 11111 Cciic lloyic 11111 11111 1I Army and unalie 1111 Walsh is 11 scichaiit 111 1111 Sigii1il 11111111154 111111c lik1llitllll 311111 11111111122 who was 11 pow eitiil player 111271311 1111 pcpp 1111111 Lindsay 1111 lfcd lc1i11 tie Pct1 Iamc l11Tl illX1 111171 l1 ti 111131 1111111 11111 11 111111111u 111111 with 111 111111 B111 FVlgtgtll 111111 1111 Army 111nss 1111 Goring 1111111111I Claicai1 72311111111 11 111111 of 1111 llCAF squadrons 111 Saunders gunner 1111111 111 1111 1111111111 111111 licnl Ihat samc 51 war 1111 12111lt1pir1111 1111 11 lii11 ing MW 11 111 are also 1111 Gordon RCAF patrick 1511 tiOiips 131111 111311 11111 holds 1111 111111 111 1112111 111111111111 111 1111 ltCAli 51111 went 1111T 1111 111111 111 151111 115 1111 9113 11141111111 Gus 1111111111111 11133 111 111 111 111 L111 ability 11111 11 1F 1111111 iiri 51 11 11111 for 11Llgt111 ruinliat flyiiie 111 has been 11 11 siatf pilot iii 1111111111 111111 1111111va has been 11HJ11ll7 11 mighty 111111111511117 111iiiio1i around the lie handles that giant ijiciaft just as smoothly as 111 11801111 11r11r111141r111akey stick 81111124 Cousin illllllyr 1111111111110 also of the Colts 111 11127 is 11 cor poial 1n the RCAF overseas aiidilhiit Scott with the Army Ser ou may have read this winter vice Corps in Alberta 01111 of the greatest players the was Don Bowen regular centre from ltl37394bwugh 71nd threegroup is right 11111111 11111111 3111111111 jt country and sccii ii ihe Mcdiiciraimiu Urly 1111111T111r Army 1117111 1111111 liti1l1l 1I1111 1111 Centre K1311 where he hockey with 111111 against none othci than the famous Kraut line of Dumait Schmidt and Bauer Still another Cult of those days goalie Les llook is also 11 flight Ne son vice is 11 sq Of 115 defenc is flying Cgimp Beijieii Defenceman Bill Dyment Armou erbieByments adiseiplinai=ian in the RCAF at Toronto and how that big boy cankpidiscipline 11 No one fools much with former amateur light heavy1 weight champion and pro boxer But kidding aside Herbie is one Canadian Vfinished lthein re alled by some of these who Were iii Reserve Army camp at Niagara in 1940 Ken Houghton centre for the teams went into the Army several months ago Norm Hooper goalie from 1933 34 totthe Colts is lieutenant in theliArmoured Corps Were it not for the War he would 1be sitting firinthiseoffieeepoundingaautads aad sport copy The Champion Colts Barrie Colts of 1935 won the towns only liinior B7 hockey championship Of that team one very popular boy defenceman Jack Patton has paid the supreme sacrifice one of Barries first Air Force en listments was on Spitfire sweep over France when he was lost in 1942 Of that same team goalie Perry McIntosh is in the RCAF so are Pro Stephenson Harry Livingston and Bill Macleod The latter holds and has been on terrific amount of operational flights in this war as gunner lbomber and naviga 193l33 111110111 yCUSDENSf PHARMAOY Successors to DOUGLAS DRUVG STORE RCASG at camp Bardem Centne soups Harold Canadian Footballers Lose Second Game Overseas llll 11111 from tlicir iii1ric1ui 1ltl 111113 football 1121111 llioppcil 1111 ttnllll 111ic111ciil Shauxhiiiwn 1111111211 loroiilo 111111 111 ll Ii1lciiic loion 1y 111111 11111111111111 can show 111 11 11 1111 ii11i11i 111 1311 1il 11 1111 cutic 1111111 111 11c1111lt back lt 1111 11 with 1111 3111157111 Iaiiip 151111111 By 1111 pilot one 11 Sil 111ncd early 111 1111 lliiiikiiri 11111111111 lll11 Ull1i l11111 111 1111 111iii1 It lcikiii Vi1111 lll 0111 11am 1111111111111 11111 PH lillill 11111111 liciit lci in 11111 luploWNlH Moiilrcal 111111 Onillc it liaull aiicotnci 111111 11 31 left to tight 11pl HJ1 $ixiii1 1111 11 lllltl llr 111111 11111 11111111 li1 11 JllvlJ 111111 11pt ilJlllljllll lil1ciyilc liil lirut ll11111111 loiiliml lll1tlll manager lvllllllx 51111 lint 111111 lnlltnllll 111111111 0111 l1 llclluir loiiti 1i Nul Hunt 1111 V111 l111i1111l11 5111111 1111 PM tillinrri Iii111111 11 Il1111111111 riin l1l41l Him 1121 51 111 At Lions Hockey Night 1ii1 1111211 1111 11 1111s in 111 1111112 Ncw York pl1i ii 11 111111111 5111111 1111 1111p lIiiiins 1111 ill111lltt VMX 11y 11111 awn 1w 11111411111111 1111 1111111i1 11111 111111 1111121111 Sininc 1111111 111 ll11 Hwy mm by Vl111111t 1111 tlic 1111 11141135 lldlllt 111111111111 llvl lel lIll lllli Who 111lt 1111 1111113 pcrfcit11111111 1111i 11111111111111121 Siitnin is with 1111 Vanadium Nuvsv Wily iii1105 DVVfVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VV 111 5111111111 111 tin111511 111 V1 11113111 11 Army 111111 111 works 111 1114111113 11 Ah 1111171 111 111511111111111 1111=11111ill7 11111111111111 11111 1911 111111 111 21111 scarilii overseas with Fort tarry lllllN so is forward 1111511 51111111 F11 11i11 11111111 111111 is over 111011 yi111 111S1 1111 111lllltl1 1111 dc fence vc have 111111111111111 licforc 5111 Reid speedy llallt 11111111 with the Navy 71111 Bowen Kay Hayes 1111 Bird Gus 511111115 eis llal Spence and Howard Kelly were listed previously as thci played on 1111 111111 cliio also feiicrm1in Stan ribbons was from NCWlllllliOl and we have lost touch there Star right winger Bordcii thclci tricd to join up but 1111 lllllt11llgtil turned liiiii 1111111 due 111 111111 vision V111l 1111 war 11 Sciucaiitinajor lleiidcii is H1l11 rilhl 911115 111 11111111 1111111 111115 11111111111 1111211 1111 Army 11211 111out of Jack llytcs llllm 111rus attempts 11ricc 11 since xz111 llllii Army 11 this war start ever well known Still stittciiiirr from the aher ef 1111i11 fracture 11111111 111111 111 Lolts 11 11137 Jack has iiccii service 11111111135 111 pi1 hockey 11151 Chicago 111111 Buffalo 11111111115 been 1115 11111111 here 1111 lhc cht For Seasons 19111111 11111 tennis 11211111 next few 1111 topiiotch Colt we 111111 goalic Eldon Grunt Gor 11179 111 the ROM now defeiiceiiiaii frets of 111111 icjcctcd times by 1111vcvci he play illll with 1111111 choscii by llill 111111111 111111111114 111i gniiics won 11111 very 1111171 1111 111111 in heart and ciilistiiicnt 11111110 hip Redmond is in the Navy Defeiiceinan 11311 lV111111ll is 1111 of ficer 111 Canip lloidcn iii the 153377 Tanks 11nd llruce 111111171 isVa past week 111111114 3011511115 made comeback in lieutenant disciplinariaiistationed Borden Canada eEarLyThirties Around 19302 Colts had three AiiForce boys from Camp Bor dengoalie Alf Mason defence Paul Scottand centre Bob All are still in the ser far as we know and Mason use ammoyam 11 idioii leader align Austin McKnight of icei stationed at lieutenant in the Corps overseas FSgt JQWVH ed anythingr as may lie pilot1111110 A11 Force lordie Perry is in the Army so also Bill Bird Howard Iiclly 111s Saunders and Ken C11111is11d before with the RCAF Robbie Saiidclinyas iii the Army last 4111111 suffered bad legf injury may be out by now Jack When1111 1s corporal in the liOyost 11 New maiket Bun Smith from link 11111d Lake was1 rejected ed hockey in ter Alvin Buck Jones in the Army 111 Kingston 111111112111 forget that spectacular goal to save Colts 15111711 in 11137ll1tllll Cliff Rainey in the Army Wiltou llieklf Li the RCAF and Harold lilSlltS001ml against Peter players iiinston in Colts ever 111111 won 111711 737131 winners training with the Tanks 1111 Camp year we find that Merv BUWcIl is now in pilots training iii 1he RCAF Ray Keetch 1has graduated ElBll a9110113lll3 Agrm TEMPGDi mum in Don now Two wellknown forwards David WhiteyiW11keiisoveiseas with the Army and Roy Brock WhotCOCk 315 came here from Collingwood also with the forces Pilot Officer Earl forward from193739 is flying bomber Werseas Ave 1ReduRaneyV the Canningmn goalie Harry Lumley who was speedbzill who was with the 1938 only 17 lhenizplayed plhfrllwll He is in the Air ForCE dianapolis last winter and lSIiow but on the home front 100 we sailin with th meichantvma wmgef OnitlgeGreatIiikes 1m have our dungs chose AirWzFlorce blue Colt Leigh Remember Har Colts 70f the United States 1611 111gen HialCleiinent LloydlVlcIii tyre7 Bill MCGlll Jack McNabba tZArioixiBooKs zthEDED VV VICTORY 501195 BUY Au euri ALLOWED mam UNIFORM lt9 TEE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA LEAFS COACH TELLS WHAT PROS LOOK FOR 241111311 figisolci 111 111111 It was tough at Aiiiioul 11 LifeW Vllttl lch 11 1111y11 111 UULN Salerno 1111 11 11 oil 11 111 1111 11 1111 111114 1111 111111111i 1W 111111 ll 11 ill lldl IV gllxV 1111 1111 111 11 i1 11 1111111 11 1111 111111 11111 l11 1951111 11ii1 11 111 11111 liiii 1311 N1 Y1 11 f111l 111 111111 ll21111 11 111 111 1111111 211 111111 11 11 11 1i 111111111 11 11 1111 1ltl VV VVVV VV VV 151 11 11111 J111l 111 11 111i11 lil JIH 111 1111 1v1 11 312 111 11 11 111111 1111111111 111iii11111 191111 111 VH 11 1111 1511il1 1111 11 111111 111111 11111 lil 111 11111 1l 11 11 11111111 111111111119 1111 11 11111111111iitiu 111 rho wi 1w 111 111 Message to ur li111i 1111 11 11 1111 1111 li 1111111 11111 111111 lin 111i 111111 11 111111411 iv111 11 1111111111 ciici 111 gtI111 111 Customers 11 is 111119111 111111111111 1111111 111 1111 11111111 11111 111 111111111111111111111111111rlri rlunnk lii 1111 lltiltll llnr I111 111111 1111111111111 11 loiy hV 1M 5313 7mm 13 11117115111111 111311111111111111 11111lliitih1 11 is tough to 111 1111111 112111 111111 1111 1111i three 111111 1111111211 111 mode115 cliiiiic11V1 71V1 Vii 11 VVl HHVP VV 7VHV 1V VV VV VVV VVVHVV HVV VV VVV plmhy NIHVWWHNV 1Vlw iV1V1Iil VV1V1Vu11Vn 11V ltiltl 1111111 V111 111 1111111 VVVVV VV VVVV 11 111111 15111 1111 111111 5111111111111111111111I111y1i11i11 VlKlkln IHIV 111 1111 111111 1111111 111 11 111 1111111 liclciici 11 101 in1h 11 l11111 11111111111111111111311 1111 11 113111511 51111 114 lllli 111 my will VFHVHdW IV 111111 111 1111 111 1111 111 in 1111 1111111111n11 111 VV 111 121111111 111 11 Um Mini Ilwlimliillullmml 111111 111111 1111iiillic1111 1m 51 ill liUry lllltl 11111 111311111118 15 OH WM 111 41111 1l1 fllll lt 11 11111111 iir1iici 11 11111 Wm MN 11 Hlll 11111111111111111 1111113 In hid IMJA llm UP them 111lt11i Siianaha l1 111 up 111 1w lid1 Am 1111 111111511 lisl 1117111 111 111111 11 1111111111 llctiwi Wiiilt 1111 p1ici11il 1iiiiil1i ncvcr jockcy 111 111 11111 111p 11111111111 We pi17 11 Win 11111 11111 V1115 lhc 11111111 11111s 111111 1111 11111111 1111ceiis iii playoffs 11711111 1111111111119 pii11 1111 out siinc 111 1111 111iili111 i1l iiilti11c 1111311 1111111 1Illl1l 1111111 111 pas clcccn pleasci The 11113 Colts were short 1111 5131 From the Lions of thesaine also heading for pilots wings and Grant Maittand also creasesas our ghtng forces go The1943 Colts and Lions allout for invasion we folks back The 1943 Colts were all Army lads from Camp Borden except home must mobilize 1n their sup port Not only on every battle front Remember players like Tony and Wally Davis Nelly Boyce Bob Everyonho possiblycan should invest in at least one extra bond during the presentdriVe Buy another bond as your investment in the suCCess of invasion all in the Army and most of them have seen action in Italy Lions won the championship of Juvenile series for Ontario that winter amLfrom the team Einniy Trask is in the Army DougPca cock and be Air Force the Navy+all lads of just 18 now Sowhen you pause andgo back overw that listyou get feeling that the boys who starred on the sheila131311 thisiull share ice for you have not let their King and Country down in these serious days at all Pilot Officer Patton commissioned rank tors Centre Bill Arnott is withthe On dischargea soldier now will be allowed trfkeepmjonebzittle dress blouse one pairof trousers his greatcoat and his field service YouCA VICTOR BOND WHEREA barathea jacket and skirt her 77greatoat her cap7 and tie and one may be worn anywhere any time for 317 days from the date of dis charge but discharge certificate must be carried After the7V30day VpeiIVnissiOn VV 1111111111 11211115 slliryibigatlalli 129 Dunlap St BARBIE Dial do even better wmx rz 11 aMMMWWRVW cap or beret discharged mem ber of1the CWAC may keep one pairof gloves Previously dis charged soldiers and CWAC per sonnel were permitted to retain only such items of military issue as badges personal necessaries underclothing shirtsf stockings boots and gloves The uniforms This space donated in the 1111111131113151 thesisfth Victory Loom by period uniforms may be Worn by Feminism KINT lion do are This time we should Tlh