Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Dec 1960, p. 13

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Buy Sell Rent Hire Swap Wilil Extimi ll TEE BARRIB SATURDAY DECEEBER 17 IN ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS DUBKEBAt Rowl Victoria Hu plial Danie on cdatsday Dec ember id 1960 to Mr and Ian Georgc nutkee or strand daugh ter lDonna Anni baby sitter or Larry and Terry coup NEWS smallwhen you announce the birth oi your child The Barrie mmlner cilpplnu oi the hours are avauahlr ior Ilabyl book ramlly ares Records and to mail your irlcnds and relauver in those Away places To place an announcement aiitr birth call nar tie nrmlncr clansnco PA mist IN MKMORIAM liAlRmln and and loving memory at Thomas Henry Maskelt who Assed away number 17 1959 ontreall Loving and kind in all his ways Upria and Just to the end oi hid Sincerelyad kind in heart and ml What beautiiul memory he lelt behind her runensbored by his run or dau hierlnlaw Betty an is dc ldrcn Claudette Rou and Paulette Janette Darbara and Joan and greatgrinddaugbter Petty Elie nuctlhidnvln loving memory at dear husband and tsther Chsrles puchemio who passed away nec ember I7 1959 have lost my souls companion ills linked with my own And day by day miss him more As waiir through lilo alone leneg rerocrnbered by his wile Ethel and lamuy Booklrts rrorn which In Memoriam verse may be dclected no avail able at classified counter or The Darrin Examiner courteous adtaker wul gladly assist you in wording your announcement TELEPHONE PA 82414 CARDS OF THANKS WILSONI with in express my beorucit thanks and appreciation to neighbors friends relatives lor the kindness which you have shown me in this loss at my dear wire or your messages at sympathy beautiiui Moral oiierings am most graieiui too to the nurses at the RV Hospital and Dr crorslcnd who ware In kind to my wile dur ing llcr illness siecklcy Funeral Home inr their elileirnt services Rev Gordon King Rev John Rob inson and otheroiiiclatipg ler to the womens Instiiute ior the aervicea in my home olivsr Wil Ion CLUTEM Cluto and iamliy wish to read their most sincere thanks an nxgmclailon to the many kind nclg ora trienda and relatives lor their help now era cards and words oi sympathy during the recent sad bereavement at loving wile and mother special thanks to Row Bell ior his comiorilng words Dr nnldgo and lennctt mineral Home ior their kind and thought rui services COMING EVENTS Your annual Christina House decoration contest is on againl Sponsored by your BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS OF BARRIE 1st 2nd 3rd Prizes Awarded In each at tho Wards With it overall price for the Best Decorated Home nesdiiuc ior phoning entries 20 TEL animus ROACH PA 32545 FOR DETAILS GALA NEw YEAR CABAREI DANCE Kin in the New Year with your nieuds at THE mlCHELLS 0F SAVANNAH LODGE STROUD DANCING 830 PM TO 1200 PM miSHOE ENTERTAINMENT tmo SONG HATS NOVELTIES $10 PER COUPLE LIMITED NUMBER By reservation only Ticket on sale npwhy CANADIAN LEGION MEMBERS BRANCH No 567 Telephone BARBIE PA 66740 OR PA 60553 SIROUD 32 15 or 76 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified ad verLisemBan are inserted int tli rateoiglc per word per Inset ion tor and andlwo limes ic per ward jortllre our ol five times and29m per word or ormare insertions nddi tionalcllargc it not paidwithin in days THE MINIMUM 3051 FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT 80c PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R 88C 1F CHARGER PER SINGLE EN SERTION Coming Events or per word ml mum charge $15m Birth and Death Notices or up to 25 words over words 5c per word extra In Memoriam No ticcs $150 if verso used per word extra mails on conngcnoms Advertisers are reminded that on phone insertion Orderalure accepo ed as convenience to you the ad vartiaer nscrciore the classiiicd Advertising De artment requires all advertisers to My recliecit their advertisement immediately alter dro insertion in order that my en rora or omissions may be reported beiore ll mm in order that same ma he rectided tor the foltuwng insertion order We wish to an out that The barrio Examiner respenslbls tor only one incur rcctly printed insertion on any adv emeiit and then only to tho extent orPomon oi ad that involves the Inlhlflnt Errors which do notlerscn the valueii the ads verttrement are not eligible ior corrections by make Eflfldfi hater and typo stylesior semi nlapiay clariidcds may he obtained throu Iiln mamlncr advertising lisp ent BLINDme REPLIES intonnation regarding advertiser unn mind latter has dumber ior eplies is hold strictly confi llntlal lie lies rn Latter boxes will be held on 10 days altar lut day or publication All WANT AD copy altouldtla in 004 officeby p111 the day bEIflle publicatiop 0n Sum dhyby noon REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CARTEQN 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 WHY NOT BE YOUR OWN 13055 $3500 flown buy you Variety store Snack liar and live room living ccommodailbn mahusbed ea All bonding in very condition Call Marg shenr 31161 room brick bungalow inn bedrooms extra large bright kit cbeu with natural hnished on boards lcce bath with built vanity Siuaicd uat oil Burton out in Allandale ail Russ canon EVEN INGS CALL cuAuus READ Plea PA ml RUSSELL CARSON Ru PA Mill JERRY QUINN Ru PA 51395 MARC SERRA Rel PA 575 lleal EllIto beard Liember oi Barrie and District JACK Engand REAL ESTATE BROKER 3W MARY Bl billmm PAC0371 MADENE F0an PA 60614 ROSE REAL ESTATE Baum nTilFIN sTRnirr butan CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member ol the darti and District Itul Lat Bum HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYEIELD 51 PA 66453 Member of Elifl and District Real mute Board EVENING CALL PEG MORE PA 37179 EMORY MunIii PA M476 GERRY MALLORV PA 31072 HAROLD Possum PA 54465 NORMAN Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER Dunlop street East PA 89961 OR 68742 mas CALL Joe Lnngtin PA IHIIIB Everett sbclswcll tiro mil Howard Norfll PA WA lack wulson PA 94031 Norman sheisw PA mil MOV NG Dont corset to transter your INSURANCE and it you bend extracaverage or any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 05201 as DUNLOP ST sum ios In HENDERSON REALTOR l9 COLLIER sram PHONE PA 62679 EVENINGS CALL GEN MOORE PA 82360 PERCY FORD PA 67930 RITAsCANnRm PA Hm DICK announcers PA 30333 Member of narris and Dlerict and Ontario Real Estate boards Graydon KOHL REAL ESTATE imam 11a DUNLOP ST EAST Pli 84252 oriices lo Serve You Barrie Coilingwood Toronto OVERLOOKING KEMPENFELT BAY One and hail storey brick honor garage with storage space under neath Lot 12 it 251 it liouss tsccs shanty Bay Roard and also has 72 it irontsge no water SEEING is BELIEVINGI Six room country home modern in every detail large hrcplrce recre atlon room completed big iront age on paved road breathtaking view oi the bay Taxes only 12o Ten minutes ride from Bu ITS HERE Centrally located building lot as it in it iuily serviced Total price $2200 EVENINGS CALL GRAYpON KOHLPA H608 MILUECDLE PA 68536 GWEN moniPson PA can AUSTIN LYONS PA M25 purnlzx on Mary St Upper ave rooms andsun room Luwnr tiva rooms Double garage PA oizas NBA RESALE ihrre brick bun slow north end near schools Di heated includes atoms 30 ascreens 67 Telephone PA bedroom ungalow Recreation room land scoped patio nnar public and high schools mortgage Carrier for no monthly Telephone PAB4103 alter 500 Pm Volume in excess oi 200000 gallons 11600 OAKLEY PARK bedroom REAL ESTATE ROGERS REAL ONEDUNLOP PA 85568 EVENINGS CALL IRS IIOORDPA In ROGERSPA $4583 PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL TORS masrem TRUNK LINES MISTERPA out CONNELLPA L976 mums BARBIE DISTRICT REAL ESTATE 30MB CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PAW We nan otherscall us anytime nut irritING in mi ETA AFFER HUUES CALL Smith Cam bellPA am Prank Ne ntPA 66690 Joan LangPA um Iergus GarveyPA 07961 Members the liarrib Real ntate Board 305 OPPORTUNITIES ADD p000 T0 $8000 TO YOUR PRESENT INCOME with Small Capital Investment with Phllcoliondlx Equipped KING KOIN LAUNDERETTE Featuring DoubleLoad DoubleProfit Washers with AUTOMATIC SOAK CYCLE PLUS COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING MACHINES KOINLAUNDRY SALES LTD 20 COLLEGE 512 TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA 54515 OUTSTANDING service Station Restaurant available ior leasing No 11 Highway north or barrio Restaurant gross profit in exccrs at $50000 Good living accommo dauon Capital required $0000 only quallacd persons need apply Tele phone PA 61401 or PA N763 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE You are Invited to discus nill mortgsgs problem with us wt out KIUDD mvldlng Lilo rrupamul on red Plllfl 01 out 01 city Intlircst at prevailing ntu Call coulls Rm ETATE align Own St Barrie PA $6000 msT MORTGAGE wanted Applyl nor in Barrie Examiner for detai RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 m1 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Modern roocd uniurnished art mcnt Sail contained heated dry iaclliticl Near bul ltflpu TELEPHONE PA 3546 BAYRI DGE APARTM ENTS BLAKE STREET At new Dominion store Unnam ished rooms very warm supn ate entrance bur stop at door 79 monthly PA c7475 APARTMENT or rent Apply 61 Tiiiin st Telephone PA 07530 APARTMENT or rent consisting or rooms lurnlsbed and hosted Reasonable rent Phone PA all sin bsnnooal ruralbed mod ern apartment Phone PA M5 Rogers Conneli Realtors xls liiflNIHLY araom dwclllrlg in lair condition hlary street rarer cnces required Appli Coulis Real Estate broker cwco sum to ivvo nitpguplti bungalow all conveniences on larro lnt double garage Phone in use Osirviile or with Box barrio rhrsmincr MODERN Apartment rcdccorntcd Central Bus service at door Available immediately Telephone PA 81461 MODE titre room aertmcnt with or unturnlsntd vatp d11 trsncc heated close to bus stop Telephone PA Hill noon House ior rent or sale lece bath bullets cupboards close isctorios PA BZIZI room alter pan Nlaw BEDROOM Apartment sell cantalnul private entrance Close to downtown Telephone PA 81507 alter pm MODERN three bedroom house well located on beat garage nice lot Rent reasonable Phone Kell algng Real Btaie PA 84069 or PA now ilonri MORTGAGES 1st and 2nd bought sold and arranged Commercial and residential moneys loaned on exist ing mortgages name Mortgage Brokers PA 60 04 FmANUIAI FOR THE BEST DEAL ON LOANS TO $5000 WILL PAY YOU TO GET ALL THE FACTS AND THEN SEE SEABOARD WHERE YOU RMEIVE Low 2051 RATES CLEARLY STATED FLEXIBLE TERMS UP TO MONTHS PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS PROMPT HOLIDAY CASH LOANS $5000 AND UP Special plans ior Homeowners Loans Ml En Lita Inmnd Seaboard Discount CANADIAN LIMITED 141 DUNLOP 51 11 IZblD FLOOR PHONE PA 36477 RENTALS MOBILE HOME tent or sect Two bedrooms bath kitchen lmd living room combined Furnished £51 90 Victoria street phone PA Puitrusnzn Apartman Living room kitchenette bedroom and bathroom 65 per month Tole phone PA 824ss or PA 81311 HEATED unmrnlshed urge dup lex two bedrooms Ava is now No obicctlon to children Telephone PA 33402 Pivz ituulvi Upper Duplex sell contains separate entialucshbnl so on mon and Priests anger MODERN three room apartment on heate stove and rairigcrator supplied Very centrally located by gristl ucctric TelephonoPA AIIRACTIVE two room apart ment heat and water supplied Ap ply 158 Dunlap st East PA 59054 lr PA 05477 or lurtbcr informa on HEATED modern three lsrgen thamavcrage roping bath laundry inciiities Private ontrance UtllL ties supplied Child welcome $70 PA 07569 or are 162i CENTRALle Located warm urtmgnt aunrnom back and tron entrance stove electric rerrlgerator garage heat water included Adulta only PA 32933 SELF Cinnamon second floor bedroom srtmeot with living roomand kl hendinottis Central location Posted too monthly Adults only Telephone PA oziio Pulmlsmin Bed Sitting two rnlrn apartment in apartment building Private entrance Laundry tubs and washing machine iacllltles neat and water supplied llslt way to Attractive TRY an nxowmvnlt WANT an DAILY cnOsswonn aonoss Toyme d1 Lung1m zNeivecbl pivota 831113 ammd 17 Tellurium sme Guam 10 stretched 18 3in 18 Carede aged Elm ua SGIE 20 Japanese cadhold city legally Andvnrk 21 Born minimum 500t aurinyhouao valJ monume malt Allnndaie $55 per month Phone $8397 315ann animal So RENTALS APTSL HOUSES 10 RENT nous to rest at reasonable nio lmnsedtau pumps PA um wuslsllan name two bedrooms modern on heat deanr1 and reb ruary Phone PA Liel4 imam Apartment let not uniurnished errant iar reirlgera tor and nave reignho PA anti six Roold House with to but nu Largo loL PA sun BOOMED unititnialsed apartment with private entrance $50 month Telc bone PA Man tor tber turn an PUEN slim two bedroom bunns law or rent centrally located all heated Telephone PA coin or iurther partlcularn FURNISHED Apartment for rant suitable or can lc Private ent rance month Telepho PA um tor iuriher puiieulan Tuna 13311110051 Home coal jur aco Svltflbkautolmatlcmdgalt CI an not Phone PA c2350 nous ior rent on turncc laun tubs au conveniences Iivlll abe Dec seven mllrx north at Barrie Telephone PA 59535 SMALE HOUSE loi rent Itnnlln able rate Coneeuioil it Inhiatii Available immediately For iurther inlormation telephone PA was 535 MONTIILY six room house on heating newly decorated Gab age Largo lot children welcome II carton rA Milli or rcxld ence PA Midi Lilsz DUPLEX three spacious rooms stove and reirlgerator our lledPrivaio entrance Very sen ral Adults only Available Febru ory 1901 Telephone PA 01190 mm drama iioom kitchen and bath newly decorated iurnlinid laund utilities Parking Very ccntra For lurtlier lnlormallon telephone PA 50071 APARTMENT unlurnishcd three rooms with both very large living room heated hot and cold water agllhlb January II Phone PA THREE FURNISHED Rooms mod ern kitchen heavy duty stove rc triKelItor living room bedroom Adults Abiialnzu Apply 67 Owen st PA b4050 THREE RODRIHD lumiShEII IDIL ment in pod home near shopping cent isua ass couple or lady Ah Italncrs Nb children Phone PA 60754 eloso zlcyhond Room unmrnlshcd heated Ipaitr merit newly decorated soil can talncd stove rclflger tor lupvlicd Adults only Sahara winner Tolcpbona PA 35159 uPPbu nurngx uninrnishcd heat cd two bedrooms ldporato ent rance largo closets Olt street park ing Adults reierrcd Available im mediately clcphono PA b1921 COTTAGE Mlneti Point oil flmd torced air boating Four piece bath Three bedrooms Newly dccuriitz son month Pboau PA 53770 evenings 34521 Ammcmr tisreo room upturn ished heated apartment Newly do coratcd selt contained stove rs irigeratcr supplied Separatc ent Adulta only Telephone PA winterized APARTMENT new modern bed rooms Centrally located at 90 cod rington st Decorated to your choice Frigidaire rtovc laundry iaclllties Available nee xiTele Phone PA 66092 UNFUBNISEED Apartment Living room bedroom dinette modern kitchen with ltnve and roirizen tor Central Adults prelcrred Available immediately PA M576 FURNISHED room apafienw piece bath heavy duty nova electric recrigcrator seli contain ed Available immediately is Armstrong Hardware PA 6675i APAitmnrlr three rooms and hath Heated separate entrance Close to downtown Available vsn uary Ap ly so Maple Avenue or telephone $2524 LIVE IN LUXUEY in brand new apartment building in east end Only one 2bedroom apartment lett Automatic laundry iacilltlcs Phone PA $2917 Room Apartment ulcd rpiecc hath stnve rctrlgerstor floated Downtown Available immediately Suit couple $75 monthly rele none PA 02m or evcnlogs PA 34151 EXCLUSIVE Lower nu lex twp hcdmomfillvlnz room and kitchen Conveniently located Available immediately Phone PA 85700 evenings PA 39259 FOUR ROOM Apartmcnl partly turnished or unturnlsbsd Avauable immediately Also unmrnlshcd downstairs apartment Jailqu PA 31140 HEATED tour room unturnishcd apartment available immediately 70 per month nowntown location Apply Harris Flowers telephone PA W01 UNPURNIsnEn oil bested Inartr ment centrally located Living room kitchen and bedroom item 356 per month Tcicpbone PA 62485 or PA 82311 mew arm aiooarn on and 20s bedroom apartmaiitx uverlooung scenic Kempelitclt Bay Ieat wa ter parking and anitor service in cludsd Automa WILMIII facili ties PA 52902 rm mmrb ltgtr arrPin xmxl crm mio xr lt mnrmrpmuo Ptm on zD ulzouziomu tam ill or vote 96 Sicilian Yesterday anima Voltage 40 Soft drink gt ingredient 37 Genndn £1 Pieced out river 43 nhrcin 33 matted cuts um 30 Route player mate silk Williams finfiitm VAH 30nth PPPP Illfi 46 GitPanama Airman river TRY EXAMINER WANI ADS 12mm res204 DOWN Loivoovsr sPLiT 13va home overlooking bay Double heated garage Adult tensity preisrred Spacious rooms ms month Large lot Available Dec 15 PA usu THREE ROOM Apartment self con tained oil heated Choice central location near stores and laundro mat Low rent Suit eou le 1352 Pcnetang Gsbie PA 541 VERY DESIRABLE three room sur nlshed artmrsnt Private bath Clean an resin close to lake and chopping Adults only Telephone PA Hills om AND IImnn Bedroom Anlrb merits newly decorated mndem custom kitchen cupboards Frigid hire relrigerptor and stove Prob autumatIc washing and Clth iac ilities in laundry room New build irl Contact Stan Construction to cpliona PA 92552 ROOMS TO LET SPACIOUS ultramodern nucbelor sultc unturnished stove and re irlgerator su piled For turtbor particular cal PA 4294 mm also mrnlshed room with kitchen with rerrlgerator and stove Very control separate entrance Park ing available Phone PA 63604 CENTRAL Large cl ll bright room quiet home Perkin are available ply 67 John rec tale hona flDIIO or further par ticu nrs amour illrnislssd housekeeping room stove and reitigerator rup plied Also two room mrnlshcd epsrtmontrelophooe PA eliol WARM Furniahod Housekeeping Room use at reirlgsrator uhil Ben dix Also young couple to share rurnlshcd bungalow with one girl Telephone PA 05002 fray AN EXAMINER WANT AB ner Wu PA RENTALS 300M BOARD stoma AND man targs com fortable rcoirt will suit one or two persons Will pack lunch less BE tram bus stop Phone PA CW1 location warm seniori zla mildVailth with good no coo parking ace wul do light laundry P00qu PA JARTICLES for SALE WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC our huttncn la the nth or NAME BRAND merchandise at ROCK BOTIOM PRICES DISCOUNTS UP TO 60 ON nousmAhrs APPLIANCE LUGGAGE SPORTS muiPidzm ETC FAI RWAY DISTRIBUTING CO 40 MAPLE AV PA elm DIVE TOP quALirv zoom Port 5A1 FREE INSTRUCTION EDRO EQUIPMENT LTD 56 COLLIER ST PA 54521 Ross Comm President IOO WOOL BROADLOOM Cargets Wall to Wall REE ESTIMATES NORTH LAND DURACLEAN PA oosai ANYTIME SANTAS CHRISTMAS TREES Right lrom tho Nortbl See them at CASEY 1o CENTRE 5r BARBIE PA 85484 CHRISTMAS TREES select Scotch Pins and spruce Delivered in Barrie Any tire irnrn to 10 rest SEE BILL McAULEY zoo DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 84168 PHILIPS TV New condition Will Icccpt but Tims LARGE BICYCLE APPLY 16 CENTRE 51 BARBIE Aitcr 600 pm PHONE PA 85384 NEWSPAPER MATS sires atria ideal ior uning bcn bullies attics Kuagci etc pcriccttnrnlator 25 PER DOZEN The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario REPOSSESSED TVS ms sins MUST an semi PRICES AS LOW AS 5900 MOTOROLA Table Model 6495 RCA Table Model 7995 17 PHILCO Console 7995 17 MOTOROLA Console 8495 21 ADMIRAL Console as new 9995 MANY MORE Taclioosn FROM 30 DAY WARRANTY ON ALL SETS BEST BUYS 0N STEREOELF CONSOLES AND TAPE RECORDERS TELESONIC as MARY 51 PA 83810 17 17 Vitus at Mula iehnAinta ARE swarm LIKE SHOWING GARGOYIES YD FRIGNTEN DIF All AlliMAI AND mums The Fbl Bear MAS HAlErON me SOLE or us FEETSOrMWT smp ON 714 1c cross ARTICLES ior SALE liton vacuum cleaner almosi new $2590 Telephone 513432 sRlLL LlNCit Belt Sander Ai con dition Raymond lobbiit Caulson Po Telephone Moonstone lulz wnnnmn nunss lace sire also biuo nylon lirldcsrunldr rlrcss also ll lust usod once selling reasonably Telephone PA 01006 mum on Automatic Sewing his chine New sacrliice For luriber iniormotlon call PA 69571 sites pm DIDNTxYOU renin icci good alt er that last steam Haiti and Mar firm at Dalnesi Telephone PA autismis runes Spruce and Scotch Pioc 3100 csch ii sous north oi Union Cemetery Ewart Canon tclepbano PA smo mull rigor loo to izs lbs or choice most ono ride tor homo ireerer 45¢ lb Telephone llilsl stroud PmLAY combinalon Electric Coal and Wood stove in and con dition also pipes lelop coo ivy luul ior ilsrthcr incarnation KITCHEN CUPBOARD and Tabla chrome in excellent condition Will sell Idparately Reasonably priced TeIePtha PA 5170 TELEVISIOI Emerson Iuclla $5995 Westinghouse Television 11 inch $6575 Botli guaranteed Ap ply Allundalo Appliances PA him CAMERA Model 60 Polarolli wink light and closcup lens New cost 31314 Sell lor 505 Telephone PA WASHING MACHINE used nine months white and ycuow su Vac uum cleaner includes attachments and paint 63131721 320 Roth in good cond tlon 61538 PRESSURE PUMP one horsepow er also two zomgciion Fuel Tanks or sale hownssn Plumbing and nesting strpud phone slim stroud IiAnlz GRAND PIANO Wesilng boure stove in inches Westing house Reirlgeraior complete 9700 Will sell separately Telephone PA 54704 after one so WASHING MACHINE Connor Thor mo threo yecrx old good condition ply 278 st Vincent street or fanland PA 04265 lur lurthcr dc llonn Fridges stoves kitchen bed room living room iuroiture an in good ccnoltion Apply Russel Church Mobile Home no linrten Ave Barrie CHEISTRIAS trees various Varieties and rclscticn at prices starting at 75 cents Alvin Thompson Tele phone PA 66232 or barrio Union Cemetery Corner to to ARTICLES WlD 161153550 condition Telephone PA ELECTIIIC TRAIN set 00 gauge wanted beiore Christmas Telephone PA 61246 rCHRISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE cur YOUR OWN$100 GOODHAND MIDHURST PA 89585 Imam wringer oWusher Ply in Napier strflt PA 38111 nAsY AUTOMATIC Electric Ironer Used very little PA salsa SMALLPropane Gas Burner Suit able for nail shanty Reasonable $16 Phone PA 81111 BLACK LACL semliormal gown size in new Worn once Very rs ronah Telephone PA 36096 AUTOMATIC WASHER Norge used less than nna year like new cost 9339 Will sell Dr$100 Apply Allandsic Appliances PA ozi AMERICAN PLYEn gauge die Iels and enzlnel Sill and HP also Lionel switches Nights and Sunday telephone PA 0750 ENCYCLOPAEDIA Drltunnlco 1900 edition with Morocco binding like 33315993 included Telephone PA CHRISTMAS trees ior sale Scotch Pine also Spruc available all sizes Apply Russell Church Mobile upmes 170 Burton Avenue CmusTMAs trees lol sale ruce balsam and scotch pine avalable AFPIJ It 202 Bayfleld Strut or Telephone PA 02000 HOBBY TRAIN SET two tlllna switches transionncrr lots at osi gauge track plywood platform and extras SI PA M755 aiter six TWO gums double bed size Col onlal Lady pattern and bonus also two hand crocheted eeru table or Biotin AFPIY 71 Henry Street LIONEL Fleetslo Train many exe tr IIIChal card track trestle sets at Track mounted on not tent tabla with collapslbla la Priced tor nick sails Exce E0911 cnndl on Call PA II at mm NEW Tmilsn suits walnut linlsh sacrifice Elec trahnrne three pleze Stilton HlIi radio and record player 1900 model nnw condition Apply Russell church Mobile Homes 170 nurton Anni CI Bedroom 7411112 WALKIN Rcirlgsration Box at least feet feet or iarler With or without coils Must be In good condition Phone PA ailm pools PETS SAMOYEDS BEAUTIFUL WHITE CHRISTMAS DOGS Two main pups months old and two male pups weeks old irons imported and Champion stock Fully registered and papers rup piled wonderiui Christmas pre sent ior any child Very reason able to good homes PARKWAY 68138 BABY nunarns in rnouli lovely Christians giits 20 left talking strain choice oi colors vlll sell for $2 each Telephone PA 04701 tailoringOLD PupPles cross bet tween Red none and black and tau Good hunting stock also good pets Pia5050i aitcr pm Satur day and all day Sunday CHIHUAHUA Puppies sndAdults Malesand females stud service We ship anywhere Harv and vi Allan 106 Lskeshorc Road Mim ico ephono cuilord 10350 FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK uoLsTlle limit due in Janu ary vaccinated Also one trash heifer Telephone PA 60455 Goon HOLSTEIN Cow tor sale due to freshen in March Telephone Ivy 7it14 HOLSTEIN IIEIPER vaccinated diio December 17 1050 April Rop old Fronds Emulate Ont GRADE IIOLSIEIN Cows Chains at several reshaping soon ply lucéusig RR Shanty av or tuldpilono 817 OID 1o CHOICEWeanlink Pigs York shire and Landracc cross Apply to George Archer belpston phono Two REGISTERED Berkshire sows second litterwills shortly also one regioiored Lnndrnce saw one two weeks aecnnti litte PlInI16 are 11 drug mainct 1014 Johnston I799l as sights HOUSE IN WHICH HE WAS BORN SLEEPING EVERY leur or HIS LIFE IN THE SAME 50 FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK illnRvIczAnLE Age Landrace Dali Irons imported sloclt op ouauty Good tyge or improving carcass duality and weight ter are Farm prices Phone insisting ll FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE in Burton Avo Barrio PA um Check or an your needs oI Butw stable and water Intent with us ALL 01m NEW AND USE EQUIPMENT AVAILAan MILK liULK coDLEn wanted to buy Minimum size can Must be in good condition Prlc rea sonably Telephone PA 0797 FEED SEED GRAIN zoo nuslmLs at Garry Cats and 00 Rushels or holed Wheat straw or salc Phone 60121 lldonatunb AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE SPECIAL COMPLETE AUTO IlEFlNlSHJNG $3500 AND UP Free estimates CALL 7091242 ELMVALE 0R BA GARAGE Z7 HIGHWAY A7 mo miles west or Earl1e MIDTOW MOTORS 1060 DODGE SEDAN 1560 VAUXHALL CRhslA 1950 METEOR SEDAN 1955 DODGE SEDAN 1954 MERCURY SEDAN 53 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 46 MUST BE SOLDND REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED 41 ESSA ROAD PA 87351 I957 BUICK TWO DOOR HARDIOP Gleamlng light blue and winter white unish immaculate twotbna bins interior Automatic transmis sion good tires Executive driven car with only 21000 guaranteed actual miles This is private sale Price ems CALL PA 83750 0R APPLY 17 PARKDALE CRESCENT SEE VIAU MOTORS For The FAMOUS RABBIER EILLMAN AND LAND ROIER PA 66488 60min St losl ANGLIA in good condition Toe man for proton owner liab galn 375 Telephone PA $0033 195s VOLKSWAGEN deluxe model in perfect condition Telephone bradtord PR 55534 1959 RENAULT isooo muss radio exceuent condition Going abroad $1193 cash Weekends only Cooks town 4564692 1959 METEOR cylinder 17000 miles $600 and take over paymentp Telephone 2301 Camp nordtn for turtber particulars toss CHEVROLET two tone blue with radio annw tires Good starter Suitable tor good reliable winter driving Telephone PA 66907 1952 umclr Rondmaster automa tic signals radio good tires pert alter or win trade on small car or piano PA 80569 TRUCKS TRAILERS loTON DROP CENTRE Ploatand 1954 70 Mercury Tractor Tele pbpne nis Moran PA 0290 TRAILER for sale consisting or three rounds and bath Fully mm ished is root length For further particulars call Orllli PA 51005 BUS SERVICE ACE TREE SERVICE EXPERT TREE TllIMMING ANDREMOVAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES PHONE PA 89405 BARRIE HOME SERVICES RICHARD LAKE PA 89293 IElectricai Plumbing orienting tModcriiizlng CARPENTER CARPKNIRY Painting nudfloilu hold Repairs First class work kph any rate Call aiiyllne PA nt Ad Phone PA 82414 BELIEVE IT or NOT By Ripley

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