For Examiner WantAds Totes phone PA Hui The Idem number to call for the Business Editorial Dept in PA um 96thYeorNc 244 Knotty cloudy cold aim nut richnenvytrocttonfnLDoWIo pimoor am Friday 451m Ill mJee apple fllce BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 1960 ME T02 KING PUNII Canada Calls For BrOader CHAIN Ontario Meeting Approves rti lIt Sh ca egra on eme TORONN CPLOntarios hog producers are going into the packing business The Ontario Hog Producers Association Wednesday voted to lntcglate vertically into pigme tofryingpan operation by estab lishing chain of packing plants cross the provnet tn compell Mclnnis said the initial sum lion Willi PHVBIB fm raised would rovlde necessary MLQLthLaasoclatinnlsiundshrAheperiodiwhentha counly executives agreed to seek large private firms expected support of debenture issue of offer stiff competition might least $1000030 plegebl on the squeeze mam 3e up The drive for funds began ad plan um would also handle soon as the vote was taken and bee 13 ML Mr Mclnnis said it will con pelegates agreed there wruhe tlnue until the chain or abbatoir stiff competition from the large and DadaHg plant is set up an private mentracklns companies the FAME Farmers Allied Meat but Extended Support Without Enterprises appears on meat turemoneyvwoulrkprovide open ating capital to support the cen tral organization while funds to buiidrthe co operative plants would be raised in the local areas where they are estab lished Association President Charles Disarmament AttCiCk By UN UNITED NATIONS NY CP Using the soft sell on notd subject Canada has called for it bigger and broader attack on disarmament without scuttllng progress already made External Affairs Minister flow ard Green in major speech Wednesday to the 99 member snaps on cons HIT BY can United Nations political comm Jinn Coxeremmm JIkskuCkhyLanieasibolmds we gaming lying on the road behind on cor when he stepped off the rmrï¬nmnï¬on but he said in at lookers is William John Kim curb See story on Page feet um the great powers have barley 69 Gravenhurst who Exomincr Photo hnoted dismmmgm Search Intensified denl Wednesday at tileAnne StreetDunlap Strcc intersec and from the middle and smaller powers said Green advocating the formation of technical and advisory committees to work with the lonotlon EustAWest ne For SixArmed Bandits KINGSEY Quc CPProvin cinl police todny intensified search for six armed and masked bandits who took over tiny rail way station here and robbed CNR train of $3100 when it pulled up to the platform The bandits giving reallife drama to an old western movie script took only few minutes Wednesday to conduct the entire operation They fled in panel trucklafter taking 15 bags of money from the train bound for QiiebecCity from Montreal The robbers were armed with iscalibre revolvers reminiscent of the 45calibre longbarrelyuavy revolvers used in early western days before the attzcalibre Colt revolver became fashionable One bandit also equipped him self WitliiiISecond World War Stengun The CNll said in Montreal that ml the money was in coin it was destined for Quebec City banks Police immediately set up road blocks throughout the area 70 miles east oi Montreal but said early today no arrests had been made The robbers fired several shots through the windshield of the diesel locomotive but no one was seriously injured Engineer Arnold was slightly cut by flying glass Some 30 passengers were tpld to stay in their seats but no one was molested No mail or bag gage was taken ron rrnpn rnun Itwas the third time that trains had been attacked by robbers in the last to months Thieves escapedwith safe Expect GonStructionTo Begin Columbia River Basin Next Year OTTAWA CP Construction may begin next year on $458 000000 threedam storagesys em in the Columbia River basin of British Columbia Canadian Amcrican agreement on the hy rim and floodcontrol scheme was announced Wednesday The project willrnean an esti mated extra 1675600 horsepower for BC in the shape of power churned out of United States gen erators by Canadianstored water on completion of the 10year con struction program Another $65 000000 in cash wil be paid by the US as half the flooddams age saving made possible by the dams The power will be half the total made possible by Cann dian storage The federal government has of fered to put up half the $344 000000 cost of actual dam con struction or $172000000 in the selfliquidating project said statement by Prime Minister Diefenbaker nc tcivsmrsrtnvcr 60ltyear treaty Was expected to be ready for ratificationby Parliament and Congress at the end of the year including vital plan of operating the storage ja cilities However the 30 gov ernment has not accepted the federal otter said Justice Minis fer Fulton who led federal BC negotiating team BCwould hold public hearings before issuing water licences for darn construction Perhaps 1600 persons may be pushed out by dam flooding Mr Fultonrseid Canadianstor Editorial siaii caiirnquiry 0n Death OfTwo Newspapers LONDON ReuterslEditorial employees of the London News be Chro and The Star Wednes day ght demanded govern ment inquiry into the death of the two papers Tuesday The morning News Chronicle national Liberal daily witba cir culation of 1162154 was ob sorhed by the Conservative Daily MadThe Star the News Chron icles companion London evening newspaper was absorbed at the same time by the London Even ing News allied to The Daily Mail Wednesday nights joint state ment by the staffs of the two ab sorbed newspapers spoke about lmysterious moves behind the closings It said staff members age of 15sooooo acrefeet of water will provide an even flow for downstream American gener ators and still leave the way date He called it the best deal that could be made However it ails short of the standard of po en tial in benefits to Canada that some experts had suggested Chief example was the refusal of the BC government to agree to diversion of the Kootenay River into the Columbia on grounds that tooextensive flood ing would result in the east Kooteoays wuv 0N Lmbv DAM This opened the way for the Americans to wring Canadian agreement on the contentious Libby Dam question The US sought either Kootenayv diversion or the Libby Dam in Montana for floodcontrol benefits and gained fiveyear option on Lib bys construction Libby had been opposed by Ganada because it atmears noo economic talnog into considera tion better alternative use of Kooteoay waters indicated by engineering studies Both Columbia and Kootenay rise in the southeast corner of border swings back into Canada and thenrgoep acrgssagain The Columbia goes north before cut ting back in sharp curve to flow through the narrow Arrow Lakes system and on into an ex tensive US chainLof hydro sta tions were told two separate offer had so made for the papers in the last few months The editors and reporters said they were informed that Cana dian publisher Rcy Thomson who owns newspaper groups in both Britain and Canada had offered v£1oooooo szoooooo that would have kept both papers going while the Australian Con solidated Press offered to put £4000000 $11200000 into the concern The newspaper mcn said they were told that either of these bids might have made their jobs secure The statement ulsosoid that Thomsons offer was rejected on of hand gotiating body which collapsed in Geneva in June Green spoke the first day of al debate in the important poli at committee in this 15th session of the UN General As scmbly Green urged delegates not to throw away advances containing 5900 from Delaware and Hudson train as it stood over nightvln the CPRs Windsor Sta tion in Montreal in January 1959 Seven months later three masked men were found hiding on train in the ONE Central Station in Montreal an hour be fore it was to pull out with large shipment of money for Heli fax NS The men fled when discovered by conductor tee but to build on thorn PROPOSES CHAIRMAN He formally proposed the op for the committee preferably from Switzerlandto keep nego tiators from arguing at cross purposes The political committeevun oer the threat of walkout by Russiatn scheduled to resum discussio today to hear fur ther disarmament debate As ifkto give point to Greens remarks Wednesday the Soviet Union renewed its threatt walk out orthe disarriiamenivac huge and the United States replieaythat it wouldnt be intimidated aby such threats Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian aninfollowing up threat by Soviet Premier Khrush chevearliersaid hls delegation would boycott the committeerlf the West insisted upon pre its disarmament proposals lnop position to those of Russia us COUNTERS Jones wnlicx wonrn 3100 PARIS ReutersA Paris court decided that to whack the bottom of Foliesher gore chorus girl is worth $100 The court 6rdered male dancer Pierre Lesoge to pay folics girl Lydia dc Lipskl 500 francs for spanking her behind Lydia explained that the smacking prevented her from appearing on the folies stage for eight days bccauscihe bruiscs showed made by the Illnation commit pointment of neutral chairman EXTERNAL Arramsivrmrsrcn nowann Gnarls formal guarantees of protection to the smaller firms wouu urvs CAPITAL Under present plans the debenlt Mental Health Major Problem Says Minister JORDAN Ont CPlTbo pos sibility of developing private mental hospitals lathe province was discussed here Wednede by Health Minister MatthewB packages on grocery shelves AROUND ONTARIO Courteau general mannlt gar of the Quebec cooperative federation suggested that slnutzllA ter houses be put up around Ontario with the main packing house in the Toronto area He said the Quebec enterprise had showno profit armors than $1000000 last year and backed up his confidence in the Ontario project with $5000 cheque for FAME debentures Hillard Nobel fie pressed for lheappoiotment ofsuch committeeor commit teesand also stressed the need givin either militaryndvan tagc adequate inspection and verification stcpby pro gross building conf once so that for parallelcommittee to be moreend more farrreachiog pro appointed bribe 99ltJllembel UN posa igltt bcciiectiv afterno speec urged the to gobs ddllri Green said that any in those isb Prime Minister in cmillana who are fearful of the awful proposal for an EastWest scien consequences of the arms race tific committee to meet first and still do notreaiizethat comprom prepare the ground for political ise and sacrifice are necessary to leaders reach agreement Disillusioned Burgess Wonts Dymond of Ontario gymmmity Rehabilitation at this mentalillnessis Ont health problem There mental hospitalswho should bein some other setting he said health isto succeed he said the community atlarge must become involved andvthe activities of the many should becdordinated report on negotiations concerning Medicine Prize srocxnom Sweden APl An Australian Professor Frank smajor Macfarlaoellumet and Briton gm Professor Pgttér grim gnedlalwgg were awnr cast H000 patients an provmcrel Prim f9 Meflcmg 10d The winners of the $43627 prize 925987 Swedish crowns He told more lhrmm delegates the oneday conference for Catharinaarea mmunrty If the new concept of mental Institute in twohnur session The five annual Nobel prizes are awarded in fields of medi cine physics chemistry litera ture and peace work andstem from the fortune left by the late involved He said it is still too early to organizations selected by the Royal Caroline To ReturnTo Gr clear for generator installation on the Canadian side at later Lesage spanked Lydia in the theatre one night in Da cember 1950 She had just been awarded the French Le gion of Honor for bravery with the French resistance against the Nazis during the war The male dancér ridiculed her Lydia sa and she re tortcd that judging from the company he kept Lesage could never win such an award Lesagc then admini stored the spanking Wadsworth countered threepoin statement of princi Evans WillflNOi Contest Office year He said that he had his chance and Would now let some one else seok the position he told The Examiner in telephone in Congo President my In mgoing to take crack at may US Ambassador James rJ with tMOSCOW Router Guy Bur gess Eritish diplomat who de fected loRussia in 1951 said Wednesday night about his life in Russia it comes to everybody to feel he has made mistake and you can quotemc on that Burgesslsoid he would like to go backto Britainlbut wont go back as long as theicold war lasts The former British foreign of fice employee talked ivith West ern correspondents after gale crashing Western party havenot takenISoviet citi zenship he told reporters am hvsubject Burgess disappeared from Brit ain in 1951 with Donald Mnclean another foreign office man and bothulater turnedup in Russia pies for disarmamenti fair bal Mayor Arthur Evans will hot eekthe Bradford mayoralty this Reeve Joe Magani said he is Deputy Reeve Margaret Fallis Macieén also has not changed his nationality would litre to go back to Britain for holiday lust so long as could be certain of getting back per had been issued by the Bri Soviet agent which was not Communist he declared They couldnt let me go back They are more afraid of my going back than am Just think of the pressure the Americans would put it cold war goes on he replied Ask the Americans eat Brita privatemental hospitals hutif established they would be di vorced from the present Ontario mental hospital program Dr Curreydirector of the St Catharines and Lincoln Health unit said employers fel low workers and even families are often reluctant to have mental patient return to them He said financial independence is important in rehabilitation and stressed the need for more edu cation of the subject ln both industries and homes Dr ErDickinsonof Niagara Falls 0nt said stressu involved in fighting for higher class posi tions in presentday society are creating more nervous break downs Evenmodern advertising Burgess 49 said Of course the Soviet Union He said stupid white pa sh government which called him Im socialist Im not Wont go back as long as the Alfred Nobel inventor of dynal mile Burner and Mcdawar were awarded theaoso prize for medi cine jointly for the discovery of acquired imm truce said the off the awarding body EASES STRIKE THREAT WASIflNGTQNAP Amati canrailway management and operating brother sagreed Tuesday tosubmit their dispute over work rules to presidential commission This removesacong linuing threat of nation wide strike over what railway man agement says is forced use of unnecessary workers or payment of wages without commensur plays havoc wilhour emotions he said gt Asked how long that would be Aboutlife in Russia he said hopes to run for Reeve All other present councillors Fred Cook Bruce Stewart LEOPOLDVILLE mp The Bud Gardner and John Vdovjalr president of the Congos capital reported they would seek seats in province threatened today to selt council cede in an open clash with array leader Col Joseph Mobutu President Clenpbas Kamitatu of Leopoldville province accused flrn more happy after 10 years Burgess saidbe could not speak than was in ï¬ve years for Madison whom he said he Chatting about the United Na tions and Russian Premier Khrushchevs attacks on Secre tary General Dag Hammarskiold Burgess said in six months time you willagree Khrushchev is correct He is after peace had notseen for some time But it was generally understood that OTTAWA CP The prime 130 The Kootenay crosses the Mobutus soldiers of maintaining jPRESS TIME FLASHES press conference that in the last Kamitntupsaidv unless he re regime of terror bloodshed and rape in the capital city Kamitatuordered Mobutu and his provisional nationalgovern tnan to stop the soldiers activ ity or faceexpulsion within 48 hours by civilian mobiliza tiollL The provincial president told reported hit by train availableat press time EAVANAtAtP 10 days the struggle between Md bulu and deposed premier Pat rice Lumumba has become war Kamitatu consistent sup porter of Lumumba announced ban on the carrying of arms by anyone but his 2000 provincial police and UN soldiers He also announced 80 day ban on publication of all neWspa pets in the provincn charging that Leopoldville ap ers had concentrated on inciting the population in tribal hatred The local press has strongly sup ported Mobulu and his provi sional national government of collegetrained men lhelm third car driven by TORONTO OPl president onto to become executive for Adult Education is effective on 31 ceived it sagsfaetory reply from Mobuluwithin40h0urs he would convene the provincial cabinet and possibly the provincial as sembly and would ask them to 51 dArHARlNEs vote Leopol ville province out of the Cong gt Douglas Gould 23 of Pembroke Police said Jordis car crashed headon With car driven by Gould wh Henry Davidson56 of Port Arthur Heads Adult Education Association Arthur Pigolt has resigned asvlce of the Social Planning Council of Metropolitan lori directnrof the Canadian Association it was reported today His resignation Warntffirafiic Violation Spotters citizena trafficcomintttee Wed nesday suggested establishment of system of citizen spotters who would report to the police on traffic violationsThe for traffic men would be anonymo would be warned bulimiaprosecutedr TrainTractor Accident InnisiilTwp5FiShi1ig Baal BARRIE Around pm today man driving tractor was in Innisfit Township Details were not Jordi all of Deep River and was trying to pass citizens Reported violators heparied Sinking Scotia fishing bypatflMurlel lsahel US Recalls Ambassador was orted sinking on about The UhrtedStates has recalled its ain bassadnr to Cuba Philip Bonsai followingus announcement of an economic embargo on shipments to this country rTworKillecl Highway Crash PEMBROKE CF Two men were killed Wednesdaymight on Highway 17 fourmilaswest of 90 iles east of Cape Ereton Island the fishing vessel Red Diamond member crew Unitedistates over ad was arranging the red dezvous reported taking water gine roo All pumpsrwere out ofcbndition rozrrrcnrshubms ncsetnon Communist party leader Moo vvlsetung so as totransform their bourgeois world outlook NewChln brenches of=a national organization will organize th se Rahman embarked on his first full day in Canada today with an early call on Canadian Minister Diefenbalrer durin which the thorny question of South Africa was expectedto be discussed Tunku Rabman st name is title meaning princear HALIFAX4CP The Nova begin thr day it return ing one which Mr Diefenbaker made tothe Malayan capital of Kuala Lumpur nearly two year ago After welcoming ceremonies riearby Uplands airport he went to Government House where he will stay while here as guest of GovernorGeneral Vanier Laier herwas dinner guestof Mr and Mrs Diefenbokerat the prime minister official residence it was considered foregone conclusion that the two men wuuld exchisnge views on whether republican South Af rica might remain theCom monwealth family of nations The prime ministers confer ence in Londonlast Maydecided that SouthAfrlcalsolated and estranged fromotber Common wealth members because of its race segregation policieswould have togapply for readmittnnce tothafomily if itdeé edto be Loome agrenuhlio RCAF rescue headquarters said vas rushing to take off the 10 gtiard aircraft circling The Muriel fsabel sonar is on boat fromLuncnbur was its en HONG KONG fReutcrslCh the news agency re orted rem Peking today Local political tu atereturn in services Dieferibqkéff minister of Malaya Tunku Abdul rived here Wednesday bylair to truuxuAaour Malayan PM Mr Diefenbaker has carefully refrained from committidngan ads for or against Solith Africa Tunku Rahman said during sibpovei interview in Montreal Wednesday that he was favorof South Africa rema in the Commonwealth Malayawould not cite its right of veto itxthe other coun tries favored South AfricaST membership as mublla ammuumw iwwnflu