Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1960, p. 1

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our murmurs sumomasseus meAHfllmm snowballestuarine uWMhPAIflb 96th YearNo 119 or Mac Cautions Future After Failure LONDON CPIPrime Minls ter Macmillan warned today that there may be grave implica tions in the failure of the Eut Wcst summit conference but said he would continue his efforts to bring about an understanding with the Communist bloc Macmillan told Parliament the West must be ready for the intere national situation to become more stern and to meet new threats and new dangers But It was too early to lodge yet whether Soviet Premier Khrushchevs attitude in Paris constituted molar change in pol icy or was just an isolated epi soda in EastWest relations in either case we must be ready he said INSIDE STORY Macmillan was the first of the Western statesmen to give much of the Inside story behind the col lapse of the summit pariey He described what had hapv pened as great shock and dis appointment Macmillan further disclosed thathe had received personal message from the Soviet premier on May Bflvs days before the Big Four assembled in Parisdc ciaring that Khrushchev had certain apprehensions about the successful outcome of the con farcnce These were based among other things on the American aircraft incident Macmillan said APPEAL FAILS Playing conciliators role Macmillan said he had told Khmshchev in Paris that his fears and conditions had been largely met by President Eisen howcr and that it was unrea sonable to expect more appealed to him not to make impossible the negotiations on which all our hope depend We both spoke very frankly and IWfllpilat without some hope that the situation might take more favorable tum Macmillan was referring to meeting he had with Khrushchev in the Soviet Embassy late Mon day night But then early next day Mac millan said Khrushchav reaf firmed all his conditions for at tending the summit teiks 0f Ellsenhowcrs pledge to halt uz reconnaissance nghts in thy contalning approved pans for Grave area of ths Soviet Union and his promise that they would not be resumed Macmillan said with considersbm emphasis should perhaps say here that Mr Knishchev subsequently made some play with the fact that this assurance was limited to the presidents own tenure of office It was however made clear that this assurance was the most categorical and definite which any president of the United States could constitutionally give it had come as surprise to him last Sunday when Khrush cheVtold him the Soviet govem ment was not prepared to negoti ste under threat of further flights of as aircraft aver Soviet terri tory The prime minister painted gloomy picture of prospects for an EastWest agreement in Gen eva on ending nuclear tests We shall press on to try to get this agreement he said but should not conceal that this pro cess may be somewhat less rapid than hoped DID ALL POSSIBLE Labor Leader Hugh Gaitskell expressed thanks to Macmillan for his statement on the tragic avants of these days Whatever may be obscure Galtskell added one thing is plainthe prime minister and for eign secretary Sciwyn Lloyd did all In their power to prevent the breakdown in negotiations Galtskcli said Khrushchevs at titude indicated deliberate de cision on his part to wreak the conference Citizens Conscious 0i Bomb Shelters TORONTO CPlhiatropolitan Torontos civil defence headquar ters and subdivisions have re celved at least 100 cells asking about doityouraelLalr raid shel ters since the summit conference blew up Monday Civil defence coordinator ii If Atklnson said Thurde night he thou ht the total was at least 100 Ca lots are being advised that provincial government amphlet shelters is being published shortly BARRIE ONTARIO CANA the titanic Exam DA FRIDAY MAY 20 1960 mit Locst mm Whammyup tag sunny Whats mt bow hwiautnsitndsyvarsr humanmun see page tinus 5c Copy20 Page POWER name ITS DOGS LIFE llT snow King of the boasts an Grove Street East is ch thorough bred English bull dog owned by Keith Aspdcn above broth er Dave and Mrs ii Aspden Nonetoohandaome Rex will not be entered in the Dog Show at Barrio Arena Saturday but To Sick Woman ANCHORAGE Alaska AP Rascuers inched up the vtortuoue face of North Americas highest mountain today toward desper ately sick woman and four In urad men jet helicopter flying at more than twice its normal ceiling failed twice Thursday to pluck the five climbers forn the high reaches of 20320foot Mount Me Klnlcy The army said it would try again today Concern mounted as the rescue China assurance to Yell Ike Butcher PEKING Reutersiilumheds of thousands of Chinese roared approval at mass rally today when President Eisenhower was described as bioodstailled butcher Lie Ninayl president of the AliChina Federation of Trade Unions also called Eisenhower public of China An estimated 1500000 mit conference ncrs flu placards ocatinn against the Peoples Re Chinese attended the rally in support of Russias stann at the Paris sum They carried muitlcoiorcd ban bandlt ringleader Amid thunderous ving roars from the crowd Ling said if the United States imperialists dare to unleash new world war the powerful camp headed by the Soviet Union and the peaceloving people of the whole world will resolutely liqui date imporiaiism forever from the earth It is an unrealistic dream to place hope on warrnongers like Eisenhower he said Teng ilsaioplng general secre tary of the Communist party cen tral committee told the rally that Britain and France must be con demned as well as the United Statesfor spy flightsover Russia APPLIES TO BOTH Tong declared Any aggression and provocation against the So viet Union is aggression and prov rPRESSV FLASIIES Space Ship Developsfault LONDON AP Russias experimental space ship devel oped fault Thursday during back to earth Moscow radio announced today Desperilo To Bidevictorie Park BALTIMORE or Tony superstar ride Canadas Vic torla Park in the Preakncss stakes Saturday it was announced today TeenAyers Asphyxsaied HORNlNGS mus Oat ice Two teenagate were found in car Thursday apparently asphyxiated They woreidenti fied as Judy Sharon Exelby as of Homings Mills and Amas Flrmin Hunter 17 ofCollfngwood Sure FootballVLoops ToMerge comma or Anfevcntual merger of the Canadian Football League and the proposed Amercian Football League is predicted by Harry Wlsmar obofrmaaof tha AFLs expans 1m United States imperialism for wrecking the Paris summi ing and condemning American provocation and aggressions against Russia and the Commu nist bloc other slogans demanded that the Americans get out of South Korea the Philippines and For mosa The demonstrators in cluded young menand women of the peoples militia armediwith rifles it wasthe fourth and biggest mass rally In this capital in three weeks partys climb could take three days Temperature on the mounts sin Thursday night was 15 below cro Rescuers included members of the Seattle Mountain Rescue Council shuttled by helicopter to 10000toothlgh base camp after flying l500 miles MD WITII PARTY With the disabled climbers were four well and uninjured men including doctor One of the climbers carries small transmlttlng radio with him Tragedystruck after theclimb ars had scaled the continents highest peak Tuesday in two scpt some 70 breeds from as far away as California are entered Show is one of the best on the continent according to Barrie Kennel Club president Ken Johnson and will be convened by bench showchairman Har old Butler Examiner Photo Rescuers Inching Up McKinley Injured Men arate parties Five mountaineers fromjitnchordgcrcachedthesum mit first and started down wealthy Oregon rancher John Day and three Seattle men mode it bit later On the way down the latter party lost footing and fell The Alaskans saw them and started back up Mrs Helga Bading of Anchorage become ill from the altitude and could not continue One man stayed with Mrs Ending at the 15000foot level Dr Rodmon Wilson and others in the Anchorage party reached the injured men about 3000 feet far ther up Wilson sold the firmware in very poor condition and need help immediately ground party might be too late to do Mrs Bading anygood SCRAP 7lYEAR0LD SHIP GODERICH fCPiThe 71year old 2500 ton Superior which opened the shipping season here headed for the scrap heap Thurs day Thc shippowncd by wosi viamshiu LineJ towed to Port Cniborne by the tug Atomic Hamilton Eliminated From Race Barrie College Hopes Imptoving Satisfactidn that Dorrie is still in the running for the proposed Ontario Police College was ex pressed by Ernest Birmaon in dustrial Commissioner this morn ing whén he heard of Iiamiltons WONT VISIT MOSCOW ROME Reuters rtnlian parliamentary delegation due to visit Moscow decided not to leave today when the four Chriatian Democrat members withdrew be cause of the Paris summit con eliminatldn from the race Mayor Lloyd Jackson of Ham ilton said last night that he Was disappointed his city had aplt patently dropped out of therun nlag for the College Hamilton had until yesterda been considered front runner farenca breakdown vilrnlezrmeyer Raps Handling 0i Probe Harsh criticism of the provin ces handling of the York probe was fired by Liberal Leader Win terrneyer in speech to the Lib eral Association in Barrie last an attempt to bring its cabin night affairs should be giving the peo plein York Township guidance duligng these confused times he Sb The proyinco ordered Judicial investiget on and when that was completed lhc people were told these asv the facts do with what you will sold Wintermeyer leadership they need its this inertia which is becoming characteristic of the Frost re gimp he said There are an estimated29000 The Department of Municipal The people are not getting the in the race to acquire the school With Hamilton as wall as North Bay out of the way Barrles are much better said Mr Bir mana Thats one less piece of com petition he added happily Hamilton was eliminated be cause it failed to produce site the proper size at the suggested cost said Magistrate Johnsione Roberts director of the com mittee investigating lies In BACKS BOMIIBC USAFGan Thomas White asks sonata appropriations supermarkets in the US which do 80 per cent of all the retail grocery business committee to restore Bomarc missile fund Sec fuii story on page eight chances of gettingthe collega wake of the waters recession TrainingNew Men Marshal Scotttaid acon ingreplncementsfor their nor course at the Ontario Firs Col 1951 continuation Sir Arthur Penn Denies Story Queen Mother May Remany LONDON RouterslA report that 59vyearold Queen Mother Elizabeth contemplates marriage to Sir Arthur Penn7t was offl cially deniodvhere today The report was correld by New York newspaper The Daily News The denial was issued in statement by the London law yers of Penn treasurer of the Queen Mothers household it said As solicitors forSlr Arthur Penn we are authorized to state on hia behalf that the story uuh llshed in the New York Daily News as reported in cm toln newspapers in this country this morning that marriage is contemplated between Her Maj esty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and himself is wholly without foundation The News had said protocol dc crecd that the widow of mom nrch shouldnot remorry and that the Queen Mothers plans have created tense situation in the Royal Family The report quoted sources close to British royal circles The queen Mother is at present out of the country touring South ern RhodcslaJn Central Africa Rumors that shewanted toute marry have buzzed around soci ety salons for weeks post Sir Arthur is bachelor lie is groom inwaitlng and extra equerry to the Queen as well as treasurer of the Queen Mothers household NEW YORK APiTTim Daily New says Queen Mothereliza both would like to remarry if she can get the permission of her daughter the Queen so 600 YEflitS JERUSALEM ReutersA far mer levelling ground withhls bulldozer in the fields of Afiqhn village on the western banks of the Jordan River has uncovered finds going back to the beginnings of man An announcement from liehrcw University here Thursday night said an expedition later visited the site and dated the finds as about 500000 ycas old They in cluded remains of prehistoric man fossilized remains of mem mals and stone artifacts team of Hebrew University archeologists and other scholars who excavated the site reported they had laid bore living floor with stone artifacts made from waterworn pebbles and found fos sil remains of animals that were hunted and killed for food by pre historic man The animal bones belong to 85 By THE CANADIAN areas With flood crests reached or passed reside ts of Northern 0n tarlo communrti hit tw to two weeks of rampaging waters have massive cleanup tioa programscihatlia the At the little rail community of vPeterbclljlasl community all hit by the flood waters the level of the Missinabi River rose less than half an inch in the 24 hours ending Thursday he Officials Fire Chiefs Avoid Aauraion CPLOntario Fire ference of municipal otficipia Thursday thatfire chiefs nearing retiring Iago tend to avoid train qusoott saidha knewot five cases he chief wasthe only rcffghter llowad to attend Gravenh Farmer line are held water in most noticcab us says Berliners Told Issue Is BERLIN ANNikita Khrush chev told screaming applaud ing audience in East Berlin today that hidden struggle is going on in the United States among various forces which makes as fear serious developmenufl Tha question is whether rea soneble coexistence or the cold In copyrighted story from London The News attributes the report to sources close to Brit ish royal circles The Queen Mothers intended second husband The News say is Sir Arthur Penn 74 liar groom inwaiting and treasurer to the aristracadtjlcaliy ea gnty and charm and ligr le e19 Mothers The QueenMotherncaring 00 was widowedelghtgyears ago by the deathof KinEfGeurde VIgt EdrliestMcjmz different species most of them extinct The only remains of inanware two fragments of human skull and an incisor toothnthegsclen tists said The finds were buried in dstrata of the Pleistocene pe rto Prof Moshe Steketis who led thcexpedition said the remains of material culture proved that prehistoric man who lived on the site did not yet know how to make fire nrtificlailylls diet was mainly vegetarian supple mented by gamemcat But on the living floor archeol ogists fouhd broken animal bones on which the marksof the flint which had been used to remove the flesh and split the bones to extract the marrow They con cluded that the finds proved that this human creature for the first time used the intelligence of his bra ortherri Ontario 2Begins Mapping predicted the waters willstartt rccede within day oru flail service in the area 70 miles west ofTimmlns remains at standstill with little chance of resumption otservice on the CNS mainline hdore Sunday of ficials said Several washouts have been reported althoughthe rails nre above water all along the line The CNR has dispatched dozen bulldozers and 275 men to the Folayetarea in an effort to repair rlhe damaged transconti nental illne on of the worst thetrack to depth ofas feet for dlstnnca of 1150feet Trains on Algomn Northland nee In Moantjoy ownship the wa ters of the Mattagaml River con tinued to ubald fromtiterecord 1500 residents day reported pith kinrs reside war will win the upper hand thaSoviet premier said Prcsb dent Eisenhower has greater dif Ilcuiiies than With us there existscomplete unity ofour for eign and domestic policy In the United States there are strong and powerful forces which are not interested in an end to the cold war BAKING ACCUSATION His daring accusation reversed the usual charge that there was hidden struggle going on in the Soviet Union which obliged the Communist leader to take hard Atlas CAPE CANAVERAL Fla or mac air force fired an Atlas lie 9000 milas today on recordsmashing fligbt past the tip ofSouth Africti into the soil thcm reaches of the indian Oeean It was the ngestrsurracetoL surpass the 7760 miles claimed bylhe Russians fora rocket they launched into the central Esotfic last Jan The longest previous Atlas flight was 6325 miles The mighty Atlas poweredinto the sky from this missile test centre atllam EDT An hour later the air force reported ihei rocket successfully dropped its tacticaltype nose couejin the in tended impact area 1000 miles southeast of Capetown South Af rice and about 500 miles north eastofthe Britishruled Prince Edward Islands An anoupcement said preé liminary telemetry data indicates that all test objectives were achieved The Atlaswas geared for the longest isurfocetoaurface missile GIRL KILLED STRATIIROY CPiJoy Elisa beth Harnett died hereThurs day shortly after she was struck by tank truck on Highway at about halt mile north of here swimmingOii SANTA CRUZ Calif AP huge shark attacked aldyearuld girl off beachhere Thursday and mangled her leftiegso re vercly thotitlhadto be ampult tated below the knee Suzanna Marie Theriot was swlrnming 150 feet off shore when the shark struck Theattack was another in series along the Cal ifornia coast tb at authorities blame on warming trend of the waters and the movement of wantswater fish northward Two Californians have been killed by sharks in the last year one off San Francisco the other offLa Jolla Angry Police aoxvo Ar protestingitbe first parliamentary approval of Japansnew sechrity alliance with this UnitedStates fought clubswingingpollce ontha grounds of Prime Minister Nbbu suke Klshisofficial residence Kishi wa paeése there lie was ivate home four miles away Some 30 students and in men were hurt insthe freef before the demonstrators driven oifCoi shrieke port or and than forced land but 1the piscesh droppodl lh theirch through azuun lineof the main gate tlle rum to surface mlssu flight on recorder Shark Mangles Leg Oi dim1 Serious attitude toward President Eisch bower Tha accusations were made in prepared sneech and in fcn man to shouting audience while Khrushchev smuu enemy by began the talk with law worda inRuaslan before the enthusias tically speaking translator took OVEI He coupled this claim of new stnlgglc with further denunela tions of Eisenhower The president of the United States intentionally sent recipe nelssance plane over the borders of our country he said Think of thaton the eve of the summit conference Everything seemed to indicaF that the United States did not want solution of problems and sought only new occasion to worsen situation and heat theat mosphere to the most cxtrem point IaFiredi 97000 Miles flight on record exceeding till 7760 miles claimeth pus sinus fora rocket they fired into the central Pacific lost Jan 20 The greatest distance flown pre sly by an Atlas wage CurDrags Girl Overllaii Mile WATERDOWN Ont iCPA threeyearrold girl was accident ally dragged over half mile of gravel road near here Thurs day when she eithcr was caught on orclunglto the back bumper of her mothers car Marie Rutledge daughter of Mrsl Ruth Rutledge of nearby Milgrove is in fair condition in hospital with extensive scrapes and possible head and leg in juries Police in thisHamilton suburb Isaid Mrs Rutledgeleft for work unaware that her daughter was playing at thetrearlof the car Another daughter shouted to Mrs Rutledge to stop when she saw the little girl oh the bumper When the mother drove away unaware the elder daughter foi lowed on her bicycle and found Marieinng on the road half mile away aliiomidCdast Suzanna and 88 classmates were orra high school outing She is one of eight chlldrenof Fred Theriot retired physicist Suzanna Tessie Letunich 15 Nick Buck 16 and Larry Cronin 15 were clustered around an in ner tube when foothigh dorsal fin clcd them hark made ighining pass ripped the girls ieg sod swam away Suzanna underwent fourhour operationhut surgeons were on able to save hérleg Today her condition was reported serious but improving sannjr 15 and 20000 apponehts of tbo security treaty demonstrated in the rain nutsido the parliament building early today Kishis LiberalDemocratmajoru ity in the lower house ratified The Diet was not session at the time of theydemonstratlon and strong line of on is barred 10 years in exchange or pledge to defend Japan againstaggres area

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