BEETON Mr and Mrs Don Eon and family are visiting relotirts in town or week SIr and Mrs Frank Ferrier spent tuo Meek vacation at their cotthge at Port Perry on Lake Simcoe Mr Starr at Toronto moved to town on Monday and took pm session the restaurant on Main Street recently purchase from and Mrs Dales Mr and Mrs Dales and family moved on Tuesday to their new home in Angus Mrs Lloyd Nichol and Debbie Ind Mrs Elwood Nichol visited In Allston Thursday Mrs IV Wiggins and Mr and Mrs Stewart visited rel atives at Brooks Beach on Stayner Thursday Mr and Mrs Wright vie ited relatives at Alcona Bench and Bradford Sunday Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bobcat and family of Wallocehurg spent the past week with Mrs Barr cooks parents Mr and Mn Wesley Varcoe Mrs Green and family at Toronto visited the lormers par ents Mr and Mrs Roy Arm strong during the past week Mr and Mrs Bull and fam ily returned home Saturdoy lrom weeks holiday at Comp Med ora in the Halo District Misses Ethel and Lee Breeder of Schomburg visited Mrs Thitm as Harvey Monday Mr and Mrs Thornton are visiting rel Yes in Hunt Ville and paints north Mr and Mrs Butt and tom ily were guests of Mr and Mrs Hawton at their cottage at Simone Beach Sunday Mrs Harold Pettlgrew spent the weekend with relatives In Toronto and Oakville Rev Mrs Logan and Douglas spent the weekend with Mrs Logans lather Mc Dcrmutt Miss Ruth Council of Cookse town visited her grandparents Mr and Mrs Nichol last week Mr and Mrs Earl Hooper and tomin of Orton and Mr and Mrs Cuppagc and daughters of Goldwater were guests or the home at Mrs Hooper Sun doy Rev and Mrs Bunt Toronto were in town during tne Weï¬kend rs Flahgren and family or North Boy spent the post Week with Mr and Mrs Willard Burton Sunnerton is visiting relat ivï¬ at Welland and Fort Eric andMrs Irwin and ttamlly ot Winnipeg spent Wed nesday at the home Home andMrs Letu Mr and Mrs Bill Murray and sons of St Jean Quebec spent the past two we with Mr and Mrs Gordon McLean and Murray of Bolton Miss Sylvia Lisk spent 12 days at the Girl Guide Jubilee Camp at Otter Lake Parry Sound Spiers is on twoweek va rntion at his home in Hastings Mr and Mrs Gouid and sons and Mr Brown Mr and Mrs Carleton and Iamuy and Ellison spent Monday in List owel and Congratulations Best Wishes ON THE OPERATION or BARBIE Tnuunm FROM LOCAL BRANCH ARMANI JAMES Manager GOWAN Sl BARE ONT LTD SAFETY ELEET TERMINAL WIIBEIIGIISING VERLAD XPRESE Serving South Western Ontario the United States through the ports of Detroit Port Huron and Niagara Falls PA 82483 BERTRAM BRos Lid BUILDING MATERIALS GENERAL cONTRAcroRs ARE PLEASED TO HAVE BEEN THE GENERALCONTRACTORS BARRIE TRUCKING TERMINALtonEHousmt BONDE For LTDg surrERANcE WAREHousE BARRIE mm CONGRATULATIONS TO BARRIE TRUCKING TERMINAL WAREHOUSING LTD ON THE OPENING OF THE BONDED SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSE READYMIX CONCRETE by SARJEANT CO LTD COAL COKE WOOD BUILDERS AND FARMERS SUPPLIES LIME CEMENT SEWER PIPE CONCRETE BLOCKS sAND AND GRAVEL IN $ULATON MATERIALS ROOFING PAINT BRICKS READYMIX SARJEANT co LTD MARY STREET BAR RIB PA 82481 SINCE I889 LID ARE PLEASED TO HAVE EEN THE PLUMBINGHEATING CONTRACTORS for THE NEw BONDED SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSE RE