Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1944, p. 2

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ER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Riding in ArmyCcr MUH 801 Two Fined $50 Each in bih Ill 6511 1th JANUARY 1944 Very Stormy Time At inotiom for ll 231 tr Bradford Witnch ec Monday afternoons nomination in lisieeting at Coulxn liili he the Alia in 35lL=fifii5I it has ever been our nu cilo fortune to attend Many of the erd Vtitll ADJALA CREEMORE speeches were buolfleb like and liarizzm uninterrupted but so much abusive Mth lalk was heard at tile meeting that 3m we are not going to attempt any Elected Jon IdH Elected by acdamafmn Off 33 leper UI the ReeveG Moon 290 iii Reeve11 MacDonald 5110 Patterson 23 councrllors first fuurfceedlng Lawrence Council electedbJoseph Idrkcr widowW Millie Thomson Claude mu no Wilfred OLcurle Shepherd Kolb School 93 Glgt Idll therefore he is not In p051 Hecmd DC llv elect MWDUMM MS been mm Illscents to this newspaper udvrs CJfuiu 3min and Museum his I3gg Itiiciiig AIELI gt4D proceedings The GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS JANUARY GOOD NEWS is now ill Ipmblm Stores controversial subject matter dated back into the teens of years ago 206 Peter Deleinere 231 Joseph BoardA May Vincent Flynnlion Ki intelligem mp an 164 Ihn Law Mlmm Ami on uIIdIiS at that time Also In the before your reporter knew uny ALUbTON bmth Dr rmm Ream lbcst Interests of towriship bosincss Retires for HOT SUPPER DISHES ONE EGG CAKES AND MUFFINS 1943 MayorWIlliuui Hunter 243 WI Cunningham 219 Reevwllldc Kcnzic Beuttio acct Councillors six electedlSydncy Knight 337 Ross Vlllilililo 273 Robert Derniotl 255 Potion 215 Bowermuu 244 Mcrrctt 218 II Solomon200 Public Utilities ConnnissloncrAllun Loti mcr acct School Board Intel Storey Laslilcy George Purchase unsure Reelected by zicclurnutiou Nov 27 MayorDonald MncLurcn Hecve1t Buchunun Deputy ReeveG Clark Aldermen Ward if Mayor Walter Hal ber Ward 11 Leislunun John Gray Ward Lower Charles Christie Word SiriclairG James Ward Goodwin Allsopp Ward Lougliccii Poucbcr Public UtilitiesJohn Craig 184445 Board of Education I94445l Blair Dr Sproti II McCullough BEETON Reelected by icclzunulion Dec 27 ReeveJohn Carlton Councillors Ferguson 11 Watson Robinson Lilly School Trustees liliiiiN McDon ald Green Gordon Spcn cer BRADFORD Reelected by iitCItllllilIlnil Dcczlldl Reeve4C Evans Council lorsT 11 Gardner Victor Coombs Norman Collings Wil liam Fuller Public Utilities CommissionerB BL Collings Boardof Iklucotioriico Mor ton Dr Ellis DrB sm clair McKenzie COLDWATER Reclcctcd by acclzunuiiou Doc 28 RecveErncst Millcr Council lorsA Dunlop Eplcti loyd Letherby William Pheasant hool Trustees=hhs Macon achic Mrs Sheppard Mrs Russell Mrs Sheppard was not on the Board last year but served before Mrs Russell is new member COLLINGWOOD Reielected by acclzunation Dec28 Mayor1 Scrannngc Reeve vF SPotlcrson Deputy Reeve McLean Council 139511 Dr Davis Pquuc VA EllishDr Mitchell McIntosh Board of Education FfinlayvCook Gorsline Mrs Morden succeeding Boad Way Public UtilitiesA Harvey rUry BUICK ll METHUL It SluIIIIIIm Gases IconsnalW Those who kei Inipurity pent up day utter day instead of buying it removed as natureintended at least Once in everytwentyifjopr hours in utiably euer from constipgtion Th0 use of cheap hiltsh purgativis will never get you any where as they only aggregate the trouble 3nd in urethe delicate mucous lining of tili271 TTRTCTGWfOIHS Hiezrdoh mest4314puisru weir undere very liable to cause her of the Councrl for nine yearsI ESSA fieelected by ucclamatlon Dec 28 ReeveGeorge Bunting De puty Reevezw Mclilzisler CouncillorsJ lisugh Howard Bunting isaac Jcnnctt lLOS Ileelccted by acclamntion Dec 28 ReevewG Walter Middleton Deputy Reeve101m Kidd Coun cillorsThomas Cooper William Mow Earl Truce lNNlSFlL Elected Jon 1044 R60VGTI101HIS Cook 690 Hur ry Reynolds 462 deputy rccve Dalton Banting 657 Wilbert Black 500 councillors first three elected Lockburt 790 Blythe Mc Conkcy 601 Eldridge 560 Sproule 544 MAICIIEDASH Rwelected by acclamation Dec 113 ReeveLeslie Borrow eighth term Councillorswdamcs Borrow Ellis Noble Lovcring Joseph Taylor School Frusleeswlrcd Kin ncur Win Oakley Douglas Smith MEDONTfl Reelected by acclzunailon Dec 28 ReeveFred Wood Deputy RcevwWilliam Arnold Council IonsAlbert Orion Chas Swaiie John Reynolds Township School AreaAlbert Walker Jas Bcll Michael Frawlcy Morgan Stewart Sterling MatDonald MIDLAND Elected Jan 1044 MayorQ Smith defeated House ReeveW Robinson defeated William Hartman and Percy Crawford Deputy Reeve Williiun Offord defeated Mc Kcown AldermenWard One Harper defeated Ray Bruucllc and Mac Pcrrin Weird Two Vcnt defeated Fred Carruthcrs and Gcrow Ward Three Alfred Argue odcl Ward Four Harvey Ellison defeated James Trew and Alex McIntosh Board of Education occlH Kettle Thomp son Morcton Public Utilities Commission first two elected Musgrovc Morris Megaw NOTTAWASAGA Reelected by acclamntion Dec 28 ReeveJames Brock Deputy ReeveDonald Brown Council lorsRichard McQueen Jas Pot ion James Morrison DRILLIA Town Elected Jan 1944 MayorCleveland Yeo acct Reevefl McIntosh defeated NV Bingham Deputy ReeveJ Austin Cook accl Aldermen electedArthur Truman Dr Devinc F0rbcs Orr Hugh Johnston Wallace Card Dr Seymour Perry Roberts defeatedFrank Bain Geo Bates Harry Kirch Monte Olson Louis Stone Water Light and Power Commissionr acc1Dr Hipwell Stanley Coates Board of Education acclMrs MurieICa vana RoyMagec Harry Tissing ton By 915459 voters emphatically rejected proposal to have the number of council reduced from eleven to seven ORIUJLAVITownshIpli Reelected by acclarnatlon Dec 28 ReeveManford Home Deputy ReeveWm Gowanlock Council lorsWAT Reed Williamenns eY Charles Thornton School Trusteesi Alexander Thorburn Fred Stark 0R0 Elected Jan 1044 ReeveA Tudhope acc1 deputyreeveJ Woodrow 547 Chappell 216 councillors first thre electedA Shelswell 387 Stoddart 289 Smith Campbell 51011 265 Clirrie 147 gt PENETANG puty Reeve11 Eric albieitbdt municipal dIffcrenccs of opinion which appear to have de vcloped into personal feuds do Iio be made more difficult to Cuflttl by appearing in print This newspaper while serving the Township of West Gwillimbury has no desire to meddle In the municipalitys business Any ex pression of opinion it may Inch regarding the inxpnyers wishes is gained from the voice of democracy 215 expressed it the polls on election Marcbdnd 369 Ovllu Coscognctte 328 Poyeibc 308 Alic wcll Raymond Morin Tcrsigru Water and Light Conunissiuncr Rubi Bcuulleu PORT MCNICOLL Reelected by ecclmnation Dcc 18 ReeveGeo Patterson uccl for tenth term Councillors=Alcx Mc Cullagh Fred Duck Robert Smith William Tunnocb Public School Board rcclectcd STAYNER Elected Dec MuyorWA Blackburn atcl for ninth term Rccve4uncs Brant 234 Russel Somcrvilic 121 Councillors acc1Itcubcn Bcsse Morison Hurry Lucas John Watson Ochm Clurcnco Wood School Board first three clectcdbHowurd Brown 240 Swallow 177 Joseph Bcssc 168 Charles Stone 14 Clarence Martin 133 Hydro Conmiissloncr McCandlish acct Coinc cry Commissioner22 LuIIibert occl SUNNIDALE Elected Jon 1944 Reeve11 Burkcr 388 Thomas Bales 232 deputy rcevoJ Pot tngc 349 William Grunt 281 coun cillors first three electedlJolul Rlscbrough 412 Buic 388 Lawrence 297 McCort 205 TAY Reelected by occlzunntlon Dec 28 ReeveDavid Curry Deputy Rccvaeorgc Widdcs Council lorsStanley McClung Fred Kin ncar James iopplcton TECUMSETH Reelected by acclamzition Dc 28 ReeveW Appcrley Deputy ReeveD Harvey Councillors Fred Hunter Leonard Ransom Albert Gilroyu TINY Reelected byacclamation Dec 28 ReeveMichael Assclin Dc Simpson CounclllorsArchic Gardiner Wm Robins MontcalmMaurice MTOSSORONTIO Elected Jan 1944 RceveD McCracken 330 Loree221 councillors first four electediTbomas rerris 260 McGi11250 James Peacock 242 Bellamy 203 McCartney 143 Thomas Leslierlzti Robert Ben nett 116 TrunianMcMullen 100 TOTTENHAM Elected Jan 1944 ReeveGarfield Hall 129 Wray 99 councillors first four cl ectedHarry Pearcy 154 McLean 146 Harry Rinn 134 Jo seph Donnan 108 Oliver Pettit Thornton school board first three electedWalter Murdock Charles Ellison Peter McGoey Har ryRoy public utilities commission erHarvey Simpson defeated JJ Lyons vueriAV Reelected by acclamation Dec 28 ReeveAndrew Cumming De puty ReeveEarl Richardson councillorsRoy Hickling Ivan McLean Albert Ford VICTORIA HARBOUR Reelected by acclamationiDecuZil ReeveBrine Eplett Councillors 4Wilfrid Savage Darcy St Amand WEST GWILLIMBURY Reelected by acclamation Dec 28 NEVERFAIL PANCAKES If you 12 out of town write In your fopy GOOD NEWS 223 Jams Strut Torcflto For Stubborn Coughs and Bronchial AIfcctions Reg 50c Special SMOOTH SHAVING CREAM Tutclen Had it Cod liul 60mm touches bend Special 19c ALKASELTZER Relaxu Hemorb MALT EXTRACT IIIII coo LIVER OIL Alkaeltzer and Builder 3201 796 lbs 139 ANACIN TABLETS Prnmplly Relieve Pnin Neurufgia Hradazlier XYIIACT OF coo LIVER Tonic for JOHNSONS he WhoIe BABY POWDER Soolhes Babys Soft Skin with Vitamin BI SlimuIafing WOODBURY ALMOND ROSE LOTION Excellent for ChappcdSkin and Rough ands KEPLER Maylf Extract am with coo LIVER Relieves Constipation Tiredhess Bachache Liver Complaint AYEIIsr 409 Ru collie BRONCHIAL SYRUP SPECIAL Your HoIIday Snapshot WIII nuke Splendid Enlargements to Sin WINTON FOLDER COMPOUND BEEF WINE it IRON You Up Supplier Les RADIO LT Stresses Health Maintenance New resolutions are very much the order of the day at this period at the year All CI US Where munny fCIt II iii and that but unfortunately my Iew of these resolutions are kept permanently There cn resolution tum flirt lII would be well adust to boil melt and adhere to That one pcriains to the maintenance cur Coed Health lni irlx vii Wellvbelng In these strenuous times we are all apt to become careless this respect miny Imus will do IcyIII Somay we igain remind y0u Ihat your Tamblyn Drug Store is fully prepircd to SOppIy your Health Nchs JI JI Ili mi for this parllcular week is again stressing Vitamins Their use as you well know will very delimitl rmm top of our Form as well 13 assisting to ward many of those solcalled common ailments In order to IJClIflJlC uut allac lion representative assortment of these preparations is Included In IIHS list 0I Suggestions and Bargains for the Balance of the Week quz man You take only one tnbllt per day This pro vich ample amounts of groupvitamim Jo ubleu 133 all 349 Normal Health and Normal Growl1 SQUIBB PAGEGRIFFITHS ADEX TABLETS NORPLEXl BCOMPEE IIOOI Complex Tablet 100 15 300 IMPROVED mo 550 scorrs EMULSION ABeffer Way to Take Cod Liver OiI MEADS STANDARDIZED VIRLLIIAS CAPSULES valaabulu Wa Worker 77 Good VPiclzMcUp Bottles of 00 200 Enpecialfy Suitable Io Infunf Feeding gt Luxunioxdllu 50 75c 100 PARKEDAVIS Abdel Candie HI Imprond IN VITAMIN POTENCY INEADAY VITAMIN PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Special 19 TABLETS Bottles oI I00 Tablet gthERBUNYS COMPOUND Plain or with Crcowlc and Gniatal For Lingering Cough and Cold 93 coo LIVER on For Coughs and Cold VIDELTA EMULSION Tonic and Body Builder 801 16 oz saunas LIVER OIL or All Age Groups METHYL HYDRATE AntiFree re 65 Over lon Cal Cm 133 Conrlmu 25c Fclundtbia Krcp You Fccfim WWu IELEENEX DOMINION Cascara Broniidchuininc Fen our 25 80x HORLICKS MALTED TABLETS The Handy MILK gig Lunch Toblcls DETTOL Tue HOUSEHOLD Aurlsrmc For CIIH bclnfclrn All Opcn IVyumlr NE not Special Potencic VITAMINS inKWIIcal Ccrm OII wib Essential Mincyls fl 195300 THERMOS Misfmw ll gt mm BM ml mummy iLivar lgillaund have animal If memoir 022 the bowels They do weaken mick Inmlmm do gunman 00 Torontoan rswrx Elected Dec ReeveiEdgar Evans Council MayorM Gendron accl lorsPercy Selby Yictor Turner for seventh term BowerWill fliepisteers Fred Welch Frank Benson Deputy ReeveJohn Hambly andFrank Allan were Gropp Councillors first six elect also nominated for reeve and Lorne rem1873mm Dube 480 Felix Tina Hartman for councillor but cotte 420 Wm Street399 Maurine withdrew sunmumuv DbrLIVtR HALI Ile OIL ct Standardized COD LIVER Food Supplement and Build oL 100i Every Novkerslmtlldhlau TAM BLYN Wm coo LIVER Co GOLD OIL zjzpfoff BI mei ye fgqmear Pure and SAL SPFIVE Practically Tasteless Vi Veam oavhenjbhheyodr emu chiefwhit DLVilbIn Manner Rells and gs WW SALAD arid N0CHIIIICAL FOOD THE VITAMINAIIoMINERAL k$em Excellent Quufify and Flavor Mom23F 8oi31c loam83 II APSULES ConuentEasy Ff Talus TABLETS 40Minimdm5 Iggulzbfeu 6sreg25e I23 vegdO 19c 29 V80 Minimuml Use DQIIOTIIY GICIeanaing Gainsafar cum conictqu pom bluckhgdg mgmmg Stimulating and ciddllent for VI 0188i3l15oilyon Skies 1637723 mg 60 fFoowliith multiculturalism PASTE 117 soothing rescuing Nam renes come amyjmmm 68 AT ORN DUNL AND ctsrpsurouprnusrs Tasman Druid scone

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