Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1960, p. 3

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Bl New Queens Park bleachers and floodiights are appreciated by these Barrie fans at the softball diamond Lights Wars INNISFIL Installed by the many balll leagues as were the four bleachers designed to seat about 100 persons Neighbour Ronald Bobbette Ted iiol ownia it Iommy Rowe Std phcn Simmons and behind stroller Giselo Clcbowlcziz In stroller Troy iiubcr Mike We Glyn smile sin Rumble and Richard Bob ette it Behind screen is safe ty conscious fan Jana Slur mans hoodfans are from the left gNOTES By 1168 TROPIIIES AND CRESIS Irhlary Rix all of Stmud The completion of winters No boys collected each efforts on the part of com mittee sponsored by tho innla fil Business MenslAssoclation came last Friday when most of the 105 boys and their coaches were present at sup pcr In Lakelands Hall to re cclve their awards and crests These boys through the ef forts of Bud Martin and his committee had been coached In teams through the winter in ice hockey It took consider able effort and time by every one who had any part In the work to keep tho plan working smoothly Tho groups were divided into three classes according to ages and competition In these classes kept the teams busy the whole winter These games were played on the open lco cushion at Strand Each team had coach and the boys from the youngest to the oldest got fair share of the play The fact that the weather re mained cold for long time was big factor in providing skating Cliff Carscadden rink superintendent kept the ice clear and in good condition Three trophies were award ed One by tho Township of Innlstil presented by Deputy Reeve Joseph Coehranc in the absence of Reeve Sproule was called the Achievement Trov phy and went to the winning team of the age group between 13 and 15 years This was ac cepted by winning team caps tain Herbert Shannon The second trophy donated by the pioneer family of Soules and Wamlca of Big Bay Point went to the Intermediate team winners and was presented by Earl Warnica to his son Ernie Warnica captain of the team leading that age group The third trophy donated by The Barrie Examiner and 1165 went to the winners of the Mites the junior age group This was presented by It Simpkin and was received by Kenneth Robertson captain of the winning team of the smau cst age group Threo draws were made of tickets sold by the boys during the winter which resulted in prizes being won by Mike Flagel Kathleen Jones and WEATHER Synopsis The day to day weather picture over Southern and Central Ontario has changed very littlethis week It is hoped storm now crossing the prairies will dislodge the low pressure area over Southern Ontario whlch has been the cause of the cool rainy weather gradual clearing is expected later today Sunday should be generally fair and warmer except in northwest arn Ontario whera scattered showers and thunderstorms are forecast Regional forecasts valid until midnight Sunday Eastern Lake Erie Niagaa Lake Huron Lake Ontario Georl gian Bay regions London Hamil tnn Toronto Sudbury Cloudy with few sprinkles this morn ing clearing partly this after noon Sunday mainly sunny and warmer Winds light Western Lake Erie Haliburton Kirkland Lake regions Windsor North Bay Cloudy with few gshowers today Sunday mainly sunny and warmer Winds light Timmins Kapuskaslng Sunny today Sunday mainly cloudy with scattered showers and thunder storms Warmer todayand Sun day Winds light today southerly 10 to 20 Sunday for their to efforts in selling tickets ey were Teddy Rowe and Bob Swaysie Credit was given In several ndtdts for their help in the sale of these tickets the funds of which assisted the financing of the minor hockey project All the layers wars given crests wh ch read innlsfll Business Mens Association Minor Hockey 19591000 CREDITS MEN WOMEN Reverend Gordon Wanless who had taken an active part in the winters sport by coach ing one of the teams said that great credit was due the Business Mens Association and to Bud Martin In parties ulsr Wives of the coaches served the supper and the number of repeat orders proved the fact that supper of beans wien ers and potatoes in salads and other ways topped off with plentyof cake and ice cream can be appreciated Following the business E6 of the gathering two plct were shown which had been donated for use by the Bell Telephone Co President Ben Lee of tho Business Mens Association assured those present that his group would be back again next year with double the num ber of boys in the program He said the members were proud of the accomplishments through the hockey efforts Anyone sitting at the head table hpfora this IDOmDf good inciting clean and wellman ncred boys could not help but have feeling of pride Every home from which these boys came can have real feeling of pride in the contribution they are making to the future of our municipality Our pride in having part in donating an award which will go down through the years to help to oromofe such team spirit and development is dif ficult to describe We feel sure that the donors of the othcr trophies have the same feel lngs Every businessman who is member of the association who contributed to this project can feel that if nothing else was accomplished by his mem bership he has had his ra ward We hope that every busv incssman in the township who has any part in the industry of the municipality gets behind his association 100 per cent IIONESIY PAYS Ernest Lamb 12 31 Saskat chewan Blvd Camp Borden popped dime into soft drink machine at Camp one night last week The door flew open exposing the machines entire contacts He telephoned the Prdvost detachment who took the 88 bottles of pop and $31 in change into safe keeping Later Camp Commander Brig adier Purves sent Hon est Ernest complimentary case of Cokes BOND PRICES Compllcd Weekly By FLYNN 11 COLLIER 55 Mail mo GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 10095 10185 99 as 0850 0360 10265 10175 0005 ans 10150 10140 sum 25 10057 1006 out 9100 7025 Western New York Mostly my cloudy and milder today with showers clearing tonight high today near 00 low tonight in 405 Sunday mostly fair and warmer Forecast Tenlpcraturea Low tonight High Sunday Windsor 45 70 St Thomas London Wingbam Toronto St Catharines Hamilton Muskoka Sudbury assesses tin 1075 tano 9900 tattoo to me as 1000 torso Pnovntcz or ONTARIO Arm ONTARIO anno Doc 5255 9050 0550 Now Salon v000 0150 15 Nov low moo lotoo Jan lI7tl 50 9550 lo Nov TI 19 loud 10410 one use 10215 10375 0a0 nun 10300 10150 Hy is as man Although Oriilla Chamber of Commerce has added its name to the list of those communities opposed to centralization oi Simcoa County Childrens AId Society an official said today the plan would liker go ahead as planned and be in effect by next fall He said he thought the Cham ber of Commerce was probably frightened that if the CAS was centralized in Barrie OrIllIa would lose business dont feel this Is Justified he said lNTEftVEiV CENTRES He explained that although the office services would be cent ralized in Barrie there would still be Interview centres in the other communities He added any change of the status one was bound to bring comment but that the new plan would see an Increase In dile icncy at the some cxpcndftura as before He pointed out centralization would likely not reduce the bud get but it would Increase the value CliS was getting for its dollars and cents CAS really could not afford to go on operating with separate servlccs in each town Just last month CAS in the southern part of the county came out in opposition to the csntrnl Ization plan Orlllia Chamber of Commerce lsued the following statement it appears that the Board of Directors of the Childrens Aid Society in Simcoe County is de termined to carry out certain centralization of its administra tion and specialization of its functioncontrary to the corre lation of the Woods and Gordon Report to the wishes of the ma jority of its staff and without wide public acceptance of such course and Model Aeronautics Meet At Borden The Model Aeronautics Asso ciation of Canada will hold com petitions at RCAF Camp Borden Sunday from 630 am to 1100 am and froln 430 pm to 630 pm depending on weather conditions Models used are free flight gas driven conforming to inter national formulas forwing area and engine displacement With in this clnss serious modellers through refinement of design and technique attempt to gain the most performance within the limitations This fiyoffat Camp Borden will determine the from this district who most suc cessfully achieves the aim of the contestwinning flight in this International close out of the 25 modellers competing the winner at Camp Borden will be member of the team to repres ent Canada in tho forthconhng Federation Acronothue Interna tional World Final Competition to be held overseas later this year Sutton Motorist iailed 21 Days Howard Shannon 43 of Sut ton appeared in Newmarket Court Friday on charge of being impaired by alcohol While in charge of motor vehicle When it was found that this was the third time he had beenconvicted on theJame offence Magistrate Hollinrakn sent him to jail for 21 days and cancelled his privilege to drive car for one year had Pleads Guilty To Careless Driving Robert George Earle 18 of BB Lisle the driver of car involved in fatal accident at Death Hilion Highway 11 last February appeared in Bradford Court yesterday and pleaded guilty to tho charge of careless driving after his car had passed over the double line on the dangerous hill re sulting in collision He was fined $100 and coats and his driving privileges sust pended for three months by Magistrate Ileaieks modellcr Doubt Orillia ProteSt To AlterCAS Program The main rcason the board gives for this centralisation is that great financial economy In Find 111 Man in Automobile man was found gasping In his car at Duniop West park Ing lot this morning and rushed till Royal Victoria Hospital Bab Bystanders helped him out of the car and Into some blankets then waited for ambulance and panties bell ed It av was suffering from heart attack Two Robberies Cost Merchants About $270 Barrie states was hit by 01th noon houryuterclay losing total of nearly 5110 City Police Court Ken Mo Bennie detective squad said $13233 was stolen from Singer Sewing Machine Center during the lunch hour when there was lost one person on duty The girl on duty was in the back of tha prcmtssswhen the money was stolen More or lus the same thins happened at just about the same time at Oates paint and wallpaper store man entered the storewhen there was lust one girl on duty and asked to be shown some Vsrsal in the hack portion of the store it was while they were in there Mal in cash and obs quea was stolen the societys operations can be affected but this position is ex tremely doubtful and Tbs efficient wad of fite Childrens Aid requires the most Intimate cooperation between social workers within oomrnun lty this cardinal principle will be destroyed by centralization Orlllla Chamber of Commerce having carefully considered the arguments for and against cent ralizatioaof the Childrens Aid Societys operations in Barrie wish it to be widely known in Slmcos County that the Drillin Chamber is steadfastly opposed to such action on the grounds that it will Inovitabiy lead to poorer service with no com pensating factors AT TRINITY CHURCH Anglican Primate Head Conference Trinity Anglican Church is hosting Toronto Diocese AYPA Conference this weekend and honorary visitor is Primate of All Canada the Most Rev How ard Hewlett Clark DD Edmon ton Alberta He was educated at public school in Toronto and Thorold Thorold High School and St Catharines Collegiate Institute Trinity College Unlversib of Toronto He received his BA da Erco in 1932 and In 1945 was awarded his DD degree by the college He was ordained Deacon in lean and Priest in 1532 at which time he was appointed Assistant Curate Christ Church Cathedral Priestlncharge Rector Canon and Dean of Ottawa In less be was elected Bishop of Edmonton and consecrated at All Saints Cathedral Edmonton in 1954 Played iaiga part in final acceptance of the Revised iunior Ballet Here Tonight Barrie North Collegiate will host Canadian Junior Ballet this evening at 815 oclock just three days after the troupes debut performance at Eaton auditorium Toronto Reviewed by Toronto Daily Star reported Anthony Ferry as promising showcase the company possesses only three male dancers and is described as having set fine standard for lteelf Only serious crit icism of debut was the some what sparing choreography of Miss JablokovaVorps fall ing which may well have been designed to show off the com panys sound basic training without overtaxing them according to Mr Ferry Average age of troupe is 10 years and dancera effort in 4E1 Amon Brujo tipped the critical scales heavily in tho coialpanyl favor Mr Ferry SA NOTIC Prayer Book by the General Synod as chairman of the Cent ral Revision Subcommittee host of Itlnliy people have made arrangements for this con ference General converter is Ben Pamela Keith Caldwell Is in charge of billets some 300 in all provided by Trlnlty members and friends of the church Meals are being arranged by various womens organizations headed by Mrs Ernest Wolfen den Guild president and Mrs Firman president of St Margarets group Guest speaker is the Rev Barrett in charge of youth work in the Anglican Church of Can ada His addresses concern vo cation Thls morning the Right Rev Hunt Suifragan Bishop of Toronto packed the Odd Fellows Hall with the importance of his message Assisting at this ser vice were Trinity Clergy Can on Read Rev Sher ring Diocesan Chaplain Rev King Rev Barrett guest speaker Altar boys were Bill Baker Bishops Chaplain and Brian Ineson avid Gray Mich ael Henderso Paar Trebbla and Gregory Leonor mourns mam The market was attractive this morning with cut flowers more vendors and more home baking such as dream cakes decorated cup cakes Chelsea buns data rails and tasty bread Flower roots and bulbs included dahlia roots corn flowers phlox and Michaelmas daisies Eggs as usual were the leader with price ranging from each extra large down to 35c for peewees Vegetables have kept well Honey Ia always on sale In choice of sizes and were reasonably priced Ellie Barrie Examiner our sun COUNTY sans SATURDAY MAY 15 1100 YOUNGSTERS Tara THE LIGHT Thea couples wen Just few of the 240 grade alshters who danced into the night It Codrington Street School Bar rie last evening Thagrado sights from all six schools with chaperones from the Home and School Associations the grade eight teaching staff Brooms Produce $2800 For Kids Barrie Kinsmen Club vice presldent and drairman of Broom Committee John Gilles pie reports thot to data the clubs broom sale has resulted in $2000 for 1400 brooms sold Further reception of mom will undoubtedly increase this sum he says Club members combed the city fromwny out in Palnswlck to Shanty Bay village on May 10 and 11 Proceeds of the sale go toward Kinsmen Conservation Park changchouso and equipment Mr Gillespie reports Club will meet Tuesday to dis cuss further the plans for beau tifying this park and making it place children will want to go for fishing and swimming and general fun Goldwater May Leave County Withdrawal of Goldwater from the Simcoa County sys tem was threatened Wednesday because the village receives small returnfrom its annual levy by the county Squabble occurred because council claimed it pays $5 58284 annually to the county of which only $55930 and man agement of Goldwater tax sales are returned to the vil lageto direct advantage Council felt the villaga could look after its own tax sales and build and maintain more sidewalks and roads if it were to withdraw from the county Annual Goldwater payment to sang for road works is $1 rrucn successes aosron AP The Boston Herald today announced that be ginning Monday its price at news stands stores and street vendors will be increased one cent to eight centsa copy similar in creasewas announced last week by the other two Boston morn ing newspapers The Globe and The Daily Record monomer HAIR STYLISTS on Maple AveLBarrla open evertan av appointment PA 84661 TO SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPRORTERS OF THE CITY OF BNRRIE ENROLMENT FORKINDERGARTEN ANDHFIRST GRADE Term Commencing September I960 For School will take place in ST MARYS SCHOOL Wednesday May 18 130 MA pm For Kindergarten and Grade 5T1 MONIICAI SCHOO sr JOHNS SCHOOL To be eiigibl for Kindergarten pupil must be fore Dec 31 I960 and years of ago baton Dec I960 For Grade For Gmilol Grade Proof of age must be shown NOTE Please provide Assassmanr Nudist Tax tion of Tax from Assessment Office lhustoes of the Tuesday May 24 KLBO to pm Tuesday May 24 130 to 4pm can of again for ill or confirntn sonata School attend and the principals were hav1 ing dance party to show how much they had learned in the voluntary dance classes nm throughout the year Mrs Fern Todd seen at tho right of the picture has been giv ing dance instructions to the pupils for eight years Mrs Ethel Bradley Hillcrest 11 United Appeal in Barrie mov ed sharply forward with the ap pointment of six divisional chairmen at recent meeting Earle Little campaign chair man announced the followins names and their respective divi slons Nell lilacDenald account log and supply Burn Colvln publicity Horace Pratt orn ployeo groups 10 or more per sons Hugh Gibson large don ors and special names Wilfred Rldley Commercial under 10 employees Mrs Gable residential An earlier announcement nam ed Bud Thomas as vice chairman of the campaign com mlttee Although much hard work re mains with the enlistment of these outstanding community leaders Mr Little now expresses confidence that strong eam paign organization will result Midland Reeve Is Substitute Simcoe County Warden George Lisk of Beeton who was to have been among 15 municipal representatives at4 tending the threeday confer cues of Ontario mayors and reeves at the Canadian Civil Defence College at Arnpridr May 11 bowed out at the last minute and will be replaced by Reeve Herb Beauchamp of Midland Alderman Morrow of Barrie will represent this city as Mayor Willard Klnzie has stated he will not be ablo to MORAN 149 Maple Ave EDDIE RENICK Barrio RON BAKER RR Barrie and Association member emcced the production Seen in the picture are left to right Sharon Skinner Prince of Wales Brian Henri King Ed ward Judy Martin lliilcrest Bill Roger Johnson Street Tbcro were right spot dances ggizes for girls and night for ya United Appeal Add Chairmen The next step will be to enlist other leaders to man the drain manshlps of the various sublt divisions The necessary machinery will then have been assembled for the planning of the campaign tentatively set for next October This campaign will aim at prtr vlding the participating agencies twith funds for their 1901 opera one Not at fault not paying accident costs Yes it sometimes happens that wayl Sometimes driver or an adult member of his family is killed or permanently disabled when the family car Is involved in an accident and the costs cannot be recovered from another dri war But the hills still have to be aldl CIAs Accidental Death an Im pairment coverage could help meet such an emergency For full details just call Iwusua WALTON CIA Auto Accident and Sickness Form Liability and Home Protection Insurance 92 NEWTON 81 Phone PA 84000 CIA encounters Insurance Association TREASURE CHEST WINNERS Bull milling Mill enann assume Mns LOGAN 5595 High st GERALD GRANT 52 Sophia St runs mason sunnldnia Road runs BAltflLTON Granville St KEITH ROMPEF 16 Donald St MRS COREETI 10 Highland Ave MRS REG TUCK Dundonald St BOB STEPHENSON Amelia St CHARLES GRAVES 32 Newton St MRS McGREGOR 54 Victoria St MR HARVEY BARNES RR Barrio gtJACK MAHENLY 25 Dunlop St DOLLY ANNE JONES 80 Penetang St HAVERCltOIi 31 Grove St GORDON FREETIIY 190 Codrlnslnn St VELMA STEWART 228 Duniop at MRS DON RICHARDSON 15 Blake St MRS ELMEII PRATT Strand MRS DODSON 62 High 85 REG GRAY Wellington St MRS SPENCER 64 Highland Ave McCOMB 114 Guru St MRS BELL 113 Baytleld MRS PORRITI 140 Owen MORRIS ACKERMAN 122 Pelletang St MRS JAMESON 70 Sanford Sf GEORGE CIIAPIEL Ehst Sf JACK RthAREN Dunlap Si PATRICIA BACKETT an ShantyBay PETERPETCKUSEIIE€hlIl Drive MRS STIBBARD224 Bradford St GLEN pawns so anley at GRAND lZEWINNE If 21m HTVSET CARRIE COULSON 113 Penotang St Board of Barrie POWER MOWER no on nicknamnntzv

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