Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1960, p. 4

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Eh Esprit Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario no menu States Block Exports To Cuba PAGE IOLR SATURDAY 001 22 1960 HOBAL Press Serves As Gucnrdicln ForPublic Right To Know This is National Newspaper Week time set aside each year during which we might discuss the merits the prob lems and the philosophies of our free press Newspapers in Canada are dedicated to protecting your freedoms This applies both to members of The Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association and the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso elation strange as it may seem in country whose way of life has been so closely tied with an unrestricted press there are forces here that would deny and censor the right of free access to seek out these facts Thererare those who would close public meetings to the press bar re porters from council meetings and leg lslatlve hearings You must be aware that is happening in all phases of mun icipal life today in city town and town ship And it happens in such things as hospital boards and other groups which depend on public funds To limit the press in its attempts to obtain accurate and factual information is to limit newspapers in their fight to protect your freedoms While this newspaper condemns such practices on the part of the public 01 ficlals we could hardly do so without first examining our own operation and know that we practise what we advopaig our relations with advertisers who make it financially possible to have free press serves as an excellent parallel The most important function we serve for them is by providing the circulation for their sales messages Because of this circulation facts are essential to their planning and the success of their adver tislng investments Just as we believe agreporter should not be denied complete access to the facts as protection of your freedoms neither should anyone with legitim ate interest be deprived the protection of accurate factual circulation data Thats why this newspaper is mem ber of theAudit Bureau of circulations so that we might furnish advertisers with verified information about our cir culatlon As member of the Audit Bureau any and all records deemed necessary by ABC are submitted to independent audit by specially trained circulation au ditors Following theauditors visit ABC publishes report containing his find ings on our circulation Through this easytoresd report the mom of our clr culation are made available to advertis ers complete and objective report Copies of this report are available free to advertisers Just as we believe that complete information regarding the advertising value of this newspaper should be available as protection to our advertisers so do we believe in the ob llgatio of newspapers in guarding the freedoms and protecting the interests of our readers The press as the recognized medium on public discussion and information should be given every opportunity torob taln the facts if it is to remain frecdorns guardian GEs MixedUp US Strike It is unfortunate when any labor dis pute reaches the point where men leave panys proposed retraining program for their jobs In the strike of the Intema tional Union of Electrical Workers against the General Electric Company in the United States which has been weakened by the second largest local Schenectady going back bowork the issues seem particularly narrow com ments The Christian Science Monitor The principal apparent difference he f7ween the company position andthat of the union is over continuance of cost oflivlng escalator clause This comes at time when the economic trend would seem to indicate that the clause would make very little difference to either side over thenext two years more is also complaint that the com dlsplacedeworkers while forwardlooking in itself would not be subject to provis ions in the generalvcontrelct for seniority and the handling of grievances This matter may have been brought closer to agreement through the fact that rival union the United Electrical Workers has continued in negotiating contact While TUE was on strike The fact of the existence of the UE once expelledJrocmfhe Congressof ln dustrlel Organizations for alleged taints of communism puts the leadership of President James Carey and the IUE under competitive pressure The strike was called in the face of the fact that the unions largest local in Lynn Mess achusetts had no fund to pay strike ben efits Opinions bl Other Newspapers KISS WITH CONTACT LENSES Port Arthur NewsChronicle Taking clinical look at kissing the Austral fan Optometrlcsl Association has emerged with theadvlce Close your eyes and relax This is tough advice for young lovers instruct ed in the art by visual observations of the kiss lug marathons so often seen on movie and tab evislon screens Should kiss be brief touch ofthe lips with light arm and shoulder clasp Or should it he long wrestling match that leaves the participants gasping for breath Well it seems that the advice of the ADA isnt directed at young people unless the young people wear contact lenses The optom etrists say that movements of the cheek and jaw muscles tend to loosen contact lenses Lifes embarrassing moments can be sum med up in kiss and POPthere goes her contact lensesl PICKElLINELAWLESSNESS if Christian Science Monitor Violence which flared the first few days indie UE strike against General Electric has given way to token plckeiing at most affected plants This is an improvement but it does not dispose of questions of law and public policy raised in trianls and other strike situations from time to The Wagner Act properly protected the right of organization for collective bargaining but should that proieotion extend to collective lntfmld Authorized as summer rnsll Post ome Department ottnw Del Sundays Ind Statutory Holidays excepted WALLS Publisherand Genenl arranger CHARLES WADGE Bunnies planner NEVILLE BARNETT Manning Editor 110qu SHRER Advertising limiter some homes Clrculntlon Manager Subscrlptlon rate daily by carrier loo weekly all Sflfiuiixwfrlo if iiafli mil ear 06 mnynth Ouislde Canada $900 year re mo Offices 42 University Ave Toronto 040 it direct Montreal me West Georgia Street Vlnzilellvle Member of trial anadlan only New Pub Ushers AssoclefionFThc Canadianvrcgnhlnd the Audit Bureau of circulualu Canadian Press exclusive entitled to the use for re uhlluauon of all news etched in oils Roper ere lied to it or The Am lieu Press or cuter and ulsogtho lam nawgpubullgammln All rlghte of republication of specie mum aoreln erosion reserved gt Telephone Number Editorial Advertlslng Lug Business PArkway 0050 Want Ade PArkway um UPalagraphically Speaking Overheard bobbysoxerlspeaking2 love music and Im just crazy about Elvis Presely The poor girl has ser louscase of split personality atlas of individuals who wlslr to continue em ployment on proffered terms l1he La Gusrdla Act corrected certain abuses of the injunction process by employervminded courts but should it restrain courts from great ing relief against mass Picketlng which amounts to obstruction of public streets or of ingress and egress from private property Local law enforcement officials have re sponsibility la the GE and other strike situations to prevent damage to workers cars which in any other context would be accounted vandalism and to punish threats and obscenlues which are no less breach of peace on the picket line than elsewhere Unions insist on the right of employees to vote on representation in bargaining they should recognize the right of employees also to vote with their fee if theyst to mass pidret line AUTOMATION assume By DAVID some Canadian Ple fluff Write EXPORTS BARRED The United States ordered abenonAmerlceneximuto revise TO 1010th LOST Yarns our moms Cuba Wednesday of Ill goods erupt medical supplies and some foods The move is in retaliation for the nationalisa tion of US bummed in Cuba Washington officials expect the embargo will mine it dif ficult for Cuba to obtain spare parts for machinery on farms and in factories and sugar mills thus hampering the com tryl economy However Cuban officials were hopeful of filling the gap from Canada Japan and Europe Prime Minister Diefenbaker said Canada has no intention whatsoever of imposing any embargo on Canadian goods in Gillan trade DISARMAEMT BID External Affairs Minister Green asked the political con mliiee of the United Nations Wednesday to out through ills red tape on disarmament and put dlscussioo of the question on scientific basis Green said Canada sought the immediate appointment of tech nical and advisory committees to work with litnation group in Geneva where talks were abandoned following Com munist bloc walkout in June He also urged that more of the worlds smaller and middle powers be brought into the pic hne Th Milky Is Name For GdlaXy Of Stars This is one of series of articles by Mr Macaulay dealing with soulch of each gy and their duplication the post the prelent and the future some meson ec Minister Energy Resources We live on the earth The earth has menu which circles around it completely once every 10 days The earth end the moon both circle around the Sun once every 865 days It is not the earth alone which le the Sun There are eight other planets which do fheJame There are also over 1500 ssferoldsfblg and little hunks of circling around the Sun Also there are comets and meteors that circle the Sun Everything that is circl ing the Sun is part of the Solar System The Sun is the centre of the Solar System like the hub cap of wheel The Sun is star There are billions and billions and billions of other stars in the universe Billions of these stars may well be the centre of billions of other Solar Systems Stars tend to collect in bunch es bunches containing about 100 billion stars like our Sun Some of the stars are bigger and bright er Some are smaller and faint er These vast bunches are cal led galaxies Each such immense bunch of stars in the universe is galaxy REPO Youth Training Scheme For Edi for unemployment Automation in Brilsln Ger many and Japan has not cut employment but helped to boost it Why not here Possibly the reason ls that automation has been abusedrather than used as ltsllould be Automation has created some jobs where if has cut odlels It has freed housewives from former work that kept them at borne on full filrge rho andhas temptedthem into business and us gt The new usumall box that can be operated with one hand will be greatly appreciated by the busy onersrmed paperhanger if he ever finds time to write 34900915 Kiss Stealer Lodged in Jail Head line ft is assumed he was charged with grand larceny Even the most ardent bellevérin the brotherhood of man reserves and alter cisesthe right to choose the brothers with whom he associates When accompaniedby Temptation Opportunity knocks many times more than once There are few instances in which any person is happier than the young whip persnapper riding motorcycle llckety split with girl hanging on to him for deg life to keep from being throwninto or Ansttelnptwlll soon bemade to broadcast thought bylradio Its about time apprenticeship By McINTYRE HOOD loudm England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner EDINBURGH SCOTLAND Early next year new you training scheme the first of its kind in Britain is likely to be in augurated in Edinburgh The idea behind this schem is to give boys and girls iralnlng in the work that is expected of them in shop or store in the retail distributive tradebefore they take their places behind count Atyresentyfhere is dayre lease course for young people al ready employed in these trades They are released from their work for one day week to ob fendinstruction in their approx riafe branch of the retail trade The new scheme has been put forward by Secretary of State for Scotland JJ Manley 0n the theory of cathing them young he has recommended that pre voonfloual courses for teenagers wishing to learn about work in the retail distributive trades he introduced The Edinburgh education do pertinent has been quick to take up the idea One of its officials said We hope this scheme will start in Edinburgh soon The matter is to be considered next month and will be discussed with representatives of the retail trade it is likely that we will be gin the course early next year This will add to many courses now being given forryoungrpeop le and which act as bridge be tween secondary education and weaveralumni No one knows how many galax ies that there are in the universe the estimates vary from one bil in lion galsxles to ten tune that many Our Solar Syseln including our Sun and our Earth are tiny part of galaxy called the Milky Way gum Our Milky Way galaxy may ap pear like this lfwe could look down upon it from above The galm is made up largely of stars lt in fact it is estimated that the Milky Way galaxy pos scsses 100 billion stars 100000 000000 TWOSOUP PLATES From the side the Milky Way galay resembles two soup plat esput face to face It leaks littlelike closed oyster hall from the side also The galaxy is 60000 to 100000 lightyears wide and 15000 to 30 000 lightyears thick The centre is thicker than the outer edges so it depends upon what you are measuring light year is 0000000000000 miles lrillion miles So the Milky Way galalw is about 600 000000000000000 miles wide and 170000000000000000 thick As we stand in Ontario and look up at the Milky Way at night we are looking in the direction of one of the arrows in both dia grams We are looking info dense part of the galaxy If you look to either side of the Mlllw Way in the sly you are in fact RT mom 11x nhurgh It has been discovered how ever that more young people are employed in the retail dis tributive trades than in any oth er occupation This has ernphss ized the need for course such as is being given consideration GIRLS BENEFIT MOST For the moment it looks as if girls will benefit most from the scheme To use common phrase in Britain at the moment the girls have never had it so good so far as jobs go This year not nearly old girls left school to fill the hundreds of vacancies which were open for juniors With boys however it is rath er different matter They do loot find ites easy to secureems ployment on leaving school The other day flie Edinburgh Trades Council said that it would be necessary for Marge number of Edinburgh firms to introduce apprenticeship scheme to take care of the bulge in the male schoolleaving population The council esflmafes that next year 500 Edinbiirgh school leavers will be left unemployed in the fol lowing year lt predicts there will be 500 boys alone in that category Hence the interest that is being shown in the proposed new retail training course The Employmem Offlce for Edinburgh however is rather more optimistic its deputy chief says As far asvappreutlceshlps for boy 30 it is difficult situation ave few jobs that have not been filled but must admit they are not man But we are enough 15year looking out of the galaxy through the thinnest dimension no you do not see as many stars BILLION STARS The Milky Way gslay con tains in addition to 10 billion stars vast clouds of hydrogen gas and dust which obscure our vlevv and show up as dark patch es The gas and dust on the whole is contained in the arms of the galaxy It is thought that stars are formed out of gas and dust and the young stars are along the dust lanes and are missingfrom other parts of the galaxy In the centre in particular are the old starsnnddeud slhrswhlcb have exploded or run out of energy It is estimated that over l2 ol the stars are not in fact single stars but are what are calledbln ary or multiple stars Tbatisio say they are In palrsor triples or quadruples that circle around each other Some of the stars in the galaxy are smaller and faint er than the Sun but much hotter These are called white dwarfs they are stars which are aboill to die Some stars are much lar ger than the Sun and are red colour Our Sun is yellow colour and is middleaged Some stars pulsste that is to say they in crease in size and brightness and then shrink in size and brightness with much regularity Some stars group in clusters within the gel ay While some go it alone The galaxy is spinning anti clockwise like wheel Our Sun will do complete circle around tile centre of the galaxy once ev ery 200000000 years thus the Sun is circling inside of the gle any at about 42000 mph local speed actual speed in the gal axy of the Sun is about 670000 miles per hour Our galaxy hangs around in group of 16 or 11 other galaxies which is called The Local Group Our Mlllq Way galaxy is by weight aboutfi per cent rs and per cent gas It is probably fairly old galaxy but not as old as some Tbsgalaxy that is thought to be farthest away is said to be distant 35000000000 000000000000 lidsextllllon mil es it seems to betravelllng away at about 310000000 miles an hour MoreTourists Spent Less TORONTO CPlTbere were more tourists in Canada this year than any previous year but they spent less James McAvlty of Montreal Canadian Tourist As societies president said Thurs ay Mr McAvily at press con ference said that while statistics will not be available untilthe end of the year the most remark able trend will be in the increase in interprovinclal tra second major trend will be the remarkable growibin the number of carnpersin raviuclal and national parks and trailer camps BIBLE THOUGH God forbid that should glory save in the Cross Gnlnilans 14 There is only onothlng that Christian like shouting aboutnot his accomplishments not his possessions but his sal vationiha work of God for him sinner COLUMBIA DEAL eCo um Rlver was an nounced Wednesday in Ottawa Three waler storage dame will be built in British Columbia at cost of $458000000 in the first stage of giant hydround flood control scheme in West ern Canada and United States that may eventually entail out lays of 9000000000 GOLD FEVER Speculators gambling that the US was about to increase the filled prlce for stones of gold above the present $35 level bid up the price of the metal to $41 an ounce during the week The US repeated Thursday its frequent denial that change is in prospect French cabinet minister forecast an immense and mortlfylng set back for the speculators ELECTION CAMPAIGN With litilemnre than fort night left in the wounded US election campaign bath Sen ator Kennedy and ViccPresl dent Nixon spent compara tively quiet week in advance of Friday nights fourth television debate Nixoneharged that Kennedy had been making rash lrn mature statements that are gm ingqto encourage the Comnur nlsts to attack us any place in the world Kennedy assailed the vice presldent for repeating the Communist argument that un employment was eliminated in the US only when we have war economy WHATS TENT AGAIN The semi official Cuban newspaper hevoluclon got its QUlllENS PARK lupment pregami Melth mixed Monday built managed to get its mesas across nevaibeloss Robert Kennedy is one on didate for the presidency of the great North American demoe racy the Paper laid in re effing Roberts brotlur Senator John Kennedy Kunnedy aseVerybody knows is an lllltcraie million lire Hes fool Hes stupid gt Hes dolf Hes cancelled fle bumbskuli Hes inson en JOBLES MAI Unemployment in Canada do dined by 5000 between mld August and mid September the government announced in Ottawa Wednesday butfhe to tal of people without work 327000 as at Sept 11 was still post wal record for the month BEANTAKING RESCUE van Roosmalen of Woodstock Out 21 year old student parachute jumper became entangled in the lines of his chute at Paris Out last weekend Just as be was mak ing his fourth jump ills right arm was wrapped so tightly against his body that he couldnt pull the rip cord and was left dangling help leser 15 feet under his air craft Roosmalens instructor Ai fred Coral slid down line to him For few secondswe were clinging to each other Then pulled the rip cord of his reserve chuie and pushed bimawsyn waited few seconds to get ear then opened my own parachute Both landed safely amid 500 persons on golf course PAKISTAN TRAGEDY cyclone and tidal wave which swept into East Pakistan from the Bay of Bengal nmrly two weeks ago are feared to have taken possibly as many or 0000 lives Offlciale said 00 per cent of those living in the dev astated area were homeless TRAIN ROBBERY Six masked men staged westernstyle train robbery at mugsey Que Wednesday Two of them held the elationmsster his wife and son at gunpoint while the other four boarded the baggage car and removed 15 sealed bags containing $3100 in coin The bandits wearing HallowU een masks escaped in truck WEEK IN ONTARIO Supreme Court of Ontario jury assessed $10000 and costs against Clifford Higgs 50year old businessman for alienating the affections of Rosina 43 yearold waitress wife of Er nest Hurley During the is days of hearing at Milton the court heard that the Hurley met in England in 1945 and lived to gether until 1953 when they married just before 00th to Canada to live Workers at Chemical Devel opments ofICanada Limited at Orlllia rather than accept seveuday staggered work week proposed by the company went on strike despite conciliation boards majority report recom mending Sunday work shift Public new Popular as Pirates By DON OEEARN TORONTO Lots hit the Road The Ontario department of highways has new publication Fifty thousand copies of The Road are to be distributed quarterly as we understand it The point is to do selling job on our roads The departments And when point that isrTo sell us on our roads wOur pointh shouldlt try and sell us ALL OVER There is an awful lot of sell lug going on around here these days Public relations is more poplt ular than the Pirates in Pills burgh Ten years ago there weres half dozen public relations men in the whole government serv ices if that Now they are coming out of the walls Walk down any corridor and if you dont trip over one it is only becduse you are obeying the safety rules We wont go into what they do though lot of it is personal publicity and speech writing for ministers The concern is that they are costing great deal of money and are they worth it Should they be there at all BALANCE OUT Yes they should In the com plex government of today there is lot of information that should be made available to the public And ghod informatfon oi ficer can do valuable job must information turns to propagandlzmg thing are getting outof balance DISEASE Ata guysand conservative onea single issue of The Road would costai least $25000 For this we are being told Why Ontario Must Keep Building Roads Who Rid es Ontarios Roads about The Unoeasillg Battle Against Snow undendred matters Is this vital infonnstlonl Peri haps it ls hut notS25000 worth if it is so essential the govern VBut ment could take newspaper ad and tell everybody in the prov ince aboutit for less than half this cost Butzno itputs out magazine with more expensive produc tion than any commercial publi cation in Canada can afford In sense public relations is disease Somewhat resembling elephan Once it starts it keeps on grow ing The highways department public relations department was started some years ago to get out road information and to get across to the public some of the reasons it couldnt get roads as quickly as it wanted them With thevyears the department began to grow Rather than in formation the propaganda end began to be accented As staff was added so was the volume of expensive materialo you have people you must have something for them to do It was not reasonable devel opment and now one observer would say it hasgot out of hand And it is not alone in this be

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