FARMERS MARKET canal womanr CHARLES cannon FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE ill curiae Jive Barrie PA can check for all your needs el not 1qu and water untameth um NEW AND Um Eoan Iiva AUTOMOTIVE Moms emcee sane SEE VIAU MOTORS For The HILLMAN PA 56488 17 Gowan 8L HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH dc STANDARD DEALERS Repair to All Makes 03 and NM Tom Send mailman 51 BARREL PA 165 MIDTOWN MOTORS eus some PWU AND Mm um an thatp new Wang It It mat Im PAINTEE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WORK DONE BY Anon mu PHONE PA 68737 or PA 87920 MOIST TOP QUALITY UPHOLSTERING trams nest modeln chop hundreds or umplu to se na colour match to your home by PA 66437 Coca III VIII Illa III on all 5pc ox furniture BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO st BAYFELD er FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY TERMS To sum YOUR Eliqu Flower Fresh RUG AND UPIIOIsTERY FALL CLEARANCE laso DODGE SEDAN leso vauquu CRESTA lose METEOR SEDAN 1956 CllEv SEDAN 1955 DODGE SEDAN lass FORD SEDAN 1854 MERCURY SEDAN 1953 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon 1950 INTERNATIONAL LIED 4i ESSA ROAD PA 8135 Issz nnsncultY Good condition Telins Telephone streud Ionu use ntzncvlu two tone blue bed and motor good Best nfler Tel phone PA Mus TAKE Ovllt M01 Cmverta 10 $10900 month 1y TCICPHUIIB PA 535 STUDEan ylllh HIWI arty model nonlth nvudb M31 Wt slot on amines lmN DROP can Final and 35404700 Memory color lvl FA nymonta on 1960 less so we door uooanwn 100 Vi III 00 WW Elias Eallaywayflthooo Jan Ilium Es va ontonsundlm he than at salutehalal PA we OVE SALES AND SERVICE DUNLOP ill EAST NEW AND USED WWIJill nepam to all make PA W3 FREE asrlMATlsfl Chinsn no along Pilltfllllll RollIll FA Meal SCHOFIELD EOUSEIIOLD APPLIANCE SERVICE Dryers Wanna etc Any leeks Your on Service Representative JOHN KELLY FA 63125 BARRIE 7H HOME SERVICES RICHARD Lama PA new lead Plumbing ml GRAVEL no soil SEPTIC TANKE PUMPED Richytine and adult watt hells sun on DENNIS MO at Ann stragg QRTTS TV SEAN RADIO MILE SOUTH OF BARRIE PHONE PA 60643 DAY oa NIGHT REFRIGEDA ION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION EEVIGE as Claooarieu Si PHONE PA 84562 INSULATION INSULATION The blowing method Prcl estlnah and Marnntced work Teml SCOTI ML ARTITE msumrloil MP PHONE 211 MINESING mam AGENCIES YOUR AUTHORIZED AGENT IN BARRIE FOR TCA CUNARD STEAMSHIPS AND HERTZ RENTALCARVSUPERINTENDENT IS BARRIE DRIVEAvCAR AND TRAVEL SERVICE 102 DUNLQP ST PA 66474 iiiHOUR SERVICE THE OFFICE WITH lIllls omens CLEANING BY DURACLEAN GALL PA m1 ANYTIME rune lsTildAit SANITARY DISPGSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT dud cflp led farm ani nili under Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT aAanlE PArkway asm GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENCE 1060 PERSONALS MADAME COSMOS TEACUP READINGS AND 0AM Do not all to this lady lhl will solve all you Problem Chm mu Harem Hell arm millet PA 0741 10 Dunlap at it ï¬n othle pm WY ponhias or ride to Ochwt to am on Saturday Ilserubs at Anyone luvtol Irri soul am no Will than EXFBliFEQIII ii 50 AVON ed III Illneldo IIIIlllllvtlll ml and Perry 9n emotive true on or boutl day or list up um liiiixiililé tlii Ferri llumlller LEARN mumle SING now to this lovomloeat com rol granulation one FilaAilTliirgamdflddnoon semen resent or Pg Beam smog by certified Wm mi lint LOST FOUND Loan Hllicrcst are small Ccu Eggfland whlte bike Reward Jlt MALE new AGEde summit in as Iluaaaer Itorelpdur nblll LOWE BROTHERS PAI NTS it mansion so ham IIELP AGENTSI SALESMAN WANTED me conunlulou iob when gun earn his mung You are Paging to be bond have Education and indicate Iron you jammed Iuccen poten in as with years ml den JI Barrie no NOT new NIH you can manre ynlunelr tug periods In your attention and better sob Ngluull details of your back ground to BOX BARRIE EXAMINER CAN Use MAN wuuns to devote hours daily Possible mlnllnum eamlnn weekly line up hill dinp Good relerences must be supplied Write Mrl Gauthier 50 at Roch so Montreal Quebec FEMALE air EGISTERED NURSES Salary range $29700 $31100 Required by METROPOLITAN TORONTO for Home for the Aged in New market Ont Permanent position hour week Good employee hnnellts Apply GREENACRES HOME FOR THE AGED JEAGLE ST ayEWAHKET PERSONNEL OFFICE AIRLINE omen WI Bloor Street Tomato WC IIIVD bun llclnlld to remove mum WORKING COM 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE new SENIOR STENOGRAPHER for work In BRALEBRIDGE PROBATION OFFICE Court Nonitins and uuntlll ALL clvn anvxcn PRWMOE I1 BENEFITS roa AplgomTMENrARPLY MR DINGMAN PA 66461 REQUIREDI CLERKTYP IST DIETAPHONI nxrmlmcr nu nmoNs moo cdaaeANY DEN mrs Call for appointment MR BOWMAN TRADERS FINANCE PA eons YOUNG Glad lor me resin at health hawsver since his dbl Millet ii iii Fill nOIIWIQkIanIHI Illclmw to WI Es not tin or rtah so undert ll IM nr wetlands wIi Sidyflwlth phsln law dull we ll salulllillol lll goo WI firm put urn torrent lIl AUCTION SALE SATURDAY DEC 10 man hay grain straw and soln household meets for QRVAL McARTHUR la cclslun iipï¬noh to Iowa pollIll wflalmvfl County and No iprpls ï¬ll In Conï¬nement But Not Insane LOGANSIOBT 1nd Aï¬lz Henry Sullivan 85 who for so years was shuttled from various Indiana mental hospitals and prisons although never legally declared insane died Sunday Sullivan returned to theLou ganapolt State Hospital several months ago because of ill health Sentenced in 1697 to one to Wars in prison for steabng $15 worth 01 junk from closed down paper mill near here Sul liven while in prison was de clared insane by the governors executive action After more than six decades of confinement Sullivan pleaded his case before the circuit court here leased Freedom actually came iastiune The old man lived in room ing house for time but and denly returned to the hospital be cause he couldnt get along with his landlady Welfare officers found new home and Sullivan once ngainwas living outside confinement Sullivan llfld been in failing onslvreleosa tram the mental in atitution Doctors there said they had advised him to turn down an offer to appear on televis ion show in California because and excitement would INTENSIFY OPERATION JAKARTA APlGen Abdul HrrisNasution Indonesian army chief of staff and national secur ity minister says military oper ations against diehard rebelsin the interior will be intensified soon He says visit to North Sumatra convinces him rebel fishhng power has been reduced considerably In lhe last few months ma one Home Town llmlerlll workAHm cllu lharthahd and at hullav Gm will oilrilwal ii to oahchlld aroth Own it windmill It awn eï¬ollntï¬lti Young lit to at yam urvloe =m ï¬lmll yalllkvï¬utnunz electrical Illtï¬llil gig lclaphnne PA elm 13 AUCTION SALES Alla on sale of farm stockIlmple rlny Town ne between miles strolaht and one mile west No rcserva as the am is paid Elie It um noon lung 10 HELP WANT==ED JERRY criticallyL Auctioneer lived 60 Years YOUNG MAN ay Stanley Anon HOWARD calm NOt Shy To Talk On Disarmament By DAVE Moms Canadian Press Ital WrIer OllAWA CF Ron Howard Green apostle oI disarmament looks like the Gary Cooper of dich rear But he has none of Coopers reputed alame when it comes to talking about disarmament in at singlehandedly he backed the Canadian government away from acceptance of Amer ican nuclear warheads When he took over the external affairs portfolio June 1959 the government had already com mitted itself to arming the Canes dian servicu with nucleu may one WORLD NEWS INBRIEF PROFDSE SCIENCE CENTRE NEW YORK APlTllfl New York Worlds Fair of has suggested that the 05 mvem merit construct shampoo por manent eclcoce and education centre at the fair site here Fair president Robert Moses said Sun day that comprehensiva plan for federal participation in the this has been presented to com merce Secretary Frederick Mueller and other federal offi citha The proposed centre wuuld 2358 the United States fair it Too Low FOR CHUTE DENVER AP re Capt Low rance Reeves 29 of the us Air Force was killed Sunday when be elected from his dis abled Floz jot llshlor loo feet mm the groundtoo low for ma parachute to Reeves lied lust taken of all his plane dew veloped angina trouble lie Wile unable to circle for mains NC COTTON BOWL QUEEN DALLAS APlTho slaughter oi the Little Rock superintendent schools during the 105753 inta ilratioa troubles will reign as quaan oi the 961 Cotton Bowl Gall Blossom la junior at the University of Arkansas whose team Wlll play Duke in some do She is the daughteroi Nil and Mrs Viral Blossom INCREASED DIVORCES DALLAS AWArchitect Rial ardJesaph Neutra said Sunday that architects are helping to in crease the divorce rate by poor planning and by designing un Imaginative housing for masses Neutraewas an associate of the late Funk Lloyd Wright during the early 19205 FIND ARMS CACHE KANSAS CITY AP Lino Baldwin bought house last month and decided Sunday to clean out five unused garages at tharaar and rent them In one he found an olivegreen wooden chest containing two sawedoft the rear and rent themsln one he found an olivegreen wooden chest Containing two snwedofi 30 calibre semiautomatic rifle ammunition for each weapon three Hallowean masks four navy coidtweather masks eight pairs of gloves eight hats and caps two money bags two pairs of handcuffs The weapons were weve gotthese and not someone elsersaid detective aocllnl FAILS nWAflLLthS 15LlltNDlhyil rs aunn log so eulte fromwtile Wallooo Island tastin cenile billed Sunday our age scout socket owned by alien flitg fell Mutaiha ocean seal failed to ignite Baldnzniciiidfli cl in no destroyed large ball near ill community is miles east of on In less and was ordered re Iootbpll saloons queenwas in good condition Im sure glad illia cousin daloase estimated by the own Albert Walton 5000 to $0000 Brechin volun leer lineman kept tilt lire from amenities to the nearby farm omo SEES WIFE KILLED DAKAR Senegal APiMon sicur Sponem stationed himself at roadside curve euteide Dakar to take pictures of car race He focused on one car as it flipped oil the road rolled over and slammed into tree Spoan rushed to the ear and found that his wife Jacqueline 27 was the driver She was killed 100 MANY TESTERS FLORENCE AWMare than 20000 Italian motorists tested the new sheila superhighway be tween Bologna and Florence Sun day Police said there were so many collisions that no one counted them Dozens of injured motorists were treated at has vital in three clues All can SOMALIA CAIRO MlJill United Iter Regubiic he agreed to will too niltalent genomic aid to new African atlan of Somalia communique by President Nosscr and Premier Midst Rashid all of Somalia was issued durins the weekend alter four day visit here by the premier OPEN mum TALES TORONTO Gristmillon all ports from many parts of Cara ads and the United States Eun day attended the BiiIllE oi tilt fourday midwest ah and wild life conference Arming sublet to be discussed are amlca of ï¬shannotationsin amydli waters and species problem in watch fowl management NAMED RHODES SCHOLARS TORONTO CPlTwa sneer oid students one from Ottawa and one from Toronto have been nominated as Rhodes schel ars from Ontario it was an nounced Sunday MAY nave Rmp BYRON CENTER Mien AP State police said three ynuus boys rhyme with matches may have caused are that killed their four sisters near here Sun day Deanna deobolt and her Sim Janna Cathy and Cheryl were so pod by flamesinih rupstain dream Mr Green argued that one mold not preach disarmament while acquiring now am pecialiy nuclear ones By June of 1960 the government was saying It had not yet decided whether nuclear Wm would be eta tained for Canadian forces In like fashion Mr Green kept the Issue of disarmament alive even after his cherished hopes of some EastWest agreement at Geneva in the aumlnerof 1960 were cruer shattered by the my stalkcut iron the meet WOULDNT GIVE UP Even altar Soviet Premier Khrushchev eiaruma in the Umted Nations Mr Green to pressing for re umptioa of nanomth nafo Adena was III Win or total agreement to be put intoIII lect Ho wan to favor of Im mediate adoption of small Puk deals of balanced eelleer as on both aidel Mr amp is and to an uphill fight He was member of tho Pmsmciva Conservative appeal lion in the comalam Iot 33 years before his party finally came to power He once told friend he didnt give second thought to work ing long hours day and night in the government because just be log in the government was treat after more than two doe odes in opposition In the opposition the tail lean eagle nosed Vancouver lawyer was noted for his grinding per sistence especially during can sidalatlan of spending estimates ifhe wanted an answer to certain question he would keep the Commons in scuion hail the night until he got it Elmasc WHINER Nowadays when the opposition uses the some tactics Mr Green accuses them of whinins And he aside with smile he knows who hes talkie about because he was one the hillth willo at them all Mr Green heads department at mm 3000 employees 400 of them torsion service officers departh was established in 1909 but the limit to atioo Nominated was not onto him until um Canada new but elk Lick resentativel to more than 50 countries The departments oo uual budget is more than We most at it im foreign Mr Green was born at Kaela Nov W95 and was adu usg nasal WWILMAY In later and acting minister of de fence production He in Italy drew thoprivate an ger of come We and ward heelen by declining to have any thing whatever in do with pet rouge Mr Green was also govern mont House leader at this time andwon the respectperhaps II fectiou is not too strong word of the opposition hangtime opponent Paul liar tla former Liberal health min ister said thu year in the Com mons that he had to be careful not to be charmed out of his shoes by Mr Green and thus forget the oppositiana min of criticizing the administration Mr Green dislikes travelling and until his appointment teroal affairs minister had not been back to Europe glue the First World War His two sons Lewis and John live at Manotick Ont and Allan slz BC respectively and Mr Green is load at playing with hla grandchildren Altertho death of his but wile the formal Marion Mounco of Vancouver Mr Green married the former Donne Kerr of Duncan 80 ill 1956 sandman Seeks To Balance Trade LONDON Reuters George Drew Canadian high comm sinner in Britain said in letter to the Sunday Timon Sunday that Canada would like to Ice is 3111 biianca of trade with Brit an sold Canadian huslnus men who visited him recently were concerned about the im pression which many coplellad thatBIltish export Canada were not finding welcome mat in 1956Britih exports to Canada had value of $475000 000 Drew added Lnst year thayhad risen to 3599000000 For the first 10 months of this year British exports to Case ada have been still higher Drew pointed out that Can adaa total imports last year had vaiue of someoomo and said if Mrltish exporters took much greater shore of that large market it would not only help Britainhut it would also help us The more that Britain sells to the closer we come to trade balance nuclear rated thereon at the University oflmnto He served overseas in the First Weiillem with the Mill Kooteua Battalion and one of his closet islands is leilow veteran llerridge CCF MP for Kootenay West 116 Picked up the nickname Speed during the war when another Green with that oiak value deserted thus leaving than name tag lying around un ug IIewvas first elected to the Common in 1835 and has been returned in every euboaqueut general election REJECIEDrAmONAGE when the Conservatives as sumed office June 21 1957 Green was appointed works Ills elm LAYAWAY gzygnfla lugging It DUNLOP 81 PA easel motto loo ï¬monmm mum one what PEUGEOT hasdonell Visitthe wove and get acquainted With the Peugeot lmtr no car The Peugeot 405 has the featured5 you want most Perot size for cOnvenienthondling etroemyenenghibr ï¬ve adults at Dom eta comfort speeds I987 miles per houryet giving salmiles to the And all the luxmw exhale are included as standard equipment