ranova litTHE BARRIE EXAMINER IlilIIlSI JUNE 15 I960 ANGUS FltSgi and Mrs Ray Gontier and lamily Camp Borden and Mr and Mrs Thomas Wilkinson Visited with Mr and Mrs Thom as Lewis and other relatives in Oman at the weekend Mrs Wil kinson remained tor few days Mrs Jerry Marescauix and Mrs Daisy Robinson Toronto spent couple at days last week with Mr and Mrs Fred Latimer and Mrs Sandford Dompstcr BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ronald Cain on the birth of babygiri in Alliston hospital on June 13 Mr and Mrs Duckworth spent the weekend with iriends in Toronto ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Stringer and Mr and Mrs Jones Brampton also Mr and Mrs Wayne Stew art and grandson Gary spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Gur net Finch to celebrate wedding and birthday anniversary Mr and Mrs Oscar Irwin Ter visiled with Mr and Mrs Sandiord Page inst week Mr and Mrs Sandlord Page spent Sunday witil Mrs Pages mother Mrs George Boyle She burne Mrs Boyle is convalesc lng at her home Mrs Aiired Willis is under the doctors care at time writing Rev Willis took the two ser vices in Adjaia United Church on Sunday June 12 accompanied his father for the day ORANGE SERVICE There will be an Orange Ser vice in Angus United Church on Sunday June 19 at pm by Rev Willis Lloyd Couison Toronto is spending weeks holiday with Mr and Mrs Duckworth ELMVHLE NURSES ATTEND ALUMNAE DINNER Among those present at the an nual Nurses Alumnae dinner at the Laidlaw residence of the Bar rie Victoria Hospital on Satur day June 11 were Mrs James Lamble Mrs George Terry Mrs Harold Martin Mrs Even huis and Mrs Max Steele Mr and Mrs Carnelian Alfred Willis were Wednesday guests of Dr and Mrs Scott of Barrie Mrs Gosslingand Linda returned Wednesday after visit ing friends in Toronto RETURNED TO annloNroN Mrs Kerr who spent sever al weeks visiting her sister Mrs Albert White and Mr WhitE left on Monday tor her home in Ed munton Bert Graham spent the week with friends at Thornbury Mrs William Eeardsall is spending couple at weeks at the home oi Mr and Mrs Bannerman oi Markham Mr and Mrs James Allen at Peterbnrough were guests for few days of Mr and Mrs Albert White Mr and Mrs Smith and dau ghter of Chesley spent the week end with Mrs Stoutanburg who returned with them for vaca tion Mr and Mrs Gordon Spring and Freddie Mrs Ritchie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Roll Ritchie of Meaford Weekend guests at Mr and Mrs Mannings were Mr and Mrs Oscar Srigley and fam ily Mr and Mrs Pittman and Cindy of North Bay Mrs Lorne Manning and family of Mark ham Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Barry Manning nee Diane Hall who were inarried on Sat urday June 11 The community was saddened early Friday morning by the sud den deth of Silas Locke Deep est sympathy is extended to the bereaved families Mr and Mrs Morley Schand ten and daughter of Midhurst visited with Mr an Mrs Schandlen on Sunday WED 59 YEARS Mr and Mrs Frank Field cele brated their 59th wedding anni versary on Sunday June 12 Best wishes are extended for many more years at health and happi ness NEWTON RGBliiSON Mrand Mrs Waiter Andrews and Mr and Mrs Herb Houn aoma spent Sunday with Mr and ltélrl James Newton oi Stouifvil James Thomson of Strattord was visitor at Walter Andrews on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Harold Anchewa and the girls spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gordon Madili Richmond Hill BRIDAL SHOWER pleasant event at Wednesday waning was when Mn Dee Chantlor we bosteso for show er for Miss Margaret Row bride oi the month Margaret has not been with us too mm lately but nevertheless she in on at our popular young lalhor She was the recipient of many lovely giftaand our best wishes go with Margorei and Jim at long and happy Iuturo STORE HOURS OPEN DAILY FROM nm to pm al 50 ONTARIOS LARGEST HOME YUKNISHERS ADAMS SALE Hundreds Mae snapper no made In tau 79m Annlumry Sale Reduc nna more on some auna much while then lr litlr time visit yrur ADAMS stare IOMOthW or run to rut our the main berg FRIDAY DEPOSIT women years to pay UNTIL 1111 ANNIVERSARY OFFER Wiillv iillllM HERES waarvou GET 0281 100 printed border sheets 142 printed plllnw slips imle 81 100 col oured aheeta 420 lo coloured bath towels blanket Home ruanslleRs uEAL In LlllliLL it handles 56 coloured hand towein 412 i7 coloured guest IOWLIE 412 12 com 12 inc cloth Mid not holders 718 18 polishing cloth 70 80 aolnure annelette PLUS THESE OTHER ADDED FEATURES comioriahic high riser spring luxurious apringillird mattress 455 quality lenthehillled plllnw OUTFIT 7piece bedroom grdup 15995 175 Weekly rawer double dresser with bevelled edge and modern 3piece bedroom suite made up of tilting mirror drawer chest and bookcase bed ma Iinish Brass lmlsned STARTER HOUSE GRQUpn 801 tern ALL rnESE Exrnas INCLUDED For person setting 52pleca imparted English din nerwnre set 1235Piece Kitchen Groun 7995 8plece llvmg room outfit Choice of spinbed or chenleriicld with mnlclnm enulr in durable upholstery iabrlc Wide choice of colours Sofa bed converts easily Into double bed Arboriie topped atopend inblu table lamp and alludes 175 Weekly 1595 NO DEPOSIT $4 WEEKLY Weekly handsome 5plece chrome suite with 30 43 Arbnrlte topped table including 10 teat heavily fad dcd chairs covered With washable plastic in choice of colours and pat 32piece glassware set Floral design Mpiece Swedish deslan lltain ieu lleei cutlery nllllsmll orolllllll lliiiiiiiiiSli 94 DUNLOP STREET WEST STORES or Ontarios largest home furnishers liNilDli LIMITED PA 6025 and PA 60252 This ROOM OUTFIT is only one oi many available in our store Just inquire about oth er outfits