ulm Alma mm ciucuLAnon VV BARRVEV OVVVIrgiokVVVDKV VTVVVVRSEAYV VgVVVV seam VVVVVPCQ ENLISTED New Years HonorSPRESUMED DEAD FOR SERVICE For Several From iN AccipiaNT V7 Imperial Thur FriSat TQ THEtR KtNG rim rim mi latlfit mu BRAND NEW FEATURES reiBaIIie DiStIICt iiiiii33ii77377371i533 tithOlitttttWAS GOlNGTO Tiiiiiisinii FRIDAY Siirtiiiniii Putt Hihiiiiiiisuuiuii ioxrixi in Show SAititiitr 2150 PM WC Rm $77115 EXAMle ADVT iii ittt Stu liciei Jinn 71 wcw 7i 72 ziin 113 fani 7H Qw Haunted by fair he 19 Or Katfay LVLRYHI if 1Jjrlift ORDER FROM SASK 77 had to gamble his Ev gt05 IA 77 77 hard7boiled kisses do iii7iiix iii awn itc in AV VV VVVV vii Illtttlt zrilii CAC Wi mud Um 393m m35tr Qe Vi tLltrU$tlllltlt illrttt in the iii Bligh HAL ILA uric hummer on UN ll 77 To 37 Qt Of enJe If Hle llltJtl LL LlllLt Ht I7Ft THE TOP Mt 5111 TR Ill It 41 ili it Iiriii lllt 7iniSurpns shot Muir received an order llioiiitoii Ltd It did not tttll the film in time for CL 77 llllSlHlii but as satisfactorily lt i7iit ii777i it Farm Mechanics VGifts and Many Kind in NOW in Pm r055 Words for Rev and Mrs 9V IV t0 WUI Ill iwia latui NtOQOFG FGHS iizizllilliii VM LU All V1 iv It lAVIL LiShort Courses in li7i tgi Sljiit during the 77 il tVtt 73 tiiitcti iitt e7 the Ctingregzition of other btitttzi 310Widltl 73 i7ii=iwt le iii luesdiiy ipi iurci tor arewe ii7 Viiire VV her on ltiumlay Vttlitlli Decca tlr il ilt ltl HUM Ilit lilitt liiitr7itiii itiiVitr iiiil her it in honour of their pastoriiifaiitri lilttt and 77 7i HI Rev White tttld M124 iiiiiii7ii7 it i7 iii VVii lViVlV lVHVI 71 SKATING ON BAY vii 111 NVVV iiVV ViV VVi iviiiiVWi tt ltf isiii uho iiit hunted icil ii iltl tti lucid it ii Va VH1 UV Mi ara Falls Ontario About gtCVLlll itii ili ilhtut it iltil lit iilltiiit linemlxrs and friends of the church MM in Mun Vf aiii tllt iiti iri All REGINALD GARDNER VSat doun to iippci MVVIVVV WV IMV VVV MW 1l5 Id ll liiiiilieit In Ilaile haiiiiiaii of the Adi its latromze Il 501 VlRGlNA 11 177 Hi Mmlh iii ti7 liaiiai 7it l7iiittiii3 lliLtttttt VV PH REGAN 79 Litton xoait iiieSKtVtHi liiiVih ML de ME RAM MMVVIHEV HVVVV Md VVVVVVhVVVVVVV Bump innhid by Natqu Ra IT 77 ii iV ii If IHFRInwi has MW l7l17 ll7iliiili iii tiilL1an oniioh Hose Prilcucilny hmw hr 1W 3N mnb bltll iiiiniiutitt t7i AsMtdtlN 7i7ii Suiti hid iilllvt lnr ik ON ti SAME PROGRAM liy he called specuil attention to VVMV 77 ifi liV tiLml it wtiiiii twill will lldl 777777 itftll irlfilli and IIIUIAIJEII the Battle Cry of chlna gVVIViltmitmildtsfmllaklzrnd VVLV bli tixltlltjjt iri llill Mtllil til itteiiimm tirtiii at it Im lxeiiipciifcldt ital tin iii 7= it H7 Hlllleltll 7iiltiil7 and iittii tileilthttt lti trcnth of an Church is in the 7ingtt pipiilai aiiiti7ciiiit iw WWW ll the riiii7iiiitie of the tiiiitr sorta the vanity ltltltl ltftlt iinsim in v7 7i7 ii i7 f7 illlllllAlMUINI NEWS fVFTalctCthVlllVlVltklll thenk tVaVlllird trill UV VmeMVVV 11 VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVH VVf VV VVVVlV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVLV VVV VVVVV VVV ViViVVVlVVVVViViiVViVViii VV Viilixxku HianCSDAYV 3V3 linL Hospital gtttt tltillttl iii ilii li7iii7ii lint fltlltJH he alilir to gt 77 iYVouni Peoples Association Mr tiitly lixwlit 171 fiiiiri and ia til Xillvwl 17Pilicchiivnwt lite will Whitew willinr mm 711 ttliltiL lili oiiiiinnii and he at UM for no r7 VVV the at all tiiiit VVl H17 VVVi it VV ANN ii 37 77m STARTS SUNDAY MIDNITE 1205 will hhm ll IL Mil by humanism WW 13 RCAMT ill Sitlttlllt 15397 illl complete their live loci1 feeding ii ttltlIJtln tit iti7 izis superintendent of the Bible 77 77 lltlV 1l1t1tmtl 771it7l we and inziiiitiliiinee of cream it 7377 Vi School also thanked Vii White for this iltlht outdooi M4 in any 71m uniting CHM Vmd Immune latittlaiittl ttlltl hilh lttll VIV1 It ciizviiiliiiw unit other dairy ttttltl mid inning and it irv iiiwii7 blanlc me Italy Since Novcnihhr lJlo inE in 1mm 11141ng it If ulVlVV WW VVVVVVVVVVVMVV NVV VVVVV VsiVVV hi this branch of the work CM In SM mm WI Zior what lt itrii iti77 was 7V7V 35 ii 70 behalf Of the Ymmg Pmmcs Hm illilllmltm llillltli IllillVt51 iiivilttl 17th lAnhfifiiviiiIiIiit hap tilttl Bible Class of which Mr White was sun7 17 i7 ll the teacher MisS Betty Elliott me 1m In mmxum mm MW mm lwod Such htlreni VV ziiid his faithfulness in attendance VV VV VV VVV VV at all their meetings John Smith le Illimtll VIVHVIIHHVIVJWI inf 45 M774 M1 7W IV vllh ltll7i 1L Nut Wt Ht i=tlttl1titl tlltlllmltlh itl haw tier pattiniiiu dotlt Vented him with V1 mm with Two former ciiiiiiiiaziiiiii ottirtiri iiitlirS limiters rakes etc imith FishV Splmnm ip Vr ease RCAV Shillim Ciliiip Border DUNN 77 md A5 if tti7aid the larize liioiitw ii the The president Uf me WUVVMHVV veii made tilitpittlltillS Vider ViiililtlVilgtilll11ltlttllVlKlS aiidViViiaVthinVes Mm by the KVUVV011NIM mm ii MlSSiUlilly SUClCLY Mi Illltltt mu Bum mummy nwmm AM MI 7thbMd IIw Imm WV iciher lin been quite moderate mi mumth words VVfiVHNVCCiVmon ViceMarshal Norman ltlSgtLH Aii whine tiipiiii Vaiid ulViiiStiiicni to and mm hm mm behalf of the woinciiI lit the church domm Dummy 11 Officer Culil mm ml NHWMUH humilllthl hulk ltmlmm inancliiiiliii7tltiet ltCAh overseas iiactor iiiaiiitriiance will also unis ti 7iliiivo tridiv lwt iltt lov VV Vr VV iV II and Air ViCCMitihlizil Leigh if Mm Hch WM mt lt it below dilriiiu the Hint 7V Film to DigtiICIi7DlCas7 SttEVCIlSOIL1AH Officer Loiiiinaiiilim WIFE thillt Mid lllllh 0f till mam hw WMEJJmmhmm to Mrs White for her able assis Western Air Cfltllilttltd VancouverleimS Wt ULd millw 18 Maximum nihipoi WithCLAUDE RAINSGLADYSCOOPER tic V7 disclosioiis liliith helpful my mum Hm WV Mum dd imam iiiijitlV HiA CHASE Directed by iRVlNG RAPPER Suedn VWCMillii 15195 77H7Imm5 ch wrdmuv 1ch were as folloits Ha bCil3ifHtiittiuillttnl the Novel by Olive Higgins PKGUtyMUJIC by Max Stctmr OF P0 The Bring h5 iwltdmml we locumEV WW 3343 the llillllG of Air ViceMarshal it Iliirli lti7 lliuti Lous SAVED CONVOY George EllC isiiiiiircs our Air or iiiiii iioSS LINIC lOMOltltOWl Lt 2ft th in In ficer Commanding the RCAii Bonili Barrie Red Cross Voluntary 7V i7 tlthftul RABBIl 11d Full BLAN SIALK tl it at Tllrllllllg Story Of Former er Group in Btltttttl who was a7 Blood Doiiors Clinic is being held Ill Il ll Zt Banie Boys VAphievcmcnt warded the Order of the Conipaii in the Red Cross Rooms DunlolemeVVV 37V 371 35 The gallantry displayed by me dQHVVWhOm he was Rimmed 101 Cem me get Mich Wt to V1 VVV Arc Rcco 1mended VdVVVV Vpcnsmnb were dan WHhV VVHV lite FltLicut Paul Treneinaii Sll lllnber of years eiyoiic so the Clinic t157lgt07tt tlsilltt 2o 11 iii Hiring recommended as followS the Bath tCBi Ila titlineili St toinoiriiiv tliridavt as aiinouiic o7 igi 77 id 05 0ndcnt Hm 11 of Hi iciiiiiiici er 10 by BU lCSldCd in Barrie and Camp Bow ed litbt week There was iiisuffi7l VV i7 Auowancgs Pcnsons ltiirteen heiv applicatiohb fril VV fo 7V gent older son of Mrand Mrs W1 bgl L7 lwgmll 17 190mm my Emmi for 801 ZCIO 70 W3 Milt AWN Midland tour Allistoii two Bar Sargent 28 CoiicUrd Ave Toronto Sgt Charles Everard xitJiitiaiiiil tommlow 110 75 Well wwmw 7777 777 titltftS aiiri Olri Air leiitins Bolliit immm Modomc 0m Sunni 08d for voluntarv blood donors in of at 7i Mr ILLi both foiinerlyVof Baltic who iiVuit IRS$3011 Eastern Air Command bu iiiiii paiCclS fiii illitHlilll it till coin ll Lt nu 3L iddleV leyVVVwm MmlmbmyV 0m 77 Barrie Ielc hone Mrs Cam lV7 771 mm NiDERSQHRUiH GORDONDViwg humour VV doan wtthVTiiS allelaft and Silvch son oi Mi and Mrs SalviitoicGioi VV 339 VAlilty peiSonnel ovLiStaSVVaVio Vttlct itii ll ii it ill it Llltt ML PLUS 001 OR CARTOON convoy is outlined in British gianniV Steele St Baiiie war hon eion securely Wrapped that the sat Hinto Severurnpplimtiom WV mumw United Press story from an RAF oured With tVlieBritisli Elnpllc Med 77 dig5 7dr Base post Office no7 WV my umluuVVmefm MW and reconsideration were also dig COBSldl Command BdSC DUthle telegram received by thing 9150 but VOW ltd ICitfmttviers tillttllCCS were coiiSidered and UtahCd by the Board gt1 DC 28 VKVthgr VmoVndftja SeBsffith Eling paCkages lt 18 young Iiidns mothei was JuSLV ccn del ii is Vii ii formerly Miss Mabel Tait formerly Medal Will be home Soon foi pithf mms ovaarrie Colleliate Imtitute stuff entation Love Charles her is in uniform AlthouUh no official word to iliiit an WW HVS younger hm VEV 373m Royal Cdhadian EnglthCVlS in effect haS leached 134111073 1118 type For T7118 EX hlygland and ms mun5 husmmcias hevcd that 9191lggdnnhlmitlwqi ammer mallmg hSt was With the RCAF Permanent Fotce the honour in ieSu of 15 Olin corrected last week and The7thrilling story as told by infighting seriowwuLamt7777 quoted First Coopemi Paul Eve BUP correspondent reads foundland town in August 1943 fir3n payments madeup to Packers Ohtuioomdq Barri oVnRCOATsza imirISiiWOOLLENs RAGLANS andSETdN SLEEVES $1950 $2250 7$245021soiio $3500 7WLEKS1 NOTE STORE iinLL CLOSE7V 9HT sacrum NIGHTS DURING WINTERT 17K and includm WEDNES AT RDAY 230 as fonows newspaper mpmtflt the 5W LONHNUOlS At this meeting place of men who The most dectswe move DAY7 DECEMBER 28 BACON HOGS 81 Per th VVVV V4 MENS AND Bovsrwcm protect theNOFlhIAUaRhC COHVOYS made by Sgt Gloimnvi should be shown by dates W2 VDressed Vhot weight on rail 55 DUNLOP 5T 35115312 they enshrine the nameTif Might airman fiom VBdtthr Ontario pin1 on labels VV ununuu Lieut Pau177 VIreneman Sargent mg the flames in an effort to gain Oda VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Summit Vi 1110103t0cwlththatt Fm Rays 203501Sgtgdmffnlm Wash Please check on YOUIVS Otie week ago $1700 my avys ap ogar egan 0281 ai rivng in 10 177 Two weeks ago VV $17M teamLeia tqu skipper of the Jervis Bay Both flames flattened buildings and and If there ls any 868m Three weeks 30 VV VV VV Vi lng Inaccurapy klndly7V 777 vave their lives in battle against Sheds and confined the blaze that 77 advisecur office givinv 77 SYDNEY sowri 32iliieiiiiigcgff 1533 $215357ZiiiiygildediiginwiciliiiI of meat if 05 17 Smbvs dress THE HOME OF GQOD INSURANCE FOR 77 VV 7V ltoryOfViVSagzmAVam 15V VteededVVm smashing dOWVseVmu Wm er p72 weight V7 crew is almost unpanm led in the 31 buildings and digifPncm 31131 Farbmerlb diet reqtfjtw sows ac ino wan fw 77 L1 WammscfmwfdsyaucamgwmlV coastal command The Toronto which sewed as re stop VV We tiiiiiiirour large list of Policyholders for their genei777 mg was at the contrms Of an VV Butcher Cattle Steers up til $11 17 VV VV 17 gigouhriiiizliggrilid Biitcher Cattle Heifens up to $1075 ous support and promise the saute careful attention in ii Bologna Bulls up to 558ml the tiltiile we have given ill the past Veal Calves up to $150tli gt Good Ewe Sheep DUN ST VV VV PHONE up to 140 lbs not wiiiiimil V7 aerial protection fer nvoy ROGERS 1V 323 SONS OF THE WWI wait TPIONEERS ISwoopcdtoGunsMuziles Lambsv Wk $1140 With complete disregard of his Long haul 77 VV VV VALSOUNIVERVSAL NEWS REEL sown safetyV arid knowing the odd MM VV Bucks cm VV VV were Stmngly against hisemergmg VVV EGGS VV VV VV V7 alive SargenLdrqppedthe Sunder VV le0 cents higherntliaii last wepVh V7 land almost into the mouths ofthe 7V large 777777 33 subinzirines antiaircraft gunsto medium lth in it 4V VV Vd hm SPECIAL MA NE 7977M7 VV We 7w 7V tV IV VV VI VV VVV VV VfrgmhthizflgfldIShltrilsIggLiVV git Barn VV VV VV 7V 7V VV VV 7V VV 77 tackegi Everytgxhon Ititle JLwtb OuT OT Gmde and V7 was aztng an 00 no 13 Apullets 24f VV butVSargem pressed Mme two at 7i 47 iowows i337 77 Six NIGHTS WEEKLY harges oun eir mar in V7 77 V7 MON JANV 10th THE FIRST BAPTIbTV CHURCH 7V 590 19 1V t3 d7 er 71nd Vang Wit VV 77th R7 he an mlms em l6 Pieacher RevT GhiiStae InnVeS MA rIforonto RUSS CREIGHTONdrid HisBand submarine as severely damaged and HURCHV AR Ll0ltDCOR7RGAN VNCE BERN presumed the secondsub exerted 1155 N7 11th TRIN ANGLICAN VC Overs tbs VTUESfTHURffVRL and SAT VVVV Crashed Hildank 77 Preacher Rev 7120 limes lbstolbsV 777 tli The SUnderlandV SOVVriadledVbe Under 41bSV VModern IV VV VV 7VVVVV V7 VHVV was inlnocondttion to make an To Bafe prices and are subject to killing Sargeanit ade inSide Fwem keys for birds deliwred alive tthbe ever saved their convoys 77 77 77WED JAN 12thCOLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH uthushrs fritit$2ftit igVQBV 99min EndIIIVS ORCHE boat in the air It crashed and 7i 7V charge of five cents per bird or 1022ggwnamiigergB the gafjtgsaf823Eipticggehgiihgf giigiiiigiugisggi it at present time rii7Sii 117 iiictiine Milkfed merited i7 f7 gt tghhsgigictfreintgtiiealflyin boat Dunne Week 35 and UV 732 7x7 gt VV 7i 56 Vlbs 711 was scarcemmanageableb Preacher Rev Flnlay Toronto stron or to The awe are aress could not keep the damaged flying eaChe canon on DVENTUEE AND THRILLS ONWHEELS sank almost immediately CHURCH PreaCheI REV Ziemah Hamilton chickens and fowl and 15c on tur on Nov 1940 Both met how nished poultry notbeingVVaccetedVI