rwm £53 Wwwwugwaï¬ zwv Kinette Club ExecutiVe InStalled Last Evening There were two young ladies present at the Kinetic Club din ncr meeling and installation oi officers at the America llotcl last night One was dressed in an Alim blue gown and the other pretty in pink but their fate hung in the air It was difficult decision but only one could stay The new Cathy Kinetic the laoï¬ in pink will make her debut in the all when the Kincties hold their nu al doll draw Mrs Irma Harper is doll conrcncr NEW EXECUTIVE Mrs Marjorie Lunalu conduct ed the installation ceremony and presented each officer with low rose corsagc trimmed with purple ribbon the club colors The slate of officers for 1960 is past president Mrs Dor othy nlck president Mrs Juno Lamb first vicepresident Mrs Marion Carter second viccpres ldcnt Mrs Juan Cole secretary Mrs Jean Appleton treasurer Mrs Marilyn Gillespie rogi5tlt rar Mrs Joyce Hccls Bulletin Editors are Mrs June Vcstgate and Mrs Myrtle Coleman Dir colors are Mrs and Mrs Marjorie Reynard GUEST SPEAKER Tcskey barrister spoke on the subject of wills and their importance He rciorrcd to wills which are often written at home and more often inadequate Let me beseech you to have will said Mr Teskey it is their pepsch because it is so essential and all lawyers charge nomin al fee He advised that all coup les discuss it together and then with theirlavycr The increasing accident rate when oitcn coup les are taken together should be warning to nrepac for our chil drens future WWWZ Jane Abrams MRS LAMB MRS IIARPE Perfect attendance pins were presented to members by Mrs Marion Carter ltlrs Mario Arch er presented farewell gift to Mrs Marjorie Lunau on hellalf of members Mrs Lunau 1959 VITII CATHY KINEITE Kinetic of the Year will be mov ing to North Bay soon Decorations for the dinner and entertainment were provided by Mrs Marion Gillespie and Mrs Heels THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 14 195i Quebecs Primitive Methods Aid Death At Childbirth JASPER Alla CPJA Mont real obstetrician said Sunday that childbirth techniques in Quebec have proved to be so dangerous that they have stood condemned for 30 years Dr Thomas Primrose of the de partment of obstetrics and gyn aecology of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal told the an nual meeting of the Canadian So ciety of Obstetricians and Gyn aecologists that many Quebec women die unnecessarily in child birth becauss techniques of mod ern obstetrics are not being used to the full advantage Dr Primrose said that before Poinswick WI Hear Delegatefs Report The members of Painswick Womens Institute met recently at the school The new president Mrs Char les Smith opened the meeting At the business meeting it was decided to take the short course sandwich making in the fall Delegates were appointed to at tend the District annual in Elm Vale Mrs Sabin who had been delegate to Guelph for Public Re lations gave an interesting re Port The roll call Ering plant slip or bulb was well answered and later auctioned by Mrs Crosbie reminder forall memlt hers visitors welcome try to attend the next meeting June to arm pan Mm Keith McRu or will speak about safety on the farm and in the home Mrs James Ferguson was presented with set of lag gags at the closing meeting of tho afternoon group of St An drews Womens Auxiliary Mrs Gladstone Currie was hos 1933 rate was lower than the national average Since that year he said the national average has shown sustained drop but from that time onward Quebec has worse death rate in obstetrical cases than the national average Dr Primrose noted that in 1957 1958 and 1939 there were 319 mat eraal deaths The national aver age is about five in 1000 live births He said the Quebec study seems to point to the fact that too many maternal deaths hap pen at home and in smaller hos pitals at rate out of all propor tion to the actual number of do liveries conducted there SUNNIDALE CBS Miss Adrianna Van Vught and Arnold Van De Veldcn were mar ried in St Johns Chrysostom Church in Newmarket on Satur day June Guests from here included the grooms family Mr and Mrs Ed Buie and Mr and Mrs Mel Sage Miss June Bates of Toronto spent the weekend at her home here The Sacrament of the Lords supper was celebrated at Zion Church on Jdne Mr and Mrs Leonard Vernor of Bolto visited during the weekend with the Iaiters par ents Mr and Mrs John Hood Roy Bills accompanied by Mr and Mrs John Morgan on fam ily spent Sunday with Mrs Mor Qucbccs maternal death Hamilton Diocese Name CWL Pres Mrs Ellinghausen of Owen Sound was elected presi dent of theCWL of Hamilton diocese First vicepresident is Mrs Lippert of Kitchener and correspondin secretary Mrs Lee Flood of Owen Sound Mrs PL Robinson of To ronto was elected national president of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire at the orders 50th annual meet ing in Toronto in May Active in the IODE since 1946 she is former treasurer and vice president and Mrs Donald Courtney and family of Ripley Miss Margaret Patton Town to spent the weekend with her cousins Mr and Mrs Harold Wood an family Mr and Mrs Mel Bates ac companied by Mrs Risebroughl of Stayner and Mn and Mrs Norman Brown of Wes ton visited recently with the lot ters sisterinvlaw Mrs Gordon Brown of Thornbury FARM SALE The Hogans had successful farm sale on Monday of last week Mrs Hogan and family gaos sister and her family Mr tess for the event at her spac ious home on Kempeafelt Drive Mrs Hugh Gibson made the presentation on behalt of the members Mrs Ferguson will join her husband at Strat have moved to Uxbridgc ford the end of June resume of her recent trip to Spain was given by Mrs Cameron Mrs Bert Empire poured tea Left are Mrs Fred Churchill WA striking in tiered popover top harem trousers green lace and features hooded gt SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES TM Barrio Examiner Social Notes are Intended to cover all senernl social tile or the city and district Weddtdg nn alvcrsarteo birthdays bridle patter comingobese parties visitor and travellers are all item at Interest to tho wo men reader of this pale Your help lnAlupplytng this news will be greatly apprec ghted Please phone PA 56517 nod ask for tba Womans Pan RECEIVES TRANSFER Guclts of Mr and Mrs Her bert Sparham Theresa Street are their daughiorAinJaw Mrs Baylrd Sparham and grand son Kevin formerly of Ni agara Falls Ontario They are awaiting word of accom modation from Mr Sparharn who has recently been trans erred from the Niagara Falls branch of the Industrial Ac ceptance Corporation to Kcls owns British Columbia CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS Christmas time in Korca seems long way ail Santa Claus can visit those needy chil dren if we make it possible Last year members of the Canadian save the Children Fund made stockings to send to these poor orphans and this year they hope to send more Thats why they ore appealing for help Any club looking for sum iaer project or anyone with moment to spare need look no further The stocktngs should be 12 inches long and prefer ably rcd suggestions for fill ers are knitted cap scarf wrapped hard candy and toy The CSCF hope to have them completed by September to allow for travelling time Chairman of the CSCF is Mrs Wendy Hicks OPEN IIOUSE Opcn House will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Ro bert Wilson McDonald Street tonight to celebrate Mr Wil sons retirement from the Can adian National Railways Mr Wilson has been with the CNR for it years 20 of which have been spent in Barrie He has been freight agent at the Bar rie office The Rotary Club of Barrio will hold spring banquet and dance at Owalssa Lodge Lake Couchichlng Saturday ATTEND ASSEMBLY Mrs Reg Adams Mrs George Longstnffe representa tives of the Beaver Rebekah Lodge Harris and Mrs Murray Mills past president of Rebekah Assembly of Ontario are attending the Rebekah as sembly of Ontario at the Royal York Hotel Toronto this week BARRIE DELEGATE The Fifth Annual Assembly of the Telephone Pioneers of America will be attended by is Barrie dissident Miss Mary Redman who was recently rc elected president of the Champion Council Telephone Pioneers of America Approx imately 125 delegates will at tend the assembly at the Al pine Inn St Marguerite Que bee JIIIIE 15 16 and 17 Miss Redman left Barrie last night and will return at the weekend New Lingerie Offers Variety MONTREAL CF Elegance is the keynote of new lingerie collection designed by Gaby of Montreal Unveiled for Montreal fashion writers at breakfast reception it includes styles ranging from the frothily feminine to classic Simplicity often with sheer overlay is used throughout Applique and em broidery are featured to great ef fect on most creations Shades range from delicate to deep tones of beige and blue through mauve green and mer ingue white The soft striking blues are called Spray Sorrento and Grotto Beige is represented by pale bisque rich Tortoni and midtoned Wafer Sweet Clover is gentle mauve and Sprite Green IS cool and misty THREE SHADES In some of the sleepwear three shades of beige are used tone on tone The effect is especially to be worn with capri pants or Highlight of the collection de signed for Petticoat Lane Inc the Margaret Rose group in white nylon tricot with handem broidered red roses Matching the gown is ruffied baudoir capi beaconcd with fullsized flower of stiffened not The Charmants group to pale green is punctuated withrdarker Tricot in opaque weights and idow of former Minister of at the Painswfck school tomor Educatlon lion Simp row night at 800 pm Parents son of children attcnding 13 Min ets St Pauls Big Bay Point Miss Audrey Mulligan Boys and Holly are also invited pmlidem Street attended the graduation 0f the 0mm Vo at her no hea Donald Black Gordon Juckes McIVilic mens Li rnl Associatiod at the Corivocotion Hall Saskatchewan secretary manMrs Charles Newton wife of unity or rpmmm recently agcr of Canadian Amatiunlhc president of the Barrie Lib lr Black received Bachelor Hockey Association visitcrucral Association Mrs Llw degree with his aunt Mrs William Intson president of the Barric hchrthur and his unclcs Dnn Liberal Womens Association DAY CAMP aid and James McCuatg Oakland Miss Monm hostess Pour Mothers of Painswick stud Icy Park Square at the week the tea during the afternoon ents interested in having momcnt Io relax during the end wil be Mrs Jerry Coughlin Mrs Gladstone Currlc Mrs summer holidays are invited to attend day camp meeting WEEKEND GUESTS JOAN GHRRICK HAIR STYLISTS 38 Maple Ave Barrio open urnlnn my appointment PA 84651 Miss Muriel McArthur 0t tswa supervisor of the Royal ampD Elmvalc Canadian Air Force Nursing services was also guest at the Oakley Park Square rcsr dencc illNNEn nunsrs Gm Mu Chm Dont Miss out On Those Tremendous Buytl dinner last night were Mrs Lang President of ihe Ladies Auxiliary to the Ki wanis Club Mrs Bruce French viceprcsident olthcl Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club Mrs George Mulhollsndl president of the lnncrwhcel of the Rotary Club Miss Flora McGrcgor president of tile Somptimist Club and Miss iv1 clyn Kightley president of thci Business and Professional Wo mcns club TO BE WED The engagement has been announced of Sandra Florence daughter of Mr and Mrs Ar thur Beallam Shanty Bay to Carl Randolph Walton son Mr and Mrs William Walton RR Barrie The setting for the July wedding will he Dab sion United Church July wcd ing is planned by Diane Margo rite second daui giltcr of ltlr and Mrs Thomas Excli Utopia to William Albert Gallop son of Mrs Richard Cloughlcy and the late Albert Gollop of Grenfcl LIBERAL TEA Guests from many surround ing arcasare expected to at tend the Barrie Liberal Vo mens Association too to bet held tomorrow at the home of Miss iii Moore Bayilclll Street Receiving guests wii be Mrs Jean McKenzie Brown RAMBLER AMERICAN WINS COMPACTDLASS IN FIRST HIGHEST AILOWANEES FOR usao REFRIGERATORS l2 til it AUTOMATIC DEFROST REFRIGERATORS These models are ockcd with popular features US worry reo AUTOMATIC DEFROSP INGtha refrigerator dofmsts itself You hava nothing to dol NUS ll CAPAEIIV FREEZER WO ROOMV SNEIVES REMOVABLE ADJUSTAIIE noon SHEIF IWIN sznAatE CIISPERS SPECIAL coMPARlMENts MAGNEIIC SAFE noon BEFlithiltltTflltS 16900 PRICED FROM WITH TRADE manna APPLIANCE Factory Trained Service Lots of Free Parking St at St Vincent 14 Nutrit lzs renetang ea 89288 Bumble American Guarani TwoDoor averages 31 nlpg in Toronto Star tins Economy lion In one of the most thorough tests ever devised the Hmblor Am erican proved once again that it is second to none when it comes to fuel economy RAMBLER AVERAGES 253 MPG IN TRAFFIC TEST This part of the run was designed to test the cars under traffic conditions with sections to be covered at creeping mph others at 15 to 25 mpl1 interspersed with stops of up to 40 sec onds for trafficlights during which the engines were kept running at idling speed All the cars in the competition were driven by the same driver through all the sections of the test Naturally we at Rambler are proud and happy that the Rambler American has proved its outstanding gas economy once again but even so gas economy is only part of the Rambler economy story The tests designed under the supervision of Professor William Wallace of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Uni versity of Toronto probed deeply into the gas saving characteris tics of the competing cars under all conditions likely to be en countered in every day driving RAMBLEII AVERAGES 312 MEG 1N HIGHWAY TEST Ramblers true economy is combination of many savings Low Purchase Price Proven Durability High TradeAin Value Low Maintenance Costs Top Performance Dependability an outstanding value This test was designed to show the cars gas econOmy under normal highway conditions at spésds varying hatWeen to and 60 mph pctgnair Another peignoir of the Mooaglow group has detach able neckpiece of dyedtomatch fox Both the fulllength peignolr and coordioated gown are fin ished with hand braiding The bridal ensemble is in white nylon irlcnt touched with pink embroidery Lace appliqued on the floorlength gown is used as the train of the sweeping poig nntr Each of the 10 groups shown include slips petticoats panties caprls waltz gowns baby dolls shifts and pelgnoirs president Mrs Currie Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Gibson my EXAMINER WANT ADS mun on was The New Standard of Basic Ettcailonco VIAU MOTORS LTD GOMAN STREET BAtttitlll sawsnew Wn laminar MW va totw rct