Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1960, p. 1

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one remnants Pu Viat Ad his phone PA mu the telephone mutantsthem ItEdltutheptIIPAW 96th YearNo 122 suppersrsnnsxhhirpron TB Ella Kelcey RR if Barrie in set for her Xray in Na tional Sanitarium Association mabilo volucle Tuesday in front of her employers plant She works in Copacn Fond Products office Miss Kelcey assisted in registration of pan The Norrie Examiner BARRIE ONTARIO GANADA WEDNESDAY MAY 25 Ann CHILEHO sonnei as they filed through the truck for their tests Technician Villiamson looks on Story is on Page file amlncr Photon Ike Will Be Talks WASHINGTON AP Presi dent Eisenhower makes public report tonight on the collapse of the summit conference and its ef fect ontho policies of the free world He speaks out in the midst of political diplomatlo and legisla tive repercussions over the use of United States spy plane brought down in Russia just before the summit blowup The Kremlin was urged by the White Houseto let the Russian people listen to broadcasts on the presidents 30minute talk James Hagerty making the appeal through reporters luesday night said the Russian people as well an the free people of the world have right to hear it The presidents address from the White House at pm EDT will be carried live by CBS and ABC television networks and the 600 national TV network in Canada and all maior radio net works it will be rebroadcast at 10 pm by NBCTV The Voice of America arranged to broadcast the message overseas in English and 30 other languages including Russian Report Collapse The hearings are to continue into next week with testimony by director Allen Dulles of the Central intelligence Agency De fence Secretary Thomas Gates Gen Nathan Twining chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and officials of the National Acro nautlcs and Space Agency Two other Senate probes are planned on lesser scaleone by special committee which keeps regular check on the Central in telligence Agency and the other by subcommittee studying gov ernment policy machinery POLITICAL SQUABBLING Both in and outside the senate partisan squabbling continued Paul Butler Democratic na tional chairman told press con ference in New York that thefle publican administration pursued too soft policy toward Russia in the last two years He said the administration was taken in by Premier Khrushchev and let its defences down Senator Thruston Morton of Kentucky Republican national chairman fired back at press conference in Washington that he The Senate foreign relationslhud hoped Butler Adlai Stov committee meanwhile has called State Secretary Christian Herter for closeddoor testimony Friday starting major inquiry into the downing of the U2 plane over So viet Russia and the chain of events which followed it enson and few other critical Democrats would have penalt ted tha president to report to the nation in an atmosphere of open mlndedness on the gravest prob lem of our age How best to deal with the Soviet Union 33 Of LABOR FORCE Unemployment Drop Slovv 517000 Are Still Jobless OTTAWA GPlA smallerthan normal drop in Canadas unem ployment between midMarch and midApril left the countrys joh less rolls at 517000 on April 20 the government estimated today The decline of 49000 from the March 19 total of 500000 the winters peak left the unem ployment figure 72000 higher than its level of 445000 in midApril lest ybar The report by the bureau oi statistics said the months reduc tion in ployment was smaller than the seasonal im provements that occurred in cor responding periods in 1050 and 1959 Last year no 001000 drop in unemployment took place between midMnrch and midApril The report based on monthly labor force survey showed the number of persons with jobs rose by 74000 in the month to 5742 000 on April 23 This compared with 2000 increase in thecer responding month of 1059 Most of this yearsrise was in farm employment up 52000 The government also reported today 707715 persons were regis teredvior jobs at National Em ployment Service offices on March 17 This was 43400 less than month earlier but 53520 higher than year earlier The registrations figure is not considered an accurate gauge of unemployment since it includes an unknown number of persons seeking to change jobs and others who have found work on their own since registering The estimated 517000uncrn plyed at midApril constituted 00 per cent of the countrys labor force of 6259000 This compared with the April 1959 figure of 70 per cent when the labor force stood at 0100000in April 1050 year of record postwar unem ploymentthe comparable figure was 00 per cent government statement he companying the figures said that almost half the drop in unemploy ment duringthe month up to mid April took place in Quebec Dollar Difference Is One Cent Today MONTREAL GP The differ ence between the Canadian and United States dollar stood at one cent at noon today The Bank of Montreal quoted the noon discount rate at one per cent in terms of Canadian funds melting the 115 dollar worth 00 cents This is the lowest US discount levelor highest dollerkvalue since Jan 01050 when it was false one per oant PLAYS DEliD POILS GRIZZLY BRALORNE BC CPiA 27yearold German immigrant is recovering in hospital after wrestling match with one oyed grlrliy bear Schmldbnuer bear hunting in the mountains near this mining community 110 miles north of Vancouver said thcbear nt lackcd before he could get his rifle into action The bear ran foster and cuffed him into the snow Every time the hunter tried to stand up the bear cuffed him dowa again Schmldhauer grab bad the animals noso and tried to gouge outthe good oyo but he was again knocked down The bear tried to break Schmidhauers back by stand ing on its flanks and selling him with its teeth The hunter played dead and the bear backed off After about five minutes Schmldbauer Jumped up and ran for town the bear hot on his heels He won the race APPOINTS NIGERIAN LONDON Routes Queen Elizabeth has approved the ap pointment of Nigerian chief to succeed British colonial officer as governor of the western ragion of Nigeria The new governor who will take up his appointment in July is Sir Adesoji Adereml the onl of its who has been president of the western House of Chiefs since 1052 in addition to the number of dobless at midAprilanother 04 000 persons were on temporary layoff 12000 more than last year Non farm employment in creased by 22000 to 5101000 be tween midMarch and midApril The report sold there was aaea sonol increase inconatructioaem pioyment during the month des pite continued alookness in house buildlng number of small lay offs in manufacturing were re ported and forestry operations declined seasonally Here is the Ontario employment picture Total employment rose by 20 000 in the month to 2212000 at mittApril However form em ployment rose by 24000 and in creasea in that field and other outdoor activities were partly off set by layoffs in manufacturing in the first four months of the year employment was almost four per cent above last year but me nufacturing employment showed little change from last your Regional figures ofJoh registra tions with the National Employ ment Service with bracketed fig ures for March 1000 and for April 1950 respectively Atlantic 110112 116483 100 642 Quebec 204847 277700 251600 Ontario 22064 240008 2oo1oo Prairie 109045 45700344 British Columbia 607 Elm6737 Bienniumint WIIIML Irvfo SmmthTEMIle wmmhmm 56 Per Copyl6 Page VOLCAN ES ERUPT l7 Planesllunt Men Bad Boy FLIN FLON Man CplSev enteen air force and civilian pianos searched 40000 square miles of bushland around this northwestern Manitoba commu nity Monday without finding trace of light plane that diaap neared last Wednesday with two mad and boy aboard An oil slick on Table Lake 12 miles south nlhcrc was investi gated by ground party and found to have no connection with the missing plane The singleengined pontoon cqulppcd Piper Pacer carried pilot Ken Harrison 32 Steve So dor 39 and his nineyenrold son Walter our IN ONTARIO SLIPREBY BOY IS WISER NOW WHEELING Va AP Little Richard Bishop lust wanted to find good fishing spot in Wheeling Creek Tues day so he stuck his head through the bridge posts to see if he could see one Thats how his trouble bo gon H0 couldnt get it back out The fire department sent over truck the oil can was taken out Its contents poured on Richards head and he was on his way again slip prior and wiser nineycur old boy Polio Increases In West Canada OliAWA CP sharp but relatively small increase In polio myeiltis cases in British Colum bia and Alberta hos accawltad for more than half of Canadian polio cases so for this year the health department reported to day in the first of series of polio reports to be issued weekly this summer the department said that up to May It this your Brit ish Columbia had 02 cases of pnralytio polio while Albertnhad in the correspondhig period last year there had been no cases in 00 and only three in Alberta Across the country there have been 04 polio cases compared with lost year of five polio deaths in Canada so for this year EC had three and Alberta one The other was in Newfound land Ontario has had one case in Halifax Health Minister ILA Donahoc of Nova Scotla said Wednesday medical experts ex pect polio epidemic in Canada this year He said the disease has cyclical epidemiological behaviorl and thfiedernl health and welfare dcpar not had coni Reports SANTIAGO AWDeath and devastation mounted in south ern Chile today following co tiaucd earthquakes and tidal waves Erupting volcanoes added to the horror Authorities put the toll at nearly 2000 dead or missing an pcrlt hops 2000000without homes Oi flciai sourccs predicted the total would rise considerably when full reports were in from areas still isolated by the communication breakdown The government has not even begun damage caused by the earth con vulsions but the interior ministry said the figure will be in hundreds of millions and reconstruction will take many years Tidal waves spawned by the quakes have taken the heaviest tall One surging wall of water carried 68 of the 000 residents of Quelcn to their death Sunday the interior ministry said Another 2000 Dead Missing Still Cming reckoning the property killed more than 100 at Aleta Tuesday VILLAGES SWEPI AWAY An 10foot crest broke over the seaside resort of Naiuln Tuesday drowning 120 persons Other re ports told of whole villages swept away by waves up to 24 feet high At least 000 persons are missing in southem provinces feared victims of the invading waters Two Chilean frelghters the Santiago and El Camelo went down in mountainous seas off Sinister piled figures that indicated the epidemic Sure Neutral votes Cant Buy West Bloc Motion Is Doomed UNITED NATIONS CP Western opposition in the United Nations Security Council today doomed in advance Soviet reso lutlon asking for condemnation of United States spy flights Diplomats waited to seeif the two neutrals pn the iimembar council nylon and Tunisia would line up with the Western majority or would merely abstain on the vote expected Thursday Both Ceylon and Tunisia were to speak this afternoon along with ISallied Ecuador in the third session of the council debate on the Soviet charges Even before council began dev hate observers here were certain the Soviet resolution would not got the seven votes necessary for adoption Tuesday session here this out POLAND BACKSBUSSIA Only Communist Poland and the Soviet Union were committed town for the proposal Argen tinannd Nationalist China said they would vote no France said she oould not give her assent to the resolution Britain and itoiy did not announce their voting positions but were known to be planning to cast negative votes The resolution was prompted by the downing of the American 112 photo reconnaissance plane May near Sverdlovsk deep in4 sidethe Soviet Union and subse quent information from Wash ington that theUS had been making such spy flights over So viet territoryfor four years The Russians called on the council to condemn incursions by United States aircraft into the territory of other states and to Turn SodFcr TV Station ask the US government to pre vent their recurrence Jerry Michsiowskl Poland sold iuesdtw that Stae Secre tary Christian Herter to defend ing the U2 night had enunciated Horter doctrine that the US had the right to send spy planes over the Soviet Union for security reasons The Polish delegate said the ma Havana and i044 Chicago aviation conventions both rati fied by the US banned un authorized flights over foreign countries AGGRESSION DENIED Delegates of Britain France Argentina italy and Nationalist China defended the US They denied Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyiros contention that the flightswere aggressive acts al though Merlo Amadeo of Argent tina said nothing could justify violation of any countrys terri torlai sovereignty Sir Pierson Dixon of Britain said President Eisenhower had given categorical assurance that the flights had been our pended and would not be re sumed but despite this the Soviet Union used the Uti case to break up last weeks Paris Big Four summit conference on which the nations of the world hid built up so much hope Egldio Ortona of Italy pointed out that the US had put Midas spy in the sky satellite into orbit Tuesday He said such satellites and the recently on bited Soviet space ship had an enormously increased capacity of exploring or observing compared to airplanes TORONTO or First sod la be turned today for Mai rontoa private television station be on the air in December Investigate Collision TheI station is expected to CLEVELAND AP US Coast Guard investigation into the collision of the ore carrier August zlesingond the freighter Standard Portland Cement in Lake Huron last Friday will move to Detroit early next week Canadianlied Cross llids Chile comma or on Canadian Red Cross Society has cabled 010000 to assist victims of the recent earthquakes and tidal WIVES in Chile Bruce Shaw chairman of the national executive said today Continuing earth tremors spread terror rocking the moun tainous southern provinces Land slides crashed into the Pacific at Mauliin town of 1500 about 600 miles south of Santiago At least five dormant volcanoes were brought to life by the earth seizures and new one was re ported born VOLCANOES ACTIVE Four volcanoes Osorno Caulle Carrot and Casablanca were erupting in Osorno province about 500 miles south of Santiago offi cials said Tuesday night Com munities in the area were or dered evacuated pilot reported that 7030foot Purehue near Osorno also was helchlng fire In Cautio province to the north new volcano began spitting flame and smoke President Alexxaadrl touring the stricken area de scribed the destruction as each mous He ordered every available resource thrown into relief oper atlons Fleets of military and civilian planes rushed doctors nurses and emergency supplies southward They were joined by planes and helicopters from the United carnouc Church in Conce cion Chile is shown with amage caused by series States Argentina and Peru Pope John directed that funds be dis tributed by his anacio in San tlego PACIFIC SWEPT Tidal waves set off by the quakes swept to all corners of the for Pacific taking their greatest toll in Japan gt The entire state of Hawaii has been declared disaster area al lowing it to apply to the federal government in Washington for old similar declaration was made for the Los AngelesLong Reach harbor area onthe Cali fornia coast where damage was heavy but no lives were lbst DETROIT APlCargoes an ships including Dutch ocean liner crowded the port of Detroit today in Great Lakes longshore mens strike amid charges of strikebreaking against the Team sters Union strike of 2000 American stav edores against foreign shipping which started week ago has hampered vessel movements on almost the entire St Lawrence Seaway Lake vessels hauling grain ore and other bulk cargo are not af fected Longshoremen in Cana dian ports arenot involved in the contract dispute break in tha strike front Israeli Survivors Acclaim JERUSALEM AP Israeli survivors of Nazi death camps are still excitedly discussing the news that doif Eichmenn blamed for the death of 0000000 Iowa has been captured and brought to Israel for trial The former Hitler officials trial is expectedto take place in sev eral months in Jerusalem The Israeli government is ex pected to ask the death penalty for the 50yearold war criminal who eluded capture for 15 years WThe place and circumstances of PRESS TIME FLASHES his wife and children It washer his arrest are being kept secret and so are the whereabouts of iiaved israell secret agents can hired him in foreign country and spirited him to israel N0 ARRDGANCE gt Police saidEichmann is per fectly composed shows nosigns of arrogance and seems surprised at the fair treatment hes receive ing at the hands of the Israelis though hes not being served fried chicken for dinner Since all food in isrnell prisons is kosher Eichmann is eating meets prepared according to Jew ish dietary laws Justice Minister Plnhaa Rosan received cable Tuesdaynlght from Robert Kempner of New York folmar deputy chief rose Loutor at the Number is of fering to supply Israel with large number of bithertounpub lished documents concerning Nazi war crimes Reports from Bonn said the West German government also would like to try Eichmann government spokesman said that Germany would help israel pre pare his trial if asked of earthquakes in southern part of the country Tuesday night however pave hopes for an early settlement Strikers of Toledo Ohio ac cepted new contract tenor De tails were not announced but Im ion representatives laid the terms would set patternfor settle ments at other ports open MontUP litter Traced TOKYO CPLJapan today bo gan dominion the destructiom caused by series of tidal wach which taced across the Pacific from quakehitChlic and giam med into the easterncoasts these islantk several Pacific islands battered by the giant Waves including the Philippines New Iceland iIn wol ew Guinea and thede mons The death toll in Japan was counted in scores Though still ting settled as rescue workers dug thraughdebris one unofficial re port put thedeaths its high as 000 Police said at least 150000 were homeless The police listed 95 dead 80 missing andABM injured 1001 ships sunk or washed out to sea 4079 homes destroyed 41000 flooded broken at 00 place andzsf dges wrecked The Japanese ran sharply criticized the Japan Meteoroiog leaf Board for not flashing an alert until after the first ofthe seven waves beg to better northem Honshu ad Hokkaido two of Japans four main islands Tidal wave warnings were lifted throughout the islands early to day and survivors returned to their seaside homes after flee to high ground The construction ministry esti mated damage to public work alone throughout theicouatry at 900700000 yea about $2750000 City CantBe Counted In Plain Oi Nottawasaga BodylsRuling The Nottawasnga Eivaz Con servation Authority will have to do without Barrie in its future plans so ruled letter from the Department of Planning and De velopment which was read to council Tuesday night at the reg ular meeting Previously Barrie was counted into the authority much against its own will and for the pass few months has been looking for an out The decision which came down last night left the council greatly relievad 0N SMALLPABI department ruled that oalyasmaii partofthe city within the bounds of the watershed only that partloii would be subject to represent oni Of thetotalpopulatioa of Ban rle ooiyzmo live on land which drains into LittleLake and the Nottawasaga On thisvbaSis ewiil hm twopepresentatives ot the inaug ural Gonservation Authority meeting July in the new conni ty administration building Mayor Kiazie showed his re lief and commentedoa the finer sense of justlco used departmentUnder the pre nus lan which demon 111 5f ahhodetarrieflie of WI V9 P3 cent of the costsawhidt re porttoaed on pol with ball Japan was the worst hit among

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