Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1960, p. 3

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Jury MITcHINsoNs RETURN HOME Sccu here at Malian Airport returning from sixweek European journey are Mr and Mrs Jack Mltchinson of Bar rie Mr Mitchlnson General Electric Plant manager and his wife Phyllis combined pleasure with busing on this trip which took them through Italy France and Great Brie tain The couple returned late Thursday evening BFETONPENETANG ury Approves Old Age Homes Slrncoe Countys old age hom eswere given stamps of approv ol from Grand Jury inspection team revealed report present ed to Judge JG Hurvie at the current session of November council hUd this week The Grand Jury report com mented on the interior of the Simcoe Manor buildings in Beet on as beingexceptionally clean and neat said the patients were comfortable and happy with their meals and the staff appeared happy in its work The one drawback in the Sim Home School May Vote On Peace Action One oitbc most important de clsions in the history of the Cane dian Home and School and Pa rentTeacher Federation may be vote at their annual meeting in Montreal next June on proposals of the executive to offer the one lionwide influence of Home and School to back up stated gbvem ment policy on the question at ruclear armaments The Federation is not offering blanket support to the govern ment as suchbut is offering im mediate support for the present policy of the present government according to reports received by Barrie officials The Federation believes this policy to be much the same on th nuclear question as that of the other major political parties wys Federation President Douglas Valkington Hudson Quebec The announcement came fol lowing decision of theexecu tivo to meet with leaders of the major Canadian political parties for the purpose of discussionol specific proposals that would aid hilize Home and School mem bent to give leadership to all pa rents in their universal daire for peace made Nov 17 in Too onto lIheIFederation blames gen orally incorrect viewlield by the general public and Home and School members themselves on the organizations long inaction inyjimportant areas Iembracing terms of its constitution for reac tion to the effect that Home and School supposedly has no connecj tion with nuclear disarmament Theorganizations first objec five is To promote the welfare of children and youth its eighth To foster high ideals of citizen ships and patriotismrand to pro mote through educational means international goodwill and peace Police one Men Inner Knife Killing strontium cr man identified as Carl Ludwig of Kitchener was stabbed to deatbi in the downtown area early to day police said man was being questioned by polio in connection with the stabbing AIRPORT onENs MONTREAL CPlgloseph Ir win of Toronto walked into Mont sport ing Thursday and was cred Girls pinned carnation on his coat lapel camera bulbs flashed and smiling officials stepped forward to greet him Then he found he was the first passenger to use the new$3 0011mm building in suburban Dor va coe hlonor was the lack of train ed help available in the vicinity and as resultit wasnecessary for the administration to train its own staff said the report aside for the operation tof the home was deemed sufficient by Dr McKclvey administrator of the home GEORGIAN MANOR The Grand Juryjiso approved of the administration of Georg ian Manor in Penetnng The buildings were termed neat and pieturmoue but the rear of the Manor was unusuab ly untidyi where constructionis being carried out As iii the case of the Simone Manor the budget allotment for nouncer CKVR announces the an Georgian Manor was deemed sufficient The report also saidT that the morale of the patients and staff was found to be excellent Jury also recommended that the superintendent ivan Vascy be providEd witha male orderly The county Council budgetsel Many suggestions The Grand Jury reporting on County organizations to the New ember senior of County Council drew aim and filed long list of recommendations The report on the Childrens Aid Society commented that Don JachonIbelieved hlsorgan lzation suffered from chronic shortage of socinlI workers trained It the university level Only four of the 11 workers Int present are univenity trainr Concerning the County Lib rary the jury recommended increasing facilities for storinl the volumes of books which re turn to storage each June Ano ther recommendation drew at tention to the authorities that some schools in the townships did not avail themselves of the county service RECREATION Reporting on the County Rec reetion Service the jury rccomv mended that the services of nu ector Louise Colley and her staff he used to providerounseband program planning advice for the patients of the two Manors and possibly for the inmates of the flail The Registry Building once again came under fire as being inadequate to meet present needs The jury commented that there was an obvious lack of space for staff personnel storage of records and lawyers facilities II Since consideration is current Ily being given new building 01 Don Gray Leaves City For London Don Gray familiar fnce lo CKVRTV viewers will be leav ing Barrie this weekend to take up employment on the staff of CFPLTV in London Ontario Mr Gray has been in Barrie since May 1957 With the departure of one an rival of another telecaster Fred Kennedy native Montrealer who comes to the news depart vthe station from Port Arth He worked previously in Owen Sound and Blind River Elliot Lake Lot No 991 In Elaine Has Annual Elections Installation At wellattended meeting of LOL No 991 Elmvale held Thursday in the Orange Hall Eimvaletha election and in stallation of officers for M1 took place Included in attend ance was Bro Fred Wood Dis Master of Waverley Di5lt trict as well as visiting broth ers from Alienwood and Allan dale lodges Bro Wood took over the chair from retiring Worshipiul Master Rowley for the election of officers with Bros Morrow and Lorna Gilhooley of Allandnle acting as ScrutineeIrs then called on Bro Howard Mar tin of Allenwool to act as mar shal and Bro Morrow to take oiler them installation ceremon ies The following officers were to stalled Bro Row ley Worshipful Master Bro El mer Llord Deputy MasterB Irwin Hounsome ChaplainBro sOMraoov near rear LONDON Ont CPlMost frustrated man in London must have been the thief who Thursday night stole $400 worth ofIsample shoes from salesmans car He took 175 shoesall for the Iright foot rnovnsruswomn MONTREAL cmshrew of State Noel Dorionsaid Thurs day the Canadian Billof Rights has proved its worthin the way it has made its effect on Cana dian statutesHe toldthe Uni versity of Montreal law faculty that if has been used as the basis for many appeals Olivier And Leigh Get London Divorce LONDON AmActress Vivien Leigh 47 was granted divorce today from Sir Laurence Olivier 53 ongrounIds of OllviersIadul tery with actress Joan Piowrrght 23 Miss Plowrights actor Roger Leonard Gage was given divorce in the same court on the same grounds Neither Sir Laurence nor Miss Pluwright defended the suits Olivier was ordered to pay the costs ofboth his wifes and Gages suits solicit your support in the With four years experience last year Miamiran of Roads forthcoming Essa adoption am in position to give round administration and constructive road program Manning Recording See retary Bro Harry Rowley Fin ancial Secretary Bro Lawrence Rowley Treasurer Bro Lawr cnce Whetbam Marshal Bro Les Ritchie Lecturers BrosW Archer and Heasman commitneemeh Bros Harold Rountree Alvin Archer Roy Marsellus Ralph Archer Upon the conclusion of ceremo nies the meeting was brought to close with refreslunents served by the lunch committee of the lodge Vesprafitfils Light Contest The VIespra Horticultural So ety will be sponsoring Christ mas ILightvup5Contest this year Only members of the Vespra Horticultural Society may take part IinIthe contest and all out ries must bein the hands of Mrs Jackson of Minesingby Dec 21 The judging will be finished Dem After the elections held during the November meeting in the Re formiry Hall Mrs Oakley was chosen to be the president of the Society for1961 Mrs Jean Moneyds the first vicepresident and Mrs LOrser is the second vicepresident Secretarytreasure er is Mrs JackSon with Mrs LRussell her assistant Mrs Monkman and Mrs Ma guire gave demonstrations on making Christmas decorations for house table and foods St Iaurent Agrees SigikeBiil Needed TORONTD CWFormer Lib eral prime minister Louis St Laurent said Thursday night he agrees that legislation to prevent Saturdays scheduled rail strike was necessary He told Young Liberal club at Osgoode Hall however that he had not seen the bill intro duced in Parliament by Prime no views on its terms About the Liberals in the Commons with CCF and New Party support were voting against the govern ments bill that would prevent strike by nonoperating railway employees and reading rm REGULAR STEAM BATES CLOSE BIT OF WEIGHT mar BETTER onrva LONGER MINES BliTliS AND MASSAGE Private 8150 Two Or More Loo PK 87111 that consideration he giVento Minister Diefenbaker andso had be said nos The bill however received see substantial addition said the report large sums should not be expended for renovation but certain irripravomeutl be made Among these improvements the Grand Jury suggested bet ter interior decoration and pninting and better lighting COURT HOUSE The Court Houses named for general program of reno vation with consideration given for the addition of cafeteria equipped to provide hot meals General recommendations of the Grand Jury included one that consideration be given to providing the kitchen staff at the county Manors and Jail with the consulting iervicee ofra fully qualified and experienced dietitian The jury also observed that there is chonic and continu ous shortage of trained pesou nel in most departments there fore it recommended that both the provincial and federal out critics concerned he reminded of this situation After long and distinguished history the Royal Canadian School of Infantry at Camp Bor den uow has aflag and crest Borden officials recently received notice of their approval by Army Headquarters The Motto Lucimus on the crest of the RC5 of is estate ment of the position of infantry in battlcxlt means we lead Both flag and crest feature word on maple leaf Origins of the School actually go back as far as 1880 when the British Government decided to withdraw the Imperial Army nom Canada Governmett that there was definite need inCanadafor Canadian Militia to safeguard Canadas internal security and if access to aid the Mother ime of need Canada was young country and herpopulation was small and so it was felt as today that the country would have to de pend in an emergency mainly on volunteer force Accord ingly the Canadian Government decided to set up schools of instruction to iiutruct the militia man in the artvof war The first schools in Canada wore formed in 1933 and were situated at Fredericton NB St Johns PQI and Toronto Ont Together they were called the Infantry SchoolCorpsand this Corps Was the beginning oftbe Canadian Regular Anny Basic ally the dutia of the Infantry School Corps were identical as those of the present Royal Can adian School of Infantry which trained instructors for the in fantry of Canada CHANGES NAME The Infantry Sdiool Corps changed its name many times In 1899 ithas known as the Royal Canadian Regiment of In fantry and finally in 1900 be came known as The Royal Can adian Reg eutI which Ibecame Canadas st regular anny fanLry uni With the ad during the First World the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry and the Royal TwentySecond Regiment the Canadian Permanent Active Militia emerged with three iu fantry regiments chHrEEd with maintaining the standard of in fantry training in Canada In the late 1920s it became Iapparent that the widely separ ated companies of flame three yond their resources and also that greater standarization of training was necessary Thus in 1925 the Canadian Small Arms Schoolwas neated and only operated the sum was expended into two Schools one at Sarcee near Calgary the other at Connaugbt Banger near Ottawa STANDARDIZED Thae SchooLs were staffe by instructors from the three infantry regimean and did much to standardize the small arms training of the infantry throughout Canada 0n the outbreak of war in 1939 the three infantry regi lt was felt by the Canadian1 are to provide instruction and Regiments were being taxed be mer months Later this School fun Suggests Iail Outdated find Inadequate Simcoe County fail here in Barrie has been termed MPE lessly outdated and inadequate but nest clean and for its I86 in reasonably Hood repair by Grand Jury report submitted to the November sesions ofCoun ty Court this The jury cementing on the morale throughout the Jail noted that the prisoners commented that thcyuwere fairly treated by all the staff and the staff itself was doinz its work efficiently Minor complaian rrrade by the prisoners concerning the food were unjustified sold the jury SUGGESTIONS Recommendations made in cluded suggestions that more than one small towel be provided for the use of nine prisoners that the amount of milk provided daily be increasr that more Wholesome reading material be provided and that more furniture in the way of benches and chairs also be provided School Of Infantry At Borden Has Crest find Flag Approved meats proceeded overseas and the Canadian Small Arms School was immediately placed on sperm nt footing and was extended to include minor infantry tactical training During the war in order to avoid overcrowding British ia cilities the Canadian Small Arms School expanded again The name ivasrhanged to Can adianTraining Schools and by the end of the war it consisted of many wings in the United Kingdom and in Canada teach ing every conceivable infantry subject Immodiatcly alter the Second World War Canadian Training Schools were contracted to two units One the Canadian School of infantry was situated at Vernon BC and the otherthe Canadian Small Arms Training fCantre was at Long Branch Duh where it remained until October 1945 when it moved to CampgtBordcu In the spring of 1946 the School at Vernon BC was closed down and was amalga mated with the Small Arms School thowhile taking on the name of the Canadian School of Infantry In October 1946 the prefix Royal was awarded and so today we have the Royal Canadian School of Infantry Camp Borden Ontario Hospital in Barrie indicated fair II ember sasion Barrie merchant Gerry Nash mnn telephoned The Examiner this morning to announce that be is defying the townof Bar ric Mr Nashman said he kept his and Sumhis Sales 54 DunA lop Street Wat open until pm Thursday in an apparent in fraction ofa city bylaw on store closing hours The bylaw states that certain places of business must close at pmMonday Tuesday Thurs day and Saturday it doesnt cover our store says Mr Nashman we are classcd as departmental store because we have at least five departments Weve got mens wear boys wear carnpiog eup cfgarcttes and confectionery NOT WOBEIED Mr Nasbman said member of the Barrie Police Force came to his store last night and said that he might be charged in this connection Mr Nashman was uonplusscd If they fine us lll counter sue the town for $5000 be war ed lfecontcuds that under his in terpretatior of the store hours bylaw he can stay open as long as hewants any day of the week except Sunday defy anybody to change Creemore Reeve Wont Run Again Because of recent heart seiz ure Creemore Reeve Gerry Blackburn 32 has stepped out of the current election picture Mr port from the Royal Victoria progress but the length of his stay in hospital is still indefinite The nominatlon meeting for Creemore is scheduled for Dec Mr Blackburn was taken to hospital Nov 22 when he suffer ed the heart seizure n5 heI was about to enter the County Council Chamber in Barrie for the Nova in Barrie with Harold Werhane right President of Culligan Inc at the recent Nat uai Dealer Advisory Council meet ing atINorthbrook Illinois As Council member Mr Folt hart was one of the 11 electen representatives for man Culhr gan dealers th oughout the TRYAN WEE wens in PHONEPA Mire US and Canad This annual three ay meeting is heldto review and discuss the romp Your and Influence you to the elected We With two years experience Mil est ofImy entwined uommgy remnants or mm revulsion are respectfully solicited in the forbhcomntgoleohion on Decembef sen emu to serve IKI Lu GTON person awardeda contract for corn roduct development program market ing and advertising plans and consumer education in the war ter softener field Blackburn at latest re4 WinsInnIsiil 11 he Graham from cmmcqnmum FRIDAY naccuaan Local ore Owner Takes On City buiness is the merchandising of articles such as mens wear sporting goods electrictwp piles or Iadies wear and says that they shall close at pm on Monday Tuesday Thursday and Saturday and that they shall emain closed until am the following morning On Wednesday the stem shall close at 12 pm until am the following morning and on Friday the stores may stay open unuropm EXCEPTIONS II The Christmas exceptions are as follows on the two Wednes days preceding Christmas the storm shall remain open until pm and the five afternoons he plits toy department luggage canny INASHMAN that said Mr Nashmau Mn Nashman added that his store is described on the liccrhco he received from the city as nudIG Departmental Storegt in the Yellow Pages of the Barrie Telephone Directory how ever the store is not listed under the Department Store heading ills listing is under Mcns Cl thing and Furnishings Ratai This item roads and Surp lus Sales Mens and Boys Wear Work Clothing at Bargain Brie rs FREE COUNTRY says Mr Nashman Ive got hills to pay its free coun try should be able to work anytime choose if you read the bylaw any stupid out can understand it The bylaw passed by Town Council in 1955 covers closqu hours of stores in which the main indian Supervisor Plans Retirement Superintendent of indian Ai fairs for the Roma and Georgina island bands near Orillia Harry Featherstone is retiring next it His retirement will bring to close 23 years of service to the department Purser supervisor of the Chr ian Island Reserve is to be his successor Park Contract Earl Brown of Beetonwss struction of tile bed and sep tic tauk for the new flush toilcts in theJnnisiil Township Park His bidwas $6500 and was the lowest hIona tide leader of in five submitted The contract was lot at spe cial meeting of lnnisfil Council last night 9VOTE Wingham fore Christmas the stores shall remain open until jun On Christmas evethe stores are to be closed at pIuI The bylaw covers possible In fractions of Ithefbylaw by saying that the proprietorofn store that breaks the bylaw is guilty ofen offence and liable to fine not exceeding $50 exchuive of costs TORONTO cmfireman is sued by the weather office at roam EST Syhopeis Milder tem ra lures have become genera in Northern Ohtario and higher lcmperatures are expected to ex tend to southern sections of the Province this afternoon Regional forecasts valid until midnight Friday Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Halibur ton Niagara regions Windsor London Toronto Hamilton Cloudy with sunny periods to day and Saturday milder Winds southwest is to 75 today 20 to 30 Saturday Kirkland Lake TimminsKap uskasing North Bay Sudbury Cloudy with sunny in tervals today mainly cloudyon Saturday Miler winds south west 15 to 25 today20 tom SatA urday Forecast Tompcrafurci Low tonight and high Saturday Windsor so is St Thomas 45 London l0 Kitchener 40 so 10 10 40 40 40 an as 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 30 15 25 10 20 20 10 20 20 10 Hamilton St Catharine Toronto Peterhorough Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Earlton Kapuskasrng White River Moosonea MORGAN MURPHY for ass TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Aooaesslvs BRISTIIW VIESPRA rowusmr ycnuncrtion NESSMANV Provider mo nu benedcial IRONhelps Name renter bodys correct an amino fastener Pius an are no uni Extract helps you sleep and feel mm rscx

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