Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1944, p. 1

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THE BARR1E+EXAM1ER 73151 YearNo ZIlt Sgt IN THE FIGHT Aotlvitle of those serv COMMENDED BY ONT CHAIRMAN 11111111 1211 Hamilton Lands Work Done by Navy League in Operating Corps and Praises Barrie Lions 1th for Sponsorship tGosneyJ Oversea BARRIEONTAR10 CANADA TriiuiiisoAv JANUARY 11911 larv DR SINClAIR IREPIgrdOF 111111111111 igiiiiiiiiiii 99196th by Acclnmation 11 Inaugural Iccting Stand lug Committees Named Ap gSchool Nurse Reports Chickenpox Scarlet Fev polntnlcnts Made or 11111 Mumps inDecem Section 1Poges to Population Town Stands Mimi 11111111 noun or cmcuurlorlt Total The nilltliilitl Work 111111 done 11til League of Canada 111 1111 eratlng more 1111111 Sixty 1501 Cadet Second Son of Mr and Mrs Fred GUBHCY Burton Contributions welcomed by Assessors 11911105 Place It 01 10533 Ihcreose of 85 up 37 Dunlop St Barrie for this column Dial 2415 Recruiting Staff hangcs Several changes have takcn 111113 in tile WAC 11111511111101 of the incol 1cc111itlnu staff Cpl Ilercy 110 lheakston and Pie Newman who were stationed in this area for 51111111 how have been transferred 11 Toronto To replact them in th llarric recruiting 11c quarters have come lpl lllucliley Huntsville and Pie A1111 111V Icbbs lorontu ltc ll Iat tcrson loronto is now stationed in the Parry Sound office Since the first of the ycur r04 crultlnt locally has been more 11c tiv number of recruits were sent 11 District Depot last wool and some 11111151w01c rcjcctcd medic ally Astridge Bros Transferred LAC llarvcy Astridgc has been transferredwilb Bagotvillc Que bec to Dartmouth Nova Sent and his younger brother lpr Kenneth AStridgc has bccn scnt from Eng land to Africa Back From Overseas Squadron Leader John McCul locll arrived back from ovcrscus last week and has been posted to No 11 Iraininu Command llead quinlcrs ItCAI Winnipeg lie and Mrs McCulloch who has resigned her position Min 1111 Dept of Milli itions and Supply ltliwa 1ch yes terday to take up residence ill Win nipcg after brief visit to Barrie Sincc October 1939 81 McCul I11ch was stationed at No SFTS Camp Bordon as officer connnand in 1111111111Iilsttllillulltll School Prior to going overseas in Jilly 1111111 he had been granted his wing as navigator 81 and Mrs McCulloch had resided in Barrie since 1911 and have made many friends here Sl McCulloch Was liaison officer for the Kiwanis Air Cadet Squadrongand 1115 McCul loch had been very active in Red Cross and other Community activi ties Arrives Overseas LAC William Gordon McCuaig It2112312 son of Mr and Mini Henry McCuaig Shanty Bay has arrived safely overseas according to cable received by his parents He enlisted at No Manning De pot Toronto ill June 1943 and was stationed at Dunuville prior to leaving for overseas Arrives Safely Overseas Kenneth Owen Weatherup has arrived safely 11Vcrscas according to 11 telegram received by his par ents Mr and Mrs Arthur Weather Ie en listed in Toronto in Canadian Army Active in November 1942 v7 Safelyvin England AC2 llarry Miller tR167345 old er son of Mr and Mrs Morris Mill er 28 Elizabeth St Barrie has ar rived safely overseas according to telegram receivedMonday mOrn ing Jan 10 He enlisted in the RCAF in June 1942 in Toronto and was stationed there and at Galt gSt he IQBenliiLneellfsiQoe nery School Jarvis and Deseronto where he had been locatEd since in their Country at sea on land and In the air Corp throughout Canada was 11111 llncd 111 111 address to Barrie 111111 Itiplcy 11111111111111 chalillnan of 1118 0111211111 Sea Cadet Committee of the Navy League lie was 11c11ni pained by It Scublc lliimilton secretary of thc ntallo Sea Clttltt Connnltlce They were lntrmluccd by it Atkey chairman of Barrie Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Committee and were thanked on behalf of the gathering by Bell command 111 officer of IiCSCTC lxcmpen Icldt spilliSulCd by the 1111115 Club Mr ltiplcy declared that in addi 111111 to tho liialntcrnnlcc of hostels for littllCllilill seamen returning fronrsca duty and the distribution of ditty bags to sailors one of the chief functions of the Navylhcague of Canada was to operate Sea Cadet Corps throughout Canada There were thirtyseven ip Ontario 110 1111111 with 111111111 membership of about 61100 and during the past 1111111111 111111111 sixty Sca Cadets had enlisted in the armed services the vost majority of course in 1111 Navy lhc spcakcr 1tatc1i that the Sea Cadet 111111HC1I in Canada was of great value not only from the standpoint of supplying trained personnel for the Royal Canadian Navy but also from the anglc of future Canadian citizenship He paid tribute to the leadership vol untarily supplied11y such organiza tions as the Lions Club in commun ities throughout the Dominion and congratulath Barrio Lions Club for the pprt it played in Sponsoring Barrie RCSCC Kcmpcnfeldt which now has more than one 111111 11er enrolled 111111111 WEEK 11111111111111 IS 31113133311111 Prominent Toronto Minis ters Occupy Pulpits of Evening Services This Wek GoodwillvEx change Barries Week of Prayer an uIldenominatioril religious effort is lilcetillg with considerable suc cess both in the quality of the nightly address but also in the at tendance from service to service 10 Week of Prayer is spon ly Barrie Ministerial AsSocizi tion and the general theme for the week is OurTown for Christ the King Rev Christielnncs uhhristcr oernox Presbyterian Church To ronto was the special preacher at Monday evenings service in First Baptist Church and Tuesday even ings inTrinityAnglican Church he serv1ce 1n Collier 511mm Churclo last evening was featured by an address by Rev JM Finlay minister of Carlton StTUnitgd Church Toronto 17 1513111101151113 Uhitcd Club Friday etching by Ralph tinent Reported to RC Missing Overseas 1111151111 BOSNEY 21 second son of Mr and Mrs Fred 11 111511033 116 Burton Ave Allandalc who is reported 11111151111 11ftcr air operations overseas gl Short Courses in Farm Mechanics Are Being Well Attended During the past week ILll111 Me chanics Courses got off to good start Ill Noltaivzlsaga The courses were well attended for 1111 most part and received favorable coni incnt from the farmers New topics are introduced and 11 great dcal of information is crowded it to make two full afternoons Topics that seem to be of great est interest are electricity mowers hinders tractors plows and labour saving methods Owing to shore age of new farm machinery and shortage of labour farmers are paying greater attention to the re pair of their present machines and lore seeking wstuntcuts in llaying and harvest operations This week the courses started at Alliston on Moilduy afternoon and will continue throughout the week at Ivy Stroud Gilford and Brad ford cher January dates are Bond Head Jan 1718 Cookstbwn 18 11 Beeton 11920 Colgan 2122 CoililOI12425 Rosemont 2526 Everett2ti27 All courses cover period of twu afternoons commencing each day at 115 oclock ISpech Prayer for Empire and For Our Boys Overseas The hrterdenominatioual Prayer Group comprising WOinenof the different churches of Barrie will llleet each Thursdayrindrning dur itll thefwjnter months from 10 to 11 oclock in the Salvation Army Ave Allondole Bomber Pilot in Raids Over Con 41 Went Overseas December 1942 1311s Fred 11 111111 Ski litului Collcgiatc Institute nd 13 mm when 11111211111 111111111111111 111111 271 town 11103 gym adopted 11 folluwg liemlcd an RCAF 1f105hel 1111150 and 1515 county while the Conuncr1 in Pain Year and Highe Alscssnwnt Now 11m ml 1111 11 1111 11111 wry 1121 or lg leccrrlgtcr 11 1111111111121 llt 8111 11111d l11vl 1105 111 111 wild of 21 litAl C1111l 111 111 Mr 111211 1110012141 11111111 AF November 1911 and ww Posted as Instructor augc for 11111111 vi Avc Allandde rep uted 111 11 ii 11 pct 11111 and 15m AcullVv accurdhg to the following tolegr 11 T3111 11111 111 111 avg111 21113 11 from ltCAl Caamltscs Oilicel1i15tii3 Ottawa received 1111a1 1111111 for the low 11111111111111 11hng to 3mm yum the 111111h one that many son Itl36351hJll Sgt IAOnard 1W1 11111311011 1111111111 11111111 Mid Gamev15 ported mm in 1111 ilvQIllnlllld itrll 11111 111511 mg air pcmuom 0H 11111 1111111 was good 111111 111 111 5mm Ml f1ls1 111325 including Influenza ehlcken is hphwcd hid mm pox wallet fever 11111 11211114 ombcr pilot 11 shot down dur IMNIW FHMIM 11 DC 1L WU mm Tummy 1111 Academic 427 381911 879111 letter written lce1111hcr 11 111111 rc Vdnucnlll m1 761 87 mm Jmmv 5ch Um he 111111111 111 1121115 1118 1111211 87 11 we 111111 11111 31111311 1111171 Born in Allillddlt Ic1cnibcr 21 Kim Illllkllwl 277122327 8359 111133 the young 1111111 1111111111111 1011 111 WW 2530 3130 Edward lubli School and 1111111 1111bcltwl1 Sectthxljwttra11111 presided and called for chairman licv Sluclalr 111 11111111 11111 11111111111 art and li1ll1l111 mowxl 11111111115 111110 111181 thereupon declared elected by 111 Clalnatiuu The chairman 14111411111141 11 Striking Committfc to 11111111111111 Chairmen 111111 lllOIlllXlS Hf the Standing mnlnlttccs 111111005 11 111111 111111111 11 11111131011 3411111 McCullough Dr 11 Splutl worked for 11 tune 11 59114111111111 ch ellttlmktti mi lllair1111111llt111o1ls Service Station Allandolc 14th 211 county Student1 1110 AL1 The report of tho 51111111112 Com school 11c Citirs lnanccV lllzur Cllfllliitillli Univcrsdy of Toronto c1111 10111113110111 had til 11121111 and 1111 II McCullough Dr 11 Sprott While residing 11cm 11c attended 111th 111111113 St Georges Anglican hurch and Ni mttdtmit 511113111S Itllimiln Wilson Mrs Ivan Cleml Sunduy School and played hockey 511111111 during Dcccmbcl for the follinens Property and Supply ll 21 111 the Church League mm lowing reasons IWJ wch refust ltlo1i1111 11111111111111 81111111115H H1 111113111 football 111 lll 111115511 ftl 13031510111 0111001 tfIN MacDonald 111115 111111111111 More llltl 11 111 Sgt ioslmy reported 111 No 355111111 WUIk 1d Uiloxldiiiiltd 11 Andrew Cumming ounty 1l1i11 111 111 ioviqniuyh 1111131 Manning Depot IlCAI Ioronto 50111152 10 MP KUllillvllli 1W0 11015rcsentatlve and Weeds Sopl luwwyv 4131 funny 11 111 November 11111 11111111111111111 111 ill 111utiiu1stiured tofotherschools 54111 ilii1l training in Tor111111 and his illllllltt Ed H4111 HllSlml 1111111 1111ivlailirixIiid elementary at No EFTS St gth arincs He graduated 1111 pilot rc cciviniz his JltlgS 111 N11 11 SlIS Yorktnn 511511 in November 1114 and went overseas in lc11lvillbc1 111111 The young mans parents reside at 96 Burton Ave Allarll11le 1111 older brother Cpl llcrt iosiley has been overseas with RCAF in 211 minislrativc branch since June 1943 and younger brothnr Ronald is attendingBCl Visited in Nottingham FltSgt Gosney was in Notting ham Eng last fall illsmother received the follilwinu letter from Attendance Ofcer lhe Lord Mayor Aid Ernest Rcccntly members of the Board Bigtldock1plcsllcllt of INOltlllgllllmtIltive been wondering gall Ctllilblltlmg its mum mum mm overseas Chm mm the dunes or we 00 d1y evening in the Public Librarv Turn to page six please Vtlurn to page 51x please luau at oclock In adlllluil to election of officers and other business there will be an illustrated talk on Landscape Gardening and Scenes of Ilollandl will begivcn There is no charge for 111111115511111 and everyone who loves flowers and their culture is invited 111 1111 dition to the enjoyment the pro gramme affords attendance at the meetings will be an cncouragelncnt to the officerslin the work they have done for community improve ment Ill IIIHEAR BLACK Mr 111111 711111 1113111111 aratc School Board rcp1csC1111ltivr1MM serve on all committees affecting1111 Considerable Illness llll 151115 111 Februarv 11113 11111 111 North Ctll1d1ttl10 illness was reported Vocational Advrsory Am in Jum1lm mingling Hg in December by School Nurse V911lloods chairman MacDon England mfg 1m my hitMalian including six cases of aid Brown and representagl chickenpox 118 cases of SCilllCi1llV0ltillpltgCCS The School Nurse made if 1111111e1111111y Board for three years and visits inspected 109 children love James Case Sergeant of lolmc as first 1111 treatment to 16 conductcdlruant Officer at $101 per year 41 special physical inspections six Vision tests made 1011 home visits Thirteen pupils had dental dcfectsi Flower some Hds Annual Meeting Friday and three vwere corrected One 17111111111111d will detach CIAn Illustrated Talk Committee Named Cit lvy When Form Federation was corrcctcd The Dorrie Horticultural and Town llnprovmncnt Society is 1111111 its Membership Convossl mechllghvas held at IvySchool on Mon 11 eveul1lglanuary 10 to organize lJsszLTownship for membership drive for the Fedora lieu of Agriculture Lee Bunting tVicelrcsaleni of Slmcoe Cotinty 1lfcdcratloi1 opcncdvthc meeting and then called on Mr Wood County President lyimltmlchl111111 of Agriculture means that it representative of 2111 classes of farmers beef milk hogs etc said Mr Wood As an ex ample of influence of Federation it was the Federation representatives who were the leaders at the recent meeting of farmers called by1Pre imm Drew Plan of Federation work was outlined under four head ings HA lEducatiomAs conducted by local Department of Agriculture was great benefit to farmers and the Federation acting the thinking of rural people Cooperhtive selling of farm pro ducts means that theiprofits on Shletgo baclcto producer AuxilhryfRaises More Than $3000 More Than Holt Million Pounds of Salvage Collected and Sold Since April 1942 24 Tonslshipped by Carin 1943 Mrs MocLoren Succeeds Mrsx CL Chittick as President During 1943 Barrie Red Cross Auxiliary which has membership of about 40 raised $3125 and spent $3619 of which $2600 was handed He Goes to St Kins over directly to the local Red Cross Hi mf Branch it was revealed ittlteh1l The staff of The Sarjeant Coln nual meeting of the Auxiliary batty lmEdidhEir WiVeST lilhhedross rooms Monday ev Ballld qnillia met are ban ening M115 clL Chimck premi quet recently to honour valued RCAF Films Are Comingto Borrie A11 RCAF sound truck fully equipped with loud speakers and motion pictureapparatus will visu Barrie January 18 19 and 20 Ar rangemerlts have been made to ex hibit number of war films in sev eral local schools in addition to showings at the Air Cadet head quarters and in Trinity Parish Hall Sarieanl Co Staff Honor Sidneyodden 15229 330 wBusiness Assessment Down $12162 11111i11 111110 of the population Asscwnents 11111111 11111111111121 4531741 4581001 49260 T11t1l Assessmcnth thianagcnlent Dollsou chanv llical Iro Ili1hl=1 for tax fcvcr and considerable number of The Boardualso 10111111111111011 11113 Population 111448 cases of mllmps lVliinlzlgnlmcds to Public 11 Decrease BITIER CHEESE PRODUCTION 1311 For the first eleven months of on the months of st in Towns 11151035in613 Increase 01 www population ac Tovvu Assessors Ran15 at 10533 the more than one hun s31 reproacnts an increase over 1h 111111 announced of 10118 and it is possible p1 121111 is now even 111 111 view Of he 11 11 statement 11 assassment pro ny Town Treasurer 1111111 assessment shows 31 of $391380 from $6075510 2211 511 are registered all 10 line except ill the matter 119111155 11x ssmcnt in which 1111111 is lQClt se of 512162 from 1111111111 111 3378254 chiefly through several service stations going out 11 11115111052 during the year 1511111 1914 Increase 31081684 $1084184 1500 pcrty Mil11125 5665185 50760 111111 for all 1111s 4886235 4936385 50150 1111111 and buildings exempt 738190 13115111055 assess ment 3110416 Income assess mcut 70654 Total assess ment 6075510 728800 610 378254 12162 71790 1136 6115229 39689 5347350 5386429 39079 10533 1111111 1913 1113111111131 to November inclus the amount of creamery but 1111 produced in Canada was 299 fll813 111 or an increase of 11 per c111 1111 theproduction in the cor responding months of 1942 Dur 111 the same period of 1943 the and Arranged for11111lLlC11011Lf CllGESC was 1555103 177 111 decrease of 217 per cent 1942 and ice cream production gallons an incrase of18Jl per gm on the corresponding eleven months if 1913 oer form It is hoped that every failncr will be givenan opportunity to become member Two farmers were placed1 in charge in each school section every ratepaycr to be seen within ten days Essa canvass to be completed January 20 Wilfred Davis Utopia is acting secretary Under the direction of the farm women present taSty lunchwas served Reeve Banting compli mcllted the Federation onjtsrverjyr excellent programme and thevcal ibre of the men supporting it He promised his wholehearted c0oplt oration Another project of interest 162111 11 citizens of Essa particularlyxtech 335110 TOWm5 are diiers pupils and rschoolrbofdsywas introduced by Eugene Smith name 1y township School Fair He pointed out the valuewgf school 1351s and thought the township could was 15857706 Church Rev Canon RCA Arm Citadel to offer prayers folmur strong rector of the Church of the Empire and our boys Doerseas dur as a11airframcmechanic at St Redeemer Toronto willpreachingfthiSiimofstissidmstrain Thomas before goingto Deseronto The final service tomorrow evening warm welcome will be given to will be heldcin St Andre 4311wh51c3n attend and fine Socialhlhe groups help peoplelsupport one even withoilt much de lo gettogethertohave good time partnlental assistance Lash alswto learn byrjdiseussioioei ley explainedmow thefairswerr ReligiousrMan is created for being carriedfonNottawasaga purpose to glorify God Neighborandpjomisedasmuchhelp tor the ed For the convenience of thedown April 1943 He completed hiscourse member Of the Staff 111 the 138150 Revenue from salvage alone dur town public Trinity Hall will be gotSidneyG0dde1nIwhd 1511911111111 Irlg thep21st yeziivvascmorefnian opEiTrrmZTo4piiilTTilesdayf IO accepl 305111011 35 1115119010 111 $1900 More than half million Jan 18i and admission to see the 1118 Unemployment I511131196CONpAOLiiids of salvage have been col pictures will be free that Tpr Kenneth Roy Carter has listed in 1111111511943 an trained at Toronto and camp ordem Heis Heads Graduating Class Milne son of MT and Mrs rontosecretary Baptist Conven Milne Toronto formerlyo Barriedtion of Ontario and Quebec headedthe list of wireles air gun WWW Goodwill Exchange ners who graduated at Bomb The annual Goodwill Exchange ing and Gunnery Sclool Fingal of pulpits by the ministers of the recently 736111151517 or RCAF town took place Sunday evening Permanent Force before the war when9 the various 911113115 were 0C enlisting in 1936 he was stationed copied by the following at Camp Borden and No and Andrevfi PFeSbytefia School Jarvis where he was ReVrBrriPhomasiGreen minister one ofthe ioriglnals Later he of Burton AVe United was stationed at Quebec Citybe sprh1goL1943 Two brothers are glican sewing the Almyerte Joseph Hen ry Milne paratroOper and John Alexander Milne overseas Presbyterian sineeiDecember 1942with RCA and First Baptistby Rev Dr RD WW MW eve 31150d Lao Clinic iAriivesOversas Word hasnbeen received by his wife 28 Wellington Barrie Dofjmore at ariVednieWrefsaFf byterian Church when the preacher Christian Flt Sgt JainesulndenccuamiiianilibeBeLDLHcHrBlnghaxnrllmwomen of the different churches Trinity Anglican by Rev United thcr rct of St Geo es An Geores Al lfcn by Rev Howden rector of TrinityAnf Central United by Rev James glican Ferguson minister of St Andrews fellowship among the is being generated This is an in vitation to all women to join this group Sinclair minister or Essa Road Presbyterian Collier St United by Rev Alex Sinclair minister of FirstBap Wbe tist Burton Ave Unitechby Rev Lewis ministerof Collier St Road Presbyterian by Rev tral Unitedv Beweu Minister of Cefl son of Mr and ME Roy Carter mission of the Government neces sitatingillisfreinovaliloStCi1Tli1 155133155 Emmet arines He has been valued memberofthe staff for about eight yearsand also director of the company which position he re tains WalterSarannt president and managing director presided very lovely tea rservice was pre sentMoiMr and Mrs Godden by the company William Sarjeant local manager at Barrie 1111117511111 Iey Sarjeant local manager at Orillia officiating agtrthe presentng ion The good wishes and con gratglations were expressed by dif feren members of the staff Mr and Mrs Goddehanked the staff for their many kind re marks and happy evening was enjoyedeby all present Motor Licenses Ready on Jan 24 Highvvays Minist George Doug cett announced1uesdily that owing to unavoidable delays in securing looted and sold since April 1942 truckloads and over24 tons shippedpyiighl car Mrs Donald MacLaren was el ected president of the Auxiliary succeeding Mrs Chittick who has guideditsaetivities during the past four years Mrs Turnbull was named honorary president Mrs Empke vicepresident MrsF Chapman secretary and Mrs Nettleton treasurer Mrsl Warren Wilgar was convener of the nominatiimommittee After reports of committees wer read the President askeders MacLaren from the Red 147 the Auxiliaryjmade 3150 how much the Branch appreciated their work She also spoke of the fine cooperation ofbothorganiza tihs lid WEhdfheKdillilSwcT tinued success for the coming year After the eIEction of officers open for Owen St every Friday night 830 Among the films are some thrill illness and hilvmgr 111311 1931 ing shotsof the Battle of Britain movies takehhjnd the German lines and subsequently captured and pictures showing thetlning ofRCAF aircrew On arrival nBarriepersonnel in charge of sound truck will be contactin Fisher Adjutant Air Ca ts by the SpeakerL Supporting the local church and regular attendance are moShnecessary if farmersare toliveh balanced life We Mr Lashley was well pleased with the representative meeting 315 almost all theschools were repre sented livery farmer should get interested in soil erosion and Fedl oration could give leadership in studying means of control Farm ers should plan and act in unison Mr Smithsaid it is very neces sary Federation to protect their inter1 Soropelimiisl 173191111112 estsunpostnmr period He spoke dance 131 on the membership canvass through Bingo Canadian Legion Halll3 out the county The flee is $100 wr 19M NG EvENrs Keep Thursday February 10 sharp 2tfb Euchre and dance Lfroy Com munity Hall January 14 Lunch provided Zb Modern and oldtime dance Ivy Tippings Admission 50c 243b Rink Orchestra Essa Fair as time would permit ones religious life was emphasizedAA School Fair Conltfee we named asiollows No 11a bert and MCCague No David Aldison 5nd Edgar Whlte side No3 Bob Arnold and McLean No iVViCtor Church and Truman Flatt No 13JDaw30n and John Faris No 61Elwood Bone and WesleyCochrane No flrEsten Davis and Lee BantingNo ab oldjrmeanLRobt Orrock No Eugene Smith and Drink Higgin son No 10J H4Wilson and Sam ford Page 11Oimie Turnbull Feltis and ThonWrkman 15 Cecil Brethet and Orville Carr Advertise in The Examiner Hind1eEamilrpescribe QIange HallyrrEridayrrlan 21Willis Skating party Midhurst 11 has arrived safelyvr ouerseas He Highlanders and trained at Simcoe cimpBorden andgKingsion He dQIEQDngCIIfblpod for the first Frank Armstronghfonmerly Dilly Point viMrs Beckman Pauline men New Lowell Abrother Gnr Wei lace Carter went overseas in Sep tember 1942 and is nowsefving in Italy Lngn aLe Overseas gMrs rDickey gt56 Cumberland St Allandale has received word that her brother ngn Ben Lee their blood at thethirteenth month 1y Mobile Red CrosstBloodDonors Clinicihld in the Red Crossooms Friday last Twentythree others on being submitted to the tempera ture test were 1011an to have temp eratures slightlyklbovewnormal and were not allowed to proceed any further enlisted in Octobr I942With 48th Eighteen of The 131 donors were spent Christmas with his bromentimo six W86 bariumand 1Elgin who has been overseas for twelve Of them Women total of donordmtributed 1Fifth donationsLorne Adams Frank Allen Atkey Clifford Carscadden Georgie ColesJL GormL let DAmbrossioS ADavison Farrell Gilford Graham Douglas Hedge Ivan Jory sJohn Marquis Moriow Dr William OConnor Parsons Pod lingham Fred Skinner FSmith Morley Somers PrA Sparling Fred Thompson Watson Cora 1161111 airlinersme Adder There ley Earth Mrs Eleanor Brett yeah They are Mather 05 Mrs were gt78 repeat men and 35rgpeat Willrfa 1Brorwn Mrs Laura gtCave ig women On the basis of thesefigilres 84 commissioned Overseas with 47donors or 36 percent wo rCIEIkv 13116181811 has received record of three or more idona 11110111 that her husband this been tions made at the Clinic is as fol commissioned as Flight thicer with lows Leonard Chppel CfE Gout15 Harold Darch Mrs Fredj Dull donors of 64 per cent were men worth Paul Eisher IClifford Foster George Fricke Reg Gar rett David Hamilton Keith Mar shall AlvinMitchell Ernest Mc Leod William New George Pear supplies 11944 mot011vehicleper3 mits and drivers licenses will not be available to thublic 1111111111111 24 In illegmantime the termllbf 1943 permits and licenses has been extended so that they are valid un til those for 1944 are ready Every motorist is urgedto pr rserve his 1943 plateas it will continued in use forl944fsaid Mr Doucett windshieldstamp will be issued withithe 1944 permit and this stamp willeulhorizemeetin tinued use ofthe11943 plate OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS The Barrie Examiner office is open every Saturday even mg from to 900 pm for the convenience of those who vdishfto pay for Subscriptions Tand clabSied adlets and the MrsEiE Turnbull spoke very 111i formally andsaid what fine wor theAuxiliarymas doing Shetouch ed on the major projects they had accomplished in the four years since orga ization and said the Auxiliaryhad made name forit selfin Barrie Mrs MacLarErY then took over the meeting and after she had oken aifyv minutes the meeting adjourned Presidents Remarks Mrs Chitticks address waS as follow Tonight brings to conclusion the actiVities ofranother year for the RedCross Auxiliary We haVe been an organization of some footiyears nowiand inthat time weohaye held the Satisfaction of making aWOlth while contribution to the work of the Red Cross It Was new Experience for Ian 15 auspices Mlnesin Womens Institute Lunch iservedg Proceeds woodStOCk sentinelReview waxwork 2b Revr andMrs Thomas Hindle Bingo Orange Hall humane and their wear01d 5011818 now Monday January 17 1830 1131111 16 games 25c Auspicesw Painswick WI for war work 2b Monday January 171 Library Hall 815 pm Rev James Dawe subject The Peace Terms 1Have BenWiitteil Auspides British Isgael 2b Sale homemade baking auspices Strouanrsbytrin Church Cont munity Hall Saturday Januarymlg anders Swanton at 552 Hatch St Afternotm tea gt25crHonimadv While Mr Hindle is now77732 bread and buds specialties 2b years oldand is quite tired and Monday Jan 17 815 in Collegb ale Auditorium Keqnethf Kidd past several months 1lie1was able Royal OntarioMuSeum will speak to shy about the Jgpanse concen on Excavations at Fort Ste Marie tration camp It wits one continual Proceeds for Barrie Red Cross Ad picnic 13 mission 25oF Tickets may be 013 What he meant by referring to having had an eventful sea voyage inter1111111111 in the inlrior of China They arrived in Woodstock re Cently from Montreal accompanied by their daughter Mrs nowlnaking their home with Rev safelyback in Woodstock after slncbeing released fromJapaiiese Swanton The Hindlefalnily are Uiiited StatesrAlmy Air Corps Turn to page six please strong Sixth dVOnationfEMrii VJ Arms salt Weill1 Perkins Mrs Margaret Reynolds Mrs Robinson Mrs 51 Turn to pagesix please tained atRegina Curl Sheppe Bet the camp as piniC was that ter Dress SthFJacksons Grill and they hadtiny living quarters and transaction other business Crosslandsn Drugstore many of us this voluntary giving Turn to page simlplease Style and they hadmost ofthe ln convenieilcesof summer campfj Conditions kFair and MrsgtHindle andCthe which they wer as fair The threeof themi permitted to takelfour 11111111111 belongings when they Werewledl heir carp away from Pekin Jill the interior of hinagy The Japanese seeing that Hindle was an old man the bundles he was carrying it Ml chalk and thenstookxcar worn after the experiences ofwths after Lihey were gifv square fbrall the their sleepingJi The others in 12b ithey had to cook their food camp George described conditions

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