Your Want Ad Is GilesiNot An Intruder In 8300 HomesP1182414 IE THE BARRIE EXMILNER THURSDAY AUGUST I960 ANNOUNCEMENTS IN MIDIOBIAM II REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE COOKIn Icunz mrmory oi dcsr uiie snd luolhcr clus slsrlc who pissed allay Angus 1939 Gods grcalrll glii rcmcmbnncc Lolingly rcmcmbcrrd by nu hsnd inn lamil CARDS OF rn mils wllh deepest grilliudc ihc iam lllrs n1 CollrlAu silugo Ind usi lrr crprcss monks liid spprcsis llon is iricnds snd ciilrcs ior lhclr many kindlxcssur crprrsslons oi lympslhy ocsuiiiul ilorsl trib ulcs during hair lcccrll brrcc mrni Phyiiil and Maxim illlogo Elmer and Kay stlcr COMING EVENTS STOCK CAR RACING EVERY SATURDAY WASAGA nEACli SPEEDWAY iso Pllt VISIT THE REAL LIVING SANTA MAY TO THANKSGIVING FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY CHILDREN snd undersccompsnlcd FREE 930 To 600 PM SUNDAY 00 P11 To him Pll SANTAS VILLAGE nnACEhnlnGE ONT Negro Flagged White Charged COLUMBIANA Ala lAPlA grand jury Wednesday indicted white man on kidnapping charges in the abduction of two young VNegroes and the logging of one of them last Weekend The grand jurys report also mentioned number of mass vhippings in the area in recent months Indicted was Thomas Kelly 34 of Gadsden AIB ono of two men jailed Tuesday on kidnap warrants resulting from the in cident The grand jury postponed ac tion in the case against Emmett Leverette 42 of nearby Sylla cauga Both Leverette and Kelly were released on $1500 blind Kidnapping carries penalty of two to 10 years imprisonment on conviction in Alabama Henry Jones 20 told police he and his 13 year old brother David were abducted Saturday night by six white men They were taken outside town Henry said and he was tied to tree stripped to his underwear and beaten with belts and knotted rope David wasnt hurt Henry said the white men told him We dont want any Negroes working at service stations in Harpersville African Girl Tells 0i Eating Child FORT VICTORIA AP 17 year old African girl de scribed herself as witch be are South Rhodesian high court here Wednesdayand ad mitted she had killed and eaten threeyearold child to re venge herself against rival The girl was jailed two years for murdering the child as it slept CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed ad vartisments are inserted at the rare oiicpel word per inser tion for one and two times per word ior three four or five times and 71M per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within Iii days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFED AD VERIISEMENI IS 800 IF PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS OR Elie IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION Coming Events 51 per word minimum tdiarge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words lovel 25 words in per word extra In Memoriam N0 tices $151 Iii verse used 30 per wold exbal ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advertiser are reminded that all phonii insertion ordcrs uro aoclpta ed as convulIeocu to you the lid vertisnr Thereioro tho Classiï¬ed Advertising Dcpartmcnt rlqucst uli advertisers to kindly rochccb their advertisement immcdintciy lulu ï¬rst insertion in order that any er rors or omissionsmny bs reported bororo am In order thsi rsmc muy bo rnctilicd for this Iollowlng days insertion order We wish to point out that Tho Barrio Examiner is rssponslblc ror only one Locor roctly printed insertion on any sdvurilscmont snd then only to the extent or portion or ad that involves the misprint Errors which do not lcsscn this villus oi the ud verilscmcni src not cliglbls Inr corrections by make goods lintos lind iyp siylci ior semi display clssslilods may ho oblolncd ibrnugh The Exomincr advertising flepnrlnlent ELIND LEITEn REPLIES iniormitlnn icgardlni odvcriiscs ullng lillnd Lcitcr Box Numbcrs ior Iiopilcs is held strictly conn doniinl iiipiles to Lcticr Biler will his hcld on iv dsyi site lost any at Pubilcatlhli WANT AD copy should be In our oillce by mm the day heinrc publication On Satllr day by noon 11 cars by psrcni Groydon KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER iis DUNLOP 51 EAST PA 84252 EVENINGS CALI GRAYDON 110111 PA slwd MILLIE 10112 PA some MOVING Dont iorgct to Lunsicr your INSURANCE and Il Uil Id exin cover age or hnv kind NS SEE STEVENSO PA 85201 i9 DUNLOP ST sum VILLAGE OF CRAIGHURST room stucco houic Parade plcnly oi gsrdcn space on psrcd highusy mile from too 12 miles irom lisrrlo ARTHUR SNIDER Craighurst ELMVALE AUCTION SALES BARN And lppm DU scrcs iii lsnd to be sold sciilc lhc csislc oi lllc lsls KENNETH DANIEL iicQUAnlilE For Inspection or Pruner Phone 75111 or sown in Elmvale ELMVALE SALES STABLE LTD CARSON REALTOR PA 6648 4o MAPLE AVENUE OPEN FROM Ali to PM TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS OPEN UNTIL SATURDAY CHARLIE READ Rel PA 1121117 nussELL CARSON Tics PA 54161 Jrth QUINN Rel PA Mass MARG sliEilAN Res PA 87535 Member of Barrie and District chl Eslaic Bourd HENDERSON REALTOR 19 coLLiErl STREisI PHONE PA 82675 114 VANCOUVER ST Owncr lcovlns country bedmnm Dsyrlolbullt bungalow $2200 down iskc over payments Call Gcnc Mooro ior iurihcr information ROOM BUNGALOW AND ATTACHED GARAGE have been Asked to submit all oiicrs on this ï¬ne property loco tell on one of Humes main slrccli complete in cvcry detail close to schools and shopping Phonc Per cy Ford 51 DAVIDSON ST Owner must sell has been irony icrrcd bedroom bungslow 526w will handle and tikc over pay ments To Inspect csil Gone Moore BRICK TRIPLEX Main rlopr brooms rcnilug at sou monthly Upper floor rooms in 70 Lower apartment rooms soil This building is in crccllcnr condition lllckc offer Phouc Percy Ford TEN MINUTE LOOK IS WORTH THOUSAND WORDS charming Lshs ed bedr rsnch brick bungsiilw on Strahaile close to schools Complete wlib aluminum storms screens rccrra ilon room landscaped all in im mzculale condiilon sumo with low down paymeni our mortgsgc FOI iull dcisils phouc Rita Schnd rc ELBOW ROOM For you who love in large oilin ismlly homes here is is lovely one Living room with nrcplacc scpsrslc dining room ilmlly size kiichcn Second floor bedrooms and den Fuu size bsscmcnl with iorrcd air oil hcailng 021k floors throughout Full price $15500 with terror Phone Rita Scnndrorz ED 252 EVENINGS CALL GENE MOORE PA 82250 PERCY FORD PA 57020 RITA SCANDRETT PA E41105 DICK HENDERSON PA 33360 Member oi Barrie and District and Onisrio Neill Esme Boards ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER lli TIFFIN STREET BARRIE ST VINCENT ST Two bedroom brick bungalow with rbipc living sud dining room kitchen full bllsclucni Located close to Stores Llrgc down psymcnr required FIREPLACE ATTACHED GARAGE bedroom brioir Veneer homo large living room with orcplscc cxlrr largo romuy siz kitchen lsrrc bcd rooms iuli basement This is well built homc complcrclv decor and insidc run our storms and rcrccns About 53 non down psymcni sud ihc balance on one mortgage Call now ior sp sppolnilncnt to Inspect ONE BLOCK T0 CODRINGTON SCHOOL rbrcs bedroom brick home located one block irom Codringion School on very quiet sircci Modem liti ohcu living room and both nslursl finished woodwork iull lugh base merit nsrcmcni csn easily be our ishcd us it is ullcslly divided This name must be rccn to ho apprecis CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the hide and District Real Emto hnsrd Its wonderquhe way suits Pbone PA 824I4 Classified Ads get re REAL ESTATE ROGERS PHONE PA 85568 3hEDlioOlll BRI sxooo Prlrc srrsily rcduccd for on mungre ior inc bslsncs inn is In Plcmlnzsncw condition in briulliul gsnirii with irull lrccs or IPpolniment $14500 The ilnuli sud nlw rpa hsvc ilad ior ill in Allslldale iiolh blh Dunk has our and llnJi This gsrsoc Is iully equipped and cxcc swallows the iull price inomc this $1500 Donn In good location can this nlccly plsnncil lluio home has and sll olhcr clly CDnillllLXicOb Tilc 31ail0 is the low price Ior this ll icsiurrs the stopcii livlngd Only yum old is immnculs ior $6507 including isrcr MRS MOOREPA 35187 noGEnsPA $2532 bedrooms on glculld iloor sud lug loci this rllhi hMly in IIS vrry nlcclyirccrl 11111 Phone PA S5568 NEW liEDPooM BUNGALOW HIGHWAY 1i MILES OUT AT PAINSWICK PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP EAST BARRIE ANYTIME CK nuNGALow shill NHA RESALEMONTHLY $7072 minimum oi $1100 down pymrni cirrici or 17012 lncludinl incl Fully equipped ulih lioroir snd lcrccni this lovcly Heirold bungalow DsLCeninl locsuon Il on SEE IT Now Pbons PA 05565 EDUPLEX BURTON AVENUE clous iwospartmzhl home III we spsrimrnli src iully sellcontained Zshcdmnm ilsls with prlrsic rnlrsncrs Downlinlls hu rooms Ind quslliy home hsi besuiilul grounds plidsslly clun and tidy lhroughoui um um uppisl io suyonc wsnllug ilnrr homc plus study 380 monlhly Income Plionc cirlusivr sscnix PA pssoa CENTRAL LOCATION EIIOOM lr STOREY BRICK cry conveniently loclicd Lbcdroom bedrooms upiisirs store past oiille sud public school dry inseman lurcro lr iurnscc mom owner will lsllc one pcr ccni opcn morigsgc ior snooo ihsi will carry ior $60 monthly oomplcic rsxcs arc very rcusonsulc illn Doni miss this chsbro to bear the high coli oi rcniillg Phonc PA iisirr Now JUST OFF CODRINGTON STREET DELUXE BUNCALOW VITII FIREPLACE ellbuilt viibedroom brick bungalow lnlng combination with iircplccc to throughout NHA railscurler EVENINGS CALLI FOSTERPA Mzu CONNELLPA 8376 MEMBERS liAIiIlIE DISTRICT llilAL ESTATE lioAllD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60242 have Oihir call In anytime EVEpYriilNG IN REAL ESTATECALL us ANYTIME AFTER HOURS CALL smlih ComphcllPA mm Frank NollcsPA Joan LingPA p51 Mcmbcrs or tho Barrie Real Esttil nonrd sears REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE $370000 BUYS ALL THIS IN LISLE room ratios with oil csnvcnlrn rcs is scrc cl clcsrrd lsnd wiih llocked rroul room This ALSO buyr corner lot lulisblc or hullucsl PHONE 9274 NEW LOWELL lviiirz sTUcro Hollie lisr flni iloor room spsrimzni Also bairmcnt apsrlmcm scli cbnlslncd sepsrsls bslhs Ind cnlranccs lo both Plvzd drllcwy oll bcslcd No blacks irom downtown Donn Psymcnt or $1400 Phooc PA 59295 FARMS FOR SALE DAmY no 150 acres under cub ilvallon running water Close to church snd schools In llllsgc oi Lsioulslnc Ludo modem hcmr new barn soil with mob and 1m pirmrnis or wllhoui Phonc Lsicn islric ails MORTGAGES MONEY svzlloblc ior Ilrst mort grrr GI ns ulsrs in our 458 illdrum um 10 MORTGAGE Iii ind 2nd bouglii sold and srrangcd Commcmlsl and residentlol rlcys losncd on exist ing murmurs hurls alongre nrolrcrs PA 6550 BUS OPPORTUNITIES UNIQUE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Clnldll isslcrl growing suiomo live chslu hil icw lrsuchlsc Iolt cslloul ltllble Over loo lioru Ire Ii present in opcmiicn Fran chised dealers cnioy ail advantages of Ilrxe company buying distribu tion sdvirilsllg 11nd modcrn buli ners spproorh lnlilsl cspliil in vesimeiit is rearnnsblo sud you him Ireat opportunily io parllcl psic in business which has mendous poicuilsl It also oiiclr Ibnormnl mum on inillil Invest mcnl For further lulormsllon write IIANDY ANDY COMPANY ASSOCIATE sTOnr DIVISION lisoo DEVONSHInE ROAD MONTREAL PQ BUY YOUR LOW DOWN NEW HOME FROM PRATT BUILDERS HOMES LEFT BEDROOMS WITH ATTACHED GARAGE 0N MARION CRESCENT OFF ST VINCENT NEAR GROVE PAYMENT ALSO ONE AT 10 NORTH PARK ROAD OPEN FOR INSPECTION 79 pm FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE PA 39395 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYIIELD ST PA 66453 REAL BUY Lovely bedroom brick buugnlow LIIKD garage attached by brcclE wsy lully icsccd buckyard shaped living room and dining area roomy kitchen wllh plenty of cupboards piece iIIDiI balll flirted all oil healing Located nice strcet close in school Prlcpd for quick mic or only sirloin To inspccl ssk ior Gorilla Mallory HOME ON ACRES Situated on good open road chill in Stroud Full or cu $10m with low dow payment This property should movo issl Act nuw Call Emory Miller STOREY AND HALF bcdrooms with attachch garage on Eush Sis Angus Hus illc itoorl iloor iurnacc ip1ccc nalh Very clean throughout hill prlcc only $5500 What Is your down pay menti Call FJTIoly Miller Member oi barrio and District heal Estate Board EVENING CALL PEG MORE PA b7179 EMth MILLER PA 60475 GERALD MALLOIIY PA li7012 BUD MARTIN STROUD iolu HAROLD FORSTER PA 14155 ANGUS GARDEN SUBDIVISION HIGHWAY 90 Largo lots as 21m sdllngtnr $595 Slim down terms to suit Good water Lois ac oss icom school Apply My Cocli Coulson isl Clappcrion 52 Harris Tclor NORMAN ShehweH REAL ESTATE hnolian 131mlin Street Esri PA 89961 OR 68742 CLOSE TO BARRIE YOUR COUNTRY ESTATE $26000 FULL PRICE so here of land including two frontages on puvud road rod in luring an cxccllcni iwo siorcy brick hcmc with every modern con venionce This large home Is Io caicd on buluiiruuy irrcll carrier of tho pro crty and command an excellent vcw of inc countryside $1000 DOWN WEST END $12500 FULL PRICE An excellan three bedroom home bulli only insl year This house Is nicely ilnlshed and is priced ior quick solo Call Norman Sheik well ior your inspccilon ONLY $2000 DOWN $16500 FULL PRICE One morigsgc back to vcndor will carry rsssonably ii bosuiliul rooms will bail on both floors Could be duplcxcd easily Elicett cni hoi wsioc oil hesilug null very centrally iocaicd Phone Howsrd Norris im on sppolnimcnl EVENINGS CALI Everett shslrlvoli Howard Norris Normsn Shelsweu PA Min 1ch Wilkon PA 81631 Ora 2019 PA 0545 RENTALS ONECAR PA M112 APTS HOUSES T0 RENT I49 PENETANG Uoiurnlshcd behind one ind two bedroom gsrsEo on as Clppcrion cpurtlncnis and 110 monihly roomr chlnl $80 bright completely xeLf contained on bill route OccilIlllnCY immedi ditty PHONE PA Hess HIGHWAY 400 No new IIIin bun gnlows Ior rent Phone 4504721 cooksiown Large noolll uniumishcd apartment on slolrs Control hcusonnblc root $45 monthly Parking PA 82095 nooii iurnlshcc spsnmcni Clean Phone PA 31395 cvcnings chncs day or wccronds MODERN roomcd aporimcni Avrilnblc Aucusi 15 ecnlrsl $5000 per month Phflne PA 119111 ROOM apartment unfurnished heated stsirs with separate cnl rnncc on elcnings PA 54510 110011 lipsrimoni Henth iiiiii solr contained Control Avallabli August Apply PA 112020 liooM uniurnlsbcd Central Avnllshlc Sept 21 Ilcholliild Si BEDROOM apartment with coi orcd bathroom leiurcs drapes stove relriseraior wushcr drycr snd plenty of closers In bulidiolz less than ono ycnr old Located in ideul position ior shopping etc Phone PA 50014 110051 Aparimcni Available im mcdlsicly 87 Maple Avc ovor Flt ror Queen oiilcc Phone PA 33132 UPPER PUPl locailao sunr tnlnod Adults Avo PA liizlili minimum scli contained spari merit hcaiud siovc gorsgc child ï¬lsflwelcomc $75 monthly PA ROOM sell contained apartment with stove and refrigerator $75 monthly Available Immediately Phono PA 341440 apartment APPIY rooms ccnirsll znrsgo self can Apply 15 illclrosc BEDROOM NHA Bungalow 10 months old Galage storms screens cxhsuri inn porch Ionll icct trom schools Will sell at 313995 Carl 31 Bseen at Jonathan Court PA phono PA 14792 Aonoss LZPOems 21mm algae 55mm Singins Eng voice Reswhe anim Girnsola Made $5 13me nouh member Astonishi mSpring solesii forth BWorli WI Alone French 15 Scotts pro Bidm 161bree overtum at card Ignoble 118211ovo Mankind 18 Mom Corrosion Slim 19 Sicilian VOINIIID var numb nicimhma 22 Actor as Siolriy am Reid 85 woodlands ih pl 89 Clinton 40 Because unknown mm Endnu Hï¬pllï¬‚ï¬ Canny Elflillï¬ ï¬lilllfl gllllï¬ï¬ gilld TRYAN EXAMINER WANT AD DAILY CBOSSWOBD 115 idem river 201111 deval 305 221mm at 2801mm dillm Wua mm provan 30m 2560uoeivnbie 388mm ï¬lth 261115 13 ï¬mpheï¬ chip so HEW 29Unmoke somech zr gtzgt um mmznlxair 31 mom in igt nmniunnicmiirni fliiiifliiiï¬‚ï¬ Ellllï¬ï¬‚lllfl ï¬llIdas NS AVAILABLE August room farm homo nu conveniences Elgbr miles wcsi of Burris Apply Leo Cova nuugb phone linucs ug 91 1100M uniurnlihcd apartment Natural gss beating all convenienc es $7500 per month Located 133 Codringion st Phone stroud 24113 MODERN hcdroom hosted sclt conlsined upsrtlncnt In ncw housc Sink and cupboards in Phono PA 33256 alter MODERN large room apartments in Angus Hot water heating Ini modlsts possession Phone Camp harden 135 110011 heated apartmcni wiih large siin porch privsiu bath cuP boirds sud sink coulrsl Business couple pcurerrcd Phone PA M797 111mm brunch with sun room Hosted ove rctrigornior coni ral Available immcdlsiely $7000 monthly Dlsi PA 471 evenings PA ailliz nuhrorl Ave rooms unmmls rd spirimonl oil heating hot tor heavy duty stove sun irig Ncsr school Immediate pusrursion Apply 43 Castro St FUnNisiiED upsrimcnt coniistlne or living room kitchcnciic bed room and Ilaihloam Rent $85M per month Phone PA 132105 or PA 84263 AvArLAELE August scvon room isini home on conveniences eight miles northwest oi horrie Apply Lco Cuvsnnugh phons Mlneslng 97 UNFURNISHBD Room Apnrtlncnt heated hot and cold water bulb and hydro Ncoc bus stop Parking isclllilcs hurlnoss couple PA ems 111011111111 bcdrcom bungalow llniihni bsrcmonr rucruuilon room and den Close to schools North east Barrie Ivillliibio Scpi Phonq PA 851 noolvls snd bsih sinks crc Un rurnishcd bclicd hot wsicr heavy wirlog Grounds and pork Inl Apply 23 Dunlap Phono rw svooo Newmnrkct neural room upstairs spsri kitchen men with repnruic bath Self ooh isinod and central Suit business couple Avallhblu Sept Phond PA 757 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT non srimcni rent Phone moi noon luruubrd spiruncnl slave included slso single lurnllncd room our Posl orillr PA slits R00 urnlshed round floor 31an 15 wcrr Poona PA NEW DUNGALOll iurnlshco edge or ciiy Low nut to rcllsolr cou pic who would let owncr live in Apply box 10 hirrlc Ersmincr ROOM hrsicil spsrimcni lum ishcd Suit unmcn or munsry couple llroi reasonhie Immcdlsl possession PA 112in or PA 60540 UNrUnNIsliEn Apsrimrni rooms and bsih icli contained ncsird crulrslly locslro Nicely dccorllrd PA 55306 or PA 82963 hooii sud bathroom uniurnlsh cd ground rlonr spsrlmrpi own to llrsl sud lvsirr ru ollcd Suitsble ior couple PA so RATED room upsislm nrt mcni unfurnished shsrc lib cm to downtown shopping crn ire in PA 14002 sru Io pm UNPUluvlsilEu room ground ilocr spsrimcrlt verandph laundry iacilllles hcsiin pulling icli can islncd Phone PA 0171 runNisiiEp norm Aplrtmelii and bath Private rntrsncr hcsicd hardwood iloori parking Adulll PA um rUansliEli room IPartmelii lsrgc living loom brdroom sud klichcnciic in Allandslo lllodcrilc rcnr PA Mun ONE UNFUILNXSIIED bcdroom sp srimenl in ycar old building Lsun dry utilities dryer psrklng Owon snd Grove rin PA Hm PA Mill sud PA M711 ONE HEDIIUO Apartment IIIKO Ilvlng room illitl kllchcn 510W and mg laundry room with washer sud dryor PBlonc PA soils or rip ply 118 Cook rUanslleu Iicd slillng Room snd klicncncitc in hosplisl vicinity Available immcdlsicly Ilost ond hydro supplies Apply 60 lion St PA Moon ncsicnnbs ONE BEDROOM Bhsemcllt APDIIV mam self contained private Bill rnnco will living room kttclrn sud haibroum 55 month Phuvm PA 39295 NICE nninuT uliiurnlshcd rooms upslslrs apartment Avail ablo immcdisieiy Iicilcli hot ind cold water supplied 55 monthly PA prim MODERN ihrco room apartment tour lcoc illc bsih tile floors inroup out Sphelnus klichorl clip boards 1ch ruppllcd Call PA 3755 slicr pin FURNISHED living room bcdroom and kllchcnotic private home Cour irsi Adults suit tcschcrs Avsll shlc Scpi Apply 25 McDonald Si PA Mails NEW AND Modem ono sud two bedroom nuurlmcnls ovcrlooxlng iconic Kompcnicn risy Host wo icr psrklng and lsniior service in cludcd Autumollc washing isriu iics PA 02002 URGENTLY Wanted We will pay you $20 to 525 la your old mitircrs on my now Sculy smoothtop mulr iross with 10 your guorsnicc 30 nights ircc trial chlts Tuning coulcr 5L PA 52301 UNPUnNIsIlED room mndorn ground iloor nparlmonl ironl pull back cnirsncc bellied laundry room in boscmcnt Also room spurrmcnt Sullsblc ior Enupk Ap glsyuglil Hayï¬eld st or phonu PA R00 ground ilodr apartman Walking dlstancu irom downtown Very lsrgc living room with will to wall csrpcilng Modcm kitchen ho rooms plus sun room piece bah In cxccluni condition 595 per month Available now PA 6645 evcnings PA 34455 1100M unfurnished apartment large rooms modurn kitchen stovo supond bslh adjacent on second iiaor or nursing home ldciily sult cd to buslncss couple with down dani requiring any nursing core The Five Maples Thornton Tclc phone Ivy ianz APTS HOUSES WTD BEDROOM Home or Apsrtmenr Early occupancy dosirablc Appy box 19 Esrrle Examiner Iiousn in country bedrooms minimum with inside conveniences and within commuting distance or gantrrlcé Csu Mr Alex PA M927 NEEDED URGENTLY Furnished icmporory accommodation ior two sdulis and turn childrcn sgcd 17 14 and 11 APPly Box 11 Bar rlu Exsmlncr ROOMS TO LET was WED 70 777 AGE W45 FOR SALE FOR SALE CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR ller Tents Tarps Camp Stoves Camp Cots Portable Ice Boxes BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO at hoyiicld Street Sell snd nude New snd Used Equipmcnt NEWSPAPER MATS slro 12x13 local ior lining hon houses stiles gursrcs sic perfect inlulstor 25 PER DOZEN Apply Tho risrris Examiner psir1 Ontario FILL GrimEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED mlcsvsilog snd Grsdiov whicr Dcuvcry Crushed slonc DENNIS MORAN 29 Anus srrczi PA li2so1 LUMBER FOR SALE inch $1111 210 lb shingles Plywood and Ccillng Tlio PHONE HE 55772 on 111 057114 MISC FOR SALE 12 30 leO lusi built years Phono Elmvulc 154nm KENMORE semhhutomawc Washing Machine in good condition 575 PA 68619 GnAvITY OIL Furnace compluic with pipcs Prlccd rcasnnsbly Euri Purvir phonc slroud 95112 15MB CAPACITY Uscd Deep Proo zcr $111150 Clarks Homc Filflflslir ing sisLn DEEP FREEZER months old $10950 clorks Home Furnish logs hmsuï¬ spmmcnt slzo sogso Clarks Home Furnishings FRESH HONEY in your containers Apply Irollcri lenncll PA 86690 in ovcnings or noon hour PICNIC TABLES codsr vsrlous lengths ii 520 Childrens sand boxes msds to order PA 66943 LEWYT VACUUM clcincr in new condition iur reasonable sslc Phone PA 33102 GERMAN ELF comblnntion Iisdio hccord Player new condition Csii PA 51701 arm pni barrio or color $050 NeleY DECORATED Rooms ior rent Central Phonu PA b1427 nnIGllr iurnlshcd bedroom sm Ple purklng PA 56301 FUitNIsIlEn hcdioom In let1n qulci homc Locuicd in ass cud Phnnc M137 BLUE cosr limN nsihiubs s44 Apply Eristow Plumbing and Heating Lid iii Dunlap West PA 33770 coLLAPmLE trsllcr Has any hnsrds pnd drawers $25000 Con slccp four or more Phone PA 5114 NIDELY FURNISHED Bed Sitting nonm Front side $750 Weekly 110 Dunlop 87261 FURNISHED bedroom in good home central residential disildci 5550 Weekly PA 35278 cvcpings FURNISHED Housekeeping Ronni Usc or Irlg ind Bendix Centril PA 135002 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT nionEilN Oiilcc accommodation in the Wilson Building st moderate rents Phone PA 82193 OFFICE centrally located nun lop St Eust Apply illrs Younkio oi Sslly Shop PA 82245 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES To RENT SIMCOE SIDE BEACH New well furnished cottage Avsil able lost wccks in August Coll PA $2654 AFTER PM nooM cottage on Highway 27 iflzglidhnni Hydro Phone PA rlioir IRDNER like new Grcon Carlys Awning for Window Priced reasonably PA Sillaidven inlis lIAY FEVER Suricrcrs Why not try our Fillcr Queen Health ser vice No obligation Froo homo trial Phone PA um IIAmcUTs now three borbcrr to serve you st our now location 45 Collior opposltc Post oriice Air conditioned Fishers IePIECE MAHOGANY Dining Room sulio Chestcrilcld Several hugs Mshoguny Dresser with mirror Phone HE H007 niicr pm lilgt GARDEN Tractor and imple mehts also 43 bssc sccorolon sn lciihcr German mptoiciicie suli Aulston 111 57552 BOATS 8r MOTORS Iis min 111 one ii bolt new Cshlnri Sho PA Mm INliiiAiiD hunnbout recondition cd Ford Va 11 ior $100 179 Well lnglon St 51 PA Mm DOGS 85 PETS lsieied Puma Phono PA Mad six WEEKS old kliicn in be given away in good homo Phons PA 66385 FARMERS MARKET LIVESTO OK iiOlisEs VANTED to buy or rent ior onc mourn PA 52675 cine FARMS 1m Cooksinwn Purchrcd Holstein Iiilien duo rhc cnd of August out or excellent dnms Vncclnntcd lug Applc breed ing Phone 4581776 Coo rtown POULTRY CHICKS BARRED ROCKS Still bird lo heat ior eggs snd moot is years pcrsonul selection bchlnd our closcr iloclr chlsicrcd bsichory Accredited flock Sisrtcd Pulletx Copons send Ior prlcs us Tom Kcnny 1m shanty Ely DEKALB STARTED PULLETS 12 to 20 weeks of ago Immedisto delivery chicks ior isll dclivcry availabl Dckslb Chicks lire large flock 0W nrs choice PHONE on WRITE HUNTERS PULTRY FARM STROUD ONT FARM MAOIITINERY FARM SUPPLIES AND SERVICE CHARLES CHURCH 174 Burton Ava Esrrlo PA 82311 Csso New Home and David Erown Farm Machinery lMount Pnrcsl Threshing Machine good condition 17 ioot Grsin Binder 116 run Ferullrsr Gnln Drill ALLIs cIIALMElls Combine PTO All Crop so with pickup rower clean and straw sprcpdc extra screens Dobson Uio lv 0114 FL AUTOMOTIVE mind SEE VIAU MOTORS For The FAMOUS RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER PA 66488 17 Gowan St 1951 STllDEEAKER Sedan owncr our private Phone PA 68657 1954 CHEM ovcrsess PA 66511 1955 METEOR Nlognrs recondt tianed motor uuw clutch East cc sccepicd PA +1115 1550 STUDEBAKER lmsculsts condition Privntc 16 Shannon st Phone PA 61505 siicr p111 0110 Iicssonsb block awnor ding Reusonsblo price ono LAnGE spsco hcsior coal and wood range many other articles Reas unable Cull llilnoiing 033 iormcr AIex McKee form Mincsing sis ton TADLE Chest of Drawers Bed Odd chsirs Crib Cirrlugc Spring and Mattress new chrome topic and chairs hood Orgsn PA 114152 or Osklcy Pork URGENTLY Wsnicd you $20 to $25 ior your old map irgir on any new Sculy smoothlop msttrcss with in year guarantee sno 30 nights Eros irisl Levita Trolling an Colllcr st PA Haul We will pay 130 1954 METEOR Coach in good mech aniclsl condition and good tires Dalgain at 7350 Phillip PA 1102115 1951 clievniiLEr custom rsiils good rims and motor No rust ccplional condition Lullving prov incu Aulston iiE wsoz 1557 anle 500 Town Sudan rodio two tone low mileage Owner bolus Posiod Pbonc Camp Borden 1951 chevnOLET Door sisilon Wagon two tone excellent oondl tion Uscd or second our hrs after Privain sslc PA uoiliz COM furnished cottdEE Willow crest Millets Point hydro insldu conveniences versndoh Pbons PA 51924 or PA 60540 BEDROOM furnished summer isge on Gsmsbridgo Uench ncsr Beavertnn Avrlttlibts ior August Phunc PA 1615 AT dALM nEAcII Sslc bcsch ior children available for ivcck com mcnclng Aug Extra iew dyr if wsnzod 345 Phone ll Henderson ncul Estate IA 02610 COPY for Want Ad Section accepted until riioNii naiii pm Dlw before publication 25 commas or BEES with honor snd winter cssos 125 empty sou err with wlrcd rucks six illolllb Tonia Pcicrson cupping mciicr Jran radial extractor honcy pump con stcncller quantity new csns Pctrio ileum boiler 100 Pearl cr Excluders Bee cscspcr clip ping knirc wlih bollcr acts scnlcs 10 1ch 513w itoblol numerous he also pmcn illslcolm 13 Ncisou St Allisroo Phone HE 5am ARTICLES WTD BUILDING lsrgo onough to houso our our with electric power with in ii miles or Barrie PA onlllll URGENTLY wanted Wo will poy you 20 to 525 ior your old mot lrcsi on any now sonly smooth ion motlrcss with tell your gunrnntco and Ind no Illghs frec irirli chlti Tuning doillcr It PA 82301 11m Foims Take your pick auto matic or stunenrd rindlos sud whitcwalis Ncw iiipi tops Good rubbcr und runn no order only 5115 Can be hnnnccd sprouls su ortesi Yilghwuy 27 one mllu sou of Thornton Phone Ivy 111111 TRUCKS TRAILERS 1955 GMC llON Pickup in cxccll cnt condition Usvc larger truck Hoyic Campbell phone 11713 Ivy BUS SERVICE noon TILING expertly done irec estlmotor Pllrrul PA Mala TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 834