mums Arthur MoComï¬hY of Toronto 113 lam on with Mr 1nd Mu John Parsley nnd run it Aldlnl are huldlng their earn and wrener mast al 039 Park an August at 330 mm Brlnx Ill appetite rind SmIIlI and daqu Toronto were recent visitor wIIh Hands In the village The urvlce at SLAldnnrwu unulledmmday August 28 duo to the 111mm sarvlw Shlnty Ely Servlee wIlI be held It 930 am ï¬undav Sept fluxveal urflco It Eut Oro Sect 11730 Harv services will he dd al St Manns Sunday Sept 10 It II mm and 130 pm Therolwul be ï¬lrlherannaune menu relram the Ianwee SI your pen from Gulhrla Iltwdedillc YEU mnp It Mldllnd loll weekend Recent vvhllorl are BrIeu Conleycl Toronto at 83m mns Mri McNabb 01 Comm wood wIllI her llxIfl Mn FIIkey Servlcenext Sunday In the luv Iled Church will revert lo 1115 am wllh as proceedluz ll 10 15 Mr and Mrs Guugh and heir three chlldren euluyed weekrmulor lrIpIhroual ll on cIlEIIITflllllllIllEAGllE 0000 $500000 00an0 0n credit llnion llriv ind Unran leagu 35000047 Headquarters for Onmnot 500000 credit unionrn allmru thapmlnu an win this Laban Div Plath waIqufor th aduIln and urefruhmmufnr all whiten flwldl Is Credit union Eachuredil union is members Its purposes are for good purlLogan credit union ls orgnnlued by naem working for the same employerllwpeo le belonging to the same fraternal order church oranour era eloct their own oflicer and let poncies new IT WORKSMembers Iéeumulated eupilal at luw interest NEWS centre scam and attended the Milwaukee sun rd and lid Onulho gumrd trill 330 Bell ll hull Ie Hum um 33er About attended the Wilde reunion Earluw ludhurlt 1m Sundry In WWnlker whose meld um wu Nine Wnnlen her mrlour daughter nml lloIrImlllu were present Mn Wllhr whn lemma In uman the nut day August Wu pm culed wilh bouqu mm by her grandson Phlle Wllklr cl BIrrIe BElLE EWIIRT Recent visitnrs with Mr and Mrs Ruflell were Gordon Rullell and IurnlLv Irom Enou ville Quebec and Mr Ind Mn Wuhan Montreal Robert Tremble II ngndlnl the rest of th llallduyl wuh hIl grandparent II mmhley div er belnl It Scout ramp In 14 hurlou Mn ReId lain Quanlz lifelong Irlond Mrs Ad Qulnu and oxmu ruldant or the 27th lIne dled recently In gal Memarlll Horpllll Brim Mr Ind Mu Johnilon And In spent 1am llme vvllh Jnmes MacNeills in Queenavrlle Rev WI Binrham Mere dllh Bllly Georgerand vBruu nau union Pnrk oflm building WIN the Lengul mbm Bu loads of members from mumd anmd an up Home piggy banks In children will provided mu profltcorpurution owned and operated by Its to encourage thrift Ind to nuke lowcolt loan but of particular group people acqurngld to jaye regularly From lhls loanem made remembers for any gnod purpose 335 uncle mans commas Sunday VlllInll at Erna Dllu were Mr and Mn AraIn Adams Ind Carol Ann Ind Barry IIylor Walton BL Johnl Prubylerlln Church Colman Hill nopemnl urvln Sundry morning was well It mm by mamas and Mug igrrns TIMI 01 sun vorr LIBIRAL Ilium Cent ubem Alloelltlun Eglinlon Earl IoronIOIIi Sunday Sept RUGBY 03 10 rename Ind wu conï¬ned to the warm Imam Hosplul dun In the Soldier ll WaIlIISh Mr and Mn 1mg Judd and Iarnlly Daron man vIslIod tho hllorl muu Mr and En ThouLu Radars whlh on holiday dye Wlmgllléemeel W965 avnn 11L 315 pm It Iht home of Era Eric Wt man The horn the In lchocl lhc the ï¬rst lu char Roll cl load enmple I0 ml my parents REE 51 North Bay mm and Mnrlarie vlsg Ind Mr and lud Angus umpbell end Mr Mrs Robert Sturgeon and am Ind gm Ra Hadley at Burnt More Isundu Vulcan wIll Rlvnr racer Vounr $185anueu annm Cniumlilp and ed In llmï¬rd rum nu Lawnn rl Jack Luann Err Gear Luannn Please note char dz Mn Albert Anderson Ind M10 Scott attended the com or 1H Humemlkins Clubs In Barrll In week Mr and Mn Inward dehu alone Lloyd and George Or Ila villled Mrmd Mrs Wilfred and Berna Johanna Thnshlug In the order of the dry with xnod crops Ind we have or cod mill my AN summer wm AD mom PA um JGOMPLETELINE drum rmlsurs THINNERS ANDSUPPLIgs ASK ABOUT PVA bursu unusual IIII ulur IIIAI Inllffllsijybhb CRACKING up pnme enoullm s655 30 gm Mrs II unlined Io NW haplul Mm decide and Gwen hm maved Lu Bnrrln 53m thy is czarwed to minqu um mu 01mm Mr and Mrs Huh Lander at on spent nu and with lhelr mother and tan hm Mn Orr 5nd Irlu Mn and Mn WIIIIun Either II MU HI In Whllulde and Bobblgs mu on holiday at 31m Mr and Mn WIIIIIm kill Mr and Mri Bruce Eula Ind Inn of Toronto vhllod Mr Mr WINm Brook on Sunday canon FALL WEATHER 355 011mm mll Speedy Driveill Service SAVE MONEY Laws vary as to how much credit unién may lend to any member but it la common for credit union to land as much as $400 on the borrowers nignnture and much more with lwixrity Interest is never more rhanl per mpntll on the unpaid balance and therqarc no other charges 1011an PROTECTEDFinancial neundness credit unions is pmme by operation under law by government Ind committee Iupervinion by adequate reserves to cover uncalledtilde lungs All persons who handle muneym bonded Up to 50 pa NewCur 2L Qunllly SAVE ON tONGER SERVICE IFE 00m 200 rmr annns 0000005 r0001 annual VISIT VOUR FULLY EQUIPPED SERVICE CENTRE WHEEL ALIGNMENT ELEéIRoNIC PLUS WHEEL BAlANCE mï¬séï¬i LNcLunEsrsslso Actually credit union have renmrknble record for repayment of loam less than 15 of are not repaid Mil iSIII lame 11 League is the eéntrnlbodynt all credit unions in om From In new building in will provide servlce for these 15 00 credit uninns 500000 members With assets exceeding $225 million ha eighteen directors Ira elected democratictu from all credit unions inflre province Lying mhuVmenrrCenual Credit Deparmiemwiih WEEK ludlvxdunl unions can deposit surplus funds and from which they can borrow fund pf thie type for 1959 exqeededaï¬nrllliouggf SAFETY CHECK For lï¬ousands extra safe driving miles place will Moln Master BlowOur Prnol Murfle at Big Caul dlanTire Sevlnus WEIGHTS The Credit Unions listed belbwyare proud to bang and part nilFwilhjfï¬FJONTARIO CREDIT UNION LEAGUE paid for IM ndverlilemenh vljUIlONIA carburumon LTD Penelnnguishanc Ontario INNISFIL FARMERS CREDIT NIGN LTn Slrnud Orltario gt MATIC AvianIN Alluflmm Replace that Shdke Rattle and Roll with Imoatb rIdIn level acticn nae0 MAll Betterslccrlnr Iess road sway git Shack Absorbers NdIlTH GerLanunv COMMUNITY enrolr UNION L113f KeswickOnlarin CURLADYVOFGRACEAngel onenlr UNION LTD A9°mri° lt aerrNrELor IMMUNITY EDIT UNION LT $30 TE SIORE of Rev RONALD LTD IIODUNLOPSTREH wrsr mums PNTl rArkway 664187 rho meme INFORMATION CONCERNINGCREDIT umouspr comrncr mm JMEBOERPRESIDENTGEO IAN may AND manner cnrnxr UNION warren 338 LAGLIE 0311mm our