Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1944, p. 2

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PAGE TWO Till BABRIE EXAMINER LIMITED ilaclailtlilN Inch Mi HANKEMS 910 WALLS Vic mom no icsrhm man filVlI 11 Hull SEND0F lioiziiziy high the IltVlgtlUllil om lz uonicti lli connection with tha cig bat 1x Chandler loimnzicc foiiryiie make its itlltrll to lilillilc iiiecl would he litiii iii ldlliii Library ll 31 IJlil But of tune wiii to pitsezi to the citirtiisiarai ill Dittillitx men tiaiiiniartic and oliigczit in picpiriiilt will be int he titltititllllilll oi llhm attend itiicy cat iili llitll liltstlllzititrii will of course bcitiiuti tui mini to iinciiiliin Illzli tree liftil1iiil 1c litll 1111 at what the initial steps were fire ant Lin iiipxlilittlilxlll for liarw iiorouphly lcllfttlliiiill and llltllllt rsm was ill evidence it will meanl the iilllt tine community pllil isw lraiit Aitci ti litutil iic paihering next tlondiiy liltilltir iii iiii itl workuu tltldilf itiazntd under and lllflltrrll rilllllllhl oi tillltLtugml 11 sxvit citizens should help to give it at Ivypwlwm solidtill by heme on hand at the labi liali next Monday piepiiiedto lend 177 rapport to this move for Barrios bet and progrt point itil HELPlill DECISION 31thcni it they April 30 has been extended to Aug Tbili Continuing received with great satisfaction llivy liilrt lttlllilllt 11 tall in Zinnia btllili increase your and airmail was upi Llllillltlll3 llt being thi Air Hutch runny gaiiiwi Canada infamy mmivd Hilml mi pumml lililliliiini tilt liuiuerout iii eivmug wily1 111 lJournalArgus give its town and district lThe young people oi today says the door nalArgos her cycry ilLlV1tltIltit that civ ihc announcement that the time for tbiwlization can offer to prepare them for the iiiieit of 1943 income tax balances due future and there big lutuie ahead oi prepared Mfiduy gull Willi and illll llliltlitlllllllil had added THE BARBIE EXAMINERWj pulsars nu AEMBEP Pnbthhed Thursday Mambo in Mr rlf 111 ii 11 il lalt EDITORIAL NOTES liliiilt showed 31 is Wul Wiicil civil iir iiallc lll lllLLixl ll Air Knitls tic auspices now ti liutoi llt bin are educationally it said iiihlzittlt tvi wlirlil I=i lvlll pa THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE orrmaio CANADA iCommittee Reports fFCOIUIB Kiwanis Club Meeting it 2t iii ii 11 liill r11 illv llil in ii Itllt itt The it llilll icy Huntin ad Lil othiiiittcc in lV lciill ciiil unite further ll lillltki nY llhc iilllllllllot ttliltt Wltlill lllt il Marys 11 all the llwtllllil iht inn when it urges the youth in snakenu in 111 Cl ham to Iiy in who it funny which liltl with such been The cxrti lIlllllllll of while Ilcliiiuuency litint consid cictl Illitl illii iciiun iltiii the flu lillvlldi llllJ may tlcicitp ll 11 Niitictoi for the lasiiiica littli tnl Membership oninilttce llllrtlllll that two new member iriiciIiiitciit is 10 DP Sptlidlly Gonmlemltdl tation is facing young people to leave school three to the iimiibmsnip since the lwausc the iiioiith before the Victory Loan opening iii ili ill of on the eye of the campaign Many were perplexed as to how they could rim their inconietax payments on April 30 lll buy Victory Loan bonds at the same lilt Consequently there is feeling of illcl that the changed conditions make it ltiltl for them to buy Victory Bonds and thereby have the tangible feeling that they actually backing up our men in uniform ilmpite the talkbne hears of people find an it hard to get enough money to pay the minimc on income tax there is no doubt that there is ample uninvested funds to more than wet the $1200000000 objective of the Sixth ctory Loan campaign Total of savings acl the counts stands today at about two and half billion dollars which is billion higher than at the opening of the war Temporary rc tiuction of savings accounts caused by invest iiienti in the Fifth Victory Loan last fall 7111 less than twenty per cent There seems to be growing confidence that the successes attending the operationsA of the Allies are bringing peace steadily nearer But itmust be remembered that forecasts of victory soon made by respons ible leaders were all made upon the assump tion that thosewhofoige the weapons of war at homewould never slacken their pace lnere is still terrible conflict ahead and our Viepresentatives in the front lines are looking for real sacrifices by those at home to pro iidc everything necessary for them to carry through to successful finish And the rtronger our support the earlier Will the conflict end its DAYLIGHT SAVING TO STAY Little possibility of reinstating standard time was held out by Munitions Minister Howe when the topic was mentioned in the Eouseiioatomiirronsdastweekgjnab of the Dominion save Western Canada said Mn Howestandard time would place an ad ditional strain on power resources which they would have difficulty in meeting Mari tiine power demands would jump 10 if stan1aitdtime were adopted said Mr Howe andmetropolitan areas of Quebec province would require 60000 more horsepOWer 0n tario would need 75000 more horsepower Already heavilyloaded poWer facilities in BC would require an additional 13000 horse power Thatis the side of the picture with respect 7togtindustrial areas where there are numerous war plants Tliere is however another cannot buy hap years of age called for iepicseiita cupied walk streets The able in con and Times in Canada to 75 per cent In Octo iipr 1940 the British ordered 380 million pounds of bacon and ham and we said we would have 425 million pounds In 1941 440 mil lionpounds were sent in 1942 600 million pounds aiidin 1943675 Vrnillionpounds7 17t7hinkthis is an outstanding achievement declareder Gard iner In 1943 with 400000 less ablebodied men on thefaiims of EQUALITY AND QUANTITY Continued from page one of doing farmers business he said VSo it is privilege to ad dress gatheringof farmers band Aedtogether lna cooperaiivd way fHog marketing isriofvery coni Vrsiderable importance to the enun as Whole thelVIinister stat Canada hastakerrthe place the United States in the British 7market EooiJLnLvaluVe indime of peace as Well as in tim of war 7alt people are properly fed it takes just as much to feed them in peacei tune as in Wartime unless the Varms 51 forces being in the openair makes some difference Mr Gardiner said that Canada 55 producer of surplus food and thereforermarketsmustwohfoun for this surplus BritainWeil Satisiiggw niche Minister reviewed the ammo madewitii Great Bri tam during theprewar and war yours rgarding uhog production jt 315111 of 1939 Britain askedfor 300 million pounds but in the ring of 1940the Germans over high Dormant themain source of pply for ltish bacon total 33 pounds was actually produced sufficient hogs tolsend ojqer 675 million pounds to Britain from Canada The thanks of the British Government were received gas manyrtimesi We have con vinCed the British people that we can supplythem Vwith their whole reddirements of bacon and ham Ramos Allegations TheMinister replied to allega tions made regarding quality of hogs marketed Actual statistics indicatethaHnthe falleofodfMS th producers were Vnot marketing souls they were not marketing light hogs but actually marketed the highest percentage of high grade hogs in their history he declared Vuritish Like Our Bacon sand sidewalks Canada and 100000 less women we piness committee of the Legislature is being set up to consider changes in the Election Acts One of the proposals by the Ili is to ex tend the municipal franchise to all over 21 Such change is entirely uii Oiie of the main functions of municipal council is dealing with taxation and the things by which it is affected Local taxes are mainly raised upon real estate and those who contribute nothing in this respect have no right to voice in the election of tivcs who spend the money The franchise now includes tenants as they are considered to pay their share of taxes through the rent paid for the property ch The rillia Packet and Times points out that the Municipal Act expressly provides that Except in caSc of gross negligence corporation shall not be liable for personal injury aused by snow or ice upon side Nor is town under obligation to Insurance is carried simp ly to protect the municipality against actions for damages for injuries sustained on the not feel called upon to pay claims except in cases where the town would likely be held li Citizens will save themselves lot of temper and trouble if they recognize these facts says the Packet insurance company may rt action 43 In 1943 thousands of wartime gardens were cultivated in Canada making very 7valu able contribution to the fobd supplies The Federal Agricultural Supplies Board is urging anovertgreatereflortjliisgreaLasaherLis more urgent need for all the food products that can be grown in Canada Whatever greater the extentis tirade this year in War time gardens on the part of people in cities t0wns or in thtural areas themarkltfor the produce of commercial or market gardens will not be affected states the Board The maximum output fromsuch gardens will be requiredto meetthedemand from the arme forces ships stores and the civilian populaj tion The Board points o7ut thatproductii of Vegetables in wartime gardens helps to relieVe theVstrain on transportation facilities at time Wheriisuch facilities are already sf heavily overloaded holding the British the 7war7 he stated Beefjroblem Difficult Discussing be ficultlhan the hog problem main level at say BIG INCREASE in CLOVER scans unoao ricultural authorities marketing and piicesbriefly Mr Gardiner said that thebeef problem is more dif suggestionls that the beef floorre onequarter cent above ithceiling level commientedithat more than 90per cebtiof the beef produced in Can ada is pipduced outside feeder lotsk an In conclusion the Minister told story to illuStrate what our fight ing men are doing ferns and urg ed his hearers to carry on the fight at home to the beetof their ability big increase in Eloverwseeds especially in alfalfa alsike and red clover is urged by the Federal zig It will be recalled that during the first Great War period not only did the domestic demand for clover seeds steadily expandtbut immedi Previously the Danes put on the ater after the Armistice tremen British markettha kind of bacon dous export demand developed in the British like Mr Gardiner said Europe demand that continued in AVrepresontufive of the British boom proportions forseveral years tgood seed production must be sub Ministry 01 Food had informed but It is confidently eupected that stantially increased announcement was made it and take paying job in industry Money of 11 VltH lhilt 111 SOVfIill Money earned at high school age can never take the place of high school education prospch being lined up 141 lhoinpsoii for the Commit il ice on Support of the Churches rev portcil that next weeks club meet up would feature hurch Support with 51titlpcikcr and appropri ilit iitigtic7 Suggests Music Festival Vll lilcVittic for thc Publicity tillllllllllt said the local press Vil doing good job in reporting llll activities of the Club We are gel ting into lllziv occasionally and will be in the Kiwanis Magazine sooiiVlle suggested that Musical ltllVill for the County he sponsor ed with all the lubs participating This would be worthwhile pm ject and worth the Executive consiileration 50 YEARS AGO from the files of THE BARBIE EXAMINER APRIL 1391 Local News Notes The street watering cart is now needed Work is progressing on Galbraith and Sons house and residence how ion liiii li inc 3111 lln uni inuimi mu pinjec1 grain ware Buttciu lielrtsloundry which closed oper ations for the winter has reopened Jigain llie ice went out from the shore Saturday and Sunday but an east wind brought it back again Tuesday 11 Burton has ship ped one hundred cars of ice from 25 YEARS AGO from the Hit of Hf BARR 11AHINIIR APRIL 15119 Willi ilic Men in Khaki llJlJlJlt IVKIEI iilzlil limiie lii vie Moy 11 ll litell H1ltl lllllll lliiit lll lttil7 Liv iii ll IHANKS 10 N1 lll It LC llllil ltii ltllfffhs Hlllilt IllZ Tl lUISllfl lltllltll til ltic vi Ii lllllii in it ll7 It 12 HA Il=tlt 1ih1 tilil li aiil li iiiiitti itlillu liiuil iilllli ni liilft ii lllli iiiiil if 1llili Vil 1c lfnlhitl ii iil liimt laril Eurc ipi Iilti llllll iiivzic Rum lil lila liitilil ilil illuttriii lllll 5x tliliilttl inclpi vli 171111 who Ulllillll Will the Whitby ilion lilliitil home few lit7 lle Slanhy Allen lltiih in iin ll liiinifil reached hiunc week pl Allittl lie oopcr wen St who was woundlt ed at anibriiiTcachcd home luc day he went over with 157th and transferred to 75th Sat iohn dierl who fllliriltil with lTTtli lill llowiiid ilvcit sons of Mr Litill Mrs Calvert have return iil liiiuie gtling home from overseas he lzii Mons on Armistice Day 11 Imus Morin who enlisted 1c vpiiyate with Will flu is lliillit Fred Saijcunt uiiicil llnlltt outlay after ten months in France with htl Divisional Corps in which he was in nearly every engage incnt from Amicns to Mons as murmur he has piece of shrapnel that lodged inhis clothes when lllgt horse was killed under him lle Romaltlf Orchard lllllltltl xviiiunlcdfrtfir times inc returned flaune lte Dalton Lennox lniing wick has returned home lliorn ton has welcomed home Ite John Scott Bondsman llcrbcrt Wright lte CNili llloliis Pic iluiiies lliiitlle Newsy Notes Barrie adopted daylight saving time Monday in accordance with rm and other railways in USA The Ladies ointniltcoot llarrie War Savings Society plans71o con duct lltlSluvlloll$c canvas of fine town livery horse belong ing to William Hughes Cookstown was drowned while being driven through the swamp road on the 2nd line of lnnisfil Never in the history of Phelpslon district have soinaiiy farm sales taken place this spring Scott Bros completed their iceshipping operations last weekptlieir output being over 700 cars most of which went to Niag ara district Thieves stole 100 rays higher page illll cheaper livi lIuAzfil llalti ll litlllit Willilfl itliy ullci ipciitllii iimic than zci years in lmure iiii PM WWW Hillllflllfi who iil Itll with linelph battery aiul szi Iiil llltillllt iift ill blame ciiie hutne VI day ago Sci llllt7vll4tlv llllm have yet to explain lulu they are gonna to brim about the seemingly impussililc it has taken some but it that at least it substantial part of the population is at last he llll so many cltltr ioliliiig acquainted with what the would do with Canada They are beginning to realize that they have so many polici incansrof accomplishing them that chaos would almost certainly re itsu ivitii norm innit =2 till believe that the has seen the zenith of its rise in public cs tllll lil ii itiilii It llfii Yflll fin 7i ferni ill let trucks luniiei on icultiue or the confusion which already exists in thr mmrlsnt the fullnwrtfi of this party to have policy for every part ofl Dissatisfied movement of the old parties people turned to the new but they have become disillusioned for the more they study the programme of the lFirepower of Infantry zWith Latest Weapons lDeMonsfroted of Borden IN llfUltl IA qtio ll Vviil pliviluitv t7 frfldll Eu iui Sicvlzliial piilns llnw littlttii ii in Hill rrrrcrr 5igigviil in ii Al flit lel its roman ilti iiiilIIir 1ulicil paitic slul to fiaigei 01lrgn in 3H Ilillii ll National luiilnit 11 ll lIxnIuincr itzat fermion p31 liiiiiillei plans to do willw Illtl it just mid le lhc tl seems for cvmy group it has policy for the worker which the lullllll it is liiglieil their products llicy time with the slow 753 BAY ST HEAD OFFIC TORONTO WvHVn ice At recent examinations in class one AJIaxtJJiJIil Caldwell vided 77 four summer months reredfwithcicerAprilEi ii Simcoe County Briefs to build bakeshop in Elmyale Parish of Phelpston One ing in Churchill district ixHe 15 Drinkwater 35th13n Kean Cup shot for in Orillia Sa urday for the second time on much larger scale will jello the conclusion of this war min is to participate fully in th Barrietoreollingwoodrfot87Coi bushe13 of wheat from lingwood There is some talk of the construction of bicycle good demand at an auction sale it track here Dr Smith has Marrins yards some cows sold as purchased the house at the corner of Collier and Owen Sts131ake being $118 Partridge who St is drying up more quickly this 501d his law Spliiigrolrracolmt ofipoplarsihaviug GrowniHillihas beenappoinfedlo beetroot down last fall Allandale handle cooperative stocknshiippin wharf has been damaged by the at Barrie centre lrinity7Medical College Toronto five former students of BCIw7re bee Jamieson Hart Orillia beat Barrie boggy teg7m76737i7n7overtiineoat Or llia Tuesday last stable and sheds in connection with Jonathan Sissons residence Blake St were destroyed by fire Sunday morning Town Council madea grant of $150 to Barrie Citizens Band pro weekly open aircon The open water for two miles down the bill70n AprilJ27reaching 77 sent in 1940 In the spring of 1941 that although the British once liked nearly halfway over was again co KSTlheiCiadian WGoverhment Danish baConfthey now liketlre stricted the sale and consumption Canadian product Canadian bacon is at least as good as the Danish and when we demonstrate both quality and quan tity the better chance we have of market after Joseph Howden Hillsdale plans Snow is all gone sagain apd77the fields commence tolook like seeds ing fall wheat looks well at pre sent Union service has been organized in Phelpstong Presbyter ian Church VRev Fr Gearin is now alone int charge Eofthe RC VMr Me Cullough was the first to start plow VRobert eine hastaken posseSsion of VWiL loWbrooklVfarm Churchill cheese factory is to be erected at Angusin the near szutur The buzz of the sawmill is already heard in many Simmer County lumber Only one private dwelling in Collingwoodis supplied With in candescentlight The GTR is making improvements in its dock at Collingwood Edniand Sony proprietor of Dr Chases Rem ediesrrisv moving his business from Bradford to Toronto New Low ilMlli 6dit7fifctihgwarnew church this summer Capt Won the similar development and probably If Cana development acreage suitable for is is that 91ml elevator wDairy cattle seem in high as $140 the carload average THE BEER ISSUE Toronto Daily Star There has beeusome grOSSly un fair commentupOii Prime Minister Kings abandonment of federalbeer restrictions It is surprising to find paper like the Ottawa Journal saying No wonder the Presbytery is bewildered Here we have Mr King who told us last year that un limited beerwoufdlthemwm possible thing for the war effort telling us now the while making way for unlimited beer thatit is not nearly so bad as some cards tiorntTiu rGeergerDrwhadpinnedmp imbeer parlourgi iln the firsfplace IVer but placed thecresponsibility for rel strictionwhere it normally belongs on the provincial governments They have absolute jurisdiction If government of that province per mits it rIn theiseconthpla npt say that unlimited beeris no nearly sorbad as somegcardsGeorge Drew 7had pinned min Ibeer pan 10er He did not say thatiorany thingslike it He did not qualify his bad for the wareffort Whathe did say was that the cards in the that 25 per cent reduction in the supply available there was the re sult of federal order whereas 15 government diversion of beerfrom beverage rooms to places Where it tion GOODwSEED Good seedhas certain definite characteristics First of all it must be ofa variety suited to the clim ate and soil of the farm on which itiis to the groin It should be free from weed seeds It should alsobe free from seedborne dis eases and little thevvltality neces sary to produce healthyvigorous at not make way for unlimiterkbeer fKingdid opinion thatrexcessive drinking is beer parlorsigave customers the idea would be sold for home consump pura as to varietyaand kindandbe there is to be funlimited beer in any province it willibe because the of the 257per cent was provincial LV 7manygcities4aurLtownscw1ii7letlieiti7dei or Buy War Saving Stamp and Crlicam Regularly tlJle ill THURSDAY APRIL 1944 dug the Canadian the Royal full tumday visit the saw aiiiolig ctl regiment forces wuh il iltliiolislfa which back on the t4 of lit same Spencer II com and 116111 ll ltiiml itlitlul Staff in lllt Vlrillli lell it it and it will sell For lil1illlll the telling is best sitiiixi til iusiuui ital thituui itirrie quruincr lIn help exittitled nul pct luv gltlilllgt rrrrr 111 ilLliail Ilftll tlil ytiiil An executor today must have special knowledge The real estate and security markets the fields of taxation and accountancy are not matters for an amateur You throw round your estate the essential safeguard of expert knowledge when you choose this trust company as your executor if is in continuous contact with all developments affecting estates and has well organized methods of research 311d analysis TllllleTll lifiNlilllll TRUSTS if ion was by per Infantry Ltrynien ecye and strong Of the9600flflfl3ellTelephonesViiri Optario and Quebec 72 cent aredial instruments StepbysrepftheViprpg gramme ofconversiOn to dial servicehas gone forWard in continued toflow FThere has been no interruptionof seryice a711otable i7 war cilia chainothig dial conversion programme engineering and coordinating achievement Total loll Telephones ontario and Quebec 956113 Dial instruments 690092 Connecting company nin WV ilples 159 But it will resume when materials and men are again available airow15min Sumac Hungari 5i no1 relelilioeci Halli GilM Why bidM Milli 77 Manager

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