Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1960, p. 6

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LONG VIEW BY ll GIRIIFFE Lawrence on African gir affc peers curiously over the top of his crate as he is un loaded from the German freighter Poseidon at Montreal The giratie was bound for Granby Qua zoo Mdrmora Cobalt Industry Faces Gloomy Future Withering llway llIAIillIORA CPtIhe Cobalt mining and smelling industry in this village 40 miles east of Pet crborough an Industry hnrd hit by tumbling world prices may wither away by the end of the year company official says Cram manager of Dc lom Smelling and Refining Co Ltd said his employees now are down to 150 from wartime peak of 900 Unless the government econ omy experts called for by the villagescouncil last week can find cure for the ailing indus try lllr Crnm expects there will be only few watchmen left by 1961 PRICE AWAY DOWN In 1957 we were employing about 300 people and the price of cobalt was $260 pound he said Today the price is down to $150 pound and Canada is priced out of the market He said the plant started clos ing down last month and since that time has laid off 125 of its 150 hourlypaid Workers and half the office staff of 50 Operations will be closed down altogether this month will open again for limited production In September and then probably will shut down again Deloro has been active in the area for 53 years and some work ers can trace their families back to the Marmora gold rush of the IEGOS COUNCIL ASKS AID At meeting last week Reeve William Shannon asked federal and provincial governments to send mining experts to survey the area and the processing fa cilities Attending the meeting were El mer Sandereock member of the legislature for Hastings West and Roderick Webb member of parliament for HastingsFrame nac Both are Progressive Con servatives Mr Shannon said council will be the nucleus of an organization which will maka representations 2000 MILL SHOUT SPRINGFIELD Ill AWRe intorced police squads broke up milling shouting crowd of about 2000 motorcyclists who roared into Springfield Saturday night About 10 motorcyclists many wearing black leather jackets decorated with skulls and cross bones were arreted Seventy policemen dispersed the cyclists who gather here each year on the eve of Illinois State Fair motorcycle races to the senior levels of govern ment Both Mr Sandercock and Mr Webb had promised to help Mr Sandercock says the future is gloomy The provincial govern ment is fully aware of the situalt tion which has developed over two years he said In that time both the com pany and the government have been pondering this but no solu tion has been found he said Ellport Market Up 83 In July OTTAWA CP Canadas exv ports marked up an advance in July of 83 per cent from year earlier despite continued soft ness of United States markets Bureau of statistics figures showed today that although shipv ments to the US slumped 117 per cent from July 1950 total exports reached 65000000 in the month compared with $429 400000 your earlier The advance fifth monthto month gain this year boosted total exports in the JanuaryJuly period to $3067200000 up 84 per cent from 32030700000 July exports to the US fell to $249300000 from $282200000 offsetting the drop in us sales was sharp gain in July orts to the mild Kingdom which rose to $00900000 from $52700000 year ago and to non Commonwealth countries other than the us up to $93 600000 for the month from $67 400000 last year July exports to Commonwealth countries other than Britain rose slightly to $28200000 from $27 100000 Here are comparatvie export figures for the Januaryme pe riod in millions of dollars 19601959 United States 17824 17799 United Kingdom 5252 4170 Other Comwealth 1833 1604 All others 5753 4734 Total 30672 28307 NOON DOLLAR NEW YORK CP Canadian dollar 116 higher at $100 1964 in terms of US funds Pound ster ling 564 lower at $280 L16 MONTREAL CP The US dollar was at discount of 316 per cent in terms of Canadian funds near noon today Fridays noon rate was Pound sterling $2M 116 down 5b TODAYS srocr PRICES Compiled at noon by Flynn ll Collier at Barri INDUSTRIAL Asbestos Abltlbl Paper Algoma Steel Aluminum Ltd Alberto Gas Atlas Stccl Bk Montreal Bonk or Ms Bell Tel Co Brazilian SA on 80 Power cdn Bk of Con Cdn Breweries CPR Canada Cdmeni Can Chemlcal Cari Curt Cnnndinn oil can Min Sin Consumers Dir Dom Tar it Lakes Gat Pow imou Luhuit Cori Paper Sean Dom Found oom store Famous Play Harden Farm Home 01 IIudAfln Bay Min imp Tobacco in Accn inter Nic al Intervrov Plpa Jockey Club Lohlaw Pld nine Powell Riv my 4le 14 zfll Id hlnssey Fer Noranda Nor Ont MG Moore corp Paclfic Peta Fem PIpI Que Nat Gas Roe Royal Bank st Law corp Suid slurrill Simpson Stool or Can Stelnberg Tor Dom Eb Tram Can Plne Trans Moun PIP Trude iin Texco Union Gu Walker 65 Gas 45 la 3W 40 53 VA Lin 3th MINING Can Erin camp Chib Gen nel no can Noni Conn nnniinn Cfln Morrtlon con Hall nnrngon Sullivan Ions 520 v50 16 Gene Gunnar Holiinger annnun 223 us New Myi Normatll Falconbrldgo Mind KerrAddiion 44 Maritime 301 New Holco lalb Coldatrelm 715 Opamilkl ouemoni ii Sher Gordon Sleep Rock u7 United on 50 White Amulet zoo wutuy DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS Gordon MncKny loss 1255 tent ax dlvldcnil Aug 10 lirltlsh cnfnmbln class lzh canto payable Sept 15 Puckern class 571 cents Stop US LONDON Reuters Russia has asked the United Nations to ate measures against the United States for con tinued violations ot Soviet air space that threaten world peace the Soviet news agency Tass re ported Sunday Tass said ihe request was com lined in letter from Soviet Foreign hlinister Andrei Gm myko to United Nations Secre taryGeneral Dag Hammarskiold and dated Aug 20 Gromyko asked Hammnrskiald to include in the agenda of the next UN General Assembly the cstion of threat to the gen eral peace created by the United Sides aggressive io ercted against the Soviet Union INTRLSIONS CONTINUE Tass said an explanatory note government ignoring the win ciplcs and aims of the UN was with the letter declared the 115 continuing its policy of intrusions Russia Urges UN Flights by American military aircraft into the Soviet air space The note also contained details about the flights at the American U2 plane May and the RB47 American aircraft over the Ear enta Sea July Tax said The Soviet govemmenl ex presses hope that the UN Genlt cral Assembly will consider in au seriousness the situation and will adopt adequate measures the le said UNITED NATIONS NY AP The United States Sunday asked the UN General Assembly to reopen its inquiry into Soviet intervention in Hungary in 1956 and the continued presence of So viet troops in that country The move was announced sev eral hours after the Soviet gov ernment demanded the assembly session beginning Sept 20 dis cuss what it called the aggres sive actions of the USA against the Soviet Union LONDON APlFrincess lilar garets former butler has ac Copied job in the United States which he says will bring him more money year than Brit ish cabinet minister gets Thomas Cronin 44 who quit the royal household because he couldnt get along with the prin cess Antony Arm strongJones told reporter he is joining the Dania Jai Alni Pal ace Florida tourist centre north of Miami He says hisvpay will be around $15000 year in addition to free food clothing and accommoda tion Ilfost Britsih cabinet minia lcrs get £5000 $14000 year Cronins pay from the Joneses was at the rate of about $2500 yeor but he stayed only 25 days At seafront hotel at Fresh water in the Isle of Wight Cronin told how good his new job is Before start work early in December am being sent on Caribbean cruise on the lama route as Princess Margarets honeymoon also have been paid $1000 for signing the contract for the Stock Market llhead Today TORONTO CPlWith sindus trials registering sharp gains the stock market moved ahead during exceptionally light morn ing trading today The 11 um volume was alight 389000 shares compared with 534000 shares traded at the same time Friday Oo the industrial sida Anthea Imperial paced the winners with jump of at 30 Mines were irregular Hollinger and McIntyrePorcupine paced golds with gains oi and at 21 and 25 Geco was down SS at 18 Canadian gold kilo bars were quoted at $8395 to $3425 at mid morning after failing to open earlier due to lack of market HEADS FRENCH WEEKLIES POINTEAUPIC Que CPt Maurice Marquis of Montmagny Saturday was elected president of the Canadian Frenchianguage Weekly Newspapers Association BARGAIN FARES T0 TORONTO Going Tuesday August 23rd to Saturday Septembarloth ind Return limitSeptember 14th For fares and train sarvlca contact local agent Princess EliButler Takes Iob With More Money Near Miami new position Cronin will be butlerhost in the royal box at the Florida Palace He made it clearhe would not entertain with stories about the private life of Princess Margaret and her husband Baumus VimA wawcaplww extra our INVESTMENT CHATS Crawford and Co Ltd Danton St PA 82437 when trends are difficult to mi 111 the mnrket ii may be pcctnlly helpful in investigate equi uu whore perromance were at both extremes Judrmenu on individual issue are or course difficult In mile urn less the Investor can incrun cm vllue and trends Inimt lilo background or he renzni stock mukel But the inventors prob lclzu currently have been con pnundcd by the fact um general trends themselves meiy have been undeniably hard in men invuinr attitudes nppueniiy have been in airt lermcnr in re cent months Seldom rm there beenn period 10 ranked by the extreme stock price crosscurent that have been annvln for example xlncc the hellnnln ot the your What kinds ui hooks are mnr those showing gains it appm eat that the grown with glamor issues are iihcniiy reprcscnizd hits and nine equipments roi ex Ample each have several entries There are in addition number of stocks in industries when ilow hui iuiu growth is anticl alcdlor insuncc food and nut iy stocks Among the riotks showing impon inni declines me oils 0L course and automotive issue heavily represented Also to he found among the stock Ihnwlnz this most marked price dealtnes Is liberal were favorites but which have thus far Illled Ilhe up to lnvestorr more optimistic expectnllnm striking feature is that our ent stocks niinln certain indus tries IIch shown both extnaive aim and extreme loans You ml observe that the amusement and dim industries havo re rcsentatlon in both um Th olnts up the lnvcston extraord nary selectivity atulhulnhl Ill name cases to Special situations It Is noteworthy that in markets Ilko mom recently ex erienced the Investor who emphns led the id for affecting Individual issues mod decidedly better than those dc pendlng mainly on gcnml or group on Drugs automatic vending electron sprinkling of issues that rormcrly Lumumba Apologizes For Canadians Injured By BERNARD DUFRESNE Canadian Pm Staff Writer LEOPOLDVILLE CPICongo lese Fremier Patrice Lumumbn in turnabout move has apalo giled for the rough treatment handed out to group of Cana dian United Nations signalmcn by his troops last Thursday He blamed the minor incid ents at nearby Ndjili airport on his soldiers excess of Zeal and said he has ordered them to act with tact and dignity in the future The chief of staff of the Congolese army Col lilobuto also apologized On Friday Lumumba blamed the Canadians for the trouble saying they had behnved badly and refused to show identity cards At the United Nations Sat urday Soviet delegate Vasily Kuznetsnv backing Lumumbas stand charged the Canadians with unlawful actions and de manded that they be withdrawn BLUNTLY DENIED That view was sharply refuted by SecretaryGeneral Dag Ham marskiold and by his chief repre sentative in the Congo Ralph hunche In cable to Hammarskjold Sunday Bunche said the UN force had gained much in theway of prestige and moral superiority by the remarkable restraint it dis tplayed under severe provacnv ion Five Canndism were hurt in Thursdays clash and one Capt Taschereau of Montreal was beaten unconscious by sol rifle butt Bunchc re marked earlier that the Cana dians could easily hale fought their way out In separate incident Sunday this reporter was arrested and held for more than hour by Con golese authorities who said my papers were not in order was not mistreated and was released after established my identity axrnasscs REGRET At press conference in his home here Saturday night Lu mumba expressed regret over Thursdays incident and said he has confidence in the Canadian troops asked for the Frenchspeak ing technicians myself during my trip to Canada he said It was not for this that invited them The premier said he did not know exactly what had happened but added that his soldiers wanted to carry out their orders to inspect documents at the air port in the search for Belgian paratroopers Mohutus apology came in letter to Bunche We are extremely sorry that precise instructions had not been given in time to the company on duty at the airport as that might have prevented the shameful oc currence at Ndiili he said Strong measures had been taken as regards the Congolese lroops responsible for the Ndiili incident llLLil that you will be good enough to present the ex cuses of the Congolese national iarmy to the Canadian goiem iment and the Canadian oftlcen for the acts commiticd by few irrespnnsible persons at Ndjili airport llummarskiold last wmk d9 mended punishment for those re sponsible for the incident and warned that if such occurrences continued the UN operation in the Congo would become practically impossible As yet no Congolese official has mentioned publicly Prime hlinistcr Diefcnbnkers protest over the incident lt was not known whether any reply is planned 116 Nabbed In Riot Over DragRacing SAN DIEGO Calif APtPm licc used tear gas and arrested 116 persons Sunday in riot that started as protest against fail ure of the city to provide drag racing strip Prior to police intervention the drag lt race enthusiasts had started racing on section of boulevard in protest against fail ure to obtain racing strip to replace one closed down after fatal collision FEATURED ON EVERY PONTIAC Approvedby enthusiastic owners designers and people everywhere as superb expression of line and form You will really appreciate their enthusiasm when you drive the car that earned itPontiac the years goingcst car Acceptedas the word for Pontiac fact And the facts are truly im pressive supple allcoil suspension effortless ballrace steering and deep foampadded seats help make Pontiac one of the smoothest riding most comfortable cars on the road Enjoyed by admirers the little things that mean so much Nocost exam are unique in Pontiacs class Dual sunshades cigarette lighter crank operated ventipanes safety door locks front arm rests are some of the extras that come as standard equipment on every Pontiac ontia SeeyourlocatPontiacDealer GENERAL MOTORS VALUE club so colitl is able Sept is ex dividend Aug 30 rimmed on la conic pnylh opt 15 ex dividend Aug DowJonas NEW lmlur AVEnAuan Indulilllll up 39 mill down 14 Ulllltlen down 05 ronoNrn BTDCK EXCHANGE INan womb MD MG Gold In 410 Metal down Dita up NIONAL us maroon st ii iiAiuarii morons II WWW

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