Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1944, p. 4

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mag FOUR rins BARRIE EXAMlNER BARRtEtNlARIUV IIUMDA IM IIIII I71 SW1 fii I3 HM it ihi HUIL MWuTMMWM Sm in Ann Show no ity counts most oi total WA lull satisfying aioiii ii ini Vi 11 II Hothiicrii Honors only Inul quality 1L ii in miilIIIi IrXsi III II iiiiiiiiu 3010 rip it tItniglu Ir ltlltt31 Women Viewpomt on This and That IItIlrH VI UV VV iiVIV ixiiiiiss V+ Ii twiiiiiitlI IVI ll Belle lruarl ItW ii lIiiIiliiji iuI It llI mitt ll as ll tittcttl til III Ian til Flt VV lllll ltl ll II iVV V1 VV it Ali liltV iV VVV VVtlllV VV VV aim law IHII iVV IV llttll tl VVVV1111V5LVlhjltiiri Imam It It 11 if ii fm ti VrVVViV V5 Hi Ii In iii lhhthl IvIrhwwnfrr dent lIIiii iiImti lVi tltll ti VVVVVVV VVUVVV VV VVV VVVV 3hiV In Vim mii im IHJV VthVnt minus 1V VVV VV VVlVVV VVVVVHVVVVV hVVlVIVV Int Ht mm ti= it lHV IN Ix ed Wm Shin VVVVVVi VVVI VV The im ii il It intt 3tn1lf 30 Ill It ili Qt gt ll III no rii loth oi llrltl ill iiiI me iv Ml th will llxlwd AWEl M71 Inrnmu 53mm 111 lush Ml iillld NHL MH YIlmlll MUN luiiiil ii ith itaI ix ml IV VV my VV VVVV VV Hi Into ilff hl WW IIt WtlIIl IIIM IN up in gjmgiqh msm ii iIiaoii lbwhi1 hi WI mu II It tlt II VI VVI mi gi i3 null it lll ll ntnii iltal lllitlV IIII Wch ltillt =u iet V1Iili iIIstII libs VVVV VV VV VV VVM VV VV the tilril lave Hi tdid Mt lli wnI lliIII Iil Itoam gall ntlt VVI ll taII tltti tt the tttlt III llInOssttw m1 iIII twat IIIivIIsil yellow litJilt will WI IlII It vtIII IvIIl ll llll CHAN If lltllit iIIt Liti iiIiIti ttl Mm im 11 1L Iilwyr IoniitinI It tth hi hi1 ii MUM 11 To Iii lint tlit iI Iitit II Mt View IQ tiiIteieIiIil Point of View in Iii itl iltiirv int it IIlIlltl It tIIII II IIIEI it II IV IMIi who 1th Vh ll VVVVP hh WV Vi ll Lid1 1le in 11 5in HWY li llIiiilvl June lIIioiito VVVV VVVV VVVVh VV VVVVV VVVVh VV VV VV IIIIIIIHI IlItIf HiIlittElWV It IllJI VHHm Hi tiv wi IiiiiIii itlIl the iisiiiris ll Gertrude Archer VVVV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV UV MM mohair of our pt iVVVVVV VIV VIM WM 91 am 1H mini IIIIIIHI IW It ll Llcensed Caterer otiicii nextI iiniIii lllt in Hi idatl VV VNVVIHVVV KVVHVH IAV Amy IiV llio itktliillsllillltY ol the lIlllit Blllqtltt tttl tllt iwis HM hm ISM VIhhm ii in low that the pconle itll Ltl iiiri Itl tl In IVV 11 Armmi Mm IV hid ilall these countries are fed lix IV SmV VV If ll IIli tIi iI it ll VV Vi VH1 ThV huh VH1 thh MI httt tilltlit ltiltl tn II in hiszr iiI ttttaidy II II 1s ttl It tlwlt ol 31 Hi iii it till VV VVVV VVV iiIiir nit Ii Iii It Hi i7 Iliwll lllllti SIIttlI PM Illm tum ml blilliiiiin Ill the ltiilt wiiI lltttlllti tttity we that to slam MW Sandwiches iiitl Iiiikiec TN LMM iwriallx with ieitard to food IanVMVVVttV lVVIVVt tVl VV VLVVVtVVV VV VVVVV VV VV VI II VV Inn intn in hidm and limo lVV Made to order Tin ii an ixiu hnr 0IIMIIIlr Mk IImh it Ii IIII PHOVIV VP VV 1m VV Illt oiiciil iiuiiin knoa ittii Vth huh thh ltoao tiii VlI lttt iV it lV lll ill im ii In lil tt llaliitincv with Quality llv vii likt llMlHl lk iil tut Ill It hJl W1 wldmdw unmmm Hlltlt tiltiilltti it i1 It ir lllit Il tie Intt 7I iitti $1 IIIItI II II Inn ax SiIie thel Mixnmaiii mum Illlliwli ll Wm IiciaIitli tIIl1til tttl lilt tlttll inlior liq war inuyo ham lt WM INC iIlie zooin mothvi ttl nary blur It 11 at it who Iie iitlic lttlIIers iils lltlt allHlIlltlnlII MI WI IJ lI HI II ttlltnll ilul ii lltllllt it has it ll Lilith At tI nonseunes haw 1lttt almui til II limit iota illHII lII doll ttltl il Ilit lltt llLtIlvl um All 10mm WWW WI Elllmlwl Ill trarelhnv tltc ltl ltlt tltHIIt it llI II littll of VlttIIltItl mil hm II lltnyal Victoria llItllii Ill ll ll ttItIHI roll 11tttltittlliirlittlt victim in iln lhcio has ilttlt St tIIEiii iiiIiI MHN ml mall IHVHHWVV Inu not now liflt hilll tlltiltillltll hot hiown histeilieiilk Rallies are tt iII Illt WI1 IllIl lame ti illt it rnildiao mo mi tthI Mn lioms llllttl Int him ttItti im WHV hWV hwhhhlh1 Sh nix llll lIlulttl as to litttiivii1liltIiV VVVHVV NIH giVVVVV hm VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV TVVhVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV and rare the inter Iltilttl 21 uh Am tltlll he new WV wI icmialgn days on last Lil iht mm VV II Aim lltt an is ruin It to II 47l1ltlllly it ttltCH 3V hhhmi ltlVHmm In tho tiiV both the army and an tnite ii ltlttt In it iliII iihliir ML de ShHIHWV NHWVIV VVVV VVVVVVVV Shah hm mhlhmmVth AlhHhVV pmle illkllthi Ilttlttlt that Sitttltllt 1105 Hr FNMHU how Ilitl H1 Mr titl lII IllJIIIFI Mlltlttll tioiihleit toi wine tillttWltlI iivvie owl tuctl Mirtlru tItI Mw lnmw performs During the lml lml Ml Wm lll the IioiiIIiIIi iioot ot Ht wt Itfhiistmas littlltlt the nurse did l1lltl lllttlI Ml lIIIlI IIIttHI ll and Mrs HIililItltH Mr and Mr Imhh hhh PM Hi haw It that iii do llltl llt miutan In nIIIw 1I WW I13hour Iliitv lllilts llsic ll RNHI II II It linulnth MI and MM lI III rIIIIuItIImnalaIIlapimpomlile llltl II II 101 ll tllIt th ls hlhh 1h hm hyhhhs IhV tant tllllt plinul an nnpoitVan VV pthlhhqr ii lIVnilelmit has Innth ML and hits Howitn limit on ili5iiVIcllilC nausea VIVPmIiVi uh Vii iVif iVVVVV VVVVnV Vi MVV Indium msmule MW 11httltlt In thI lItL nt llHlIlltltV grim lni tho ireimizz hi hi Ivy Huh 13V MMMVVV Iii VI VI VVVV WEhm hhw mm iniis conditions lllJVlVV he avoided in hm de CPL 1le hVthVV thh VVnii it Viul VIIslaiI ltIud knew VVVIVVI VV The VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV mum his hibth she iv TMHVVVVVVRVV VVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VhVVVV MVVVVVV ii wwmm hm Minimum Mm ye and lttIthillllItlli VV VV VV II VV iunmhms and hrV hum hh poited the tollowini statlhllkb tV huh mlmhhh ihhl thmh IV LeVMxid says lllCtL is onh one int ml HIV th VV Vi mm with rileh hh my hhl March patients given care 89 IiiiI thV WV 1th hh mull INT BAPTIWI Y1 thiiii that has brought any mm mustaiil handy in yoni trillan Iii ORANGE MARMALADE BISCUITS thhhh missions it 130 medical and surth ww hlVlmVh VhVV hhh AhVi VI foit ortanscdtlic pain to subside IIIiVVI 0t NIHIILLWV ClltVI VV Thh 51 John huhth URN nl two pienatal 13 obstetrical ll VVVVV VVVVVVHVVVVVVV hV VVVh VVVVVVVVVVVl Last Monday ennui was on V1 hwvmchvcry hm hm hmhhhd ihiiS girth ill110151 lIl II II 1mm slttedllour ngg llmo Iiluo him him ihl intWllttttlt Visits Ell ltlllllttt WW 11 MW WV hm Iltl lfl NIIM pin lWIILhlrstltlolltltllllitlltttSltllll dOIWFSSCIl lY llw Ht eiablt tllltltil ttlthjlll dilililtnntllid mm lmmd furl ol tllhill ill ll in iIIv Iiin Hm IPU mwhnu WM NM into it having rst mixed the Winter infections mnstanl It thspn shoitenlim yilrdll11 tlttl and carried out to rcpresrnt al coiivciition gathering and to put tilzliinuliitle past winter and in addition all Named CWVHO th urn Menilim tr always lltl part ot of them carry on With their rcgn IllX UK the thiitly IlItllntVIIltS weekly hm with thc hm Inng WCIC held with total attendance hiiistVard to paste in cold water imultice or iilaiithbtumld not be Thi brings me immediatcrclicf left on more than twenty minute 415mm Malt linking louiler Iicize the Union Convention to he If Ix iiitnnisare1eiiui It wtie Silt dry inureilicnta IOLJIhtLUHI irisliorl II and ml routine ltitmc practical stigmes VV 10 iltltOtt or 74 1tions arranged by Mrs Aitken 1111 mmlfwlciian LHUI If mfhlrx After this treatment declares 1993113101 dOU IlOlllllly llrs Nsi it Is it Ihcanmnt VON my an ill II tll lel to Iltltl wIir um IMIM Iii It II Iii iauiit tic nuisina it 11 Hui cmai seci Unlin W1 Myth Uw Imp Muhhul officer of Hi ltlltlt Anibulineemg huld 5ltllrly June 11 hwlm inl there may even he mun NHL Ollllllly thither etloit ttlltl bless LI presented towns and ttltLa than all VI lV over Ontario and Quebec and all mr nine until iiilxeil lleiit eiti sliithtlv in measurinitcupuidd milkzinil iiiiiiiiialaile to make Menu and mid to lirst mixture Roll out about IIgimli thick rut ysltli toured Ilscuit iiilter Top each with little murnizilziilcbike in lint oven 125 17 about 15 minutes Makes the lie sure that you ask loi lainousi chni Djilt Mustard made Wm calmly Mia may Btlgtide and she has announced that some new kinks tor women who there he an inspection night MIS Wllllm Sillllttltl 5t are old hands at this business ol no it 10th the end hf AhmV which waging hostess to delightful gutn WWIIth IN VVVVVV Vm VV VVVVVVV Ihw II I7I II IA tum hmwm huth h0 imh mg in her home on Thursday It N1 ll It mustard seed and parkedto pie 0mm March 23V The occasion 315 InIIFWDmd tllVlIlllU ml 19101 11d to UN Mustard tltlctly serve its uniform quality and hill me 32nd bVVthVW of hm GVIVAV VVV short song service to open the meetl Ynuum uscmhbhhd in hm bamsV medicinal Shmwih 14014 MrsV Gugnm thee Aha Quin the of LE Vsogal tiniVCV IVSEVVVEVVVPlighjgmfchVfolgthan complete baths pouluqes oi plasI C915 and diuggist everywhere lant was honored by theiWoiiiens spent With one of the features 01 VMMVVVVV IVPVVVVVVVVCVVV CVVV VV Societies of St Marys Church on the evening being the indentation Exhlblts II Free llookltl llcililic iich it the eve of her departure for Io by LOdtiC membch it WNW 1G wmumm 3217 Everyone joined in singing the convention hymn God the Oni iiipoteiit Rev Sinclair was conven tion speaker Isiipposcdly froin lo route and spoke onIthe subject We Study that WeMay serve thihis Abe BYPU motto He suggested some worthy projects that the union mightiidopt and led discussion about them Secretary Violet Jermey brought the report on the new Baptist suiiinier camp at Skeleton Lake Mrs Gagnon who has been ac Dll59da thanked Ii 21 V911 The search for pin cushions takes tive in the various church societies ling manner dainty IUUCh iis back to Queen Elizabeth pic was presented with number oflwas serYEd With it 107er birthday turc painted in silks with the lovely gifts and an address by theCake baked by the DICSideltlS needle organizations The address in daughter MISILIA EmmI 2511301113 Thch seems to tiavcihccn no outlining tliernumerous positions the 0141100LtablgiMlSIFtaldcliaiiiger iiiiliii3ii36zi after the held by Mrs Gagnon stated Ireign of El ahctli tor nearly 1300 You have done angood job of liyeaiIisTVt7ite iiThtliclthACTntTry work in whatever position you came the round pin cushion for sus werc asked to fill As president of pension from girdle covered with the BVM Sodality before your silver thread and mounted in silver marriageas secretary for great and another variety of that period many years of the Sacred Heart the decoration of pins instead of Leagueas president of the Chris needlework mum Tim gather wag held kid gloves hm pmsidcm Mm Supplied by SimcoeConnt1 301W PCWC FIt illtcClltttwn 11ft II Mclmuduw MNlld thp hmm Mlq TVH William Hill VHS mink 0f ppm Womenl Imtltntel 31 CUHVCN1W11 V0130 1110 will Vlitc Rerkitt Colman CniwlaILimtIrtl 105 of iiIhteotsncss shill be ece tt in Montreal linmt treelluuklrt land and was attended by about 01811011 lUl 1101 Utlltlltlis efforts 10 Li It ZIFhLuhmhmi Ththmcm Rhmmam pdh twentyfive ladies and was honor further Illtll3105ls 0f the Midgei zjlfjlmb IVlVUFIi and Ohm Dmdgmp describing the standard ed by the presence of Dean Clair Mrs Hill who was agreeably surV PIN TliSlllNSNV0 187 05 Mlnmu mum 511 methods of applyinc this reliable rcmch VV vat ii WERSWEET tian Mothersas president recently Knitted pinELishions came in BARRVEVW TI of the CWL you have set mark which is inspiring to others There were 75 signatures to thehaddressb The gifts presented to Mrs Gag no consisted of beautiful Ibrass ell led the devotional period giViiiE ning of the 19th century and from an Easter message LieuiV Falconer about the middle of the 18th century The wVCVTVUV met in the Library bu the Spirit 0f Willi did not Hall Monday afternoon Mrs Bw touch tlicse articles tilt the begin then till now has pursued its fan of the Salvation Army gave many and walnut iabie lamp and love who pio icss no glllGIL lS sedice 1y buffet set of crystal with silver li 2f th erpeuVences hgl wolk Each Quickly RelleVe 1y llllvtl 115 it Uta 11 095 10 olie stressed that the Juvenile delin inlayIIconSisting of rose bowl and rebresehi If Candelabra quent should be taken care of and In Victorian days it reached its not be allowetho go from pla II iiicss zenith when bazaars hrstcaine 1n lace that tI th II one Of Banks POPUIBI ydung to vogue and where every stall was EOE were iiotoregpoiisilile trigMisyPhyllisiMatgngWl II IYW if 7f1T1 if ff To MI II II VV devoted to aicy 01 an eve ways Sire told ofa gill who when 50011339001719 the bridle 0f Squadronl Helena Rubinstein bit of the fancy OlkW35 made at examiiicmaIdocior was found to Specmlized Medication Wallis Fast Sawy Leader James Baird Brandoml homc Beaded pin cushions were have the brain of sixyearold 4N MVan VV TVWVO years ago Phyllis specialty in the early part of the child and wasnt reSponsible for erc T011 So IIIfI Jomed the CW sew at Ottawa APP Blossom nineteenth century also wonderful her actions Miss Dawson son Soothin ieliIt fi iii ti ifl II It HITS and was later tranSfETTEd t0 Toron il ra ran needlework displayed on pill cush pleasing solo accompanied by Mrs if VtHJI will LlIflllj cool begu mg VVV to to the Department of Transporh for the Gun in hag ions with pin decoration 101819 walkerV It was announced that comes fastVag Vactmenol spreads through me mm 11duiVCIS VV says Ll 56015an MthVeVEinologcal Service Prior to Apple B11550 Cologne Mate mmde wedding with Vice sum was realized aHhc mm swollen lttClllbtiltCSIIISOOtlieS irritatth iChcvcs en II lt And KelloggsAILWhmisoamdiam VVV35VEgCheVV1igglloggfii if 125 85 EaudeTatlelle dVtVtVlVIVIVV magesalc VVVVV congestion helps tluslrout coldclogged nasal whole wheat in ISImOSt delicious Research Department of theVthVgV V165 Soap55l00VBvdy lugging VV Rhohe Vyour CVaSSmed AdVVs Vol breathiiig formtEverybodylikesitssatisfying Etch Agnesreceiving his win at P01vder15075 Very usual present to mother TiieIEVxammen IO 0W llFCtF llWlfgVCy if luiitys fullbodied flavour Get amp OldenII He 85 honfed with young baby ill 120 past 6611 we of wars of AltWt III 12355aNilliianfdiiilill iii are stair yourgrocer sIt seconoiiiicalerve Ohm to duty Before Ph ms HEAVENSEN VV Viable Vow VA bVVVVdCd VDiVV IVV IV every morningareakfasgdup7 lfFliTziTTfficitiierIlerai Alpeffume Marina 75 Sidiibii coryuol oiicrof these ear VViVng the dVaygitoorMade by Kelloggs personar Shqvber at the hthV of ladwahoangelicIHeaueii 1LlcushinsV lide Ahoanampg inlLondon Ganada VIVV Mr MbonEastb0u1ne AveNorth 55M Colognes 1501100 shire Jngland byI MissAim Smith II Toronto and the men of the staff EauideTdilellel 200 3001 aunt ol Mrs Alters ChurchiIlldds WewhwbredrretWWL 15291 to CW9 mg WI place in museum All Saints Church Winnipeg Man how IIIIII April 12 by FltLt voice RCAF II suomi IROM Bchii Chaplain Brandon Man The brides NCHANTf Canadian Research experiments parentsM1 and Mrs Mat have ShOWll that While 311d yellow VV thaws 53 Hoigate St and sister fragrance With subtle birch tVVeeVV produced an bundmce IV MrsVE TiemanV Wm attend the perfechachent of sheer OLSVVPV but the yieldVOf sugar was my nuptials sophistication Enchantd on average only about Ohcthhd VI Th tired worn out mother cannabinakeaha pr IColoine 85 125 Earndc that nth sugm mapleV Results of rigomogfhgdagck and worried by the never on 111g When several members of Can giglelltegt VBodyPowdcr the texperiments indicate Vthat yeh VV VV was She gets run down and becomes nervous and adtilan lemons AVVimy CVorps acted as VV 10w bhehllsap conttain invert squaiV dismqu ed cant rest at us ers at spectal perfmmance for With smaV amgiiiiVVsV sucmseV am tabledowuhearte an the CWAC of the ht that white birch Sh contmm niahswd EetsupVHlthe mormngfeehngustlred lawlien sheweiitto bed nd her VV Women 311591111ng thisw may ndin Milburnii Health and Nerve $9M 14 Army er lex me Vuc 050 dPills aregleedy vVilth Wadi13 lg pkrigulpcriitt their health btiild up the run Efgyegienonvjmfggharan msdlr55iowprgr2 gamma FOR WV urine in an 8851 ac ea apputcssagain VV VVVV Pne0abox 155111lliatyigegfchoyPtcrh gaugihterof MrrandMreregrgD NexuonoxyPh3574 epncentritihgloogamesweresmii SABIQE 1001 or our tra cum ear on epzic age ard Barrie was one team ilar in as an IIappearanCc I0 commercial corn syrup The Mum200 Limited Toronto Ont Members of theushering group Nm

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