Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1960, p. 5

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departrnent of municipal affairs MOURNEltS throoged the urdayior early masspreced Tuesday in the collisionof auditorium oi the elementary ing Requiem Rial Mass for school bus and freight train sdiool at insipman Alta Sat seven if 17 Rudents killed on Open lids of eoffins can be Study Body Urges Statute Revision TORONTO tCP Liberal party study committee Saturday urged the revision of all antario municipal statutes and the reor ganization oi the department of municipal affairs for improyev ment of municipal administrationl across the province The ninemember committeei one oi 12 meeting for oneday brain storming session on party policysaid that because of recent municipal maladminis tration in Belleville Arnprior Eastviow and Torontos York Township the statutes should be brought uptodate Vernon singer Liberal mem ber of the legislature for Toronto York Centre and committee chairman said present statutesi are not competent to deal with these occurrences The statutes should be rewrit ton to indicate municipal proce dure clearly He said they should stipulate that local council representative group of ratepay ers or the department itself may request an investigation oi the 19 cal administration SHOULD BE FIXED if such investigation reveals wrongdoing then the penalties for such should be readily under standable and the responsibility for enforcement should be di rectly fixed on tse department of iunicipal atfairs and the attor ney general the committee said gt There should be power to the to order the removal of every oiiicial either elected or ap pointed with an appeal from the departments order to the courts The committee charged that the Ontario Municipal Board had become the catchall for all difficult municipal problemsnnd in fact thesole arbiter of mu nicipal lile We believe that the board should be organized so that its duties and responsibilities be again confined to financial mat ters and as factfinding body to advise the government the committee said The nearly 70 rankand file li representing riding study groups across Ontario pro duced resolutions on subiects from agriculture to welfare and social services none of which is binding 10 60 LEADERS They are to be submitted for consideration to Ontario Liberal leader John Wintcrmeyer and Walter Gordon chairman of the policy committee for the na tional rally to be held at Ottawa Jan 911 Dog Finds Body Beneath Bridge ST THOMAS CPlThe body of agretired schoolteacher miss ing since Tuesday was found Sat urday by huntersdog under Highway bridge near here Police said Albert Preston Mc Fadden 59 apparently fell from the bridge and died from expo surennd shock following head and pelvic injuries Born in Sault Ste Marie he taught school there for five years before moving to school in Lon don 0nt where the later became an insurance agent He returned to teaching last fall atIetrolia and retired several weeks ago because of ill health He was reported missing by his wife after he went shopping with her Drivers Family Makes No Plan For Christmas LAMONT Alta ca The number of hopping days till Christmas does not mean much to Mrs Lorraine Budncy broken hearted mother of five children am not planning on any Christmas of any kindshe said in an interview Sunday as she choked back tenis She had just returned from Archer Memorial Hospital where her husband is in coma He doesnt recognize me and doesnt know what happened Frank 31 was the driver of school bus demolished last nies day by afreight train at level crossing which can be seen from the Budney home near this town 45 miles northeast of Edmonton Seventeen high school students including one of Budneys cousins were killed meatythree others were iniured MONEY ALMOST GONE Mrs Budney 2a is almost pennilcss Im into my last money now When thatgoes dont know what will happen Some women in town have sent twoweek supply of groceries to her Sadamonth fourroom farm house which has seen better years Budney an unskilled laborer has not hadsteady employment since last spring He got the busdriving job as steady job only month ago Mrs Budney said Before that he filled in when other drivers were sick and he did odd jobs at gt the garage He liked driving best of all LINER ENDS SERVICE LIVERPOOL Reuters The 274ooian Cunard liner Britannic ended her 30 years lifeas pas senger ship Sunday She has been sold to london salvage company for breaking up Liberal Party Riding Book To Power Pearson Certain 3y JACK BEST Canadian Hess Staff Writer OITAWA CF Liberal reader Pearson says the Liberal party is riding back to power in Canada There is evidence from all quarters he told Young Lib eral dinner here Saturday night theta strong progressive and resurgent Liberalism ison the way back to oifice and to power meat The Conservative vision had been dimmed by the hard real ity of government inadequacy to meet the problems that face as especially unemploy NEEDS EMPIIASIS An economic emergency was facing the country and do not tlunk it helps to play it down How can government deal with The dinner was one of it held across the country to drum up support for the national Liberal rally to be held here Jan 941 and to help pay travel expenses for Young liberals attending the rally Prices ranged from $8 plate in Sherbroke Que to $10 plate in Toronto ltwss announced here that 015 people attended the 14 din hers The event was described as unique in Canadian political his tory Part of Mr Pearsons address wasfitrned and shown by video tape stench of the cuboftown dinners SAYS PCS DOSE GROUND Never before in Canadian his tory has party lost so much ground in such short time 31 have the federal Conservatives Mr Pearson declared no 55 NlAilltllA IJJANS Largest AllCanadian Consnmer Loan BILLS pay them ulnaaru nuanc anrri ii Colulr Collier 0oooo wlfll alas NIAGARA LOAN From OBDiOO té C2500 lamtime mom these problems etiectiv if does not admit they exisetll Henccused the government of ignoring warnings voioed by the Liberals three years ago that no us unemployment was threatening and that cloudy eeri nomio weather lay ahead uié Liberals were in office lhey would fight the economic LESTER at PEARSON Butas the prime minister so aptly put it recentlyYou aint seen nothin yet Mr Pearson said that for the future the Liberal party should expect only one thing An op portunity to serve our country once again in the responsibility of office and that is coming coming sooner than we dared think about couple of years ago provided we work hard Comma all coralAutumn Phone Pp onto At Kl eoooooqenno troubles by removing obstacles to trade not building them up and by planning solution to problemvsl before they become cfISlS would have be to deal With them three yearsgglglo Unionist Raps Ban On Strik seen in bacifiroundpear the temporary tar on the school stage Sure Dead Woman Vichm 0i Sumde TOEONTO CPD Homicide squad detectives said Saturday the death of Mrs Jean Evans 56 found shot to death hidayin herbedroorn was suicide Detectives were called in by coroner Dr Howard Ellis who had said he was not satisfied as to the cause of death she had been shot in the head and pistol By Govt Edict OTIAWA CPlA lop Cana dian railway union leader said today the governments law ban ning nationalrail strike until mldMay is denial of freedom without recourse to justice for some 111000 rail workers The stop the strike order passed by Parliament Friday night just hours before the rail waymcn were to walk off their jobs across Canada was con demoed in prepared statement issued today by William Smith national president oi the 40ooomember Canadian Brother hood oi ltailway Transport and General Workers CLC Under this legislation there is no opportunity not even fight ing chance ior the worker to se cure measure of justice said Mr Smith The brotherhood one of Cm adas largest national unions represents about 25000 of the 111000 railway workers involved in the wagedlspute over pay boost of 14 cents an hour recom mended by federal concilia tion board Mr Smith said the govern ments edict is far worse than compulsory arbitration TRIED SENTENCED eiiect the rail worker was tried found innocent and son tenced to five months he said Not only is this legislation denial of freedom without re lay nearby 27 IN TRAFFIC course of justice it is destructive Fatality Toll 36 In Canada By THE CANADIAN PRESS Safe Driving Week seemed to make little difference to Cana dian driverathls weekend as the fatality toll surpassed figures for two of the last three weekends Canadian Press survey from pm Friday to midnight Sun day showed total of 35 intaliiin 27 in traffic accidents Eight persons died in two nod deats in the Montreal area Satur day Five other deaths onQuehec roads raised the provinces total to 13 Ontario had 13 trach deaths Newfoundland man died when car plunged over TransCanada Highway bridge Fire killed three persons in On tario and one in British Colum hia Toronto woman and her elderly motherlnlaw died when their apartment was swept by smoke from in down stairs restaurant The survey counts only acciden tal deaths durin normal week end holidoy aetivrties and does not include industrial mishaps Ontario dead Kenneth Tooby 39 died when his car collided with truck in Tomato Mrs Ann Varfey 82 of Trafab gar while crossing roadSatur BY Leroy Forsythe 40 in fire in his apartment in St Thomas Satl urday David France Barrie when hi darted across the street on his way home from play ground Friday Armas Miller 55 Saturday in Port Arthur when his bicycle was struck by car Alfred 35 Sunday when thrown from car on High way 17 about no miles west of SudburY Ronald Harold Furry 32 Well and Saturday when his car rolled over in ditch Severiao Fenon 35 struck by car Saturday as he walked to his Sudbury home Mrs George Brooks 43 Tor onto Saturday when car hit her husbands vehicle Michael Driscoll Saturday when hit by truck in front of his Guelph home Annabell Canfield 83 Wood stock strnck by car while crossing street Friday night Mrs Florence Steele 46 and Mrs Elizabeth Steele 16 in fire which destroyed their apart meat above restaurant in west Toronto Sunday Stanislas Boileau 63 in car accident Sunday near his home in Orleans is miles east of Ottawa John Daniel Jenkins 54 Stanfi ville in car crash Sunday John Harhay 36 Sunday when thrown from car after itwas lstruck by another vehiclainTor onto CANADIAN RED Annual Coliier St ilnited Church Dec 630 pm Tickets $179 Wed cross SOCIETY Meeting As sensational on the senSatiqnloade memo BURJDM Dans roan Mummy BURT and imaging thouunilr in Hisllajesiy ECNNICOLOR MW the screenas LANCASTER Featnre Times is stage smash 100 min 1015 cuiIRE MAR wanna anon At pm more in long established collective bargaining procedures The pro ease of mnclliatlon has been robbed of all meaning and value The right to strike gave the workers force in negotiations and conciliation that compelled the railways and the ooncillators to face up to the realities of the situation and to establish basis for settlement Railwaymonagement can lit back now confident that strike will not be permitted and there fore no concessions to the work ers need be made and the conciliation pr becomes meaningless he said Hi YEAH EXAMINER MONDAY Ime IMO NATIVITY GETS MODERN TOUCH Sees Dads Car Kill REGINA CF Reginas young public school artists evi dently pre devdoping style distinctly their own One youngster asked to pro duce hisldea oi the Christmas story painted the figures of Mary and baby Jesus in his manger with animals in the background In one corner he painted strange looking box What is that asked the teacher lta sewing machine re plied the young artlst You see when Jean was born there were no stores and they had to make their own cloth ing Another student painted Je sus Joscpb and Mary and fourth figure That the girl explained was the babysitter 5050 Chance Of Rain Forecast lls Ontario Communities Vote By THE CANADIAN PRESS 5050 chanoevoi rain was in the cards today as voters in most Ontnim communities elected rou nlclpal representatives Oilsettlng the even odds of rain was the weathermons iorecast of continuance of the provinces unseiuonably mild weather The high predicted for the day in sonthern regions was comforb able 50 degrees It Torontos advance polls is any indication the turnout at the polls will be heavy Toronto relt turning officer nick said Sunday some 750 personsabout three times the average number voted in the threeday poll Toronto and Ottawa have been the scene of the hottest mayor alty campaigns At Ottawa fo in or mayor Charlotte Whitton is opposed on the ballot by Controller Sam Berger 60yearold lawyer and president of the Big Four Foot ball Lengue Lucien Dube 52 retired school teacher and Er nest Jones 50 an insurance agent SEEKS REELELTION Mayor Nathan Phillips of Tor onto is seeking reelection lie faces strong opposition in former mayor Allan Lamport who re signed as member of the Tor onto Transit Commission to en ter the mayoralty race and Mrs Jean Newman who topped the polls for board of coaiol in the 1953 elections Also on the ballot for mayor of Canadas second largest city are Irotskyita Ross Dawson and Harry Bradley perenially un successful candidate for board of control Windsor Mayor Michael Pats rick is opposed by three men theatrical agent Hugh Simpson Social Crediter Edgar Char have mandalarain Send gift ofmahao away Money Order you buy mo and John Reardon prev iously unsuccessful as condilt angle for mayor and board of con In several other citiesamong them Hamilton Belleville Brant ford St Thomas and Niagara Fallsthe maynrolty has been filled by acclamatlnn London Timmlns or Bay Port Arthur St Catharines Welland and Owen Sound are among cit ies with votes scheduled for later in December or January Among the towns the Ottawa suburb of Eastvlcw has had an explosive campaignvas result of provincial inquiry scathingly fir ice of the towns administra nn The incumbent Mayor Gordon Lavergna 49 is opposed by Citi zens League candidate Oscar Perrier 49 IMPERIAL Sun In Helicopter TRAFAIGAR Ont CF threeyearold boy riding in helicopter with Santa Claus saw his fathers car swerve into ditch below Saturday after it had struck and killed an elderly WUIIIM Shayne Plowman was riding to shopping plaza with Santa Claus in the helicopter when he suddenly cried Look qulck Daddys car is in the ditch Vlctor Plowman escaped in jury but Mrs Ann Varley 82 was killed as she crossed the road REIDS TELEVISION SERVICE 125 Dunlap at E1 Opposite Ealonn Authorized Service Agent for Barriel Largest Appuance Denim 11 Maroon Console New Picture Tube 12500 Westinghouse sisoo 17 AllBil $5995 17 CBS $4500 11 GE Console $5500 All in perfect working con diilon 90 days wmnntyi SORRY At These Prion Cash only Phone PA 85128 or immediate service House Calls $300 FOR YOUR PROIEmoN AND CUES WE DEMAND GOVERNMENT ucausnvo MONDAY io TUESDAY FEATURE AT 630 900 LAURENCE OLIVIER Ric simian HE by William Shakespeare iN ViSTAViSiflN AND lEDHNiflUlUR and ctrstoning RALPH RKHARDSON JH Githiln nounr aurasraman Aunt Norah would prefer something useful we but What Mary midi someting forherhonso buiwliall Pete pan always use something IOWEZT l2 butwliatl Takethe mit with Royal Money Orders Beres wonderful idea for Christmas givingparfiaflarlygif yon who havewerytbing native far away they can choose whathheyreally want Drop into Royal bmhch aaktor whabdver number ofMonoy 01demyonroquireandmhilfliemofiwithymngreetingWeanpply card envelope all readyior mailing free with gt You can use Royal BankMoney Orders hoaeml gifts ofoesh befriends cwralativee in Canadatha us Great Britain or slowest indiesand Royal sank Drafts toaend money elsewhere inthe weld in 39min or com The 7090 fiantdoors mammalianuni an mm no pm Vlqu ms was away amnion VBarrieiBranch 133 Fisherllllanager Branone also inflection Cooksmwn andfottenham

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