Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1960, p. 6

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commune SERMON Blue Print For Living By REV GOIIEEN Free Methodist Church TEXT Ephesians 51 Be ya therefore follower of God as dear children One Ire translation of the Ilbove text has It Be ye therefore lml tators of God as dear child How do we need pattern or blue print in life Anyone making cake especially for the first time would be more assured of success if the recipe were follt lowed strictly ft is likewise ensi er or young girl to make her self skirt or boy piece of woodwork if there is good pat tern from which to copy if the pattern should be faulty the whole project no doubt would be failure So it is important whom we have as pattern in life It is always good to emulate the good points of any person llowever human beings no matl ter who they may be or how nearly perfect they may be are still human They are subject to human mistakes and limitations Thus they are not always neces sarily good pattern for oth ers So our text fittingly admon ishes Be ye therefore follow ers or initiators of God Peter 221 For even here unto wero ye called bocausa Christ also suttorrd for us lcav ing as an example copy that ye should follow His steps We are told that the Greek word as used here for the word erarnple is word which does not occur anywhere else in the New Tm lament it means Copy set by writing or drawing master AROUND THE UNION SERVICE Burton Avenue United Church will hold union services with Essa Road Presbyterian Church during the summer months Rev lrimble will conduct pro ceedlngs at the Burton Avenue church during July Rev Bell in Essa Road during August the first Sunday in Septem BREAKFAST MEETING Special guest at Burton Avenue United Church Sunday will he Rev Barry Moore Comm BD only recently ordained by Toronto Conference at Toronto Now working his way up to the Peace River district where he will accept his first pastoral dist rict Mr Moore will speak at 11 am at Burton Avenue follow ing session directed to the teenagers at am in the church auditorium durin breakfast meeting to be con acted by Mr Moore SPEAK 0N EXPERIENCES Rev Barry Moore will speak to Burton Avenue United Church congregation on his experiences and call to the ministry his first pastoral charge and his droughts at the beginning of its acceptance Mr Moore is from Fairlawn United Church congre gation that of Mr Trimble and that having brought forth ten men to the ministry in the past 10 years VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Rev Riddel Church of St Giles Barrie reports that some 50 young people are regul arly attending the Vacation Bible School now in session from to 12 noon at the church The children are receiving reueatinm al instruction and religious teach ing from church people School terminates July 15 and Mr Rid del says all children are invited to come into the group ANNUAL CAMP OPENS Rev Goheen Barrie Free Methodist Church reports that the churchs Muskoka distlt riot annual camp July to 17 will begin on schedule at Severn Bridge Ontario Members from Timmins Huntsville and Barrie areas will be attending and will receive instruction in woudcrafts and religious experience as well as having swimming and general recreation About 50 children are UR FUNER AL was specifically designed for use as funeral est ablishment ink FUNERAL HOM 127 BAVFIELD ST BARRIE ONT PA 82530 ho expects his pupils to rcpro duce the copy as exactly as pos sible The life of Christ is our copy lie is our model Christrl ians are called to imitate Christ Thus the life of Christian ls indeed high and holy calling Man was not made to gropc in sin or grovcl in the gutter lie was made for higher thingsn Christ died an the cross to be the Saviour of the world that life might present us unto Hun sell glorious church not hnvv ing spot or wrinkle or any such lhiug be ye therefore imitators of life But how can man do this What means can he use The New Birth Man can not live the Christian life with out first being born again or be ing regenerated throughrepcnt once and faith in the shed blood of Christ Prayer and Communion by private and public worship As one gates upon Christs glory in rapt devotion and communlon he is changod into His likeness it seems that most folk con sciously or unconsciously Imltnte those whom they admire or those with whom they associate Some one has aptly said He who is nearest to God in prayer and communion grows iikest to God Bible reading and study is another big help in our endea vor to imitate or pattern our lives after that of Christ John Wesley maintained that folk were not more holy because they were not more knowing Being filled with the Spirit Christ said he ye holy for am ho Holiness consists le CHURCHES expected to attend from the three areas but they will be far outnumbered by adult participa tion in the church camp Former Barrie church minister Rev rig will be travelling from Timmins to the camp to give instruction in woodworking craft in which he is quite skill ed according to Pastor Goheen ST PAULS Visitons at the rectory for the induction service of Rev Peter Trant were from Font Hill Osh awa Scarborough or Staynor SemeBridge and ML iowdale Guests for few days with Rev and Mrs Trant were his parents Mr and Mrst Trent Font Hill Mr and Mrs Sydney Craig and daughters are visiting in Chapleau with her father for two weeks Visitors with Mr and Mrs John Drake were Mr and Mrs Watts Toronto Mrs Ralph flar ris Florida PADDISON REUNION Mrs Pratt Dale and Mar got attended the 36th annual Pad disoa reunion in Queens Park Barrie July Mr and Mrs Herbert Pratt the imitation oi God Being pure in heart Keep conscious that you are always under ilis eye Keep in mind Thou God seest me Walk circumspectly Ephesians 521516 See then that ye wall circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are eviLi in our daily walk we are to imi tat Christ Vieare to follow in His steps And walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given Himself for us Some try to excuse themselves by saying that there are so many hypocrites But that Is very weak excuse in order to hide behind hypocrite you must be smaller than he is it is not suf ficicnt to say or feet that we are just as good as some particular person Christ not people Is our final pattern John 1315 For have given you an example that ye should do as have done to you man tells of visiting an art gallery Various pamtersr were sitting around trying to copy oft certain famous picture As he walked around he noticed that no two artists pictures were turn ing out alike although they were copying off the same painting He mentioned that fact to the guide The guide quickly and Emphatically replied Dont look at them Look only at the original Scripture adrnonisbcs as book ing unto Jesus the Author and the finisher of our faith Our text says He ye there fore imitators of Me Pattern your life after that of Christ Who is your pattern Creemore Plans For Bible School CREEMORE Creemores an nual summer vacatiun Bible School will be once again this year conducted in the Creemore churches from Jilly 13 to July 29 Classes will be held each morning commencing July 15 from 930 am 1130 am at the following churches Beginners under Miss Shirley Steele at First Baptist Primary Mrs John Miller at United Junior Mrs Grant MacDonald at St Lukes Senior Rev Miller at the Presbyterian Climb Midterm church service will he at St Lukes on July 24 at 11 am and the closing picnic to be held in the local park on July 20 in charge will be Rev Doug last Gill as chairman and Mrs Nel Rhodes as secretarytreas llIEl and family called on Mr and Mrs John Kell Sunday Visitors with Rev and Mrs Tran were Mr and Mrs Middleboro former Sylvia Fish er of Barrie Saskatoon Dr Middlehoro Owen Sound Mr Trants father Congratulations from the com munity to Mr and Mrs Michael Sherridan nee Diane Hanna who were married recently TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONEPA 82414 to individual needs or wishes 30 Worsley St one MIND Funeral Expenses whether payable from Estate Assets or Personal Funds need not be burden our Insured Payment Plan deliberately designed for Peace of Mind enables con venient Estate settlement or monthly instalments wording STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME en 85553 totdhiopeopte thua saith the lord Eor three mummmm wmnotmnaawaythepimlahmoaz NEWMAN CAMPBELL Quoting from the Rev Wilbur Smith editor and commenta tor of Peloubets Select Notes Eelora his prophetic callingI reared on the edge of the desert 11 miles south of Jerusalem Amos like Micah was rustic and because his fathers name is nowhere mentioned it is inferred that he probably sprang from poor and obscure family He raised peculiar breed of stunted fine wooled sheep breed small in size ugly in air pearance but highly esteemed for their wool He lived close to nature His occupation naturally carried him to the wool markets of the northern cities and he had become acquainted with the lite and religion of the people Though he was untutored yet being by birth morally noble like John the Baptist who spent most of his years in the same healthy and vigorous yeoman Wimtheyaoldthaflght wwwmthapwrforl uncommon2o God Sent His Own People Message By Prophet Amos wilderness he developed into religious reformer and eventu ally supremely can corned for the rights of God and for lustice Gcorge Robins son Also from Peloubets Select Notes were are told Amos lived during the days of Uzziah king of Judah and ot Jeroboam ll who reigned over Israel from 734 to 744 30 Israel was pros pering but the people were not living holy lives They sinned greatly and Amos rebuke them stcrnly warning them of punishr ment to come Hear this ye that swallow up the needy even to make the poor of the land to tail Saying When will the new moon be gone that we may sell corn and the Sabbath that we may set forth wheat making the ephflh small and the shckel great and falsify ing the balances by deceit That we may buy the poor for silver and the needy for pair of shoel yea and sell the refuse of the whenttAmos 846 Amos told them They hate him that rebuketh in the gate and they abhor him that speak cth uprightiy Forasmuch there fore as your treading is upon the poor and ye take from him hur dens of wheat ye have built houses of hewn stone but ye shall not dwell in them ye have planted pleasant vineyards but ye shall not drink wine of them Amos 51011 For know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sias they afflict the just they take bribeI and they turn asldo the poor in the gnteAmos 512 Sock good and not evil that ye may live and so the Lord the God of hosts shall be with you as ye have spoken Hate the evil and love the good and es tablish judgment in the gate it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the Mr and Mrs Dick of Vancouv er 80 are visiting with Mrs Crisp Miss Louise Scott of Winnipeg left hialton via plane to return to her home in Winnipeg after few weeks vLsit with Mr and Mrs Byron Grose Mr and Mrs Jim Elliott spent the weekend in Kirkland Lake and visited with the farmers brother Albert Elliott BAKE SALE The ladies at the Institute are reminded to bring their baking for the bake sale to be held next remnant of Joseph 51415 God demands of us not burnt offerings or other formal cere monies but for us to let judg ment roll down as waters and righteousness as mighty stream Amos 52224 Let us all todays people pon der and obey this wise man of old striving to hate the evil and love the good and do what we can in our individual lives to help to establish Justice in our world Amos to Gilmorcr Store on Saturday June at pm The Rev Fred Jackson oc cupicd the pulpit on Sunday and gave splendid Dominion Day scrmon Dennis Curtis and Lock ie Jack each favored with solo Rev and Mrs Jackson were at the door at the close of the ser vice tomako the acquaintance of the congregation MIDHUBST STN Weekend visitors at Mr and Mrs Victor Reids were Mr and Mrs Reid and family of Sudbury Mr and Mrs Max Storey of Welland They attend ed the centennial celebration at Clarkesburg on Saturday Mrs Sam Hiltz is spending this wcck with her neice Mrs Badsley Oshawa Mr and Mrs Eodway and Gail Toronto spent the long weekend at llowdcrys Mr and Mrs Kirk Barrie spent Sunday with Mrs Elsie Monteith Mr and Mrs John Miller and family Stouffville spent Sun day with ltlr and Mrs Reid oEe Churcti Qoingallahil PRESBYTERIAN ANGLICAN 51 Anonews PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and Wursley fists St Andrews Presbyterian and First Baptist Churches UNION SERVICES to St Andrews Church 1100 3111 one service only REV PALMER DJ of Hamilton cordial invitation is extended to Cottageni and Summer Visit or to worship with as ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY WITH THE ENTIRE FAMILY REFORMED FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent Street Rev Jae Geuzehroek pastor Phone PA 841876 157 Shanty Bay Road 1030 rumMORNING WORSHIP Rev chzehroek 730 panDUTCH SERVICE Rey Geuzehroelr The Church of Back To God Hour Radio Program THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Rev Cornell Boos BD Pastor Phone PA 61024 1050 BAILSUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN 1030 auraSERVICE 0F WORSHIP ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE Collier St We Invite You and Your Family To Worship With Us IMPERIAL EVENINGS AT 700 and pm wutffisn AfibWHE PEOPLEJND Multinational lanthanum srnnrs manner THOU realm RE THOU LODGESTJYWEEA LODGE THY PEOPE sorrow Gooflhvcoo mumu illuminationinvitinth ONIMASQDDE eaten by ac Lune BAPTIST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton at Wotslay Rev Gordon Walker Minister Miss Cloughley Director of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL in the Church Hall II amMORNING WORSHIP in St Andrews Presbyterian Church You are welcome at these services BAPTIST srnvmcaivr sr ourooon cHuRcHi 845 humBIBLE SCHOOL THROUGHOUT SUMMER 1100 nmW0nsnlr sunnvron TRINITY CHURCH Anglican 24 Collier St Next to You OIIICU TRINITY IV 800 3111 HDLYCOMMUNION 030 amFAMILY SERVICE Sermon 1100 LinMORNING PRAYER Sermon THE LAW OF LIBERTY Rev Gee Sherring pmEVENSONG Sermon Mr Greg Lennox Organist Mrs Roberts vrsrrons wancomn THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF SAINT GEORGES Allnndalo Burton Ave at Granville Rector new Walter Dyer Organist Mrs Show ATOM Choirlead Mrs Smcthnrst rnmrrv IV 900 amKOLY COMMUNION 11 tumMORNING PRAYER Nursery class in the Rec tory Meeting Room We invite you to come and wor ship with us Summer visitors welcome Church of St Giles Anglican 95 Cook st The Rev Riddel Th TRINITYIV 900 munHOLY COMMUNION 1100 mumMORNING PRAYER RECIPROCITY OR GIVE AND TAKE Everyone Welcome Roman Catholic sr manys cannon 95 MULCAHTER an no names HUNDAII manna no un 10 ran use no weekday itur 710 In only nvewrso nevrmown sun pm Wes 13a pm Information cimu rartructtnn tn the Cbnruhl talchlngr Monday um Moriay 11a pm 330 non tn at Josephs nlrn school LUTHERAN lulllIIERAN GOOD OF THE Steel St off nghway REV MILAN BABE PA 63640 DIVINE WORSHIP 1100 3111 SUNDAY SCHOOL 945 3411 Adult Bible Class 1000 am The Church of TVI Radios Portals of Prayer and The Lutheran Hour This Is The Life UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CENTRAL 1100 lwhun u¢ UNITED TORONTO and R055 STREETS REV CECIL BEENN BA 81 Mrs Leslie Walker Organist and Choirleader nan UNION SERVICES WITH COLLIER STREET UNITED AT NlRAL UNITED CHURCH Preacher Rev Brent Nursery up to years Church School Open session for all over years commons AND visrrons MOST WELCOME Nursery RIVER DISTRICT BURTON llllENUE UNITED ENUIIEII REV TRIJVIBLE BA EDA 000 am TEENAGERS BREWAST 930 am JUNIOR AND SENIOR CHURCH SCHOOL IL Beginners REV BARRY MOORE COM BD onnanvno 1N JUNE av rouorvro congruence 0N ms was To Hear PASTORATE IN The Panels UNION SERVICES WITH ESSA RD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Salvation Army Citadel 60 Collier Street Brlgadier and Mrs It Butler Corps Officers SUNDAY stamens 11 mm had pm Sunday School 1000 mm Primary nan amt opp the church All alncoro inquirin wattva welcome awaits you THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Berczy and Dunlap Streets George Roan Pastor 945 nm+Sunday School 1100 humMorning Worshlp 700 prn Evangelistic Service CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Services Sunday School 11 mm SACRAMENT YMYWCA 26 Owen St All are welcome

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