Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1960, p. 14

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Buy SOLERentHire Swap With Ex aminerqullt Phone PA 82414 rm BARRIB EXAMINER MONDAY DECEMBER mo REAL ESTATE TOCERS EMENTs REAL ESTATE fiPROPERTYPOB 5am iCARSON CRifiENDLVAt th core OVING 10 at her roo 5a ulluhctn 5L Orlllil on Sunday Dec mo nrbeccr 45A DUNLOP ST Link Beloved wild of the kid Next door to the linperlll luepdcn Darr in her Hydmye Dnr mother of tile Theatre milk Iviuilcrifilrh1$ PA 6648 EVENINGS CALL hunt Mel and Chnrlu oi mum and wound or so Punenl rrom Doolittle BNIIILIS hull CHARle RilAn Ru PA tun Russm CARSON Ru PA um mill QUINN Ru PA mod licnle OrllIII on nleidry Demo bel dIh Service at 200 pm in biAlu slizlun Rel PA nu Real male Baud lerincnl Welt Dru Cemztery Member Burl Ind Butrid lluLsEuenrloti Al Pattons MOVI NG Nunliar Home Stlyner Slturday Donl iolm to lrrnrlor your Dec 1960 Henrietta non INSURANCE wile oi licnry luue ol Barrie Rullnx It lho Friller niacnl Ind ir you need extra callull any kind ileme oryiieid 5L Barrie SEE STEVENSONS Szrvleu in tho chapel Wedneldry PA 85311 me at pm interment liarrte 89 DUNLOP ST 21 SUITE 103 Union Cemetery JACK Engbnd REAL ESTATE BROKER $5 MARY Ilq BARR PAS0371 mom Porto PA 80014 PRIVATE SALE lo cut Ind Stellar built llin room bun low attached are Illlmilllim cornea and norms trhed recmatlon room and bar PRICED SELL PA 68062 COUTTS Real Estate Broker Owen street Barrie rue kitchen hlthroom mu are meat with recreation room extra Manhu Duh toilet in linemen llundry till Rel Btu Bond hot wlter all her Thtl homo PHONES In excellent conditoh inside dud out Ind is equipped with hardwood Dull PA lZthEvhninl PA E2591 floor which In In perfect Condi tinn storm windowl Kmle llrl CONSULT US ON ANNOUNC BIRTHS SKELLYAt Royal Victoria Her pill lmie on Monday Novemper ratio 1950 to Sir and lira Lon sum 54 ileum Ave dauph Ier on Louise you ll MOOREPA um unnmPAwai lIerAnYnNAI sievenron Mem ortal llorpItl Ailirten on satur day Dec moo Mrry Ann Robin ion in her Both beloved wile or the llto Donald McFadyon and our mother or DanId or North Earl or Cookltowil iiir Lloyd Wright Ton nona da Illn Lorn shou wcil o1 Cooiuiown nestinl at the Hugher Puncrai llorno Coonlown or rcrvicc on Marlow Dec hill at Mo pan latermen Alllrton Union Cemetery ROWE At lnnlelood Privan Kolpltll Pllnlwlck Out on dry December lied orph lull Jennett holoved wile Ill till late Frank llowe den molhlr Mn Hil Ramsay Weddell Rollo lvirn Gordon 01 Too onto loved lilter of Mn mixboth hIIllor Ind John lennelt oath of Home Ind Mn Fred MEClnn of Hugh In her Both yur Ruth Jnnniztt hlnenl Home In mineral Iorvlcc Wed DI 30 pni interment Qlleen lilo Cemetery lN monogram NmYln fond memory or my beloved hushlnd acorpe Aloxroder Neely who was called an ruddcoly December llh no road mano rlu linger every hint near ROSE REAL ESTAn mom 1mm 5mm outrun BEDROOMS tom uhinr price iar thLl seven year old bedroom home livin room extra irrae kitchen in huenlent iorccd Ilr oll hertior lun ereed lot lhl ll lam irmtly hom ru room are eitlrl lure Low Ivun payment rod tho Illil on Ono Oven mamg9 BUNGALOW WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT rim eilu bedroom hrlek hun nlovv with rhrpc 1HK room and dining room irmlly hil rhea pin two bedroom brie meht lplrlment now renting It or month lhlr homo la in molent condition only year old Many oxtrn crmr Jim to school COMMERCIAL LOT Comorclll lotoo is located 031 on lock ruin landlord or on earner locrttoo $9900 VLA PROPERTY About two lore ol good Arden land on which in located three bedroom home with combination dining room and living room hit ehen with huutln cupboarda three plecI both full bucmcnt with clrtora good well with pressure lyltem garage located on high way Just routii Barrio heron irom achopl WEST END bedroom brink bIin axtr large living room Ilr wonderful the way Classified Ads gel re sults Phéne PA 82414 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condousod and classified ad vartisernenta are inserted at the raid of to per word per inser ion for one and two times 3C per word for three four or five times and will per word or or more insertions 10 addt tional Charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINMM COST FOR ANY CLASSlFIED AD VERIISEMENT IS 80c ll PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R 88c CHARGED PER SINGLE lN SERTION Corning Eilellts SC per word minimum charge 5150 Birth and Death Notier for up to 25 words over 25 words 5d per word extra in Memorial Nu ticcs $150 if verse used do per word enrol ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advertisers Ire leminded All phone luacrfloh order llohechpte ed as convenience to you the Id Vertller Therefore the Cllsslfled Advertising Doinrtment roqulres Ill advertisers to lndlx recheck their Adverfisainenl Immediately Alter first insertion ill order LIIt my er rorn or omission mly he reported before M11 in order till um may be rectified for ilo folluwng insertion order We wish to no out that The flame ExllnLneV is responsible or only one lncor rectl printed insertion on In advertisement Ind than only to tho extent or portion till lrlvolvu the misprlnt firm which do not lessen th value of tile ldv Vertlsement are not eligible for Corrections by mike 10nd Ratca no type mice ior rcml oupiay Classifieds may be mouthed through The Exnmlner advertan department BLIND Lhrrm REPLTEC Information regardln advorilcerr ruling nllno Letter Numhezo Ior Replies la held strictly couri ienilal he lies ra Letter Boxer will be held on lo deya ailcr lrrtdry pubUaation All WANT AD Copy should ho In our office by the day helore publication 0n satin LAKE FRONTAGE any by noon SEANiY BAY More deslrlhle propertyevorlaolr COMING EVENTS log the hay in In eralualvo rroa CHRISTMAS TREE ms TEA AND BAZAAR Wellave choice aelecilon cl hoe ST GEORGES And dairy ml 50 no Ind CHURCH let us ahow you these liar tarmp BURTON AVE CorbyPA owe GouldOra 2m lion NuttyeomhoJPA on mfg laroel MInhollPA Hm 300 lto 500 TIM 700 in 000 PM Admission 35c Auaplcea growlsnoop 5305 HAROLD FORSTER and try out homelnnd shortbread REALTOR ANNUAL MEETING BARBIE HORTICULTURAL is EAYFIELD sr IPA 66153 SOCIETY Member or arm andolrirlct lot 06 iss Make an appointment to In this honit now and do not be disappointed Is thlr home should leli Very quickly CALL DAY on EVENlNG PA 82379 Member or the Barrie and metric Roll Flu and NORMAN Shebwe illml 25mm anom Dunlap street hm PA 8996l OR 68742 FARM Property Management BUILDINGS FOR SALE Two mull clbln lllvunind iron llrlxel om homonulde In Ora Townhip shanty nay MAY BE INSPECIZD ANYgloulz BEST OFFER ACCEPTED ANY OR ALL BUILDINGS TELEPHONE BILLPACKARD ORO 24I9 Graydon KOHL REAL ESTATE imam lla DUNnoP sl EAST PII H152 OFFICE OPEN WED THURS AND FRI UNTIL 00 PM Ollloea Scru You liarrie Collingwood xvmmns CALL GRAYDDN Rom PA woo Ilium COLE PA 68516 Csz THOMPSON PA 6621 AUsiiN LYONS PA we STOUTT $2000 down 100 mu close to orrno with room home and good buildings Cell lack wulrcn ior complete dc tolls rno inrpecuon $1500 DOWN NHA RPSALiz two yearr now in load residential are close to uhlIC and high school Cali liawa Nor rti tor Inspection SPLIT LEVEL HOME EVDUNGS CALL 100 Luhztin Everett Sheiswell Howrd Norris link Wilhon Norman Shellweli PA Masai BUILDING lot in excellent r9 sidontial area with sewer and water aid tor $340000 $110000 A0110 Lfiaodeook oiaacbelh ter 13mm 3mm Rhodium Maml AGENCIES LIMITED PA down nllflCB interest only Clll Butt FA ml PA STEEL BEAM CONSTRUCTION iii and Dfll 14 With only lap In are Double link in kitchen and ty of fllphfllldl in Olk do hentelit Clll Ill and so hit ovely lurk hflnk bunt 8COLLEER STREET Russell Cmon of 13 Carson Your rotlremdnt homecarocr Wol root living room diu bedroom piece hlth rod vlni galax mstarrwny participant Post 10Surpris5fl ificonoaxmng ILAndean 171311 uranium mBuddha hurdon 18Gmdnoeo anEBBIIih school median nDlaemboflr 33cm Emma 85 with mansion 2Faohed 23 Ellltnnil decreed 30 Aotem 31Letheloohl SZILuoldnnte Nautilus Gznnymunny Prom 415mm mom yonsm PA ms fizzy LIBRARY HALL wmem Real name oarrd 3°éll€i1iuhlfo5 lmony nm PAMIo 39178 oymhol cow BRING FREan SPECIALJDISNEY FAIRY TALES moomm GOOD MUSIC FOR ADULT PARTIES REASONABLE RATES WEDNESDAY DEC IMPM EVENING CALL ifigfigm Pm MORE PA um Jwm OFIHOMAS emc CHRISTMASPARTY TIMEI WE snow CHILDRENS moms also NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS And Others PA 60818 AFTER 600 pm REALTORS ONEDUNllorsrhnmhAsr PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALI 121mm Allowance mmyscumld holistic moo Cartoon uniform ammonia llnnN Nunin INNS IIIIE PROPER FOR SALE CONNEL POSTERPA but CUNNEiJrPA 501 Willis EARJUI DISTRICT REAL TATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH 5mm oARRiL PHONES PA soon PA 5024 We have Milancall ur aoytlme vrmrrlnNG lN REAL ISTATI AMER utUrls CALL smith Cam oeuPA 37309 Prank Ne looPA on Join Lona rcrrur Grrvey PA om Members or too Barrie lleal nitri hoard pom HENDERSON REALTOR lo CDLLlZR shim PHONE PA 3267 vszas CALL am noon PA om PERCY FORD PA omo iurA SCAND PA 84865 Dims mouse PA 34558 Member of Barrie and nlnriet and Ontario Real Erma horror DUPLEX on Mary streett Up or ii room Ind mnroolnl lower vo moral DonhlI garlo Telephone PA 5089 31150000 Oakley Part bedroom bungrlow Recreation room land rcaped pltlo our publle and high schools 5Va7u mart Ito Clmol or $7900 monthly 8475 after 500 PJD PROPERTY WTD TO BUY LARGE houro rulleblo iar board lnz holue Null Vllufl Dries 01 100 acre and burn or down ps mcnl nod to Va mile rrcm Hull wnfi cloud to Icth Apply Box Into Exlmlner BUS OPPORTUNITIES Usizn CARE Misfire vlco Slouch hunnhn er iorcer nlq Per additional iniormauon op ply ilax oi Barrio lagminer OUTSTANDING scrvlc Stltion Restlunnt lVliilbiB or lenllnl No ii Highway north at BAXfie volume in cancel or 200000 gallons lintprint gross profit in excess or $20000 Good living accommo nation Capital required 000 only qualified pernor need npplé lele phone PA 04401 or PA M1 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE You no invited to discuss mortglzo phbleins with in WI obugatlan rovldlng tho ropertios no on NB ered Plum or out or Cl interest It pnvalflnx ntos call COUTIS REAL ESTATE ganglia own Barrie PA rialtrumps lat and Zud haurh cold and erreooro Commercial an rcudenuu money loaned on exist lns mortgagcr Blnll blurtrace hrolrcrr PA ensue RENTALS PROPERTY FOR RENT LAND FOR RENT 145 acru all workable Lochten Concession ll lnnishi Apply Salem PA 37505 out our write RENTALS ms HOUSES TO BENT FURNISHID rooms or rout for minilumen and ladies PA mu neonrm room Ivart lnent remorhlo ml in huuu on odrlnflcn Si Strand zilu rum noon uotnroirhrd heated Iplnlncnl our piece bun no pcr mooih Telephone PA um loom nnmrnlshed lultedlplrt merit priv lei eonteined 35 men Tliephono PA Guts noon artmeni completely lurnirhod contained modern Suilzhuitnur couple Telephone PA NEWLY DKCDRATED llrtl room ed aphrtmehl piece blur riled noon throughoui Child welcom rrlcphooe PA oiled mm uAitAan Whnhuuu lo Allandrle 3200 round reel Will divide Aygx Aillndllh Hardware hldphonl ozm LABHIORI bedroom rpm inept on harrie Terrace heated piece hlth laundry lleiililu Tele phone PA 32891 rwo ROOM rurnlsheo apartment Sionle and clam ac Rental in Allnfllle Tel 35500 complete PA Will nun lflflNG Room litehen and both nlroiihcd hundry lhcliiuu Partial Velv eehtnl icirphono PA 60611 $1 Two numoou him new oil niencn on ll lo Douhl gardc Phohl VI 4300 Dzkvlll or write no harm Examiner nouns and bath iurnllhrd or unfurnished IllInd dillla now ly decanted Porting VII too lrli Telephone PA 60671 PARKING Ac to rent ror can only Downtown Area Phone Mccuuoughlo hiairon Avl PA HERD room Irtmunt stove In modern kitchen cried place oath laundry Acumen Talo phone PA $7317 nnouoolu winterlxed cotton in rldo conveniences heavy wiring nli lietint Furnldlim or unfnm BhldReu0nlble PA mow Monzlm threo room Irtmnnt with bath unnlrnlahcd vat en trInC heated cloro our stop Telephone PA mm ROOM Home or rent or role flood hath builtin cupbolrdl clon llctoflu PA 37424 room alter pm FURNISHED Living room nli Kitchen null child we come too or with bedroom sao Phone PA 85157 on BOOM Apartment iurnlah ed belted Suit one or two Women or military couple Como and ace it PA mu or PA W0 our CONTAINED centrally inca ied room apartmtnicnt and bath Newly decanted Avllllhlo now Telephone PA H503 Room nui 332 ago gruetwnterlolef my pal rave Howell nth gluon on rm strand Phone 12Ml strolld VERY CKNmALr Sell contoincd room menL Parking raciililea Avallahe Dec Telephone PA H9 or rurther inlormatlon NEWLY Decorlted room art ment lleilonrhlo rent Gas or lng 0n Codrlllgton st Phone siroud 2411 UPPER DUPLEX ave roam run room and garage Central down town Avonbio Dec 15 ply lIlCCuiiough lo Melroae Va PA nooM partly lumlrhed heated npnrtinent Clem reparan en trance uncle St North Alia agifiior Ipartment Telephono PA APTS HOUSES T0 BENT Hours or rent at reasonable rate Immedilto possession PA 55570 Room Bungalow on Cook street $90 monthly Telephone PA 57737 HEATED garagewarehouse in Al llndlle not square leeL IWiil di ville ApPly Allanorle Hardware Telephone PAVEZ422 LARGE bedroom or housekeepln room Nrnlohod or unlurnlahl on ground floor Centrally located Telephono PA 61394 ONE and to bedroom apartments Stove refrigerptor Janitor aorvlcc and laundry fociiitlel Realtor iram seam monthly Telephnnu Leech PA 570 MODERN largo three roomed art menL private entrance and rib Parking and laundry helilties 233 Available immediately PA Twain self contained slain nae close to neural nee pu hill and high school Newly decor ated reraonahlc rent to good ten Int PA 56596 NINE room lurnlahed house bathrooms large living room open firetrlaee diningroom nuile room no em kitchen all heating Tel PA 87498 DAILY CROSSWORD 24 Ge man phi Jaso fiTele phone up who now 315 33 Operaim melody Chills rover 36Intemfl decay virtual lilnznnnnnu Illfifllllllv Ell IIEHIIEQ IIN lance PA 66161 SPLIT LEVEL home overlooking boy Double heated garage Adult Emily preioned spacioua room 15 monthLLargo lat Avdlllhll Dec is PA 82504 AnRACnvE two roam aphro merit heat and wer mingled ply 255 Dunlap st East 090 fir PA H177 ior rillthe Infirma on Now AVAILABLE st Vincent 5L mndeln rpacloua onobcdroom ground floor lplrtment Heated Laundry flollllles $70 monthly To see phonu Ora ml collect WOULD SHARE new bedroom homewlth comfortable intellec tuai person or widow with child Bill llop schools next by Excell ent iacauty Evenings PA M113 ROOM Apartment aclr eonuincd hot water heating second floor Very close to downtown Immediate pomsiion $55 per monui Phone PA 55155 nxcLusrvB lower duplex bed raomc llvng room dining and hit chen conveniently located Avfil rble immediately Phone PA NI evcnlnga PA 39759 ROOM Apartment tiled piece bath stave refrigerator heated Downtown Available llnmedllitnlv Suit couple $75 monthly Phila PA 52471 or evenlng PA M191 noonmn hell Contained Ipub ment on ground tiaoc Lovely bbl kitchen Heated and Central Avail men Immediately melephone PA noon Apartment with stove and raiserntor Aveilnhla now For turtner iniormrtioa coll Pluer gimp Sales 87 Mopll rAvuu PA 2RENTALS m5 HOUSES T9 RENT IrMmmlflm RAELIEVETITITOII or ter eluded Aurora tilLv PA 5230 mflmln and Wm figment with Iivom mo downyMal MullI only Tllw in PA ROOMS OLEI unalelean bright roam nle home 64th Parking I1 John st or telephone PA nuanr tnrnirhed hourekrem min Kilnti In rill ilanin min PA 101 or epot on lt noon in BOARD noon AND noARn ll bl when PA 87131 LARGE Front Room with Pam accommodation Phon $283 Roda AND noAnn urge com iortahlr room Will run one or two penal will pack lunches low atop5 irom bur atop Pam PA board Col ARTICLES for SALE JONES USED FURNISHINGS Deniers in anti no and good uacd lurnllhlnu uiwo 21le good aeleetlon AND ESA ROAD PHONE PA 6636 NEWSPAPER MATS slur mid ldui rar hi1qu lttiCI It parlectlnmlutnr 75 PER DOZEN Apply Tho lirarie Examiner herein Ontario WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC Our huatnrr la the AME BRAND merchrodlee at ROCK BOTIOM PRICES DISCOUNTS UP To 60 ON JEWELLERY HOUSEWARES GirlWAnls APPLIANCES CA LUGGAGE RADIOS sPolm EQUIPMENT ETC FAI RWAY DISTRIBUTING CO to MAPLE AV PA 61551 hum wringer Wuher Ap ply l7i Napier sigh PIECE bedroom wife with box aprlng mattroia good condition Like new PA 8477 1954 0108 dr Hardtop one owner good condition um Into mrilc ssaooo Phone PA Hus FINLAY space healer thaw 31500 Apply Mn liehips it con celsian Hume Ontlrlo ED BASS plant Iceordion yrs old 37500 Apply ll MapleDrive nCAF Camp Borden Phone 1115 AMERIEAN Piyer com iota rail rond Almost now $1000 value or $6000 Comp Borden PM QUANTITY OF Used Plank up In 10 16 also In etc Telephone PA 35784 gt lots mvgood motor lunch Chain Saw lilr in Como Cen union Sideroad in lawn TYPEWlulznspow Portlblel or low or $4995 Repairs etudene ren tals star Typewriter 24 hrodiord Street PA M595 USED TELWIEIONB irom great selection also lcletilnkep Stereo 3111 Ind Tapo Recorden campcncnu Sce Teleaon Mary St PA M310 man mssurlz Paint raynv douhlo piston compressor teet oi air hole and 50 feet aralnt hole twp gallon alnt pot an Devllblu gun Telep one SLroud 1031 LARGE STEEL BOILER equipged with iron Fireman binled no or return pnmn oil automatic water controia ipln and unit haaten Apply Cy oxi PA 8203 Ull Fridges stoves kitchcn hed room llviligroom iurhitilre all in good condition Apply nuasou Church Mobile Home 170 Burton Ave Barrie PHILIPS MINCE Television 2175 use Mount Lbulnu Range with oven timer and minute minder 575 Telins one he rrrroacd Ang la Centre St or telephone E5484 alter pin Pouns 24inch TV in new con nitlao Will accepthert war Also burner Mallet Range with oven timer Al condition $15Alro ho Bicycle sin Telephone PA 19 Centre BI Porno liceéPfln animus wln Dnossnn In good condition with or without mirror Phona PA 06355 ARTICLES SALE PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Samples of The Beautiful NUAWART NATIONAL Are Available In Our Main Offioo ORDER YOURS NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT The Barrie Examiner l6 BAYFIELD STO BARRIE hen FURNITURE SHOWROQMS BARRIE ONTARIO USED FURNITURE LIVING ROOM SUITES ONLY2 PC SUITE BLUE WHIP CORD COVERING EXCELLENT CONDITIoN 8500 ONLY PC SUITE WINEVEL OUR VERY GOOD CONDITION 5000 ONLY PC COLONIAL MAPLE V36 only sealer sofa and matching dialr only high back matching chair only trestle end tables only wing table bridge lamp lonly ottoman finished in red mliple and in mallelli condition just perfect Poe the recreation room 00 pea complete KITCHEN ONLY GIBSON REFRIGERATOR 106 CUBIC FT YEARS OLD IN EXCELLENT CONDITION ONLY 30 THOR HEAW DUTY STOVE IN PERFECT CONDITION 17500 13000 ONLY 9PC WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE IN VERY GOOD CON DITON3CONSISTING 0F Buffet China Cabinet Simmons bedroom nrtalra apartment with private hat and entrance Heat and hydro sup lied Located in Aurndrlc Ava rhle ian 1961 Pholio VPA Mm 35 MIDIer six roam hauaé ou hosting newly decoratedGhr ave Large lot Chlldrrnpelcoma Carson Pooml by mid Ammthreo roam uniuro lined heated eprruiient Newly do coraied rel contaloe Stovero lrlgeintor ruppucd onto eni was Adulu only To appear PA mumumAporhnenL Living room bedroom dinette modern klthhenwlth ttovogid relrlzen tor Central Adul reierrcd Available immediately um mmsm Aphrhnont l1va bedroom kitchen Ind toilet $1250 weekly Alro Lilla ground near bed more room wardrobe space mall well egnipped liliellon 310 weekly Call 66 evonlhgl Pullman room priman Kitehen pc lufh Ey r0 llut water and parking on lied situat ed in nice port or Available immediate PA 06162 Evening PA 87415 PUansnzD room lrtnieot pieell huh heavy du ttovo electric rcirlgemer Self contain orL Avnllahlol immediately Alllaly Armstrong Hardware unzip lily altar can PA um MOlinuN threorooln uninroiahcd npartlnent loll contained hunted laundry tacuitIca Near hor atop Available lmmediiveiy Telephone mum UPPER mmiihed moment Throo room hotnull cold Voter all belied Phlklnfl Immedlalo Pose lClrlon Aduiii only Heat linll hydro ruppucd Telephone PA Large Table rectangular side chairs larnlchair THE APPLE BARN BEDROOM PM your mm mm ONLY 33 CONTINENTAL UNIT Em Pm WITH LEGS EXCELLENT CONDI nlonway ll sown PA mm TION LAUNDRY THE PISH BOWL ZELSENZQA ONLY SIMPLICITY WASHING MACHINE ONLY YEARS OLD IN PERFECT CONDITION cop uirfils fifipms OFFICE AND SHOWROOMS AT 202 DUNLOP STREET WEST PHONE PARKWAY 89951 Turtles Ttoplczdlelnd Gold Phil FARMERS MARKET FARMERS MARKET moisten hobbltsncio LIVESTOCK PoqLTEY ll CHICKS gmmfebllnu cagelam and ruppuu MATE0n ma £4 ll on mo na unclmnlfoa Rial DEKALB STARTED PULLETS CASC0 WJLNES and Pros ton weeia old Ind in pig iii to 20 weeks or nu LONGLIFE ammu oAlqu DEALING slimy lN Comm raven week old Telephone PA immediate douverv Chlclra or toll ocuvcry nvliilhlo PETS flilll MONTE0L dermal Shspheld Pup APPLY on the 25 Si ernad between Con Ind 10 IflnlhflL To Um Lnndrue Bum FARMERS MARKET aocd lolngth root Ind hone setvice gghlgugglm Indm flock lbld are Vhocillltcd oryripllrc PEGNE on mm LIVESTOCK Registered each iole hope In CHOICE Weanilng Plkl Yfllk dhlle lrlll Lnndraco Class Apply mm mm mm HUNTERS POULTRY fagf Archer Pholpaton phonel minus VEGETABLES APPLES 3113500 Phone FAA1060 PEMAdlePlfl hovel montihsilold away K00 omo iiiloudly PA 01715 betweenII In and pm FARM STROUD ONT my an cxaunvnpwaur AD room no will HARRY LOWE LIVING ROOM GROUPING DINING ROOM

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