II no MW II II II 503 533 19 NW VV 11 IIIVIIVlfIVE Vtttltiiyf II nah Luv VI lard ism Padilla ZJI II itd ireeI om re ecu SUNDAY SCHOOL CHAMBER AWKESTONL one siATION Lesson lullIllis who are alive at that littlt study in the bedroom and thus let Iookin4 loiWald to that clay wellhc rest of the faintly enjoy the 11 in Waini gt seem new iiilttIl ll tutti littlt ll lll ltI iIiI iI 211 it gt it iV ti Li ii im VA iiI II ti VV VV VV it arr l2lVI In rhino lui tiuh VhVV hVV 1i AltI Kl Nihil it IIIIxil IV 3I lllll It town IIi 02 II IUVLM lit It Hl III It at in micro Itll that Hi tII iii iI It inizi ilIIiiI vi way ill inhr Il llm Izi it not Ii uric ot tlie itlliltl the lglt IV VVWiII IIi ltiI LI xII Ii it ti Il II VV VVVVV Vlttl lVIViVIVVV ttV VtV VIVI VlVlVVli Vt VLVV Vi ilVlI VlVVVV 11 VII VV runHyatt idols ltnn liaiIiIi tan tt iiicl l=tl iiihim ii in iI unimnanyh VIxIIxIxmE VV VVVVVVV VVV ItaI llltlll wet it lm iiiiiiii citlil to 5m in LiIIV RATIO OHPQVIVIS VALID Ila WI Xihl llulitflihvfl Tt3ilr Innidi Ncy54m50t IiIVVi HIV Vtigt ti ttitt IIi iihni ViVV VV 54h tin ghoul mm mil in listd liars ign4wvlvlt lulur Idllttl littltlsl iI tltlVv lllllillt 11 lH iv tglijlliigfiltl in II jgR IV lfCSI l4 t0 Itll ll WI lx lt ail mm Wm Vzlny tiisinilci II iIiitl tlillill tniiIt VI liQS l9 Lucie maa ti lltvlu Dextlluntl tiltn itinyv eh tlltlttr 98t83liil ml litl 77 lIIli 11 ih Ilth ti Alain It lIt Till liinifnal tILlll Sltltlllltl llll NNlUlll Ul Till lllNlli ilii it illnltlkiii Illit TEA if 7Q ll VV VVV HV ti it ti iil ii iiiinn the wt MI tlliltllili by httt iios noin li im rimI 05 LARGE SIZE n1 iii ii is it ti till tll lt lkllltti it Ii II ll 1A3 Vltlri lln tillltl IIl til lit ttl itt llilli 1lxE in VYVJUFI li Mill III HW lItI lit liuii lit tli lIi own Inuit It IIIlinii the lIirIt Adam iI le IVI$I liAAVVD STORS 113 IM flirlIl Inn lIIltl tttgt lt n4 ll mi my NU mm yV llt lt It 13 lttt Iti Hi lllIItt ll Jl lttllll lrlit Iliit VI Alum tit iIII lliisVViIiitw the llli1 than Im JitllIJl tllti3l 15111 Volt Ill IItlltllllt ttl tioss Parking lttl Im ivIll III Will lI itlmllV 91 It HM II It Ha rt am In ostV iiVItmII hi im nonm Muir omii hi 1vat that not all heavenly home VV iiiimimm FRIDAY CLOSED ALL DAY VVIV Ii lltttItvrli liml til it The hr ttllitt It from lit lImI ul it It lIItI HHV iVith VII it VV Vinyl id the Allth Hi llll 3i=i7 whicii is in liiist Jesus on lmiil tlttlltm lit Itth IlVttt IrvII ITnwWmsyrwITrrrn II JIIIIIIIIII IuIIIWIII II Ill ltIlIt Wth Ittltill II RFTS in rt iV 101m hith it VlV VIMV lIttttli 11 lltttt It Iditterencv ill the indiriitual siileii tV and aim Noti that ill Jamie An VIV VV or ttlltittLlll the argument the pronoun It ltttl llIlWtl llltl it lll he lttt sline lIltl only ihaiiiitil IdLAF Illtl allied Corru ition Will llinliit to men ruiition DiSllHllIiltL 73IJ IS iltlllttl upon it by reason tiltl fliililren and the Kuhn SMOKED lI iisliton II it IVtlttttw littt It lutlyr llllt ill gt Its oil VV V1 lhh Mum whl hmiy VVVViVVIVIVVVioV iiViVVi iVVVVVZI VVVVVVVV VV VV VV IVIVI I1 VV ttlllHtll1lllAlllhlllllnlltllllhlltllHltlnl MW mm IN In Addmon to BONEIN SMOHD HAMS we have 3L illliJIl to ttie lltll functions of the 1H tllt 3Hle Uttltllltlttlttii WW W4 glmle mg BONEILESE VSfluqs Allqu nottVIial hotly theV tinstV niaii waslno one to play llll VV VVliln VhIVS VV lVlV VlV ItVtVV sgcll MtiCTS 50 Inc Inn of latter lll an aniniii er elni II iIn it mind how in II 13 lIstisI IIII tI II It 11r UHII lien deli llt tnlIl tiIi lllt llilkl all lVd IHHTHU mm mm llldl hone in to listen to the Soap Operas QUALII ILL 10 iltttttlitttd 4W tltlnnlittll ii is mp mi SIItIU CHOICt Eh Nth CVth hm thV MW in iniiVV ttl Itttived new life in Christ Jesus It mum hUKVlT he 14151 It It his mother ll llt ttltl uasi Ittl inn ilosltly ttttlltLthtl to hm Keep mung nundv oncVit mm sumo VVVVVV WC Shah be mVVV hi5 hVVV WVan hhh 0th VOVCE YOUNG SNCMI Tum VVVV WWW ll WC llini Il lohii 331 Sinnminiz it all was mid idea lllt wondered what lV dd Vd VVV VV VVVVVVIV If VVHIW lttlVth says itVis iViiipiisiihlihfoiIlhiiih hmmhlwi Li Ki mus Ahni lwnll 100 nlulc lmni tittltl iitlittnliiii ilitt illl isltlOllltll Lucy Ml HUI mm on WINS Milli it it SPECIAL to II mt it it if intorruplibte immortal This is Mm Md HM 1m VHMl 011 lltl the t1gtlill itlttitI BONELESS hm Whom which in the he hhth the Just wanted to tiy it to Viind out VV mm holler bienktnul ii It ll1ltlltll be SPEC11L BUVILEII iierienced when we iut our fiiti llI IIII III Ht II III II motile il pViovules whet VV VViHINV which 4qu Us Cteml iwoon Ilie radio miVlV l1tttliLtttl th WV hhmhili VliV it Mu Ii iclivc youlgchIS need ptO hiczV and at the resurrectioiiV our lllilt ii problem here are few lh tinem teiviscnlbollydmletironand bodies are glorified and all is in parents who havent been told byl MILKFED lav FIRST mm VVIVOVVVVOVUSV UVVC he recipes lacVcorViVl witliV ththcavenly state in their Children 1h hwy Gm 52 found In every package in wfanlbs ISFTURN 515V then homcnoik whili lisli mill to The VIVVLVVVIVVVVOVN VVVVVVVIV Vf lVVC II VIVIVIVqho mm we 11 km mam mm CANADIAN SHREDDED is rchhh Vin mith uylnot help but be hindranceto hood II WHEAT COMPANY lTD the hhhm of those who sleep homework Sometimes the problem ii gt Magma Fulbcanqd lm Him and glorifv the bodies orcan be solved by harm the child II vq Wu CE hoods MONARCH DO 1can challenge death and the grave mam Chmpmmisc may be MI death where is thy stinu etc The law had no power to take 30le rm illumimfi 31 away Sh remove the fem Uhstlttlt oi ioiiicwtiV so iii lV death but the glorious gospel promU mV Vlmplomd m0 he chlij victory over sin and death favorite programme One parenti We must look forward to His lClll teacher she knew her daugh tllin and steadfastly carry on Histcr was not doinL her homework VKRAFT Philadelphia CREAMICHEESE CUBES 6r Continental Four Square Serwce LlAlllJ mars on iiIlmi II sViVVIViViLVti knowing that Ills 1Lilll is but it has such ii pity they put Von iVMV 59 good programmes when the lllld WI should be studying VVlhekradioiitl lonijxV interferes vitlrhomework but in some homes it seriouslyidclays childs bedtime definite plani Kh or radio in the home should be Clarks overnor Soucoiilii23c AWWWAIJVIVNVw emissi it lttttllitl JUICE Worcestershire Sauce li27c 3Iil5 iiiam cosoiassizi III ii in Iii htoughfmt 44Y3r3me 003090 LfeFOUf Square Service has proved to be the foundation of Security and Financial Independence for policyholders and beneciaries IV2 HABMES 25 KraftDinner l7 CALllORNIA SEEDLESTS lg Midi gfghieal Ftiiiir II II II 17 Wheathearts IIIIIHI 131 25 siliaccrion llI A111 lIIASl iiiiiiii sill1s SCOlCh oatmeal 15 lo 005le irrioiiiifAeriVizm PRICED Blelidlcs 2+ no 19 Minnie Tarmac 25 The YPS will meet at Mrs Cook llicm Wliolc BVlowVs Wednesday eventftg 7MP speaker on the radio said that 150 DUHlOP $tfeel Barrie Iloflgms W1 lead the dSClVSSQlI potatoes cooked more quickly When nggayhgos Iggy they were quartered and when the Dual 015mm hch All wish her potatoes Weicitin be mashed to speedy recovery quarterwtlieni lflqisisliIuEtlicy II II do cook more iiiickly But on the Ellilc12iillftilliZltlllillWEN5057 WORK Billlltll $0 ilili done whole Some of the vitamins ViiV Margaret Ordc Belle River is thought out and then it should be slung MFS Frank Caston put into action The radio iSiloilttl Of Tomato 9C MtS Patterson Cillgitlyv 15 Vlsll lderful source of entertainment and Griffin Brand AMAMA xv EA OFHCE 01 brother Glltt Gilbert 1Llll2il UL illl Cilia The WVAV will meet Mm JV education but its use should lit Iiur lui TV VRcynoldSIV Thursday helmth controlled by the parents Matt Remind You are soluble in water and it stands to reason the greater ainouiit of sin tacc exposed to the watcr the greater number of vitamins will be NEW tlttll FLORIDAFULL JUICE lI iii iiI dissolved Cook veiiclables In is IViVOallh 88Ver lame pieces as hmsibiCV and Vs ism iiomirihmi illle water as you can Let them steam rather than boil 176s mi EMANGES Fioun or 23 VI ll VmOII iIlli llIL Cornstarch 21133 Sillitlllllf illlli iiiii FAMOUS BLACK DIAMOND 7EEDLI$S Madam no WSW nglwyou ever hear of puttingl Iv outshode in coffee huts m==aa+dl Vanilla Extract himied idea but have POW 77 II hack to it We are tea and collect WV BUII23I qm ivoh diiiikcis and tliei ion llCVCl in us just quite cnough must use 223 19 25 iii III lie brew llonbldgdbh 19 CONGO I5 7g and 151 01 and pine AlillIORNIA ICEBERG Large 5Lny YOUR if mustard does 00m t0 Ell9 30 Size VI Mt m7 III 0dyV VVTETASVIERGUEVW II dole 101i 1110b aVIOl 510 Pith Sly llIIl IMPORIEI tdld the 5d it 0C5Secln make Weak Con Isle suomel PI tad REI lune cm lange 77 hvw VT II Winter vegetables have lost iiViostV IIIlli L1Rxl xltlI 4N lAbtsIVVU Orange PCkOC VV II merging VV VV VVIV VVVVVVVV EV lt Mlii Itll Havmgtomake little LofleVe nga 10an WCVVshnuldV try to use the Ohm VI NEW CALIFORNIA 501m II II hay haaughsmany aV lioiiselefetlng VV VVVfVVuhs in QMVmVVmVVVV WVVVVVSVVSVDOSSM CAVVVVV IVVVjVeGfech lesson into be sure of full Vsatzsfuctwg Many 3f VushInViViVessVVVihV gate VV OMS Lllr Vv VV iii geeky bill you mustiise really goo II We 53 rims nitomen II it IIII II were available OrangesI prunes VAL mica iII GREEN PEAS ll 19 Ivorysnow 23 bination both from the standpoint IIn VV Ivory Soap UVVVVZV my V9V Andthat would if =1 that new lousy of flavor and for vitamins Aimd NEW CALIFORNIA It who have tVVlchdAlltlaxwell HouseVViirVe socatishcd with thihgsV Arrangetsechons of oranges PMIIALfgl 16 IV this delicimisfullbodiedIVblcud that theyintend to aiideitted Cookedpruncs on chd VVVVVL Woo my 2V V7uhsegitalways of lettuceV Add enough saladVdf NllfliXASAz CONCENTRATEI VV which Home ng BUNCH BEETS Super Suds iii 20 EEAUTY 50M With every condence because its 0f the Chelserand add to the Salad NEW TEXAS CURLY LEAF iioI plate Serve Wlth salad 955 Batman 21m11 IV Blended frnmmre Giuliaavor BalletBi findt With Ehgfsgcilghgoiglagtiwsliegndqf FOR BRILLMNT 3015 IV own special Quality of aydr body or fragrance Ice HaWes pk peel the orange easily cut sh Save your knees and Your OerARIO APPLES xisunsnunnuInun1 IliVsmes Roasted liyVa remarkable process that roasts every of peel off the tVopVth1en scoViotilVlttf backhEnhst Gina in your NOV GRADE VV 64 VI BAKING POWDER Satisfying coffee bean evenly all through rmd WWI mes flom top war on dirt and bards hard Ikt dV tom as ifVmaking petals VThe sec rubbing and scrubbing Gh VVVVVVVV as VVNVVVVVVvVNVVVMVITVLVVEJ Paikediii iiVWaerime Bag mini AllIurpose GrindVVziii tions of rind come off eastly lettlsdiugsfght thoughgrfase COMBIINATIOIN GRADE VVAN ACHIEVEMENT II Ii 58 cost ou an ir eaves oors ccau IV VI The British Empire Medal has enough to eat onin 6me illQt EXLELLENLL VV Pt Lillian VV VV Basket been dwarde ary time Clears the drains Deo Quinlan CWAC at Red Deer for Idorizes the garbage path her lifesaving heroism during grandvallaround cleaner Get No GRADE l5ILb truck crash when she bandaged Gilletts today 10 Vb 33V Peck lk VV VV VVV VV ns VVV VV TV VVV II AP VG Quad Egggfgrehgmlged 35igwg Fine or Medium mi herself MADE llt CANADA LOBLAW GHOOETEHIAS 0V0 LIMITE