UEBEC CP The men hind winter shipping to Quebec wouldnt mind tough Winter They want to prove that ship equipped or ice navgiation can come through almost anything Were not atraid oi bad winter said an oiiicinl of one Quebec city firm of ship agents Wa want to show the people what we can do Lent wintertile first of res nlariy scheduled voyases between Europe and this salt TO Prove water port was pronounced success But it was mild or the St Lawrence River and ships at rived ahead of schedule as rule One master called his voyage summer trip Now as plans are being laid for the second season shipping ï¬rms would like to prove to Ca nadian businessmen tilat properly equipped vessels will get through Canadian burnlnesuslmeg tight ing to stay uropean market either stockpile goods over the winter or ship from central Canada through Marl tinle ports which involves in creased rail costs COMPETE WITH SOVIET The asbestos industry which produces onethird the worlds supply And is based 50 miles tromhcre is case in point Battling lowerpriced Russian asbestos producers have not dared risk large winter ship Will WelcomeHcIrd inter Ships Ability menu tinoole Quebec ii ship meals were late theyd lose cus Other industies besides asbes tos could make savings that would permit them to retake lost groundoa the world market says the industrial and Trade Bureau of Greater Quebec one at wintershippinfl Illin propoo back eats Thesesavlnll the bureau says would be made in lower transportation costs and the nonnecusity for producers and tor clients to tie up enormous capital tn warehousing and in accumulation of considerable Inventories for the winter months bineau egginetioonhoidku types of expo mer an showed shipping costs could be reduced two to 47 cents per 100 pounds Last year ocean ships came to Quebec and carried 174779 tons of goods valued roughly at WMM oars gloss cheese chemicals yarn hiscuitevmade ii 72000 tons while exports newsprint pulp asbestos alum iniumingots reached 102000 tons BIGGER SEASON EEEPL Up to saships are expected here this year although only one company Lauritzenjlnu oi Copenhagen has announced CONTRACT BRIDGE By JA BECKER schedule so tar The ï¬rm which pioneede winter shipplns in Quebec will run Righter every three weeks starting in January Canada Steamship Lines with its ioo freighter Eskimo and Anglo Canadian Pulp with its Granwood are also expected These ships are little icebreak ers in themselves and rarely need help They are aided by the Iida which keeps ice flowing and salt water which keeps ice mushy Winter shipping to points above meec is moot point The Es kimo on her maiden voyage last year made it to lroisRivicres Experienccd rivermen say reach ing Montreal would be out of the question unless number of ice breakers could patrol the river above Quebec ENOUGH DOCK SPACE Quebec has the facilities to handle all the winter shipping of the foreseeable future Some 12 to in vessels could tie up in the section used during winter where 4557 voter feet deep as mi Iner up to toyessels may tie up along the barbers 4000 eel oi docks Winter shipping says the trade bureau has direct etioct on the Quebec city economy Open lng oi the port oi Quebec year round has meant noticeable pittth up oi activities tor all the region in period which up to now had been considered damn During summer some too long shoremen are employed on the ships Last winter 300 at them earned $80 to $90 week when ships were in liotal wages for the our month winter period reached $511000 against $228000 in 195ng $211 enamelsm weret ps ere Trucking itsms made an extra $250000 but there were collis ures available for rail revenues Winter shipping also enabled men to find Work keeping roads andI rails tree at Inn in the per Late Bush On Grain in Closing Seaway LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE FORT WILLIAM CHA last minute grain rush developed Sunday before the close at navi gation Seven ships cleared Saturday with grain cargoes Nelve were to load and sail Sunday and the lineup oi those on route and due today was 181er heavyh Soma vessels now in port plan to make another round trip it they are able to unload at lower lake porie JULIET loNEs CENTRE vssonn Vespra to wnship held their HAVE SOME MONEY 70 TAKETH CHILDREN SHOPPING In mum MONDAY 32m mr mu rm uarssauq mills WDVOF W10 ENTIFI WE MJRNMON WW5 mmsmi SEEMSDSEIRREE MEAN REALLYM THE OPEN IM ONLV GOINGTD DAT BUYS WITH more NOWDN IM cows 10 as amicer AN ouroooe GMLPOP8 1900 nomination on Monday No vember 28 with only small number of ratepayers in attend ance It was suggestion that HUNTING West dealer East played on thejack ot spad for gays mastWest vulnerable No can NO DATETHANK3 The proper defensive play is non ASKING NORTH Opening leadsix otgspades Hereis ehand played in the World Brid ge Olympic some years ago inwhich Melenders were supposed to defeat three notrump Very few at the EastWest con testants succeededin the effort As smatterot fact tile best de fense is not sellevidcnt even whenelltour hands are examin ed West was directed to leadtho six oifapades nndthe burden oi defense thereupon fell to East The issue was largely decided on the very first trick the outcome of the hand depending upon what How Christian Science TVSNRIES for Everyone ms WEEK the tour of spades permitting the jack to win the trick Against this defense South cannot make he contract He must do down regardlm at what he does next Suppose declarer leads dis round at trick two West takes the king and returnain spade to the ace East leads high spade to force out the king and still has the ace oi diamonds as an entry oard for his established spades Declarer cannot garner morothnn eight tricks and rnust go downone East does not defeat the com tract if he wins the spade lead with the ace nnd returns thé queen Declares simply sets up his diamandsand the defenders cannot do better than take our tricks Nor can East etop three no trump by playing the queen of spades at trick one South ducks the queen and the defense is we cannon on hard piayfor ï¬uth to make because the six is obviously Wests highest spade East should know from the bidding and the opening ilead that declarer has the K9B7 of spades SinceEasthas only one side enhycard he should duck the jack 5085 to retain maxilt communication with Wests In duckingnho signals with the highest curd he can affordthe tour of spades Tomorrow Counting by the lb tense lHE TUCKED TOUCH turns simple casual into one or the smartest foshi going Little collorslirn ideal for shorter fuller ï¬gures Printed Patt 4557 Holt Sizca 14 16 lemme 22 24 Size isle takesrwz yard Winch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS 50 cents in coins stamps cannot be ac ceptedt for this pattern Please print plainly SIZENAIVEE DRESS STYLE NUMBE Sendorder to ANNE ADAMS care of The Sonic Examine BAYCIIY unnossrEnINo ANTIQUE 6t MODERN Beautiiul Samples lt Free Btunews sullen PICKUP an DELIVERY soon QUESTIONS ANI ANSWERS 0N aroma 32 mama CKVRTV Wednesday 1045 am CHANNELS PHONE PA llm BARRIE Upholsterlng One BusinessNot Just Sideline Bradtord It tiiitllllili nlss no It your carrier has not amvedbw pm please PA82433 And Copy Will Be Deliverance Your no phone VALLEY TAXI naiveYoussstr CARS annglltucks THERE IsNo elIAsGE roll rnlsvsrlivlcs Patter Dept 60 Front St Wu Toronto SENDNOW Big beautiiui com me Fall and Winter latiern Catalog has over 100 styles to sew school career hails Only 35 centsl TELEVISION MONDAY DECEMBER 1050 Tut Pattern Man to Man Romper Room Popeye and rm Nonndny he on News and Esther Indie Linden Farm Report Coming Events 00 TV Hour of stars Womans Show Open annu Reflections Verdict is Your son Popeye and rm Isnlus ltoundu 530 lllfk Draw earns 800 Nationa Business 615 Bert Churchill 830 Farm Market Reign ports 53 News Weather We Lucy 730 Don Mum min 11 any noun Kane Show My sister Eileen omnibus Three Roads in yawn iL cacrrv News is The Weathermln Today in arts Community ews use mono Defender WEEDAY to on Pattern in IChflllophm 1100 Romper Room moo Popeye andPsll v4 11 Noam Bl Drt Newsond Esther Ernie lindell Report 7an Events TELEVISION RENTAL SERVYICE $35055 both been installed recently Eve KVR CHANNEL it these meetings were held in the evening many more en would attend We were pie ed to see and wish to congratulate our Reeve Downey and dep uty reove Forbes who were put in by acclarnation However an election will be held to deter mine the council seat of whom there will be three lhoso run ning are Carl Duran Russell Harris Wellington baboon and Lloyd Bristow The School Board has three vacancies for which there nre running These are JohnPotterr son Cliiiord lionis and three new ones to seek seat areGm Ed Patterson and day Dec and it is the duty of every one to get out to the poles and vote Vote they say as you litre but tor one know how would like you to vote urphy that she rived atthe camp whereher husband works north of Sauli 5th services will be held in Christs Anglican Church Vesp ra on Wednesday evening Dec at pm This is especial ser vice to dedicate the electricity nndthe gas heating which have lsvsry welcome to join service The service will be under the guidance of Rev Lighthourn Archdeacon of coo County This little church is now under the wing of rural Dean Rev Walter Dyer rector of St Georges Anglican Church in Allandaie TV Hour of Stars Womens Show Talk or the Town Music Break Verdict is You Popeye and Pals Junior Roundup Sky Ring This Week on channel Learn To Draw Farm Market Report News Weather one Wantcd Dead or vs Manhunt galmi Ewan ii on ago ease Red Skelton Show CloseUP Nudist Zone not ca eman Today In one assesensoSessesegs FTEEbpnsltnmpnerpImemrL Community cws Highway ranoi WEDNESDAY plasmas 1030 Test Pattern Romndl Roorn Popeye anagram Naondsy Re on News and eather Emil LlndelL Tv flour or arm anens now Open Halls o1 lvy Verdiut Is Yours snninr Roundup Huckleberry aoune Emlc Linden Farm Market kespoltl News Weatheé porn 1045 Christian SCIBDG Farinï¬enort cumin and Popeye and Pain Thu ltosl monouns QUALle onus REALiscONoMY ALD DUCK DO curr RATEnRuc DEPARTMENI ALL BEST KNOWN BRAND NAME Dauasrarxtsasr lo or ropuvson leOLEssiEVHouse nebulae 51 rosslaw our ooNrJIIMEm mansions Ilsa AREFOOT mars amenms mo mono 10 on susu omer liSTEN Topless SIREN mm or arm usi