act N0 BARRIER lad of is years age may alter succusluily completing huntcr snlcty traininguquallly for hunting licence this year John Smith recent graduate under this program sponsored by the locaiCooservntlon Club shows an line brace of pheasants which were taken low miles lrorn Barrie last Saturday with the lundownern permission Pick Equipment Ever fSd Carefully lho choosing at tho equipment that you talto into the woods is one ol thamoot importanttao torn involved in woods trnveL No matter how many trips you take into the great outdoors you will always come across some new pitco of equipment or some now idea which will add to your comfort and sntcty it takes years and years experience to get to tho point that you have everything which you could rihly require without iltara loading yoursoli down By far the most important at all of your equipment is the cloth cs which You will wear The most common loan is that of not tak ing enough warm weatherproof mums and footwear Being corn lortable warm and dry ore ab solute requisites in the great out doorslilo can be very miserablo when you are cold wet or sul Iorlng tram Ill ttlng or lmproplt or footwear or clothing The best rulo cl thumb is to try and overdress as it in easy to remch an article at cloth lng but most disconcerting to bo wishing you had brought Inorg as you shiver and lrcoze Good boots nu omust thoso should be well brolgcn in warm watcrprool and largo enough to wear heavy warm socks SLEEPING BAGS Whether you will be hunting shock or tan good sleeping bag is by lar tho most comfortable and senathlc thing to sleep in sleeping bog easier to handlo than an equivalent supply of blankets and ground sheet and delin itoiy holds your body warmth more securely Attcr working in the damp cool bush all day as well as the perspiration problem tho clothes which you have worn all day shouldnotbe slept in An extra suit underwear or good worm suit ot pyjamas will rdresh you and keep you warm or THESE ARE MUST supply at matches in wat érproot container good com passmaps oi the area you be in good flashlight or Ian tern length of stout ropc good knife and lirst aid kit are all very Important mos uso iul and absolutely ease arh cles of equipment for any trip the grcat outdoors FOOD SUPPLIES There are many Varieties of dehydrated canned and conccnh rated foods available today and people will have many preferenc es and dual tastes in this dcpnrlmc One good thing to remember is small packages at chocolate and Its whicn are handy to slip pocket In case you be omc separate tor short period or wish to spcnd an extra hour or so be lore heading back to base sAvE on SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES THERE QU Hunters Saving Specials Mdl1216Ga WINCHESTER Md 7o 73006 cu REMINGTON MdLIEDADLSMCaL SAVAGE Md as aoo CaL NBROWNING Mdl om Cnl BROWNING mu cm MAUSER IIIm Cat MAUSER mm Cal STEVENS Mdl 85K Cal STEVENS Mdl 87K 22 Cal SPRINGFIELD noose22w MARLIN MdL 890 22 cal WINCHESTER REMINGTON MdL man 15 Ga REMINGTON Md ADI 15 Ga MARLIN Md so at Ga BEGD neg lasso 1999 Bel 11715 1999 32 1950 7999 Ber 950 13999 hex Jason 0999 Beg noon 1999 Rerl 12125 9999 Ber 4125 3199 her as 3499 Rag anso 2899 Reg 95 3299 Ber Izloo 9999 Beg n5o 8999 Bet 11350 9999 mg mm 12499 CANADAS GUN HOUSE 25 DUNLOP ST cwrnlm DEPT We carry complete line at all hunting clout PA 83535 FISELNG CLEARANCE SEE out 1961 NOTE °OURIOJiL ER MEANS WI TERW We are all too well awareof that horrible word pollution We sincerely hope thatithesteps that are being taken now will be enough and in time It is harditolleali thatiess than 106 years ago this great country had no pollution problems and water was taken for granted We cannot live without pure waterright now many municipaL ities are literally scratching their heads to find adequate water or drin ng let alone the growing need for industry use which expanding beyond our precept known supplia Millions of acres at out formerly richest farming lands havo been lost to uermn improper care of them lrom taking every thing and returning nothing iny in dietpast decade or so have we become aware of crop rotati contour plo ng the planting of cover crops the preventing of soil erosIo to mention few Wise ways in which we can preserveourh precious heritage of productive farm lands We were endowed with riches beyond ones imagination ouRf ORESTS OUR FIS to HUNTERS THIS gADVEItTI FIRMANS our wealthof crests At first we slashed them down because there was so much Thank goodness we have awakened to reioratation and replenishment before it is too late May we become as conscious oi the appalling loss due tolorest fires before it is too latetan many of Lhasa fires are originated by unthinking human hands WILD LIFE Aswe pushed back the frontiers slashed away theforats and the cover for our precious so sowe wiped out the habitat at our wildlife and we are conbnu at too fast rate in this regard As ourfstteams and lakes have become polluted so we have lessened the places for our precious fish population to breed and multiply and survive Only with an allout realizationpby all people in all wants or lite and greatly accelerated program of clean up contra and iongrange planning can we hope for the future wealth of our fish industry our sport ï¬shing and the maintenance of out Wildlife The two biggest problems that face hunters today are In me loss of and me by SOcalled ortsmen hooti thing that moves at ever The ever narrowing area in which we can hunt due to socalied sports men not obeying the law and respecting other peoplesproperty no geoting permission to hunt on their lands It is definitely to youradvantoge to encourage the upnndcoming hunb ers to attend hunter safety training lectures and sessions There appear to be little or no hope to do much with some of the unsafe older hunter 31 1gith few yearfaoghtraining and concentrating on the younger fellow we can ge nowhere it will out in the bush again Do safe bywaycine go Please encourage and promote hunter safety training and please obtain permission from landowners to hunt on their lands SEMENT sPoNsoREb 3v Naturally Its Gasl VAIION SE SE OF CONSUMERS GAS co 67 TqFRONro st PARADISE TEXACO SERVICE SNOW SKI 33 DUNLOP 5TW PA 85845 Safety Programs Make Much Sense As ourwoods become morn populntcd wtth hunters year by your huntcr salety programs certainly make sense No paper or magazine written for hunters would be complete without low words about this most important part at hunting There are some reasoned hun ters and Woodsman who prob ably think that all of this hun and cry nhout hunter anlctyfct slanted at the novices not them Let us consider just tor monicnt one very basic net Hunting Is donc guns Guns are mode or it Now docs huntcr safety make sense for everyone who ever handles gun it most certs ly doesl Tho one basic rule to remem ber at all times thisn gun is designcd for id ng it always trust be treated th ruspectl Let us or moment analyze low accidents with guns The most common accidents on used by supposedly empty guns followed closely by the ex cuse that it movedso shot at itgnot identifying the tar get for sure When you boildown these two most common reasons for ac cidents it is most obvious that people muslnalwnys remember that guns are lethal weapons and must he treated as such EQUIPMENT 25 fllT SISMAN HUNTING BOOTS HARRY TWISS €5513 1899 PALMER HUNTING BOOTS REGDJ CANADAS GUN HO zsnuutop SLE PA Reg $2350 SPenlal 399 NO DOWN PRECISIUN WUIIKMANSIIIP PAYMENT 12 risersr1511 zsznrz 71 mmtc Fraserve Our Natural Resources BARRIE LT 55 BRADFORD ST PA Everything For Merj and Eoys 859 GEOFF GLENN MENS WEAR 125 DUNLOP ST PA 62 95 91 ANNiNc FT or TORONTO ST iiAsgsss Fuel Oil Stove on Cool If cscor1 co Established 1894 PA 84991 BARRIE DISTRICT HUNTERS 8t ANGLERSI CONSERVAIION sews