MR THURSDAY 19M THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA ZEN WWW 13 illlill Heads HOSpitol Surprisingor is ltIhat the iulftENS like nice hairdos and such3 it ilis Rulpi ilike Down in Halifax at HMCS Stella iipei ll9 il iStadaroha the girls of the Naval iecrili or held at tile home oil Serizie ire getting New York leimlt 37 nnArAnu so iihhl to their kin yling since Th ii Womans Viewpoint on This and That ik lit Wren tniiiifredtl ier head of the new Class nil tStadlconu beauty shop formeiiyitfehiml lithiui sf lung inf Winnipeg utteuded hairdresllw gm ixi2ivlv am iibei is convention in New York 31 lirr Mi brought it it interesting to note that herl1i lo lllf llbh wk liltli two as tuntt are uren LOllle iihrl Aiii Til EM iebb daughter or Mr and Mrsiv gtttl mi Alvin Webb Strond formlly Jewelio Bandy Salim Burnt Midi Fen unitllrlJIIU lm the man Wren Anne lask=iilk Winnipeg llrtll l0 lathe These three Wrens are considered ll l= Upmmu Lu 13 ii the chief iiinrale builders around zi liilitrlz sz llMCh Statiacilna and their cfE Dinner club guests iLcluded rep it til we llllli iforis are iippicciated by naval rat ieseiitatives from the various lfniil up ii mg womens illc org iiiigri us wel lens for the boys alt li in the inwn including Mrs 12 lpriifess to have noticed that tlicf 121 MiiCLIiren Barrie llraizcli of an mm uo lunklng much iQxl adiiin lied rossi Mrs Morita iil militiioiis these days lhe readyl bllICCdS ACME SNWD 11 MV mule clientele of the beauty SllOi Lee Crimp Borden Filiziilyi llniiinbeis over 1100 Wrens and it Welfare Mrs ll Macinuea lied Ulkeeps the three operators jumpiiigf 3039 Alilliilfi Fllfl PM it lto attend to the beautifying del Lions Club Axilehiry Miss Vina McKeiiiie Si Join Ambulance linniids of them all Brigitth Miss Ethel Lioliiil lild Hairdos inanicures scalp treat VMM finents and all the other things are club president welcomed these and other guests present and gave 101 MK given at cost prices This makes In possible for Wrens to keep beau flm View rk litiful on their comparatively lower Miss Vera Vandorlip was ill charge oltlie excellent programme fpay Your driers permanent Mrs Myrillioriis University of iwave machine scalp treatment nia mh wt Ilvchincs and manicure table make Toronto graduate in Physiotherapy was the interesting speaker at the lmmrumm HF i1 xwilml hip the equipment of this very much appreciated department in the dinner The wholesome vitality and charm of the speaker gave corn iitioli of liitliciii itttll trtiiri Wrenery vincing appeal to hen Stlbjttl which qH gold iced birthday cake iith the scope iLd future llill1ll one blue candle was the centre of ties of he in re filinlrstliUTliliieiold dectiia The ireicrt IYlrli tiori motif on Monday evening in use for lilxw the Lions Club Tile12 the first respond in ii the lolly birthday celebration of liziiiie Sill nice Usu DALYS daily if you like really good lea For generations Canadas morf particular tea drinkers hnvo inclitod on this period blend Now you an get Dalyc from your grocer Alli him for it my Refugees Evacuees might be better Hllll to use than refugees for many who wish to collie to Canada or to those who are already ljcre Unfortun ately the word refugee is too ol ten associated Willi destitution and distress lituiiy people Labor pecially fear to allow emigrant to come to Canada llCCJUSC they may lessen the chances for jobs The contrary has been the case with many of those who have been al lowed to collie into Canada lll rc eelit years They have brought new skills and crafts and have opened up new avenues of employment mom Romtiliivemaking in Prescott is HOWE industry llata the Truck shoe mm vnrii the lttl ililli of ll 13m mmdmn mumlniiiniifacturer has started ltllll MW ships the control iltl if iliillllllgKIvulnq Station the must loiivimibilsiiiess at llatnwa in the Trent WIN planes and the barbell wins tliziiivaJ m3 gm was 1d1iivir valley Paprika which forni PX holds the enemy out when he mlmm Mfdl RM CHM S1iiy was imported is now grown WU mth Md llkllllllirwlllil Ill lltll mic RumJ New and processed here Itlflthillo knowIN WNW lllltd Hm LN ledge of refugee lolisli llames Metal cases for lipsticks lure being canned by German r133 illllllell hulk ill illN Bllli up Allle pp rifiigic IlllllOlll cutting g1 this brass is now in use as cases SHIV factories flax growing ceramic in for caiiridikxs cannon sheila bomb Mr Mummy liiXlllit llliii inty for giziiltml ll not rvnlube rile playing inns lllllluliidil ir lilt For Iristailie iillrld silk dressV lktkl fwi llrtldl tiii ill Hum lllil rilriiiill chutes liez for gllflfllll the on the izlas eye the prisiiw range lllliltl Ill interntwins lltllliiitll amt telcl scopes lill= made of lllA ivtl llllue in the van in enieigeiicy landnrc South Pacific turnip llKl facial paral illlil massage iH pm deep lci ie of tlieir ny tilt the improve of bi it lessnin Ollllllf Sl INIII ISIS BritishJsrac Branch Elects its Officers ii wlilii ll Iill tai very nitiii ti iii3 opening Ild lid li LililJ lylllltll Li lii tir lgi mil tib litiille 1min tillllilll13 lllt iiiliiilni meeting ll tire liAiiu Branch if the llllllrllltitl World Federation lfilntidni im litlI ha iie put of the home of Mrs lugli ill tinyluv li Mix lillllll Si tlll Monday April ll Ul for itinlficers for the tlldllllL year were elected as follows liis Mrs Lambert VlLtllt5 lIlliifliiliil Setyl1els Mrs ltlllli Steele SP Cor Sccy Mrs Pugh lics nil Miss Vllltii liilirisl lli lifwi glIliiw ill lili illtl it ll MAIRUN lltllitlllll MAfllAM tinzigghiei of Mr and Mrs it ll New Lowell vliii liiiiiii include ti seal it liter lt in llilflllldb aal the the public ltl foretold would iii tine demands ll litIll iiii liiey tilt pint lii lll litillili lvirihriial mtw gtill4l liv Mrs Frank itlllllfl Executive Committee Ntllil Webb Miss Willeii John Steele bllsx Mabel Hughes Mrs Mary minii Prayer League Mrs Stanley Lnri lwtuliim liic lii1irliLLlii tlV inter esting and tvlllitlltltHVt address Ill llie llinl Altitude luiiil Missiurir ieii in ll iraee Wiillelivoitii of illia lrs Lloyd lildtlullfl XjllUWtl the thanks of liihi tlt Act scene ii of The Taming of the Shrew by Miss liizlcr Rcevc andihe tliiid movement from icer thovens Senna tin Hlllilllshlillt was ill mwimp flllllblllCS and other endeavours have The Womens Canadian Club will lt Gertrude Archer Licensed Caterer Banquets for the Armed Forces Trousseaii Teas Weddings Etc Sandwiches and Cookies Made to order PHONE 4235 FDalntlncss with Quality lvl iycd by Miss Florence oili1iii Edna McKee ir bride of Cpl Eyrli incirni the if ltr lpretty ceremony in li iv iizlzili Saturday illitliillEl ltl tins feted by her llltltl liotti ll ii Illlll and Barrie prior to her lilil1it in Toronto lle t5 ic it lllll our at party given by the em ployecs of the Iltlill iiieie she worked and it she vi presented lill lulilil5 coffee table Several days lltliillt liti lilllllf1t number of ildnis friends at Woolwurtlis where she xia loiill mums wim 01V om mags MAGICS CARAMEL CURLS cups allied flour 15 tnpn unit tbspns shortening cup choppm nuts any upns Magic Ewakin Powder 222 cup milk iz cup brown sugar zlnd or mlslnu Weltesley Hospital Slit dry In edlenta together Cut In shortening untll mtxe Beat egg slightly In measuring cup add milk to make cup odd to rst mixture Roll out I4inch thick rluklewlth brown augdr and nuts Roll an forv ell grim Stand on end In we roll Cut In lIuch eased muffin pans tnmodetnte om 375 about so minutes Makes 18 FOR FINER TEXTUREDELICIQUHS filly0R MADEINCANADA end 21 successful season with All entertaining lilCClllit Saturday llllt telnoun in Public Library llall It is in be lilllSlCillt featuring Mr Eric Tiler baritone iiCCIlill pained by Mrs Baker The annual meeting Will also be held when election of officers for the coming year will take place An added feature will be tea fol lowing the close of the meeting The silver wedding annivcrriary of Major and Mrs Kenneth Micklcborough was celebrated at an informal gathering at their home 32 Clapperton St Barrie Sunday from many friends in addition to the congratulations of those who attended Major and Mrs Mickleborough received the guests Mrs Mickle borough wearing lovely aqua green gown trimmed with gold sc quins with Corsage of red roses and maidcnhair fern tied with RCASC colours Their charming dangli ters Evelyn nurseintraining at Toronto and Audreyas well as Miss Monica Flynn assistedin passing the re freshments Ccntring the table covered with banquet cloth of filet cutwork was twotiered wedding cake surround ed by silver candelabra nwith tall white tapers Two silver vases contained flowers in RCASC col oursblue iris yellow daffodils and white carnations Mrs Mic kleborough cut the cake with the sword which her husband carried in the last war Major and Mrs Mickleborough were married inLToronto by Rev Dr John Neill and Rev Dr George Pidgeon the brides name being Adele Landretli The family have resided in Barriejsince Major Mic kleborough went to Camp Borden with RCASC three years ago He served with the 3rd Battalion in France in the 1astwar Music Lovers of Barrie are in for real treat on Monday evening May 22 when Reginald Godden talented young Canadian pianist contribution to Says Mrs Melbourne WOULDNT allow any merchant to sell me an ounce of anything but pure mustard says Mrs Mel theme of St Vital Mani toba for haire had chronic and have used muslind with the greatest success inhelp Liaftackd poiiltice on my hip to 191le the pxgin of an arthritic condition there sysMrs Medbopm and also depend on mustord poul high never leave poultice on longrthan twenty minutes Useg of Mustard tobr eak up the3e yearly toms are serious call yourdoctnr 51 have usedfhe cnetdthree InSlSl on Purelllustard Free Booklet Dscribes Medicinal ii Thousands Depend on Mustard Thestrongest proof of the value of mustard in treating so many common ailmnnis the fact that thousands of peoplelike Mrs MelbOume depend OLE33 year and recommend its use to to Always keep untard handy in your house in case of emergency to relieve Chills or Colds or when you fuel depressed by Grippe or other Winter infections If symp Be sure thotyou ask for famous iKeens DSF 7Muutard mulle entirely from higheSt quality mils tardseed and packed to pgesetve mmiwidWLWhmnkamuaumnm cinalistyrengtll Sold by grocers Vand druggistseverywliere bSW Write necktie comm Cmadaimiud Station TMontxnlfo handy fret booklet ifTha Mustard Treatment for Rheumatic Palm Ind Other Disorden describing the utoudard 1104 of applyingihia reliable remedy will present recital in the BCl Auditorium all proceeds to the Centennial Scholarship Fund Mr Godden is native of Barrie and graduate of the Collegiate This recital will be his personal the Scholarship Fundggimlbeimair is sponsored by the BCI Centennial Scholarship Committee it Spring housecleanlng is now in full swing and judging from the number of rummage sales that are being breild this spring Barrie housewives are findirig lots of clothing etc which they feel could cvciiiiig Flowers telegrams andl the 1001 NW letters were received in profusionStFVCd MYS 110ml fuses brass button and insignia pins among other tinnits Next we proceed from lianilba to high altitudes lliorc suits iriade for SillllllCilt stiaiosplleio use take lot of leather So llol shoes for the infantry TliillS why there is little leather left for womens handbags crciiJojible evening vris spent by many who attended the leiichre and dzincc held by lririisfil iCliapter OTIS Stiniid on Friday evening April it The prizes for leilchre went to Mrs lliirry Morton and it Black llill lluglies VUlli nice lunch was Webb and her committee The proceeds hunt the party amounted to $4000 lliCi1 will be used to provide comforts and cigarettes for local boys in tlic armcdservices The ladies of hi fil Chapter have knit several rsor socks for the soldiers and are now making laycttes for the bomb victims of Britain Mr and Mrs llrcd lsaacs 15i Florence St Barrie celebrated their fortietli wedding anniversary Sunday April 16 happy day was enjoyed by all The couple were presented with number of lovely and useful gifts The guests were Mr and Mrs G85 McKinnon and daughters Mr and Mrs Nelson McCutclreon Barrie Mr and Mrs Vlad and son Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs McKiimon and Mrs William Colley Atherley Mr and Mrs Isaacs formerly of Wiinborne England came to Can ada thirtytwoyears ago and have resided in Barrie since There are two children Charles Toronto and Grace Mrs Geo McKinnonl Barrie igt Read and use Examiner Classifieds be put to better use than filling up space in their homes Two successful Sales were held last Saturday those given by the Eastern Star at the Bowling Alley of Central United Church in the SS room This Saturday the Junior Associa lieu of Collier St UnitedChurch are holding Sale andnext Satur day Aprii29 the Ladies Auiiliary 7f totlie Lions Club wlllihave one at Trinity ParishHall Then early inMay the Royal Victoria Hospital Aid willhold their annual rummage saleu to siiecolait 01an st es Anglican Church held success ful tea and sale in the Parish Hall Gordon Kelly club received the many guests VThe tea table was colorfully de corated with centre of sharp dragons and Mrs Butler pour ed tea The small tables were centred with pussywillows and daffodils MrSJJ Jones was in charge of the tea tables withMrs Black Mrs Pilgrim Mrs Desour die Bertha Hogan and Dorothy Webb assisting Looking after the kitchen were Mrs Frank Col Iins Mrs McKenzie Mrs Watson and Mrs Page The sale tables of home baking and fancy work were very popular with the guests In charge of the home baking table were Mrs York Eva Bernard and Mrs Conley Wednesdayaftemoon last Mrs president of the iiiail presided Lieut Charles zil irliltlilill period tpl alulizin lririil rniig the Peace 1v pwhm till been started by refugees llqipili country wide to all who tiilil fol come and to take in more than we tearl assimilate but we should show compassion and take our share We need larger population to absorbi the products of our industries and our farms and by helping others we would also help ourselves would have to putas much effort core kklr min wrrrniiill the peace as we rirc 4105 111 01 105 1hr iniw using in win the Will iii mills Sholld be mm he glpghmi Christin IHl5 families But try and get some rlnvli were essential Ur mi just them to do ll When llllllllChylC Ill peace namely critiirltippiirtiiii 50 were WHY WWWt hftilS it for all and brotherhood of man in him lllCYdllH ilel llitni Vlllli without racial or financial barriers lCillITllllt ll its 1010 he it was planned to hold ii lrieiid some 001191me who idle fl iiilCllllCClllll next Sundav evcn 0th ObJQCtO to mums mg after church service to show Soollli llElll OdlllCill Mild ll ElllllU new pictures about Baptist IVlllijilillllglll giggd iii lbuuwb hulva In wmlmm recipes for oatmeal cookies of roll ed dropped or icebox variety Chocolate oatmeal cookies are quite popular Oatmeal and bran can be uscdin muffins lVllOlC wheat bak ing powder biscuits are good for change Even the despised porridge inziy becateii with gusto if it is moulded then thoroughly chilled urc only mi Uriel impugn tllld sliced and fried in hot fat It This sir was ii volcanic is lSngOd Will the breakfast bacon or land With syrup Wheat germ can be added to so many things The RESULTS THE ANSWER flavor of it is objectionable to many Why has The Barrie Examiner people but llCall be used 111 small the largest Classied section of any enough quantities so that the flavor tow weekly in can cannotbe detected lsubstilute 14 have done ii In 1943 um new cupo wmargerm for an equal 1d amount of flour in every two cups mm mtdl 8184 Clasmledb of flour It makes rolls or bread nuttier and crisper fins and spice cookies of all kinds spoonful or two may be added to stews soups and gravies Add it just about five minutes before serv ing as long cooking destroys some of the vitamins little can go in bread loaves or liamburgs Meals need to be planned for nutrition as well aspalatability and the cereals are one of the cheapest and best sources of the vitamin complex Canadian Recipes for England woman with son young officer overseas received the nicest letter from an English woman at ltl ind Audrey liwiii liltli the de lvitllil favored link lovely Vil cil snlu Cpl ltllll llell prlserileil lllt liip ic of lhe evening entitled liasli ilirisllilri Principles lleliind Win lle said iliiit we READ REPLY continued the loquacious explorer when we neared the ilrind we could see the whole place was literally red wrlli lub Mels Ha ha erred in listener who was waiting to trap him lobsters Yes The Doniinions have access to the British War Cabinet in London for their representatives Visiting Prime Ministers attend meetings while in London and Australia has permanent representative Phone your Classified Adlels The Examiner the Society in the speaker would be mistake to open tliel bert Mrs lcan Ritchie PrurillsIntensejiehing Relieved quickly by this Medicinal Ointment lliere ilro two forms of itching wliicli me especially distressing First priiritis vulvucm froin which only women suffer and second prliritis uniitchingr lit the rectum from pilco pin womb or varicose veins The causes of lloill these forms of lilifllhl itcliiirg are often liflicult to lociitu but what you do want tit oncc in relief from ilii seven and depressing itching Then let Dr Chases OINIMENl help you for it brings rclicf almost n3 quickly as applied liicc used it will always be kept at Illllltl for quick use when the need arises ate box Economy size 1211 $200 Use it in muf whdselioimerhhad spent five day leave She told how he looked and all the little homey things mothers like to know He had invaded the kilcihen and had made scalloped potatoes the way his mother made them and the Englishfamily were so delighted with them they had them every day he was there He told them about cheese tea biscuits so they had those too Then he made the cheese and bacon squares that are toasted in the ovenyand they were such hit thatoll the neighbors got the recipe And his mother did not thinkvhe knew any thing abou cooking The English womanfivanted to know if she would please send more Canadian recipes so that they would be able toihave them for other Canadian boys on leave Now just what would be considered Canadian re cipes Maybe some Canadian boy Thoughts of Spring and pal there all the year round beco Arid thisjsign is alsurelsigin oi Senour is 7l90 purel iii 4413 VI 00 PURE PAINTVilliiSHESENAMEIS ROBINSONHARDWAE 31 DUNLOP Sr 1VARNISHEs ti LACQUERS1vk4 suddeiily oware oillieiomiliar MartinSinour sign olihoiigiills time toLrepoinl lor lresliibeciulyand protection Whenever you see the sign ol Mdrtin$enour Egg will be lound the paint ol endurancecnd longejlasting beauty It is the signwhjclirin one breath welcomes Spring and the clionce to beautify asvwell as to do the patriotic job of protecting properlyl Paint piw5 Guard the Home Front PAINTto make it last Conservation is sound was timestrategy Paiutiste irst neo euce agams recipes mentioned Scalloped Potatoes Islices and put thicklayer in onionlf dslred Repeat untilthe dish is threequarters wfull dotting the top layerwlth butter probably minded Pple evewhee bacon dripping could be substitute use Spiing is the Usual and occeptecl shows andbake iiii hot oven until thefpotetoes are tender and the mm absorbed aboutin lroumrrd endwng Palvnlkbecuuse Mortin what Clieese Bisculgs ening teaspoons baking polldot cheese about 23 cup milk Sift the dry ingredients rub in the shortening andaddthe cheese preserving littlerlo sprinkle on top of the biscuits Add enough milk tovmake 50ft doughf Roll lightly cut into rounds and bake in ajhot ovenof 450 degrees from 12 tom minutes Toasted Cheese Squares SENOUR or grated cheese mixed with may onnaise Dot with bacon cut into smallpiecesusakiijg oven un til the breadistoasted and the bac on cooked PHONEzni edls Coverviith milk until it just Cutpared potatoes in crosswise greasedbakingdish Season with yj salt and pepperend little minced clipsflourJZ tablespoons short teaspoon salt 12 cup grated squares Spreadwithcream cheese wear dirtaadedecay inside or outside your hOme And CIL Paints pay an exfrdulividnd of lasting beauty It is easy yo fix up home if you dorit promptly and avoid nglect Yoiu ClL Paint Dealer will gladly tell you hOw to do any job of home repair in the easiest surest way Heyis an expert in home maintenance fHis experienceinnd that ofhis customersyaud his numerous sources of technical infoiimaxionnrlat your service And Always re memberhtliat whenitbe job calls for paint your CIL Piiintf Dealer has topi equality CIL Paints Enamels and Varnishes for every need vColistant re search has maintained CIL standards despite wartime shortages OTECT Giro JOHNSON Everett HANDY Lisle