latcllmn noted that the me New Party Followers Toldrrnammnrze To Give Realistic Proposals By GERRY hitNEIL Canadian Press Halt Writer MONTREAL CPI Eastern Canada Inllowers oi the New Party were told during the week end they must present the ne tlonal committee with realloic proposals next summer when the partys constitution is set down Abdul 550 member at the party attended weekendnem tnar here In which 45 tonrank in CCF trade union and nut versity speakers outlined course the party should take as left wing movementl Main point made was that the party should careiully consider its objectives thon draw up than lble policies to achieve them The party should avoid letting boggeddown by doclrlnalre at titu cs The gathering was the largest the budding movement has had F°RP BAY an 45 Erndlord St to 1961 since the CCF And Candial Lo ber Congrats said It WIunIpug convention in August 1969 they planned to lonn new political Party TURNOUT hURPRIZES Spokesman sniti they were our rized at the number at paroonl that attended this seminar larger turnout ls expected It semlnnr next weekend In Cal 511 CLC President Claude Jodeln said it was important that dele gates no to the Ioundlna conven tion next July in Ottawa well prepared This Temlnar has contributed toward that end the labor leader laid Saturdn unions dealt with pnrty P0 cy In loonomlc inter national cultural and racial IL airs Moot ot the meetings Sun day on party rtructurc and ur auutllullv ed maulI boon 1mm two Ilundud antinu mileage Inner six Inn on VI Thundorhtrd lilfo Down Month lo Pay LTII Burllo at runs when the OCR III born liony Welulur mutant Touch director in Canad oi the United Steelworkers of merit CLC slid the New Party eh me had been labelled social lot be hope It would neither mullt nor tree eaten in it oould only be really new by Ionization were tloud to the FTC Stroll clutiolu await Influx billty and clinging to oldwar trier wore luued by three wear ridding trail at doctrlnllrism or Saturday By doetrlaalrlrrn mean Premier1 DouxluotSu hilndndborenutoaiogmotold Would your life insurance pass this test Financlll security for the family depend on how well these ï¬vo bait need no provtdod or Will your life lnnmnoo Ind other moment In the hmy uxponuo that will new at your death anul all lumlly dllm Including mortgage on your horn III are tam turnllh living Incmu tor tho family while ehlldron an donnan would onuuuh money to carry out your aim to tiltr Illth direction and give your wltu worry he loom oi tundl nor the children an on their own ltyou min douhtonlny oftllesopointsmalltiu Man from Manufmurun He has printout measuring device the Soulrity Graph that Will help you determine whether thorn up any gaps in your familyl ï¬nancial lecunty MANUFACTURERS IIFE nuurNc OmitN lEO RIITIER Wins and poiiclu without Budd WIS laid the THE IARRIE MONDAY DECEMBER my to Charmin neodl new mum um gag problem Ind ECONOMIGI WARN Economlaz Weldon pro war It mom Univorriu in Menard warned uninst sardine nationalization economic euroIll Nationalization Ihould be used to stirnullla the economy when it wasnt functioning properly or puuln in weight 003 Nltlunnl Vice President llvlngrlon no Ropreunlariv BARR Tel PA 36594 HI PARDNER gt Weire Kicking Up Our Heels In Celebration TheResult dilierent circum rm mutton for three yam Tavern encourillifl strldu This year the ow had made Christmas uaar at Walter Pitman member at The main one was the election Parliament or Petrrbormh Greeting Cards nd Industh for Business Specimen booiés famous lines of Christmas Card Blank now available We imprint your personal mung to your business associates and ultomou For IuIl details call COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT BARRIE EXAMINER PA 66537 llY snun Is Host of Outstanding Values Hurry In To See Them SALE ENDS Fibrequ Shades TABLE IAMPS Yours in large assortment of styles and in isbes with completely washable abadesMnkee an attractive and welcome gift to either yourself or someone on your gift list PARTNERSBEP Hedeltal WALNUT DESKS Ithreglas SALE PRICE These large sized dais will be welcome ad ditian to any home tor Important papers students home work letter writing and so many otheriuses Solid wood construction oen tre drawer and two rows of side druwerni PARTNERSHIP CHRISTMAS TURKEY 622 With purchase to the amount or 7500 or over during Smith Furniture PARTNERSHIP SIAM SALE PRICE Marva mm COFFEE TABLES These big size 86 17 handsomely styled and ï¬nish ed tables will make such practical addition to any home and look at theme cial low low pricei PARTNERSHIP SALE PRICE 5mm mm are members oftthe Furniture Retailers Purchasing Anselm pro viding Irepraeentatives throughout Eastern canada lmd0nizarlo on find the bash pos sible furniture valuesan the market bpdayl NOMONEY DOWN EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN Walnut Shaft Styled and finished to fit the decor of any room walnntdinished wooden shalt with tarnishproof lacquer base PARTNERSHIP SALE PRICE Walnut Finished GOSSIP BENCIIES Timeare attractively styled of solid wood con strucllon with gleaming walnut finish Youll want one or yoursell and tor that particular person on your gift list too SALE PRICE PARrNERsuIP 1595 cushionlzed Humidor Continuation 2Pc SOFA BED SUITE mu beautifully styled Kroehler suite is ï¬nished in brilliant new colors and fabrics styled to meet tliéniosr Hï¬tmgla nmlanlzealo iuimrious comfort after you have seen it you too will agree its worth much much more than our ii 4399232 PARTNERSHIP SALE PRICE Brown Beige or Green DAVENPORT SUITES These suitesI consisting of davénport and match lng chalr Wlll be so perfect for so many people the dnvcnport makes out into comfortable lull size bed when extra guests come for the weekend Worth much more than our regular price of 159m PARTNERSHIP SALE PRICE 12222 5422 922 SATURDAY DEC lath +Drawer and 5Drnwel unrmrsnnn cuesrs Constructed throughout of solid wood thor oughly sanded and ready to be finished in the colour of your choice Ideal tor the kiddies room extra storage etc PARTNERSHIP SALE PRICE dDrawer 5Drawer 2222 2622 iI MAGAZINE RACKS Always so handy right beside Dads favourite chair will hold all or his bestliked reading material close at hand Reg 359 PARTNERSHII SALE PRICE nigh Filo Frleu Covering SPACE SAVERS Me space savers make into comfortable bed for two Moderniy styled and attractively tilt ished in assorted colours of longwearing frieze fabrics PARTNERSHIP SALE PRICE The Most Irritated Rocker ir the World PLATFORM ROCKERS With the famous Kroelllex cunbionined construc tion the pioneer at tile plattorm rocker Available in your choice at beautiful nelecï¬en of decorator colors in nylon or high plle irleze fabrics Reg 450 PARTNERSHIP SALE PRICE free Decoratorréudhion with the purchase Avallnhle In All Slur CONTINENTAL BEDS These units come complete with heavy mil box spring solidly built on alx matching hard wood legs and matching heavy coil construch mattress Than unIIs lend themselves to many uses and room arrangements PARTNERsnEP 5922 SALE PRICE the luncheon it FREE HEADaoARDs with each continent1 bed 137 UNLOP stir