Relation oi The Disciple To Unregenerated WOrld St Georges Allandale mamb anniversary services will be held By NEWMAN CAMPBELL The ï¬nal matirude Sim hyl Christ in His Sermon on the Mount is Eiessedd they which arepersecuie crr eauaneasi sake forheirs is the kingdom oi Heaven Then He says Blessed are ye when men shall revlle you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil agahist you falsely for My sake Rejoice and be cxcocdng glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before youlfatthew it 1012 Yes the prophets were per secuted and many are the peo ples the world since then who have suffered tortlues for Christs soko Thankful muvt he that in most muntrla of our modern world there are few if any that suites for their religious beliefs NUI SURE The Rev Dr Willa hi Smith editor and comments of Pa laubets Select Notes tells us We are not sure of the exact location where the Sermon oothe Mount was delivered erce that it was in Galliea where the parables of Matthew is were ut tered Ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be castyout and to be trodden under foot of men lilatthew 513 Might not this mean that those AROUND THE CHURCHES DEDICATE WING This Sunday when new Christ lan Education Wing is dedicated Burton Avenue United Church will have as speaker at 11 am former minister Rev Carder BA BD who will talk on liorizons Unlimited Evening proceedings will begin lat7 pm with dedication ser jvlce conducted by Rev xell MA president of Toronto Conference United Church of Csnada and Rev Smith BA BD chairman of Simcoa Presbytry Following the service LChurch will have reception and inspection of the Wing ATTEND RALLY Barrie Reformed Church Past or Rev Boos reports thahi more than dozen church young people will attend Reformed Church in America Youtii Rally at Cooksvllle Ontario May 21 and 22 Two to three hundred young people are expected from Hamilton Toronto and district OFFICIAL CONGRATULATIONS er Scout Michael Newnham was congratulated in The Anglican official publication of the Dio cese of Toronto for receiving 100 marks in gun and hunters examination SOCIAL EVENING St Georges Anglican Church gtAilcndala congregation will en joy is social evening and dance May 13 arranged by menof the pariah arnoun ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Stroud Presbyterian Church in the church May 22 at 11 am and 750 pm Special speaker will be Rev Wm McRoberta of Cooks Church Toronto as nined deacon November 1051 will be ordained priest May is He will be presented to tho Rt Rev ii Wilkinson at the Gen eral Ordination Service at St James Cathedral STUDENTS ORDINATION Former Prince oi Peace Ang lican Church student assistant in Beach Rev Donald Samuel French will be ordained priest May 15 in Toronto STEWARDSHIP OF MOTHERIIOOD Churchill United Church mem bers heard Rev Lacey speak on the Stewnrdship oi MotherhoodI in observation of Mothers Day Sunday Choir of mothers song at the service Mrs Gordon Todd gave solo large congregation witnessed the Ordinance of Baptism for the following children Walter Law rence son of Mr and Mrs Wai ter Browning Louise daughter of Mr and Mrs Greg Davis Florence Marie daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon Mc Quarrie Plans are being made for Church anniversary services to be held June CHAPTER MEETS St Georges Chapter of the Brotherhood of Anglican Church men held its monthly meeting in Parish Hall May Business matters were discussed and pro gram planned for June Danny Day program director showed film on worship Dowy Buschlen arranged enter tainment and catered to the meeting BARRIE CHURCH HOST Church of St Giles will be host May 24 to Spring Meeting otthe Great Chapter of the Deanery of West Simcoe Com mencing with Eyensong at 0210 pm attendents will hear the thacongregation stands outside of us who profess to believe in God often let worldly matter so eogrou us that we neglect the re ligion we profess and fail to fol low Christs teaching in our daily lives Jesus lived His life on earth biameiessly and it was said of Him No man spoke as 31in Man Ye are the light oi the world Aciwthathutooanbiucam not be hid Neither do men light candle and put it under bushel but on candlestick end it livath light unto allthat are in the house Let your light so shins before men that they may see your good works and glorify Your Father which is in heaven iilatthaw 1410 This does not mean that we should boast oi our good deeds but that we should so live that others may any of us that we are good people because we prac tise Jesus teachings of the parables 0f the woman leavening bread and the man who sowed the grain of seed in the earth we do nothave spoca Iin this lesson the teachers of course should comment on them iNCLUDE TEACHING We must however include Christs teaching on Christian belt hsvlorJa being generous to those in need and our attitude towards those who are our enemies Ye have hoard that it hath been said Thou shalt lova thy neighbor and hate thins ancmy But say unto you Love your enemies bless tham that curse you and pray for them which despitenilly use you and perse cutc you that ye may be the children of your Father which is iin heaven for Ho maketh His sun to rise on the ele and on the good and sendath rain on the lust and on the unjust For if ya love them which love you what raword have ys7 Be ya there fore perfect even as your Fa thr which is in heaven is per ic Matthew 0340 That may be the most difficult of all Christs teaching for us to obey but with His help we must strive to do as He would haveus liutheran Church Be Dedicated utheran of Good epherd will be dedicated at 11 am Sunday in ceremony in volving passing the Church lgey from Chaiminn Gerald Ember son to Pastor Milan Babel while tha Church Pastor Anmew Brondos Mas aillon Ohio will be guest Pastor He was formerly pastor at Trin ity Lutheran Church Bradford and was instrumental in starting the Barrie Lutheran Church The Christian Society opossum soupsiscuoor Liaison lldyhnlnm sueis tarsus Biased are they wbich perse cutod for righteoumsas cake for their ts the kingdom of lievan Jesus as be preached to the mul tt udu tiatanin to EtnaMatt 5110 ESSA Roan PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH At Corner Burton Ave Allondslo nav BELL lttr Frank uuiciatr Organist ll omAMAN POSSESSED VISITORS £2 NEW RESIDENTS MOST WELCOME 043 an1Churoh School and Ministers Young Peoples Bible Class 11 urnNursery and Kindergarten pmCONQUEST as THE COMMON PLACE won at pomADULT nines envoy AND PRAYER cmcus 815 pm YOUNG PEOPLES SOCIETY Church School 045 am Nursery 11 an1 UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Collier Qt 011nm Eliiirrh hurin in alum hm um um iltflrisl numerals The Rovtrend Gardiner Skelly ivia Lloyd Tufiord Organist and Choirmaster MORNING wonsnir 1100 am mm Service Only Subject when vile you and peracute you and shall say all manner or evil against you falsely of 83 M0100 lltd b0 Dull ltonauaolacticlr when it gives MIhtthrw 51011 light divKinney Btuu manhull re ANGLICAN TsiNirv CHURCH Anglican 14 Collier BL Next to Post om EASTER IV 000 minHoly Communion 030 AniaTHE airman coMiviuNioN Holiday School Nursery 1100 nanMorning Prayer Sermon MR FRED COOK 300 pmInstailatlon of Officers Diocesan AYPA THE PRIMATEOF All CANADA The Most Rev Ii Clark 700 pmEvensong Sermon How To Find Bod Canon Read Organist Mrs Roberts VISITORS WELCOME Church of St Giles Anglican as Cook at so its is Riddel so assran iv 000 lintHOLY COMMUNION 010 smcnURca scuoor Primary Junior Intarmedlat Ina Senior i100 sumMORNING PRAYER Nursery and Kindergarten HOW MUCH 300 pmcomrinmssioN cuiss Adults are light City that is so 011 hidandltnanvtholitntrueandls By Bueschor world tat your light so altos Mien men cannotbo nutmyiwmmrlmwm and siaruy your Nth WW mymum 510 mm WEth 010 the hill LUTHERAN utilitarian enuncn or sna Steel It Off HWY 11 aav MILAN BABEL as 08040 mm wonsmr 1100 11111 sUNoas 5011001 941 am Adult Bible Class 1000 non The Church of TVa rah Is The Life Radios Portals of Prayer and The Lutheran Hour 1100 am MORNING WORSHIP EVENI GSERVICE Mutants strut REV TILLEY Right Rev Hunt Ma Road Presbyeflan Church can Suffragan Bishop of Toronto gregalion members have been away wmi ANXIETY THE we Evening service at 730 pm iiinvited to attend the service 01mm ansr Creemora Anglican li rector Rev Douglas Gill ord All members of congegation are invited Buzz groups during the session for discussion on mat ters affecting work of thechurc in this Deanery will be featured Bus DriversGetTiréd Hearing Caustic Remarks 0i Passengers NEW YORK AP Remarks bus drivers get tired of hearing lm sorry the smallest Ive got is $10 bill im afraid youll have to pull tatba curb and send for help My child has her hand caught in the fare box Well you dont have to be auch gronch about it All asked you is whether should take the No bus the No bus the No 10 busor givenp and go by cab been waiting here for half an hour Where you been to Mara7 Doiii you ever get tired of Tdriving the same oldroute day after may alter day Hey driver you got change or bill Just answer me this one questionare you or are you not public servant one fare for the company and one for yourselvesl Dont argue with him Grace Just take his badge number PRICEFIGHTER Just climb out from this in the street Hes frustrated jet pilot thats why he wears those $20 sunglasses Do you accept credit cardsi Driver that man is annoying me No he didnt say anything to me but Can you open the window back here Junior is getting car sick forgot my wallet Can you trust me until tomorrow You missed that last bump Why dont you go back and try again Hey driver wake up The light turned greeni Pastor Babel reports that at behinrl that wheel Mac and well settle will also be dedicatory and Post or Joseph Kucharlk Stamlord will preside Pastor Kuch is member of the Luther ssion Board John Oheda Trinity ran Church Bradlord will tiuiglst at the evening scr ctlvlties on this day will in clude dedication banquet in Church of St Giles hall at 430 pm Everyone is cordially invit ed to attend this affair tendence at Lutheran Church of Good Shepheard has ldoubled since its opening THE LLIANCE CHURCH ercw and Dunlap Street George Ross Pastor 915 ampSunday School 1100 min undl00 CHRISTIAN auerEse MEN In Chingo of Services CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Services Sunday school 11 11111 MORTALG AND IilIMORTALS YMYWCA so Owen st Low Ll cannon 5011001 930 11111 years and over 1100 1111 years and under VISITORS an NEWCOMERS so Cm WELCOME The minister and his wile will be at Home to Young People otthe Congregation and their friends at the banana ftWI 815 CENTRAL litilTlili TORONTO and R055 STREETS REV CECIL Ii BRENN 8A 51 Mrs yLeslie Walker Organist and Choirleader 1100 om VINGand Nurscry up to years CHURCH SCHOOL 015 am 9yenrs and over 1100 nan Up in ii Years 70 poi HlCYoung Peoples Meeting SIMCOE PRESBYTERY cam SUNDAY mas 22 ram eon sivn are HIGH PLACES CHURCH OF SAINT GEORGES Allandala Bitten Ave at Granville Ilsctor Rev Walter Dyer orsiuu Mrs Shaw ATOM Cholrleader Mrs Bmatburst 4th nonhuman gestalt COMMANDMENTB 000 munBob Communion Corporate Communion tor the men of the Parish allow 2de breakfast in the Parish 1000 an1Young Peoples Bible 11 momHoly Baptism and Mom ing Prayer Jr Congregation and Church School Nursery class in the Rectory meeting room yumEvening Prayer We Invite You to Come and Worship With Us REFORMED riasr CHaIsriAN Class GREAT rowan EROMfuirririiOOMs 945 mm BIBLE SCHOOL DEPTB 1100 can GREAT POWER p111 gt DOOMED MUSIC OUR CHOIR EMMANUELARES QUARTETTE SOIOIT MORLEY THORNTON OUE5T SOLDIET MRSJOIIN ROBINSON 0F MINEBINO FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton at Worsloi Rev Gordon Walker Minister Min Cloughlar Director at Music 1100 sin p111 Tris onamous INVITATION Sunday School at 050 am WARMIWEWOME TO FRIENDLY CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN The Salvation Army Citadel asroamap cuUkctt Vincent street Rev Jae Gausehroslil pastor Phone as com ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and Worsley Sis WEBnil BI all The church where welcome awaits you tailgm 8000 Rev James Ferguson Minister 1010 In1 aNoLisn novice mm mm 9mm P09 W035 PrnlsC 710 Dutch Service 1100 AM on One Duly ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Guest Preacher run nav it MacMILLAN 01 Knox Presbyterian Ctuirch math 30 OT Rev Cornelia Boris an 030 so wigguts Putt COME so cannon PA was rm rs 01004 ran cannon scaooi my Mum 1010 ampSUNDAY SCHOOL 1000 mossJunior Intermediate mu FOR CHILDREN and Senior Departments ligié mu ml 10l0an1SERVICE or 1100 mrNuryery Kindergart wongmp on an PrimaryDepartmental 131300 angle org ODD FELLOWB TEMPLE DOWNSVIEW Collier 5t cannon 5011001 We Invite You and Your Family Presbyterian To Worship With Us op thI church Meeting in the Johnson shachooll 1100 in home All inure inquiries waleease admit he looks big for his age but he wont be five years old until November That alga bra book hes carrying belongs his older brother Does this bus go by the de partment store that is having sale on badsheets this week forgot the name of the store How do you Hills operate All are welcome PETH iCK brgcniz ationlhas the ex perience qualifications to provide beauti ful appropriate REV mass CUMMING an Collier street Brigadier and Mark Batter Corps oiflcerl SUNDAY SERVICE 1100 unisud mm Sunday School 1000 p111 llrimar 1100 welcome uwolte you == Roman Catholic CHUR¢H BURTON AVE UNITED aevRoraiMsucaAsn cHRisTIANEDUcariON WING Boy Thomson Buys OfGroat Ioumai WICK Scotland CP John OGroat Journal aweekly news paper founded in 1036 has been purchased by Canadian publisher Roy Thomson for an undisclosed Price Wibh the purchase Thomson THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH 7oo EM oeoicarion ask1 KELL Ma President Toronto Conference REV SMITH BA so Chairman flirncofe Presbytery OREN nous 830930 The John OG at Journal pub llshed in Wick is named for John OGroats the tiny community on tha northern tip of Scotland fa mous aa the starting point for marathon walks to Lands End Wick is about 20 miles away The cape clrculs es ainly liI Colthness untyit devoted reader hipamon thneu residents in Canada IIJ Wlluly Mass mm ms or InIormlirm Cline lnlirilollnll III the churchs taulilnla service tothose ofoll faiths 1100 AM FUNERAL H0 mslwrietosr PA 812530 krv Contact BA so rnaaaNTATroN or rooms PRESENTATION or KEYS attacks IOPENING IARRIE ONT HCRizONs UNLIMITED nourish orgasms V4 and chumy 510 In its Hill lolsflol Monday No Children of all ages made