Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1944, p. 7

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vssrir IEEISIVAUDH Ilul OI CIRCULATIOII 31311151131122111113571077 111 v1 COLD WEATHER Nliir titll tr CONCLUDESPRING 111 V1 11111 111111 1101111111 onunniuuenHunnuu1 11 mumstFLT gMCCUTCHEON iBELlEVED KILLED lormcr ltarric Boy Lost His =Vlnusual tmthcr linds R0 rIw Life Nov While Piloting 11111111 by ltegukir January HOUSE OF It mmwmwbw of 11 Chico Ifi 1111 51 liiJAY lourJiirgirwd llombrr 111 Variety Still Small $111111 lhc ituhr 561111111113 Vriii 5U itiwrd VI VI 7V VI Godly at 11ou1go Benchf Otience Robt 1111111211011 Gets Nine Months To Accomniodaic the Crowds SPECIAL 11111111 snow STARTS PM 5111111111171 AND 11111111111117 onrmu 0113 Ulllil Mlllflcill HVVmVVVIV VV VV VVV 111111 llll l1 1s 11 1111113111 VV VI VV 11711 31 Ii 71 12 111 Vin1 it 11111 111 V1111r yr f11 11 1111 112111111111 llilUL1iil 111111 1111r11c11 11111111 11111121 111 lib VV 1V1 RODDY 11115 DONALD IVVVVVVVVVVH VVVV VVV VVVIVV V111 21 01 NI VVU1V11l1 VV IVA VV 1111 111 1l it VVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVV EVVVVIVVVVdV 11VVVV Va 111111 1111 1V VVV IV VVmIgm hm hm XL1HVVW VIH 111VIVngV haw gum VV 1lcti +1 Mrtutrlu 11 111111111111 11111111 31114 11111111 1il 111 111111 11 111 t1111 2x11 1111 13111111 Strikes Back 11111111 1111111111 HARRIET HlLLIARD 11111151 PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL Jwm rme r1ltl SUNDAY MIDNITE 1205 1711111le NEW FEATURES 1111111111 111 the Big House Cit111L118 BARTON EKCKFORB MaulAME 1111 11sz it 15111 011111 t111ul11 MVVVVVVVVV Mrtfut t1c1 p111 11 11111 1111 Russel 11nd 111 11 was 1111 1111 12111111 111 1111 piano 1111 13111 51101115 AT crud iNv pit1V 1571 RD 111111111111 IlthIHlitr IVV VIVV 11111111 31111 11121 11111 111 111dI 11111111 111 111111 back 11 111 can 1111111 1111111111 1111111111111 l111l 111111I1 TM 11111 who 1111 111111 111111 11111111 Provincial 11111ll1 Wl P111015 liilllVilll c1110 tll 111111 111711111 1111 1h 111 I11 111 11111111111 Wuii 1111111 111111111111 11111111 minuteAmarLuw 1111 p111111111111 Moriarty f111l 11111t 11111111111was 11111111111 111101 111111 111111 in 11 ol tunic1 111111111111 11111111113 111 11111111 b10111 11111111 llrc 111111 had been 1111111111 from 1111 111311111 111111 the sale removed l1at 111 it was found 111 llitll 1111 the roadside forcibly 1111111011 1111111 and 11 papers gtt1lti1ltl around 110 sazd thc intents llltllll1l tivc Do 1111111111 111 7111u1la $31111 bond $31 11111111 111111 011111 11111111 stock Cer litirl1 and quantity of old 11 11111411 lirwi 11111 1111 l1111lgtlt11u11 111 11111 11111115511111 vnoonAMd 11 In 011 CARlOON 1111111 1sessiiici1t in lli 1l1V Mm V1 11 1111 1111 Uttt 1111i 111311 NEWS 11 l1lr received from lls 711111 1111 l1 1111111111 111111 1111111 tribute 111111 111 11 11111 and roux1011111111 11111 111 lintlicrainc 1111 111171111 am ma2m sungn mans JTW 44 141wf4m 3371 mm mm 111111 Nurscs Being Given lCoursc of Camp Bordon L111 llllllli FirSid McCutclicon was born at 11111011 Mncs 0111 but prior 1111111111 the Air l11110cIsp11111 tth 111t111 pailot his life 111 Sault Sic Marni and Burric ll 11111111111111 gt1111 Muir lublic School and Sault Sic Mario and the iltl 111 11111111 At 1113 time of his tllllt 111111111 110 was cinploycd by 1111 NilV 1111111111 Stexi 11 Hamilton bro Harold CAI after having 11111111111311 mouths 11111scas in trout 1111111111111111111111Vicwiuvmc 111119111111111111f111rll11j111 11 zl11 Army li1iEr1l 11111 11 111 11111111 111411 11iti1111111111111 11 111111 11111 1111111111is 1111111111111111 11 1111 111l llcl11IV1 1111 111111111111111111111 11111111 111111 WANDA McKAY 1111111111GOVERNMENT GIRL mm mmwm 1111111 ll1u11l 1111 111illl1 11 coins illlilll 111 ILla 11 lV1V 11IV 11111111 1171111 11111 11st WIN IVIVVVVVIVVVJVV ticd that the small 11111111 had been VVIVIVIVV HIV IWVI lrarcd to Niauara l1all1 where it HVVVVV IVA IVIVVVIVV VVVWIVVVVVVV IV V1 VV You wly Lying Record had 110011 cashed in the name of VVV LIVVVVV1V VIM AVVVVVVV 1V I1IIV VVV 1V Gordon Wall Tracing the ad II VV dresses p1v1111 by Wall 11 Colliug 111ng 11111 111 1111111111 1111 111111111111111 Diploma and Address 111 sister 111 Robert lhompmn To Walker Caldwell 321 11 11 llicrc ti 111111 Hi For Horticultural Work 111111111111l 1111 LAW 11 V1pvnt 1111111111111011 dutzes has 1111111 rcV iicntiy repatriated for the puplch 111111111111 and two of 110111 WW ooWIJlIJ IIIINI 111 ranruster to aircrew and Is now 511111111111 111 No Manning Depot llloronto Another brother Wallace 11 111 give the nam of 11 11112 Car although sev were shown him 111111111 111 readby the Crown 1111 11 an early start in 1923 at 111 1111101 111 truancy and minor 7111111x1 11131119 crime This ran on from thenVVuutil itlflday morning 1942 and showed overV 25 charges 111011 breakins assaultVVV from Winnipeg Leth to Sudbury and 111 is 111 Sault Ste Marie FltSgt McCutcheon enlisted 111 5111111 old coins in trunk which 1101 idzntificd as similar to those taken 11 Wasaga Beach 1111 annual 1110011111 111 1111111 wq 1th at NM BVW lluticultural Society was held 111111 denied everything there wit Mr and Mrs walkeraIdWCHTl iQucbhc kinda113 winged by the ilovcrinurlcneral in St llubcrt in thertcmber 1111 arid proceeded over seas 11111111 the following month Municipal Assessors 11111 1911 iiiciiargc of attempted theft of InClllklIl 13 Laurie etc ran 21101 confe fence 1Counfy Councr GCI 65 VI 711li11 Szli 1123 ncss said but 1111 the way back With SVVmV ctcrs told story of accruiipllccs LVIVNVEMV VVVfIVl IVV TVVCVV VVVVVV 111111 1111111115 given were indefinite iV VV reporr 11d not show 111 VV forming 111 gm llc denied scllaib lic bond at Ni warn Fallss Export handwriting mth 51 VH 1erminatc 1n Vaddition lie seven 301111111 11191111 saunas 11 11 11 evidence llUlVl showed 11 was VV II ilhompson who had cashed thc SWIMV mtg dcfllul IVV it Vii 1111 111l1 OhAL 113ADER Coun II 111 5111111511 llv 1bond Show 15 Im lid 51111 sard 1101 hrgiidm ll Cody of Toronto iqulrcd at last weeks Session it WW til University have long believed thank all who have 111111111011 11 1H111111 tfounty Lounul 11 BLOOD VHNKV ham V1 mVHVVV VVVVJ VVVVVV VVVVdVVVVVVV VVVC EVVVVV 5COVVV Movemsm VS Mhir one of the sauest and most influ mp possible tthc Council would illilHUVL It VV II 1V 1135131 11 1111 11 conference of the assessors Vol Vl110Vlt1V1cfVVlvlanlcbVVVVVVl CVLVCV VVV VVlVVVV lhe officers 1VV101111V1VV1VV1 lVJVllVV 7V VV VV 1131 to 111 modern educational 31 tine 11111111 Inuniciillltlcs ngiiic Ruiimjgxrric FVIVVVVVVV Pres Mrs 1011111 l1111c 111 11 1111 111111 Lord BadenPowell ioss may 11 fine general but an Mr 111 501111 2111111111 111 Buiiie once each yea 151 V1 pug II 11 Additional donors aic 12 1V AV 11c discussron motion bluntly VV VV aw mLV VV VV VV VVV VVV VVV hebV A1101 501 still 111gently needed they should 111 VV VIVLMRI mdm 1h 1111111113 11 Cunhbell Shanty lln 111 111 Ziiiiiciiilcisig11111111iii 101 11111 telephone MW 911110111 Trcais777Walkc1I Caldwell 1111111111 VV VV 11111111111 municipalities inviting 33951 fill Plltlllllmcnt 1113 11001118 A551 Mm JV Mug1111 111111 111111 VVVVV1VVVVVVVVV each municipality to send its as for blood plasmaVis great especmllr for 27ycars Mrs Andaman ltlrs 110111 VV VV VV VV VVV VVV VVVLVVVVVVV OVVVVV 111 to 111 assessors conference With 11 second 0111 Dvlldmg Hall for year Mrs 111511111111 1111 unpaggnmui 111V1111 01 1111 11 11111 by thetllqualization of As MW Mrs Blackstock Mrs VVmV 1101111111111 11111 11t11st1VVVVV scssments Committee The date Cla1keVMrs ll Walker Miss 1V1V11V11VIVV was not set butIIthc conference willI iory Pulsley Mrs Carl Diary 1V1 In 777lto imposed the usual itq VVV l1ilc11 llil has 1111 1111111111 IVyVVVVVV VV 111111 1115 I1 111111111 11 1111 111111111 111 171 11115 11111 $VVV Om 11111 511Vf111111 1V1 1101101ju11111 11 ii loivtrridlity printing Dial 2414 lliltif 111111 CANADA Jillilillili UN 115 11 521 51 Somc Highlights of rrxnmumW mmmmanwmifwrmxv 1111111111 21111111111 71 be held within the 11th It oyvccks Speaking to Councrl Cot 1511111151111 stated he had hoped to have made the suggestion last year and had discussed the subject with many members who Epprovcd of such confer Speech from Throne VWhEf TGoverinnrPlons Following are highlights of the legislative proposals in the Speech of Come from the Throne read zit the open Paisley B9810 Duriiijethrc7e11mg the Murat11ng Walker Caldwell was presentwk with service diploniaa11dan 11111 preciative address in which 1111111 praise was given for his fine c1111 tribution to the growth of 1111111 CATTLE EGGS POULTRY Packers orOntario Ltd Barrio PRICES VV 1111711 Alpquoted by First Cooperative 1111 1117111111 it 111111 11VVVVIV 1111 11 11pm Guidedascbmacy Library 11111 1115111111 Mr Wemp Suiriect Gods Social Security Clllu111nPart Auspices British Israel 5b ing of Parliament by the Governor 1112 1111 owii once He suggested it Vshould b0 General CUllUlillVCflUYl iVHd 1110251955 mi II 111 rheldIsmLand befggiharious VV Township VofQi1VVV VVVV VVV VVVV mm iassbssurs started on theirWork this Provision for 1111111131 allowances IThe eVeVmg 0m Jt iyear Some capable person should to help restore minimum of wellv CUP 0f 16 ibe secured to address theVconfcr being for children and help gain ionceand afterwardsia general dis for them closer approach to Tission should take place One of equality of uppertrinity crashed CVPVRV Freight the results should be that there 1V would be more uniform system Creation of three new Govern Domg Damage of arriving at values of various ment departments Veterans af VI types of property In his opinion fairsRcc0nstructibn Vand Sociallm The hearing on collision With each municipality should be will Welfare Holledvyilnllllllly ton tith1k21VV11l 11 mg topay the expenses of its own CPR freight tram on Now 111 at assessor Provision 1111 Canadian pa1111cipa1Itlie crossingon county road 111 13d 1111111eig11tron rail Military Tovi Truck 101111 111 l11 week ago 55111111 illirce weeks ago $1100 sows No Rows hot dressed SAI SIAltl 231 ll1 111111511 rob abtoooo 039 orotoutouworoww MENS mm BOYS WEAR 51 DUNLor 51 13mm lUltESlOlElGtll 1113311111115 ttv 0N rm If 191111111111 nrr 1111111 wows 11111 11111 11151111911 CATILli WW lEilSlERllDlSHOlS SNJEm VERAVAGUE in Get Going iiurvnnsAL NEWS 111911 VIMAT In answerptu question 15 to it was stated it would be one1 day conference assessing officers in Toronto in 11143 but he would rather send him to inference of local sessors in Barrie 115 in favour ofthe reeVes attending this conference as well as the as sessorsjg K9 DogliPoisoner 111 Work paniel Dies Ward OneV lady resident of Ward has askCdIThe Examiner to publish warning against dog poisoning My young cockerspaniel thor oughbred got dose of ground glass last Sunday and died few days later she said If the fiend who did it could have seen the Coun James Brack Nottawa ties for members saga said his township hadsent es its assessor to meeting of the schemes utter Suitable Morgen was quite reached with the Provinces W757 es of staple farm developmenbbank to its for conversion of war industries to peace uses ion in an international organization how longthc conference might last to maintain peace in gt4 Provision of war service gratuilt the armed forc and additional rehabilitation 11d 12 national health insurance bill 1nd contributory oldage pensions agreements are billto place flornimder pric products Establishment of 11nV industrial provide cred v1 1A bill to 1111511161114 guarantee ex port credits to aid in obtaining ex portrmarketsfor Canada 11 gt1 Revision of theBnnk Act =8 it Arrangements to provide voting dog the last two days think it facilities for members of the Can maybev would twice befOre doing it again know dogs are to boonleash but in the winter they cant spoil gar make him think adian armed forces may be stationed wherever they it bill to extend the mutual aid wmglrt Vespra came 1113 in nuigistiateii court yesterday when Set 11 11 Cox was charged with 11111111113 driwl ing 11 Magistrate Jeffs reserved judg ment unkWednesday Feb 10 The soldier has charge of aVll car FCCOVBIyI1nd was answeriVngVa callr hm hm on the same road witlrthe heavy Bud ltruck lie claimed that he did not see the freight train of 56 cars as heavymist prevailed ACcordingV Io Stairs111 he Struck thctrain at the sixth ca ahead of the cabOOSe at 210 11111 WP The gas tank 011 the truck ignited and set fire to one of the cars Cox was badly burned about thefaec and weaved111511111111 arms a111l legs Dmagcto the freight train was estimated by claims officer Capt Wilson of Camp at about $7111 11111 truck was badly smashed but the salvage will be considerable 1111 officer thought VV Crown Attorney Hammond elami ed that Coxsh0uld have at least seen the headlight of the engine be fore he reached the crossing No man he said has aright todrivc blindly 11111 $111111 111111133111 311111101 3111110 Ste Butcher 111l illoIloena 131111 Veal Calves Good Ewe Sheep up to 140 ll Lambs off 1111111 EGGS 11111 4111711wcrtlian AW171111 1111111111111 II 111111015 CHIC 01111111111 Milktrd ti 1111 and 111111 l1 lili lbti It 1111 Ivl lb Under 211 911 011ch 51 1111 411139111 111 Under lbs Turkeys Ducks Geese AN UNUSUAL SIGHT Ducks in the twilight headiuL northwest about forty ofthem never saw the like of it in tho month of January reports Art dens or do damage to flower beds provision of 194344 toincludc post and nearly always went after war relief inlibcratod countries mine and brought him home But was away for the weekend and Expansion of research act1v1tics feel dreadfully sorry over this Cornell Goldwater after week lhc above are dressed poultry prices and are subject to Vkillmg chargovof five cents per blld on chickens and fowl and 15c on tur keys for birds delchrcd alive to the He was such pet anda great favorite with almost anyonelwho came along ltV gtV Advizrtise in The Examiner New housing legislation For fine Job Printing Promptly Supplied patronize TheBarrie Ex aminer 451fx endtrip7up to Log Cabin Glouces plant Ducks and goose are only purchased dressed head OILV U11 mr PQOLltgt finishcdpoultry not bemg accepted Read and use Examiner Classifieds at presttrme MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY THE HOME2F VGOOD INSURANCE FOR W11 11111 roRrYrIvr YEARS 111 11111ch list01 Policyholders for their gener 11111111111111111 and promise the same careful attention in 11111 11111111 11111 have given inVV the past 41 1111111111112 512 11111111 13735 VI 11115111011115 SOROPTIMIST 12 GRUB WWW rPrwrrwr ODDFELLOWS 3111111111 In THURSDAY Musrc BY BQB POWELLS QBCHEISV TICKEES $1111 each Itian be 511111111 at Cliosslands Dancing p111 am FEBRUARY 10 Drug StoreEBetter brass 31111111111 Regina Curl Shoppe Jacksons Grilland from members In DRESS OPTIONAL REFRESRRARNT

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