Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1944, p. 5

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THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1944 Tint BARRIE rxsurxsn Tainan ONTARIO CANADA SUNDAYSCHOOL LESSON Ib ltcv 15 SicOND ANNUAL MEETING or 33 rwA SHOWS ACTIVITIES WELL MAINTAINED Ig FOR SERVICE MEN AND THEIR FAMILIEsI Iy iiI ti tKiziLw l5 ilILIIIl 3113 any 24 Hump COMMERCIAL iii liIlti irll lrk LULVUN II if GUARANTEED raisin RIB Roast INVESTMENTS nutc lrwl Ulztltly 31 27 29 23 23 NONRATTOHED Iiioni mum ROASTING CHICKENS IllAllll ll Nikos ITIIAI tliltx ill til ROGSt Tiil Ichi IUIAL lUl KIIAsI lllt vi ly lllt SIIIIIIIIJIIII IIoAsr uid WWW IIII HIV li I4 gt1 IiI IIIII prIIIoII Vlnllfrlwli III lliI li Ii tutti rum IIIIIsIIIiT Iwi 5r in HR IIIIIII innoil MIMID SETH II BltIlLlll Ir IZj Transom STEAK 11 hunti It v1 Trixie IIIIIT Get your free iii Iru illlJlIIlIl ELI IvaiI lll 117131 Wily Cl Farm UIit III the huuiiu TIII lIoIiI A0tlf2l Bock IEiililzIIi for Int patch by the lliiIt Inquiries Invited NWT IIIiislinzin pIij ileil1Is Ivf liltllli Ii tll pill Iizy llitt paIIyI My Wm WM iI In Ii uric cvtciiIlIIi licalv Inn lIItil hulkr liuly on sIriicd Io act its IoioiIiy TlltllillrI Th 13lll1ltlllo sccrehil Ief Iiiv llwl Timid and Tim ill IRUBMRTWH lmkk IdIIkhTkoough and lll lilll ill 31IllmIn unmimmi Ian 7ll fir IIIIoritiiiIiIiIitori up 13mm an mod phylu IoiizsIs lltllfl lirocliyillr and with llajIIrL llIJlJLl and 111131 WWW Wl 71L1Wllx MILLqu Tutu WI II Iiiiip lliiltltfll 1n icplyirig to llit main Ur mp mm In the ITIfficulIy of flllilllli lltCIzllllhw which the IIlllI housing problem MW 51 lricy esstrl Illll lilinl slioiwiy VlillVlHtl Lot to tIITlit hcic IIIIil they lump iiilhlI llIllllt been found for IlIIiii Tllllillltl of TM Iczs TIIIIc Ticcii ltttlvttl fiozii own is Ill lillltgt Iii IIpIIiIIiiciits In To lIilllU or Ottawa visli Io cxv IlIIlTL Them for gtTT Iii ItlttITlll IiioITIItion lll lTIIiiic So for no such cxclirinius have lltITl cffcitcd Inc itldl 3133 lit lIri li iltiljil lllIldtllII ll iII tinIr tTlHlitlJlJll Latin inrlImI lll Ii Tl0l1RATTONED ll Illlll ll In out 5355 leagues lif258 llIIlIlll=i unk ii llui lit of II Till rI III IoIII IolIitIIl in IIIii 11 mom flIiIilK up toilogw =a on ii total Milk Fed ggc ITIZSC lu lb llllS llulli Tho llUlfiL GRADE ll loss llIiltrt III ziiIIp liirlkltl 11 Elli from Toronto IIiIl point Boiling ddf fAQlC In ltlti culls Iigtili liiilfIIleB Timur llCTORlOUS IftIi ulfftt hours Silliilj in or holiday IIIIl riot gtIllltl lllll11li Inc oIfiII 1h lt5ll il llll llllllililKf ileECQMMG RATION coupon iII liItll IITITI of Iru IIII TIiI VALTD llitltnt or honiin Ilft1lltl mini Itl v1 II liaiiii ll if lI li stings yr lllllll ll Tho Griff BRUCETRUST SAVINGS Owen Sound mi ltlll ZipY II llIIIIi of 15I 11lltllllNl lllll liiIIl Iipoii iiiII Iliczii Idol iililfl Itc givc TIIcLIIi ii ilIIII Ii TlII lIiIII IliiiiliI llIlillltl Il1 iIIlIII TlIllt Ili EIvlgiIic 1o Iri5l IIIi lo llllin It lllt hunt III 11 clump III lITIilII had been TIgttll for tho Ion llt TTH llhllltl MM liIshci rc III to iiolify anyone that tiny Ipoitcd Iolnl rcccipts of $136947 Tiot cIiiiiiIiIL lI IZ Siii suppcried IrIIl llliliillIlil liii lvI Il total tpllllllll $117637 louv llTE zi hIIlIIiIcv of $19390 The tIilthlltl of Ilic llIIIIIcfinIl Iis IIIIIIIIilIIc Mrs Sluivvc It ported that the demand for iiccoiii Inodplioii diiiins the ycxir sluich II Iiinrkcd increase and that the splendid support of the ltSlIlllllS lizid icsultcd in 96 of the rippliciuits being placed The lttIITlS for 1913 showed SUIT Barrie homes and 211 homes out of town willing lo supply acconiiiioIlIilionm an increase if 148 over previous yciii The Total IIIIIIiher of ap plicants in 1943 was 1913 of MRS GERALD JOHNSTON Thought the tiny would never end no ambition no energy 1llerylieaduhyuid nevcrregulnr Fluilllivcs quickly made her feel healthy and happy again lerhaps an inactive liver has got YOUdown loot Buck it up with Fruitntivcs Camdn Largest Selling Liver Tablets optimum worth Insisting on The fluvour word for tea ls DALYS Three generations of Cana dians will tell you That Your grocer probabtyhosll he hasnlusk him to gel ll for you its worth lnslsling on llad Another Bail flight couldnlfoultelny Rest To those who toss nightguftepnight on sleepless beds To those who sleep in kind of way but leseWtifbrokeir brlradklrcomsandmgbtmarer To those who wake up in the morning as tired as when they went to bed we offer in Milliurns Health and Nerve Pills tonic remedy to help soothe and strengthen the niryes When this is done there should be no more restless nights to bad dreams and nightmares Price 500 box 65 pills at all drug counters Look for our registered trade mark Red Heart on the package VomitIan ecaiPofaroe Shouldjbe ordM PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW while supplies are still availablcedpotutocs arc b5ng Withheld from export fvrrniect the requirements of Canadian growers but the dc mands fromoursidc Canada arcvcry strong and suppliesnot necdcglfor planting TITCanada should be rElEascd for Texporc iii Marchbcforc theseason in the is too farvadyanccd for planting cnifsggriso 10111 Stock pleat 1611f Larger trapsarc nccdcd in 1944 Obtain heavier vi each ach byplmting Canadian Certied Sngd Po toes fronts FouNDArioN andf FouNDArioNA fo1 Cciticdzsccd Production All elds cfntcitd for ocrrica tion in1244 must be plantations either Foundation ism i=oundalion seed potatoes no Par flux of grown buying CertiedT Foundation or Paundaiion seed 11121110 Inhale an 19 lb locall Districtlmbvmr Sm Palate Carn cation or lo the Plant Protection Divl ion DepamentongrimIure Ottawa Disrnicr=isrscroii roII ONTARIO35de Polole Cerlliigdtlon Onturlo AgiltulturulCollagc supplyopt AoIIICULTURALsureuEs BOARD DOIIONDEPARTMENTgtOF AGRICUUUKETTAWA Honourable Jamu Gardiner Minis futin ll IIIposit sloild he loll the office or Ih lIIIlTtllIiitlIfl cu tlllltl before on ULlllllll ioou Ill be lttltIl lhi was adopted Mrs 1T visor gtllllttl gtIljtgtl DOTTTFITIT Iliiof super hot HTEIU ltllll eis huvc siziffcd the white those 112 have Tllittl from How llt leaving 11 now Ivll tho IclivI list these Illlltl voikcis tho SITVIHE could not he IiiniiilziincIl TI is IliI responsibilin oftlio duly sllpcr visors to see that the Work is coin rcctly doIicI Since Scplciiibcr IhiI supervising has hIcn carried oii mainly by the Board of fliIci gmIsle 15113 total of 177 volunteer IvoIk lofioit li tin ll Without the IIIupeiitiIIiI oil Imp up lllil Mrs ltlchlrbstcrs istuiicc lll coin piling the roster WITS IckiimleIlnIi Miss TC hitters coiivciici of the Inspection Committee icporIoII that duringr the post your 1311 my places had been llTSIJCClCd and number of visits had been made to check complaints in three CITSUS tenants were moved to more suit able quarters At llll Times the need of adequate sanitary preciuitions is 11ch iliil stressed criterion when quuiteis iro can tinutilly filled tilhsalisficd ten ants Mrs Hubbard lot the War time lrices and Trade Board has over our problems when requested Miss Rodgers thanked liei issist zirit Mrs James Aitken and the other Inenibcius of the committee for their help in this important branch of the work Mr oyec overseas that their wives and fain ilies will be surrounded by friend slaiid how much their coIipIiziioII and will not be too lonely Nothing and LIIMlIJIll mcnn To 11135 mfamil contributes more to the soldiers peace of mind than this knowledge Dump thej visits had been our special thanks They have boon been most coopcrative lll ltlviiig Sherring mummy of poriant that iiccoiIInIIIdutiori lSlTl the Vis ing committee said that the WWWC 15 ifi 11ml lklfllllikF mils committee is as Vt limpc ilrii Ililil lllt GUVCTIIIIIITIT sure the men who are in training Boards the Service orgiiiiixulious In ill ziiii fii iuzi ltll Iii Iii ltllllil Wily mi ilt tillli hit ltiIiIl iilIlIit kl ill tl not of III liic TivII ill lllr VlII lain rilll Llltll 113 hi Ill gt1llIIlli iIiIy say thank you to lllt llxtilllIYI JIIiIcrs the conduct of requirin hility cqiiilly oil iilliiIJl Ti ll ox lltlilll If The llIiIiIl flic IIIivIriv iIIl lElI vxoii tlliIfInIy II=lt II IitiIIII itiilfoylo and Kill the Izcziihcis coiiiinfltccs who IlioJIz innke 11 I1ltiil to IIiiry lilll lilt IIIIIILINIIII vc huvc lllltltllillilll May take tlii= oppoituiiily lo lTgt our ippi port mid tllliil itIITYIIl lI oii ii the win Iillnv Li tIiipi viicits III liIIrric It is considered IIIIIIlellU MIVI ltliri ililll initttc ill IiiIoui i$h to iitlii lion inn ll illt nun lliIllIlIIiiiiIIT null Mr luIIl 17 in They ZTII iiuiii lllll always responded To Iiinj for Idvicc Iiid uEishiiioo We hope The householders of liar llt iiiil vicinity Iho have register cd in liiis offiIo rozilizo lIIiIv TilllIll we appreciate the IltconiiiioditiIIii they have provided llllIl how im lII itrgize Is and the citizens of Barrie undcr lion Mr Foster and hi stuff on IhIl Dependents Advisory 3iiflll IuIrit Io ii IIlIl lZIIprl lllvi or lIlIll Iny Iif the iIcvltpipcrs cut lizivcE 1L livtl 1I XVIII ITIlIlf lIIIl iil iII 11r Tlillt lIlvl llKllfl 11IIl11I llll1lll IiI TiiII speak briefly liiI lrl is If IIIii Ill lIhIii It Ir 11 Iiiir IIIIIl IIIipTIl llIcII no illl In IiIIil llllllllll IIn llI1 and destructive of Iiims vsoiilrliit llt iIIIIIIiol If they IcoIIiiI lhcy ciciitc disliiihziiito ilIIl they tITTTSU iIIIIiIIvcnioiicc lliit Iillltl if the lioIiIscliolIlcrs over stopo llllllliviilhilll the fuliitin of Iiir childien To my they IIio DH litll to gtlllltl illltIllllllltlllt up lll Illllllttllluit llgtllll to ll Irijv TIITITT In lII iIl ltdlIYl vshui liIcsI fathers have In loco lhey or being lroiiiIIl to love it in order to protctl Ilic llllliltifi ihcif will not Icccpl their children 11ml To guarantee for tho fllllllt the ooiiriiy and comfort of Iliow Thrill lt Slilllillllllli llizII Ill of ii consider ITTIl try To clarity for others closely associated problem is IIllllllltl ingle on the welfare of The fllllllt Iitixous of Canada At the IIIITIIl of Miss Williziiiis superin tcridciit of lllt Royal Victorigi 11m llllill vo Iritgzniixcd the Younghlor Ilicrs Club Intelligent pronatal illi cure and instruction is nukessary for healthy baby and Ii healthy baby is the beginning of good cit izen We want to reach the young wives who need this ipstructiou They can learn so much We have come hi the conclusion that it IN only by pcrsoiiol Contact that we can overcome their liesitutioiyund get more of them to attend the IIiceliIIgsI And we want pvcryohes help to persuade them to come evlt them to Ii iIIcetiiIguutil they sce made to the home0f our armed forces in BzirrieOaiid vicinity 372 in hospital followed up by visits to the respective homes In five cases practical assistance was given in conjunction with the sewing coin mittee Whenever possible repre sentative from this committee at the mouthfy meeting of Unit Auxiliaries in Toronto from which much valuable information is gathered Mrs Shcrring express ed deep appreciation to Mrs Mick for themselves how VUTlhtVllllOhilllIil ourfiIITilTeh oneennrli frculr citsos and always lllilrtilMS have rcceiv erl iiiiiiicdinfe and careful attention We have greatly appreciated the help We liziVe received during the past year from members of the Clllllt Idian AiiIIIiured Corps Auxiliai 79 enjoyach theseinfecting are Recently auAmcrican newscaster said This Lilout Canadians in Italy In the Iiioke and the shock of battleHitlers regiments have leurru red fearful ideiitificatioiiI If sol dier attacks like an Anzac holds like guardsrnan and fights like Texan his regiment is Canadian It is the strength and belief in men that can earn such commendation leborough who was Convener dur ing the first part of the year to her able assistant Mrs Mooney and 195 Mrs Shawe recording secretary Mrs Geoffrey Machell converter of the sewing committee presented an interesting report stating that an adequate supply70f layettes and childrens clothing is ready and at the disposal of the visiting commit tee Miss Williams of theZRoyal Vic toria Hospital and Miss McNabb of the VON more willbe provi when reqwuired Mrs Maehell work that had been done the year by the separat committees of the Auxingries of the following units at Ip Borden All AIO A19 AF Officers wives and RCAF lrmens wives ungr Mothers Club was formed fpthe benefit of moth In May the ers expecting their first babies For the firsttwo months the nurses iii charge were Mrs Price Mrs 11on July Mrs ERoyRNhas conven ber of members fonthe year was 33 and 16 mootiugs were held These meetingstake place on the first arid third Fridays of each month at pm in the Auxiliary Room At thesemembers have two hours in which to ask forvand receive pre natal advice from the attending judge by the manyquestions on pitanatal care submitted at any single meeting there is little doubt of the need forsuchi meetings or of the valuablescrvice they offer Mrs Anursxlfoner might beperinitted to not mm ctIrnTnIoIInIInusimm ridIVTrswLangcidgeSinc 123 this committee The total num Mal Montreal cm raronto Emd fjze Kirby has been most competent converter of the sewing done atthc meetings Two bolts of flannelette have been purchased throughthe cooperation of the Consumers Branch of the WTPB Mrs Kirk in charge of refreshments is most indispensable convener Thanks were expiessed toMrs Bigelow substitute nurse atl one meeting and to Mrs Laurie who ads dressed the members at the last two meetings Mrs Brown gave report 35250 105359 per person N9 higher 400 lovely TOOITIS4WlTlf under fire want you to assist in any way you can in helping to solve these two problems that we may as sure to the Goldngficl le the opportunity to live up to that heritage The cmvener of the nominating committee Mrs Payne presented the following slate of officers for 1944 President Mrs Hare first vicepresident Mrs ALee second vicepresident Mrs 111 Denison Treasurer MiSIHPaulTish liiiig bread and drinking ill on to the extent of rILconIpaiiyiiig lliiigilicf il Tlt Il Ilt lTIliIilIl flowed can lie IIII lip picpziic liiir lhirplII Tli iliilllll illov ill Inc niirl nous lll licic lake the Ilhllgili Ir gtII Ilic rliffiIlillIcs Ilic IIoiIIIi In of oiir ltgtllltt1 and foil III 11 on the Iillllllllillllltt of oti unplin Tod 1h Vho mid IoII thcui lll cut still txlfl ii tive hrczid To the hungry sou around us 101 US not hc mull ltSlllrllllt small llllli ttllfl gifts lllll let us IiIIliIi tire in Iiic scrvicc of Iho Lord and Iv pcct Ilicin II he sufficiciit Ifiilti llllllillllltlllltill of His lililll Ii this and vsc Iuo llflil llll Wine of oil shall not Mil moi Ilic hfiiicl of meal gtllllll lIIvl and our llllll loaves iilltl Ihc increase to the szitfsfyin III 12 lllllIlCS lllll ALMIGHIY PROVIDE lllSlllllldS little hccuuwi litli Little is much when lod is Illi NIIl only but for far more than they in with is lIlllIIl up 21gt Irao lrov 1124 llioio sczittorclh and yet iiIcrI This is ll spiritual low wh do well to liccd lfoiird up llLlll and it ziIrIiphiIis Iw it abroad and it llltltzirtsI If lIord has privilcgml you in IElliil the blessings of the Hound of lllt and the Water of Salvation Ihcn call in others to share the flood things of God with you and yum joy will increase hundred lllltl My friend are you feeding on tin lllt wclls of sulvzilioii lhe iIIviHIII Iif God is WlIIiSIiIlvci will To ll Ill some came to Jesus and dz llli Of lllill lifegiving stream My thirst was quenched my soul revived And now live in Thin Until then lllld not known vliIIIi it was to rezillylilVlif vcrc Iiicy Ill xiiisiiIIi MEATLNos 3537 BUTTER Nos4649 cuminNos 1426 iwpnascnves IoL 113 A7 we iIoIIiI hrlriw 315A COFFEE Nos 1429 The Smaller Sites are Muir llcntifill ind IIrc Allruclivyly Priced According to Sue The Famous Black IllarIIoIiIl Brand Florida Hccdlcss FRUIT 2T 99 Isnt tr IIiiii lll 27c RUTABAGAS 1350 BUNCH NEW iIaxAs 66 TOMATOES SlIllIlll zgc Limited Quantity at we per 11 IIIIAIIIrv IMPORTED aizIIIccrian QUALITY mroitrico liic Aristocrat of iwcct Potatoes AllltllINn CARROTS NTAkin HITin on NI armor WAsnIaI IINIIIiII No iiiniiij llvn Ilqf Trade Bltlll 65c HOTHOUSE BHUBARB lliliilinxl APPLES MdNTllSll REDS SPY ArrLEs tail lgin 65c Cradle Bailifft 55C gs Size 811s inVlUtlnNtlI GRADE SERVE MORE WAXED Tv mw vuw VA er Recording Secretary Mrs Silke Correspondjng Seciotuiy Mrs DrakeBroclmian Tins was accepted by Iicclaiiiutiun Alm Hare expressed the gratitude of the Board cf Officers at the confidence shown in returingthein lo office Asppreeiatirmphe work done by this organization duringr the past year was graciously expressed by Mrs rIurnl rfll for the VON Mrs Pumas for the Canadiuii Club Mrs D7 FI Mricinren for the Red Cross Auxiliary Mrs lvll Lauriefor the Consumers Branch of the WTPB Mrs Hare tlnmked th 59 representatiyesior their con nued support At meeting held after the An nual MeetingIhefollmving com jveners were appointed for 19442 Homefinders Committee Mrs Shawe Chief Supervisor of per sonnel MrsR It Deuison Employ ment Committee Mrs JPayne III spection committee Miss Rod gers Visiting Committee Mrs Sherring Young Mothers Club MIMYLSEMILEI Committee Mrs Geoffrey Machell MissfPhyllis Carson Barrie was home for the Weekend Chester Richardson of Copper GREENTNGS r4riii2m SPYS swoon TANT Horror crrccrlvz THURSDAY FEB 3rd new INCREASED VALUE Preserves Ration Coupons Fulfillltzllfllllcllllll5 available at Local Loblaiv Stow it nose BRAND PURE ORANGE Now our 21 J3 coLIoNS citossc BLACKWELL SEVILLE dIIANGE 21 Fl 01 NOW ONLY Jar ll CULIRUNS NIIWONITY gD covvoNs uuu1vuo 5IIIuIII an OGILVIE ROSEBran Wbeathearts ZSweetMusfardl IrvastiPIGKLE 31 loci in Bottle Alvltuunvluuvb Inud PUREVANILL terms WHEAT FLAKES N1 Crabapple Jelly llrmzfiillfiuizlvliks oLAsscos Iwiiu Pits 26c Jury SMITIIpnIURE VVMUSTARD 0207 MARMALADE RED PLUM JAM Fl In Now our Tuners cor roN IILAsscoS 51 WILLIAMS 21 FT oz 12 Jar Tu COUPON a7 Prepared iSHlRRlFFS uuun un uun 701m littsneen home for 117W days Mrs EQKnapp Elmvale is stay time Miss Helen Moran has taken ing with Carson forjaj Short gosition with the Bell Telephone Barrie Intended for last weekYW Mr and Mrs Hall and PatSy Toronto spent the weekend heie Mrs Hornet hasIeIurned to hei daughters home here after week in Sundridge Mr andMrs Hewittrand son of Dahltori sack visited ova Sun day With their cousins Mr and Mrsulrwin Owing to ill health after oboub two years in the army Chas Mill er has papers and has returned to his home hero CANADIAN NERAL ELECTRIC co MI and Mrs Bridges and Miss Muriel Carson Toronto have been recent vialtors with Mrs Carson who is conanEd to her bed Mrs Bridges is reinsinin with her for time For flne Job Printlng Promptly Supplied patronize The Barrie Ex autumn received his discharge 45m OGTLVIE lfozjfge Pkg MINUTE OATS 18c WHITE ClDER MALI HEINZ Vinegar urn clarks Governor sauce tat11 2311 minuolununuu Concentrated Javel Wateri VJZVozr Ilottle Household Necessity Small 90 Pkg BEAUTY SOAP PALMOLIVE Ztlliitllf Concentraled summons 209 WHITE NAPTHA 050A Cam 14 IHAWES LEMON OIL $5111 25 TOILET SOAP Costume Bouquet in LOBLAW unocsrsnrgpco=f outt in Tlio TreslicSt Ir inlull flying illjll LuuvtB mm Wheat Vliolc Cracked limit ionW5 IllIEES 35 IIllIIIl Iii 29 III very Tine linedlum ground Lge Pkg Beg Pkg

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